Sauntering into the cafe of Ikea (his rendezvous choice) in Burbank, Calif., the 6-footer appears exceedingly Everydude in a Hanes T-shirt and Dolce & Gabbana jeans that hang low in the de rigueur fashion of youth, revealing Calvin Klein drawers.
He pretends to be horrified by his entrance.
''Did I pull the ultimate actor move of being 15 minutes late?'' he asks, eyes twinkling. Ten, but who's counting?
Gyllenhaal orders a plate of Swedish meatballs, which he eats with toothpicks just to appear eccentric. Of Swedish descent himself, the actor admires the socialist approach of the home-furnishings outlet and happily strolls the aisles, talking to strangers.
''I like Ikea because it feels like the potential of a home,'' says Gyllenhaal, who remains undaunted by the actor's itinerant life. ''I've just been roaming the land. I live in a storage bin and eat at Ikea.''
When the store sound system begins blaring the 80's pop standard ''Walking on Sunshine,'' Gyllenhaal, who narrowly lost the lead in ''Moulin Rouge'' to Ewan McGregor, amuses fellow shoppers by breaking into song and dance. Spent, he slides into a display filled with red rubber balls. ''I'm floating in a pan of giant cranberries,'' he shouts, giving voice to either an inner child or a very green acting student.
Thinking of that I thought what kind of Ikea furniture would he be?

Need more furniture? Check out the Swedish Furniture Manufacturer.
I love Apollo Ono, too.
Babii Tyll!! LOLLLL. That's great. Awww, lookit that little chest of drawers.
Clever post out of a goofy Jake moment. I do hope he's getting out of that droopy drawer phase, though. I hope all of man and womenkind is getting out of that phase. Everytime these young gals are turning around or bending over, what do you do? Stare at the ceiling? Pretend to be obssessed with a hangnail?
Or stare at the big vertical equator that's right in front of you?
The guys wear T shirts that are down to their knees so there's never such a decision to be made there. But the gals are a whole different story.
LOL!! - how did I get off on this subject? It's a sore spot, I'm afraid.
Love the post.
I've had to move my station to the kitchen island. For some outlandish reason, my pen, checkbook, calculator, whatnot was just spooking Curley out. He kept backing up, staring, barking. Even after I let him sniff my pen. Sniff my checkbook. Sniff a check. He's just a goofball sometimes.
Swooon - love Abba, dancing down the Ikea aisles. lol
Great post today Special. For a moment I thought you'd really found furniture with these names, lol.
Count me in too as an Apollo fan. He has aged very nicely too--didn't think he necessarily had the kind of looks that would do that.
The Sunday NYT magazine was in my paper this morning, that picture of Jake is really stunning to see on paper. I'd forgotten it was coming out and my gf saw it first. Her first comment was that he sure doesn't look straight in it. :-D
The pictures are stunning - there's something about them. All of them.
Apolo brings this grace to speed skating, but all of the winter skating is amazing to watch. :)
Anon, you're going to get deleted if you don't put a name on it.
Back at the homebase for a bit. I have got to put away these winter decorations. Totally bypassed Valentine's and it's straight over the hurdle to St Patrick's. I have a ton of St Patrick's deco's. Green, green everywhere.
I thoroughly enjoyed the post. Love the song, too - one of my favorite ABBA songs.
Makes me think of Mama Mia which is constantly on my dog people's cable movie stations.
Mama Mia and Rendition. I swear, I can have the TV on anytime and flip to the Cinemax channels and Rendition is on one of them every single time, no matter what time. And all I keep seeing is the same prisoner torture/Jake with his face bloodied pictures.
Bitch-Back! Does Jake Have a New GF in the Works?
Dear Ted:
Who do you see as Jake Gyllenhaal's next girlfriend?
Dear Gyllenspoon 2:
Isn't it pretty simple? Who's Jake's next costar?
Dear Ted:
If the boyish bloodsucker known as Nelly Fang is dying to be outed, why don't you just tell us who he is already?
Dear Vicious Vamp:
It's not my place to out Nelly. His closet—or should I say coffin—will open when he's ready...or when he grabs a less-discreet reporter for a tryst in the woods. He's hardly dying to be outed as much as Toothy is. Nelly's just plain horny!
Dear Ted:
I'd like to know everything about Judas Jack-Off, the hottest B.V. since Toothy Tile. Do the two of them have something in common? I think they do. I believe that they are of similar age and that they go out a lot with their respective boyfriends: movies, dinner, shopping and walks. Surprisingly, and as Toothy did, Judas now holds hands with a woman in public. Could you confirm if I am correct?
Dear Blinding Similarities:
Hollywood hotties? Check. In the closet? Check. Beards? Check. I guess they do have a few things in common.
The Awful Truth
UK Edition:
Dear Ted:
I've been a huge fan for years and I often start my gossip-related sentences with "Yes it's true, Ted says so!," to my skeptical girlfriends. I was just wondering, who do you see as Jake Gyllenhaal's next "girlfriend"?
Dear Gyllenspoon 2:
Gee, thanks, Rach, but, isn't it pretty simple? Who's Jake's next costar?
The Awful Truth - UK Edition
Anonymous said...
No offence, but being of Swedish origin I am thinking the suggestions to the Swedish Furniture Name Generator are more similar to Icelandic than Swedish. Just saying, no offence. :-)
Anonymous said...
No offence, but being of Swedish origin I am thinking the suggestions to the Swedish Furniture Name Generator are more similar to Icelandic than Swedish. Just saying, no offence. :-)
February 20, 2010 12:58 PM
Yikes! 02-22 @ 2:22 #2
Apolo is a hottie. I cant wait to watch him race tonight. Not sure about him. I get a little vibe.
I used the generator so they may have used Icelandic instead of Swedish. But when I stumble across it I thought of that interview with with Jake in Ikea.
I love him slipping in the display with the red balls and going 'I'm floating in a pan of giant cranberries,'' and can see him bouncing around to Katrina and the Waves in all his goofiness.
Ted says again about Toothy wanting to be outed. Makes you wonder if he wanted to be seen with BT at the Getty.
When the store sound system begins blaring the 80's pop standard ''Walking on Sunshine,'' Gyllenhaal, who narrowly lost the lead in ''Moulin Rouge'' to Ewan McGregor, amuses fellow shoppers by breaking into song and dance. Spent, he slides into a display filled with red rubber balls. ''I'm floating in a pan of giant cranberries,'' he shouts, giving voice to either an inner child or a very green acting student.
Cute post. Very cute.
The toothy and Jake mentions in Ted seemed pretty half-hearted today. Some days Ted seems to be on automatic pilot. He has not given us any new meaty clues about Toothy or Goose in a long time. Mentions, yes, but not telling us anything we don't already know.
I caught the Ewan interview. He seemed a bit testy, but I'm glad he stood up for what he believes. He always does. His new movie is getting decent reviews on RT.
I've been a bit under the weather the last 2 weeks. Allergies. Every tree in the area is blooming. Today is the first day I woke up and did not feel like my eyes were going to explode. Hopefully I turned the corner.
If no offence is meant, then why say it at all. Sorry, but that comment was really just nitpicky and not necessary.
I was going to bite the tongue but after seeing it unfortunately saved twice, I had to.
Sorry you havent been feeling well m but I got to tell you I cant wait to see the trees start bloomimg.
Def a cute post Spesh. You are a very talented young lady.
lol,special:D what a great post! i love ikea:):)
NG Girl I have always wanted to visit Scandinavia. When are you going to have a OMG gathering? Do you live near Olso? You could be our first international host:-)
david_ninh: stalking Jake Gyllenhaal and Natalie Portman at the bookstore in the East Village made day...
6 minutes ago
Tom Colicchio and Natalie Portman to host Fundraiser to Benefit The Hungry in America Project
When Sun, February 21,6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Where 85 10th Ave, New York, NY (map)
Admission Ticketed Event
Description Guests can meet and mingle with these celebrities scheduled to attend the event: Portman, A Single Man’s Julianne Moore, Gossip Girl’s Kelly Rutherford, chef Rocco di Spirito, and many more. Tickets will only be sold in advance and are $250 each for General Admission or $1000 for the VIP reception. For ticket information, please visit
Jake in NY?
Wonder if he is going to that event.
Always love to hear when Jake's in NYC.......
Sorry, but that comment was really just nitpicky and not necessary.
poor haus frau knickers in a knot
You know, you guys could really stand to come up with something new. Talk about retreading and old, tired reruns.
Maybe you oughta have a conference call, team meeting, you know? Put some stuff in the hopper and try to spin out something.
That thing's really lost its novelty and whatever little punch it had; talk about your tired and poor.
Well, this ought to be fun this morning. It's raining but it's 31 degrees. The snow that was on the deck looks like sno-cone material. And Curley doesn't want to go out. Can't say I blame the guy either. The Weather Channel radar is full of a lovely bright shade of pink.
Lovely!!!! And I was wanting to go over to Whole Foods this morning; that may not be happening today, lol.
that would be great tom:) i live not too far away from oslo. about an hour by car:)
This is funny. I just got on here and I see ng was on here not too long ago and I was getting on to say what the biggest, absolute stupidass statement I made yesterday or the day before.
I think I asked how your country was doing in the winter Olympics, ng! LOLLLLLLLL!!! How stupid can you get??
I was just emailing Wicked and she had answered another lamebutt statement I'd made about ice skaters using designers for their outfits and it made me think about Norway of course being one of the given Kingpins of winter sports. Of course!!
slaps palm on forehead!!
ng, why didn't you give me a sarcastic remark or something? I sure deserved it.
lol. Geez. hey, maybe it was early in the morning. Or late at night., 4 in the afternoon. That's a good time to make ridiculous statements.
Sorry for the 4 letter words. I didn't make church this morning, lol. Of course, now it isn't as bad but earlier, it was kinda icy and I didn't want to get into a fender bender or anything. There's alot of steep streets on the Missouri side trying to get to my old church.
So it'll be mostly an inside day today, too bad for you guys!, lol. Although Curley's getting low on McD Fries so I need to get him some more. His parents will get change from the McD Fry $20 Fund.
I'm still red in the face!!!!
LOL. Every family has to have the embarrassing relative, right?
I'm going to go seek another neighborhood where no one knows me for right now.
I'm off to a flower show, then glued to the tube for the Olympics tonight! Wasn't Apolo great last night?
Have a great day, all. This song reminds me of a wedding. :)
I love the little Baby Tile furniture. :)
Have a good time at the flower show, oh yes. That sounds like something that could make anyone forget this winter weather.
Okay, this is a totally ridiculous item.
US has a video piece on who Avon Lady is "getting hot & heavy" with, that CAA guy. And the senior editor of US, who hosts the bit, says that is it any coincidence that just a few days later after she has been out with the guy a few times and "been to his house", Jake Gyllenhaal was seen looking none too happy while out with his sister. That she "appeared to be consoling him and whispering to him". And down in the corner of the magazine's page, a pic of Jake with Chris at the Laker game, one of the ones of course where he's not smiling.
That's such a laugh. It still makes me think he may've cut Reeke off a wee bit before the official end because otherwise, why does she still feel the need to keep pounding him into the ground looking like the woeful, miserable ex? When is she going to get over it? He's the one who's happily moved on.
Overall Medal Count
Overall Medal Count Rank Country Gold Silver Bronze Total
1 Flag of United States 6 7 10 23
2 Flag of Germany 4 6 4 14
3 Flag of Norway 5 3 3 11
4 Flag of South Korea 4 4 1 9
5 Flag of Canada 4 3 1 8
6 Flag of Austria 2 2 3 7
7 Flag of France 2 1 4 7
8 Flag of Sweden 3 1 2 6
USA Germany Norway 1 2 3 awesome.
I am in love with Apolo. He did a great job coming back after a slip to get a Bronze.
USA vs. Canada in hockey today. Should be a great game.
Just popping in to say I told you so but in a nice way (if that's possible). Reese will needle Jake to death with little stories about how he just wasn't right for her, how heartbroken he is because of the breakup and how strong and happy and of course focused on the children she is.
Reese is rarely focused on her children. Their father wanted out of the marriage for years but settled for a tenuous peace only to have it explode in his face. How many stories did you read about his regrets and him wishing they were still together. Never mind the stories of what a horrible person he is.
I hope this situation at least puts those stories in perspective.
Let's watch as Reese adds Jake to her list of people to one up. When he has success or happiness you can be sure smiling pictures of Reese being strong and happy will appear at the same time.
She is a vile little creature. He was crazy to get involved with her in the first place.
What a mistake-a to make-a!
Hopefully Jake has learned his lesson. Bad enough he went for the bearding, but he wound up choosing a vengeful beard to boot. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, no matter the reason for the scorn. Personally, I try to scroll right over posts about that woman. I don't even want to click on them as it registers on her popularity count. The stories are so obviously PR drivel. I mean who goes from relationship to relationship falling in love immediately. A dead give away.
TR, I've missed reading your posts. ITA with everything you said. She seems to be an extremely vindictive person. The big splash about the music video Jake did and all of the positive comments about him must have her spitting nails. So far she's had 3 daily photo ops on JJ. The last post about her on JJ got only 8 comments and that was the day JJ posted the video with Jake in it. Jake got about 30 comments, all good. TR, do you think that Jake has learned his lesson, or will he go the bearding route again?
I don't know Jake or anyone close to him so I can only speculate. I think he'll continue the way he has been going (single for a few years then having a relationship). How could he switch it up now? It would be too embarrassing after such a public relationship and every single person he does business with would have a seizure. Unless he's retiring or switching gears totally which I see no sign of.
Hi TR, was just thinking of what you said after reading PG's post, and voila, here you are.
Beautiful weekend here, sunny 40 and dry. Actually got walks in two days in a row.
PG, I cannot believe you actually have to make fries runs. :-D
I wonder if Momma G misses her beloved reese.
Well Mama G and Reese aka as Laura Jean are still friended on each others facebook!:!/friends/?id=853589355&flid=&view=everyone&q=&nt=0&nk=0&s=100&st=0
Yeah, right. LOL indeed.
Interesting that they are still friended, I noticed that they also have a few mutual friends on their friends list.
On Mama's list: Reese, Peter, Jake's rep, Matt Frost-Katz, Greta Caruso, David Modgliani and a few of her ex-inlaws.
On Reese's list: Mama g, her rep, Jenny Belushi, etc.
Interesting that Mama has Anders Gyllenhaal, his wife and and Stephen's sister on her list but on Stephens friends list the only relative that's on his list is Henry Gyllenhaal, you would think that he would have all of his relatives friended.
Sounds like there was some kind of discord there.
LOL, and Ted thought they weren't friended anymore!
Trolly, you are so silly.
Thank you, tr. I know you said it would happen; it's still aggravating to see it still happening.
That bit was annoying to say the least.
m, you are doing the logical thing. Do I resist? Not usually! lol. She just kills me - like I've said before, I'm like a rubbernecker at a gruesome carwreck. I still have to look. When will I learn.
Destiny, stop rubbing it in! lol. I long for those 45 degree days. they seem so far away. Curley & I just woke up from a long winter's,no,no! lol. We just had a nap. It is miserable out there. Rain? Sleet? Snow? What in the heck is that out there? The deck is covered in this half frozen slush stuff.
I do need to go out and try to get some milk and yeah, more fries. I think this will be about number 4 on the McD fry count.
I have to look too PG, I think the way Reeke winds down is still very much tied to Jake. I also admit to wanting to see her fail because she's such a phony bitch, so yes, I do care what she is doing and what people are saying about her.
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