Is Jake chasing Matt Damon ?
First it was David Fincher's movie Torso, which has had both Matt and Jake's attached to it. Torso is the story of Eliot Ness chasing a serial killer who held Cleveland captive as the killing continued. Matt and Jake were both in London this past December at the same time director David Fincher was, and speculation was that maybe they were negotiations and meetings before time ran out on the option.
Matt's acting has been an influence on Jake's performances and he has mention many times how he would like a career like Matt's.
Promoting Rendition, Jake mention he turned more to movies about C.I.A. for inspiration than talking to actual field agents to find the emotion for play Douglas
Freeman. Saying, "The Spy Who Came in From the Cold, which is a merging of the alcoholic and the spy, literally and in the movie. And then also, The Good Shepard actually, which I think, just a little shout out to Matt Damon, that’s a pretty incredible performance. More about the less he does, then the more he does and that’s the kind of performance that I look up to. So, I just tried to copy it."
So after the picture of Jake meeting with Steven Gaghan yesterday, got someone at /Films (Slash Films)to wonder this: "the only announced project that Gaghan is currently working on is an adaptation of the Jon Stock spy novel Dead Spy Running, the first of a possible trilogy of films/book about a newly trained spy who goes on a globe trotting adventure to exonerate his father. Gaghan is writing the screenplay for McG to direct. It is more than possible for an interested star to be involved in the development of the screenplay. And I’m not sure about you, but I can certainly picture Gyllenhaal in a Bourne-style spy action thriller."
Talk about being Bourne. You can see why Jake would want have a career similar to Matt's. But have ever realize how much they do have in common?

Red Sox Fan
And walked the walk in NYC

Been to Martha's Vineyard
Have BFF's who are actors
and they're know together by just first names

Dropped out of Ivy League School
(Matt- Harvard Jake - Columbia)
Known for supporting charities
Played CIA agents

Played a character who's gay.

Subject of many Datalounge discussions
Played soldiers in movies about Desert Storm
Co-starred with Heath Ledger

Co-starred with Gwyneth Paltrow
Played a guy named Donny

Have donned the Spandex.

This sounds like a good project for Jake.
I agree!
Thanks for the parallel between Matt and Jake!
I remember Jake saying he admire Damon for the sobriety of his acting. It's precisely what both have in common IMO: actors who says a lot with few words!
To be honest I was completely indifferent to Matt Damon at the beginning of his carreer, I thought he was a Di caprio copy, and now it's the contrary, I can't stand Leo ( poor dear) and his forced acting ( to me). I highly prefer the elegance and deepness of Matt'performances.
Odd sometimes like things appear different later.
I could see Jake as a spy. He's got the charm, the intelligence, the intensity and could handle the action scenes. It would be interesting to see him work with a director like McG.
Another clip of bad boy Martin over at Spooky's
AJN: Martin -The Informers
You know, there was some speculation that Matt Damon was a Ted blind item subject named Corny Beefy.
For what it's worth....
"You know, there was some speculation that Matt Damon was a Ted blind item subject named Corny Beefy."
Remember that too.For some Matt is gay.
Please. Matt is a MUCH, MUCH better (and smarter) actor than Jake, even on his best day. The comparison is ridiculous and insulting to Matt who is quite talented--and a far better person (and friend) than Jake can ever hope to be.
I agree that this sounds like a good project for Jake. I like spy movies and can see myself wanting to go to this. I didn't see Rendition - because of torture stuff and reeke - but i think i could handle this. I also think the baseball musical that was getting some discussion a couple of weeks ago would be a great film for Jake, if he can sing well enough. Is that one still a possibility?
I also thought the Untitled Moon Project sounded like something Jake would be good in.
Just got back from the Arboretum. The azaleas started blooming this week and they are beautiful.
"I also think the baseball musical that was getting some discussion a couple of weeks ago would be a great film for Jake"
Damn Yankees, I would love to see that one too.
I *heart* Matt Damon :)
I love spy movies, but cant get excited about this since it sounds like it's barely off the ground. I've watched The Talented Mr Ripley a couple times lately, mainly for the Italian backdrop since I'll be there shortly. Matt's a good actor, no question, but had to pay his dues early in his career. At the rate things are going, POP may be the earliest we see Jake in a film.
Matt's also a really terrific guy (in an industry rife with assholes--and I'm being nice when I say that). He really makes great decisions, even in his personal life. He married a lovely, sweet gal who is not in show business and has made sure his life is not a tabloid freak show. He said he knew when his life was becoming a magnet for the tabloids (like Ben's was at one time when he was with Lopez), that he was in trouble.
Jersey Tom said...
I think Jake needs to stay away from the spy detective type movies. Zodiac and Rendition did nothing for Jakes career. He needs to continue to play the quirky type guy like Jake Twist or Donny Darko. I personnally think that is where his talent lies. After those two movies his career has gotten got off track. I think PoP will do nothing for his career. Could hurt it.
I think Dman Yankees would be excellent for him.
Aug 20, 2007
Matt Damon is also asked about his relationship with Ben Affleck, and actually commented on what he thinks sent Affleck's career into a tailspin. He says Affleck committed to roles that "in hindsight weren't good choices" and allowed himself to become a fixture in the tabloids, to his detriment. "If you end up on the cover of Us magazine, you're fucked," Damon says. "Monday, here's so and so buying a cup of coffee ... Tuesday, here he is again at the bookstore ... By the time it gets to Friday, no one is going to see your movie. There's no mystery to you." Damon also says that he and Affleck aren't currently working on a script, but that they still plan to collaborate on something in the future.
If you end up on the cover of Us magazine, you're fucked
"I think Jake needs to stay away from the spy detective type movies. Zodiac and Rendition did nothing for Jakes career. He needs to continue to play the quirky type guy like Jake Twist or Donny Darko. I personnally think that is where his talent lies. After those two movies his career has gotten got off track. I think PoP will do nothing for his career. Could hurt it."
On the contrary I think an actor has interest in experimenting others ways.I think Jake is the kind of guy who likes challenge and it's good. Always playing the quirky guy would be too easy and boring for him and for me LOL
Zodiac wasn't a great success at bow office but it doesn't matter, it's a great movie and he played the timid cartoonist like he had!
In Redition he was to young for the role ,older he would have been better, netherless he wasn't bad!
For Damn Yankee I agree, a musical would be a new experience.
And why not a comedy??
"If you end up on the cover of Us magazine, you're fucked," Damon says. "Monday, here's so and so buying a cup of coffee ... Tuesday, here he is again at the bookstore ... By the time it gets to Friday, no one is going to see your movie. There's no mystery to you."
Why people are going to see Brandgelina Movies then???
I think Jake needs to play a character role, even if it's a villain, just to stretch his ability a bit and prove to the increasingly skeptical audience (and HW types) that he can act. I think he'd make a great villain actually.
It certainly will be interesting to see Jake play a bad guy in Brothers. I think he will get good reviews but not great. Nailed might surprise? I doubt I will be seeing either at this point although:-(
Elinor Johnny Depp has done pretty well playing the quirky type:-)
i think Brangelina is such a fascinating trainwreck - all the drama and pregnancies and adoptions - that their tabloid life is actually as fascinating (in a scary way) as their movies are good. let me emphasize that last part: altho not all their movies are hits, most of them are, because people like them.
jake and reese are the most boring and uninteresting couple to hit the tabs in years - they have no excitement, no chemistry, no drama, no change. they are zzzzzzzz in human form.
and altho Reese's recent films have done well, jake's are just sleepers. there is no reason for anyone to want to go see them, and just the joy of seeing their hero or fantasy boy in action doesn't get them there because jake's rep in real life isn't exciting. even for folks who believe he and reese are doing the nasty, still - it's like, "keep that shit behind closed doors. we don't need to see it."
jmo... :)
"Elinor Johnny Depp has done pretty well playing the quirky type:-)"
You re right!! it's just I love when a actor tries to push his limit too.
"the joy of seeing their hero or fantasy boy in action doesn't get them there because jake's rep in real life isn't exciting."
I think I can get this point of view but it's not mine.
In my head private life and movie are two things totally different, and I don't care if an actor have a exciting private life or not lol! If it's not exciting well , the guy is like me , a normal guy with a normal life lol .
Elinor said. "I think I can get this point of view but it's not mine.
In my head private life and movie are two things totally different, and I don't care if an actor have a exciting private life or not lol! If it's not exciting well , the guy is like me , a normal guy with a normal life lol."
E... i see what you're saying, and we all have different things we want from our celebs. For me, they have my fantasy life. i'd love to be a big deal, like they are, and in demand and making tons of money doing my art, and i want that life to seem exciting and groovy. Jake's life used to be attractive to me when i started jakewatching, but he's lost all of the goodness that i enjoyed, and now he just seems like another drudge and i hate that. It's more than just a disappointment - he's destroyed my fantasy. I don't want to follow folks who have a life like mine - i already do that every day at work. I want my heros to have something for me to envy and wish for, and now, he doesn't.
In a way, his downfall (in my mind) is good, because it's allowed me to be more satisfied with my own life, which seems preferable to his. But on the opposite side of the coin, he was my muse, and i miss him for that, and can't help but wish he'd come back to me. :(
we all have different views, and that's good. I totally respect yours, and even wish i could share it, but i'm just not there yet. :)
I think Jake has lost his confidence he panicked. Jake has gotten some real bad advice and made some really poor choices. I love to see Jake just be Jake again. Not sure if he is the type of guy who has what it takes to say F this will do what is right. I really feel Jake has lost even his own identity. It shows.
Jersey Tom said...
I think Jake has lost his confidence. He panicked. Jake has gotten some real bad advice and made some really poor choices. I love to see Jake just be Jake again. Not sure if he is the type of guy who has what it takes to say F this and will do what is right. I really feel Jake has lost even his own identity. It shows.
Jersey Tom... i agree. jake seems to have lost confidence in himself, panicked, and gone into a major clean up mode that has actually done him much more damage than good. he was better off with the folks who loved him for who he really was. the situation he's got himself into now puts him at the bottom of the interesting barrell. :(
Is that what Jake really needs, another francise? In addition to the PoP deal? Two at once? Is that a way to solidify a top money making career? To only be working because of a 3/5/7 year contract?
Or could it be that he knows Prince Dastan won't deliver what he had wished and is seeking something that will give him that A list boost.
I think Jake has been making a very concerted effort to leave the quirky roles behind. I would love to see him challenge himself and would really love to see him play a villain.
Sad news Bea Arthur has died.
Now all I hear in my head is "compromisin', enterprisin', anything but tranquilizing,
Right on Maude." and want a piece of cheesecake
Wicked said...
I think Jake has been making a very concerted effort to leave the quirky roles behind. I would love to see him challenge himself and would really love to see him play a villain.
W we may get a little glimpse of that in Brothers. Seems like he is going to be a bad guy.
I think playing the black sheep in Brothers and playing a less than honorable senator in Nailed shows that Jake has not given up the quirky roles. But I would like to see him play a villain. And that is why I was so interested in him in talks with Fincher about Torso. I mentioned back in December when they were in London at the same time.
I really didn't see him as Eliot Ness, I think it would be more interesting to see him as the serial killer or even the narrator from the story.
I think the one thing Jake admires about Matt's career was how Matt does some smaller films in balance the more blockbuster stuff. It is a not an easy thing to do, but it is one thing Matt has done very well.
Today has been filled with highs and lows.
Wonderful moments of love and friendship, support and encouragement, when you need it and no one even knew it.
But a really sad moment came when my dad called to tell me that he and my stepmom had to put Greta their Scottish terrier to sleep. What broke me up was when he said all of you kids were grown when we got married, so Greta was the baby we had together. Understandably they were taking it very hard. But the weird thing is, my step mom is an identical twin and they have had things happened the same day before but this time it's spooky, she and her husband lost their dachshund today too.
A little glimmer later came when I was at my hair appt. My stylist and his fiance are getting married next month. They are both very excited and can't wait. Now here's the part you can't make up he and his fiance Mark, will marry with family and friends there including as Mark's ex wife, who lives in their carriage house, Mark's two grown kids, who are so happy for their dad and John, John's dad who lives in another small house on their property, friends, and family. They are getting married at home amidst their garden, their dogs and their small flock of chickens.
The only thing John's not going to get to do that he wanted was to have a wedding portrait in a wedding dress looking away from the camera in soft focus as a part of some fun for the event, that didn't go over too well with his groom, who is taking their wedding very seriously. I told him he should go for the gown and the baby bump and do his best Funny Girl. He cracked up.
John said the only part he's upset that he's 46 and just getting married, but says he can't wait for grandkids from his stepchildren and told them so. And he's already given notice on what he wants to be called, he didn't want be called Gramps or Uncle John, nope it was between Auntie Mame, or Mimi. He ended up going with Mimi. I told him he better watch it and staying in fighting shape, because Mariah is a scrapper.
"Thank you for being a friend". My dad passed away last week, and he loved watching "the Golden Girls". Losing Bea Arthur hurts as much if not more so. Cindy-Lou Peoples will always be Prom Queen. Dorothy Zbornak, there's an eligible retired doctor up there!
E.V. tb, I am so sorry for the loss of your father last week. My thoughts & prayers tonight will go out to you & lift your name in the hope that you will feel some comfort & peace. I cannot imagine how it must be to lose a parent, but I have had the beginnings of thoughts along those lines recently and the sorrow is excruciating.
Thank you, PG, for the kind words.
I hope & pray that your family rallies as mine did, and support one another.
((( E.V)))
You are in my thought and in prayers, EV. It brings back the feeling of when my mother passed away. Know that your father will always be with you, in who you are and what you do.
Asking God to be there to lift you up, comfort you and bring peace to your heart, mind and spirit.
Wow... lots of sadness this week.
EV... i'm so sorry about the loss of your father. mine really teetered last summer, but after 9 hrs of heart surgery, he managed to pull thru and seems to be doing ok at the moment. he only lives an hour and a half away, and i don't see him as often as i should, and sometimes i think about the fact that one day - who knows how soon it will come - i won't have the opportunity to see him anymore. it's a very sobering thought, and i'm trying to make more time for him but it's so easy to get caught up in my own stuff.
i'm sad about Bea Arthur as well. i loved Maude and Golden Girls - they were 2 of my favorite shows. she was such a funny lady. i hope she enjoyed her life.
also sad about Special K's dog family - i'm still reeling from all the dog trauma in my life this week. today, there was a commotion with the front yard dogs, and my husband went out to investigate and discovered that they'd found a small snake. it was a copperhead (poisonous) so he had to shoot it, which bummed me out because i hate killing anything, and so does he. later, i went out to visit with the dogs and realized Wolfee, our oldest dog, had an owie over his eye where the snake had bit him. i hear him barking out there now - he's ok - but i know it hurt. grrrr
Frankenpolly is recovering nicely. She acts like nothing bad even happened - which is amazing considering she looks like she had her head sewed back on! I hung out with Belle today, and she's as sweet as ever. She can't help it that she doesn't like other dogs. We just have to be extra careful to make sure they stay apart in future.
And finally, i'm sad about how we all seem so blah about Jake this week. I think Cockroachella really took it out of us. Did anyone ever read the Elle article to see what all Reese actually said about him? There's no way i'm going to read the article, but i'm curious and would like to know what she said. She's been so careful to NOT mention him in the past, which has always seemed so strange to me.
Anyway, hopefully next week will be a better week all around. I have to work tomorrow (blech) but then i have monday off and i'm really looking forward to that, just a day of being myself and doing as i please.
Hugs all around. S.
I'm sorry about your dad E.V.
I am sorry to hear about your father E.V. My prayers go to you
and your family. I have lost both
parents within 18 months of each
other so it does leave a hole in your heart.
I am fed up too with the J/R
show. Sometimes I actually think
that Ted had it all wrong from the
beginning-that there was just a brief fling between Jake and Austin. That's just my opinion!
Try to have a good week everyone
and I guess just be thankful for
what we do have!
Sorry about your Dad EV.
Sorry about your Dads and Stepmoms baby Spesh.
Lots of sad news today. Im so sorry to hear about your dad EV. I lost both of my parents when I was younger and I envy those that still have at least one.
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