If braving the wild was not enough for Jake, he's found himself close to danger again.Jake and his EoW co-star got a close up look at LA gang violence last night while they were doing research for their movie.
They were on a ride along with the LAPD 77th Street Station officers in South LA . According to E!News they "had been doing some real-life research for the roles, shadowing cops on patrol overnight.
They wound up getting too close for comfort when the officers they were with took the pair to the Summer Night Lights event in South Los Angeles—a program supposed to reduce gang violence by keeping public parks open late and offering food and activities, per Los Angeles officials.
Scary. Glad he did not get in the line of fire. I'm a bit surprised he did not shave for the ride-along. I would think that looking like you are a cop would be an asset in a situation like that.
More Jake news
Jake passes on the movie "Now You See Me"
Indie Wire
Almost forgot.
Happy Bastille Day!
I would think that looking like you are a cop would be an asset in a situation like that.
How so?
According to the LA Times this was not Jake's first ride-along with the LAPD. He's s been previous ones for research for EoW.
LA Times
Scary indeed, bet the insurance company was having fits over this.
Given the mediocre reviews for Clash of the Titans and some of the director's other movies, I think it's probably a good thing Jake moved on from Now You See Me.
I wonder if EoW has started shooting yet if the guys are still going on on ride-alongs?They were still casting some smaller roles last week.
I couldn't see Jake playing an FBI agent, he's basically done that type of role before. Now one of the magicians who is involved in the heist - that had potential.
Again the reason I think he was linked to the Summit movie was because it was to show he is still a marketable star after the whole thing with Paramont fast tracking Doug Linman's movie in the trades the day before and alluding that it was Jake that made studio keep in in holding all those years.
ITA, I wish Jake could be in it, but I'd rather see Jake as one of the magician thieves too. I love the idea of Philip Seymour Hoffman as maybe the the more experienced "brains" of the group, and Jesse and Melanie Laurent. Sounds like fun!
EoW sounds very exciting!
Like this song, Special.
And LOVED "Time to Change" yesterday by the Brady Bunch, one of my all-time favorite shows. I knew every single episode that you had a screencap of. One of my favorite all-time episodes was the one where Greg was trying to impress that older classmate. And the "pork chops and applesauce" episode was a good one, too. And "the new Jan Brady" was a classic.
Can't believe that Jake got that close to gangland shootings. That's just a little too close. He better remember he has some small wee ones depending on him to stay alive.
Which makes me wonder if he & Austin have wills drawn up. With all the flying those 2 guys do and Jake doing that Bear Gristle thing and now this gangland incident - they better have guardianship/custody papers on file somewhere. You know, young parents usually don't think of that kind of thing.
I really, really like this song.
Well, off to bed - about to nod off here in the chair. Tomorrow begins my 4-day weekend. Yes - it is......
the Big V!!!!!
Which means, I'll be around to terrorize the blog if need be. lol
Glad you like the song.
It's the title title of
Beirut's album that's coming out next month.
The band is getting a lot of critical acclaim and there is a lot of buzz about the new album.
off topic, but Destiny ONTD has pictures of Bomer wearing a military uniform while filming. White. Its a bit ill fitting but he looks great in it.
Season 4 of Breaking Bad starts soon and my husband has a couple more episodes of season 3 to watch tonight so I am signing off early. A second viewing for me since I watched on tv last season, but he had to wait for the DVD to catch up. Terrific show but must be viewed in chronological order.
Jake made TV Guide top TV moment of the week, coming ahead of the US Women's Soccer Team's comeback, Jaycee Dugard interview, Derek Jeter, the New Jersey Housewives and The Bachelorette.
1. Coldest Move: He pulled himself across a tightrope on a gorge, ate a worm and cut up a dead sheep, but the best/most worrisome part of Jake Gyllenhaal's Icelandic Man vs. Wild adventure is when he gets half-nekkid. While it's never a bad thing to see him shirtless, we feel compelled to drape him in, like, 242 blankets after Bear Grylls tells the daredevil star to shed his jacket and shirt to keep them dry while they cross a subzero river. Seriously, was it really necessary? The water was barely above the knee. "It takes balls," Grylls says as they get dressed again. "Well, they're right up in my throat right now," Gyllenhaal quips.
TV Guide Top Moments
Forget Jake for a moment, lol.
Go Tom Watson!!! Aces #6 at the British Open this morning!!!
Yeah baby!! The Old Man at one of his favorite stops on the PGA. I wish I could see it - hopefully video will be up soon.
Jake made TV Guide top TV moment of the week, coming ahead of the US Women's Soccer Team's comeback, Jaycee Dugard interview, Derek Jeter, the New Jersey Housewives and The Bachelorette.
Yay! Actually, the river dipped to about their waists at some point, and you just don't know the underwater terrain. If you got wet, by then it would have been too late and he'd have no dry clothes. I know there's a camera crew, etc. around but still. It never hurts to think ahead and be safe. And the view wasn't bad either. ;)
I did see the photos of Bomer M. Sadly it seems like they've gone for the authentic uniform look with the bad fit (why is it they always fit people so badly). Can you imagine him in a really well-fitting white uniform. Thud.
Love the music today too.
m, that is funny that you mention this show called Breaking Bad.
While I was watching Curley, his mama & papa had a phone call from someone wanting to know if they could borrow their next box set of that show. They were hooked and it was all Curley's dad's fault. lol. I had never heard of that show and it doesn't sound like my kind of show but this guy was sure dying to get his hands on Season 2.
I am in love with Kenny Chesney's voice. He's making me fall in love with country music all over again. What a beautiful, beautiful country voice he has. I have read where he's in the closet and if that is true, I feel sorry for him being in a music genre where anything but hetero is not welcomed. What a tough road he would be hauling. Makes me wonder if he is a tortured soul.
Austin is disappearing into thin air
Here's Austin in a fan's pictures from the 12th. You guys tell me what you think.
I think Austin is starting to go the way of LeeAnn Rimes. What in the heck is going on? There's thin and dropping weight and then there's this. When your head starts to look enlarged like LeeAnn Rimes and Kate Middleteon, there's something not right. This isn't healthy and yeah, I'm worried.
This is not at all what I expected to see.
I may start blaming Jake. If Jake was only serving up fish, tofu and dandelion weeds for meals during June, then for pete's sake, at least add peanut butter to the mix.
Now it'll be Jake crushing Austin's bones.
Boy, it's hotter than blazes here. I may have to sneak the thermostat down a few notches while I'm at home.
Can you tell I'm at home right now?!!!
Special's worst nightmare.
Wow, you aren't kidding about Austin, it doesn't even look like him. Even when he was much younger and had a more boyish build he didn't look this thin.
His face is totally changed, isn't it? He looks like he'd blow over if you sneezed on him.
Princess Kate has gotten so thin. I hope it's just the stress of the wedding and the traveling. I hope we fed her well while she was in the U.S.
I think the guy in the picture is not Austin. He is Tyler Hilton, an actor from a previous season who returns to OTH.
Ohhhhhhhhh, well that could explain it!!
Let me google this Tyler Hilton guy.
LOLLL, no wonder it doesn't entirely look like Austin.
Wow, I think you might be right. I better not be blaming Jake, LOL, and talking about sneezing on Austin.
Thank you OTH. Leaping off the dock again!
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