.... well it won't be Austin Nichols.
Not because of his performance, but the lack there of. It seems that episode, "His Visit Day 8, submitted for his performance does not have Austin in it at all. All the actors on the series were submitted with the same episode, but you'd think that they would check if the lead character of the show was actually in the episode. Could this be used for negotiations for Last of the Ninth? Hello Milch.
Then maybe the submission was a cheeky nod to an on set off screen performance.
JFC did submit a different episode in one category, for best drama submitting His Visit Day 1. The wait is on to see if how may nominations JFC picks up when the nominations are announced next month. Just don't expect Austin under Best Lead Drama.
Just another pinch of JFC. Amazing what time and new pictures can do. With the pictures from the Nicked LL ranch, the mysterious Pedro supporter can be now identified as Papa Nichols.Picture: Austin Media
Thursday, June 26, 2008
And the Emmy goes to...
Posted by
Special K
7:31 AM
Labels: Austin, Emmy, JFC, John From Cincinnati
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With the pictures from the Nicked LL ranch, the mysterious Pedro supporter can be now identified as Papa Nichols.
Good catch, Special.
Funny, I had wondered if the Pedro supporter was related to Brian Van Holt when the picture first came out.
IMO, Nichols Sr. resembles Brian more than Austin, at least in this picture.
Maybe it's just the squint and the shaggy blonde hair, though.
Sucks that HBO decided to submit an episode without Austin.
Not sure if he's well-known enough to have won, but at least he would have had a chance.
Then maybe the submission was a cheeky nod to a on set off screen performance.
You mean his backgammon skills? Or was it basketball...? ;)
Man, Austin got screwed!
It seems that episode, "His Visit Day 8, submitted for his performance does not have Austin in it at all.
Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Hits Women Much More
WASHINGTON — The Army and Air Force discharged a disproportionate number of women in 2007 under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that prohibits
openly gay people from serving in the military, according to Pentagon
statistics gathered by an advocacy group.
While women make up 14 percent of Army personnel, 46 percent of those discharged under the policy last year were women. And while 20 percent of Air Force personnel are women, 49 percent of its discharges under the policy last year were women.
By comparison for 2006, about 35 percent of the Army’s discharges and 36 percent of the Air Force’s were women, according to the statistics. The information was gathered under a Freedom of Information Act request by
the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, a policy advocacy organization.
“Women make up 15 percent of the armed forces, so to find they represent
nearly 50 percent of Army and Air Force discharges under ‘don’t ask, don’t
tell’ is shocking,” said Aubrey Sarvis, the organization’s executive
director. “Women in particular have been caught in the crosshairs of this counterproductive law.”
The organization compiled gender statistics on the discharges, but
conducted no formal set of interviews and thus could offer no verifiable reason for the increase in women separated from the military under “don’t
ask, don’t tell.”
The Pentagon in recent days released overall numbers of discharges under the policy for 2007, without a breakdown by gender.
Over all, the number of gay men and lesbians discharged from the military in 2007 rose to 627 from 612 a year before, according to Pentagon statistics. Those figures represent a drop of about 50 percent from a peak in 2001, before the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Despite stress on the armed forces from two wars, the Pentagon is not
advocating a change in policy, saying it is up to Congress to decide whether the law should be altered or repealed.
November was the 14th anniversary of the legislation that allows gay men and lesbians to serve in the military, but only if they keep their sexual orientation secret.
Advocacy groups say that 65,000 gay men and lesbians serve in the American armed forces and that there are more than one million gay veterans.
Early last year, Gen. John M. Shalikashvili, who was chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when the policy was adopted, argued for its repeal, saying that conversations with military personnel had prompted him to change his position. “I now believe that if gay men and lesbians served openly in the United States military, they would not undermine the efficacy of the armed forces,” General Shalikashvili wrote in an Op-Ed article published in The
New York Times on Jan. 2, 2007. “Our military has been stretched thin by
our deployments in the Middle East, and we must welcome the service of any
American who is willing and able to do the job.”
According to the statistics, the Army in 2007 discharged 302 soldiers
under the policy, up from 280 the year before. The Air Force dismissed 91
people, down from 102 in 2006. The Navy discharged 166, the same as in 2006. The Marine Corps discharged 68, up from 64 in 2006.
“Separated members have the opportunity to continue to serve their nation and national security by putting their abilities to use by way of civilian employment with other federal agencies, the Department of Defense or in the private sector, such as with a government contractor,” said Eileen M. Lainez, a Pentagon spokeswoman on personnel issues. “We expect all service
members to be treated with dignity and respect all the time.”
Pentagon officials could not explain why the numbers for women spiked last
Don't Ask, Don't Tell Hits Women Much More
I can't believe that. I wonder if they even realize it? Even if his chances were slim, this would have been a good opportunity for Austin to get his name and abilities out there. They should have used episode 6. :-(
Great catch on the photo Special.
They should have used episode 6. :-(
What happens in Episode 8 anyway?
Perez believes US Weekly
Perez just cashed his check.
Does anyone want to post his comments? I refuse to click.
I'll bet Perez believes in Santa Claus and the Tooth(y) fairy as well.
You're so right,bank of A,Perez has been paid handsomely to propagate this bilge!
I'll bet Perez believes in Santa Claus and the Tooth(y) fairy as well.
You're so right,bank of A,Perez has been paid handsomely to propagate this bilge!
For FYI-
Hearts Break! is the title of the post.
(Pic of the US Weekly cover.
They're taking it to the next level!
Nobody else had any interest in that US story, and I doubt it sells many copies on the newsstand, so it makes sense that they had to go out and buy some publicity from Perez.
Or the beach story's true?
Poll on should Jake and Reese marry
The soccer moms seem to think so.
Yes, Perez is as reliable and believable as Ted Casablanca:
A report by E!’s Ted Casablanca that Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck are considering breaking up is 100% completely fabricated,” Garner’s rep told Us Weekly. “There is not one ounce of truth to it.”
Affleck’s rep said, “We usually don’t comment on stuff like this. But you should know sources are liars. If you guys want to do the right thing, you won’t post that item. It’s all BS.”
Source JustJared
Babblers are Ted's regular readers. LOL
I hope they checked his today's post.
Jake now has a London home and Reese has moved in with him
I feel dizzy
Babblers are bored again.
It must be nice to be as naive as "reliable":
"It can't be true, their reps said so!!! They have absolutely no reason to lie about things that would create bad press!!"
Just like Paris is really just a misunderstood girl and Britney is a really, really good mom.
They must be, they said so afterall.
"It must be nice to be as naive as "reliable"..
Just as naive as someone who is claiming "Perez gets paid" because his comments does not fit someones beliefs.....
"Babblers are Ted's regular readers"
???? Has Ted Casablanca changed his name into JustJared? Have I missed something??
Looks like a simple rehash of the two recent stories - Hello and Us. Funny, I didn't see it in Metro, it must only be in the online version.
And yes that sucks about Episode 8 of JfC!
How it works: Hilton, 30, constantly checks his e-mail, text messages and voice mail and scours the Web for the latest gossip on "A-listers to D-listers to Z-listers," updating his blog an average of 40 times a day. His sources include publicists, agents, managers, dog walkers, nannies and celebrities themselves. Advertisers pay as much as $54,000 to run a one-day ad package on the site.
Perez Hilton: Turning a blog into an empire
I don't understand the significance of that bolded sentence, because EVERY gossip writer would have those same people as sources.
As for Ted C, he's been predicting the demise of Bennifer part II since the first day they met; poor man has an almighty grudge against Jennifer Garner that he's been nursing for years.
Reliable=Broadwing=Lana Turner's Sweater=Chica=a guy who pretends to be a woman online
Ramona and Peter in Venice
Say it with me, now, AWWWWWW!!!! Maggie is there too, but this pic was just too cute.
"Reliable=Broadwing=Lana Turner's Sweater=Chica=a guy who pretends to be a woman online"
Sorry to burst your bubble - I am not one of the above mentioned...*lol* I would never take a name like "Lana Turners Sweater" although I have to admit it sounds funny.....
And mixed up with an american/english writer(?) - looks like my english is not as bad as I thought....
And yes, I stand by my opinion - gossip columnists are not more than that - whether they call themselves Ted Casablanca or Perez Hilton - the same bullshit...
You're reliably a troll all the same.
Part of MK's post-
Jakey Poo has packed up his Strawberry Shortcake suitcase and moved in with Reese Witherspoon and her kids. The kids are calling him Auntie Jake.
And from the comments-
I know tons of guys that would take her out. With a brick, an Elvira wig and a bunch of homemade ninja stars.
Oh... never mind. ;)
Ramona is too cute.
Picture of pure joy on her face.
Thats really sad news about Austin. I dont really understand why they would submit a episode that he wasnt in for consideration since he is one of the main characters. Thats Hollywood for you I guess : (
Ramona is so cute...she is getting so big.
I know tons of guys that would take her out. With a brick, an Elvira wig and a bunch of homemade ninja stars.
I'm sorry, but this made my day. ;) LOL
Chris had think up something big for the bet for the Celtics Lakers championship. Damn! Making him move in with Reese, that's really making him pay isn't it. : )
Making him move in with Reese, that's really making him pay isn't it.
Note to myself- never lose a bet to Chris.
Here's the list of possible movies for the Movie Club-
Auntie Mame
Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
South Pacific
Psycho Beach Party
Sordid Lives
Different for Girls
Did I miss any?
Doing Time on Maple Drive
The Ritz
Can't Stop the Music
And I'm telling you ... Dreamgirls
How can you not have "To Wong Foo Julie Newmar". Patrick Swayze looks great in a dress and he nailed being a woman in a mans body.
Gossip Girl's check bounced
From Perez
"We've been contacted by entertainment reporters - within days of each other - from the NY Post and the NY Daily News.
They both wanted to share a juicy piece of info - too juicy to print, they said.
Seems like on-set sources, which the pubs tell us are reliable, have told each paper that Chace Crawford and Gossip Girl co-star and real-life roommate Ed Westwick are in a relationship and not trying to hide it, at least on set.
BOTH NY papers tell us that Chace and Ed were recently seen kissing, open-mouthed on set (in Chace's trailer).
Very interesting!....
Are Chace and Ed dating????
Well, it's either true or someone(s) is/are trying to spread rumors to both New York papers about the Gossip Girl co-stars.
We hope it's true - they'd be a hot couple!"
I can't believe how much credibility is being given to a rag's reporting. They must be besides themselves to get so much publicity. The rag, I mean. Let's see if a denial follows like with the engagement story. I am sure AVON is thrilled. I wonder if they have an escape clause.
On another note, pre sales for The Dark Knight are huge. I may not be able to see it first weekend at all.
Oh my god. Chris Fischer has a TV show called Edible Island. Link was posted on DC forum. Hope this works. If not findit in DC forum/Jakes eyelashe. It's a real hoot to hear him speak, see his personality. A bit Jake like, but less exuberant. Here is the link. http://vineyard.plumtv.com/videos/edible_island_-_local_lamb
Standing in line this evening, just people watching while waiting my turn, out of the corner of my eye notcing the kids hovering about the candy, the folks coming up the magazine rack, etc.
This is not a scientific, double blind, emperical study, mind you, but standing there for approx. 16 minutes, of the 12 people that picked up tabloids, 10 of them by-passed Reeke in favor of Jamie Lynn Spears' delivery room trauma. Even one old lady that Tsked under her breath said that it was unbelievable that someone like Reese would do that to her children.
And one of those two that grabbed Reeke? Ended up dumped on top of the Coke fridge by the register.
That cover story is obviously a huge hit with the hausfraus.
M, HERE is the direct link to the Chris video. It's very nice, on his families farm, they cook, etc. Yes, he does sound like Jake a bit. :)
Nice piece about Chris.
A Young Chef Comes Home to Grow
There are two more Chris videos
Wow, thanks for all of the Chris info. You know, I'm starting to become a Chris fan, more and more. He's really really attractive too. :)
Thanks for fixing the links. My husband tried to help me but we just wound up yelling at each other. That's what happens at 30+ yrs, but it passes in an instant. I got pretty excited seeing Chris. I can see why they are friends. Loved seeing Chris's family too.
So that's why Chris has not been seen with Jake, he moved back to MV! And now we know where Jake witnessed the pig slaughtering!
2 years is around the time he left NY, summer of '06. H esem to be traveling with Jake for about a year, LA, TX, Toronto, he finally decided to go back home. A private chef and farmer, I can see him getting a show on the food channel.
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