Has EoW started filming? With Jake and Michael out on patrol last week, it makes you wonder if EoW has pushed backed its schedule a little. While they could be going on ride-alongs while filming it seems more likely the actors wouldn't be doing research while in the middle of their performance, they would be just focused on their performance.
There are schedules that need to be met due to other commitments actors may have so it can't be too far behind. Could casting be the reason for the brief holding pattern?
Something interesting to note is that last Thursday Deadline Hollywood mentioned that America Ferrara being a part of EoW. Is the first time Ferrera has been mentioned with the movie.
Is Natalie Martinez still on board as Pena's wife Gabby, or will America step into the role? Does she play off Anna better on screen?
Or could Ferrara step outside her comfort zone of good girl roles (Real Women Have Curves, Ugly Betty and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants) and play LaLa.
The cast sheet summary for LaLa is: "This butch Latina is an armed and extremely dangerous homegirl who runs with the Curbside Locotes gang like she is one of the guys. She thinks and acts so much like one of the guys that she too vies for the pretty girls at their wild parties. She's a bit leery when the Sinaloa cartel orders them to waste a couple of cops -- but she's ready to roll..."EoW looks to have the potential of a fast shoot, since it is going to be done in documentary style as opposed to something highly stylized or with a lot of effects.
Once it gets going EoW should go like a house a' fire, but it looks like no one has see any hint of smoke yet.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Watch this Space
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Michele Rodriguez wasn't available?
Oh, I love America Ferrara!! Why didn't they give Jake's character a Latina wife?! Come on!
Sofia Vergara would have eaten him for lunch, LOL.
Michele is too busy with her European, twice her age corporate bigwig beard.
I would absolutely love love looooove to see America play Jake's wife in EoW. :)
Flipping around while the watching the Sox play the Orioles and the Thanksgiving episode of OTH was on. I caught the part of them picking teams and just had to laugh again at how Austin played it with his arm up in the air just like a little kid.
I'm still not sure how I feel about this movie. Sounds too much like Southland so far, but we'll see what they do with it. Police dramas are some of my favorites.
Just heard that Borders is closing its doors and plans to be out of business by September.
Guess we all saw that coming. I know they sure stopped sending coupons by email to their store until just recently. I knew something was up.
I'm going to miss the big book store.
Oh that does hurt PG. I love Borders and they have a store really close to where I live.
I know. I don't want to see book stores go out of business. There's something to be said for browsing and thumbing through a book. I could just wander around inside a Borders forever.
Barnes & Nobles are nice but they're more expensive, I think. Plus, their rewards program cost to belong. I mean, what the heck? Why would I pay a fee in order to receive a discount? smh.
Sad about Borders. We have a cool one nearby. Great for coffee and wandering around but Amazon is so much more efficient when you really want to buy something. No hunting or waiting. 2 day delivery. Hard to compete with that.
We have one near us too, it's sad to lose it. Online is great - but browsing in a real bookstore, watching a film at a real theater, and reading and turning pages of a real newspaper or book - nothing can take the place of it. :(
Oh I agree, m. You can't beat the internet for finding what you want.
I'm going to have to rely on Amazon to find more Prince of Persia Legos for my niece for Christmas but at least you can still find them that way.
I loved the smell of Borders - they had their own smell, lol. Some stores have their own distinct aroma. Like a macy's. lol.
I liked the quiet. Borders stores are actually more quiet than the public libraries these days, did you know that? Public libraries are no longer quiet. But Borders were quiet. I liked that. And the smell of coffee. They were open late - I liked that. And they would have a ton of World Music and Classical music. A lot of holiday music for whatever holiday you needed - Christmas, patriotic, Irish, Halloween - that you couldn't find at Best Buy or Target.
I love bookstores too, and I still haven't recovered from the closing of Tower Records years ago. I know the internet is more convenient for finding something specific you want, but nothing beats browsing through physical books and music to find new things. I think it hurts new artists and writers, especially ones that don't get a lot of press attention.
And of course, as someone else also told me this morning they had this same thought, Borders is one of the last places where we saw Jake and Austin together.
A few nights ago, I was working in my home office kinda late. It was about 11:30 PM and my Girl was also working late on her computer when she suddenly got the urge to go check out a book on how to make a wedding fun. Well, so we decided to take a little break from work and off we were to Borders Books.
As soon as we walked inside the door, guess who I saw in the tabloids section? Yup! Jake Gyllenhaal was there flipping through the pages of a book.
He was looking at the gossip tabs and then later moved to the sports section. He was there with his best mate, Austin Nichols.
I went outside to my car to get my camera. Yup! I always carry my camera. After all, you never know who you are going to run into. When I got back, from the window of the store, I noticed that Jake was lifting a book and laughing as he showed it to his friends. I didn’t get a good look at the book to tell you all what it was about.
Well, Jake was almost on the way out. I was able to get a few shots without him noticing me. He made his way to the door. I was hiding behind this statue thingy. As soon as he stepped out the door, I flashed him. I was lucky that the statue hid me until the last minute and I was able to get a shot of him looking up. Otherwise he would have hid his face under his baseball hat.
I already had my shots so I went to my car to drop off my camera. I waved bye to Jake as he was waiting t pay for the parking. He then became cool and also waved bye. I went back into the store to check out this book.
Henry Flores
Jake and Austin at Borders
I think what's also nice about going into stores is interaction with people.
One thing I notice about getting on sites to browse now is when you get this dumb pop up window that asks you if you would like to talk to a sales associate? NO, I do not. Leave me alone, I know what I want and that is to be left alone. I will come find you if I need you.
There are a few independent books store here in Boston that are still chugging along, and everyone appreciates them. Things like Meet the Authors, book readings etc are possible because of independent booksellers are doing their thing.
One of the best bookstore evah! is the New England Mobile Book Fair (which is neither mobile or a fair - discuss amongst yourselves). It is over 32,000 square feet and the books are organized by publishers because they opened librarians would come and buy books in bulk.
There something wild about a bookstore where you can shop and if you need it get a shopping basket or even a shopping carriage if you get bitten by the book bug.
New England Mobile Book Fair
Inside the NEMBF
And yes, I have to say if there no Borders, there wouldn't have been that moment of the guys looking for books.
Remembering Jake's grin. And they stayed close to each other as they shopped.
How could I forget???? :)
LOL - I just noticed that the guy said Jake was looking at the gossip tabloids.
WTH? lol
What was he looking at those for?
And where was Austin browsing at?
Mexican cookery?
Ergonomics of Backpack wearing?
Extreme shoelace tying?
Wow special, that New England Mobile Fair store is huge looking.
We have a few small stores here. There's one called Rainy Day Books.
And there's one called I Love a Mystery that is a real small place and all they have are mysteries. I had no idea there were so many kinds of mysteries. There are gardener series, cooking series, etc. You name the profession or interest, there's a murder series all about it.
Rainy Day Books
^ Do they sell bibles there?
Looks like Yogi's Boo Boo is still struggling to grasp the ropes of trolling.
We didn't have Tower Records, I don't think, Dest.
But we had Record Bar. Musicland.
Actually, Best Buy has a very small section of vinyl, believe it or not.
Let's talk about Tortuga Bay again for a moment.
You know, the exclusive resort where Jake has been seen at.
Tortuga Bay. Gorgeous, gorgeous place. Have you guys seen pictures of this place? I mean this is a romantic getaway if I've ever seen one.
Tortuga Bay
And you have to ask yourself, why would Jake go here by himself?
He wouldn't. Simple as that.
Not to be outdone by its new neighbor, the Punta Cana area's first and best-known destination, Puntacana Resort & Club, has just unveiled its own boutique property, Tortuga Bay Villas. Made up of 50 airy suites in 15 freestanding villas designed by Puntacana Resort partner and sometime resident Oscar de la Renta, Tortuga Bay creates a isolated oasis similar to that of Sivory and Casa Colonial, something that the much bigger adjoining main hotel complex at Puntacana can't do. At Tortuga Bay, the only contact to the outside world is a golf cart, a satellite TV hookup, and a cell phone connection to a concierge. Should guests want to commune with the larger complex, including Puntacana's neighboring new golf club, the property's two golf courses (one designed by Pete Dye and the other by Tom Fazio), eight restaurants, and five bars, they're as welcome at the larger resort as the denizens of Puntacana's three residential developments and their visitors. But Tortuga Bay's pin-drop quiet, powder-white beach, pool area, and on-site restaurant are closed to everyone but its own guests. Perhaps this is why Penelope Cruz and Jake Gyllenhaal have already availed themselves of the place. "I didn't even know Gyllenhaal was here," de la Renta says, with a laugh.
Travel & Leisure - June 2006
Jake at Tortuga Bay
A classic music shopping moment for me - Virgin Records, Vancouver BC. Between the exchange rate, imports they didn't have in the US and the low cost of CD's at the time in Vancouver I went a little wild. So much so a salesperson saw me and brought a shopping basket they used when they were restocking for me to carry all the CD's I was buying. If they had check my luggage coming back into the US my suitcase it was more CDs and OTC meds you couldn't get in the US than clothes or shoes combined.
Tortuga Bay
This new 50-suite retreat decorated by Oscar de la Renta has hosted celebs like Penélope Cruz and Jake Gyllenhaal. At the restaurant, 28-year-old Uruguayan chef Henry Horne is creating Caribbean-Asian dishes such as shrimp pot stickers served with passion fruit and oyster sauce (one-bedroom villas from $520; 888-442-2262 or 809-959-2262; puntacana.com).
Food and Wine - November 2006
Again, Jake at Tortuga Bay
Wow, good grief Special! LOL
Aah, one can never have enough music.
I don't buy them too much anymore because of I-Tunes. I'm trying to think of the last CD I bought.
I think it was an Irish music cd I bought for St. Patrick's Day listening.
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