OMG MOVIE CLUB TOMORROW We will be discussion the Merchant Ivory movie, Maurice, starring James Wilby, Rupert Graves and Hugh Grant.
Interesting article posted on WFT2:
Bisexual in Hollywood: OK for Girls, Not Guys If Lindsay Lohan Comes Out as Bisexual, It May Not Hurt Her Career By SHEILA MARIKAR June 5, 2008 —
There are lots of things Hollywood actors do to differentiate themselves. They color their hair, they take up causes, they develop drug problems.
Could coming out as bisexual also be considered a career move?
Ever since the paparazzi captured them possibly kissing in Cannes, tabloids and blogs have been buzzing about whether or not Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are more than just friends.
At the MTV Movie Awards this week, bisexual reality TV star Tila Tequila jumped into the fray, telling Us magazine that the two should be open about their relationship and, "just go all out with it! ... If you're going to do something, do it all out."
Lohan's reps have yet to address the rumors. But the speculation has taken attention away from Lohan's less-than-stellar movie streak, substance abuse issues and fame-hungry mother, suggesting that if she were to come out as bisexual, it wouldn't be a big deal and could even be a boon for her career.
Female stars, including Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore, have revealed past relationships with women and haven't seen their careers hurt in the least because of it. But among male actors, owning up to experimentation is all but verboten. Why the double standard?
"I'm not sure what that's based on anymore, other than the idea that leading men have to be virile and masculine in order for them to be viable for big roles," said Corey Scholibo, arts and entertainment editor of The Advocate. "For women, it seems that women and, of course, men will still accept them if they admit to experimentation in the past."
Indeed, many in the industry and the audience find it titillating when a starlet (the better-looking, the better) says she's fooled around with the same sex, even if it was just for the cameras. Denise Richards rocketed to fame after making out with Neve Campbell in "Wild Things." Scarlett Johansson's sex scene with Penelope Cruz in Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" served as the major marketing point of that movie.
When an actress reveals a real-life romantic relationship with a woman, tongues wag even more, but usually not to the detriment of her career.
In 2003, Jolie, who dated actress/model Jenny Shimizu in the 90s, told "20/20," "If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I, you know, feel that it's OK and it's right to want to kiss her and touch her if I fell in love with her in that way? Yeah."
That year, Jolie banked $12 million for her role in "Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life." Two years later, she made $20 million for starring in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith."
But the fact that actresses seem able to reveal bisexuality without negative repercussions may not point to acceptance as much as society's desire to see them, first and foremost, as sex objects.
"It's great that women have more flexibility to experience those relationships without being penalized, but I think it's because women are taken less seriously in general," said Jennifer Baumgardner, author of "Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics." "It's like, 'So what if they were fooling around?' When two men who were thought to be straight have sex, it's perceived as more serious."
Maybe that's why so few men in Hollywood are willing to talk about experimenting with other guys. Alan Cumming is the only major actor to call himself bisexual, but with his scrawny stature and preference for theater and indie flicks, he was classified as eccentric long before talking about his sexuality.
While E! online gossip columnist Ted Casablanca claims male actors "absolutely" fool around with the same sex as much as their female counterparts, he doubts he'll see a day when a hunky, A-list, alpha-male -- a Jake Gyllenhaal (who made waves when he starred as a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain") or a Chace Crawford (the "Gossip Girl" pretty boy rumored to be gay) -- talks about it publicly.
"The public just doesn't know about it. It's still Hollywood's biggest, dirtiest secret -- absolutely always will be," Casablanca said. "The business is built on fantasy. If Joe is talking about how he likes to go around with Kenny, it doesn't work. But if Jenny wants to talk about getting it on with Katie, it sells tickets."
Casting directors and network executives contacted for this story were reluctant to talk about how the employability of actors, male and female, changes when they reveal they don't conform to the heterosexual norm. But while the bulk of bisexual Hollywood may still be in the closet, many gay actors have come out in recent years and haven't hurt their careers because of it.
"We've had a spate of them recently: David Hyde Pierce, Lance Bass; Neil Patrick Harris came out and still has his role as a womanizing man on 'How I Met Your Mother,'" Scholibo said. "Anytime someone comes out and says, 'I'm going to keep doing what I'm going to do,' it opens up the door for the public to accept a new kind of gayness which encompasses every kind of representation. But whether they owe it to us, I don't know."
In Lohan's case, revealing a relationship with a woman probably wouldn't affect her career one way or another. She's made so many headlines over the past year and a half that coming out as bisexual would just be another drop in the bucket.
"Lindsay, she's a professional celebrity to a degree. Her last few movies haven't done so well; she's become an insurance problem. I'm not sure if we could judge her career's success or failure by this," Scholibo said. "There's a lot of speculation about Ellen Page right now. If she came out, that would be drastically different. If Scarlett Johansson came out, that would also be drastically different. But I don't think Lindsay can be an example of anything."
And as for Tequlia, who some speculate flaunts her bisexuality only because it bought her reality TV stardom and probably knows Lohan and Ronson as well as you and I:
"She should just focus on her reality show," said publicist Lizzie Grubman. "If this is her only way to get press, then it's pathetic."
While E! online gossip columnist Ted Casablanca claims male actors "absolutely" fool around with the same sex as much as their female counterparts, he doubts he'll see a day when a hunky, A-list, alpha-male -- a Jake Gyllenhaal (who made waves when he starred as a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain") or a Chace Crawford (the "Gossip Girl" pretty boy rumored to be gay) -- talks about it publicly.
What a great post to keep in mind when I head off on vacation tonight. I will be away until mid-June and I won't have any real internet access, so I won't be posting until I get back. I'm sorry I'll be missing the movie club tomorrow.
Love the song. I think someone mentioned yesterday that Jake seems to be at peace when he is with Austin. You can even see it in these 2 pictures. And look at the way Austin was pointing at his ring. The look on his face is priceless. Proud man.
I hope things work out for Ryan too. I thought he handled himself pretty respectfully after the divorce. Especially with so much Reeke (including his kids) going on.
How could I resist playing a song called Grey Goose.
The talk about Nailed is that Jake has a firm done by date because of PoP,which we all figured out already. I bet there are going to be some long long day ahead for him. I wonder if the Thursday - Monday schedule is so they can extend filming longer over the weekends. Also they are have to film head up to DC to films a little bit as well.
Roundabout mention of Jake on ent lawyers site again today. First a BI about a couple doing photo ops but the guy is actually spending as much time as possible with his significant other, a guy. Then the words, "it's not Jake G". I'm happy to see the words Jake and guy significant other in the same sentance, even if the BI is about someone else. Sort of an affirmation that J & A are still together.
Has anyone else noticed how this A list actor spends as much time apart from his C list girlfriend as possible. Sure they take photos together and they definitely do have a relationship, but it doesn't change the fact that he would rather spend time with his male significant other. (Not Jake G)
Love the song choice today! It gives OMG that edge. Much needed. I've always figured Austin for a Hip Hop fan for some reason anyway. Thanks for putting my 2nd favorite Laker picture up as well!
Oh, and it might have something to do with me having a few friends over for a Grey Goose and scary movie night. Shot #2, please, wish me luck with making it to The Shining. I'm a lightweight.
This blog is strictly for entertainment purposes. Its writers make no serious claims about the sexuality of either Jake Gyllenhaal or Austin Nichols. This blog is in no way affiliated with any Hollywood person or agency. Images and music used within this blog belong to their respective copyright owners and no infringement of copyright is ever intended.
Interesting article posted on WFT2:
Bisexual in Hollywood: OK for Girls, Not Guys
If Lindsay Lohan Comes Out as Bisexual, It May Not Hurt Her Career
June 5, 2008 —
There are lots of things Hollywood actors do to differentiate themselves. They color their hair, they take up causes, they develop drug problems.
Could coming out as bisexual also be considered a career move?
Ever since the paparazzi captured them possibly kissing in Cannes, tabloids and blogs have been buzzing about whether or not Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson are more than just friends.
At the MTV Movie Awards this week, bisexual reality TV star Tila Tequila jumped into the fray, telling Us magazine that the two should be open about their relationship and, "just go all out with it! ... If you're going to do something, do it all out."
Lohan's reps have yet to address the rumors. But the speculation has taken attention away from Lohan's less-than-stellar movie streak, substance abuse issues and fame-hungry mother, suggesting that if she were to come out as bisexual, it wouldn't be a big deal and could even be a boon for her career.
Female stars, including Angelina Jolie and Drew Barrymore, have revealed past relationships with women and haven't seen their careers hurt in the least because of it. But among male actors, owning up to experimentation is all but verboten. Why the double standard?
"I'm not sure what that's based on anymore, other than the idea that leading men have to be virile and masculine in order for them to be viable for big roles," said Corey Scholibo, arts and entertainment editor of The Advocate. "For women, it seems that women and, of course, men will still accept them if they admit to experimentation in the past."
Indeed, many in the industry and the audience find it titillating when a starlet (the better-looking, the better) says she's fooled around with the same sex, even if it was just for the cameras. Denise Richards rocketed to fame after making out with Neve Campbell in "Wild Things." Scarlett Johansson's sex scene with Penelope Cruz in Woody Allen's "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" served as the major marketing point of that movie.
When an actress reveals a real-life romantic relationship with a woman, tongues wag even more, but usually not to the detriment of her career.
In 2003, Jolie, who dated actress/model Jenny Shimizu in the 90s, told "20/20," "If I fell in love with a woman tomorrow, would I, you know, feel that it's OK and it's right to want to kiss her and touch her if I fell in love with her in that way? Yeah."
That year, Jolie banked $12 million for her role in "Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life." Two years later, she made $20 million for starring in "Mr. & Mrs. Smith."
But the fact that actresses seem able to reveal bisexuality without negative repercussions may not point to acceptance as much as society's desire to see them, first and foremost, as sex objects.
"It's great that women have more flexibility to experience those relationships without being penalized, but I think it's because women are taken less seriously in general," said Jennifer Baumgardner, author of "Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics." "It's like, 'So what if they were fooling around?' When two men who were thought to be straight have sex, it's perceived as more serious."
Maybe that's why so few men in Hollywood are willing to talk about experimenting with other guys. Alan Cumming is the only major actor to call himself bisexual, but with his scrawny stature and preference for theater and indie flicks, he was classified as eccentric long before talking about his sexuality.
While E! online gossip columnist Ted Casablanca claims male actors "absolutely" fool around with the same sex as much as their female counterparts, he doubts he'll see a day when a hunky, A-list, alpha-male -- a Jake Gyllenhaal (who made waves when he starred as a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain") or a Chace Crawford (the "Gossip Girl" pretty boy rumored to be gay) -- talks about it publicly.
"The public just doesn't know about it. It's still Hollywood's biggest, dirtiest secret -- absolutely always will be," Casablanca said. "The business is built on fantasy. If Joe is talking about how he likes to go around with Kenny, it doesn't work. But if Jenny wants to talk about getting it on with Katie, it sells tickets."
Casting directors and network executives contacted for this story were reluctant to talk about how the employability of actors, male and female, changes when they reveal they don't conform to the heterosexual norm. But while the bulk of bisexual Hollywood may still be in the closet, many gay actors have come out in recent years and haven't hurt their careers because of it.
"We've had a spate of them recently: David Hyde Pierce, Lance Bass; Neil Patrick Harris came out and still has his role as a womanizing man on 'How I Met Your Mother,'" Scholibo said. "Anytime someone comes out and says, 'I'm going to keep doing what I'm going to do,' it opens up the door for the public to accept a new kind of gayness which encompasses every kind of representation. But whether they owe it to us, I don't know."
In Lohan's case, revealing a relationship with a woman probably wouldn't affect her career one way or another. She's made so many headlines over the past year and a half that coming out as bisexual would just be another drop in the bucket.
"Lindsay, she's a professional celebrity to a degree. Her last few movies haven't done so well; she's become an insurance problem. I'm not sure if we could judge her career's success or failure by this," Scholibo said. "There's a lot of speculation about Ellen Page right now. If she came out, that would be drastically different. If Scarlett Johansson came out, that would also be drastically different. But I don't think Lindsay can be an example of anything."
And as for Tequlia, who some speculate flaunts her bisexuality only because it bought her reality TV stardom and probably knows Lohan and Ronson as well as you and I:
"She should just focus on her reality show," said publicist Lizzie Grubman. "If this is her only way to get press, then it's pathetic."
Bisexual in Hollywood: OK for Girls, Not Guys
This was on Fan Chit Chat too.
While E! online gossip columnist Ted Casablanca claims male actors "absolutely" fool around with the same sex as much as their female counterparts, he doubts he'll see a day when a hunky, A-list, alpha-male -- a Jake Gyllenhaal (who made waves when he starred as a gay cowboy in "Brokeback Mountain") or a Chace Crawford (the "Gossip Girl" pretty boy rumored to be gay) -- talks about it publicly.
But of course Ted would slip in Jake as an example of a hunky A-lister. I wonder why in this context... Fantastic pictures of GG :)
Why did they use -- --?
Could it be that Jake and Chance references were added by the author?
But of course Ted would slip in Jake as an example of a hunky A-lister.
Jake is also an fooling around with the same sex example.
What a great post to keep in mind when I head off on vacation tonight. I will be away until mid-June and I won't have any real internet access, so I won't be posting until I get back. I'm sorry I'll be missing the movie club tomorrow.
Great post and song! ;)
Great game last night too, it' been too long. I'm always struck by what a beautiful, graceful game basketball is, one of my fave sports.
GO CELTICS!!! Crazy for Kevin Garnett and I hope that Paul Pierce's knee is gonna be ok.
Crazy for GG and TT too. :)
Love the song. I think someone mentioned yesterday that Jake seems to be at peace when he is with Austin. You can even see it in these 2 pictures. And look at the way Austin was pointing at his ring. The look on his face is priceless. Proud man.
Expect more Reeke photo-ops this weekend after this.
Have a great vacation Destiny. Hope you have good news to come home too. NO MORE REEKE.
Nailed switched to a Thursday-Monday production schedule.
Ryan and Abbie make such a cute couple. Hopefully Ryan will now be a happy man.
I hope things work out for Ryan too. I thought he handled himself pretty respectfully after the divorce. Especially with so much Reeke (including his kids) going on.
So, that's Ryan and Abbie's first major event as a couple. Wonder when we'll see that with Reeke?
Hey Clarity, I'm digging that avatar! :)
I know who :) and I miss who :)
Thanks Wicked. I found an even better one this morning. Nice closeup of him.
btw - great music today Special. I'm not much into rap music but this one is cute : )
How could I resist playing a song called Grey Goose.
The talk about Nailed is that Jake has a firm done by date because of PoP,which we all figured out already. I bet there are going to be some long long day ahead for him. I wonder if the Thursday - Monday schedule is so they can extend filming longer over the weekends. Also they are have to film head up to DC to films a little bit as well.
Have a great holiday, Destiny. We'll be missing you :-*
Have a great holiday Destiny : )
Roundabout mention of Jake on ent lawyers site again today. First a BI about a couple doing photo ops but the guy is actually spending as much time as possible with his significant other, a guy. Then the words, "it's not Jake G". I'm happy to see the words Jake and guy significant other in the same sentance, even if the BI is about someone else. Sort of an affirmation that J & A are still together.
Has anyone else noticed how this A list actor spends as much time apart from his C list girlfriend as possible. Sure they take photos together and they definitely do have a relationship, but it doesn't change the fact that he would rather spend time with his male significant other. (Not Jake G)
yeah sounds like it M.
also like how reese comes off as possible C list!
destiny have a great vacay. happyness is usually found in the journey but its always there with you no matter where your destinyation. :*
Love the song choice today! It gives OMG that edge. Much needed. I've always figured Austin for a Hip Hop fan for some reason anyway. Thanks for putting my 2nd favorite Laker picture up as well!
Oh, and it might have something to do with me having a few friends over for a Grey Goose and scary movie night. Shot #2, please, wish me luck with making it to The Shining. I'm a lightweight.
Yeah V - I think they both are Hip Hop fans too. So there will be some more Hip Hop in the future.
And is your third shot going to be Red Rum? Oh come on you know I had to go there. : )
Good luck with the Goose Valentino. Iv'e heard the Goose is pretty smooth ; )
I've always figured Austin for a Hip Hop fan for some reason anyway.
I always figure he's Naughty by Nature.
GG down with OPP
It's the longest, loveliest, lean-- I call it the leanest
It's another five letter word rhymin' with cleanest and meanest
a gift from santa every day of the year!
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