Today's Out Spotlight is Joan Roughgarden. Born Jonathan Roughgarden in Paterson, New Jersey, March 13, 1946 Roughgarden is an evolutionary ecologist whose work over the last 30 years on evolutionary adaptations to changing environments and community ecology theory has been at the forefront of the field.
Roughgarden received a Bachelor of Science in Biology and a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy from University of Rochester in 1968 and a Ph.D. in Biology from Harvard University in 1971. She is the author of 5 books and over 120 articles.
She has been on faculty at Stanford University since 1972. She founded and directed the Earth Systems Program at Stanford and has received awards for service to undergraduate education.
She used mathematical and computational techniques as well as field studies of Caribbean Anolis lizards and barnacles to address issues ranging from the evolution of sex to territorial negotiation to ecosystem reserve design.
After building a successful career as Jonathan, Roughgarden then 52, decided to transition into a transgendered woman. Since then, she has become increasingly interested in biological diversity in gender and sexuality, and wrote a book on the subject entitled Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People.
In the book she puts forth the controversial proposal that Darwin's theory of sexual selection is outdated and can only offer insight into a few unrepresentative cases. tt is a proposed correction to Darwin's explanation of the mechanism of selection. Roughgarden rejects Darwin's sexual selection theory based on instances in which animals do not follow traditional sex roles where the male attempts to impress the female, and the female chooses her mate.
The book contains a literature survey on unexpected sexual behavior in many species of animals: homosexual behavior; several genders and two sexes in a species (in which a gender that never participates directly in reproduction still participates indirectly, thus affecting natural selection.) She argues that it should be replaced by a theory of "social selection", in which gender roles and sexuality can be seen as adaptations which facilitate cooperation in complex societies.
The theory received criticism in the pages of the journal Science. Forty scientists produced ten critical letters; one claiming that the paper was "completely shoddy science and poor scholarship." However, Roughgarden, quoted as being "not altogether surprised" by the volume of dissent, argued that her team had replied to most of the criticisms.Roughgarden is also a Christian who has written on the relationship between Christianity and science . In her book Evolution and Christian Faith: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist, she reinterprets scripture passages commonly used to oppose evolution to emphasize her belief that the Bible does not conflict with evolutionary biology. The book further relates Christianity and evolution by saying that all life is interconnected, as members of a faith community are connected. Roughgarden opposes the theories of creationism and intelligent design but asserts her belief in God's involvement in evolution.
Roughgarden's current research links ecology with economic theory.
Stanford Alumni Magazine: On the Originality of Species
SEED Magazine: The Gay Animal Kingdom
Queerty: A Queerty Menagerie of Gay Animals
Evolution's Rainbow: Diversity, Gender and Sexuality in Nature and People
Evolution and Christian Faith: Reflections of an Evolutionary Biologist
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Out Spotlight LXXI
Posted by
Special K
7:40 AM
Labels: Evolution and Faith, Evolution and Sexuality, Joan Roughgarden, Out Spotlight
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Young Hollywood Flocks to CoachellaReese is now Young Hollywood. Get it?
Nice try but no, what the f is your problem with soccer moms?When they try to get their indie hipster cred on, and it's an epic fail, I have a problem with it.
In case anyone was wondering, this is my new favorite song. :)
Wow, Joan Roughgarden is cool. I am especially interested in learning more about her work about evolutionary biology and Christianity. That book looks great! Might have to get it.
"Saturday morning, Reese Witherspoon in a denim dress and fedora hat and a casually dressed Jake Gyllenhaal hiding under a baseball cap, walked into Twenty6 restaurant in the La Quinta resort for a late breakfast.
They paused to say hello to friends at an inside table, but left to eat subway sandwiches in their car. How glam!"
Wicked - I thought there would be people who might be interested in that as well as her work in evolutionary ecology.
She also was a speaker at the Beyond Belief symposium in November 2006. It brought together a group of scientists and philosophers to explore questions and answers about human nature and society.
Beyond BeliefThe article in the Stanford Alumni magazine is a really good profile.
Excellent, excellent OutSpotlight today, which I always look forward to. We need people like Joan Roughgarden. Love her name. I have never believed that religion and evolution were mutually exclusive, and have wondered about it as well, and her other ideas about evolution are interesting. I have always thought same sex pairings are natural and all part of the grand plan of life. I get dismayed when things get polarized - religion and evolution, religion and sexuality. Sexuality is a gift to us.
Ben Gibbard is one of my favorite musicians, and Feist too.
Thanks for a great post, a nave a great Sunday, all! :)
Hey good morning everyone,
Hope a good day for you with sun.
Fascinatig out spotlight today! I have never heard about her works on Darwin's therories of sexual selection, it would be interesting to see if I can find her book here ( fingers crossed)
I don't doubt one second many spoke up against her, but the confrontation of ideas make the world better and make people open their eyes on possibilities they wouldn't imaginate.
It's the way I see things!
I wonder what kind of music festival is Coachella??? I mean what kind of music???
Jake seems to enjoy the show, and I read one of his friend Jenny Lewis was one of the performers, funny !
And if I don't mistake, the girl behind him played in Dawson. Don't remember her name , but remember her face, I liked her!! lol
Oh about comments on Reese outfit, sorry but it's make me sad!! I have the same , and like her I am tiny and like her I look like a potatoes bag in it BUT it's confortable. It's one of my favorite summer dress so for once I show solidarity with all the tiny women dressed like that!
It's said LOL
I think we need to deal with what we saw yesterday for a little while longer. We can handle it.No biggie. We know its a sham. If Jake is straight he doesnt date reese. Sorry PR. If he dated a supermodel she might expect sex. This way he doesnt have to worry about that.
I now think the J and A pics were also staged, especially the second. Thats not saying they arent a couple. I believe they are. But I think that the reaction to the first set was so good that they gave us some more. My bet is that there are many more positive posts for Jausty than reeke. I expect more. Maybe even see Jake show up in Wilmington. Jakes and Austins PR people want J and A fans to see their movies. I think the more that the reeke experiment is shown to be a disaster the more we get the old Jake back. Yesterday went a long way towards doing just that.
I make have just broke my no talk reeke pledge but I had to just today. Sunday is afterall a day of rest.
Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes, or so I was told by a very wise man, Elinor. :)
Wow, this song is really great - I had to wait for it to load to hear it in its entirety. Love it.
I think Jake knew that Coachella was going to happen. (Still think Austin's there too) And decided if the weekend was work, he was going to enjoy the week with Austin.
Picked up on the "hiding underneath a baseball cap" from Eonline. I am just picturing eating subs in the car. Its like when you were on your family vacation and your mom made you eat the sandwiches she packed for the car ride. Everybody just ate them and were miserable wishing they could have gone to McDonald's while your mom just gave you "The Look."
But Mo-om . . . ;)
"Beautiful women come in all shapes and sizes, or so I was told by a very wise man, Elinor."
Thanks NETB!!!
The pics on ONTD are great, I wish I was there. Jenny Lewis changed no? there is something in her face I don't know , well 10 years more surely lol I just remember the innocent pic of her and Jake, they were so young!!!
I feel old suddenly LOL
It proves her dress was not most flattering choice, when you see Reese at the pool.
TMZIf Reese was at the pool where was Jake? Breaking his zipper somewhere?
IHJ has pool pics and more festival pics.
The first time we got J&A biking pics, a few days later we had the Reek marathon in Europe.
The second time we got the biking pics, a few days later we have the Reeke marathon in Coachella.
The ONTD post linked by cfkef above was deleted. Maybe it has to do with the post saying "Toothy Tile and Witherbeard".
It's not deleted, just locked.
"The ONTD post linked by cfkef above was deleted. Maybe it has to do with the post saying "Toothy Tile and Witherbeard".
I doubt! not the first time someone post with toothy as title,
maybe because of the pics , it wasn't pap pics though!!
^the pics were taken by the poster at Coachella and almost identical to the ones on gettyimages.
From the previous discussion, another $.02:
Women should not HAVE to dress up for men at any time.No, she dresses up for herself, or not, as she sees fit. But if she wants to dress up for her man, and it’s something that they both enjoy, what's wrong with that? What’s wrong with wearing something your guy likes you in, or turns him on? Same as when he’s wearing something I like, and I like to see him in it, and it turns me on. It’s not misogyny; on the contrary, it’s celebratory, of a woman, and of a man. Or same sex partners, if that's what they like.
I honestly don't think style critique is misogyny, any more than disliking Jake's plaid shirts was misandry.I agree, London.
But don’t look at me, I can’t stand anybody! ;)
I think we need to deal with what we saw yesterday for a little while longer. We can handle it.No biggie. We know its a sham. Oh, I know, Tom. Although I don't know what more there is to discuss about them. I think these pictures are the worst effort Reese & Jake have put forth yet, by a long shot. I notice that on IHJ (which I'm still waiting to get into; they seem to be locked up right now), though, that on the title gallery page, they really strained to find the top 4-5 pictures out of the bunch.
I agree with others on several things.
Elinor, I hear ya, gal. While I am not a fan of what she wears alot of times, I'm not going to pick on her physical appearance if I can manage to keep my mouth shut. I'm certainly no beauty queen or model; I have no room to talk. And I'll hand her this; she's brave enough to go out on things like this with no make up.
But, I also agree with Anne Thorpe (don't know who she is) in that when you are all about a guy or girl, you want to look good for them. I have knocked myself out, spending forever getting ready to impress someone.
But granted, in 95 degree heat? It's only going to take 10 minutes to undo whatever you did, so there's really no sense in spending alot of time getting ready. You better just try to dress for comfort, like Jake did. Not only that, but the hats were very smart and you have to drink alot of water at outdoor functions like that. Gotta be smart about it or you're going to end up getting sick or passing out.
Hi netb! This is an interesting Out Spotlight. Look at all the education she has had. That is really impressive.
This topic is also interesting to me. I was always one to staunchly believe in taking the biblical standpoint on creation very literally, with no variation whatsoever. But in the past 2 yrs or so, have become open to the strong likelihood that science and spiritual beliefs can & do co-exist and support each other. And, believe me, that is a huge turnaround in thinking for alot of people. But I think it also lends itself to my belief that 1)it's never too late to learn about oneself or something, 2)never too impossible to change one's mind, 3) our spiritual beliefs can & do constantly evolve, and 4)that it is a sign of growth if we are open to changes in our way of thinking or believing or behaving, if it is congruent with being the kind of person we strive to be.
JG's Diary
Entry #5
Days since last appearance in completed film : 555 days (Rendition, 10/11/07)
Days since last firm movie booking : 334 (PoP, 5/20/08)
Days since last reported Reeke photo-op : 1
Oh, he's at the pool, Special. (Finally got into IHJ). You can barely see him. Looks like he's sitting on the edge of her lounge chair.
Holy cow, what are there, 249 pictures or what? lol
Hmmm. Interesting. Really interesting. Wonder who this other couple is that they're with?
Glad to assist, PR, with the outloud thought of why Reese is never seen with anyone other than business-related people. Unless, of course, these other people are fellow actors or somehow in the biz, then I would stand corrected!
What a direct reply to that thought. Always glad to assist.
Well, now that the other 200+ pictures have been released, the day probably will be spent discussing them all.
Reese looks great in her bikini. I agree, Special, must be just her choice in some things. Well, I suppose we all wear things at times that are not, uh....the best choice for ourselves. Thinking back to that little red, fake leather vest with fringe back in the 3rd grade or so, lol.
Oh funny that you're back, observer.
On vacation when the biking pics came out or is Jake out with Austin just not as important to you as Reeke?
All I know is that Jake looks at Austin when he's with Austin. Even when Austin is cut out of the frame you know he's looking at him. Jake looks engaged happy and relaxed with him. And you see the difference from Monday and Saturday.
So who makes Jake look hot?
Who makes Jake look interesting?
Who makes Jake look hip?
Who makes Jake look young?
Who makes Jake look masculine?
One answer ladies. Austin Nichols.
"Scratching my head" you put it perfectly!
Sorry for the multiple posts, guys. I'm just getting my thoughts in before leaving for the day.
Well, on my drive back from church, in an urgent thought of contrition, upon getting back on here, I was going to immediately retract my comment about Jake having to live with the pain that he brought about to himself. And I still do wish to retract that. That wasn't a very nice statement. And I'm not going to bash or criticize, for now anyway.
And I do agree with you on the eye contact, Special. And except for these 2 different concert photo sets, where they stage the embrace pose, there's just not that body nearness going on. But nonetheless, regardless. I'm looking at File 11/40218 right now and I'm thinking if you're Austin, how do you feel seeing that?
I just have to still wonder how hard it has to be for Austin to see this slideshow of his guy out with someone else. That's it; that's all I'll say. Austin's only human; human with a heart that can hurt. And I think you'd have to be the Tin Man waiting for that heart not to feel some kind of inner misery.
The concert pics were bad, and obviously taken at the end of this day. Maybe because the day had taken its toll on Jake, who knows.
It would be interesting to count up the number of pictures where Reese is looking straight at that camera.
Oh, he's at the pool, Special. (Finally got into IHJ). You can barely see him. Looks like he's sitting on the edge of her lounge chair. Good one!
I do think there's a special comfort level in the pics with Austin, and we only have to see more than a handful of them to see it. Although out of all of the (200+?) Reeke pics, I do like the hugging ones, and the one where he's got his arms around her from behind, and they are enjoying the concert, and the ones where he at least seems lost in the music. But in one of them she seems to be looking straight at the camera! I do agree that it was very hot there, so you want to be comfortable in what you wear.
It must be great buying something small and enjoyable like chili cheese fries and not have to think about money. Not have to think about a daily allowance for something like Coachella because you have $37678546578 in the bank and it's not a problem; it's never going to be a problem. : /
"Reese Witherspoon laid out by the pool at Coachella yesterday, taking in the sun and reminding everyone how she nabbed Ryan Phillippe and Jake Gyllenhaal in the first place."
(2 pics of Reese in bikini on lounge chair, then below it says..)
"Sorry Reese -- you are not eligible for TMZ's Rockin' Body Contest."
"reminding everyone how she nabbed Ryan Phillippe and Jake Gyllenhaal in the first place" sounds like TMZ knows it's not physical.
Okay, I'm done for now. I imagine he will get raked over pretty good by the time it's all said & done today. Not just from the concert pics, but from all the others as well. The number of pictures is pretty over the top.
Tom and flf, you guys make good points. First time around, okay. Second time around? Okay, we're not stupid. Third time around?
There better not be a third time just like the last 2 because then it'll be extremely obvious. I can see where you're headed in your thinking, Tom, and perhaps that is so. I know my vow of abastainment still stands.
But if the next set of biking pics is shortly followed once more with another slideshow explosion, all Jake and Austin will do is hack off their fans. Don't insult your fans like that, Fans of Reeke or Fans of Jaustin. After this episode, imo, fans of Reeke are just as justified of being cranky about Jaustin pics as Jaustin fans are about Reekefest pictures if they are going to continue to follow each other like this.
I guess their people think we're like Stepford Fans, or something. They all better think again, both the suits and the players themselves.
Okay, gets up, dusts off the pants & giving the thumbs up sign, I'm alright! I'm alright! Still not worked up.
Lol! Ehhh, well, for a little bit there I did. But hey! thumbs up, back on the feet again and doin' okay!
Still feeling good. bounces back & forth on feet, a la Sugar Ray Leonard ready for the next round.
Rain's gone and got a big sugar buzz going from some great lemon cake with lemon frosting. Phew!
Y'all have a great day. I'll be curious to see how it looks here when I get back tonight.
Blimey, if I had $37678546578 in the bank the last thing i'd be doing is hanging around with a gay guy at a music festival in 100 degree heat.
I'd be in my villa in Antibes, with some hot italian stud rubbing sun cream on my back (and believe me I wouldn't be wearing a bikini).
each to their own though.
Still feeling good. bounces back & forth on feet, a la Sugar Ray Leonard ready for the next round.I'm glad you're ok, PG, I'm getting a little punchy. :)
Have a great day.
Celeb Drop "Reese was having a super fun time, dancing around and singing along; Jake was light-dancing, spending a lot of time looking into the crowd and wearing a hoodie (hood up!), you know, to stay unnoticed"
"spending a lot of time looking into the crowd" - looking for what, Austin or a Paris Fountain Boy? Or maybe trying to remember what fans look like?
The other people/couple(?) in the pool pics are Jenny Lewis and I'm guessing one of her band members/friends/boyfriend. Jake and Jenny used to date or "date", so this is kind of interesting. Nice to see that they're friends and I'm sure Jake's always been a fan.
looking for what, Austin I'm really beginning to hope that Austin gets away from this mess as quickly as possible. Just can't see it being healthy for such a sweet guy. Why can't he leave Jake to his a-list weirdness and find someone who actually fully appreciates him. And if there is a Baby Tile, take the kid and give it the type of normal family life a child deserves.
Apologies for the rant.
Aww, ((((punchy)))), hug for you.
I know. It's a little bit of a tougher round than I had originally anticipated. But have no fear!!!
Like Celeb Drop says, looking at a few of those pictures, Jake is dreamily looking elsewhere; at who? Certainly not the person he's with. If you're listening to music that puts that kind of expression on your face, and if Reese is singing along, wouldn't the 2 of you at some point, sing at each other? Look into each other's eyes, singing? Dreaming?
His thoughts & eyes are somewhere else and certainly not focused on who he's with.
I'm done, I'm done!! lol Enjoy talking with you guys.
I just have to still wonder how hard it has to be for Austin to see this slideshow of his guy out with someone else. That's it; that's all I'll say. Austin's only human; human with a heart that can hurt. And I think you'd have to be the Tin Man waiting for that heart not to feel some kind of inner misery.x
ITA PG. Nor do I think Austin was with Jake at the festival. There are just too many people who know who he is now thanks to OTH, especially among the age group that would have been at Coachella. Gotta wonder if J&A weren't looking rough on Thursday because they'd been fighting over what was to come. Of course that last point is just pure speculation on my part.
And boy, I sure would love to know what is on that locked ONTD post because Jake sure isn't getting much love on the one that is open. Almost 120 posts, of which maybe 10 are "cute couple", and another half dozen about Jake specifically. All of the rest are bitchy.
And let's go back to the ONTD post on J&A biking for a minute. About 80 posts, of which over 50% of those are about how hot Austin is, and a lot of posters had OTH or Austin avatars to boot. Maybe another third of the posters talked about how great it was to see J&A together. Then again maybe only five or six comments specifically about Jake, and of those most were of the "I'm just not into him anymore variety".
You know what I see when I look at Jake anymore? I see a hamster on a wheel, spinning around and around with Reese. He sees he's not getting anywhere, but instead of getting off that damn wheel he adds some baubles and bows (Maggie, Austin, friends), and spins around even faster, convinced that if he just goes faster and further he'll eventually get to where he wants to go. He doesn't seem to see that all he is doing is spinning around in place, getting nowhere.
And the posts on ONTH illustrate that. People are continuing to lose interest in Jake. But they're starting to really notice Austin. And Austin is getting there because of his work. And if PR and Jake think places like ONTH don't matter, they've really got their heads in the sand. My sense is that most of the posters on that site are in the under 30 age demographics movie makers kill for, and because it is made up of registered members it is a more democratic, representative section of the population. It is not the small group of JIG and JIS posters that bother to comment on JJ.
I have a lot more to say, but I don't want this post to go on for pages, so I'll be back.
Tom and flf, you guys make good points. First time around, okay. Second time around? Okay, we're not stupid. Third time around?
There better not be a third time just like the last 2 because then it'll be extremely obvious.I tend to see things in a different way. I think he knows still stuck in this at the moment. But I think he is trying to make changes since getting back from Europe.
Not more than a few days ago everyone asked for more Jake & Austin pictures - and guess what you got them . And after two years you have them twice.
Now you think he's doing this in some way to hack you off.
Well if another two years goes by before new pictures, I understand why, because even pictures now, is now something that is not right.
I think he is trying to be with Austin because that's what he wants to do, its the best thing in his life. Just look at him. And I don't think he's minding that other people see him so happy and who is making him happy. And maybe his trying to make it obvious on purpose. So you and everyone else see the difference.
Will the other stuff end - not overnight - changes can take time, and you have seen changes, more smiles, out with Austin, less time with Reese.
I guess I just don't want to lose out more chances of seeing them together and happy because it doesn't fit right in with whatever criteria people create or evolves to week by week.
After seeing this last batch of Reeke I'm starting to wonder if Jake has mental/self-esteem problems. Seriously.
I have a hard time believing Jake went into this bearding with a contract that lasted more than a year or two. I think somewhere along the line he chose to renew it. I think he could have changed things and chose not to.
Even Reese Witherspoon and her main homegirl were there drinking out of coconuts! Well, I think just Reese was. Jakey knew it was kind of cliche for him to be sucking milky liquid out of a long tube.
Gotta wonder if J&A weren't looking rough on Thursday because they'd been fighting over what was to come.Don't think so, they both looked happy albeit a bit tired.
I know, Special, let me explain a minute. I am not saying that the biking pics came to hack fans off.
No, no, no, that's not what I'm saying. Regardless of the reasons behind them, and I don't think the biking pics are PR motivated or ordered, I think they look great & very content & happy in them.
What I mean is that despite that, it still is upsetting to see them followed both times, by a well-documented Reeke photo op. That's what I'm saying. I'm not saying he & Austin are biking to hack fans off.
I just don't think Jaustin pictures should be followed right away by a Reeke outing. I suppose that kind of sounds stupid, lol, when I put it that way. But hey! It didn't sound stupid when I said it the first time around!
snicker. Sorry - if this paragraph sounds a little nutty.
It just doesn't look the best is all I'm saying. And you know what, I'm still going to support Jake. I'm still there. Now, just because I'm in support of someone, no matter who it is, even if it was my own sister or brother, doesn't mean I'm not going to speak my mind about how I honestly feel about something. It doesn't mean that I don't love them or support them in most of what they do.
And I have a co-worker who calls me out on when I am overreacting to something or when she disagrees with me on something. And I may be hacked at first, but you know what? Later, (lol, it sometimes has taken me an afternoon) I realize that I am grateful for her honesty and calling me out on my overreaction or whatever it was that I did. At least someone has the guts to call me out on it, be brute honest, and isn't going to sugarcoat it. That's what I want, no matter how much it hurts my feelings. I want the truth.
And I love the Jaustin bike pics. I'm grateful for them. I still believe they are a gift. But when I see him holding her at a concert, I don't care if his eyes & mind are 100 miles away, I can't fault Austin if he feels hurt or just plain hacked. I would at least feel that he's human.
But having said that, Special, I agree. It has been very subdued lately and hopefully we are on a continued downward trend. I hope so. I just kind of vented a little bit; I thought it was pretty mild for me, lol.
Still doing alright! Move along, move along, people! There's nothing to see here, nothing to see here!
Okay, I have made gentle peace with everyone, I hope? And now I have got to go see my parents.
I think these picture marathons hurt Reeke more than help. It's so clear that they are disinterested and bored in 99% of them. It takes 200 pictures to get one or two suitable for a "they're so in love" story in OK. By the way, I expect a new rag story to follow any day.
Re the Costa Rica story, here is why that makes no sense. If she was walking alone with her children and discovered her key missing, wouldn't Jake be in the room to open the door already. That is if he was even in Costa Rica. If he was not in the room, she got to the hotel room on her own, whats the big deal with getting back. Someone is making a a mountain out of a molehill just to back fill and account for Jake's time so people will not think he was with Austin the whole time.
I think the comments about R's body are fair game because the last few Just Jared PR blurbs emphasized her having a sexy body. Sorry, not sexy at all.
Jake does look like he is dreaming of Austin in those pictures. A "wish you were here" look if ever I saw it.
Latest Reeke pics: Douchella
Even Reese Witherspoon and her main homegirl were there drinking out of coconuts! Well, I think just Reese was. Jakey knew it was kind of cliche for him to be sucking milky liquid out of a long tube.
Priceless MK just priceless.........
I agree PG. It can't be easy to see the pictures. But he knows that Jake is his, and no one else's.
Personally, I would think up inventive ways of mischievous revenge. "Sorry m'am, I don't know, all I know is that there is a delivery here for 24 cases of cookies and a barrel of red wine." "No, I don't know how you got on the Tom of Finland event mailing list"
wow. i've been out all afternoon and so lots to catch up on and i still haven't seen the pics, except the ones of reese in her bikini.
reese doesn't have a bad body. she's not overweight or terribly formed, but she doesn't have a tiny weeny bikini body either. like the rest of her clothing choices, she could do a hundred percent better with a minimal effort.
i agree with the sentiments about jaustin pix followed by a deluge of reeke. it's like the reeke storm to overpower the nice bit of springtime jaustin, showing us that she is in charge, she is #1 with him, and a few pics of the boys can't hold a candle to 200 pics of her with him. it's depressing and yeah, i'm sick of it too.
i still love him, but i'm totally over this charade. if they were a real thing, they would've made some changes in the last 2 years. the pics we see now are almost photo copies of the pix we say in the very beginning, altho he did have the loving look thing down better back then. he's lost that act completely now.
but regardless, it broke my heart and i didn't even know him. if austin really does love him, then it has to be killing him. these are their years to be spending together doing fun things. she is getting to do the things he should be doing with jake. if he's not pissed, then he's either a saint or over it.
blech to reeke a thousand times over. hugs. s.
I tend to see things in a different way.Glad that you do, SK.
Suggested reading: On Bullshit by Harry Frankfurt.
Jake giving the Finger
Funny how The Finger pic isn't on IHR&bf.
Are there as many pictures of anybody else at Coachella as there are of Jake and Reese?
the "finger" pic: bad Jake bad.
Sad to see Jake do that. That is one angry man. Now he just needs to figure out why the hell he is really angry. When Jake gets papped he knows what is being said.
He knows many people think he is living a lie. He alsos knows that many people think he is gay. Jake only has himself to blame. I do think that Jake is one confused messed up young man. He needs to stay in therapy. He he wants to remain a rich action hero he better accept what comes with the territtory. He knew a lot of cameras would be there last night. There is no light in his eyes when he is this angry or when he stares into space. Sad he cant control his life and be a man.
Sad to see Jake do that. That is one angry man. Now he just needs to figure out why the hell he is really angry. When Jake gets papped he knows what is being said.
Tom, didn't you say "Go Maggie!" back when that video of her giving the paps the finger and cursing at them came out?
Why is Jake one messed up and angry man when he does it but it's great when Maggie does it?
Jersey Tom... i'm sad to say, i agree 100% with your post. i can see him getting into this under the misfortune of bad advice, but 2 years into it, when it's bringing him nothing but bad vibes all the way around, he's doing himself no favors at all keeping up with it. like you said, he's losing all his man-cred and coming off as being a has been hanging on desperately to his old 15 minutes of fame instead of bravely going out and creating a new reason for us to love him. this publicity is neutral at best, and mostly bad with his real fans, and the only way for him to make a change is to ditch this effort and move on, back into a real life that we can get interested in. with paps and twitter, etc, making good movies isn't enuf anymore. celebs need to add to their movie prescence by letting their fans into their lives, and making sure it's a life they want to live. i know that a lot of us are invested in jake being gay and being with austin, but i sincerely believe that if he and reese were the real deal, we would've realized that and changed out tune about her. the fact that he's lying to the people who pay his salary is hard to stomach, especially over the long period of time that we've been dealing with this blech crap!
hugs. s.
Double standard,
celebrities like Jake, people who constantly use and misuse paparazzi for PR, have no right (to pretend) to be pissed with them or to treat them bad.
I hear you all and I hate when the mood is a bit down, oh I missed the great excitation on Jaustin pics suddenly, more joyful!
My mood is well and I am sure a tons of delicious Jaustin dreams are waiting for me, so no need to worry. I am in Special K team : optimism and colored glasses LOL
As for the "finger", at first I laught because he looks so childish but now I wonder who is really aimed at : paps only or paps and gossip readers???
Oh well, I forgive him like always, I am so weak face to him lol
Good night all
"celebs need to add to their movie prescence by letting their fans into their lives, and making sure it's a life they want to live."
I disagree, celebs don't own you anything.
Celebs own us the courtesy of not insulting our intelligence.
Reese Witherspoon keeps forgetting that.
what... totally agree, movie stars don't need to let fans into their lives, their body of work will speak for itself (Sean Penn / Kate Winslet etc).
Celebs on the other hand do, because basically what they're selling is their lives, this doesn't mean that they can't be very good actors at the same time though. Anyone with more than a couple of US Weekly covers is a celeb, they're public property, if they didn't want to be that, they wouldn't. Reese and Jake have decided to be celebs, don't think Reese used to be (when married to Ryan), Jake has always been one (think of all those photo ops of him and Kirsten D). If you're selling yourself as a commodity to the public, I personally don't think you have the right to give the finger to that public.
Also, gosh you've got me started now, its us, the public that made these people celebs, and its the public that will decide when we're flipping bored with them. Let's be honest, celebs know this, if jake doesn't his stupider than a man who would enter a bearding conctract with Reese Witherspoon.... oh wait !
Easy answer
No that wasnt me.
I said that when maggie was cursing at the paps when walking the baby with Jake that is was inappropiate behavior for a mother.
get your facts straight.
I don't think Jake is giving the finger, I think he's just pointing at something - you take 1,000,000 pics and tiny gestures can look meaningful. I tend to agree with Tom etc that J&A pics are a sop given they are always followed by a Reeke extravaganza - not complaining, though. Perhaps that was a modification to the contract.
Jersey Tom said...
Double Std whoever you are
The time I defended Maggie being angry at the paps was when she was upset because they were outside of her house when she came out getting ready to deliver a baby from her body. That is out of line for paps. Again get your facts straight. I didnt see those pics I only heard about them so I dont know if she was giving them the finger or not.
You know I am really jumping off the wagon today. I made fun of the way reese was dressed earlier and I did that because it didnt portray her as young and sexy. She is not young and sexy. She can look nice when she wants too. But honestly I thought she looked relaxed yesterday was letting her hair down and just having a good time. jake looked f ing miserable. Not sure if he is trying to act like the one with the penis this time or just feels ashamed and uncomforatble because he is leterally around people who know he is bearding. Just like the after Oscar party. How embarrassing it must be for him to show his face in a group of people who most likely know he is gay. Yeah I be miserable too. Jake needs to give himself the finger not his fans or someone who is taking his pic.
I got a feeling Austin was not around yesterday. My guess is that he may be in Texas visiting his folks before he goes back to work and that is why Jake had the time to go to this concert with reese yesterday.
It is awesome that we saw Jake and Austin together when Austin was in LA. It also was nice that we saw no bearding when he was home. So now if Jake has to continue the charade until the contract is over that is his problem. He has nade it miserable for himself and his best fans for two years now and probably at least one year to go. If he wants to keep those fans at all I think he needs to stop giving them the finger which I really felt he was doing today.
Austin has 8 weeks before OTH starts shooting.
I don't know that Jake was always trying to be a "celebrity", but other than that I totally agree with you General Public. In addition to the damage done by the bearding, I just don't see how this is going to be a good thing for his career. All of the examples I can think of of people who became celebrities the way Jake is trying to do have remained celebrities, they never crossed over to movie star. It is also at odds with the things that made people like Jake in the first place.
While Jake seems to be trying to make it to the top as quickly as possible based on whom he is supposedly with--Reese--and tabloiding, Austin is working hard and gaining fans the old-fashioned way.
Forgot to say earlier Special that as usual I enjoyed today's post. That book on evolution and sexuality sounds very interesting, although sadly I know I'll never get around to reading something like that.
Jersey Tom, hope that Austin is having a nice time with his family down in Texas. Can't imagine what they think of this whole situation, from what you hear, they seem like really nice people (okay maybe with a bit of blood lust regarding the hunting, but none of us are perfect eh).
Though, maybe he was just chilling in LA. I can imagine that a bearding, stressed Jake must be fairly hard work (but worth it) and maybe Austin actually appreciates a few 'down days'.
Great Spotlight Special - as usual. I love the religion/science connection. I'm not very strong in either area really. She sounds very intelligent (total turn-on for I'm going to have to research her views a little more when I have time.
Wow. JG flipping the bird. Now I've seen it all. He really DID change his image didn't he? I cant believe it. I used to think he was so sweet : /
Today's spotlight kind of got lost in the shuffle. As usual, always interesting.
Those Jake staring off into space, wishing he was somewhere else shots remind me of the scene in BBM where he is dancing with Lureen but wishing it was Ennis.
He hit a new low. I always wonder why people think those giving the finger shots are a good idea. They just make themselves look stupid and low class.
That whole giving the paps the finger is the same act as the giving the paps the annoyed face, putting the object in his hand in front of his face or walking backward. It's all done so that those 4 yenta fangirls left at IHJ can say "poor Jake he's stalked by the paps and they are intruding into his personal life". Reeke arranged a day long photo op and then pretends to get annoyed at a public concert. Please. If there was any doubt to me that this was an arranged photo op, just counting the amount of pics of Reeke as compared to the amount of pics of the other 200 celebs that were there for the weekend proves it.
I agree Tom, I always feel like Jake is giving the finger to at least his gay fans when he does things like this.
Which reminds me, I've been meaning to address PG's post from a few weeks back about going to J&A's movies. I haven't made up my mind entirely, but I think I may be joining you Tom, PG and and the few others who've said they'll be on the sidelines for Jake's new movies. I like Jake in movies, and I'd really hate to not see him on the big screen, but I really can't seen supporting what he is doing with the bearding by spending my gay dollars. And before someone jumps on me for being hypocritical, I have long avoided movies of people who I think have taken bearding/hiding from the gay to extremes: Cruise, Travolta, Spacey,Smith, and more recently also Jackman, Hayden C. and Effron. If I'm honest with myself, I have to admit Jake belongs on that list. And yes there are others rumored to be gay and bearding, but I don't know enough about them to say that with as much certainty, nor have they taken the bearding to the extreme that Jake and these other people have.
Now, I don't feel the same way about Austin. I can understand where you're coming from PG when you argue that some of those dollars Jake is earning are trickling down to Austin. But I think a good argument can be made for why they shouldn't be treated the same.
First, I don't believe in treating couples as joined at the hip; I think people should be judged for who they are, not who they're with or what their significant other does. This is particularly true when it comes to work. Just because Jake and Austin are in the same field doesn't mean they have to go about it the same way. Nor do I think someone should be judged based on how their s.o. does at work, or how successful their s.o is. Of course that is all tied up with what Jake is doing, another reason I hate it.
I've been lucky that most of my friends ended up with people I really like and respect, and who became good friends too. But there are exceptions, including one of my oldest friends in NYC, and my niece. But the fact that they married men I don't like--in part because I don't think their husbands treat them with the right amount of respect (not unlike J&A)--doesn't mean I stopped loving them, respecting them and supporting them.
Second, Austin is not bearding, and seems to be doing all he can to build a career through his work and who he is. Come on, how easy would it have been for him to find some beautiful starlet to take to The Informers premiere. And how easy would it be for Austin and Hilarie Burton to fall into a showmance to generate interest for the movie they want to do. I'm sure they could have gone to a trendy restaurant when they met in L.A. , and if they'd called the paps and done some hand-holding I'm sure they could have gotten their pictures to run on gossip sites. I don't think that works as a strategy by the way, but that hasn't stopped countless people from doing it, gay and straight, real relationship or not. Instead, they're trying to do something different with the Southern Gothic blog. The things they do may not always work, and it remains to be seen whether they raise the money for a movie (times are tough all over for that, between studios cutting back and hedge funds going under), but they are selling themselves and their project, and trying to do something different. And people can make fun of OTH all they want, but most of the actors on that show have low key lives, lived away from the tabloids, and yet that show gets a bigger audience than Gossip Girls, with it's edgy, critic darling status and actors who are constantly in the tabloids, gossip sites, etc. And for those who haven't looked at the meter at the bottom of Southern Gothic, they've had over 80,000 hits in two months.
I feel very strongly that Austin should be supported for going this route, not "punished" because Jake has chosen to go about his job in a completely different manner. And based on what I've seen on ONTD and the OTH site, what he is doing is working. And look, he just got signed up for two more years. What has Jake signed up lately??
I don't like what Jake is doing, and I'm not thrilled that Austin puts up with it. I'm the first one who'd be happy to see him with someone else because I don't seen Jake changing anytime soon, if at all. I think he likes the power and the attention, good or bad.
And yes I speculate a lot about what the dynamics of J&A's relationship their relationship is, and what I would and wouldn't stand for in their shoes. But at the end of the day their relationship is between them, and the fact that Austin went along with the bearding is between them. However, Jake's bearding and lying is between him and his fans, just the way the image Austin presents to the public is between him and his fans. For me personally, I can accept Austin not being out, as long as he doesn't beard and actively lie to his fans (I am not bothered by white lies of the "I'm going out but I wouldn't call any of them girlfriends" or mentioning cute girls variety, as they are ambiguous and too general to add up to anything).
Whew! Sorry for the long post, just needed to say my five cents worth on this subject.
I would love to ask Stephanie a question from IHJ. Steph are you getting paid for what you do now?
Why was there only 5 to 10 pics of J and A vs over 200 of reeke. Maybe Stephanie is not even involved with IHJ anymore. Maybe IHJ is a 360 site now that is strictly ran by PR. Just curious.
M the reason I think Jake is looking off into space and hiding behind his hoody is what I stated a while back. He is embarrassed to be around other celebs who know he is gay.
I like to ask another favor. If anyone asks me a question and is a regular please do not hid behind a fake name post. Use your blogger ID. I am not sure if that happened today but no one should be afraid to ask me a question. I will gladly answer any question especially if it from a regular poster. The one reason I am thinking it was not a regular is that a regular would probably have known that answer. Pretty bright people.
Wicked, I seriously doubt anyone has as many photos as Reeke has from Coachella, Paps are going to take a few pictures and move on. The volume of pictures to me is always a clear sign that Reeke brought along their own pap, and that we're going to get a tabloid story out of it--as several others already said, they need to take a lot of shots to get one decent one for the magazine because they're so bad at faking it, or I should say Jake is. I don't think the fact he looks miserable excuses his behavior by the way. I hope he was thinking the whole time about how it should have been Austin there with him. I guess he'll run to his shrink next week and convince himself that it is okay to forgive himself for treating someone he loves like that.
And seriously, do they really think we're stupid enough to think a hotel would allow paps to wander the grounds and snap photos of their guests?
Tom, I think I kind of answered your question about the number of photos. J&A's are not going to be running in any magazines, but you can bet from the number taking this weekend we're going to get a story about Reeke's weekend get away.
HW is full of enablers, including, I'm sure, the shrinks.
Oh, and another thing while I'm getting everything off my chest, speaking of enablers, I sometimes wonder if people don't hide behind the closet, rather than acknowledge that maybe they're not the best actor, that a role is not right for them, people don't like the or find them difficult to work with, or that their ambitions are beyond their abilities and star appeal. I think there is a lot of that with people like Hayden C., Rupert Everett, etc. And then the press picks up on that and uses them as poster boys. Which is why last weekend I was thrilled to see none of that in an article on Adam Lambert, and instead, there was a quote about how NPH's career has been better than ever since coming out. Just another sign that things are changing all around Jake while he goes round and round on that wheel.
I don't think Jake is giving the finger, I think he's just pointing at something - you take 1,000,000 pics and tiny gestures can look meaningful.I agree Monk. Taking pictures for such a long time, I find you sometimes catch the split second of a gesture that was not meant to be what it looks like. Of course the photo editor is going to pick the picture that gets the most attention, or they wouldn't be doing their jobs.
Jake giving the finger was during the Jenny Lewis concert and he looks kind of grinny so it might be a joke between him and Jenny. Remember, TMZ is the one who said this week that he flagged down a cop to complain about paps. They might have it out for him ever since that jury duty spit and kick, and as a result it seems like almost every siting/pic they get on him lately has a blurb about him complaining about paps.
I have a very small hunch about Douchella (lol) that it might signal the beginning of the end. Just the beginning though. You know the pics are going to end up on a mag cover for a Reese story. The big story, I'm guessing, will be about how this is the first time the paps have caught them so openly affectionate in public. Which implies that Reese and Jake are very happy and so comfortable and secure in the relationship that they can show PDA. I think these pics will seal the deal for the tabloid readers. Maybe thru the summer we might see more little PDAs, but I doubt there will be sexy pics to come out, I don't think we'll be getting hot and heavy tongue action or feel-ups. I think that the relationship differences/problems stories will start a few months from now. The stories where Reese says she loves Jake terribly (and of course the Douchella pics will included) but with her 2 kids and all....or their careers....or he wants more children and heartbreakingly, they just can't be together. *sob*
Whatever, I'm probably all wrong lol but it just seems like the timing is perfect, all this in April, by late summer problems arise, they try to work it out in the fall, off and on in winter, maybe even engaged, but by March/April 2010 Jake will be single and available for the ladies again just in time for POP premieres, red carpets and TV appearances in May.
To me in the Douchella holding pics Jake looked like he really didn't want to be there but that he was doing it because he was seeing light at the end of a tunnell.
Btw in the pic where Jake is behind Reese with his hands on her belly? I think she was the one who grabbed his hands and put them there. Her hands are on top of each of his, holding them down. When she did that in front of everyone what was Jake to do? He had to go along with it just like he did with the Vanity Fair death grip. I bet Reese is who's doing all the moves for the cameras, not Jake.
To me in the Douchella holding pics Jake looked like he really didn't want to be thereJake just looked distant when he was alone with her. He always seemed searching for someone or something. When other people with them he was engaged with other people.
Jake's a music fan and there are connections of songs to memories and people. Everyone has those, and some of those expressions could be tied to that.
And not only did he date Jenny briefly but he has lot of friends in the extended circles of musicians and artist in LA. Both he and Austin do.
Btw in the pic where Jake is behind Reese with his hands on her belly? I think she was the one who grabbed his hands and put them there. Her hands are on top of each of his, holding them down. When she did that in front of everyone what was Jake to do? He had to go along with it just like he did with the Vanity Fair death grip. I bet Reese is who's doing all the moves for the cameras, not Jake.I tend to agree that it seems like Reese was in charge of all the moves. Especially since she was the one looking directly into the camera lense.
Tom, if you have a question for Stephanie at IHJ, why don't you ask her? People have asked her stuff in the past and she has always been nice about it and answered.
And not only did he date Jenny briefly but he has lot of friends in the extended circles of musicians and artist in LA. Both he and Austin do. And it looks like Jake is working hard to make sure they all know he is really straight straight straight.
And I'm expecting that with that tabloid story we're going to get a story about how Jake is such good friends with his ex Jenny--and it wouldn't surprise me if they don't want people to read Austin into that scenario too.
I know it might have gotten lost in the post because it was a link, but wanted to mention it before I forget.
The one in SEEDS Magazine - is about Dr. Roughgarden's theories. And the one in Queerty - homosexual behavior in different species.
Getting ready to go back to the Fenway tomorrow for a 11:05 AM game -- Go Sox.
Who says you can't have a Fenway Frank at 10:30 in the morning. But I know I won't see the Wienermobile this time.
I have never seen a pic of Jake and reese that showed me that they couldnt wait to get into bed. You can tell when people are lovers. Tom Brady and Giselle are lovers. Brad Pitt and Angelina are lovers. There is zero sexual enery between these two but I do think that reese cares for Jake. Like a little brother. I agree with those who say even the hand holding looks awkward. Back on the wagon for me.
Back to work for me tomorrow. Wow have those three weeks gone fast.
W I hope you get back on line at work tomorrow. I need my updates:=)
Btw Palm Springs has a huge gay population, lots and lots of gay areas. Maybe Austin was there and he and Jake hung out with friends at their homes.
Hi everyone! Back from a day in the big G. It seemed to be a beautiful day today, but Dad seems to like staying inside so there we were. We watched a disc of my Barney Miller Season 3 & laughed our heads off. Thankfully, Dad has a dr's appt tomorrow - anything to get him out of the house. I know they told him to avoid alot of public contact because of fear of catching anything, but he has gone to the extreme. And what can you catch in April? Most flu's are over with. I don't see any harm in visiting with people one on one outside, but he doesn't seem to like to go outside anymore. "It's too cold." "There were too many gnats." What???! Too many gnats? Aaaargh!! It's really frustrating.
Anyways......Alot of good comments today. I agree on your observation, Lane. He's a million miles away and it is interesting that it's her hands on top of his.
I agree that he looks stinking miserable most of the day; not all the time. He's having a good time getting his food and visiting with people. I think the nighttime concert pics and those daytime strolling pics with that girl in the sundress & dark hair were the ones where he clearly was not thrilled to be there.
All I can say is just that regardless of whether he wants to be there or not, whether he's missing Austin & wishing that were Austin instead of Reese, the fact remains that he is ultimately in control of himself & the positions he puts himself in to be photo'd. And yeah, Austin may know that Jake is his, I totally agree.
Still would not like it if those photos were going to be used all over the rags & HW blogs, touting my man with someone else while you had to sit in the house, so to speak, unable to shout out to everyone "Hands off, he's mine. Hey - you know, he really is my guy. He loves me. He's just faking it with her. It's me he really wants to be with."
These pictures are being alot more widely circulated than that Jack Johnson holding photo. That one got very little coverage. This one is a different story.
Palm Springs has one of the largest gay populations in the US. It's mostly place to go to in the winter because it's warm. Most people have vacation/2nd homes in PS.
I know all about Palm Springs, but I still don't see why in the world Austin would want to go along just so he can sit at someone's house or in a hotel room while Jake runs all over Coachella with Reese. Put yourself in his shoes, would you want to go on that kind of trip with your significant other? Would you be okay with your s.o. hanging out in the VIP tent, up close to the stage, under the tent and out of the sun, not crowded in the steerage section, getting to listen to all that great music, putting their arms around someone else's stomach like that? Would you want your friends to see your s.o. like that--and knowing that they're probably pitying you because you're being hidden away back in some hotel room or house like some criminal?
It's one thing to go on coffee runs, but it really is just pathetic to see Jake doing this to Austin, and seeing Austin put up with it.
Speaking of Palm Springs - did anyone ever catch the Bravo show - The Parker, which was all about The Parker hotel in Palm Springs.
The Parker has a long history and connection to Hollywood. It was a Hollywood hideaway for many over the years.
Actually Gene Autry - yup the singing cowboy, used to live there. The Autry residence is now a private villa and part of The Parker.
Jonathan Adler redesigned the interiors mixing Old Hollywood with his vision.
Sorry to hear you couldn't get your dad to go out PG. But it's great that you got to laugh and have a good time despite it all.
I know I'm particularly bitchy today, but I just find this deeply offensive, and the more time that passes today, the more I feel that way. Usually it's the opposite.
I guess I'm also just worked up because of something I saw today. I went for a walk early this morning in Riverside Park, parts of which run right next to the highway. Well, I was walking in the part of the park that is near one of the exits off the Westside Highway, and I saw the aftermath of what looked to be a one man motorcycle crash. It was near a curve right after the exit, so I kind of think he must have been going too fast since there were not any other vehicles there. Now I couldn't see the man over the railing to see how bad he was hurt, but just as I walked by the EMS crew was clearing moving him onto a stretcher, and he started screaming in pain.
It really freaked me out, and put me in a place where I just want to hold my dear ones close and enjoy life. And to come home to Jake in one of the bigger reekings was just the last thing I wanted to see.
And with J&A bike riding, and we now know Austin has a scooter, well, that just makes me nervous to begin with.
Well, what can I say, but after that, and reading about your dad PG, and well, just life, to see two people wasting it like that......
Destiny... i'm with you. If i was austin, i'd be a long ways away from there doing something else. i can't see myself putting up with that for long, certainly not for as long as it's been going on. it's one thing to do it for Rendition and to get them both out of the tight spot they were in, but to let it drag on this long is just wrong, imo. i'm not saying i'd ditch him, because who knows what any of us would do in that position, but i would have a hard time going along with it long term. it's not just jake's life that is getting wasted here. if he and austin are truly a couple, then it's austin's life too.
bearding = blech!
I'll wait to see what's up next.
I can't just sit on my hands, tho, and I won't wave a Jakey G flag around the stadium in support of flipping people off.
Other than that, I can dismiss this whole deal now after today. I don't think it's reasonable to expect people here to be elated & positive over this. I had to vent, myself. And I'd certainly be past it now if I hadn't come back tonight only to see this flipping off picture. That one disappoints me more than any of those Reeke pictures. Forget those - those are forgettable. The finger ones leave a lasting impression on just what is going on inside of him.
Big Exhale. Okay, I'm done. Gonna let it go. Destiny, girl, I am Amen'ing about all your comments, girl. I am hearing what you are saying. And thanks for your words. I know. How upsetting to see something like that. It's a real jolt. And actually, be thankful that you know how fragile life is. It's hard for some to see that. And it's hard to see when someone doesn't see or know that. Actually, all the comments from everyone today weren't just horrible or really vindictive. They were full of disappointment and frustration from simply not understanding. And I don't see anything wrong with that.
Had to go back & re-edit my post, lol. Geesh, pg, shut the heck up; I'm tired of hearing ya.
Okay, this blogging day is done for me as far as this incident and tomorrow will be a new day. I've got my Swiffer out and am pushing it under the rug.
Time to go hit the hay after I tinker around ITunes a little bit.
Sweet dreams to all and Tom, that first day back is always a little rough. You have a honeymoon period at first, seeing everyone that you haven't seen forever & catching up on all the news, but then whack! Reality hits and it's back to the ol' routine again. Phew, like Special says, re-entry can be rough.
BTW, Destiny, I really liked your hamster comparison. That was good.
Okay, one last word before bed. I looove Michael K. He never fails to crack me up. Today's comment on Jake is classic.
"The finger ones leave a lasting impression on just what is going on inside of him."
And you wonder why he hasn't firmly booked a film in over a year.
Hey, Special, I did notice something while over in I Tunes. (uh, yeah, I'm still up, lol. I'm going to be hurting again in the a.m., I know!).
I looked up Jenny Lewis and looks like she sings two songs about birds. One is called "Pretty Bird" and another, I can't recall the name, but it has the word Pelican in it.
And, I guess she must be a big selling artist? I tried sampling a couple of her songs to see if I recognized any and no luck. That is some real alternative stuff, not really my type, but looks like she was a big hit with all the fans there.
And there are some good songs out right now. There are two which are just strange but they stick in my head like crazy. "Poker Face ", and some song where the gal keeps saying "That's not my name! That's not my name! They call me Stacey! That's not my name!" Lol!
I do not comment all the time though I do check on the site just
about everyday. The Jake and Reese
photos show up just about on a
regular schedule. Austin would have
to have a lot of patience to put
up with this over the long term.
Sometimes I think that Ted was wrong all this time about Toothy
being gay-that Toothy is actually
bisexual. Who knows? All this gets
old after awhile!
Wicked and Special K, keep up the excellent work and wonderful
topics! You never cease to amaze me.
Prairie Girl, I hope that you found your family doing okay. I
hate that I missed your birthday-
I hope that you had a very special
day with lots of fun!!
I guess the next installment will be Jake/Reese have secretly
married and Austin was the ring
bearer or best man!!
Have a good week!!
"Hollywood hunk Jake Gyllenhaal cuddled up to his missus Reese Witherspoon in their matching grey outfits and stole a cheeky kiss."
Woohoo! Hot and Heavy! A kiss on the cheek, and LOL, the Mirror has already married Reeke off and has them wearing matching gray outfits.
>>He has nade it miserable for himself and his best fans for two years
You cannot possibly consider yourself a best fan of Jake, can you? As for the poster who says Jake showing the finger seem like showing it to his gay fans, I don't think to his gay fans, to the slash lovers who live in their fantasy world and get strangely horrified at the idea he could possibly be straight ... most certainly, yes!
Jake straight?
^^I did not mean to sound so harsh
in my post up above!! Whatever is to happen in the future, I wish Jake and Austin the very best in the future!
Please take care of yourselves
and have a good week! When will the
next JFC discussion be-some weekend
in May?
Hi London
Austin seems pretty independent and probably is too easy going to get along with Reese so probably prefers to stay right away.
Realistically, he should be pics with them at times because that is how real people live their lives. But I imagine PR couldn't risk having side by side chemistry/lack of chemistry pictures.
Jake is definitely giving the finger. Most people don't point with their middle fingers (for obvious reasons)
Interestingly in the TMZ pictures, the woman standing on Jake's other side is Busy Phillips, Matilda's godmother.
Why would Austin want to meet or spend any time with Jake's beard?
"You cannot possibly consider yourself a best fan of Jake, can you?"
Of course not!
Only babblers, who don't believe Jake is straight and who keep posting on JiG blogs, are true Jake fans!
Good morning!
Hey Kacie! Great to see you; thanks for all of your good wishes. I hope your home re-do project is still going well. It has to be exciting to see the changes.
I see a lot of posts about Austin's position on Jake and Reese's relationship and although I don't have any particular insight into this situation I would imagine that Austin is as invested in Jake's straightening as anyone. He is just starting out and if he comes out of the closet now he may as well find a new career. I have a friend who did two TV series in the 90's and other work and was out and he finally went behind the scenes because he was basically told he wasn't going to get anywhere unless he changed his ways. Austin seems ambitious he obviously took DC because he wasn't getting movie offers. He is straightening out his reputation just like Jake. I don't see him being the frustrated victim standing by waiting for his boyfriend. "Straight" Jake takes the pressure off of Austin and lets him focus on his career. Horrible way to live no doubt but most people in Hollywood will do A LOT worse to make it.
Okay, the weekend is officially over. sigh!Just a heads up; I'm taking a lil bit of a break. The crumbs may be swept under the rug, but I still feel some on me. And I reckon since I don't have it in me right now to say too much glowingly, that means mental health break. I'm around, tho, just didn't want anyone to wonder, k?
Y'all have a good Monday; NE'ers, sounds like you're all getting the rain we had late last week and on Saturday.
"The finger ones leave a lasting impression on just what is going on inside of him."
And you wonder why he hasn't firmly booked a film in over a year."
Yeah It does make you wonder doesn't it?
Lots of rain over here PG.
Have a good Monday everyone.
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