Sunday, June 22, 2008

Out Spotlight XXXI

The story of Mary Griffith and her son Bobby is now being made into a made for TV movie for Lifetime Television, and it has been a long time coming. There had been talk since the mid 90's about making the story Prayers for Bobby for television. Sometimes it takes the right champion for the project, and Sigourney Weaver stepped in as that champion. But who is the champion for gay teens, called Mary Griffith?

The mother of a gay son, Mary Griffith's reaction was one that is unfortunately not that uncommon, and one with tragic consequences. But through tragedy comes triumph and now Mary Griffith is an advocate and has helped many who are upset, confused, uninformed , and closed to talking about homosexuality and faith.

Mary Griffith was a devoted mother to two sons, living in Northern California and a parishioner in the in the mega church, Walnut Creek Presbyterian Church. She was devoted to her family, her faith and her church, but all of that changed, when her son Bobby told them about his homosexuality.

When Bobby was 15, he told his older brother Eddie he was gay, but made him promise not to tell anyone. After Bobby unsuccessfully tried to kill himself with a bottle of Bufferin, Eddie broke his promise.

Mary Griffith says Bobby was "humiliated" that they knew he was gay.

Things got better for Bobby when he went to a junior college which had a gay group on campus. He dated and did have boyfriends, but his mother says he always fought a battle between what he felt in his heart and what he taught was proper.

"The thing with Bobby is that he could not separate from his religious teachings," she says, adding that he felt "anything positive about being gay was from Satan and it was not valid. The psychological terror just tormented him.

Those feelings came from their faith. They felt that homosexuality was sick perverted, sinful and condemned by God. For her part, Mary just knew that homosexuality was "an abomination to God." And even before she knew Bobby was gay, she conveyed her feeling to him in no uncertain terms."You can't love God and be gay," she told Bobby. The family Bobby felt was a sinner, that he had to be cured by prayer and Christian counseling. Mary told him he had to repent or God would "damn him to hell and eternal punishment." She had faith that God would come to Bobby's rescue, but only if he read his Bible.

The Christian counselor recommended prayer and suggested that Bobby spend more time with his father. But Bobby's diary revealed that nothing was changing. "Why did you do this to me, God?" he wrote. "Am I going to hell? I need your seal of approval. If I had that, I would be happy. Life is so cruel and unfair."

His mother kept telling him he could change. "It seems like every time we talked, I would tell him that," she says. "I thought Bobby wasn't trying in his prayers." When Bobby became more withdrawn, she simply chalked it up to God's punishment. "Now," she says, I look back and realize he was just depressed."

When Bobby was twenty, in desperation the Griffiths decided he should move to Portland, Oregon, and live with a cousin. At first, the move seemed to help. He later took a backflip off a overpass bridge into the path of an oncoming truck. The guilt, the shame was too much for him.

The family devastated. The Griffiths met with their pastor for grief counseling. In her despair, Mary was seeking ways to atone for the loss of Bobby. She told the pastor she knew there were "other Bobbys out there" and asked how she could help them. The pastor merely shrugged his shoulders—and Mary never again returned to that church.

Mary did not lose her faith, but found a very different God from the one she worshiped at Walnut Creek Presbyterian. She reread her Bible with fresh eyes, and sought out secular books about homosexuality. She concluded that there was noting wrong with Bobby, that "he was the kind of person God wanted him to equal, lovable valuable part of God's creation." She says now, "I helped instill false guilt in an innocent child's conscience."

Shortly after Bobby's death, Mary Griffith discovered PFLAG. For some years, she was president of an East San Francisco Bay PFLAG chapter and appeared frequently on television talk shows, usually wearing a button with Bobby's picture and another with the PFLAG message, "We love our gay and lesbian children." She has cooperated in the filming of documentaries about the Griffith family tragedy, and is the subject of a the book Prayers for Bobby: A Mother's Coming to Terms with the Suicide of Her Gay Son, by Leroy Aarons, founder of the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association and a former national correspondent for the Washington Post. Now being filmed for Lifetime. She campaigns tirelessly for the cause of public school counseling supportive of gay teenagers, believing that Bobby would still be alive if his high school had had such a program.

She testified before the House Economic and Educational Opportunities subcommittee investigative hearing on Parents, Schools and Values, trying to prevent any sex education from being taught in the schools, especially anything to do with homosexuality. "I gave them a description of my son and how religious ideology and their stands on homosexuality caused him a lot of guilt and depression, and how the dehumanizing and demoralizing slander led to his suicide," she said.

"Seeds of fear are planted in the mind of ignorance," she told the subcommittee. "From then on, ignorance listens, and believes without question the demoralizing and dehumanizing slander spread about our children. This rhetoric destroyed our son's life, and countless children today. I have learned all too well that hell has no fury like that of ignorance and fear. Special interest groups use them to promote prejudice, discrimination, rejection, and violence against our children.

"Suicide is the ultimate form of censorship," she continued. "Daily, our children are being accused, judged, convicted and sentenced to a life of spiritual poverty, degradation of self-esteem and personal worth. An epidemic of violence and suicide among our children is the ultimate result. All because of hearsay, ugly rumors, half-truths and outright lies."

She has taken such tragedy and turned into triumph helping parents, friends, family and those coming out understand, accept, and embrace the gift of life and their creation just as they are.

Mary Griffith has since accepted that there was nothing wrong with Bobby in the eyes of God. "God had not cured our son. Why? Because Bobby was created in God's image. There was nothing to cure."


Anonymous said...

Poor Bobby. Life was cruel and unfair to him.

Anonymous said...

She concluded that there was noting wrong with Bobby, that "he was the kind of person God wanted him to equal, lovable valuable part of God's creation." She says now, "I helped instill false guilt in an innocent child's conscience."

What a great Out Spotlight today, I'm really looking forward to seeing this and I hope that it will be a great help to a lot of people. It makes me sad that people are given these messages and have to be hurt and tormented so by religious beliefs, when they should help and comfort people. It's the same with Maurice, I've fallen in love with that book. What a great writer E.M. Forster is - it's like he's pulling at your sleeve and saying "look". Love Sigourney Weaver, and Austin's going to be in it! Great song today too, and I liked yesterday's a lot - the singer's voice reminded me of John Lydon for some reason. Have a great Sunday all.

Clarity said...

Great Spotlight today Special. This is such a sad story. Unfortuantely Mary Griffith had to lose her son before she was able to realize how special he was to her and to God. I hope she is at peace with herself now. I can't wait to see this movie onscreen. I know Sigourney Weaver will do an outstanding job.

Anonymous said...

This is a sad story that could have ended with a happier ending. I wait for the movie to come out. It will hopefully open the eyes of people who think that preaching the bible against gays to children has to stop.

My blog deals with a lot of diferent stories. I have one where a woman says her son will not be gay because he reads the bible and goes to church and beleives in God. They are a Christian family.

She is the one that I hope will watch this movie when it is released to TV.

Special K said...

Here's a video of them filming the parade scene from Prayers for Bobby

Parade scene- Prayers for Bobby

Florida Tom said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Florida Tom said...

Jerseytb/Tom said...
I can't say enough how thrilled I am that this movie is being made and how excited I am that Austin is in it. I really hadnt heard about this story until this week. Reading Specials post I have mixed feelings. I blame Mary Griffith as much as I blame the Church for Bobby's death. I grew up Catholic and today still struggle with the issues of Homsexuality and Religion. What I know is that what and who I am can never change. I believe even though I am not a church goer and probably am agnostic is that if there is a God he loves everyone. Once I heard a very famous comedian say that organized religion may have been the worse thing to happen to society. It shocked me to hear anyone say that. Although I dont totally agree with him he has a point.

I am glad that Mary Griffith is working to help prevent more young Homosexuals like Bobby committ suicide. I hope she emphazises as much on parenting as she does the church

frenchy said...

Hey guys! Hope everybody's fine and has time enough to really enjoy another glorious summer.

Great and well-researched spotlight on Bobby and Mary Griffith Spesh. Thanks a million.

The sad thing about Bobby Griffith's story is that even today all the issues it raises are still burning and quite topical. Each day the medias are reminding us that religious fundies are alive, well and often kicking in North America and that people pay with their life and others' lives because of those tenets.

According to those people, Mary Griffith should have accepted Bobby as her personal cross to bear and his life and death as the works of Satan, the answer to this tragedy being more prayers and more devotion to the doctrine that had killed her son.

Instead, Mrs Griffith picked up her bible again and in the end chose comfort over condemnation, knowledge over ignorance and love over hatred.

Personally I think Mary Griffith found the real Christian God that time around.

And now on a much shallower note, I'm extremely happy to learn that Austin will act alongside Sigourney Weaver in the TV movie. But fuck that Austin - next time can you send us a few tidbits in advance so we don't think you're chained in an attic somewhere in NY or CA? ;D

For the popcorn discussion, I'll throw in Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, with Val Kilmer & Robert Downey Jr. But the idea of a musical is fantastic and although I've heard people talking and writing about Auntie Mame for years I've never watched the damn thing myself, but I'm always willing to learn. ;)

Anonymous said...

I'm so interested in this story. It's good (I think) that Mary Griffith was able eventually to reconcile her belief system this way. I still wonder at blind faith, though, and how these tragedies could *ever* happen, indoctrination or no indoctrination. :( The only belief in the unseen I could ever muster is in J&A.

On a happier note, for a summer movie there were so many in the list I haven't seen, I'll go with whatever is chosen ... but we've all seen Priscilla, haven't we? :D :D

Anonymous said...

Each day the medias are reminding us that religious fundies are alive, well and often kicking in North America and that people pay with their life and others' lives because of those tenets.

I don't think it's because of the tenets, it's how people choose to interpret those tenets, not unlike Islamic fundamentalists. Just because the fundies intepret them a certain way, it doesn't mean that's what is meant, how it is or the last word. I'm not even that particularly religious, I'm more spiritual in my beliefs, but I feel that the purpose of religion is to foster love, comfort and acceptance of others, an appreciation of the gifts around you (the beauty of love, your family and children, help and comfort in loss, the environment) which is what I meant by comfort, not further hatred and division, or to be used as an excuse to hurt people, and pillage and plunder the environment and other creatures who share the planet with us, simply because they think "God said so". What rubbish. By comfort one can instill in their children that they are loved for exactly who they are, among other things. The furthering of love and acceptance is in all religious texts too, but for some reason people "pick and choose" what to believe, which is wrong IMHO.

Anonymous said...

Such a sad story. I look forward to seeing this tv/movie when it's finished.

NETB, I also started reading Maurice. Only up to Chapter 5 at this point, but the book is so much better than the film, and I enjoyed the film a lot. I plan on rewatching it after I finish the book.

Anonymous said...

Me too - there's so much detail, I'm at the part where Clive is struggling with his natural feelings and his family
s religious beliefs and the pressure of his station in life as to expected behaviour for a male - so it's very apropos. And the way E.M. Forster describes Maurice's coming to the realization of who he is, is truly a thing of beauty. :)

frenchy said...

I don't think it's because of the tenets, (...)

What I meant was the fundies' tenets. Their own interpretation becomes doctrine to them and any other opinion is "wrong".

Anonymous said...

why Sundays are always a sad day? (the saddest day of the week). May be it's me. What about your Sundays people from OMG?

Anonymous said...

I think the bearding has gone too far. My interest in jake is officially over:

Lure of London attracts Rachel and Reese to move across the 22 JUNE 2008

For the last five years English actress Rachel Weisz has made her home in Manhattan. Now the London-born beauty is returning to her roots and moving back to the British capital.

Joined by her fiancé, film director Darren Aronofsky, and their two-year-old son Henry, the 37-year-old Oscar-winner will this month move into a luxurious £3.5 million house in Primrose Hill. Fashionable neighbours will include Kate Moss and Sadie Frost.

"Rachel is really excited about her move back to Britain," says a friend. "She initially moved to New York for work and to be close to Darren, who is a native of the city, but they have decided to live in London. Rachel was born there and misses it hugely."

The star of The Constant Gardener is not the only one crossing the pond this summer. Blonde beauty Reese Witherspoon and her two children have just moved into a £1.9 million house in the cosmopolitan district of Notting Hill to be closer to her love Jake Gyllenhaal.

Billed as Hollywood's highest paid actress, the romantic 32-year-old is taking a four-month break from work so she can be closer to Brokeback Mountain actor Jake, who is currently filming in London.

"Reese loves England and has been really looking forward to spending this time living with Jake," revealed an actress pal of the star.

Anonymous said...

Just more spin.

Notting Hill at that price. Funny.

Just more pr puff. And no names again. Why believe it.

Anonymous said...

Her kids have school at the end of the summer. Ryan let them go to London for the whole summer, no way. They have friends in LA too

Come on stop believing this crap.

Anonymous said...

You can get a three-bedroomed flat or maisonette in Notting Hill for that money. Just can't see Reese slumming.

Anonymous said...

What happened to the not living in sin gossip, hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

The kids are out of school now and will split the summer between both parents. Everything from OK is so full of BS/PR Spin it makes me go hmmmmm trying to decifer the differences. The last story OK had about their summer plans was completely wrong so it couldn't have been planted. This one seems based on the pictures alone.

It is however a continuation of the Jake and Reese are super serious and totally "a family" theme. Which is on message with PR.

Anyone would be able to assume that the kids will split the summer between their parents. But it's a safe bet to assume that could happen in London or LA. If Ryan does make that Viking movie it will shoot in Europe in the summer. He spends a lot of time there. At some point he must have bought or leased a house because he said in an interview he had a "flat" in London.

Time will tell.

Anonymous said...

"Reese loves England and has been really looking forward to spending this time living with Jake," revealed an actress pal of the star.

ITA, Sister Mary Margaret Knuckle-Rapper.

Anonymous said...

They will have separate bedrooms with a room in between for the Holy Ghost.

Wicked said...

Loved the Skittles in that video, Spesh!

Great song today too, and I liked yesterday's a lot - the singer's voice reminded me of John Lydon for some reason.

Hands on Heads' record is an odd one. Many of their songs are under a minute long and not terribly poppy. Definitely an acquired taste.

Tobias Froberg's record is becoming one of my favorites of this year. It's the kind of record where you listen to it the first time and like it, but it really grows on you with repeated listens.

Anonymous said...

Next we'll hear they got married in Vegas!

Anonymous said...

Yes,Lisa Lee, I often feel melancholy on a Sunday evening(a throw-back to "back to scool night"),but it's exacerbated when more of this pathetic PR bollocks surfaces.

If Jake's been convinced by his "handlers" that Bearding is advisable,nay essential, then that's sad enough. That he should become yoked to that particular phoney fame-obsessed creature for the sake oh his HW employability makes it yet worse.

It's attitudes like those in HW and in certain sections of the "Christian" religion and other fundamentalist faiths which mean that,sadly,there will be many more Bobby Griffiths',either living a miserable lie or finding they can live those lives no longer.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, how long has she been divorced from Ryan? And here she is moving her children to a forgien country, away from friends, grandparents, everything normal and ordered - which is very important for children of divorce -to live with a man who has been a part of their lives for less than a year, live with him in a family dynamic, as a couple, as partners.

After pimping her children out for the paps, after everything that The Spoon has done since the marriage began to crumble, why does it not surprise me that she would continue to exhibit behavior that is fundamentally and clinically proven detrimental to a child's emotional well-being.

Anonymous said...

Just had to say it, I love that word, but it certainly applies to this latest rumour. :(

Anonymous said...

So, gay is not acceptable to the hausfraus and fangirls, but living without benefit of marriage, with the children in tow, is OK?

What the heck religious text are they following?

destiny said...

What a great post Special. I was surprised to learn this was in Walnut Creek, and that it was a Presbyterian Church. Not exactly a place or church that I think of as being bastions of that kind of thinking towards homosexuals. And because I've always had a bit of a rebellious streak, I forget sometimes how some people have a hard time escaping what has been drilled into them at such an early age.

I really enjoyed that video, funny how Michigan is filling in for S.F.

E.V. tb said...

Today's post prompts me to share my own experience with similar emotions. Jersy Tom may identify. I was also raised Catholic, was an altar boy when the Mass was still in Latin :0
It was an enormous struggle for me to come to terms with my own sexuality. Fortunately, I survived my own attempt to take my own life at age fourteen. My parents were both in the medical field, and ultimately came to accept my sexuality. As a special ed major in college, I recognized the need for a support resource for questioning and struggling gay youth.

I've volunteered as facilitator/mentor for various gay youth groups from Boston to Charlotte. If I was able to save just one life from sharing my experience, it certainly was worth the time and the dedication. There were stories I'd heard that were both heartbreaking and downright cruel, but I'd give them a glimmer of hope, and let them know that they weren't alone.

Your Turf-Harford
Our Time-Charlotte

frenchy said...

(((e.v.))) thanks so much for sharing your story with us. :)

Anonymous said...

That viking movie that Ryan has been delayed according to imdb due to financing. If it gets back on track it will be Sept. the earliest.

Anonymous said...

{{{{{{E.V.}}}}} I hate the thought that people have to go through this. Glad that you are ok. :*

Anonymous said...

this is what you get for £1.9 mllion in the Notting Hill area.. london property is expensive

not sure I'd swap a ranch in California for a pokey flat in west London.. but hey!

Anonymous said...

It's only for the summer, I doubt she bought it, just a rental. I thought the ranch in CA was just for the weekends? She can easily afford both I assume.

Florida Tom said...

Thanks for sharing your story E.V. Yeah I can relate to it. Sounds like you have done great things with your life. I applaud you.

destiny said...

(((E.V.))). It's especially nice to read about a happy ending after reading today's post.

Reese taking a 4 month break=she doesn't have any work and needs to put a pr spin on it.

Anonymous said...

EV, thanks so much for sharing your story. I have internal issues about sexuality too that I know in my mind aren't true but when you have feelings placed in you at an early age its hard to shake. I think the work you are doing is wonderful and truly admirable :-*

Anonymous said...

I am so looking forward to this film and to seeing Austin in it. Its great he has now worked on two consecutive films with bisexual/gay themes. He is really putting himself out there for the cause :)

I needed some good news after seeing the "ranch" which I found truly deplorable, not because people eat meat but the "sport" aspect of it. The whole thing creeped me out, from the pictures of "trophies" to the holiday atmosphere...just awful.

Florida Tom said...

I agree Destiny what the h*ll else does this women have to do but run around hounding Jake and looking like an Olsen Troll..

Special K said...

Thanks EV for sharing you story here. ((EV))

I attended a Christian college where you signed a moral clause that you would refrain for certain activities. Yes homosexual activity was one, but so was any premarital sex (gay or straight), drinking, smoking, drugs, gambling and dancing. Any of these could lead to expulsion. Were rules broken, some did break them and other didn't.

Many of my guy friends struggled between their faith and their true sexuality. A minister's son sat on the end of my couch and said, I want the same thing you want, a nice Christian guy to settle down with, and how could I argue with that. I couldn't and I didn't. It all came down to finding someone to love, it shouldn't matter who that someone is. He knew that he was going to lose his family,friends and his college with the decision he making. I was glad I was there to support him as he did this. And some friends couldn't do what he did and now find themselves hidden in marriages.

I've met people who told me that AIDS was God's curse on homosexuals. I reminded them that a vengeful God, was in the Old Testament and the New Testament was the new message and that was the message of of love and compassion.

There is still much work to do, and a story like Mary Griffith reminds me that there is and that everyone, gay, straight, believers and non believers need to work together.

Anonymous said...

Great post, Spesh. :*

Anonymous said...

What a tragic but important story. I love you`re out spotlight stories, but i have to say, this is the one who have touch me tha most.
I knew, once i read you`re post today, special, i want to see that movie. I didn`t realize this is movie Austin is a part of. Had to read some old comments first.
"God had not cured our son. Why? Because Bobby was created in God`s image. There was nothing to cure".
There was simply nothing to cure. So true!

Wicked said...

A wonderful story, EV. We've missed you around here. :)

I have to ask, is Hello magazine a credible source? Seems that folks are believing this story of Reese moving to London for the summer and I'm wondering if it's credible. Might be more PR blather.

E.V. tb said...

Currently watching TDAT again! Televised on FX. Love seeing our boys together. If only... would imitate art or vise versa :)

Anonymous said...

Don't know how credible this London story is. Does not really fit the persona they have been selling for Reese lately. A new strategy perhaps to make Jake seem less emasculated? I am going to wait a few days to react, see what turns up. The restaurant/biking story proved to be total bunk.

Anonymous said...

Hope you realize the only ones who immediately rush to read these completely made up stories and give them any weight is you. Nobody else. Of course the biking story was shit, and so was the apt in SF, and the restaurant and ... you name it! Hope you realize NOONE knows zippo of Jake personal life. Smart, if you ask me.

Anonymous said...

For myself, I think from now on, I
am going to concentrate on their
careers. I have become quite the
fan of Austin's. I cannot wait to
see this movie. Please keep me
informed when the Informers comes
to the screen! With all these
stories about Jake and Reese, I
guess the next thing will be that
Austin is engaged to a beautiful
girl from Michigan. She gave him
the ring around his neck and they
are getting married! OMG, Wicked
and Special K, keep up the excellent work! Have a good week!
I am only joking about Austin!

Anonymous said...

What I meant to say is that I wish
Jake and Austin much happiness and
success in both their professional
and personal lives! Can anyone give me a link to Ted's wedding
photo? I am dying to see it and I
have tried everything!

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add-I hope Austin stays sober and on the wagon. Now
I promise I will not post for another couple of days. Take care,
everybody, and have a good week.
Hope you are doing good, Prairie
Girl and everybody else!

Anonymous said...

Hope you realize the only ones who immediately rush to read these completely made up stories and give them any weight is you.

Zippy, you obviously don't read Gyllenbabble then.

Anonymous said...

Babblers are hardly worth considering regarding Phonyspoon.