Actors Alfred Molina and Sir Ben Kingsley have been added to the cast of Prince of Persia. Confirmed yesterday, Molina will play Sheik Amar, who becomes a mentor to the prince, while Kingsley's role hasn't yet been revealed but speculation that he will probably play the Vizier, the main villain in the film. Flashes of Kingsley as Don Logan from Sexy Beast immediately come to mind.Alfred Molina has more than 70 film, TV and theater roles to his credit. He made his movie breakthrough in 1987 as Joe Orton's doomed lover, Kenneth Halliwell, in "Prick Up Your Ears." But his first significant role was in the original Raiders of the Lost Ark. Other memorable performances include playing Diego Rivera opposite Salma Hayek in "Frida," and lead roles in "Spiderman 2", "Identity," "Chocolat," "Boogie Nights," "The Imposters," "Anna Karenina," "Species," "Maverick," "Enchanted April" and Jim Jarmusch's "Coffee and Cigarettes." But how can you forget his role as Snidely Whiplash in the movie version of Dudley Do Right. Jake may have to confer with him about the Snidely mustache both have sported.
Sir Ben Kingsley began his career on television, working of various series, including Coronation Street, for 20 years, before his break out into movies with the role of a lifetime as Mohandas Gandhi in Richard Attenborough's Academy award winning epic movie on the man. Kingsley won both the BAFTA and the Academy Award for his role. He went on to be nominated for his role as Don Lucas in Sexy Beast. Other memorable performances of Kingsley's include, Schindler's List, House of Sand and Fog, Searching for Bobby Fisher, and this month OMG movie club selection Maurice.
With the addition of these strong actors, PoP is looking even better and better. And Jake will get to add another Academy Award winner to his list of co-stars.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
More getting PoPped
Posted by
Special K
7:11 AM
Labels: Alfred Molina, Ben Kingsley, Jake, PoP, Prince of Persia
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Wow - exciting news! I've loved both of these actors in many films - the very first thing I saw Alfred Molina in was Prick Up Your Ears, and of course, Ben Kingley was Ghandi to me. An unforgettable performance. I love hearing news about PoP. :)
I really like Molina. He made a great villain in Spiderman 2.
Well, the cast is certainly shaping up nicely. Maybe there is hope for this film afterall. Must say having seen some of the costumes worn by the prince on WDW, the film is getting more interesting every day.
June 2, 2008
"Austin reveals life imitated art when he shot scenes with Aimee Teegarden (Julie), saying: "It felt different with Aimee, because she is really young. She has her mother on set. So, it felt just right, exactly the way it should. Like, wow, that is a beautiful girl over there, and I really like her a lot, but we are light-years apart!"
Austin says his character, Noah Barnett, is "actually a guy like me. He grew up in Texas and moved away to the big city to go to college and study journalism, and he worked at a major newspaper, but now he's come back to a small Texas town to teach. And he gets himself in a little bit of trouble."
Yeah, you heard him. Trouble. And that starts with a "J" and ends with an "ulie," and let's just say Mama Taylor (Connie Britton) is not gonna be happy.
"It's funny," Nichols laughs, "Connie is actually my neighbor [in real life]. She lives down the street from me. She's great; we became good friends. But she came after me pretty hard in those scenes."
Here's hoping she gives his character a nice, proper ass whuppin'—for Matt Saracen's sake.
Friday Night Lights airs Fridays at 8 on NBC.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk…Julie Taylor's Hot for Teacher
Transcript from ABC's 20/20 News programme on Celebrity babies, kids and paparazzi.
If a judgment call has to be made, that's when we go to the representatives for the celebrity. Any celebrity who've contacted us and asked us not to run their kids, we don' run the photos.
(OC) Where do you make the call, then? Because in one of your magazines recently, for instance, Reese Witherspoon and her family are traveling. And the kids here looked they're trying to hide their face, as she's shielding her face. Why would you publish that photo when it looks like they don't really wanna be taken?
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal have a relationship that our readers are really interested in. The fact that they went away on a family vacation altogether is definitely of interest to the audience. So...
(VO) Even though they look like they don't wanna be a part of that photo?
My feeling in that is there are many photographs of Reese Witherspoon and her children we don't run. I mean, that one I would definitely say is right on the line.
Reese has no problems with pictures of her kids, because she uses them for that reason.
And the ones they don't run are the ones not set up by Reese.
Reese has no problems with pictures of her kids, because she uses them for that reason. And the ones they don't run are the ones not set up by Reese.
annoyed: exactly.
Reese has no problems with pictures of her kids, because she uses them for that reason.
Of course she does. But what else can dull and unattractive actress do for PR in Hollywood?
I can't wait to see how the fangirls spin this story.
But what else can dull and unattractive actress do for PR in Hollywood?
besides bearding?!!
Kids or Atticus, who cares, PR is too important to be bothered by such details. Truly pathetic.
Has anybody else noticed that the original WFT is now only open to invited readers?
I hope it's just temporary "work in progress" thing.
Russian gays hold Pride parade despite ban
I hope it's just temporary "work in progress" thing.
That site is supposed to be closed. Why would there be work in progress?
The 20/20 story on celebrity moms ran on ABC last Friday night.
That site is supposed to be closed. Why would there be work in progress?
Dany said WFT will be left as an archive, commenting will be disabled.
I just had a thought about Ted's post. The letter is from Sofia in Buenos Aires. I think it may be a reference to Austin (The Informers had a few days of filming there) and Sophia.
Meant to add that if that is the case, B2 (bearding too) may refer to Austin.
Wow Destiny - good catch.
There must have been something in my coffee today.
I thought B2 referred to Becky Bain (BB = B x2 = B2), Ted's assistant who was filling in for him while he was away, no?
Ted often uses words that have two meanings. Why not just use Becky? In addition, BB (which I think most readers think of when they read that response) also made me think of TT and GG.
Ted often implies more than one meaning. Three is a good average.
B2 ia also bearding squared which is B2 = 4.
Buenos Aires
Hello [hot] Air ??!!
(PR, austin/sophia, reeke and the 'dating' )
Buenos Aires
sorry i mean
Good [hot] Air ??!!
(PR, austin/sophia, reeke and the 'dating' )
the B2 Stealth Bomber. avoids detection by radar. (gaydar?)
The act of moving, proceeding, or acting in a covert way.
The quality or characteristic of being furtive or covert.
Archaic The act of stealing.
Not disclosing one's true ideology, affiliations, or positions: a stealth candidate.
Having or providing the ability to prevent detection by radar: a stealth bomber; stealth technology.
"Fence mender
June 3, 2008 -- THE guest list to Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes' weekend housewarming party read like a "people who I need to suck up to" list. One attendee said, "Everyone he's been having issues with was invited: Sumner Redstone, Steven Spielberg, Oprah Winfrey, you name it. Then there were all the gays, which was hilarious because Scientology 'cures' gays . . . There's a tenet in Scientology that basically says, 'After you cut people off, you have to invite them back in.' Especially if your career's in trouble, I guess."
OT, but I can't believe these allegations that Bill Clinton had an affair with Gina Gershon. Wow.
I've been a TB for 2 years and I live in Buenos Aires. I'm not Sofia though. Unfortunatelly never came across with a TB from this city, which makes me assume Ted made up that name or city (and assuming Sofia is a TB but I don't know... you never know, anyway, I must say I sent an email to Ted once and he kindly answered it on his column, changing my name but still using my real city). So the mention of this city Buenos Aires and the name, Sofia, could be related to Austin indeed. Well, I just wanted to say I agree with Destiny at 1:24pm.
The stealth and air angles are good. We're all on a roll here this afternoon.
Hi Anna, nice to know we have someone here from South America.
Wicked, I would hope that Gina would have better taste than that. And also hope the next I watch Bound that I don't think of Bill.
I find Bill attractive.
Come to Papa!
Saw this and had to share:
"We were at home in the kitchen and we had the TV going, and when the word came down suddenly Brad got on his knees in front of me. And I said, 'What are you doing?' He said, 'George, will you marry me?' I said 'Yes. You beat me to it. I meant to ask you.'" —George Takei on his proposal.
Can anyone say Jake 'Commercial' Gyllenhaal
The PoP Game of the Movie of the Game
Awww, love that story about George and his boyfriend. I just hope they can get married. The proposed constitutional amendment to limit marriage qualified for the ballot, so now we'll have to see if the court stays its decision pending the election.
Can anyone say Jake 'Commercial' Gyllenhaal
It's just that kind of movie.
Even Ewan McGregor has an action figure :)
I've always thought Molina a bit of a ham, but it doesn't seem to have affected his career much :) Ben Kingsley should be brilliant; if he's half as scary as in Sexy Beast, the kids will be terrified.
I remember our South American tb :) *
B means bearding
then B2 means bearding squared
= 4 people bearding.
if AT Ted letter was about Lance/Kate, Jake/Reese, Sophia/Austin
maybe Ted is saying that 4 of them are bearding.
Jake/Austin/maybe Lance - who's the 4th? Would have to be female. Remember Ent Lawyer had a BI about actress he couldn't believe was now gay?
today is election day in California. maybe we'll get a pic of jake at the polls like before?
Article on Nailed, and the battle between making art and making money with movies, in Colubia's Alternative Paper, "Columbia City Paper"
'Nailed' to the Creative Cross
I don't think it's B squared; for the analogies to work completely for the directly referenced couples, J&R and L&K, Reese and Kate would hve to both be gay and bearding themselves.
'George, will you marry me?' I said 'Yes. You beat me to it. I meant to ask you.'" —George Takei on his proposal.
Thats sweet. I hope they get a chance to make it legal also.
Agreed, :). Heath and Christian Bale have action figures too among many other respectable actors.
I am really excited that Jake will be working with SBK and AM, both great actors. Makes things better for PoP
Bill Clinton did not have relations with that man
(...) the very first thing I saw Alfred Molina in was Prick Up Your Ears (...)
Same here Netb and what a great discovery!
I love Molina. Those who love him too should rush out and get a copy of Frida now (if you've never seen it). You're in for a real treat.
Thanks for that OT for me! It was hilarious.
I had forgotten it was Alfred Molina in Prick Up Your Ears. I love that movie. I am a longtime Gary Oldman and Joe Orton fan.
Mrs. loves Frida Kahlo and we had to see the movie as soon as it came out. Frida is wonderful. See it.
He allready got his bachelor so maybe he's been busy working on his master.
for whatever reason "gay" and "Jake" these two words come together:
Gay icon Jake Gyllenhaal
From today's AT-
And now a word about Jake Gyllenhaal, eternal boyish wonder, and Reese Witherspoon, Jen’s ol’ Friends sis. Cannot tell you how many folks have contacted, written, phoned, chased me down at screenings, Gelson’s, parties, just to find out what the ef’s up with these two. I’ve said it before, I’ll blab it again: nothing. Nothing save brilliance, mind you. I mean, Clooney , the hardest dude to nab in H'wood, could learn from this dude Gyllenhaal.
“They’re very, very good friends,” remarked a Githerspoon source who knows the two beauties well. “They’re helping each other out right now through some rough spots, that’s it.”
Ryan Phillippe
Jeez, what could be rougher than being young and gorgeous, unattached and gifted with stunning hair? What do these two have to complain about? OK, well Reese’s failed marriage with Ryan, for starters. And then, I suppose, if you were truly desperate, you could add Rendition to Jakey’s problematic past. But that’s really stretching it. My hunch? They’re supergood BFFs who don’t mind in the least when every People photog worth his or her anal-probe camera happens to hunt them down at myriad coffee clutches and Beverly Hills mansions. They’ll ride this one as long as they see fit. The gushing, hyperventilating press only makes them both more viable, far more than on their own.
Remember, Reese didn’t get that Oscar for nuthin’.
Oh Ted I heart you so much.
Jake booking Prince of Persia was the last piece in the puzzle for me anyway.
Ryan and Abbie's relationship is Reese's motivation to be seen as coupled and happy. Now that A&R are officially "living in sin" the relationship will be more public.
Jake had a big fish on the hook and being one half of a hot Hollywood couple and shedding the gay rumors was absolutely required by Disney no doubt.
Gyllenspoon has served it purpose. I have high hopes it's over by the end of the year.
BTW Maggie and Peter's original summer wedding was pushed to Columbus Day weekend in October. Recently I heard that it has been postponed again. I don't know what's up there but everything was cancelled.
TR, how do you know the details about Maggie and Peter? I do wonder about your agenda as much as I wonder about Ted's.
TR, maybe the Best Man will be in Morocco filming? :)
I think I've explained my "agenda" in the past.
As far as M&P go a friend of a friend of someone I know told me. I can't say how they know. They did say that it seemed rather sudden and the excuse wasn't very good.
Ted seems like he's being awfully nice to Reeke, I wonder why? It's almost as if he's saying they're not bearding. And is he trying to imply something by describing them both as unattached?
I think he's saying that if the media and the public want to assume, then let 'em. It's better for their careers for there to be buzz about them, more so than on their own. He sure chooses interesting words, our Ted. Like viable. Nah, couldn't be, could it?
Wow, Ted really broke his dry spell. I'm not good or sharp enough for Tedspeak, but he does emphasize that there is not a real romance there. They're just good friends. The whole deal is just weird to me. Jake looked positively miserable during the first months of this campaign. Now he seems more relaxed, altho his body language in pap pictures still do not show any romantic inclinations toward Reese. Except for holding hands, his -alright, I'm not going any further. No need to give any ideas to spying eyes.
I wish Jake had a movie out right now because I'd love to see how he would handle the questions from talk show hosts, who undoubtedly would ask about Reeke. He's not having to answer to it. And Reese, who has done some interviews, has not spoken about it. Yet, they flaunt & undoubtedly act like they are a couple. It's ridiculous.
Kacie, are you still out there? Haven't seen you around here for awhile?
JustJared had a piece today on Anne Hathaway's cover on this past Sunday's Parade magazine cover. One of the questions was about the death of Heath Ledger, her Brokeback co-star. This is what she said: "That was tough. I hesitate to talk about Heath. He was special in so many ways. I can tell you that I feel I cared about him more than I actually knew him. It was devastating, and the people who were closest to him should talk about him in their own time." Hmm, could she be insinuating Jake should perhaps finally say something about Heath? It's a pretty pointed comment to make.
They’re supergood BFFs (...)
First Armstrong, now Reese. Jake really likes them famewhorish.
(...) who don’t mind in the least when every People photog worth his or her anal-probe camera happens to hunt them down at myriad coffee clutches and Beverly Hills mansions.
Gee... I always thought their publicists called those paps & rags. I was so gullible, so naive. Thanks Ted for opening my eyes!
PoP resumes filming
HW Reporter post
That sounds to me like Anne is saying that some closest to Heath (could include Jake) may have been so devastated by his loss that they were unable to say anything at the time, and that they may in their own time, when they are ready. She's saying that everyone deals with loss differently, IMO.
Big news day after a dry spell of sorts. Ted calling a spade a spade and reiterating that they are just friends, or opportunists. Thank you Ted for speaking plainly and having the guts to do so.
If I read that article correctly, the money for Nailed may not be enough to fully finish the film, just the principal photography. Also didn't it shut down once before due to no bond, and they are saying there is now no bond in place. I'm giving this film a 50/50 chance of finishing.
"And is he trying to imply something by describing them both as unattached?"
That's a good question, Destiny.
I'd say Ted means unattached in the hetero sense. Appearances - good hair and all that. Given the realpolitik of J&R, he wants the other part of the equation to have an even break. Good for Ted.
"Yet, they flaunt & undoubtedly act like they are a couple. It's ridiculous."
Your right Prairie Girl. It's totally ridiculous - not to mention manipulative. I'm glad someone had the balls to just call it out already.
Yey for Ted! I love that he keeps reminding readers about the faucmance. I agree with london tb that the unattached etc part was about appearances not a statement that both are single. Reese and Jake are both seemingly young, hot and single so why would they have problems and fake a relationship? Ted then goes on that Reese of course has her failed marriage tarnishing her image and if you are really clueless and haven't noticed that Jake is TT you can add Rendition's flop to the stuff he has to cover up.
Ha. I am glad to read Ted talking about Jake again. He's preaching to the choir in this blog though, right :)
I think the PoP deal speaks VOLUME.
now, if Ted would mention the boyfriend too....
Jake looked positively miserable during the first months of this campaign. Now he seems more relaxed...
Not enought to make Reese look like a real friend.
And is he trying to imply something by describing them both as unattached?
No, he's saying that Reese is unattached (divorced): Jeez, what could be rougher than being young and gorgeous, unattached and gifted with stunning hair?
Ted seems like he's being awfully nice to Reeke, I wonder why? It's almost as if he's saying they're not bearding.
Ted said they are fake, I don't think that's very nice:
Cannot tell you how many folks have contacted, written, phoned, chased me down at screenings, Gelson’s, parties, just to find out what the ef’s up with these two. I’ve said it before, I’ll blab it again: nothing."
Remember, Reese didn’t get that Oscar for nuthin’.
Jeez, what could be rougher than being young and gorgeous, unattached and gifted with stunning hair? What do these two have to complain about?
He's saying here, IMO, that from all outward appearances, what could the rich, beautiful and famous couple have to complain about? It's like the old saying by us civilians, what could movie stars have to complain about, they've got it all! Then he proceeds to give us a few of the possible reasons. He can't be any plainer that nothing is going on, he's said it in those paragraphs at least 4 times.
forgot to add: unattached = outward appearance, ain't necessarily so for one of 'em
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