Bubble Boy is the like movie junk food. Panned by the experts, but oh so good you can't help yourself. You flip past the channels somehow you have to watch, and then you wonder hours later... it happened again. Kind of like potato chips (crisps to some of you) you can't stop at one and you can't believe that you finished off the bag.
Who is responsible for this? These men - Ken Daurio and Cinco Paul. These are the two who created Bubble Boy, Dr. Phreak, and the Bright and Shinys. But don't call them Ken and Cinco, they are Todds. Oh yeah they are Todds, when you write a song like Bright and Shiny you have to sing it. Next time you find yourself trapped in the Bubble Boy bubble, look for them. While Bubble Boy was not a commercial hit, they have had another, little movie called Horton Hears a Who. And Bubble Boy now has type of cult following.
An other cameo in Bubble Boy you might not have noticed - Stacey Keebler, Pro Wreslter with the WWE, Reebok spokemodel and contestant on Dancing with the Stars in the U.S. Listed at Working Girl, suspected she was one of the two ladies challenging Jimmy for the "500 dollahs".
One good thing that Bubble Boy did was show off those comedy skills Jake's had since childhood. Jake grew up with Martin Short as a neighbor, his godmother's Jamie Lee Curtis husband funny man Christopher Guest as a family friend and of course worked with Billy Crystal. "From the time he could talk," his mom quoted as saying, "Jake didn’t have a chance. 'We knew he was going to be an actor since the time he was tiny,' she says. 'We figured he would just run away and join ‘Saturday Night Live.’ "
And he finally got his chance.
Now you can't you see him doing the Bright and Shiny video, complete with the jazz hands. Cause you know he is a Todd at heart.
And yes that is a peppermint patty eye patch.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Go Todd Go
Posted by
Special K
8:38 AM
Labels: Bright and Shiny, Bubble Boy, Comedy, Jake, Todds
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Jimmy: You guys aren't a singing group... you're a cult!
Jake was funny on SNL. To bad that the Jakey of Feb.2007 that did SNL seems to have died and been replaced with the super straight, soccer dad in training, devoted boyfriend and so in love he can't function with his "girlfriend" Reese by his side, Jake Gyllenhaal. The other Jake was so much more handsome, fun and interesting.
OMG - you guys must be able to read minds! Love the post and LOVE They Might Be Giants. Thanks for today's song, my fave of theirs - it's a good one to have stuck in your head all day! Love Bubble Boy too. :*
Oops, sorry that was me! ;)
Ok, I didn't have time to check back my copy to get the exact quotes but I found them at IMDB:
From Bubble Boy's Super-Protective Mom:
...and the prince climbed up Rapunzel's hair to the top of the tower and said, "Come with me, and we'll live happily ever after." Then Rapunzel left her plastic bubble and died. The end.
And this one:
Well, you'll certainly be in my prayers tonight. And I'll be praying you get nut cancer!
And finally some more words of wisdom from Mrs. Livingston:
And then Pinocchio came out of his plastic bubble and touched the filthy little whore next door and died. The End!
I love that crazy movie. It probably played a part in my positive feelings towards Nailed. Jake certainly can play an over-the-top character. Now let's keep our fingers crossed that these talents were put to good use in his latest work.
Just what the Doctor ordered, a bright and shiny Bubble Boy post. I should get the DVD out again - it's an anti-depressant on a plastic disc!
I missed chipping in on the great "Brokeback" post because I was having a "Why did I even get out of bed?" day yesterday,but it was lovely to just read through everyone else's posts and find so many echoes of my own feelings.
I used to have a very bad (or good,depending on how you look at it) Speed-Dial-BBM habit,whipping from one pivotal/erotic/heart-breaking scene to another and made good use of the slo-mo button too ;-) However I haven't dipped into it much of late and I've only seen it once all the way through since Heath died and I was more in bits than ever.
The film itself always was a beautifully agonising masterpiece,but the tragedies and changes that have happened since have rendered it more poignant than ever :-(
God,I really DO need a dose of "Bubble Boy",don't I?
Love Bubble Boy and TMBG, what a great combo for this post. The one thing that always puzzles me about BB is how awful the reviews were for it--they kept me away from this movie for a long time. Sometimes I wonder if people are even watching the same movie.
Sing along Todd and you too Lorraine.
"Bright and Shiny.
Bright and Shiny.
People all across the land,
Come and join our happy band. Always happy, never gay,
Living clean is A-OK.
Bright and Shiny.
Bright and Shiny.
If you save yourself for God,
You will get the golden rod.
Give up on society,
We will be your family.
Bright and Shiny."
I saw They Might Be Giants a million years ago when I was in college. The best part of the show was when one of the Johns (both guys in TMBG are named John) held up a guitar in the middle of a song and said over and over, "Awesome guitar solo! Awesome guitar solo!"
^^I love them - I've never seen them live, but I have always loved their creative, intelligently amusing lyrics and deadpan delivery. ;)
Bubble Boy has so many amazingly funny moments, I never thought I'd like it but really do. Love the peppermint patty eye patch. ;)
^^don't know how that plus sign got in there lol
I'm sorry I missed the BBM discussion yesterday as well. One of the reasons I say yea for Bravo is that hopefully, there will be more people that watch it who for whatever reason, haven't seen it yet. It can have such a profound effect on a person as it did myself that I am hopeful it will continue to affect people. I really look at it as already a classic in movies. I think I always end up crying at the end. I tend to skip over the part where Jack bolts up to see Ennis after learning of his divorce because I just can't stand to see how hurt Jack is.
I don't know if it's ignorance on my part, but it seems like cable is showing A Knight's Tale an awful lot more since Heath died. I had never seen it before and I really liked it. I don't think Heath ever looked better - well, maybe in The Order. No priest should ever look so good as he did, holy cow.
I was all set to watch Jarhead on my petsitter people's excellent cable selection last night On Demand but stupid Everest had made it On Demand but ON ORDER! Whoever heard of having to order On Demand?Drat - I couldn't watch it. Has anyone seen it? Is that a stupid question for the OMG crowd? ;) It looks pretty good from the previews on HBO. I'm not a big war movie watcher (althou I just saw The Patriot-no one told me Heath's character died in that one, it about killed me) but maybe I could sit through Jarhead.
On a lunchbreak, had to get on here. Hope everyone's having a good day today.
Prarie Girl, Jarhead is more about the waiting around to fight, so it's not a traditional war movie. You should check it out, both Jake and Peter Saarsgaard are very good in it. I also like the fact that Jake's character is quite a switch from the roles he usually plays.
Thanks, Destiny, I think I will check it out @ Blockbuster if it doesn't show up here in the next few days on HBO. I still have 4 more nights (I'm such a tightwad, aren't I?) with the excellent-o cable selection.
Heinz has pulled an ad that was only running in the U.K. because of complaints it showed two men kissing.
Heinz Pulls Ad
I know I won't be adding Heinz to my shopping cart in the future.
Have my own truncated BBM watching ritual.
Tater peeling, cliff jumping, FNIT, SNIT, Reunion Kiss...on slow motion...and zoom.
Unbelievably I've still not seen Bubble Boy ... AND the only version of this song I knew was the Jonathan Richman one :)
The real reason Reese has changed her style
She's so in love with Jake, of course!
clinging to her youth like grim death more like it
London, we're going to make you hand in your card if you don't watch BB. ;)
I know, I know, I'm finally convinced, destiny. You won't prise my tattered card from me :D
Talking of convinced, where is max?
Posted on Datalounge a few minutes ago:
"Jake G. and a male friend - eye witness here
In view of recent threads here I wasn't even going to bother, but I just didn't like the way he presented himself after Brokeback Mountain, so I don't mind outing him.
I was on the beach - a bit secluded area about two miles north of the Ritz Carlton- Laguna Niguel. I was there with my bf - we like the beach and no one is ever in that corner - the water not quite as easy to deal with but fine if you are not planning on serious swimming or water sports. So we hear some sounds and we see that there are two guys totally making out but they are in shorts and tee shirts so don't get all hyper. And as soon as they hear us they quickly separate and pretend that nothing was going on. I guess because we were behind some rocks they didn't realize that we saw them.
As we get closer we realize one of them is Jake and I have no idea who the other guy is. Sandy hair kinda short and wavy. Couldn't see eye color because both put their sunglasses on really quickly. and Jake put on this baseball cap as we got closer but we already realized it was him.
IWe probably should have said something but it was kinda awkward. They just nodded and we nodded and kept going. As soon as we were about 20 feet away, they quickly picked up whatever they had and left.
The whole thing happened quickly so I didn't have time to take a photo.
Anyway, people always talk about eye witness, you got one now. "
Please, please, can people give us links to those DL posts? I NEVER find that juicy stuff when I go there. ***SOB**
Hmmm, now who does the "friend" sound like? ;)
If the report is true, I wonder when it happened.
Maybe the weekend before Reeke was photographed shopping, biking, showing off ill-fitting beach wear, etc...?
That beach does sound like somewhere Jake and Austin would go since it does seem to be a good place to surf.
I guess we'll see what happens. Who knows, maybe Austin will somehow confirm it for us again in a few weeks just like he did with the crutches sightings ;)
Wavy hair? Tralalala! ;D
Don't know if this sighting is credible but it's fun stuff to read. ;)
I second the request for DL links. I'm also very challenged when I go there and never find what I'm looking for. Thanks you in advance for your help!
got friendly down in the sand
Jake G. and a male friend - eye witness here
The poster on DL said it wasn't Austin after someone posted a link of his picture. The Jake in London was Tursday-weekend, so he could be back (The poster claimed it happened today) but that would make ted a liar if you choose to believe this anon. poster, which i don't.
Thanks a lot DL. Unfortunately I got the "Prime Time" message. That bit of summer fun will have to wait. ;)
Wow! Babblers are OK with Jake being gay. That's nice.
Whether true or not, Jake with boys persists. And to quote Martha Stewart. It's a good thing. ; )
My sparkling glasses firmly in place all I see is Jake with his Austin. : )
London you must see Bubble Boy.
Frenchy - my list of quotes from Bubble Boy are way too long, but I do use many of them on a regular bases. Esp. Ice Cream Ice Cream, Curry Curry.
Hey ME! awesome to see you again ((ME))
Everyone knows ... no anons.
Well, I'm considering this sighting with HUGE grains of salt but also with much amusement and as a welcome distraction from the constant Reeking we've had to endure these last months! :D :D
Jimmy: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic of which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all...
[looks down and says faster]
Jimmy: I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic of which it stands one nation under God indivisible.
You bring the salt I'll bring the margaritas and we'll get the beach chairs.
Jake is cheating on Reese and Austin!!!
Esp. Ice Cream Ice Cream, Curry Curry.
Oh yeah, that was a great one, lol!
And how about this one:
I'm coming back as a cock-a-roach! Yes, definitely a cock-a-roach!
Ok, I think I'll stop now or this will spoil the fun for London. ;)
Prairie, don't forget to tell us what you thought about Jarhead.
And now dear friends I have to leave cause I'm savoring season 2 of NYPD Blue. I got the first four seasons now and the guy at the store told me that the other ones are not available yet but I'm suspicious and I will check online to be sure.
You bring the salt I'll bring the margaritas and we'll get the beach chairs.
And I'll bring my favorite Sangria recipe and a 100-tablet aspirin bottle so we'll be all set! :D
Hope Jake does get some summer fun. All work and no play, makes Jake a sad boy. But don't think that will be a problem at all, sure he has the situation well in hand. ; )
That DL "sighting" sounds almost identical to a scene in the movie, Billy's Hollywood Screen Kiss. Right down to the lighter, wavy hair.
Re the DL beach sighting- as always, consider the source.
I think what this sighting really shows is that despite all the bearding, there are still gay rumors. I wonder if Jake will ever be totally rid of them.
really shows is that despite all the bearding, there are still gay rumors. I wonder if Jake will ever be totally rid of them
Does Jake really want to get rid of the rumors?
DL post:
"OP - Dude, not even the Jake/Austin believers at Oh My Godot believe this sighting. Nice try, though!
see link"
Does Jake really want to get rid of the rumors?
The million dollar (as opposed to the 500 dollah!)question.
It's a Woman's World
As if Naomi Campbell wasn’t exacting enough, now we’ve got our darling Jakey Gyllenhaal being a tad pushy, too. It’s all so treacherous these days watching celeb-ville get more and more cantankerous. Did you know Mr. G is currently looking for a new assistant? Must be all those coffee and yoga dates with Reese-love—I’m sure they’re all hell to put together, those sweaty appointments. Help is needed by the dimpled dude!
But don’t bother applying if you’re a guy. Insiders knowledgeable with the star who’s dating the chick known for always buying two calendars (in case one gets too smudgy half way through the year), say Gyllenhaal is more interested in a female assistant. Doesn’t surprise moi, really, ‘cause everybody knows men gossip more than women. Known fact, babe-cakes.
Oooo, did Ted's gossip come firsthand from Jake's ex male assistant?
But Jake has always had female assistants, except for that Katz dude that dissappeared a while ago.
That makes no sense, it's not like he had a string of male assistants.
I'll have a margarita too, with the biggest grains of salt you can find.
I think Katz was one of Ted's original sources for Toothy Tile.
Interesting. I've seen Katz in a photo with Austin, too.
Katz was photographed with Austin at a club in February during Fashion Week when Austin was in New York with Sophia and her friends.
But don’t bother applying if you’re a guy.
Hey, that's not legal! ;)
But Jake has always had female assistants, except for that Katz dude that dissappeared a while ago.
Wasn't Chris alleged to have been Jake's assistant at one time?
Hey, that's not legal! ;)
Maybe Austin is the jealous type! Gender discrimination in employment happens all the time. Usually nothing can be done about it because it can't be proved. So Jake won't have to worry about being sued.
Usually nothing can be done about it because it can't be proved.
Au contraire. Wrong. I don't know where you're getting your info, but there's a lesser standard of proof, it's very easy to prove, by only a reasonable person's standard, and it happens all the time. I wouldn't want to go there, or have the bad publicity from it, or have to pay damages.
Federal antidiscrimination laws apply to businesses with 15 or more employees, and state or local statutes often cover even smaller ones. In Chicago, for instance, companies with just a single employee can be sued for discrimination.
This may apply to Reeke, Inc. Sex descrimination lawsuits have surged in recent years. This is the first time I've ever thought one of Ted's comments has been BS.
assistant code for nanny?
Ohhhhh, now that's different! :)
"This may apply to Reeke, Inc. Sex descrimination lawsuits have surged in recent years. This is the first time I've ever thought one of Ted's comments has been BS."
Please. Personal assistants are handpicked in Hollywood. All the time.
actually, it's the second time I've thought twice about a Ted comment. While agree where there's smoke, there's fire sometimes - I don't think he's infallible.
The part about Jake needing a new assistant and that he only wants a female assistant is reported as fact. Ted makes it clear that he is just speculating as to the reason, and uses it as another way to comment on Reeke. I don't see what makes that BS.
On the other hand, the DL thing does sound like it could be BS. But I did want to point out that someone posted a picture of Ryan P. as well as Austin before a person claiming to be the OP put up a second comment; in that second comment he didn't even sound like he necessarily realized there were two different pictures linked. He said " I don't know who the guy with him was. No not the guy in the photo at whichever link it was."
Personal assistants are handpicked in Hollywood. All the time.
That very well may be; but it doesn't stop someone from filing a suit if they were so inclined, and I don't know why anyone would want to court that, or encourage that kind of scrutiny. I'm sure Ted is just reporting what he's heard, but there's so much crap, it's hard to know what to believe. I agree that latest beach sighting sounds questionable too. Who knows? :)
Think about it. If his assitant was a guy, everytime they were seen together he would be construed as Jake's boyfriend. Does not fit with the straightening. Back when Katz was his PA, I thought there was more to it, but mainly because of the Darko commentary. Jake mentions Matt several times, like when you are in love you find reasons to say your boyfriends name. Ted used the opportunity to diss Reeke as fake once again.
Don't now about the beach siting; the story just does not ring true.
I just reacted I think - it's very disappointing, whatever the reason. :(
Ooh about the beach sighting - I'm with Spesh and destiny on this :) (if it's true, which it might not be) :) Whatever.
Variety reporting Nailed production still shut down and Thinkfilm closed its Toronto office.
But you gotta admit a little digital dance down a deserted stretch of beach is exactly where a Southern Cal boy and his fish of Texan would be right at home.
But I did want to point out that someone posted a picture of Ryan P. as well as Austin before a person claiming to be the OP put up a second comment; in that second comment he didn't even sound like he necessarily realized there were two different pictures linked.
Maybe someone posted the picture of Austin so they could come back on claiming to be the OP and say it wasn't him.
Wouldn't he have recognized Ryan? And the picture of Ryan included Deacon, the "OP" I would think would have mentioned that.
It sounds like the eyewitness account of Jake playing footsie with some guy in NY in '06 and was posted there, they never came back to describe the dude but it was sent to Ted and he spun it into a BI.
Maybe the sighting was posted by a Babbler (Jack Bourassa?) in the hope that there would be Reeke pix in London. That would make the point that BS gets posted and there are so many bogus sightings. Unfortunately for the trolls, posting that Jake is gay only keeps the rumors alive. Not smart on their part if they did do it.
Hey Air, we know you're a troll.
So wich of Jake's PAs got fired? Or he just needs another one, not a replacement?
"Talking of convinced, where is max?"
Oh, just around - I'm working on the principle that if ya ain't got nothing good to say say nothin', and since it's 95% Reese and Jake at the moment I'm saying very little.
Still convinced Jaustin was a reality at one point, not so sure about now, but it would be great to think that guy with sandy, slightly wavy hair on the beach was Austin. (Austin's hair does have a wave as it starts growing.)
"I think Katz was one of Ted's original sources for Toothy Tile."
I agree, from Ted's comment today. Katz knew Jake and Austin from the time they first met, didn't he?
Although, he wouldn't have been the person who saw them holding hands in a restaurant, but he certainly would hear about it(from Austin?) if the cops found them making out in a car.
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