The Informers was test screened last night, and looks like there will be some work to do to get it ready for release.
Bret Easton Ellis adaptations are indeed hard to do and a loose collection of short stories makes it even harder. That maybe the criticism of the test audiences, not the performances, but bringing all the stories together. Earlier reports have said that the vampire storyline with Brandon Routh has been cut completely, and that Ellis had made the decision to do so after the reception that it got as a subplot. While Ellis wanted to show the interconnection to the life of LA in the 80's translating that from page to screen is easier said than done. There is a fine line between capturing that energy and taking the energy and interest out of the audience. The have been some mentions of good performances from Mickey Rouke, Brad Renfro, and Winona Ryder, in her slow return back to the big screen. No word on the Austin as performance as Martin. Despite the first impressions of a few about the movie as a whole, most would agree just seeing Austin back on the big screen is something all are waiting for.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Testing, testing,.... 1... 2... 3
Posted by
Special K
8:06 AM
Labels: Austin, Movies, The Informers
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I wouldn't have thought that a smaller, independent film like this would rely on test-screening to help shape it. And it's natural that people are going to mention actors they're familiar with, so I wouldn't necessary expect comments about Austin.
The way the year is going, anything could happen but I sure hope nothing disturbs our chance to see Ausin on the big screen. He may not be considered a big enough star to do the promo stuff like talk shows. Last I heard Informers had an Oct release date at earliest but I have not checked imdb in a while.
Posted on Austin's IMDB page:
As many of you know I ran/run one of the biggest Austin fans sites and earlier this year the server crashed and I lost everything and the sites been down since then.
Now that I'm out of college for the summer I'm working on rebuilding the website but I only have some of the information saved. So if anyone has any information, pictures, articles, ANYTHING send them my way and I will gladly credit everyone who helps me get the site back up and running.
Thank you in advance for your help.
If you have anything, you can just email it to me at
Interesting news about The Informers. Being part of a test audience - how does one do that, it sounds great. :)
Well Austin will not get cut from the movie, since he is playing Martin and has scenes with main characters Laura (Basinger) and Graham (Jon Foster).
Gotta say Austin as wild blonde Billy fan is worth the wait.
Like Destiny, I was also surprised that they would rely on a test screening for this movie. Special, where did you get your info? Did you see the full results of the test screening or just a few comments on imdb?
do you think he had more fun as a blonde? is he worth it?
Just those few on IMDB. But timing wise it would make sense it's about 5 month before release and they can have time to make edits or go back a shoot a scene or two if they really need to.
The State: Nailed gets financing resumes shooting
There is a picture of a sea of scouts in their blue uniforms.
great post special. speaking of informers i need to to inform you that tomorrow is the day of the celtics first loss. hope you stock up on tissues.
We beat the Lakers in LA, coming into our house, they've got no chance. They will fall under the power of Gino.
And having the best record in for the season doesn't hurt either.
And having the best record in for the season doesn't hurt either.
That should be having the best record in the NBA for season doesn't hurt either.
: )
I can hardly wait! :)
I wonder....would Special renounce her Celtics forever for 1 night of passion with Austin?
I wonder....would Special renounce her Celtics forever for 1 night of passion with Austin?
That would take much, much thought before reaching a decision. ; )
And for you Idol fans: He's back out touring
Billy Idol Dates - Pollstar
More! More! More!
Idolize, due June 24, features all seven of the singer's Top 10 hits among its 18 tracks, as well as two new songs: "John Wayne" and "New Future Weapon."
To mark the new collection's release, Idol, along with long-time guitarist Steve Stevens, drummer Brian Tichy and keyboardist Derek Sherinian, will perform songs from the disc on ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" the same day.
I wonder....would Special renounce her Celtics forever for 1 night of passion with Austin?
That would take much, much thought before reaching a decision. ; )
No thought is required. She would!
Now the Sox. No way.
Not even for tan, shirtless and in those insane white jeans.
waht renouncing the boston red sox for a week of passion with austin and jake on a deserted island?
a luxury deserted island with amenities and running water and servants..not some survivor
Not even for tan, shirtless and in those insane white jeans
What about no shirt, out of those insane white jeans and showing some tanlines ?
Hey Wicked should we get the smelling salts out or leave Spesh passed out on the floor like that?
Not passed out on the floor, but getting ready to take this crazy show on the road for the next few days. Vacation. Ok so vacation with family, ok so packing my dad's house. Oh heck it beat working.
So I will be posting on vacation, a lot closer to Lenexa, but more than a mile.
Don't worry, I have all my Celtics and Red Sox stuff with me. And all know I will be watching my Boston Boys while I'm out there.
Go Celts! Beat LA!
Go Sox! Beat the Rays!
Have a great vacation Spesh!
waht renouncing the boston red sox for a week of passion with austin and jake on a deserted island?
Hmmm, if I might interject here and add my slashy 2 cents, I'd renounce the Red Sox, the Celtics, the Patriots, the Bruins, and Lord help me, just about anything else on two conditions:
1. Austin gets the night off (none of my fantasies involve me, Jake and him anyway).
2. The servants get the night off (I'll be the servant!)
The only thing is, I'd have to have a little help from Merlin to turn me into a beautiful young woman (or young man). Then at the stroke of midnight, so to speak, I'd revert to myself and disappear. So yeah, I can see it happening. LOL
Spesh, I heard Larry Bird and Magic Johnson are gonna be in town tomorrow night too! Yay! :)
just to warn you, expect some possible reeking in the next ok magazine
sick buckets ready
Looks like OK magazine prints the majority of stories w/pics on Reeke-almost every week. Their PR team must definitely have some blackmail material on one of the editors to get that kind of coverage. ITA, that headline about the in-love look is barf-worthy.
I had no idea that soccer mom hair was the new in-love look.
Reeke nowhere near as popular as Aniston and Mayer
Wonder what PR will think of this.
It felt good to get a little pep talk from Ted last night. You do wonder where A fits in all this. I wonder if he is still a part of Jake's life.
Jake certainly has more friends and family to run to instead of reese. He has his Mom and Dad. He has his Sister and Brother in law. He has Chris and hopefully he has Austin.
I think OK! just wants to play with the big boys and get stories about A-List stars; People may may bow down to pr, but they don't want to run the same story every week. The real arrangement was probably running the Sophia/Austin story as payback for getting all the Reeke stories.
There is a fine line between capturing that energy and taking the energy and interest out of the audience.
I agree.
But again, what kind of audience's feedback were they trying to get with those test screenings? The multiplex/shopping-mall crowd (???); the hip/urban crowd?; the 80's-been-there-done-that forty-somethings?
Or is all HW segments so profitability-oriented these days that even an indie like Informers gets that highly dubious treatment? Usually the aim of those exercises is to "sanitize" the end product and to make it palatable to the widest possible audience.
Is this what BEE had in mind? Is this what Informers the movie is supposed to be?
Special, have a superb vacation! Forget about us. Really honey, do!You really deserve that break!
The real arrangement was probably running the Sophia/Austin story as payback for getting all the Reeke stories.
Makes real sense. :)
"Jake certainly has more friends and family to run to than Reese. He has his Mom and Dad. He has his Sister and Brother in law. He has Chris and hopefully he has Austin."
No, he doesn't. Except for Chris, everything has changed. If his family life, social life and emotional state were more stable, he wouldn't have turned to Reese.
Most of his public life has vanished completely, and believe me, Reese likes it that way. She doesn't like competition.
This charade is a symptom of an incredible dysfunctional life. I feel sorry for him. I suspect that Ted does as well.
Jake's meltdown started last summer and continued through the fall and early winter. He was desperate for emotional support, constant / local professional encouragement and a way to make himself look more heterosexual because he knew that he was being considered for PoP. Disney was not going to spend 100 million dollars on a film lead by some pansy, Academy Award nomination or not.
So, Jake knew what he had to do. Enter Reeke, Inc.
Hey this is fun, so you will be hearing from me over vacation.
Besides I will need this as my reward for packing and packing and packing.
you'll need a vacation after your vacation! have a good one. :*
Besides I will need this as my reward for packing and packing and packing.
A golden rule I learned while traveling: if you don't want to be packing again, don't unpack to begin with. Bring a jumbo-size suitcase that will serve as temporary cupboard and one of those handy mini-steam iron. Bingo.
you never answered the 1 week luxury deserted island with jake and austin for renouncing the celtics question.... :D
Actually packing my dad's house up. That kind of packing. Ugh!
So you see why OMG, the Celtics, and Sox will be my oasis.
Media, Interesting way of looking at things. I'm somewhat on the same page you are. A strong feeling I've had for close to two years now.
Tom, I would wish that you are right. I don't know what to think, tho. It is just so odd to not see absolutely any pictures of him with his immediate family. I can understand no pictures of him w/Austin. If even one were to be published, can you imagine all the reaction? At this point, it would undo anything Reeke has done for him so far. But one has to wonder what has gone on with him and his parents & even his sister? Unless those pictures just aren't getting published? IDK, who does?
One bad thing, IMO, is that all this time he spends with her, her seemingly aloofness & whatnot are bound to rub off on him. You can't spend that much time with someone and not have some of their mannerisms, language, ideas, etc rub off on you. And sometimes he seems to be shadowing her smirkiness & lifted-nose-in-the-air look. Not attractive at all and not what I was used to seeing from him. It's time to prune himself from that poisonous tree.
I also feel it was easy for Reese to enter!
I would work it out to have both, the the island, the Sox, the Celts and a tasty beverage or two. ; )
*still waiting for the reeke tomkat party pics*
Jake's meltdown started last summer and continued through the fall and early winter.
But Reeke selling PR started 8 months BEFORE that, as soon as her divorce was announced.
That October 2006 TT BI about the bigwig and "sort of a studly adventure story" fits perfectly - Reeke PR started a month after Jake got the PoP role (WFT2 speculations).
a little sublimation this evening?
Special, on behalf of Johnson County, KS, I extend a welcome mat for your vacation. Pack light & bring the rainboots - it's supposed to be mid to upper 80's for awhile. And bring a fondness for orange cones & workzone speed limits as there seems to be a good sprinkling of those around here. : )
No, really, hope you have a great one - it's so cool that you'll be close by
Thank Prairie Girl. Getting ready for some damn good BBQ and STROUD'S chicken! : )
You can't spend that much time with someone and not have some of their mannerisms, language, ideas, etc rub off on you.
I totally agree PG. Even if their meetings are strictly professional, they're also extremely regular (at least lately).
Now I still have some residual optimism left so I'll hope that his regular "meetings" with Austin & his family will cancel out the toxic impact of Reeke.
Getting ready for some damn good BBQ and STROUD'S chicken!
Yeah, Strouds has reopened on the Kansas side - they're packed every night. When they re-opened, they even temporarily stopped taking carryout orders because they could only handle the walkins.
I think the photos of Jake with his family, and in the summer of 2006 with Mance, were to some degree arranged, just like Reeke. So I don't think the fact we don't see Jake with his family doesn't mean he isn't seeing them. Also, I think we previously got a lot more truly random pap pictures because of the rumors about Jake and Austin, so they were on the hunt for J&A or Jake with anyone in a romantic way.
Reeke is work, it has nothing to do with his private life.
Exactly Destiny!
Special did you know you wrote 'testing testing teste'
1... 2... 3... how many were you looking for?
I got Jake by his. You do the math.
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