It's Austin Friday and it looks like it was an Austin Thursday too.
The Informers Premiere was last evening in Los Angeles (Dest - you were right, I was misInformed) and Austin was in the the red carpet in his snazzy suit. And how great is to see him on a red carpet. Austin doesn't normal do the walk except for his own projects, and occasional ESPN party, but most just for his own stuff. Here' hoping that Southern Gothic does their own version of the red carpet (may we suggest Red Velvet (How Very Southern) carpet, or heck just Red Velvet Cupcakes for the cast and crew)

Today is the Day of Silence
The National Day of Silence brings attention to anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools. Each year the event has grown, now with hundreds of thousands of students coming together to encourage schools and classmates to address the problem of anti-LGBT behavior.
Be silent
Wear red
Wear rainbow
Wear any color
Tweet the Silence
Silence your tweets
Blog the silence
Silence your blog
Whatever you do, be respectful, especially of others who are observing the Day of Silence, but bring attention to the issues of anti-LGBT name-calling, bullying and harrasment in schools.
National Day of Silence
Thanks again to Spooky and Vesperlynd from AJN for the Austin pictures.
Apr 16, 2009
More than 600 people gathered today at the Los Angeles State Historic Park to celebrate the Los Angeles Conservation Corps' 23rd anniversary and pay tribute to the organization for their groundbreaking work with at-risk youth and environmental conservation.
Attendees included celebrity presenters Jake Gyllenhaal, Wilmer Valderrama and former MTV Host, Xzibit, and City Controller-Elect Wendy Greuel, and other elected officials.
Austin Nichols, Just Cuz
I am encouraging those who don't feel they can speak out to speak out.
I have felt that sometimes.
I have felt bullied some days.
I have felt shouted over.
But it is time for everyone to get a chance to speak. That's what we want
You think Jake and Austin are together. You think they're not.
You are over Jake. You are over Austin. You love Austin. You love Jake. You don't like Jake. You don' like Austin. You want them apart. You love them together.
You don't think there's a Baby Tile. You think there is a Baby Tile.
You don't want Austin to do OTH for another season. You like him doing OTH because you can see him everyweek.
You don't want to see PoP. You do. You want to see Brothers. You don't. You think Nailed will flop. You want to see it when it comes out.
You want to talk about Reeke. You don't want to hear another mention of Reeke.
You love Ted. You over Ted.
That is just like a tiny part of all the different things going on here.
You want to say want to say. Say it.
Don't be afraid.
Say it with respect. And respect others.
What comes with respect is being able to agree to disagree. Not name calling, bullying, intimidating, or baiting.
The premiere of The Informers was at the Arclight in LA.
And if you remember from past interviews, Austin has talked about going to feed his movie habit at the Arclight
I am sorry that I am so late in posting this week. As usual, this
week was hectic for me. Prairie
Girl, Happy Belated Birthday from
me! I hope that your day was very
special with all kinds of goodies.
OMG, you have a really special kind
of blog! Whatever happens, I know
that you will stay open! Have a good weekend, everyone!!
NEtb no. Dont leave you have been here so long. I know you havent been posting much lately. Take some time and hopefully you will be back. It wouldnt be the same without you. I would miss you.
:) said:
You are free to think whatever you like.
We are free to think you are wrong - it has nothing to do with lemmings or following others.I totally agree with this, and with Special's post above.
I'd hate to see you go NETB.
I enjoy reading a variety of viewpoints, and, as many of you know I like a good argument too.
I think the regular posters here are pretty respectfull of other's comments. I also have a pretty tough skin, and personally I just roll my eyes when the trolls get nasty because I could really care less what someone I don't respect has to say.
On second viewing I'm finding Austin's preview look better, just abit of a shiny fore(five)head. He really is turning into a mighty fine man.
Highly recommend that you watch the video, the man is just so adorable (well to me at least).
So, how many years is that now that a cute young actor has been turning up to premieres with no gf on his arm?
I can kinda see why Jake had to beard: both of them single for years, and hanging out a lot.......people would talk.
(BTW NETB it's not heresy around here to say there's no BT. I think a lot of people agree with you, and I don't think there's a Toothy dogma to be heretical about.)
Wow, it's an Austin extravaganza. Nice to see him at a premiere again. Now I want to see he and Jake doing something fun this weekend. He does look a bit used, doesn't he. They were apart for several weeks so it's to be expected.
It is sad to see people move on, but peoples interests change over time. These things happen. This site is great for allowing everyone to express themselves, good or bad, and I would not want to see that change, even if nasty comments sometimes come my way. The price of freedom of speech.
I put on a rainbow colored sweater this AM, purely coincidental, but glad to hear it has some meaning today.
I would like to explain why I created a set of rules for me to follow a few weeks ago. I got tired of hearing myself complain. I didnt do it because I felt I had to fall in line.
I hate the bearding, I hate the sham that reeke is. It is sad and Homophobic. I still cant believe Jake is doing it. But my complaining aint gonna change anything.
I love the recent pics of J and A and I love that Jake has had his leash loosened a tad. I dont think Jake is gonna marry reese. I think it will end just the way it started. Quickly with no words or announcements.
I think the trolls are a litle nervous and have been trying to heat things up here a bit. I wont fall for that. I do think M was attacked personally yesterday and that is crossing the line. I am sure M can take care of herself though. Maybe I should have ignored that post but things had been building up.
I think folks here have their own minds. Especially the long timers.
Ne I am not sure what is going on with you but I hope you reconsider.
I think the site is better than ever and hopefully folks are making their own decisions. Group dynamics are always interesting whether at home, work, or on a blog. Have fun with the blog dynamics dont let it control you and test yourself sometimes I for one think it can really help you in your everyday life. It has helped me.
See, you guys are killing me. I love love love these Austin pics.
Tom, I'm going to take a break, I say break because I have tried to quit this place before and haven't been able to. I want to respect the day of silence today, so I'm not going say a lot. Our general crew is tolerant of other viewpoints, but there are some who are not.
That "curly haired woman" comment was the limit for me. To let that stand and not delete it, especially when the sincerity of the poster is in question, I can't be part of that. We used to talk about everything under the sun here, and it was fun and amusing in a good way, but now we've dumbed the place down, for what reason I do not know. *sorry! It wasn't my intention to offend.*
Smileyface, no need to attack me. Please refer to Special's post above. I don't need you to tell me that I might be wrong, I know it. I'm not saying I'm right. I know the possibility exists, for both J&A, or J&R, or J&whoever, including possibly Heath in the past. Why is that a forbidden topic, and how does it detract from Austin? People should be able to speak freely.
Baby Tile - what about a birth certificate? It's a matter of public record. Do you mean to tell me that some enterprising snoop, pap or reporter wouldn't have gotten their grubby little hands on it by now? The only way it could be done if it was in the name of the birth mother, and father listed as "unknown". It's farfetched, but I admit the possibility does exist.
M, count me in as an avid slash fan, long before BBM, but I see BBM as much more than just two good-lookin' guys getting it on. I also like fanfic in general now. While I still read BBM fic, I've started to spend a little time reading TDK/Joker fanfic, both slash and het. Perhaps when PoP comes out, he'll have a fanfic fandom devoted to him too. :)
I'm going back to observing day of silence today.
Oops, I also meant to add that I agree with those of you who think that hiding a child is no way to raise a child, poor parenting, and I don't think Jake is the kind of person who would do that to a child.
"I know the possibility exists, for both J&A, or J&R, or J&whoever, including possibly Heath in the past. Why is that a forbidden topic, and how does it detract from Austin?"
That is not a forbidden topic.
The majority of posters firmly believe that Reeke is fake. That's all.
Well, I don't firmly believe in any of it, but if he is with Reese, I can accept that. I understand and agree that bearding is homophobic behaviour, but I don't know for sure that Jake is gay and bearding. There are a lot of great out actors. You're gonna have to come up with something a lot better than an appreciation of fine China, wind chimes and cashmere to convice me. That's a stereotype. I do love Austin and Southern Gothic, and want to see The Informers, love J&A separately or together, love Jake since BBM, will always love Heath.
What comes with respect is being able to agree to disagree. Not name calling, bullying, intimidating, or baiting.And what will you do when someoene name calls, bullies, intimidates, or baits? Leave it up or delete it?
"You're gonna have to come up with something a lot better than an appreciation of fine China, wind chimes and cashmere to convice me."
Reeke convinced me that Jake is gay, I didn't really believe it before Oct 2007.
Only gay Jake would have a reason enough to fake a relatioship with a woman.
^^^ relationship
Doesn't "TB" mean "Toothy Believer" ??
Yes. Change what and why?
Divide and conquer. Isn't that the age old tactic of the enemy? Isn't that what predators do for lunch?
Please don't allow the trolls the satisfaction.
Regardless of where your belief lies, can we not at least be a united front against what millions of fellow travelers must deal with daily, the hate, the homophobia?
Can we not at least stay strong for them?
LA Conservation Corps 23rd Anniversary Luncheon
Jake looks okay/nice but you can really tell the last two years have taken a toll on him, sorry. Whatever it is, reekeing, bt, POP, unknown, the combination, it shows. He looks worn.
Saddended.. ITA, but excuse my dirty mind, but, if Austin looks a little used at his premiere, Jake looks completely shagged out (to use a british term). Must have been all that cycling they were doing.
Thanks IHJ
This time Jake without crutches.
Thursday was a busy day for both of them it looks like. ; )
70's sunny ---finally Spring!
And Fenway tonight for the first Sox game I have tickets for this season.
Seriously though, he does look like he's aged about ten years in the past two. Stresses and strains of trying to be a bearded a-lister are definately telling.
Oh boy. For crying out loud. I wish I wasn't at work today where I can't take the time to think out what I want to say. I wish I had the nerve to get on here & say what I really think. And I don't say that because I'm afraid of offending anyone. I'm not. But there are repercussions and there's no need for that today. I have my own opinions on the reason for alot of this nastiness going on, not only here but elsewhere.
The best explanation I can give, NETB, is it's not just going on here. It's on other blogs. It's going on in the newspaper editorials. It goes on out in daily traffic. You should see some of the It's All About Me behavior I see out on our highways & country roads all. the. time. Daily. I'm dead serious.
And it is going on in the checkout lines of our stores. In the parking lots of our stores. It's everywhere here in the U.S. I don't include other countries only because I have never been outside of the U.S. so I can't say for sure.
This is some sad humans' behavior. And it really isn't just because of Reeke, boredom with Jake, etc.
This is general, overall unhappiness with oneself, with something going on in one's life, or with someone else. And it is then brought to this table, or it is brought into the car on the highway. Take your pick.
And it isn't going to go away until this earth has passed away as we know it.
netb, I can fully understand your displeasure, truly I can. When I got on here a few minutes ago & saw the return of a past topic from 2 days ago, I started grumbling out loud here at work and my cubemate was chuckling because she listened to me ranting about it 2 days ago.
I didn't mean a lecture up above, I'm just trying to explain a possible reason for what is going on. Pictures of Austin & Jake have made people nervous.
Something has changed your mind back again & I can identify with that, too. Like I said, I have wavered at times, too. But the times I did have been very short. There's just been too many other countering factors. But that has nothing to do with how you feel. You feel however you do - no one should try to change your mind or whatever. It's your own personal feeling.
I'm just sad & disappointed that you are so upset & fed up. I really wanted to meet you in June, netb. I think just because we differ in some beliefs that it's no reason to stop talking. But you have to do what you need to do. I hope you just take a break. Sometimes that is needed - believe me, I agree on that!!
I am not at all going to tell Special & Wicked how to run their blog. It's ultimately their blog, they hold the reins and they can take the whole stinking thing down if they want to with the flip of a switch. We should be thankful that they want to spend the time on it that they do. It's alot of work and it's alot of responsibility to monitor this thing 24 hrs. for human sadness.
I'm sorry that some people have to be sad, bitter sacks and try to ruin a pleasant place. They have self-importantly created a really unpleasant atmosphere the last couple of days and it's just really too bad.
I know there have been some comments that have been mean or suspect in lots of fashions. But it is a reflection of what is out in our world. And I don't think it's reasonable to think one is going to escape it for the rest of one's life. Somehow I need to rise above it, ignore it, and concentrate on trying to live my life in a way that is reflective of my own values.
I love you, netb, and I am so sorry it came to this point.
The video of Austin will have to wait. I agree with M that he looks a little rough, and I don't like the way the collar of his shirt looks around his neck. But it is great to see him out at the premiere, and he looks genuinely happy.
It's also great to see him getting some attention from the NYP, "just because". Love it.
Special, I didn't think the premiere could have been on the 11th because that was a Saturday, and I've never heard of a premiere on the weekend.
Galileo said
How many years is that now that a cute young actor has been turning up to premieres with no gf on his arm?
I can kinda see why Jake had to beard: both of them single for years, and hanging out a lot.......people would talk.xxxx
I think it is wonderful that Austin feels no need to show up with a gf on his arm. And I don't think there is ever an excuse for bearding, including the fact that people would talk. That argument always carries with it the undertone that being gay is something bad.
Hey Jake's no hat, no hoodie, no crutches, and no well... you know
He looks relaxed. Tired but relaxed. See I am a BT believer, those little tiles can do a number on you.
Love how both he and Austin have a little scruff at the same. Must help with the beard burn.
Dest - I agree about the collar, I think its because Austin has filled out a bit more, he need something with a bigger spread.
Just gotta say I loving seeing both grinning.
"those little tiles can do a number on you. "
The economy depends on it!
"April 17th, 2009 at 8:35 am
Re: Ange falling over & crying = “poor angie” pr. Probably totally made up.
Off topic re: toothy tiles, friend of friend who was over last nite met him in ny just after donny darko came out, group of friends all went on nite out 2gether. This guy says they were all gay who were there that nite. My friend is gay also."
^^^ Thanks!
P.S. Off topic?! I don't think so :)
Ted's twitter: "This is fun! Let's throw in a Toothy clue, too: think he's jealous Mr. Goose's legs are better?"
Now what could have Ted been possibly looking at that he could compare Toothy's legs to Mr. Goose's legs. ;)
Regardless of where your belief lies, can we not at least be a united front against what millions of fellow travelers must deal with daily, the hate, the homophobia?
Can we not at least stay strong for them?Yes, of course we can. Thanks, Plea.
PG, I'm still game for meeting if you are, just because we might not agree all the time on everything, doesn't mean we can't get along.
I won't change my name, because it's the one I've had from the beginning, and I still do believe, just sure about everything. I'm more than happy to be proven wrong. Sorry that I get a bit moody about it.
Spesh, you are right, it's a great day out there and the Sox are playing.
Indeed, destiny!
Happy birthday PG, sorry it's so belated.
Lovely Austin pics, he wears a suit better than almost anyone I can think of ...
The blog, well there's been a couple of snarky people on in the past few days, but honestly we (and original WFT) had worse trolls. So I hope you'll reconsider and even drop in occasionally, dear Nettie. I don't say much about J&A any more because I've said it already. FWIW and no offence to her but if I believed Jake was str8 I think Reese is the last person he would fancy. JMO.
I think it is wonderful that Austin feels no need to show up with a gf on his arm. And I don't think there is ever an excuse for bearding, including the fact that people would talk. That argument always carries with it the undertone that being gay is something bad.I have always admired this too, Destiny.
PG, you're a sweetie. Love you too. :)
Spesh, there are few things more enjoyable in life than a night baseball game. Have fun!
Jeez, I said I wasn't going to say much, and I've never posted more. I only lasted a few hours, Tom!
lolllll, netb! Well, good, I'm glad we're on & that we were never off. It's going to be a great time-I can't wait.
Okay, it's time to yell yabba-dabba-do and do the slide down Dino's back, and awaaaaaay we go!
Spesh is off to see the Sox play! Special, have a hot dog with mustard & relish for me. Hope your team wins, as long as it's not the Royals who are playing, lol.
I am really, really enjoying these splendid pictures of Austin. Man, he looks great. Hair is awesome - mighty, mighty fine. What I wouldn't give for natural wave/curl like that. I'll have to check it all out, including Jake's when I get home.
Although I have to make a trip to Sam's tonight.
Hey London! Thanks for the thought, that's nice. I appreciate it. You have to tell yours now. Hopefully, we haven't passed it yet.
LOLLL, I just saw tired & emotional's comment @ 13:37. "a little used".
Well, I can't wait to see these pictures of mr jakester. Sounds like he looks pretty darn tired. Everyone seems to be in agreement on it.
Ok, I've got to go.
Oh yes, I can't take my eyes off these pics of Austin - it's the bright smile that's doin' it for me. Gorgeous.
London sistah, those troll days at the original WFT were waaaaaaaaay worse than here. I can't believe I fell for it and let them push my buttons.
Have a good weekend, all - :)
All's Well That Ends Well
Thats really sad NETB. I lasted a week one time. You are a sad excuse for an angry Tber:-)
Love u
Okay you have to scroll down a bit, but the comments re: Austin and Jake are quite funny and cute. And, I hate to say it but Jake does look somewhat jaded. Can't these people just go on a nice long holiday for a good old sun, sand, sea, spa and sex session like everyday people.
Austin and Jake
Have fun at the game tonight Special, you certainly lucked out with the weather.
From ent lawyer:
Uh oh. Does Jake know that Austin Nichols is out with Lou Taylor Pucci?
Speaking of Jake, he was doing some kind of charity thing here in LA yesterday.
That "curly haired woman" comment was the limit for me. To let that stand and not delete it, especially when the sincerity of the poster is in question, I can't be part of that.I feel I must address this. First, if anyone here has any questions about why a particular comment was not deleted- ask. We will always tell you our reasoning. We may be wrong and/or you may disagree with us, but we will always tell you. Personally, I left that comment up because by the time I saw it, there was already a discussion going about racial profiling. I thought this was a good discussion and did not want to stop it. And BTW, there have been comments that I was disinclined to delete at first but ended up deleting because enough of you requested it.
I am not at all going to tell Special & Wicked how to run their blog. It's ultimately their blog, they hold the reins and they can take the whole stinking thing down if they want to with the flip of a switch.Actually we don't see it this way. We do see this place as a community and both value and listen to everyone's input. We also take what you say seriously. We won't always do what you say, though.
Something else I want to say- no one owes this blog their participation. Fandoms do have a shelf life and when you feel done, you're done. I think that's fine. No one should feel they have to explain why they are no longer posting unless they want to. And no one should feel guilty if they don't post anymore or if they take a break. It's fandom and it's supposed to be fun.
I think the most important lesson we have all learned this week is no matter what nationality, race, creed or gender you are please never wear flip flops with black socks:-)
I think the most important lesson we have all learned this week is no matter what nationality, race, creed or gender you are please never wear flip flops with black socks - Tom
LMAO! Or flip flops with any socks.
I'm not a fashion nut but looking at Austin's suit I have to say it looks off. Someone said about him needing a larger collar? I agree and I also find the suit jacket buttons to be too high. Lower would be more sophisticated I think. The way they are now, higher up, looks out of balance and kind of slapstick.
Jake's suit is allright. I'll have to check pics but isn't it the same style and cut as the one he wore to last year's LACC? Maybe he bought or had the same one made in different fabrics. And if I remember right (no guarantees on that lol) he also wore a blue shirt last time. I find it just strange how he looks almost identical in last year and this year's LACC pics, the clothes, hair, lighting, expression, tiredness, poses, background, weather. Not any conspiracy, lol, just a coincidence.
How is it that Jake and/or Austin can look so great in bright unforgiving sun outdoor pics but worn and 10 years older in others?
Prairie Girl makes a good point. When I scan comments on jj,perez, ONTD etc to get a feel for what they are saying about jake or Reeke, the comments are often awful. Waaaay nastier than OMG has ever seen or even WFT2, not that it makes pushing the envelope here acceptable. Something about being anonymous lets people spew. But I can always tell the difference between someone expressing a thoughtful, though contrary opinion vs. someone hell bent for stirring the you know what.
NETB, I have read some non BBM slash as well, especially joker/batman and followed some links to stories on DC forum. But for some reason I do not enjoy it as much as Jake/Heath or Jack/Ennis, even when they are alternate universe. Jake/Austin does not do as much for me either as I view that as too close to the real thing.
Ent lawyers comment is funny. Austin does have his arm around that guy like he would a date.
I think the most important lesson we have all learned this week is no matter what nationality, race, creed or gender you are please never wear flip flops with black socks:-)Tom, I love you - muah!
M, I draw the line at RPS too; I don't know why, I think maybe because it's about real people, and I'm not comfortable with it either. But Ennis and Jack are wonderful to read about. TDK fic can be a bit violent, but I tend to go for the fluff romance pieces about the Joker. Ha! Sigh. It's funny, because in the film there is nothing at all to love about him, and believe me, I've tried. Very cold-blooded. But I see Heath.
Wicked, I see your point. Something like that is probably better left up, but every time I read it, I saw red. It does make for a good discussion. The thing is, I have been following a PBS program about something similar, and it's upsetting, and that really has been bothering me. I'm sure I overreacted a bit.
Special, I forgot to say I love today's gif! You're like a kid in a candy store who lets us eat your goodies!
^^Oops. I didn't mean that to sound sexual.
Wicked, I know you & Special have several times said that this is everyone's blog which is great. I've always loved that about you both. But, but, the end of all ends, you 2 started it and just like a LiveJournal, do always have the power & ability to end it. I wasn't saying you would, but ultimately it is your 2's blog.
Because......if I did have some control or ownership, I'd be playing some Carpenters & John Denver once in awhile!!! And also some Partridge Family and the Archies "Jingle Jangle", which I know you would never choose, LOLLLL!!
lol, I cracked myself up on that one. Okay, hate to drop a funny and run, but I need to go get my prescription before Sam's closes. I still haven't seen these pictures. At this rate, it'll be morning!
I got you on that one, Wicked!
You're trying to make me die, aren't you, PG?
We do take requests, but I think I'm gonna have to let Spesh handle that one!
C'mon, get happy!
I do wonder what Austin was up to before the premiere, the tie is crooked, he has buttoned the top button of the jacket (agree it would look better if it was lower) in a way that almost looks like he threw himself together in a hurry. ;)
lol, David Cassidy. Hey, I have been slowly watching my 4 sets of Partridge Family season dvd's and not only did they sing some alright songs, but I enjoy watching them. And some of the guest's like watching an old, old episode of The Love Boat. They had a very young Anthony Geary in one. Bobby Sherman. Bert Convy. A little Jodie Foster. Richard Pryor. I can't recall some of the others I've seen on there, but it's been entertaining.
Couldn't come home without a dvd at Sam's. Barney Miller, Season 3. Oh man, that Barney Miller was hilarious!! I loved Inspector Luger and Sgt. Dietrich. That Insp. Luger just killed me.
Well, nice to see things have quieted down now. What's so ironic about all this? We didn't even have any Reeke pictures this week! That just dawned on me. No Reeke at all, just some new ones of the boys together and look what happened. Actually, it's pretty sad when you look at it that way.
Usually people complain about too much R_ _ _ _ talk. Well, that wasn't even a factor at all. She had nothing at all to do with what went down these past 2 days. Which just goes to show that humans can be drawn into discord all on their own, and I start with pointing at myself first of all.
Gonna go to bed and hopefully be able to put all this back in the vault. I will say this, tho. I never have thought that registering names should be required. Although I like it very much, it doesn't necessarily prove sincerity. But it does make me pretty uneasy now to think how many times I've maybe been talking to someone I "know", but under a different name. I just don't know about that, honestly, and that is now stuck in the back of my mind, I have to say.
"But it does make me pretty uneasy now to think how many times I've maybe been talking to someone I "know", but under a different name."
Tell me about it!
hi. i'm on vacation. it's been up and down - my husband, who just retired, thought he was going to start a new job on tuesday. yesterday they called and said no he wasn't because someone at our facility didn't think he was right for the job. that's total bs: my husband has been involved in almost very program going in air traffic for years, and while he hasn't worked so much in this particular one, that doesn't matter because it's kind of a cushy job and all he has to do is take data and make a report. no biggie. we got it all straightened out today, the culprit is most likely in the shithouse, and jim starts his job tuesday as planned.
here's the other weird thing. the topic here has been a lot about discriminatory views. my husband and i are official rednecks. we wear blue jeans and cowboy boots and drink beer for breakfast and say the f word in almost every conversation. but my husband is a platninum member with northwest, and we fly first class. TWICE we got chastized for being in the first class check in line during the TEN MINUTES we were waiting to check in. he said it happens to him all the time.
it's so easy to do or say the wrong thing and f up. that guy who made the wrong comment about my husband's work qualifications is going to find out about that in a big way, and the folks at NWA/Delta will eventually get an earful if they keep it up. but a lot of times we don't realize we're doing it, or our feelings are based on so much history that it's just our life. after 911, i had a hard time with my feelings when i went to the gas station owned by an man of Arab descent who had only always been nice to me. i'm over it now, but it was hard for a while.
we're all human, and we can't always help how we feel, even if we want to. we just have to learn to overcome the things that matter, and to try to be forgiving when folks f up, especially when it's not done with obvious intent. i'd rather forgive someone who doesn't deserve it than spend my energy being pissed off at a fool. (no fingers being pointed here at all, i'm just generalizing.)
hugs all around. YAYAYAYAYAY for several Reeke free days. i'm so hoping that's a sign of things to come. :)
Just saw the Jake conservation pictures - I am a little late getting there. He is looking rough, like he rolled out of bed and didn't even wash his hair. I think the boys are making up for lost time.
Back from the game. Sox Won!!!
Battle of bad pitchers, but got to see 2/3 of the bullpen and did get to see Papelbon (the Irish dancing Red Sox) who closed the game. The place exploded as he came out of the pen to Shipping Up Boston, like he always does. Of course Sweet Caroline in the 8th, Dirty Water after the win.
The highlight and the "am I having a hallucination moment - walking back to the train, saw the Oscar Myer Wienermobile rolling down the Mass Pike tooting its horn. At first I thought I had too many Fenway Franks.
Come on you got to love rough and tumble ; )
And I don't know about the Goose and Toothy's legs - could be a tie - has Ted seen that picture of Austin and those legs wrapped around his shoulders? : )
Wow, never occurred to you that the Arab guy maybe was now living away from his country of origin because he did not agree or support their view? Which country, anyway? Redneck indeed, and that's not because you wear jeans and cowboy booths.
It must be so nice to be perfect that you can immediately kick someone for admitting they've made a mistake in their life. Although i have to say, i don't envy you your wonderfulness at all. You're not real.
red said, you did illustrate another part of my post very nicely.
"i'd rather forgive someone who doesn't deserve it than spend my energy being pissed off at a fool."
:) no hard feelings. s.
Special, hurry and get your buns outside, Austin wants to take you for a ride on his huge weiner.
Hey that's my wienermobile!
Took my niece and nephew on a trip just Auntie and them all the way to KC for a week. Summer after 9/11 and we already had a scare as I was pulled and written in the black book for my bag testing positive for explosive from hand checking my carry on (high speed film inside). Just kept telling the kids they were just doing their job to keep us safe. What was it? Nitrogen that was put on the lawn, I had set my bag in the new fertilized grass as I was getting in the cab. What a way to start our adventure.
But they saw a Sikh on our flight as did everyone else and everyone was on edge. I think his traditional headcovering made people speculate about him. The kids were scared and nervous and I would not let them be afraid of someone who believes in peace and nonviolence. So I ask him if they could ask him some questions. He said yes, and he was amazed by two little kids asking him questions the rest of the plane was afraid to ask. And he got a chance to explain who he was and what Sikhs believe.
someone who believes in peace and nonviolence? Please review facts before making up stories
I didn't make it up. Thanks for saying I am a liar.
Maybe I got confused about the Sikhs,beliefs. But the man was very nice and put them at ease.
But I didn't want them to be afraid of people or that they should judge people by the way they looked or their beliefs.
"He is looking rough, like he rolled out of bed and didn't even wash his hair. I think the boys are making up for lost time."
I don't know, m. I hope its true but if they live together and been home together for at least a week you'd think they could make time to get properly ready to go do a professional appearance. Austin looked a bit uncomfortable at the premiere and not polished like I expect an actor would be at a red carpet premiere. As for Jake maybe it was taken at a bad moment but look at IHJ pic #20, Jake looks totally wonky. Do male's faces change that much in 2 years between 26 and 28? Does he have an illness or condition we don't know about (hope not)? Is it from getting fat and happy? From coming off steroids? Drugs? Has parading Reeke ground him down that much? Is there a BT that's making time management or travel a challenge? I don't know, all I know is it shouldn't change this much in 2 years.
what makes me real is that when i come here and post, i use one of two names every time: siennab or sienata. i have a journal full of personal posts at livejournal under my user name sienata. this is not a name i suddenly came up with to badger someone with.
what makes me real is that i publicly, under a known name, admitted to a mistake that i am not proud of: that i felt badly towards a man who did not deserve it just because of his appearance and supposed nationality. in reality, he probably has as little ties to the taliban and their beliefs as me, but for a short while, maybe i couldn't bring myself to give him the benefit of the doubt.
what makes me real is that i feel bad about that, even though he never knew. i still shopped at his store, smiled and spoke and went on my way like nothing was wrong. i kept it inside, and eventually it dwindled down to nothing. that's what people do, when they can.
what makes me real is that i don't read a long post that is mostly about the importance of understanding and forgiveness, and pull out the one thing that the person admits to doing wrong, and then attack them like you've found out a big, bad secret about them. i try to be understanding and give people the benefit of the doubt, and to read and understand the whole message before i go flying off the handle.
at least, that's what i think makes me real. you can give me a chance to prove it. why don't you sign in with a name that we are all familiar with, confess a sin of your own of an equal magnitude, and give me the opportunity to say the right thing, or not? siennab.
on a more interesting topic, to the rest of you who are interested in jake, i agree... he's looking a little rough around the edges. i've thought so for a while, altho he doesn't always look bad. i thought he looked pretty perky in the bike pics. but he looked mostly awful in the european shots with reeke, and on that recent date picture of them in the car. i think his life is just wearing him out. it's wearing on me and i don't even have to live it!
sorry to get involved in a bit of nastiness. i know everyone is sick to death of that. i certainly am. i had no idea my previous post would bring out the Judge, but i guess i should've. my bad. i guess that's what i get for having bad thoughts in the first place. life gets its on justice, one way or another.
see ya'll around. s.
From Cantaras notebook:
"I found the best rendition sung by none other than John Barrowman—yes, our Captain Jack from the Doctor Who spinoff, Torchwood. (And hey, you Toothy Tile freaks, quit trying to turn Jake Gyllenhaal “gay” and start appreciating a truly gorgeous and versatile actor who is openly homosexual, would you?)"
"openly homosexual"
As opposed to closed homosexual?
Ted's twitter:@tbuck1 Grey Goose is #toothytile's partner. He's almost as famous as Toothy. He's getting as tired as we are waiting for Toothy
if you click on @tbuck1
This is what you get
* Name Tammy Buck
* Location Oak Ridge, NC USA
* Bio Austin's Mom, just makin it
You wonder if Ted decided to answer because of the coincidence of it all
Buck, NC, Austin, Just Makin' it
Also interesting that Ted said this after Austin has signed a 2 year deal with the CW for OTH.
If you think about it, after 2 years of Reeking Jake has really not got anything out of it. He has no projects and he comes across as Reese's wimp of a bf. Reese has projects (however bad) and she is always portrayed as the strong woman who is a great mom. I'm sure when they started Reeking they both went in 50/50 but so far Reese is the one who has had all the advantages. Maybe finally, Jake is beginning to realise he has been taken for a ride.
BTW I don't like deletion of posts unless they are really nasty and ugly.
And Austin is beyond gorgeous when he laughs, beautiful mouth and teeth :))
Oh, believe me, I DO appreciate John B. As often as possible. He's a lovely, talented, crazy, naughty, gracious, giving man, and the most out one on the planet. He's wildly popular, always in demand, and internationally adored.
Not a very good example to hold up against our cowardly closeted because of career Toothy.
Thanks for keeping it real, Sienna. I appreciate it.
Even thought I'm a vegetarian, I really love the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile.
But they saw a Sikh on our flight as did everyone else and everyone was on edge. I think his traditional headcovering made people speculate about him. The kids were scared and nervous and I would not let them be afraid of someone who believes in peace and nonviolence. So I ask him if they could ask him some questions. He said yes, and he was amazed by two little kids asking him questions the rest of the plane was afraid to ask. And he got a chance to explain who he was and what Sikhs believe.
But I didn't want them to be afraid of people or that they should judge people by the way they looked or their beliefs.For Special:
Baby, you're the greatest! :*
^^Sorry, that should be Ralph Kramden!
Thanks for your post - believe me, I was as angry and devastated as anybody after 9/11 too. Glad you brought up the point about classism. There sure are enough 'ism's out there. Nobody is perfect, but what counts is people who can be honest and examine their thoughts and feelings, and admit it, not be judgemental about it. Cowboy boots are like pieces of fine sculpture in my book, they are beautiful, the hats too.
Good morning, everyone. Boy, I picked up a book last night when I went to bed and the next thing I knew, I was waking up this a.m. at 0500, an hour later than I do during the week. I don't even remember putting the book down or turning out the light, lolll!
Special, glad you had such a great time. The wienermobile. That thing is hilarious. I saw it last year in the parking lot of our local Borders, now talk about weird, too! On a highway is the best, though. How funny.
Sienna, thanks for your post. Thanks for being honest. I had a few comments along the same lines, but I deleted them all because I knew they'd just bring on all kinds of controversy/discord and I didn't want to make Special & Wicked have to monitor it all. I wish, though, that I'd felt I could've left them up.
Sienna, what you said seemed real, seemed honest and from the heart. To me, it doesn't get any better than that. And that's not saying that what anyone else says isn't from their heart; I just identify with Sienna.
And hey, I was wondering where you were! I was going to be doing a callout to you, just to check. ;)
Sorry to hear about your husband's troubles. I hope it'll all work out for the best.
Finally saw the pictures last night, lol! I dunno.I don't think they are that bad. Yeah, he does look a little weary. A little casual. Nothing wrong with an open collar, though. And hey, at least he didn't have the tea cozy on or a hoodie.
^^^Just havin' some fun there.
It is funny how he can look so young at times. But in alot of pictures, we're looking from a distance. To me, in these which are alot of closeups, he's just showing signs of getting older. He's not 22 anymore, I guess. He's got the lines around his eyes now and ain't nothing going to fix that except for that awful Botox or whatever it is some HW'ers use. After the last 2 years? I can't imagine it not taking some kind of physical toll. But I still like these pictures. He just looks an older type of classic handsome. I know, , I know, I can be wishy washy, totally admit it.
I thought Austin looked fantastic; I'm more of a dark suit fan, maybe that's why I'm not totally fond of this light one, but that's nitpicking. I'm glad he's not afraid to wear all kinds of colors; he picks interesting clothes. Seems to like stripes alot. But his face is radiating in those pictures, I think.
Lanto says. LOL! Good name.
Ralph Kramden. lol! You guys are hitting on one of my favorite shows just discovered this year, thanks to WGN. How funny & talented Jackie Gleason & Art Carney were. That show just makes me roll.
flf, good to see you! I agree - Austin has a great smile; great teeth, too. He has several kinds of smiles, seems to me. Truly happy one. A really, ornery smirky one. And a killer, knock-em-off-their-feet smile, the kind that kind of makes you forget where you are or what in the heck you were saying.
I'm just glad Austin doesn't work where I do, because it'd be impossible to concentrate in meetings or even try to ask a question.
How funny & talented Jackie Gleason & Art Carney were. That show just makes me roll.Weren't they?
Thanks Sienata, for your post. I agree with Ralph's assessment! :)
I feel like I opened a can of worms with my comments, and I apologize to everyone. I am not Red, didn't make those comments! Nobody is perfect, and it's a good person who can examine their feelings and admit when they may have been wrong about something/someone, and not to be judgemental and fingerpoint.
Austin's smile sure knocks me out too.
That's Jones, Ianto Jones. And you should see him in a tight pair of rent boy jeans.
Doctor Who?
Oh My! I'm getting BBC America next week! :)
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