At the moment S. Darko is filming, the sequel to Donnie Darko. Based on the Donnie's litle Samantha, played by Daviegh Chase, Samantha from original, who's now 18 and abandoning her commitment to Sparkle Motion. She heads to Las Vegas with her best friend Corey, but the two are plagued with bizarre visions. What? And it takes place in Vegas in the early 90's? Are they kidding?
Wait it gets better, recently brought on to the cast is Elizabeth Berkley, yes that Elizabeth Berkley, Nomi of Showgirls infamy. The only thing to top it would be Joe Eszterhas to be involved. He would make Berkley a "dancer" named Sparkle Motion and create a number about a rabbit, that has nothing to do with Donnie, Frank, a rabbit named Harvey or anything that lives in a hutch.
What's you worst case scenario for a Darko sequel? Jar Jar Binks as Frank? Donnie comes back because of time travel and isn't Jake? Grandma death doesn't die alone?
But the biggest question is: Why would anyone make a sequel to Donnie Darko? And why would Kelly let them?
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Why? For the Love of God. Why?
Posted by
Special K
3:54 AM
Labels: Donnie Darko
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What's you worst case scenario for a Darko sequel? Jar Jar Binks as Frank?
Peabunny and/or Carina (my two real life bunnies) could do the job!
Media aka Coffee, Tea, the Constructive Sublimation poster, et al.- don't you get tired of saying the same thing over and over? We all know it's you. You claim to not know anything about Jake's real life and then make all these assumptions about him. If you are going to continue to insist his personal life is a mess then you need to prove how you know this. You talk like you know and you don't.
I agree I doubt Jakes personal life is a mess. My hope is that he is man enough to keep reeke inc work. Right now its all that keeps me from totally not being a fan of his at all.
Have a good vacation Special.
The shoot is set to end June 22 and, according to one of the producers, must finish by then to keep its principal cast members. "One more shutdown will kill the movie, not to mention cause hair loss and ulcers, and Capitol knows that," the exec said, adding that the production does not yet have all the financing to finish the film.
Urgh. Elizabeth Berkeley on the cast list is bad. And Richard Kelly is not even producing or writing sequel. He probably just needs the money after Southland Tales flopped. I agree, the whole thing sounds like a bad idea.
I agree, Why? I can just hear the pitch to the studio execs -"Vegas in the early 90s, bizarre visions, Elizabeth Berkeley, talking rabbits, picture Donnie Darko meets Showgirls." Peabunny and Carina would be good, though.
Uh, No. Just doesn't sound good to me. There's only one Donnie Darko - I just can't imagine a sequel. Thanks for the intro song, I love DD.
Have a great vacation, Spesh! :*
jake is really boring,manipulating reeke and us for his amusment, screwing with his unique fanbase & turning into another hw puppet. why do we like him ?
His amusment? Jake doesn't look amused.
i'm asking cos Jake today is like this Donnie Darko sequel.. bad casting, missing main characters, lame storyline going nowhere. they both used to be mysteries that were pleasures to try to figure out, now they're both just another bad movie.
Hopefully, the bad sequels for both will be coming to an end very soon! ;)
Make that "singing and dancing rabbits" in my post above. Yep, singing and dancing rabbits in a Las Vegas revue, the Folies Bergere, I think would be my worst case scenario and nightmarish vision! ;)
now they're both just another bad movie.
Now they're both bad sequels of themselves.
This was posted on IMDB regarding the Informers test screening and the original poster deleted his comment:
When you attended this screening you signed a non disclosure form that stated that you would not transmit, post, or communicate to anyone that you watched the film.
We are requesting that you delete this post or we will have no choice but to turn your form over to the studio and start the process of pursuing legal action.
Thank you for your understanding.
The Screening Exchange.
Ditto what Winterbird said. After Southland Tales I wonder if Kelly will be able to get financing for any more movies. I actually liked that movie, but I must be one of like a thousand people who saw it, and a lot of people walked out of the theater when I saw it.
I just find it hard to believe anyone would really want to see a sequel, even if they throw in Bugs Bunny for the kids.
Interesting about the person who saw the screening. Explains why we didn't see more people posting their thoughts on the movie.
"jake is really boring,manipulating reeke and us for his amusment, screwing with his unique fanbase & turning into another hw puppet. why do we like him?"
I totally agree with you. I had to ask myself the same question. I'm here because I like this blog and the ppl on it. It doesn't really have anything to do with Jake at this point. I have been re-introduced to Austin now too which is good.
"Now they're both bad sequels of themselves."
Have a good vacation Special : )
When you wanted this movie monopoly you signed a 1950 era non disclosure form that stated that you would not transmit, breathe, live, have sex, be seen with males, or communicate to anyone that you might be not completely straight.
We are requesting that you delete your personality or we will have no choice but to turn your ass over to the studio and start the process of pursuing a mediocre made for television film career.
Thank you for your mendacity.
The Morals Exchange
^^LOL and that is exactly what seems to have happened.
I'm here because I still believe in J&A and enjoy the company & discussions.
Donnie Darko sequel - just NO! and Why?
I would love to know what actually goes into contracts these days, I've never seen any articles about it. If there are clauses along that line they would probably not be enforceable on public policy grounds, but no one is going to challenge them because they know they won't get work if they do.
Looks like Dani is making some progress with AustinNicholsFan. You can never have too many Austin fansites IMO.
Also, you can add my NO! vote to DD2. I can't imagine why anyone would think it's a good idea.
That's great news about Dani.
Hopeful.. you know I am still a true (big) blue believer in J&A.
I am a huge Darko fan, and it is on my top ten movies that have influenced me. There is a thesis that keeps bumping around my brain on the whole new representation of Superbeing, will it be enough to ever sit down and write it out? Who knows. Big task.
It just kills me bad sequels tarnish the original. Fingers crossed that DD2 will have no such effect on the original.
TR and Mark kick-off National Gay Pride Month
I love this music, and the opening of DD - well, most of DD really.
I think this is just to cash in on the DD brand.
Love Jar Jar as Frank, Spesh :D
I want to put a pic of Captain Jack from Torchwood as my icon. Special/Wicked please let me know if it's ok. Thanks.
Love Jar Jar as Frank, Spesh :D
If Carina auditioned for the part of Frank, she would get it immediately. Especially when she does her angry bunny face.
I want to put a pic of Captain Jack from Torchwood as my icon. Special/Wicked please let me know if it's ok. Thanks.
I think that's a great idea. Why wouldn't it be okay?
Thanks Wicked. Just checking - don't want to offend anyone.
"TR and Mark kick-off National Gay Pride Month"
Hate to be so superfical but they look so cute together in that pic : )
" I still know you and always will said... said...
Media aka Coffee, Tea, the Constructive Sublimation poster, et al.- don't you get tired of saying the same thing over and over? We all know it's you. You claim to not know anything about Jake's real life and then make all these assumptions about him."
Obviously you have some kind of pathological fixation because all that you can do is criticize me for interpreting the same facts as everyone else. You are as much of an outsider as I am, and practically everyone else here, from all appearances. Maybe if you spent a little more time addressing the substance of my observations rather than the pedigree of my sources, you'd make more sense. Just because my points disagree with yours, or suggest a bit more perspicacity and insight than yours, doesn't mean that I'm wrong or trading on insider information. It just means that you need to interpret the facts more carefully.
Given my outside status, I still hold to the argument that Jake had a meltdown last year, and turned to Reese for emotional support and professional guidance. God knows what would have happened if he didn't; this could have been much worse. He has, from all indications, traded away most of his public life with family and non-industry friends, but that is the lot of many ambitious, closeted gay men.
Ultimately, I believe that he is suffering, and has suffered, more than anyone else. Maybe the sands of Morocco will clear his mind. And a restaurant with his best friend.
Given my outside status, I still hold to the argument that Jake had a meltdown last year, and turned to Reese for emotional support and professional guidance.
Sorry, you don't have any arguments.
Reeke officially started in March 2007.
In May 2007, during Cannes festival, Jake said: "For the moment, my parents, my sister and her family are the best things I have in my life. No doubt at all."
TR and the BF
Are they wearing matching shirts or are the shirts just really similar?
Jake had a meltdown last year
Based on what do you think this and why would he turn to Reese for guidance? Also explain the timeline for the meltdown because as :) posted, Reeke started in 3/07.
With mother, father, sister, brother in law, godmother and at least few friends in business Jake needed Reese "for emotional support and professional guidance"?
No way.
Jake spent some of the summer of 2007 at MV, where his parents have a home. I seriously doubt Jake was the only member of the family using it. There are also pictures of him with his mother in NYC in June of 2007.
"Are they wearing matching shirts or are the shirts just really similar?"
I don't think exactly matching but very close..Marks' shirt looks like it has a extra line in there. It definately works though.
"Jake spent some of the summer of 2007 at MV, where his parents have a home. I seriously doubt Jake was the only member of the family using it. There are also pictures of him with his mother in NYC in June of 2007."
Summer of 2007 falls before Rome and Rendition (Oct. 2007), if I'm not mistaken. There are one or two pictures of Jake with his Mom this year, but it's nothing compared to before. And absolutely nothing with anyone else (outside of agents and industry people) besides a brief flyby with Chris in NY this spring, during *her* Avon trip. During this time, by the way, Jake was chaperoning Reese all over town while his grandmother was dying. He wasn't working or doing anything important or charitable. He was a glorified escort. That is not exactly the best way to reinforce familial bonds.
PoP or not, I wouldn't trade places with JG for all the tea in Persia. And I suspect that I'm not the only one.
There are one or two pictures of Jake with his Mom this year, but it's nothing compared to before.
Ah, paparazzi pictures. I thought so.
You think you can rely on paparazzi pictures to show you what's going on in celebrity's life. Well, think again.
I don't think pap photos tell the story either, I was just presenting them as one piece of evidence that Jake still sees his family, since Media seems to think he doesn't have a family anymore. And since we don't know the circumstances regarding Jake's grandmother, your take on it is nothing more than a guess. Not to mention it is still not evidence that Jake doesn't see his parents or Maggie and her family.
Jake was also seen out to dinner with his family in NYC around Christmas, which was well after Rome.
Absence of proof is not proof of absence, but I'm not convinced that Jake is less interesting to the paparazzi now than he was before when he was with his parent (s), or that Jake is less interesting to the paparazzi now than he was before with his non-industry friends. And some of those pictures from before were not paparazzi; they were sightings of Jake and/or non-industry friends by strangers. They have dried up as well.
I don't think that there's a huge cache of photos of Jake and his family post-rome that we haven't seen, or Jake and his non-industry friends post-rome that we haven't seen. Maybe we haven't seen them because they just don't exist. Consider Jake's manipulative and slightly nutty behavior since Rome, why are you surprised?
And why is it so difficult to accept the possibility that Jake had a mini-meltdown last fall? Didn't he experience multiple personal and professional shocks last fall? It doesn't change the fact that he's bearding to make himself look gay. It just adds an extra layer of complexity to his reasoning process.
"Hopefully Jake is protecting and shielding his family from his lies. "
I think that Jake's family might be shielding themselves as well. This bearding charade is dragging the family name through the mud.
"If Jake did have a meltdown it was because a handsome tall Texan dumped his ass."
I've never believed that these two were lovers, but I suspect that there was some mutual dumping going on. Between Austin's periodic mini-bearding exercises, and his arrest last year, I don't think that Jake was prepared to sacrifice his career for Mr. Nichols. And I don't blame him.
"I've never believed that these two were lovers, but I suspect that there was some mutual dumping going on. Between Austin's periodic mini-bearding exercises, and his arrest last year, I don't think that Jake was prepared to sacrifice his career for Mr. Nichols. And I don't blame him."
I believe they were lovers. I also believe that Austin was very upset with the possibility that this relationship would hurt his career. That was very clear in many of the photos that were taken of him and Jake together. He rode way behind Jake when biking. He was not at all happy in the coffee pics. He was furious at the bookstore. I am not sure where the relationship now stands.
I always thought that Jake was a lot more ready to come out than Austin was. Somehow things sure have changed. A decision was made that Jake had to be straight and had to be straight fast. Ala reeke inc. Whether he was worried about his career or knew that a big payday was right around the corner(PoP) is hard to tell. My gut now tells me on this is that he knew the possibity of a huge payday was right around the corner. He certainly didnt enjoy his new job at first but made a real quick turn around right before Pop became reality.
A lot of thought and work have went into the reeke corporation and Jake has got edge out real slow and real carefully. I doubt he wants to piss his baby off. The next few months are going to be interesting. I think the rumors of engagement will hang around for a while and then things will be worked out very carefully how the company will be dissolved. We will see Jake back to his normal life eventually. I am not sure if his relationship with Austin has survived though.
Jake has done somethings that have made me question what he is made of. I dont know what happened behind the scenes though. Hopefully we get to find out how upset he was over Heaths death. Hopefully we get to see him happy with his family and friends soon. For me that will be nice to see.
"This bearding charade is dragging the family name through the mud."
My problem with this is Jake isn't dragging the family name through the mud by bearding. Jake's bearding is getting all sorts of approval in Hollywood and would be improving his image amongst those who matter (note, fans don't matter in this situation.)
Jake has a huge amount of control about when and where he is seen. We only (for the most part) see that which he wishes. I would give as an example of pictures Jake didn't want to be shown are the ones of him in his SUV with one of Austins friends. I think it was pretty clear that paps found out Jake and Austin were at some ones place etc. Instead of Jake and Austin in the car together I bet they split up. Jake with one friend and Austin getting a ride home with the other.
As far as Jake and Austin I still think they are together. Remember earlier this year there was a sighting in People of Jake and a friend talking about Obama. People is uber PR friendly if Jake didn't want that to appear it wouldn't.
I do think that the Rome stuff was planned even before the whole National Enquirer bringing the whole Jake and Austin thing to a head. I don't think it changed the direction of their plans.
I seriously doubt that the pics of reeke and Chris in NYC were a part of the plan. That is the only pic of reeke with someone Jake cares about deeply. Jake did not look happy in those pics and looked in a real hurry. I think Jake was staying with Chris and went with him to the hotel to pick reese up.
I don't think Jake and Austin are together. I wish I could say " I think they are", but What I have seen in the past with J/A photos and a gut feeling tells me otherwise. Jake always seemed comfortable in the J/A Photos with the exeption of the (owl / bedhead pics) which I consider early in their friendship/relationship/fuckbuddy fest) Sorry! that's how I think it was.. Something changed! I am convinced that Austin was not going to let his chances of being a well known HW celeb. be stopped by the J/A gay rumors. He seemed uncomfortable in almost every photo with Jake. Jake seemed comfortable, relaxed and continued to let the rumors roll of his back time and time againg, but I'm sure there were struggles between the two. They both seemed to want the success of HW, and why not? Something changed again. I also believe Jake's family situation , career choices or recent movie failures, friendship or non-friendship, sexuality (bi or gay), and Heath's death brought on some internal struggles. I do feel for him also.
I just got to say this: Also, I get this feeling that when Jake was with Austin most of the time, he felt safe, I did not get that from Austin. Take a stroll back in time of their pictures together.
Austin mostly works in television where it is increasingly okay to be out, so I don't think Austin was the one who felt he had to hide in order to have a career. After all, he was signed to the HBO contract after Lakers I. And Austin is the one who has been very publicly wearing a ring and showing it off, not to mention the gender-bending photo from the Italian Vanity Fair.
I think if Austin was uncomfortable, it was out of concern for the effect it was having on Jake, like in the Borders pictures, where both Jake and Austin get upset when they see the paps. As for the coffee pictures, they were taken around the time they got back together after a breakup.
Plus, I think Ted has implied that Austin would rather be out by talking about how GG will be gray by the time TT decides to come out. I think that if it was Austin who really wanted to be so closeted that Ted would have said GG and TT would both be gray before they both decided to come out.
As for Jake looking more relaxed, I think in many relationships you do see one person being more protective and in control, so it never struck me as a case of one person being more comfortable in the relationship than the other, just the power dynamics between them.
Interesting comments tonight. I think both Austin and Jake vacillated re coming out, and were just never on the same page at the same time.
Despite everything, I think they are still together for the very reason that we never see Austin. Why hide otherwise? We have already seen that Jake can stay hidden when he wants to.
I just love TR's boyfriend. Beautiful smile and cute as a button. I hope it lasts for them.
Destiny, I don't agree with everything that Ted wrote about TT or Jake and Austin. Just don't. I respectfully disagree about Austin coming out Destiny. Somehow I always got the feeling that Jake would throw caution to the wind and come out. My money would be on Jake. Especially summer / early fall of 2006. I don't think so now. Never had this feeling about Austin. but who knows!
the celtics won their first and only game. enjoy it special k, enjoy it.
Eastcoastfan, this is one topic I think we can all agree our comments are largely speculation. I really hope some day in the future we get all the answers.
when ava phillippe turns 18 and writes a tell-all book!
Oh yeah Celts won, oh yeah oh yeah. Doing a little Gino dancing myself.
If Ava writes a book, I'll be one of the first in line to buy it. :D
Celts win and Sox brawling with the Rays, wild night in Beantown.
I agree with destiny and m.
Chris is simply Jake's loyal friend. His clothes-sharing and basketball courtside appearances both happened after Austin's, to help dilute the rumour. And he didn't mind hanging with Kirsten and doesn't mind with Reese. He's just not invested in that way.
Also agree with press now that fanbases don't matter to the talent; they can be rebuilt from any new base - in Jake's case the PoP fans, though I still believe, empirically, there is very little natural overlap between Jake's and Reese's fans.
My two cents: I think they both wanted to come out around 2005-2006 (after Austin broke up with his girlfriend) but Jake's Oscar nomination and A-list prospects changed everything & they were convinced it just could not happen.
From what we've read about Austin he seems like a guy who is not afraid to take risks so I doubt he's been pushing the closet. What I do think he cares about though is his privacy and as an out boyfriend of a potentially A-list actor you can probably kiss your private life & wandering ways goodbye.
As many mentioned all of this is pure speculation as we just don't know.
maybe cos of tr comment about the maggie & peter wedding postponed-called off but i had a strange dream right now about i said something to jake and austin [they were together outside at a dinner party] about Maggie &Peter probably breaking up, forgetting she's his sister....and they both gave me a wierd look like how did you know?
in the dream jake and austin were playing piggy back and happy and clowning around outside at night in a big outdoor restaurant-hotel-home at a small dinner party.
maybe its a good sign.
Absence of proof is not proof of absence, but I'm not convinced that Jake is less interesting to the paparazzi now than he was before when he was with his parent (s), or that Jake is less interesting to the paparazzi now than he was before with his non-industry friends.
It's not about his sudden disinterest, it's about selling Reeke.
Reeke PR message = Jake exists only as part of Reeke; Jake has no personal life apart from Reeke; Jake's sole purpose in life is to make Reese happy.
I think both Austin and Jake vacillated re coming out, and were just never on the same page at the same time.
that's my impression of it too. And it's plausible, coming out (together) is major decision, like getting married, some couple might not be one same page at the same time over these issues.
Austin strikes me as someone who's very ambitious as well, that's why I wouldn't be surprised if he agreed to any bearding arrangement, he certainly wouldn't be being taken as having female companion around :) Somehow Jake gives out the more "emotional" vibes to me, but then he also have other influences in his life, he probably hear 10 difference advices every day over what he should be doing. There are just so many different dynamics going on in this relationship. I wish them luck.
And yeah... perhaps in 20 years, in Ava's "tell all" book, we'll know what really happened :)
^ he certainly wouldn't mind being taken as having female companion around :)
I don't think Ava's tell-all would really give the story about Jake. Maybe Ramona should do a tell-all!
More on Kingsley's role in PoP.
Didn't know he was in Shutter Island. That movie sounds so good.
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