An OMG Behind the Story Report:
Trying to become a positive eco example for Reese and family Jake has not moved in but moved onto the property and into a yurt in far back corner of the property. A portable,felt-covered, wood lattice-framed dwelling structure used by nomads in central Asia, a yurt can be easily transported by yak or camel. Claiming that this is better for his process for playing Dastan in PoP, Jake has taken up "residence" until filming begins, and contingency plans are in place for the possible strike. Friends realizing that anything that green and eco friendly will instantly be too much for his hostess, seeing this as potential problem. He has also insta
lled a solar shower and a composting toilet to show his commitment to the part, and the environment. He will be using solar panels to provide energy for lightings , computers, phones and blackberries. Sources say that a flurry of phones were sent to managers and team members about the current situation.
The yurt provides a spacious open space with plenty of room for entertaining for Jake. It was constructed and in place while Reese was out of town as a surprised for her. Sources say she is not amused and is even more annoyed by what looks like a very tall cactus that casts a shadow some evenings. The cactus figure seems to be a frequent cause of friction, and that Jake is bumping into it all hours of the night. One neighbor, under anonymity, said they overheard Reese saying to send it back to Texas where it belongs, with Jake saying I didn't realize you could be prickly.
OMG's crack team of PoP psychologists have noticed that Jake has been drawing to thing that begin to Y's since the fall. Yogurt, Yoga and Yurts, have made them wonder if Jake is sending subliminal messages. Noting that G of his last named couple with the first letter of his BFF and coffee pal's first name and these leanings to things that begin with Y, could possibly be spelling out something. No confirmation on what that could be.
Monday, June 30, 2008
And sometimes Y
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Austin as cactus, yeah I could see it.
I wonder if he has a yo-yo in the yurt to help him pass the time.
I wonder if he will give up the Prius for a Yak?
Maybe Chris can come up with some recipes using Yak milk and Yak butter.
Do you think when Jake was doing press for Rendition he was actually trying to look like a Yetti?
Ed and Chace
I'd also suggest Jake's penchant for Y-fronts (as reported a year back or so) and the Y-chromosome in general...
Let's not put the cart before the horse now - the first order of business would be to get the majority of people to trade in their gas guzzlers for Prius', then we can consider Yaks. Love the Yurt tho, kinda posh digs.
Was it too much Jeese?
Jan Wenner is trying to sell Us Weekly to Conde Nast for $750 million.
Wenner Ditching US - NY Post
Did Cindy Adams out Ed Westwick and Chace Crawford?
Gossip ' Guys in the Chace - NY Post
Perez said that both the Daily New and Post claimed to know.
I always think of Cindy Adams as one of those old-fashioned gossip columnists, so interesting to see that mention of Chace, followed by a blurb on Rosie O'Donnell.
Jan Wenner, another member of the gay mafia who is part of the problem. Could it be that he's feeling bad about that? Naa, I think he just sees a chance to make some big money.
Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Yo-Yo Ma
Spotted at the Yarn Barn
I found this part of Cindy Adams' column disturbing-
WE'RE hearing that the togetherness of Rosie O'Donnell and Kelli Carpenter, the handsome blond gal Rosie calls her wife, may not be so together anymore. They married a few years ago in San Francisco. I remember excited Kelli then showing me her new driver's license bearing the name Kelli O'Donnell. Whatever other difficulties such a breakup might cause, there is also a houseful of adopted kids they're raising.
Hope it's not true.
Rosie got asked about her and Kelly getting married in CA cause it's now legal and recognized in NY. She said no, when its legal everywhere.
Maybe it's cause things aren't good.
Jake has been drawing to thing that begin with Y's
Like Livestrong Yellow?
Jake in Morocco starting tomorrow?
actress Joy Bryant's nuptials to stuntman Dave Pope, which took place in a friend's backyard in Amangassett, were shockingly chic. (And just in case anybody was wondering about the rush, Pope's been booked for a significant part as both actor and stuntman in the upcoming "Prince of Persia: the Sands of Time," with Jake Gyllenhaal, with production starting in Morocco on Tuesday and not wrapping till the fall.)
Pack up the yurt and grab the cactus!
Do you think since there has been no agreement regarding the SAG strike, Bruckheimer wanted to start filming prior to them striking?
The current contract runs out at 12:01 AM on Tuesday. But Morocco is 6 hours ahead.
If they start production prior to the strike they could technically not have shut down.
Do you think it's possible that they would try this?
Whole lot of Ted.
Dear Ted:
Are you ready to concede defeat on Jake yet? Or do you wish to add further embarrassment to yourself? Hello! has a story about Reese and Jake cohabitating. Everyone's lying though, right? Everyone but you. For a "showmance" they sure spend a lot of time together out of the public view. Get a clue, buddy, and stop spreading lies about people.
Dear Gyllenblind:
Hello!, the record of who's really diddling whom in this town? Give me a break.
Dear Ted:
Here's my take on gay Hollywood: If only one gay A-list couple would come out and have a public affair, have a row in public, break up, get back together, go furniture shopping in public, get married, adopt a cute baby and get a divorce—i.e. act like a straight Hollywood couple—they would sell just as many magazines. If Hollywood execs saw that gay people can bring in money, they wouldn't be afraid of casting them.
Dear One Sex Fits All:
Wish it were that simple. T.R. Knight and his boy toy are happy to be seen hand in hand for all the paps, but do ya see him scoring any leading man movie roles?
Dear Ted:
If Toothy Tile and Public Thrust want to be caught so badly, why don't they just come out already?
Dear Dental Work:
If it's voluntary, then they can't deny anything if they change their minds.
Good goss from Ted!
If they start production prior to the strike they could technically not have shut down.
Do you think it's possible that they would try this?
Why wouldn't they?
Okay, who is Public Thrust? Ted knocked out my best guesses- Zac and Shia.
Dear Ted:
I don't get it. So, Jake G. is looking for a new, preferably female, assistant. Why does that make him picky and/or cantankerous? And to mention him in the same breath as Naomi Campbell—that's stretching it just a teensy bit, don't you think?
Wilmington, Del.
Dear Ass-istant:
Maybe you should apply for the Gyllen-gig and get back to us. Would make a fabulous item, trust.
T.R. Knight doesn't seem like a fair comparison, but Ted's point doesn't surprise me. Funny that the example is Hello and not US.
Regarding PoP, is it possible that they're just filming stunts right now?
Ted, once again, hit the nail on the head. Hello! magazine, like US Weekly (or WDW and DC, in my opinion), have *no* credibility when it comes to Jake's sexuality, and regardless of how fabulous TR and his barely post-pubescent BF are right now, Hollywood is not going to cast TR, NPH or any other out gay actor as the lead role in a 150 million dollar movie. Period. Get over it.
Just finished all of Ted's column. He also knocks US; answers several questions about Ben & Jen (an item that trolls and babblers like to point out as another example of something Ted gets wrong when talking about TT and Jake) and says that he likes MK at Dlisted. All of these things tie back to Jake/TT in one way or another. And that first letter to gyllenblind makes me think of gyllenbabble.
Good catch re the gyllenbabble/gyllenblind analogy. You know his interns read the Jake blogs as he has mentioned them even back in the WFT1 days.
I like Dlisted myself. His comments are outrageous, but unlike Perez, he makes fun of himself as well, so that makes him OK in my book.
Ted does hint that Jake has become bitchy lately. I'm guessing it's either the effect of a bad influence on him, or the emotional strain from playing the game so long. You have to think they expected it to be a lot easier to pull off.
Bought my advance ticket for The Dark Knight today. I am taking the day off work to see it on opening day 7/18.
You are lucky, m, to get tickets for TDK opening. I am going to have to see that one.
I like MK at Dlisted, too. He can be so hilarious. I swear, there've been times I've been tilting over sideways in my chair from laughing. There is nothing like a good laugh.
I know it probably didn't win the poll, but I voted for Too Wong Fu...(did I get that right?) as I heard it is good. But I'm for Priscilla or Auntie Mame as well, even tho I've seen Auntie Mame a zillion times. I just love that movie.
I like Dlisted too, especially the fact that he doesn't seem to be beholden to anyone, especially pr.
Saddened, but not surprised at Ted's hints about Jake being bitchy. Hopefully he'll stop the bearding before it does some lasting damage.
I have not voted for any of the movies yet. I haven't seen that many of them so did not feel I could choose. I am dating myself again, but had a major crush on Rosanno Brazzi (spelling?).South Pacific, A Certain Smile, 3 Coins in the Fountain. Good looking man.
New TV guide horoscope for Taurus says "you come out of a self imposed exile with the new moon". Austin is a Taurus. It's about time Jake lets him out of the dungeon.
Speaking of D listed. Did anyone catch his comment last week when he said Jake "packed up his Strawberry Shortcake suitcase" for the alleged move. Honestly, I could just picture Jake with the suitcase. Laughed my head off.
That's a lot of interesting Ted for one session. Wonder who wrote so "knowledgeably" about J&R spending time together out of the public view?
Cool yurt; I'd like one myself, with the cactus of course :)
Nichols Prickles
She came to dine at the Ledbury restaurant in Notting Hill with Jake Gyllenhaal and her two children on Sunday! Along with another family, probably her agent or something. She looks B-E-A-UTIFUL! Really natural.
Couldn't beleive to see them like that!
- Sheroz, London
Try this link
PS- Abbie really looks pregnant in those pix with Ryan on x17.
Forgot to let you all know a piece of sad news. Found out in church on Sunday that Sabri Ben Kahla, a man who underwent rendition by the US government (see link at right), recently lost an appeal. Not sure what will happen in his case now.
^^Wicked, I'm very sorry to hear that. :(
New TV guide horoscope for Taurus says "you come out of a self imposed exile with the new moon". Austin is a Taurus. It's about time Jake lets him out of the dungeon.
M, I love this - good to know! ;)
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