You can never say it is one thing or the other but it is that undefinable something that you find. There is something about Austin that brings a smile to Jake's face and here's hoping that he brings him that now.
Looking back over all the pictures of Jake for the past few years you can see just how happy he was late fall 2005 and winter of 2006. He radiated his happiness. He was out and seen with Austin and you could see how much joy that brought. And in those moments you have seen him since with Austin there is something so different and special than with anyone else. Only something so true radiates so much. It can not be duplicated, spun or manufactured.
It shares the good and the bad. It's not always 50 -50, it can be 70-30 or even 90-10 some days. It's there in laughter and tears and in high and lows, and on great and not so great days, and when you just want to be left to grump. And it's in those moments when you are at your lowest that is somehow given back at its highest.
Here's hoping that right now he is with the one person that could bring some joy to his sadness.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Crazy Little Thing
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Now I'm stuck with this song in my head:
She is disco
She is D, delirious
She is I, incredible
She is S, superficial
She is C, complicated
She is O, oh, oh, oh
She is D, desirable
She is I, irresistible
She is S, super sexy
She is C, such a cutie
She is O, oh, oh, oh
Now we know why boy loves the Bee Gee's.
^^ :) You guys are the best.
What a great pic of Austin, this is my favorite ever, *where* do you find them? Love the post too - yes, sometimes relationships are 50-50, 70-30, and 90-10, and you are there for each other through it all.
As for the bottom one, what else can you say? I love Austin laughing a real laugh, it looks like Jake told him something funny. :)
Have you read this? I'm thinking about this, the part about an "elderly white woman was wiping tears from her eyes" and reminds me the times I went to different theaters to see BBM (15 times then) and I saw women and men wiping tears from their eyes... Two years ago and Jake and Heath on screen...
Requiem for Heath: a promising career cut short
By Matt Zakosek
Brokeback Mountain premiered in Chicago on December 12, 2005, at Landmark’s Century Centre Cinema. Of course, opening days are usually crowded, and Brokeback Mountain was no different—but at one o’clock in the afternoon? By the start of the show, the theater was packed to the rafters, and the excitement in the air was palpable. We, the audience, were dying to see a mainstream, big-budget love story where the main characters just happened to be gay. With any luck, we figured Brokeback Mountain might be our Gone with the Wind—hell, Brokeback Mountain could be our Romeo and Juliet.
It would be a lie to say that when the lights went up there wasn’t a dry eye in the theater. One row behind me, a group of guys commented, loudly and rudely, about how “hot” the (brief, tastefully filmed) sex scene was. But on one side of me, an elderly white woman was wiping tears from her eyes; on the other side, a young black man was doing the same. And that’s when I realized: This is it. Brokeback Mountain is a masterpiece. We finally have our timeless gay love story, and it’s all thanks to the director, Ang Lee, and two crazy guys named Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger.
Just one performance like Ledger’s in Brokeback Mountain would be enough to vault a career into legendary status. But there are plenty of more examples of Ledger defying expectations by turning in a nuanced, touchingly rendered portrayal of a character other actors would deem inscrutable. He makes the otherwise forgettable 2005 drama Lords of Dogtown memorable with his performance as Skip, the father figure to a ragtag posse of SoCal skaters. Ledger is unafraid to reveal Skip’s cruel side—and yet the specter of an aged and abandoned Skip, mumbling the words to Rod Stewart’s “Maggie May” and nursing a bottle of whiskey, is more than a little heartbreaking.
Even 2000’s 10 Things I Hate About You, a throwaway She’s All That retread with faux-Shakespearean pretensions, becomes briefly bearable thanks to Ledger. Running from the cops after a raucous schoolwide tribute to Julia Stiles, Ledger’s body becomes remarkably loose-limbed, his legs jutting up and down like those of a marionette. In the far more serious—and far more worthwhile—Monster’s Ball (2001), he lends a stunning authenticity to two acts that are difficult to portray convincingly on film: throwing up and committing suicide. (If the latter scene was tough to watch before, it’s going to be even tougher now.) And in Todd Haynes’ audacious I’m Not There (2006), Ledger takes a shop-worn cliché, that of the reluctant young star (a cliché he himself may have embodied), and somehow manages to make it relevant again.
But back to Brokeback Mountain. Before Gyllenhaal and Ledger made it impossible to imagine anyone else as Jack Swift and Ennis del Mar, another rising young star had agreed to star in the romance (but was forced to move on when he couldn’t find an actor brave enough to co-star). That would be Joaquin Phoenix, whose older brother, River, also died after a hard-earned Oscar nomination promised bigger and better things. The elder Phoenix, of course, starred in the great pre–Brokeback Mountain gay romance, 1991’s My Own Private Idaho. What is the meaning of all this? Not much, except that Billy Joel only had it half-right: Only the cool, straight-but-not-narrow guys die young.
In fact, it is difficult not to feel that the Phoenix, Ledger, and Gyllenhaal families share some kind of weird cosmic connection. Gus van Sant, who was once attached to direct Brokeback, gave River Phoenix his most enduring role in Idaho. In Ledger’s last completed film, this summer’s The Dark Knight, Ledger once again stars with a Gyllenhaal—Maggie, Jake’s sister. Perhaps the continued presence of Joaquin Phoenix and the Gyllenhaals on the young Hollywood scene can give us some comfort in the wake of Ledger’s death. It is sobering to think of all Ledger could have accomplished; he had already amassed an impressive body of work in his 28 years. The best we can do now is search for glimmers of his fearlessness in his contemporaries.
But like a showboating relative who crashes the funeral with his crocodile tears, here comes a stalwart of the Hollywood old guard eager to capitalize on the tragedy. Hey, Jack Nicholson? You say you warned Ledger about the excesses of Hollywood, but your advice reeks of self-aggrandizement. You didn’t even see Ledger’s acting triumph in Brokeback Mountain, and yet you smugly announced Crash as the Best Picture winner that regrettable Oscars night. Shut up, and let those of us who cared about him say honestly: Heath, we’ll miss you, mate.
Wow. I know I've commented before about Jake radiating around Austin, but that pic on the furniture store steps is exquisite. Austin, what you do to our boy! I don't recall seeing that exact pic before, just others from the same event. I am glad Jake has been able to experience such happiness. Let's hope that recent events will cause him to think carefully about his future and what/who really matters.
On another note, Ted's column very subdued today. I think he got raked over the coals over his tone about Heath. Amazing the degree of respect most hold for Heath, despite any personal probelms he may have had.
Someone over @ WFT said that the letter from the person claiming to be on their deathbed and asking who TT is was removed from Ted's Tuesday column. Was that letter ever in his main column? I thought that was an e-mail to those who subscribe to the AT's e-mail service.
That letter was in The Awful Express--E! Online Insiders e-mail. I didn't see it in Ted's Tuesday column.
Wow, M, I just got a chance to take a good look at the pic of Jake on the furniture store steps. I had never seen that picture. Talk about radiating happiness - it's like day and night compared to recent pics. He's the very definition of radiating joy. :)
Yes, netb, and notice he has 2 waters in his hand. One for himself and one for his lover. Thoughtful. Off to work now.
Marie Kreutz, that is a great article! Thanks.
Where did this pic come from?
Am I missing something but where is Austin in that pic of Jake supposedly shopping for furniture? Is he in another one part of the set?
Matt Damon - Patrick Flueger - Shane West -Chet Baker - Paul Campbell
Tom Brady - Jamie Dornan - Tom Everett Scott - Justin Timberlake
James Franco - Jesse Spencer - Ray Liotta - Balthazar Getty
Brian Austin Green - Michael Buble - Jack Nance - Chris Isaak (young)
Jay Underwood (as Chip from ‘Not Quite Human’)
The above people are listed in Spooky2th's LJ as Austin Look-a-likes.
The picture of Austin is from a fan photo of him while doing Lenexa, 1 Mile. This is in a bar in Westport, an arty funky section K.C.
I don't remember the picture of Jake on the steps radiating like that, just the ones by his car. He could light up a whole city with that smile.
in response to ted c above...After all that's happened in the past week or so, maybe being a "non-celebrity" is the greatest blessing for Austin. I'm sure there's quite alot of people who would say lucky guy.
*sigh* another adorable Austin post. Ambassador, you are spoiling us :) They both looked so happy around this time, together or apart. I wonder what Austin's doing now, if he's reading scripts, if there are any scripts to read at the moment in HW?
Thanks for the BBM article, Marie Kreutz - it's wonderful, though I think a little sharp about Jack N. (did he not see BBM? Wasn't that Tony Curtis?) I thought Jack looked surprised, not in a good way, when he read out "Crash" on Oscar night 2006.
^ someone delete Jeff at 3:05, please. Get help, Jeff, your fear is showing.
i call 'em..that's already been posted once and deleted. Someone's obviously having a bad day.
Did nobody else see this?
Thinking that perhaps ID and Maxhas wrestled the reins of Jake's image away from Evelyn and 360.
Not that it erally does any good this late in the game, though.
Someone really must have nothing to do. X-posting on WFT. Get a life, Jeff. Gotta love how he won't post under Jeff Puim or JP here. Obviously he's ashamed of his trolling on some level.
Seems like a non-story mishmash of old information to me, with a possible snark topping ... I don't think it's come from an official source.
I like they way it has to say - who is dating actress Reese Witherspoon - just to make sure everyone knows he himself is definately NOT gay.
It's a step in the right direction, but I'm sorry, he's a long way to go before he regains 'icon' status.
Old qoutes cobbled togehter for no other reason than they have no word from Jake on Heath's passing.
If jake actually commented, this old crap wouldn't pop up.
Kilroy did you mean Mara Buxbaum at ID PR?
Feel bad for Jake. Anything he does or doesn't do is wrong.
I had a dream that Jake released a PR video of him singing disco and it had him in the backseat of a station wagon making out with a guy who looked like Austin and some girl (but he was def kissing the guy more.) then he sang he wouldn't be able to go to everyones wedding and they cant go to his and he showed his left hand and it looked like he had an engagement ring on. Wtf?!!
Feel bad for Jake. Anything he does or doesn't do is wrong.
It doesn't seem that fair does it. Maybe things will get better for him soon, let's hope so.
Gah I shouldnt sleep during the day after a big meal.
Could have some truth to the dream. After people saw it everyone was talking about his PR video statement and no one could figure him out. Could be in RL that's how he wants to be.??
Of all those look-a-likes listed by Spooky2th, Austin definitely looks the most like Tom Brady.
But Austin got over his bum leg. :O
Lainey finally posted about Jake and managed not to say anything about Reese Witherspoon. Just a mention of him being on Ellen's birthday show.
And Austin doesn't have a bad ankle and a limp. :D
Could Jake be replacing Heath in the Terry Gilliam movie?
Was wondering if Heaths Austrialia Perth funereal has happened yet. Has anyone seen anything?
About Jake replacing Heath in the Gilliam movie - Bad bad idea, too eerie, awful and tasteless to even think about. Hope Manglement 180 and No-ID-ugh-PR arent tryin to talk him into it.
About damned if he does damned if he doesn't:
A year ago Jake seememd to be open and true to himself so noone really judged him because he came off as being authentic in his feelings and convictions whether people agreed with him or not. But something/someone has in the last year changed/influenced him (and not in a good way IMO) and he comes off as hiding and dishonest in the press in talk shows and even in pics, while also looking ambivalent (facial expressions and body language) and not too happy about his own behavior. Thats why he's damned if he does/doesn't. Becaues people can sense he's not the same Jake, he's not the REAL Jake and no one admires a phoney. Most people/fans just want him to cut the crap.
Sharpie, while I take the rumors with a big grain of salt, the article does say Jake would not be the only one finishing the TG movie. Sean P., Johnny D. Christian B. and Jake. Don't see it happening but I think it could work if it did.
Frankly, I don't judge Jake for hiding info in interviews. His words have been looked at way to closely. He is allowed to have his private life. We don't know if he is lying or not. Even if he is that is his business. Sure the real Jake should be allowed but you have no idea if he is a phoney. Sadly when he did open up his words were interpreted and in many cases used to make fun of him.
Meg said...
Feel bad for Jake. Anything he does or doesn't do is wrong.
It doesn't seem that fair does it. Maybe things will get better for him soon, let's hope so.
Only in America could anybody be criticized for NOT issuing a press release when their friend dies.
Are we truly that vulgar a nation?
I don't understand how having the opinion that a public person is obliged make a statement in certain situations is "vulgar". There are many more examples of vulgarity in our nation then the suggestion that Jake Gyllenhaal is not perfection personified.
I don't think there's anything eerie, awful, or tasteless about the idea that Jake might take over Heath's part. I do think it's a bad idea, though. I don't see Jake playing, or even being considered for, the same parts as Heath. It amazes me to remember that they both did once go after the same part- the lead in Moulin Rouge that went to Ewan McGregor. I could see Johnny Depp taking over the role.
I don't understand how having the opinion that a public person is obliged make a statement in certain situations is "vulgar". There are many more examples of vulgarity in our nation then the suggestion that Jake Gyllenhaal is not perfection personified.
The sense of entitlement is astonishing. So now grief isn't even off limits for the celebrity vultures. I suppose Jake's grief will only me made "real" if he makes a statement, because if it doesn't happen in public then that means it's not happening at all.
Interesting that the furniture shopping happy Jake photo was taken the same day he had a very sad lunch with KD. it was the last time Jake and KD were in a pic together. Nov 8 2005, IHJ.
Seems like Jake gets the giggles when Austin is around and has to be hidden from the paps,( is he in the Land cruiser?) just like the Thanksgiving biking pics! I wish we can have 'that Jake' back but I think he's been gagged & bound and thrown in Reese Witherspoon's cellar to wither & die!!
Oh "Andy" can you take your ashtonishment and self righteous indignation and shove it please?
His "grief" blah blah
They are public people! Actors are CELEBRITIES there are expectations of how they handle public matters. That is why they have publicists.
No one is suggesting that Jake tearfully appear on TV to make a statement.
Not making a statement was a mistake.
So now grief isn't even off limits for the celebrity vultures.
Gee, Andy, you wouldn't happen to be the same person who posted "you'll get what you deserve, you grief vultures" 150 times earlier today, now would you? I call troll!
"Not making a statement was a mistake."
For who? YOU..
This pony has been beaten to death. Surely no one is still caught up in this Drama, Are they?
Seems like Ted has sure layed off Jake and Toothy since Heath's death except for the email. I wonder if he has a reason or there has just been so much going on lately in HW.
I also think sometimes Ted calls a temporary truce with Toothy when things aren't going so well for him.
Oh Jeff. Didn't you say you were leaving? I thought you only used the "pony" reference when you were annoying the Dataloungers.
Are they in Primetime and your mom won't let you sign up? Or do you not want a gay affiliated organization on your credit card?
And learn to spell. Puzzled has only one e.
I think you're right, Tom, there is a lot going on HW these days. Heath, Britney, Jamie-Lynn, take your pick. Every Ted column won't be about Jake and/or Toothy.
Don't forget about Twicked. HW is abuzz about those 2. Wonder how Tom is faring being under her "thumb". Is that what it's called these days?? We heard that T showed her his hand but wethinks he underestimated her thumb.
And HW tongues and tails are wagging over the coupling of Atticus Gyllenhaal and Tinkerbell. Whether this is Fur Real or just another HW Pawmance remains to be seen. Our roving reporter Rover is sniffing fur more news so stay tuned to get the freshest pee from the tree.
Did you all read this? Apparently, Natalie Portman, Josh Brolin, Sarah Jessica Parker and Ellen Page--along with publicists--called ET and the Insider asking them NOT to run the Heath drug video.
I'm touched that Natalie did this (remember she is Jake's friend, co-star and was probably a firsthand witness to Jake being upset when he found out about Heath's death) and Ellen Page was apparently in talks to star in Heath's first directorial feature. Josh (I love him--what a babe--like father, like son) and Sarah Jessica Parker always rocks.
I almost feel sorry for Jake's people. They've had a rough week.
Jake Rep 1: Okay we're saturating the media with cute Jake/Reese pictures. We are going to wear people down. By Valentines Day, the world will only see things in Gyllenspoonese.
Jake Rep 2: Wait till you see what I've got planned for Valentines Day.
Lackey: Ah, we've got a problem.
All Jake's Reps: What?
Lackey: Heath Ledger died.
JR1: Do we represent him?
lackey: I don't know but we represent Jake Gyllenhaal
JR2: Yeah we know. We're meeting about him right now.
Lackey: The problem is that the media keep talking about Heath's death and every time they mention it, they show him and Jake in that cowboy movie they did together.
JR1: Are they showing Jake's best scenes?
lackey: Well yeah but they keep reminding everyone that Jake is Matilda's godfather and I looked in our file and we don't have a single shot of Jake with that cute little girl in his arms.
JR2: How did we miss that opportunity?
JR1: Who's Matilda?
Lackey: People are going to expect Jake to make some sort of statement
JR1: Get him on the phone
Next day
JR1: So Jake is adamant that he wants to grieve in private?
Lackey: Yeah.
JR1: Shit. This isn't about what Jake wants. This is about how he looks to the public. Hang on. Maybe we can just mention that he's distraught (it's actually true) and we can just ride it out like that.
JR2: John Travolta made a statement.
JR1: Travolta? He'd make a statement about someone's goldfish if it got him publicity.
Lackey: Well a lot of other actors are commenting too. They are saying it's a great loss. And most of them didn't even work with Heath. Even Meg Ryan said a few words.
JR1: Meg Ryan? She's so yesterday.
Lackey: She was once America's sweetheart.
JR1: She's got weird lips.
Lackey: Ah, I don't think people care about that at a time like this. Besides we've got another problem. There's a sighting of Jake and Reese out together shopping and stating how happy they are.
JR1: Wouldn't you be happy if you were within Reese's special glow?
JR2: That's it. Reese.
JR1: Reese?
All reps and lackey: Reese.
JR1: of course. If the most amazing woman in the world can't fix this, who can?
Lackey: You want Reese to make a statment on Jake's behalf?
JR1: No. Get Reese out there. Get her out there with Jake. Get the kids out there. Pets? Do any of them have pets? We can hire dogs if we have to. Make sure they are cute ones.
Lackey: They've got their own dogs.
JR1: Even better. Get Reese to tell the kids that they can't have an icecream so they look sad.
Lackey: What about Reese?
JR1: She won an Oscar. She can do fake sad. Yes, this will be brilliant. Everyone will be so happy that Jake has the love of a good woman and her aura will shine and blind people and make them forget all the nastiness of the world.
JR2: yeah but you don't want her to shine too much. She needs to look like she's in despair for Gyllenhaal. We don't want people thinking they are having a gay old time.
JR1 (heavily breathing): DO NOT USE THE WORDS GAY AND GYLLENHAAL SO CLOSE TO EACH OTHER. (starts hyperventilating)
Next Day
JR2: The pictures looked pretty good.
JR1: I liked how Jake was holding Reese's dog and forgot to leash his own. Made him look more grief stricken somehow.
JR2: That was Reese's idea.
JR1 (sighs): Isn't she magnificent?
Lackey: We're still not out of the woods. The early reports of the memorial service do not mention Jake being there.
JR2: Did he go?
JR1: Shit. I don't know. We better circulate rumours just in case. Damn. I'm going to go work for Britney Spears after this. She's no trouble at all.
JR2 and Lackey still in room together: So what are we going to do next?
Indeed. What are you going to do next? We wait with bated breath.
classic post AG
Poor Reese. Her year isn't going to get better. Penelope opened in the UK and it is getting panned.
I wish the Heath drug vid was run becuase it shows a good side of him really. The vid is Heath drinking a beer, saying that he used to smoke pot but because of his daughter he doesn't anymore. He points to his tatoo with her name on it and says its a reminder to him to not do pot/drugs. It shows other people in the background with their faces blurred out doing drugs/snorting coke. Makes me wonder if the callers and PR people were more worried about that, ya know?
ag you are great. 'Are they showing his best scenes, forgot to leash his own dog, whos Matilda, weird lips and no ice cream.' Sounds like you were a fly on the PR wall.
Gossip Girl I saw that too and really appreciated what Natale (probably for her friend Jake) and the rest did. It was also Jake's PR (Heath and Michelle's PR too) that got the video to not air on ET.
Full Article
After seeing a promotion for the show Wednesday, a publicist at ID, Ledger's public relations firm, called "Entertainment Tonight" and asked that the segment be pulled. The request was refused.
ID then composed a three-paragraph protest letter that it distributed to some 30 other public relations firms around Hollywood, asking them to tell their clients about what was about to happen. The circle included powerhouse publicists like PMK-HBH, 42 West and BWR.
The letter said "ET" had paid a large sum of money for the video to stir up an exploitive story about Ledger.
"For the sake of his grieving family and friends, his child and common decency, we hope to pressure `Entertainment Tonight' and `The Insider' to do the right thing and pull the spot," the letter said. "This is not journalism, it is sensationalism. It is a shameful exploitation of the lowest kind, to a talented and gentle soul, undeserving of such treatment."
Stars, studio executives and PR firms all called "ET" to register protests, said Kelly Bush, CEO of ID. The star-studded roster of Bush's firm alone includes Robin Williams, Sean Penn, Tobey Maguire, Mike Myers, Jennifer Hudson, Katie Holmes, Ellen DeGeneres, and Ledger's "Brokeback" co-star Jake Gyllenhaal.
"good" have you seen the video? Its nothing. It makes Heath look allright. I think the PR community is more concerned about it getting out about what goes on at HW parties. As if we didn't know. *rolls eyes*
The only reason to see Penelope is to wonder what on earth possessed producer Reese Witherspoon to put it into production, let alone play a cameo role in it.
If this represents her personal taste, her future looks terrifying. She may end up marrying Ashley Cole.
At the risk of sounding like a dumb American, who is Ashley Cole?
So I take it that Reese was not one of the actors who protested the releasing of the Heath drug video? I would think if she had been, it would have been mentioned.
The footballer who cheated on the Girl's Aloud singer. Not considered a good catch apparently.
Sharpie *rolls eyes* No I didn't see the video but I did see yesterdays ET/Insider and they were certainly about sensationalizing Heath. All the other people in the quick clip they showed seemed to be blurred out. I don't see how that is okay either way. I think people realize there are Hollywood parties. This was about casting Heath in a negative light and sensationalizing his death. And I guess you could say the same thing about Natalie, Ellen P. and SJP calling.
I agree with those who think that the mere idea of showing that video so soon after Heath's passing was downright insensitive and a barely disguised attempt at drawing viewership.
However, another fact that I'll always remember is that we just had an irrefutable proof that celebrities and their publicists can - and do - use their power to prevent "sensitive" info from being leaked to the general public.
'good' I don't agree with sensationalizing heath's death either. Of course the ET preview is going to make it sound worse (like Heath shooting up heroin) to get you to watch it. What I was saying is how the video shows him NOT doing drugs and saying he DOESN'T do them because of Matilda. He comes off as a good guy not as a druggie. Even tho its too soon to have the video broadcast it's too bad because if people/media saw it, it might help stop the drug rumors.
People can be downright cruel. When my brother died of cancer at 45 years old, there was that contingent of busy-bodies, gossip-mongering idiots that tried to spread the erroneous "story" that he, in fact, was a heroin addict. He was divorced, and as a result of losing sole custody of his two sons turned to drugs. Never was the case, but my family suffered as a result. Bottom line, people will believe what they want to hear.
What I was saying is how the video shows him NOT doing drugs and saying he DOESN'T do them because of Matilda. He comes off as a good guy not as a druggie.
Hmmm, not so sure. I think the idea behind showing that video was to show that Heath was actually hanging out with the wrong crowd and to use it as a prelude to more "revelations" about his drug use.
Let me clarify, "some" people.
When I was in my 20s, a good friend of mine who had a heart condition died of a heart attack (he was also in his 20s). People kept asking me if he had OD'ed on drugs. It was infuriating to me because in our group of friends, he was the only one who DIDN'T take drugs or even experiment with them.
That was me. Sorry.
Look at some of young teen and 20s atheletes or kids who die while playing basketball where they found out it was a heart defect or a stroke.
I wonder why revealing information related to an actor's drug consuming habits would be insulting to his memory. I am not talking about false accusations here, but incidents that reveal facts. After all, don't all actors lead a public life? Shouldn't all aspects of his life and death be under public scrutiny? Why should we particularly care about hurting the feelings of his survivors - when we gossip merrily along while the actor is living - giving a damn about hurting his (including his family and friends) feelings? Some bizarre logic. Baffles me. If gossip after death is morally wrong, then gossip before death is equally wrong too. IMO, death, like life, is real and mundane. It is not some surreal event that needs to be glorified and held up on a high pedestal.
PS: The premise of my argument is a celebrity. How a particular individual deals with a personal loss is none of my business.
JMHO, but, I see it differently. I think gossip while a family is dealing with a profound loss is wrong hurtful. People, at least from my own experience, can only handle so much grief at one time, and deal with it in stages, as much as they can handle. While death is an inevitable part of life, it doesn't make it easier to accept. Airing a story like that while family and friends are trying to deal with loss only adds to their pain. I don't think it's too much to ask to delay or do away with entirely something that would be hurtful.
I applaud the HW community for rallying around and defending one of their own. Death, taxes and gossip are inevitable. Although I'd just as soon never watch that ET segment, there's plenty of time for gossip once Heath's family, friends and loving fans have had time to come to terms with the fact that he is gone. Yes, people gossip while the person is alive, but the person there to refute it, and defend themselves if necessary. It just puts an additional burden on the family to have to go through that when they are already suffering enough.
Frenchy, great post and I agree, it just shows how much power celebs and their publicists do have.
AG, great post as well, and very astute! ;)
sorry, forgot to add:
"deal with it in stages, until they finally, while never forgetting, can accept that their loved one is gone, and good memories begin to fill the emptiness left behind."
To me, the HW community banding together like that is a loving gesture to Heath and his family. :)
Über-Cool Unzipped is a feted filmmaker, romancer and Hollywood figure whose film finesse, more often than not, figures out how to please the critics and crowds alike—not to mention the college set. Way to score every demographic, dude! Now, don’t you know, just to keep it cute ‘n’ collegiatelike, Über likes to spend the successful movie weekends of his trademark flicks (not to mention other, less celebratory windows of horny opportunity) not by sipping a champagne flute with the Hollywood elite, but by throwing back a plethora of red plastic cups at a mostly frosh beer bash or three.
This is how our guy unwinds when off set. Although, for the tautly toned and well-bosomed record, Ü.C. always seems to surround himself with a like-minded staff. Appropriately, Mr. Ü knows his way around one California campus in particular—he’s been patrolling the hallways there for quite some time. Jeez, who needs H-town patting you on the back when you can pat the backs of two 18-year-old students in a ménage à trois? And myriad other such barely legal, delicious, salacious delights!
In fact, Unzipped’s so supersuave (and still rather semistudly) no one seems to mind his taste in ingenue gentlemen.
Why do I have a feeling that Ted is referring to the director who slept with Toothy, here? Anyone have any guesses who that is?
^^^ Sorry, that was me, Crackle.
I wish austin/jake were addicted to something. something like a juice or chocolate from a specialty store that sells in small quantities so they would have to get their fix and get papped 5x day.
You see, NETB, I don't consider "drug use" as a "bad memory". I don't categorize a person's memory as "bad" and "good". It is a bestowed gift to be cherished for ever.
And, IMO - I am sure there is more to this "HW community banding together".
Sorry Rattler, let me clarify - I guess I have to spell everything out. *Sigh*
When I said good memories, drug use wasn't what I was talking about, I meant just the memories a family and friends would have that would comfort them, instead of the acute hurt of the loved one's being gone so suddenly. Drug use never entered my mind for that. Times they spent with them, etc. is what I meant. I guess I have to spell everything out. *Sigh*
I don't consider drug use in and of itself bad either, it is what it is, but the capitalizing on it and shining a spotlight on it, at this time at least, at the family's expense I don't like. The bad part is the health issue as well. I had a family member who went through it and is clean now, so I know all about it. If people need to be "informed" about the dangers of drug use, there are many other venues they can go to, please don't turn to HW as examples.
You may be right about there being more than meets the eye, but I'm choosing to take it for what it is, at least for right now.
As mentioned above, Reese's first film as producer opens here in the UK today. To cheer everyone up on a rather cold and nasty day here are some snippets from the reviews.
Guardian (one star).. can truthfully say that watching this abysmal fantasy-comedy is less rewarding than being slapped across the face with a large wet fish. In fact, as I staggered out afterwards, I went into a reverie about this superior, alternative reality: the shock, the impact, the rough, clammy swipe of the scaly skin. Made in 2006 and starring James "Atonement" McAvoy, this is presumably being brought out now to capitalise on that star's new prestige. He plays a once-wealthy rogue in a fantasy-Americanised London. ... Poor Christina Ricci. Having to wear a pig-nose in a film. Has it come to this?
and from the Independent (also one star)...This is what a friend of mine would call a "gobber" – so bad, it makes you want to spit. ..(and doesn't this bit reflect the film's producer)..I suppose it chimes with the American ambivalence over body perception (you can be ugly, but only for so long) and the American reverence for money and the aristocracy. Just horrible.
And also from the Times (a surprising two stars)..A modern-day fairytale, the film is tarted up like a hyperactive five-year-old's lurid fantasy of interior decor....nobody in the film has much conviction in the story.
Don't you just love a bad review in the morning.
Have now also just read the Daily Mail's review and doesn't this comment seem to correctly reflect the nature of the film's producer..
"This variation on the Ugly Duckling story is the worst kind of whimsy, with a weirdly dysfunctional view of humanity as mean-spirited morons, in need of moral instruction from the film-makers."
I understand what rattler means and I kind of agree with him ... though I see your point too NETB.
The way people handle loss is so divergent.
ag, that's a bit of a writing talent you have there :)
Ashley Cole is a handsome British footballer who married the one out of Girls Aloud (girl band) that all the guys like - Cheryl. He's been in the news lately for multiple infidelity. Not sure how the person who wrote the article got this to reflect badly on Cheryl, but I suppose you need someone topical :)
Ew, harsh, Sally! They are bad.
^^Yes, I've gotten the impression that bad attitude in this case. ;)
LOL I liked the "surprising" two stars from the Times!
Sorry, I need to say to Rattler, my post wasn't directed at you personally, I adore your posts! I just tend to get on a soapbox (occasionally?) on certain issues -not meant to be a diatribe, just a comment.
netb, what the hell time is it for you?! I'm off for my commute *
LOL - it's 3 am for me - I wasn't feeling well when I got home, so I went to bed, and now my schedule is all messed up, but it's ok cos it's my day off tomorrow! Have a good day at work, London! :* Still sometimes get upset when I think about the loss of Heath.
It sounds like that video wasn't that bad at all. Heath was not doing drugs in it; he was just around others who were. Proves nothing. I have to wonder who the person was who had this video for TWO YEARS and held onto it, just waiting for the right time to shop it to somebody.
One thing all this talk about Heath's death and addiction makes me wonder- why is addiction seen as a character flaw? If Heath had died of cancer, no one would see speculating about this as a an insult to his memory. Cancer is a disease. Well, so is addiction. I don't know if Heath was an addict or not, but saying that someone might have been one is not saying they were a bad or a weak person. I don't know why we think this in our society.
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