Clearly a very happy Jake as he heads into LAX.
Never can get enough of the real deal smiles.

Now just getting out of LA maybe enough to make him grin but maybe there's some other reasons he might be grinning.
Top Ten Reason Jake's smiling leaving LA.
9. Grinning in his new found fame as The Cheese Boy of Spinal Tap.
8. Maggie and Peter are getting married! That means
7. Red Sox swept the Yankees!
6. Had an entire bottle of Rescue Remedy on the way to the airport. Another bottle for the plane.
5. Maggie and Peter are getting married! Get to break out the Riverdance. Somebody else got dibs on the Chicken Dance.
4. Julian vs. Martin who's hotter? Hell....both
3. Spring Break !! Woo Hoo!
2. Maggie and Peter are getting married! Thinking about his plus one.
1. Four Christmases is no longer on the movie list on American Airlines.
***Spinal Tap has a new album out in June***
Love me some Spinal Tap.
Julian vs Martin. Now that's an image I could hold on to for quite some time. Since I have not seen The Informers yet, I'd have to go with Julian who is sexier than all get out. Charming too. By the way, Eonline gives the movie a B. Better than I expected.
"Four Christmases is no longer on the movie list on American Airlines." LOL
Just a couple of points regarding the early a.m. discussion. While I found the article Sienna, I didn't mean to imply that the author's attitude reflected my attitude towards bisexuality. But I still found the article interesting, and it did talk about one of the studies I remembered reading about over the years.
This is a link to a more recent study. While it doesn't address bisexuality per se, the study does show that men, compared to women, seem to react sexually to one sex or the other, not both. What do Women Wantxx
Finally, one other point. To the best of my recollection, I have never seen anyone on OMG, WFT or WFT2 identify themselves as a bisexual man or talk about their personal experience as a bisexual man. We've had straight women, bisexual women, lesbians, gay men, and I believe a straight man or two.
... if you count Ted Casablanca as a contributing member (or at least the inspiration for the original Waiting for Toothy website). He has called *himself* bisexual.
I personally know many "gay" men and "straight" men who tell me secretly that they are bisexual. Several of them have had long term romances with both sexes. They may have a preference, but that doesn't mean they're not bisexual.
I didn't realize you now had to be 50/50 in order to be defined as a bisexual. Jeez, I wish someone had told me. Or could it be that the categories of gay/straight are *themselves* false?!
I don't know anyone from Iceland either, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. Another opinion piece masquerading as scientific fact.
"He has called *himself* bisexual."
Ted calls himself gay.
I was supposed to be writing last night, but instead i spent the time wandering around the internet, reading discussions. This discussion is very interesting to me. I wish that we could have a discussion here without some folks invariably coming away with their feelings hurt. I've never felt that anyone posting thoughts or ideas or opinions here did so with the express hope of hurting someone else's feelings, yet there will always be a couple of folks that squawk like they'd been shot at directly. I could really do without that. I enjoy the discussion for the sake of it. I'm not trying to get at anyone, and i honestly don't think any of the other regular posters are either.
I went to another site last night where they were arguing the existence of God. There was a scientific article about the discovery of a God Spot in the brain, a certain area that seems programed to make us believe in God, a higher power, etc. It was really interesting to read the folks going back and forth arguing their beliefs, each one dead certain they were right. The one person who's belief i identified with most said that he believed in a Creator and that he believed we are eternally connected with this Creator, but that he believes said Creator has no connection to any particular man-made religion. That made lots of sense to me and is something i can believe.
Anyway, knowing how someone truly feels in their heart is nigh on impossible, because you can't really meld with them and read their feelings, and people lie and hide and pretend for a million different reasons. I think that's where we're at with Jake, or i should say, that's where Jake's at with his life.
1. Cases selected based on dimensions of a theory (pattern-matching) or on diversity on a dependent phenomenon (explanation-building).
2. No generalization to a population beyond cases similar to those studied.
3. Conclusions should be phrased in terms of model elimination, not model validation. Numerous alternative theories may be consistent with data gathered from a case study.
4. Case study approaches have difficulty in terms of evaluation of low-probability causal paths in a model as any given case selected for study may fail to display such a path, even when it exists in the larger population of potential cases.
"I enjoy the discussion for the sake of it. I'm not trying to get at anyone, and i honestly don't think any of the other regular posters are either."
I wasn't having a problem with the fact that you posted the article, but imagine how it would feel to have the existence of heterosexuality or homosexuality debated, and I can understand why people get a little defensive. The article is an entire negation of some people's (true) sexual identity. It's not dispassionate or interesting when you're the subject of it (kind of like how I feel when people discuss same-sex marriage on CNN).
Btw, Sienna, I think your posts are insightful and thoughtful.
As a bisexual I certainly wasn't debating whether it existed, just how common it is in men, and the likelihood that Jake is bisexual rather than gay.
I'd love to know Daf whether you know many men who consider themsevles bisexual, and whether in your experience you think it is as common as it is in women.
(I do think people sometimes use bisexuality to test the waters with other people.)
I agree with this statement.
I actually know two men who've told me they are bi - the guy at work, who i felt was using that as a bit of a shield, but another guy i met through BBM who had NO reason to fudge. And truthfully, i believe him, because when we danced at the gay bars, he seemed as into the girls he was grinding with as he was the guys.
I can't believe that women and men are that different. If women are more fluid in their attractions and sexual behaviour, then that flies in the face of everything we've been brainwashed with over the years, that men are the more sexual beings. A lot of what I have read is that men may appear not to be as fluid because of social conditioning.
I agree with this statement also. Over the years I have met men are in relationships with women, married, children, dating, but do occasionally have sex with men on the side. Most consider themselves as bi or just sexual. But asked are they not opened about it, most have said the people or society won't understand so they hide it. The thing is, most want to live and keep the relationship with women. Now to be truthful, I do feel that some are gay and trying to fit in to societys norm. Some like sex with men and women, you can't spot them and only the insiders know. It Real. Not saying it's right to lie or decieve either.
35% daff...
thank you - it is hard to discuss sensitive issues without inadvertently stepping on toes. i just feel like if we all gave each other the benefit of the doubt, maybe we'd end up learning more and defending ourselves less.
i know what you mean, however, about feeling like you are the meat of the conversation. i never wanted to have children, and when i was at that age when folks expected me to, especially my mom, i was very sensitive - and even rude - about the topic, because it was so painful for me. i've never regretted my decision, and i feel much calmer about the whole thing now that it's not an issue, but i always remember how raw i felt back then and i can relate, in a small way, to how you guys are feeling.
your reality and mine are different, but that doesn't make either one less real or valid. :)
"I'd love to know Daf whether you know many men who consider themsevles bisexual, and whether in your experience you think it is as common as it is in women."
Yep, I knew several primarily "gay" men who consider themselves bisexual, more primarily "straight" men who consider themselves bisexual. And then I know a whole bunch of men who behave or have behaved bisexually, but call themselves gay or straight.
The thing is, though, as you get older, many people couple up. So if you have a preference or you just happen to fall in love with someone special (and most bisexuals don't have an equal attraction), you end up in a straight couple or a gay/lesbian couple. The bisexuals become invisible, but they're still there. I fall into that category myself.
I think those pornography-based studies of arousal-on-demand are problematic and agree with the above poster "the trouble with case studies" (arousal can also be triggered by fear and nervousness!).
re: what 35% daff said about falling in love - i think that's what happened with Jake and Kiki. he fell in love with someone who happened to be a woman.
A lot of closeted gays date women. There are no social rewards for being gay.
There are plenty of social rewards for being gay. Seriously.
Give us few examples.
i think that's what happened with Jake and Kiki. he fell in love with someone who happened to be a woman.I've shared this before, but it was before you got here, Sienna. I fell in love with someone who happened to be a man once. The problem was that I'm not bi so it didn't work sexually and we broke up. I really think he was the only guy I could have possibly been with long-term and married.
Re your religion question, the Mrs is a person who has to put her whole effort into everything. When I told her I wanted her to answer this for you, she said she wanted to spend some time on it and run it by professors at seminary. This will take a while, but I think you will get a very comprehensive answer out of her. BTW, she very much does want to answer this question; she's not trying to get out of it. She's just really thorough. Sometimes too thorough!
Wicked! i missed that story about you and the man, but i can see how that can happen. i've had a couple of serious girl crushes, but when it comes down to it, i don't care to go both ways. i could, but it's not my preference.
i look forward to what the Mrs has to say about my issue. i seem to be back in quest mode. grrrr
hugs. s.
Being surrounded by amazing, thoughtful people.
No worries over the correct gender roles.
A propensity to be involved in the arts.
Better sex.
I hope Maggie and Peter are not getting married next month because I don't see how Jake can get around not taking Reese and/or not putting out stories that she was there. I also think we can expect a round of stories about how Jake was inspired to propose to Reese after seeing his sister wed--I'd even venture so far as to say this time we'll get an actual engagement, with a wedding planned for next spring around the time PoP opens.
"Being surrounded by amazing, thoughtful people.
No worries over the correct gender roles.
A propensity to be involved in the arts.
Better sex."
Hear, hear.
***Being surrounded by amazing, thoughtful people.***
Sometimes. And some of them are straight too.
***No worries over the correct gender roles.***
Most straight people that I know don't worry about this either.
***A propensity to be involved in the arts.***
Nope. I am the least artistic person on Earth.
***Better sex***
Okay, you got me there! ;)
Interesting article about Brothers:
Road ToughBefore everyone starts with theories:
1) There are 3 co-stars, not just Jake
2) Against promoting there OR being unavailable - both are suggested, there is nothing confirmed either way
3) Not in the summer - and releasing in December may be a sign they are holding to get a better chance in the Oscar race
And it is hot hot in New England today - 93F (34C)-- it hit summer today, tomorrow hopefully it will be back to spring.
The aftermath of the launching of the Armageddon of the marriage battle in this countryOnly 150 people showed up.
I always thought that story about one of the actors not being able to make it was just an excuse made up knowing they wouldn't make it to Cannes. It just doesn't make sense that with 3 leading actors with different schedules to juggle that you would miss out on something like that because of one person. I get the sense their are issues with this film, but no way of knowing whether it is the quality or the fact that films of this type have fared poorly at the box office in the past year or so.
Have to say I love Jake's smile. He looks so happy and relaxed. I hope wherever he went he has that grin the whole time.
Cute post today, and fits perfectly with the song. Wasn't able to hear it until now. Love Jake's big smile! Thanks! :)
Wanted to say hello to Daff. Nice to see you! :*
Destiny, do you ever have anything positive to say about any movie Jake is in? You absolutely appear to jump on any theory that seem to discredit any chance for them to be successful as if in fact you wish they weren't. I understand you are unhappy with him, but seriously if you are so bitter, PLEASE!, for your own sake, just find another object of your affection. There are hundreds of out good looking gay men that could certainly benefit from your support!
I find all discussions interesting, but quite often people come here or to WFT2 trying to persuade others to their view. Prostelytizing relentlessly that jake is straight, bi or whatever it is they are selling that day. There is a big difference between stating one's own opinion and trying to bend others to their thoughts. When that happens I hit the scroll bar and wait for it to pass.
No doubt if Brothers is being held out to open in December it is to attract award nominations. Seems like most seem to think the movie is good as is the acting but not great. It is being listed mostly as outside chance of and Osacar nom. Jake is also on a couple of those lists.
I think the biggest problem with Brothers is the subject. War related movies have not done well no matter who is in them. I tend to agree that the excuse about all 3 actors not being available was suspicious. Many films do promo without the entire lead cast present. Regardless, the proof will be there for all to see when the film is actually released. Is there a US date on IMDB yet?
Release dates for
Brothers (2009) More at IMDbPro »
advertisementCountry Date
USA 2009
Russia 8 October 2009
Argentina 12 November 2009
Denmark 13 November 2009
Belgium 25 November 2009
Netherlands 3 December 2009
Finland 5 February 2010
No release date yet in the US. Sounds like part of the hold up was that they hard a hard time selling the movie. The movie has been bought by a company along with 4 others movies and as a part of that deal Brothers will be released first later this year. No offical date though.
**I find all discussions interesting, but quite often people come here or to WFT2 trying to persuade others to their view. Prostelytizing relentlessly that jake is straight, bi or whatever it is they are selling that day. There is a big difference between stating one's own opinion and trying to bend others to their thoughts.**
M, we all have thoughts and opinions. And we post them just as you do. I guess you would rather all post be about Jake and Austins love affair and thier baby?
Some new and old posters don't believe this but respect others views. And some just don't see Jake as one dimensional as some may see him. And we like to talk about it also, including what we think of him. And sometimes it does make for more interesting conversations. And believe it or not, some just don't see Jake as the bearding gay actor. There is much more to this human being.
As been stated close to a millioon times here, nobody here knows the axact truth about Jake's sexuality unless you know him personally and dealt with him on that level. So just as I, you don't know if he's gay, bi, or straight.
Please stop acting as if YOU DO!
**I find all discussions interesting, but quite often people come here or to WFT2 trying to persuade others to their view. Prostelytizing relentlessly that jake is straight, bi or whatever it is they are selling that day. There is a big difference between stating one's own opinion and trying to bend others to their thoughts.**
M, we all have thoughts and opinions. And we post them just as you do. I guess you would rather all post be about Jake and Austins love affair and thier baby?
Some new and some old posters don't believe this but respect others views. And some just don't see Jake as one dimensional as some may see him. And we like to talk about it also, including what we think of him. And sometimes it does make for more interesting conversations. Some just don't see Jake as the bearding gay actor. There is much more to this human being.
As been stated close to a million times here, nobody here knows the axact truth about Jake's sexuality unless you know him personally and dealt with him on that level. So just as I, you don't know if he's gay, bi, or straight.
Please stop acting as if YOU DO!
And, WWDisney, please stop acting as if any opinion, any opinion that disagrees with yours, stated here has delusions of fact granduer.
Impressions, insights, reflections, musings, and in the case of some posters here, just plain, flat out bitching. Each word typed about Jake et al is an opinion. Some are highly educated on the subject of Jake et al, studious time spent on pubic info consumption, others haven't a clue even if it's delivered by FedEx. Different in tone, diverse with intent, opinions abound on this blog. And that includes your post(s), as well.
Infinite diversity in infinite combinations.
We, and you, would be wise to remember that.
Had a thought about the Brothers delay. Wasn't there some reported rivalry between Tobey and Jake during the shoot. Either it continues now - Jake not available first so Tobey not available when asked, or they agreed that both must be present at any promo or it's no-go.
Did I tell you guys about the time at work when 2 men were vying for a top position. They kept a room full of employees waiting for almost an hour because neither wanted to be the first to enter the room.
, WWDisney, please stop acting as if any opinion, any opinion that disagrees with yours, stated here has delusions of fact granduer.Looks like you are the one pissed someone dares posting an opinion slightly different from yours. Simmer down, you seem a bit unsecure.
>>I guess you would rather all post be about Jake and Austins love affair and their baby?
ROTFLMAO! Yes, she is still knitting the booties!
Wonderful World of Disney...
like you said, none of us know for sure which way Jake rolls, and while many of us state our opinions as fact, they still are just opinions, and we know that. however, since this is a blog devoted to the supposed love affair between jake and austin, i think you are bound to be disappointed if you are hoping to find lots of folks here who have a variety of opinions about jake's sexuality. the regular posters are here because we like to discuss his life from our perspective/opinion that he's bi/gay, bearding, and driving us insane at the moment with all his icky decisions. but he's still our boy and we love him thru all that and we like to get together and bitch at him and each other about him. if you truly think he's straight or want other topics besides his sexuality to be the predominant theme of conversation, then maybe this isn't the blog for you.
i'm not in any way saying that you aren't welcome here, because i'm new here myself and have no rights to invite or discourage posters, but if you were thinking you were getting into an open-ended discussion about jake and his sexuality, then i think you were mislead. the majority of us are operating on the assumption that he's bi/gay.
it's kinda like being a vegetarian and going to a steakhouse and then being put out because of all the beef-eaters. it doesn't really make much sense.
however, do as you please, of course. :)
"Looks like you are the one pissed someone dares posting an opinion slightly different from yours."
Wonderful World of Disney doesn't like people who are convinced Jake is gay and bearding. Big deal, lol.
**Wonderful World of Disney doesn't like people who are convinced Jake is gay and bearding. Big deal, lol.**
What?? Who said that. that's not what was posted and that's not how I read that. You think some here may not like people questioning that? Some fans are tired of others acting as if their thoughts of Jake (bearding, gay, or bi, hiding baby, keeping AN holding on, LOL) is the truth.
Hello! (((netb)!))
Please stop playing stupid.
Some of us are convinced and have firm believes.
No one ever claimed to know (except babblers) or live under Jake's bed - and you know that.
Maggie and Peter are getting married! That means Austi, Asti Spumante, Perseco!You meant Prosecco, or did you not?
Asti Spumante is less dry and sweeter, so should be more suitable for the occasion.
Yes I did mean Prosecco.
Asti - sweeter sounds right ; )
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