This is my rifle
This is my gun
This is for fighting
This is for fun

Nothing to see people. Nothing to see. Move along.

A post today would not be a post without these.

A Jake and Austin Community
This is my rifle
This is my gun
This is for fighting
This is for fun
Posted by
Special K
11:05 AM
Labels: EoW, Gun Show, Jake, No Shirt No Problems, Shirtless, Topless, Training Day
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"This is for fun" - well said, well said!
I am expecting the 8th picture down to show up on D listed with a snarky remark from Michael. Jake is practically on top of that guy.
Hugo Weaving is my hero. Im pretty sure I just want to play villains for the rest of my life.
1 hour ago
Waiting for a slow leaker to get fixed. I was just going to ask who is Hugo weaving? I think Austin is great at playing bad guys.
Lookit Jake's bod...mmmmm
Much prefer the ocean pictures over the gun ones. I hate guns with a passion.
And somebody please hide those light colored cords away from Jake. LOL.
Hugo Weaving is best know for playing Agent Smith in The Matrix and Elrond in LOTR.
He was also V in V for Vendetta, and is Red Skull in Capt. America that just opened.
But you can not forget him as Tick aka Mitzi in Priscilla Queen of the Desert.
Movie trivia Pop Quiz
"This is my rifle, This is my gun, This is for shooting , This is for fun"
Name the movie that used this chant.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?
Just kidding! Just kidding! lol
Name the movie that used this chant.
*google is ever so much fun.
I have no idea what movie that is from--and yes, one could Google it, but that would spoil the fun.
One of my favorite films. Do you know it?
10 minutes ago
Well, I sure don't know it the answer. I don't know what fmj is either. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was my answer and I'm stickin' to it!
Man, it is so darn hot outside. I am not budging until the sun is long down. Okay, now I'm going to go work on my post.
Sophia's twitter has become just one huge Craig's List, hasn't it? It should be called Sophia's List. Prizes for highest bid every five minutes. Followers must have open wallets at the ready.
And the thing is, a lot of her fans are very young girls. Young girls who have small part time after school jobs or worse yet, allowances. They don't have the kind of money to repeatedly keep donating for this, that and the other thing every ten minutes. Sophia thinks her fans are all made of money - like that's all they're good for. $$.
Soap, maybe instead of selling away shirts, baubles, hats, shorts, pants, more hats, bobba loos, pajamas, cd's, set tours, autographs, pictures, bras & girdles, how about offering to go peddling/solicitation-free on your twitter for four hours? That might get some big money just to get the 24/7 infomercial tweeting to take a rest.
It's movie madness today it looks like.
Mr. Nichols even jumped into the guess this movie fun.
The answer to his - Repo Man. (Great movie - cult classic)
The answer to mine? Full Metal Jacket directed by Stanley Kubrick.
Now the follow up question? What was their gun they were using for fun?
Jake Gyllenhaal Strapped and Packing Heat
pretty sure the movie will be great. jake is a very good actor...but i hate these photos of him right now. i have seen too many of those the last week. just cant stand guns right now!
Cody Horn from Rescue Me has just joined the cast of EOW as America Ferrera's partner.
The good buzz from Collider about EOW.
It also links an interview with Micheal Pena where he talks about he and Jake prepping for the movie.
Collider talks to Michael Pena
If you want to skip to the part about Jake and EOW go to 7:40.
Is it me or does it seem like David Ayers is writing as they are working. Wonder if he has a overarching framework and then just works with them improvising in a documentary style?
Well m, looks like it is not happening tonight. LJ is being a royal pain in the you know what. I've been working on this post for what, an hour and a half and it is not going. I'll probably lose all my work and my entire post.
Man, I cannot stand LJ. If there was another place to post my story, I would leave.
I'm absolutely beside myself.
So......oh well. I need to pack now anyway. Wrap a few presents. Nothing like waiting til the last minute, LOLLL!!
Got the ol' Dog 'n Shake avatar goin' on because I'm headed to the big W tomorrow after work with the fam.
We are going to meet the newest addition to the _______ family!!!! Yeaaa. I cannot wait to meet my new little niece-dog. lol. I'm sure a trip to PetSmart is going to be in store. I have to spend money on my new niece-dog. It's my Aunt-born right.
Reeces. Oh boy. What a name, huh? lol. Ahhhhh well, they knew not what they were doing.
Rapha Morais
Little bears-Jake Gyllenhaal
5 minutes ago
those photos make me angry! not that you have done something wrong, because you have not. its just that i cry when i see them. we live in sorrow these days, and thats just the way life is. but we are counting our victims by name every day now, and ...we live in different worlds.
What photos are those, ng?
I know that it's awful when you are going through something very painful and hurtin and it looks like the rest of the world is just humming right along. It's like you want to say to knock it off, don't you know? Don't you realize?
If that's what you're saying, ng, I understand.
Oh, I know what you're talking about. The guns.
I totally agree.
There's nothing manly, powerful, "strapping", or admirable, ng about posing with a "big gun", especially that big machine gun thing he's got. It's ugly in my opinion.
There's nothing powerful or admirable at all about it. I hate guns myself. They don't make him or anyone else look tough. Or cool.
Unfortunately, our society today glamorizes this kind of thing. I don't agree with that pose of his either, ng. I'm right there with you.
Hope I'm not assuming or projecting, ng. I might be projecting my opinion onto you, maybe.
yes, pg its that photo. the very first time i saw it, it reminded me. not to be mean, it just hurt. i know there is not bad meant because special is a woman i love very much though i have never met her. its just that photo, you know. it just hurts to see...its been a very hard week, more so than i`ve ever thought.
I'm sorry, ng.
I can only imagine how hard it's been. Your country is smaller than I realized - but it sounds very, very mighty.
Hey ng, if you want to laugh or smile, kind of forget that picture, look at yesterday's post? And watch Austin's video that Special put up. That thing is absolutely hilarious!! He is so funny in that. Everytime he says "Give 'em 3!" he's talking about a law that says bicyclists in CA have to have 3 feet or something like that. I had no idea what he was talking about; we don't have a law like that over here.
He must say it a kazillion times.
But it's very entertaining. Amusing. You might not feel like it tonight but when you do, give it a looksee. It is very, very fun to watch.
i guess its your socity pr. its just not ours. we are naive like always. when people bomb us, what do we do? we stick our heads together out in the streets and hold hands. pretty naive. we are, i know, but thats how we live. thats just how we have to live. we cant back few people. we only have one choice. we are 4,about 5 million people here....but we will do gret afterall:)
Oh yeah, that's the right outlook, ng. See, they're like the trolls on the internet. They want to intimidate you and scare you. Keep you from sticking your head out the door, so to speak.
You have to keep on, ng. And it sounds like you are coping okay. One doesn't get over something like this in a day. This was a big tragedy that happened. The U.S. has had some terrorist attacks as well. They leave you feeling vulnerable in a way you never felt before.
But like Americans, sounds like Norwegians are very very durable! And fighting! And stubborn. And yet still peaceloving. That's the best way to be.
thank you for making my day bright i these dark times pr<3
I must get a message to m because I know how m is with her email. lol
m!! LJ is under some kind of attack or something and no one can post. I'm emailing you my chapter, ok?
It's a sekrit email, too. Don't tell anyone.
Hey ng, I think you had asked about LOTR slash? I forgot what that was again. It's not The Hobbit. Lord of the Rings! That's it.
I don't write Lord of the Rings, but I think I know an author who might. Or is it the Hobbit she's into? Darnit. I'll check it out, ng. I might have a good author to recommend you to. I'll get back to you on it.
Love you, ng. I'm glad you have come to us - I know it's come under a really sad incident but I'm still glad you are here.
sean bean, pr;)
LOLLLLLl!!!! NG!!!!!
Is that cool beans in Norwegian!!!
Where is that M&M? She's gotta see this.
NG!! You made my night. LOLLLLLL!! That is awesome.
Sean beans!!!!!!
Sean beans!!!!!
he so sexy, hehe the besst of LOFTR<3
Any lover of Jack Twist knows that beans are never cool. *wink*
Oh, sean bean is on LOTR?
LOLLLLL!! I thought you were saying cool beans in Norwegian, ng!!
LOLLLL big oops to me!!
Ah yes....I see what you mean. Oooooh ng...... Yup, he came right up when I googled him.
This is so funny. I thought you were saying cool beans in Norwegian. Don't ask me why. I'm a goofball.
Don't you dare laugh, M&M!! It was an honest mistake!
lol. Sean Bean is in The Lord of the Rings.
I just learned something tonight. Now I know.
Now the follow up question? What was their gun they were using for fun?
Ahem, their body gun.
I'm trying my best not to laugh, PG...but...the urge is just too overwhelming. Heeeheeeeheeeee!
Extra large Popcorn for M&M for knowing the answer to the follow up question.
Luca <--- Jake Gyllenhaal en culo.
5 minutes ago
PG , thanks for the tip. I have been checking Email a bit more often via iPad, but still not as often as I should. I just love how it displays onthe iPad. The lj attack sure wreaked havoc.
What is it with Jake and those tan pants. He sure wears his clothes to death.
Garret Dillahunt
Special #FFs to my missed JFC buds: @aus10nichols @emilyroseLA and @jumblejim
3 minutes ago
Jake Gyllenhaal: Shaggy Or Shaved? Which Look Do YOU Like Best?
Shaggy Jake is winning.
Austy in that wet suit. Woo Hoo.
Hey Tom!!!! **waves**
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