Tonight Jake heads over to the Video Gaming Awards (Live 8pm EST) to hand out video game of the year. Some would say its a risky move taking the star of the biggest video game adaptation of one of the true classic video games and introducing him to hard core gamers and the game industry on national television, but in reality it is truly savy.

They want to see the action, the parkour and if the movie looks like the game, so look for this preview to lite on love and more hand to hand (combat). Bruck and Disney must be confident that Jake has captured the Prince/Dastan. Look for a small simmer of PoP starting now through the spring when it gets to a full boil by May.

VGA 2009 Update:
The VGA's will be streaming live online starting at 8 pm. You will be able to check it out from four different camera vantage points.
Not sure if it will stream outside of the US and Canada, but its worth a try.
VGA 2009 Live Online
Program note: Entertainment Tonight will have another sneak peak of Jake and Prince of Persia on Monday.
Steph at IHJ has the clip of Jake's first appearance on the VGA's already up. Thanks Steph!!!
Steph just put up the clip of Jake announcing the Game of the Year. Thanks again Steph.
Thanks to everyone who participated and gave recipes for OMG's 2nd Annual Cooking Klatch. Look for a collection of all the recipes together beginning of next week.

Perfect menorah for a true blue pair. : )
Happy Hanukkah!
Favorite things about Sesame Street.
Cookie Monster
Guy Smiley Beat the Time with Grover
Mad Painter #8
Pointer Sister, Pinball and the Number 12
and my absolute fav ever:
Alligator King
Fantastic song! LOL Great menorah too. :)
How could I forget Guy Smiley? :)
Early Weekend Estimates: December 11 to December 13, 2009
Brothers Total Gross Estimate - $17,201,791
Rendition - Domestic Total Gross : $9,736,045
Cookie Jake
Dear Ted:
I love your blog and am an A.T. addict. Anyway, here's my question: I've lived in WeHo for some time now and am quite aware of most of the "closeted" characters in your Blind Vice section. Some of them aren't so sneaky about their traipses with testosterone, though, and I'm positive have been nabbed by the papz on a number of occasions. Why have they never been shown with their closet concubines in the tabloids then? Are their PR agents just that good? Combine the fact that us gays love to gab and that various "closeted" individuals aren't exactly super sleuths, how have they not been outed yet?
—Lips and Lashes, Crunch Cutie
Dear Welcome to the Neighborhood:
How do you think we get any of our Blind Vice material? We hear the WeHo chatter...but it's a legal nightmare to actually straight out them (no pun intended) as well as getting too invasive even for my taste. Just wish those queens could do it themselves!
Saw the Ted mention this AM, was going to bring it over myself but I am glad someone already did so. Ted also mentions that he (Ted) has been suffering from bronchitis. That may account for his less than stellar BV. When you don't feel well, it's hard to think straight and do that creative wordsmithing he is usually so good at.
I have to check my TV lineup. I dont think I get Spike TV, but I am sure Jake will show up on youtube or IHJ before the evening is over.
Just Jared - Jake's Sesame Street & Zachary Quinto Video Game Awards posts
Learn something new every day. I just discovered spiketv on the web. Amazing how video games have evolved. The graphics are incredible. A friend of mine was an early pioneer in that industry but got taken to the cleaners in a buy out by Atari. He was never the same. We've lost touch long ago, but when I think of how basic the games were then vs now, it blows my mind.
Speaking of incredible, if you are a friend of spooky's, head over to see 2 unbelievable pictures of Austin. Wearing the ring, bare chested, curly hair. I think I need a fainting couch.
lol, m. A fainting couch.
How could I forget Guy Smiley?!!!!! I loved Guy Smiley!
Wow, I hadn't thought of him in ages.
OMD - the people out there. What a zoo. Why is everyone at Michael's today? The parking lots were a joke. Even at the Michael's near where I live, which is never all that crowded. Everyone is at all the Michael's today and I've been to 3 different Michaels in the past 2 days, lol. On a search.
What a tiring day already.
People Magazine, with Elin Woods on the cover:
Well, they are still sticking to the break up story. Just a small paragraph in the week's issue basically states when Reese got back to LA they had a "conversation" and both agreed to move on. Even though Jake mentioned his "girlfriend" at a press conference for Brothers--- they have broken up.
The VGA's will be streaming live online starting at 8 pm. You will be able to check it out from four different camera view points.
Not sure if it will stream outside of the US and Canada, but its worth a try.
VGA 2009 Live Online
I will update today's post with this as well.
It's December and you know what that means.
It's time for the Santa Speedo Run.
It was 30F and with a wind chill it felt like a balmy 17F and what do you wearon a day like that? Your speedo of course and maybe a hat. And then what do you do? You run down the street in the middle of Boston, all to raise money for great causes, and ok,to show off that speedo bod. LOL
Santa Speedo Run
Austin, the city, don't know about the Goose, has their own Speedo run based on the original started in Boston, but is it a even challenge in 50F?
^^^ Bad link, try this:
VGA 2009 Live Online
Getty Images: Video Game Awards 2009 - Arrivals
Thanks VGA!
I bet his VGA appearance was pretaped. Or he was a jerk and refused to pose for any pictures.
Walked by Snoop Dogs trailer and it smelled like weed. Saw jake gyllenhaal also
5 minutes ago
Jake giving out The Game of the Year it will be at the end of the awards, and will give PoP the last World Premiere of the evening.
Jake was just on to show PoP Trailer which looked like a reedit of the footage we've seen with out Gemma voice over.
Jake said the movie is not done yet. You think they will be ever done with all the CGI or doing right up to the last minute.
Jake looked good and was working the his grandpa cardigan under his sports coat.
Looks like he will be back to present Game of the Year later.
Jake at VGA
FabioSantana79: Imagem do novo príncipe, de Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands: (expand) - Lembra o Gyllenhaal do filme.
2 minutes ago
Video Game Awards Live!!!
WDW has caps of Jake at the VGA's
I can't believe I stayed home to watch Jake on VGA, lol. But I have. I'm supposed to run out and go to Macy's and now I'm going to be out late. Oh well.
Man, what an arena of overstuffed testosterone that place is. I bet it's sticking out of the cracks in the windows and doors, not to mention escaping through every vent.
I think I'll have to listen to some Marie Osmond on my car stereo when I leave just to counteract the overexposure.
Could Jack Black have been any more obnoxious????
My first thought besides Jake looked great? That he noticeably, and I do mean noticeably, lowered his voice the first utterance he spoke.
And you know what? It made me very sad.
But other than that, he looked great, adorable as ever. Did he have a grandpa sweater on, Special? You know what, I didn't even realize. I'll have to watch again.
The pressure on that show to act like a he-man; a beer-drinkin', sailor swearin', game-playin', womanizing slug. Geez. And I'm a hetero!!!! lol! That was like watching the frat boys on Revenge of the Nerds x 100. lol.
Man, I will pass on those kind of guys. Give me someone like my big buddy at work any day.
Jake, Zachary, ...
Getty Images: Video Game Awards 2009 - Show
Posted on WDW - video
Jake Gyllenhaal - 2009 VGA's (PoP First Look)
Thank you, VGA. Cute pictures on there but darnit Getty slaps their logo all over those things. Maybe IHJ will have some good ones, too.
LOL at the Mister Rogers sweater.
That buzz cut cracks me up. It reminds me exactly of my brother when he was little and wore corduroy pants and striped T shirts. LOL! Awwww.
PG check out the pictures that VGA just posted from Getty and you can see the grandpa sweater.
Jake seems to lower his voice when he does award shoes, looking back at other award shows in the past he starts off lower too.
That's the corduroy blazer he wore on Kimmel.
Walked by Snoop Dogs trailer and it smelled like weed. Saw jake gyllenhaal also
Jake was outside with his face to the barely opened window taking in deep breaths
^^ opps, call me pothead
hpluss: jake gyllenhaal is wearing dad pants on the Video game awards.
jonnyoswego: my boner is confused by jake gyllenhall.
Dad pants. LOL.
Yeah, I see the Grandpa sweater.
Now the second time around, his voice sounded more natural, Special. Maybe he was nervous or he's trying to overcompensate for all the racket going on in there.
Hey, he does pretty good at those things. He can yell pretty loud. And he wasn't nervous at all - very natural.
I was keeping an eye on him as that video game of the year group accepted their award since that middle guy looked like he might be Jake's type, LOL. Just making sure there wasn't going to be any eyeballing going on there.
OK, I have to run to Macy's now. That was worth staying to see.
(after complaining about all the winners)
TimOfLegend: Jake Gyllenhaal just brushed my arm, so I guess there's that.
Steph at IHJ put the clip up of Jake doing the PoP intro up on You Tube. Just updated today's post with it.
Steph just put up the clip of Jake announcing Game of the Year. Updated today's post again.
You can also watch both clips on YouTube too.
Jake VGAs 2009 PoP First Look
Jake VGAs 2009 Presenting Game of the Year
Houston, Texas (CNN) -- Annise Parker made history Saturday as Houston's first openly gay mayor.
Parker, who served five years as city controller, beat former city attorney Gene Locke with 53.6 percent of the vote in a runoff election.
Both are Democrats who faced off for the second time because neither emerged with more than 50 percent of the vote in the November 3 election.
Parker's election also makes her the second woman to become mayor of Houston. Other cities such as Providence, Rhode Island, and Portland, Oregon, have picked openly gay mayors. Houston is the fourth-largest U.S. city.
Parker's victory is also remarkable because a few years ago, Houston rejected a referendum to offer benefits to same-sex partners of city workers. Also, the city sits in a state where gay marriage is against the law.
"Houston is a multiracial, multicultural, international city. And I think my election will send a message to the world that Houston is a city that might surprise a lot of folks," Parker said before the runoff.
Parker, 53, has never shied away from, nor made an issue of, her sexual orientation. She has been with her partner for 19 years and they have two adopted children.
She was elected to the city council and then spent the past five years as city controller. She ran for mayor on a platform of fiscal conservatism.
"I have always stood up for the fact that I am gay. It's part of the resume that I bring to the table, but it's just a piece of the package," she said.
After the mayoral race entered a runoff, conservatives and anti-gay activists mounted an intense campaign against Parker. Houston residents received flyers in the mail that highlighted Parker's support from gay groups and her relationship with her partner.
"There's a certain segment of Houston, there's a certain segment of society that has problems with the issues around sexual orientation," Parker said. "But the citizens of Houston have elected me six consecutive times to public office. They know me, they trust me.
"I think it's a small and shrinking minority of Houstonians who have that attitude and I look forward to it as being mayor of all of Houston," she said.
Turnout was light Saturday. Only 16.4 percent of the eligible voters cast ballots, according to the results from Harris County, Texas, where Houston is located. Locke received 46.4 percent of the vote.
Parker will take office in January, replacing Bill White who could not run because of term limits.
Whew, so many pictures on IHJ. If that doesn't do it for some, I don't know what would, LOL.
There's some really good ones there; the first ones are alot clearer than the later set. The later set must have been when he was presenting the Game of the Year.
He looks pretty happy and relaxed. That sweater kills me. My dad had a maroon one like that; it's an old man's sweater. LOL! Too bad slimmer jeans aren't in. Man. This baggy style just doesn't quite cut it.
Special, are you sure that's not velveteen that his jacket is made of? It doesn't look like corduroy to me; I can't see the wale in it.
Good morning!!!!! Well, the tree is finally done. It only took about 3 weeks, lol. It was in a constant state of construction. I'll see if I can't take a picture of it and put it up on my blogger page. Hey! Now there's an idea!
Come on you guys!!! Up & at 'em!! Wake up!
i have a question. my friend saw something about jake getting caught long time ago with some boy/boy indiscretions. i've heard about it but have no info or details. could someone give me the cliff note's version of that stuff??
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