Another moniker for our favorite twosome.
Now before people all get in a twist - remember Jake does have those blues just like his godfather who gave us Butch. But Austin, come on he doesn't look anything like Redford. No he doesn't, but if wasn't for Sundance, there might never be Austin Nichols, actor - he might have been just a water skiing doctor who loves movies.
But it was Sundance where the sneaky skier who can fib with the best, snuck into a party and not only got discovered but got an agent at the same time.
"For Texas-bred Austin Nichols, the I'm-gonna-be-in-pictures moment arrived his senior year of high school, when he crashed a party at Sundance while visiting relatives in Park City, Utah. 'A woman in the corner kept looking at me, which was sort of awkward,' saysthe 24-year-old, whose snarled smile and cut-from-stonecheekbones had caught the eye of a prominent manager. "Six months later I was enrolled at USC and going on auditions.' "

Jake would agree that Sundance has been good - Donnie Darko, The Good Girl, hosting the 2004 festival with Zoey Deschannel. But bet if you asked him the best thing that ever came out of Sundance, his grin would say it all.
Sundance 2008 opened yesterday, and runs through 27th. And like always there is a Gyllenhaal/Sarsgaard presence at Sundance again this year. Peter is starring in "The Mysteries of Pittsburgh" with Sienna Miller, Jon Foster, Mena Suvari and Nic Nolte.
Sundance Links:
10 Shorts 10 Days
Starting today you can catch the official short selections at this year's Sundance for free. Sundance 2008 main page
You Tube: Sundance 2004 Jake the song and dance man
And for the foodie and the cinephile:
Gourmet. com - Indie Indigestion
Pictures : IHJ & Austin Media
Another adorable post! Sundance has been good to both our boys.
I often wonder how Austin got his role in TDAT because to be honest his acting is not very good in it (luckily he has proved his skills in other projects). I guess he was focusing on more important things on set... But he must have been excited to get a role in a big blockbuster only to find out it would change much more than his career path.
I remember sitting in the theatre, with my kids who were so excited about seeing TDAT, and noticing not only the hackneyed script and improbable science, but how the male igenue had more chemistry with the rich boy than he did with his love interest. That one look - across the quiz bowl - sheesh! A wonder the other contestants didn't burst into flames.
It came as no surprise whatsoever when I learned that Jake was Toothy and Austin his BF Tile. They couldn't even hide it on screen as romantic rivals.
often wonder how Austin got his role in TDAT because to be honest his acting is not very good in it (luckily he has proved his skills in other projects)."
To be fair, NO ONE (except the wolves) was good in that film. The acting was pretty bad but then the story wasn't about the acting.
The wolves were a bit too artificial...Definitely not the best movie...
Good morning,
Ahhhhh, Butch and Sundance, definitely another two gorgeous cowboys. I always envied Katharine Ross back then! ;)
I love TDAT, it's a very entertaining movie to me, has a message, but not heavy-handed in presenting it, plus it has a special meaning for us TBs!
PS - LOVE The Pet Shop Boys, this song is beautiful.
Tom, your posts have been a riot! :)
NETB said...
PS - LOVE The Pet Shop Boys, this song is beautiful.
Tom, your posts have been a riot! :)
NETB I make a pledge to all my friends and family here at OMG that I will in no way use you or involve you in this fauxmance. But remember I will not forget you.
Wicked is an A lister and it seems like I have no recourse but to try and make this work.
I also want to be an A lister. It goes against every fiber of my being to this but in honesty I just need the work. The man I love is behind me and wearing my ring around his neck. I promise I will never look happy or comfortable around Wicked. I will walk stiff and awkward. I will look like I am depressed and sad. I know Wicked is a sweet girl and she will help me through this with an occasional pat on the back just like Mom. Plus I know she will go see all my favorite gay artists with me. I kind of have this thing for Rufus and having her with me will keep people from thinking I am NCS.
I am asking my unique fanbase that I know and love to stand behind me and to have patience. Know in your hearts that my heart will always belong to a very cute tall Texan.
And so it begins.............
I like TDAT too, even though I agree the acting is uniformly mediocre. In one of his interviews for JFC Austin said he got the role because of Six Feet Under even though his role was very small in that. I also suspect the director may have picked up on some chemistry. And of course it had to be Austin's looks that caught his manager's eye.
This post makes me long to see J&A in a western together. And on the Sundance front, I'm curious to hear the word on Mysteries of Pittsburgh, since I know they made a lot of changes from the book.
And OT for this thread, I always though Baby Tile was one of those things that any couple would discuss if they were deciding to settle down, but didn't see it happening anytime soon. Ted's column last night has got me wondering though.....
Finally, I agree netb, Tom has been very funny.
I also suspect the director may have picked up on some chemistry.
"Here is a sampling of today's openly gay, behind-the-scenes movers and shakers who are shaping the global entertainment industry.
Roland Emmerich — This producer, writer and director's highly successful films include The Day After Tomorrow, The Patriot, Godzilla, Universal Soldier and mega-blockbuster Independence Day. Emmerich was also behind the idea to cast gay actor Jaye Davidson (The Crying Game) as Ra in his 1994 hit sci-fi film Stargate.
Emmerich's films have won numerous awards, including a Saturn Award for Best Science Fiction Film (Stargate) and an Oscar for Best Visual Effects (Independence Day), but he also received the infamous Razzie Award in 1998 for Worst Director of the Year for Godzilla. He recently made a donation of $150,000 to the Outfest Legacy Project for LGBT Film Restoration.
Cool Quote: “These images [from gay and lesbian films] have saved countless lives and shaped the LGBT communities we know today. The independent gay and lesbian films of the last 30 years have had no one to save, restore and protect them until now. I'm proud to play a part in launching the Legacy Project and encourage everyone to help save these precious, affirming images.” (Outfest Press Release, Jan. 23, 2006)"
Who else could Jake be domestic
with besides Austin? Cooper in the
last thread said not to jump to
conclusions! Is there anyone that
you know of where the Toothy Tile
story and blind items are archived? I missed quite a few of
them. Is it March 25th or April
1st when JFC DVD comes out? One
more question-did Austin ever do
any fashion modeling or did he go
straight into acting? I think he
has the looks to be a model.
IF {notice I said IF} Jake
marries Reese, I am certain she
will have an ironclad prenuptial
agreement in place!
Sometime I actually waver in
thinking that Jake is SEEING THEM
BOTH! Didn't Ted always say that
Toothy and bf have an off again,
on again relationship? Also, has
it ever been proven from any of
Austin's friends that Austin was
I hope you do not mind some of
these questions for I think some
of you can maybe answer them. I
hope you can help.
Tom, maybe you can just get Wicked a nice necklace or bracelet
or something extra for Tink. It
does not have to be expensive-just
the thought that counts!
Tom, maybe you can just get Wicked a nice necklace or bracelet
or something extra for Tink. It
does not have to be expensive-just
the thought that counts!
The thought does not count for shit! I want expensive, and I'm worth it!
P.S. The Mrs. wants some bling too, so you better cough it up, Mr! Tink wants some toys and you KNOW you will be DEALT WITH if you fail to deliver those!
I am asking my unique fanbase that I know and love to stand behind me and to have patience.
You got it, Tom! :)
Great post, Who's That, about Roland Emmerich.
And I agree with Wicked, even a fauxmance should have some bling, something nice for Wicked and how about a diamond-encrusted collar for Tink? :)
Love that pic of Austin from Deadwood. I thought he was great in that role. Just great! Like he unleashed himself and was having a grand old time. Too bad HBO dropped that series. I still miss it. We need some new pics of Austin out and about though. I guess he is still hiding in the bedroom and only gets out to do a movie.
how about a diamond-encrusted collar for Tink? :)
I guess that will be acceptable. As long as you bring some dog treats and toys to go with it. And some table scraps. And dog cookies.
I'm still amazed at how brilliant Jake was in October Sky, and just a beautiful young man as well. You could see the actor, and the man, he would become. He was so believable as Homer.
I was also thinking about Brad Renfro, it's such a shame. Sir Ian paid him such a beautiful tribute, he's a wonderful man, as we all know. Just to pursue one's art, and share it with the world, actors shouldn't have to be subject to so much difficulty.
NETB -- you can understand how October Sky made me a Jake fan back then.
My step mom -- who I swear has only seen maybe less than a couple dozen movies in her whole life, has October Sky as one of her favorites, right up there with as she calls it Color Me Purple (The Color Purple). : )
But back to the Austy praise --
You can really see the growth in his acting. And I think with Milch he had the confidence to go for it and work without a net so to speak. That seems to really made a huge turning point in his acting. I think he really gained more confidence in opening and letting go and his performance of late really are showing that.
And of course Jake teaching all those things about life, work, girls on TDAT must have had some impact on him ; )
Is it for certain that JFC will be
out on DVD on April 1st? Is Deadwood out on DVD? I hope all of
you get some nice jewelry plus Tink gets some nice goodies too!
Keep us updated on your shomance.
Where do you come up with your ideas on music? They are great!
^^Yes, I need to become more familiar with Austy's work, which I intend to do! What I had seen of JFC I thought was remarkable, and of course, I'm looking forward to more Friday Night Lights. Love this pic of him from Deadwood as well, btw. :)
destiny, I also read Ted's latest as a reference to Baby Tile. Be still my heart!
These mentions of movies past are making me nostalgic, but I have to say that Jake was really good in Rendition, much better than he was in Zodiac IMHO.
The CGI wolves in TDAT were ridiculous! I don't like how wolves are universally made out to be the bad guys in films, especially in kids films like Beauty and the Beast, Narnia, the Golden Compass, etc.. No wolf in the wild has ever attacked a person.
Oh and since people are discovering singers like Ferron, check out these comics as well on CD if you can find them:
Georgia Ragsdale
Lea Dellaria (vulgar but funny)
Oh and twicked - good luck with the fauxmance! Very funny...
I think Austy started to really shine in Deadwood. I really loved him in that role, even though it was small. He showed some of what he could do. He blew me away in JFC. Even the Mrs loved him. For those who haven't seen the show, in one pivotal episode (episode 6?) he does this really strange and difficult monologue. He's just brilliant in that scene. The Mrs turned to me and said, "Okay, he really is a good actor. That was one unforgiving monologue and he pulled it off!" I will definitely be getting the DVD!
Tinhat, Leah is from our area, isn't she? I remember she's very funny.
I'm glad you said that about the wolves, that's one of my "pet" causes, their mistreatment, misunderstanding, and persecution (aerial hunting in Alaska, Bush taking them off the endangered Species list and opening the door for hunting of them again.) They are a beautiful animal, and have many admirable qualities, and to ancients (and not so ancients) these qualities were revered, and they were thought of as teachers, not killers. You are right, there's no record of them ever having attacked a human being that I know of. It all stems from superstition and competition for food of old I believe, and it's time it changed. Then there's the tigers . . . I could go on all day, don't get me started! ;)
Spesh, I can see how you became a Jake fan after watching October Sky, and I loved him in Rendition as well, Tinhat. :)
destiny, I was smiling at your comment that the acting in TDAT is uniformly mediocre. lol, it's true, really; it was no one person's fault. There's such a grey flatness to it with only the special effects occasionally rising. Ah well, all the better to see the small spark that was Jake and Austin. :)
I was excited to see Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid mentioned for this post; that's one of my favourite movies. The very thought of J&A doing anything together cowboy-related - in a movie, A MOVIE! - makes me happy. Why not cast them together in something, what's the harm? ;)
I love that still of Jake on Regis and Kelly. That moment was barely seconds long, and yet with someone like Jake who just radiates what he's feeling, it's captured. That's one heck of a soft, contented, knowing smile. :)
I'm really wishing for an Austy pic right now. When was the last time he was photographed out and about? ACL?
I also loved Redford and Newman in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Actually, I think my first actor crush was on Robert Redford after seeing the Sting (about five times) that also starred he and Newman. Jake and Austin would be GREAT in a remake of Butch and Sundance. Talk about buddy chemistry!!
Now don't you think Austin would be at Sundance, given how much he loves to watch movies?
Lovely post guys :) I would love to see them in these roles as well. Austin was great as Morgan Earp. I even liked the 'tache.
destiny, tinhat - I know, I know :D
(from last post)
"I think Reeke is just about over."
No, it isn't. Reese was a port in the storm for Jake. Until the storm passes (it hasn't) or Jake finds another port (Ted's point, doesn't require Austin), Reeke will survive. It makes me sick too, but these things happen for a reason. Encouraging idle, unsubstantiated speculation about Jake and Austin is not going to accelerate the demise of Reeke. In fact, it may have the exact opposite effect.
Jake and Austin would be GREAT in a remake of Butch and Sundance.
I was thinking the same thing! I loved that movie. I had a crush on Robert Redford for the longest time too, and I still think the world of him! :)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Jeese, for the most part, idle unsubstantiated gossip too - hearsay and convenient photos and sightings, but never clearly photographed nor confirmed by the couple themselves?
I thought the PR set up and sponsored photo spread in People was their confirmation.
What is this storm you keep mentioning, daedalus?
Ted was talking about the present, there was no implication of another port.
I think Reeke is just about over."
"No, it isn't. Reese was a port in the storm for Jake. Until the storm passes (it hasn't) or Jake finds another port (Ted's point, doesn't require Austin), Reeke will survive. It makes me sick too, but these things happen for a reason. Encouraging idle, unsubstantiated speculation about Jake and Austin is not going to accelerate the demise of Reeke. In fact, it may have the exact opposite effect."
I agree. Just my true feelings about what's going on. Wish it was different, but it's NOT.
I believe the surfer and the domesticated comments were about Matt and other Jake personal things. I do feel that Ted is trying to insinuate it's about Austin, but Austin is no where around and when I see more evidence of J/A together, I'm not bying it.
All of the PR spreads are just convenient sets of circumstances to me - and all of the subsequent engagement rumors, rings, cooking lessons, Mile High Club, stepparenting, summer weddings, etc. are all rumors - PR- sanctioned unsubstantiated speculation - but rumor and gossip nonetheless. Until I read or hearsomethng from the horses' mouths, it's all open to interpretation, and holds no more water than J&A speculation. In fact, I'm inclined to believe Ted more! :)
Absolutely, netb.
Mosquito at 5:47.
^that should be: Until I see more evidence of J/A together. ^
Why would you expect to see evidence when the whole point is to hide the evidence?
In fact, I'm inclined to believe Ted more! :)
I can respect that! But Just as rags make up things and Twist them I think Ted SOMETIMES Does the same. I'm 75-25 on Teds word. Never ever believe the Babytile thing. But I was waiting 9/24. lol
truthful tb ... how do you know whether Austin is around or not, surely one of Austin's greatest assets as the potential bf for a uber closeted film star is his ability to stay behind the scenes when needs be. The D in his name should stand for discrete not Don.
Reeke is beginning to make Reese look bad (lets be honest, Jake look bad from the start).
I hope for both their sakes they end it soon.
Loathe though I aM to admit it, I'm with Ted as well.
Miranda, how do you know what is going on with Austin and Jake? Seems you want to blame Jake for everything but we don't know what is really going on so taking sides isn't going to make things clearer. As for Ted do you really believe everything he tells you? I doubt Ted's knows everything despite what he has said. Foolish to take everything he has said as gospel. The only people who really know are Jake and Austin and Jake and Reese.
Here's a little video - sweet, yet sad. Thought it was topical considering the subject. The accompanying song is also poignant for Jaustin.
Affectionate Men
Anyone going claim 8:25?
That's ME. *hangs head*
Thanks ME!
Definitely a video everyone should check out.
Don't hang your head, ME! That video is fabulous, absolutely wonderful!
Isn't it?
Got all misty eyed, looking at the smiles, the hope, the joy while the song mourned the loss of freedom to love openly.
The only thing missing from that video is Lakers 1 and The Bedheads.
Thanks, ME, that was very beautiful. I was having trouble getting the first one to load, but I saw the second one. Very well done - and kinda Brokeback-ish. It's nice to see love. Made me misty-eyed too. :')
Totally OT:
Am I the only one who can't log on to the chat or is there a problem with it right now?
Actually, yes I do believe Ted. More than ever. I imagine it's hard for him to get info given the huge PR effort to make Jake straight, but my sixth sense says something is up. Of course I think reeke is all lies, from day one. I view this Ryan is pissed crap as step two towards the end of reeke. She needs a plausible excuse to get out. Not Jake is gay, but my kids come first.
Thanks, ME, for finding and sharing that video, so beautiful and poignant, yet a little bittersweet. And I adore the song!
What baffles m is the complete silence from Jeese. Then the total absence of Jake with his friends and fam. The man has other children in his life including Maggie's kids,and is'nt Heath L's daughter his godchild? I guess Reese's children now take precedence? what gives?
The total focus on Reese and her pieces leaving everyone else seeming shut out leads me to believe something or someone is being hidden. Go figure.
M, then you are being as gullible as those that believe everything PR has said. Ted can't and shouldn't know everything about another persons life even if they are a celeb.
Silence how to do you know Jake doesn't see Maggie, Ramona, etc? We had a sighting of the whole family in NYC. Just because there aren't pictures of everyone he sees. We also just saw Jake with his mom.
Silence how to do you know Jake doesn't see Maggie, Ramona, etc? We had a sighting of the whole family in NYC. Just because there aren't pictures of everyone he sees. We also just saw Jake with his mom.
"What is this storm you keep mentioning, daedalus?
Ted was talking about the present, there was no implication of another port."
The storm of his life, based on the events of the past 10 months. 2007 was a horrible year for Jake personally. It would have been a miracle if he didn't beard. And, poor schmuck, Jake decides to beard right before the writers strike, which slowed down any immediate professional benefits that he might have received from Reeke.
The guy can't win for losing. And he busted his ass in Zodiac and Rendition, both of which tanked for reasons entirely unrelated to his performance. I'm sure that he was glad when 2007 ended. What a nightmare. No wonder he's at the medical center all the time!
The alternative port is a newly reinvigorated home life, which was languishing long before Gen. Witherspoon stepped with her magic broom. His chums and family need to help him get his home and personal life together as soon as possible because the writers strike is probably going to end soon, and he needs to be ready for ..... whatever awaits him professionally.
What do you hope for Jake in 2008? Will he have a hit film? Will he come out of the closet? Or will Reese still be in the picture? Do you think they will be married by then?
I was looking at some pictures of Jake pre Reese. I would just love to see his wonderful smile again. Now he just seems so sad. I just want him to be happy and healthy in 2008. I don't care if he comes out, I have always said it must be his decision.
I hope Jake will get some really good roles in some hit movies. I also hope he becomes more independent in making decisions that are best for him. Whether he comes out of the closet or not is his decision but NO BEARDING direct or indirect! I hope Reese is not in the picture. only because she is a calculating beard who is interested only in her image/success. If they are married in 2008, I think Jake deserves everything he gets from then on, (I think we got quite a good idea of that in the last few months) I hope Austin dumps him.
sure it's more easy for NON TB
but when ted say :"He himself has been spending an awful lotta time getting all cozy and family oriented "
i see past not present !
So daedalus doesn't actually know anything "inside" either.
Exactly, sad.
More precisely, sad, it's something which has been happening, and which is probably ongoing.
ok i do hope it's true but i can't imagine jake and austin being cozy and "family oriented "given the circumstances.
it's odd to me and not "healthy" if you see what i mean
i can't help being uncomfortable for them
For Jake, I wish success and much
happiness in 2008! I sincerely hope he has success in his movies
and happiness in his personal life! I hope he is very happy with
whoever he chooses in his life. I
just hope it's a handsome tall blonde Texan! I can hardly wait for the JFC DVD to come out because I only saw it about 3 times on television. I also am really enjooying Tom's posts and
updates about Twicked! Keep us
^Sorry, I meant enjoying! I was
half asleep while typing! I do wish the best for Jake and Austin.
Keep us updated on Twicked!
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