Spartans! Ready your breakfast and eat hearty. For tonight we dine in HELL!!!! -Leonidas --- AUS10Why would Austin be tweeting The 300 late at night?

And Leonidas' speech to the Spartan army as they headed into what was a suicide mission against the Persian army at the battle of Thermopylae after the traitor Ephialtes gave away their position?

Could it be that he is getting ready to wage war?

The Battle of Thermopylae is seen as an example of bravery, as in the last stand.

And Austin's one heck of a smartie. Thermopylae? It's on a hill.
He might be talking about Spartans now. But what's next for this Trojan Man? A white Andalusian horse?
Happy Austin Friday.
And to our friends up north
Happy Canada Day!
Happy Canada Day!
Watching the #Wimbledon Semis. Got knocked out this year. Pretty bummed. Go Nadal/Murray. -Jake Hammond
41 minutes ago
Raise your hand if you got that joke.
41 minutes ago
Too funny Austin and his Wimbledon tweets again this year.
Now what about some TDAT tweets? Hey it would work with the environmental ones he makes.
Looks like our Austin has a little bit of insomnia these days given the lateness of that Spartan ready post early this morning. He probably has good reason to be on guard since he's definitely headed into the eye of a hurricane as Season 9 begins. His analogy to doing battle and fighting the good fight is telling. If you read some of the possible plot lines that have leaked from OTH, several of them imply that Julian is a neglectful Dad (one possible scene having him forget that one of the twins are in the car and the police try to get the baby out). Another has a sleep deprived Julian suggesting to Brooke that they might consider leaving the twins at an orphanage because, "They're cute, someone will take them."
Yeah, I bet he's thrilled with that kind of character development.
VAMOS Nadal!!!!!!
What does Austin have to lose if he prepares to wage war, I mean look what they have done to Julian since he blew into town back in Season 7. He stood up to BrookeDavis,left to go back to LA, directed a major movie (remember the LA premiere), hell he was in demand as a director and made an indie with Alex. Now? They have made him a mere shadow of that. And if they try to give him back some of what he had they make him look like a bad guy or a buffoon.
What does he have to lose if he stands up to "star" and the TPTB with only 13 episode?
Go for it Austin and raise some of that hell you keep saying you do.
RT @kramergirl: @AUS10NICHOLS i dont know but i'm gonna raise my hand anyways....k i just did and now i look silly
Doesn't look like there is any warring with Jana. I picture her not have a clue who Jake Hammond is and that Austin did a tennis movie. And literally raising her hand.
Hmm, what would she think of Holiday in the Sun, just for those styling Jams he was sporting?
Happy Canada Day - a day late! What does one do on that day, Seaweed? It looks like that is a pretty big day to celebrate.
I am without an internet connection at Curley's house so therefore I am silenced! Isn't that a blessing, lol.
I am at home for just a bit - gotta shoot off Ch 27 & 28 to my beta. Yes, I've been quite busy! 29 moving right along. With no internet, I should get a lot of writing done! Yea!
We are under a big Water Boil Alert for a big part of JoCo, KS, Curley's house included. DO NOT DRINK THE WATER!!!!!
At a CVS last night after work, I checked out behind this guy who had 4 packages of I don't know how many bottles of water were in there. A huge amount. I bought some, Curley's mama bought some. Plenty of bottled water everywhere!!
And it's funny how I'm not a huge plain water drinker but now that I am not supposed to drink the water!!!, all of a sudden I'm dying of thirst all the time.
I'm even washing my hands with bottled water. And this morning in the shower, I accidentally got some on my lips and I panicked and dried my tongue on the towel hanging over the door, trying not to swallow any. LOLLLLLL!!!
The big water main break caused by a raccoon is quite the huge story around these parts. Hopefully we'll be able to drink the water!!! by sometime tonight. Supposedly we have to wait 24 hours. Anyhow, I have my handy dandy little printout with the phone number to call or I reckon I can watch the local news since it is a BIG story on the news.
I don't think the raccoon survived his ill-advised adventure, something about he got into some kind of electrical box or something or other.
LOL - I even got my dinner out of the big water 1 District. No buying dinner in the big water 1 district.
Okay, well, that was exciting.
Mr. Curley is doing pretty well although this Cushing's disease is starting to show on him. But he was very happy & excited to see me and I just love on him like crazy. He now not only gets some McDonald's fries with his dinner, but he also gets a bit of outdoor grilled chicken shredded up in there. And you heat it up just a tad in the microwave and he's happy.
I mean, what's he got to lose at this point, you know? May as well enjoy his meals - I'm all for that.
I just love Mr. Curley. His mama was so sad to leave him and he got a talking-to by his dad as well to be good. I felt like I was left in charge of a prince or king or something. The most precious cargo, that's what these pets are to their owners. It's a very big responsibility and I take it very seriously.
Well, Austin totally lost me on that Spartan thing. I had to google the quote and I've not heard of 300 but thanks to M&M, she has translated beautifully and so I'm not in the dark. I'm afraid if Austin, M&M and I were at dinner together, I would have to sit at the little kids' table because, LOL, man I just can't keep up with that. It's just Pffft!! over the head.
Well, wondering if any tiny Texans will get to see any fountains this 4th. My nephew was scared of fireworks when he was younger. I can remember watching them with him from inside the house and he had this large set of earphones over his head to help muffle the noise.
I just bet Special was a holy terror with her siblings - setting off Black Cats and who knows what else. Me? Sparklers and snakes. A few black cats but even those were scary. Heck, even sparklers could burn your wrist sometimes. That hurt. Snakes? Totally do-able.
But Special? I bet Special was into that stuff, right Special? You have a good story involving fireworks? I bet you do.
Okay, well off to run some errands and get some lunch in this non-BOIL WATER ZONE where it's safe.
Is everyone having a fun 4th???? Must be since everyone is totally GONE.
lol, see what happens when you are deprived of an internet connection, at least one that's not from a phone anyway?
You project huge comments like ^^^^ there in a torrential flurry of key typing.
Bujabee: Spotted - Jake Gyllenhaal -Intelligentsia Silverlake
7 minutes ago via Twitter for iPhone ·
We use to shoot off all kind of stuff for the fourth. I had brothers they were totally into it.
We would take Pringles cans and put the percolator stem out of an old coffee pot in it to launch bottle rockets even higher. A metal table leg from an old kitchen table became a rocker launcher too.
The memory that stands out is how my brother burnt me in the middle of my forehead with a punk by accident. I looked like I had a bindi for ages.
No internet connection? My worst nightmare. Even when I am so busy I can only get a few minutes in, I have to at least check in for a bit.
We are busy researching hotels in London. Man they are expensive. One of the reasons we have not visited before. But, you only live once and we are not getting any younger so cost be damned.
Cute, Austin's reference to Wimbleldon. I always thought it was funny that his characters name was Jake. I bet his heart fluttered every time they said the name.
Oh Special, I knew you would have good ones. You had the childhood of a Lil' Rascal, I swear. lol. I would've been too terrified to try any of that but what I missed out on. **sigh**.
A punk in the middle of the forehead. Ouch! lol! man.
Well, back out into the blazing sun and torturous heat. From AC apt to AC car to AC house. lol. Must be in AC at all times - whoever I'm with, wherever I go - must have AC. The End.
lol. Aw, but so thankful.
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