With Ray and the boys back filming Season 2
A post about poor whittle Tommy Wheeler
and hoping he screws up again
so Ray has to clean up his mess
A Jake and Austin Community
With Ray and the boys back filming Season 2
Posted by
Special K
11:49 PM
Labels: Austin, Ray Donovan, Tommy Wheeler, Tommy Wheeler Tuesday
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Well, wish me luck today. The Weather Channel says we got about 15 inches or so.
So I need to dig myself out of my parking space as the plow guy and the winds kind of pushed and blew it around my car.
Fun times! Oh, and did I mention that it's gone up one whole degree to the present 3 degrees? ;D
It's a snowy snowy day here too. They said it would slow down by afternoon. We'll see about that.
Good luck PG! Drive Safe!
77 and sunny in Tampa, Fl. My God did I pick the right year to move down here. What a horrible winter for the North and Midwest.
Good luck Austin for the upcoming season.
What a messy day here in NY. Icy sidewalks, giant, deep water "lakes" at the corners of intersections. And to top it off the subway I was on stalled for almost an hour because of electrical problems, plus another hour at a nearby coffee shop until the subway was back up, making me over two hours late for work today.
Looking forward to your review of Jake's movie M.
Ugh. That sounds not fun at all, Destiny. My day involved a lot of shoveling around my car, lol. I hope my little car starts tomorrow. It's supposed to get down to -7 tonight.
Sounds pretty bad in NYC if it's the same storm that hit us. And look what Jake is doing - he's being seen at a fashion show in NYC. BWAHAHHH!!
booth1 @booth1 42m
Maggie Gyllenhaal, Jake Gyllenhaal, Peter Sarsgaard among starry crowd @RachelComey show and dinner. Take that, StarMag!! LOL!
7:25 PM - 5 Feb 2014 · Details
I love this. They've been flushed out. Ha ha ha ha ha
Erica Hanks @TheEricaHanks 1h
“@womensweardaily: Jake Gyllenhaal enjoying the salon style dinner for Rachel Comey's fall collection:
Flushed Out#NYFW” okayyy
7:19 PM - 5 Feb 2014 · Details
I don't know where he's been until the last couple of days, but it hasn't been NYC. It's taken until tonight to get them out in front of a camera, a total reaction.
The G-Haals are total fools. They do nothing but react.
LOL. Sit back and just watch the parade.
Jake Gyllenhaal enjoying the salon style dinner
Does that mean attendees receive a wash and rinse after the meal?
I don't know where he's been until the last couple of days, but it hasn't been NYC.
He was in NYC,and you know it
Can you do me a favor and watch tonight's episode of #AgentsofSHIELD. I heard it's the best episode of the season. Please RT and spread!
He was in NYC,and you know it
No, I don't know it. And I don't believe it. Sorry! ;D
Photoshopping follows the G-Halls around like a shadow.
I'm just sayin.
Oh you know, you're just pretending to ignore it, because you're still all hot and bothered by "Jake making out with a model in Manhattan" tweet.
I'm ignoring it because it was one of the lamest tweets I've ever seen involving that guy.
This is very interesting. What a 180.
The paid visitor is now trying to sell straight Jake?
I guess all I need to do is lick my finger, hold it up and see which way the WME wind is blowing on a daily basis because I swear, you people don't even know what your game plan is anymore.
Sounds to me like the troll has lost his way. How desperate does someone have be to sell straight Jake after all these years and how many media-sponsored beards/and cyber girlfriends? 10-20? Laughable.
This picture is one of the poorest photoshop jobs I've seen since that park bench pic with Miller.
wow. I'm just stunned. smh.
Yeah, I'm taking back my earlier comments - retraction time. There's a number of things wrong and/or out of whack with that thing.
For myself, what stood out right away about the first tweet was the inclusion of all 3 names, in their entirety.
Ok, off to bed time! That was all kinds of interesting as well as entertaining.
Last time I looked, NYC was teeming with male models, not just female. So Jake could be kissing a male model. Even Austin. He is handsome enough to be taken for a model. The bigger question is why is he not yet with the group that is filming Everest.
I'll let you know what I think of Enemy once I view it. Likely not till Thursday evening even though it's taping in the AM hours.
^dumb as dirt
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