With the end of The Crazy Tree on the horizon Austin starts to think about other potential projects.
Maybe I could do a cooking show?How hard cook it be.
I've helped out and the production staff prep everything.
You just throw stuff together and grin.
Second camera ready.
I'll have three cameras and just edit it together.
Close up Kitchen-cam all set.
I'll just do what Jake does, take some left over stuff and throw it together how hard can it be?
He sliced and diced.And then flipped the stuff a little. I can do that.
Uh oh, I think this salad might have been sitting out too long.Well maybe my sidedish will be ok.
Oh that's not looking right.
Well there's still the chicken dish I used to make with Jake. It's a just a little smokey. We'll call it blackened chicken.
Oh oh oh oh smoke in the eyes. Smoke in the eyes.
Huh... maybe there's a reason Jake drinks more when I'm helping to cook.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
More like Rusty Chef
Posted by
Special K
6:15 PM
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Wet n Wild
Check out the promo for Jake on Man vs. Wild.
That's some kind of wild.
And how's this for some hair?One question: How did Jake who's vision is poor, do this with contacts on, and in hard lenses no less?
Jake was a little more civilized yesterday spotted out in the wilds of WeHo at a fav, Urth Cafe.And the Wild Turkey?
The script of the first episode was delivered to the cast Sunday/Monday, and everyone is heading to back to the big Tree now. Filming starts sometime next week.
Posted by
Special K
2:13 PM
Labels: Jake, Man vs. Wild, Wild
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Like Two Pieces of a Puzzle
Let's break down the latest from People
Jake ..."was cracking up and laughing with pals during a lively night at West Hollywood's Chateau Marmont – but the actor gave special attention to one woman: Olivia Wilde. The two were very flirty, an onlooker says, acting "touchy-feely." Says the onlooker: "At one point, he had his hand on hers." Still, the two weren't overly affectionate with each other. "Olivia was very cool," the onlooker says, "and wasn't fawning over Jake but seemed to like the attention he was giving her." Alas, at the end of the evening the two went their separate ways.
was cracking up and laughing with pals during a lively night
What pals? Peter? Adam? RDJ? They all gets mentions in People not mystery man status. (pictures with Jake) Who are these mystery people who are seen with Jake who never get named in People?
And it couldn't be a gal pal or that would have made it out of Celebrity Sightings and at least a thousand words with 4 exclusive pictures.
Let's see who does that leave?
And who was getting ready to leave ? (to go back start shooting a new season?)
And who goes out before they have to being apart for a while?
But, but, but, but ....Wilde?
The two were very flirty, an onlooker says, acting "touchy-feely." Says the onlooker: "At one point, he had his hand on hers." Still, the two weren't overly affectionate with each other. "
Now how can you be flirty and "touch feely" but not overly affectionate?
They've been floating Wilde several times with Jake in the rags. But she has been on a cross country mission of her own to be seen with handsome "single" men of the moment leading to speculation about the nature of her dating status (ie those coveted inches of copy and countless tweets-that'spublicity, people)
Justin, Jake, Ryan Gosling and wasn't it confirmed that she is a new couple with Bradley?
"Cozy" "Flirty" "hands" on hands, back of chairs, .. oh my!
"and wasn't fawning over Jake but seemed to like the attention he was giving her." Alas, at the end of the evening the two went their separate ways.
This sound really familiar. Kind of like this from the Golden Globes:
"According to reports, Jake and Mila were chatting away and getting grabby at the CAA afterparty at the Sunset Tower. An inside snitch at the party said, “They ended up talking in a corner practically the entire party. They were laughing and smiling a lot. It was really flirty and they both looked like they were having a lot of fun.” Even though they were touchy-feely, the two of them went home separately. A friend of Jake’s said, “They are just really good friends...."
Who was the other person both Justin and Jake were mentioned with that weekend Justin hosted SNL (and left with Olivia) - Mila Kunis -- funny that.
And you know who's gotten a long weekend break from shooting for the Golden Globes before?
It is a bit of a puzzle....or is it just too obvious to be one.
If you want a real puzzlecheck out this one and see how you do.
Here at OMG, the missing to piece to the puzzle that's Jake
Posted by
Special K
9:13 AM
Labels: Austin, Jake, Man of Mystery, Mystery Date, Mystery Man
Monday, June 27, 2011
Reality Check
All the talk is about Jake and Bear's adventure, but this isn't Jake's first rodeo with reality stars.WAK!*
*What about Kirstie?This past season's Dancing with the Stars runner up Kirstie Alley starred in Jake's the yet to be seen movie Nailed.
Kirstie plays Aunt Rita, a veterinarian who fails to remove a nail from the head of her niece Alice. (Jessica Beil). Of course then Alice travels to D.C. to fight for better health care and falling for the dashing, but clueless, Congressman Howard Birdwell(Jake).What about Kirstie?!? The bigger question is will Nailed ever come out?
But don't think Kirstie was Jake's first reality star. Jake's first was Stacey Keibler. Another DWTS alum it wasn't Stacey's first "reality" show, she was a pro-wrestler with the WCW and WWE.And how is the "The Legs of WCW/WWE" connected to Jake?
Bubble Boy.Who else would you have wrestle for 500 dolla!
With all these dancing connections and Jake's moves -- is DWTS far off?
And don't think Austin's left out of this reality thing.
Austin has a reality doppelganger. US Weekly points out the separated at birth connection with one of the suitors on this season of The Bachelorette.
Posted by
Special K
3:14 PM
Labels: Austin, Bubble Boy, Dancing, Jake, Nailed, Reality Check
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Special Out Spotlight
Today's a very different Out Spotlight. Today's about equality and what it means to be recognized as a citizen who has the same rights as everyone else and for one of the most basic of rights: the right to marry the person you love.
On June 24th history was made in the state of New York, with the passage of legislation giving gay and lesbian couples the freedom to marry in the state.
Not only did this legislation bring the number of states with marriage equality to six, but it doubled the number of people in the United States who now have these rights.
While there are still many in the US who oppose marriage equality, that number is changing and are now in the minority. In a recent poll 53% of US says they support same sex marriage.
There will always those who will ask "Why is marriage equality so important?" "Why does it mean so much?" "Isn't domestic partnerships enough?" The answer to those kind of questions, was shared with me this way:
"I think it's completely different for gay people to get married than it is for straights. Straight people grew up knowing they could marry if they wanted. When I first came out, I never thought I'd see gay marriage in my lifetime, or if I did I'd be really old. And yesterday I married her.""
That person was Wicked and she wanted share with all of OMG what it means to her to have the right to marry.
"On May 2, 2011, the Mrs and I were legally married in DC. Tom was there, along with several other friends and family. We had a non-legal ceremony in 2000, and have been together since 1999. Because we've been together and committed for so long, I wasn't sure if it would feel any different to be legally married. After all, we have the same last name, powers of attorney, own a home together, and all our property is joint. How much more married could we get than that?
However, when we stood up in front of all our supporters this time I knew the state would recognize our relationship. Gay couples who've had ceremonies are often asked, "But are you really married?" This time the answer would be yes. I'm here to tell you- that matters. It is the reason why gay people are fighting so hard for this right. So many people want to diminish our relationships and say they are not as good as straight ones. You may say, "Why does that matter, you know your relationship is valid, that should be enough." I think the reason why societies created rituals like marriage in the first place is because that is not enough. There is something deeply significant about standing up in front of a whole bunch of people and saying, "Yes, this is the person I'm going to commit to," and knowing the importance of that relationship is legally and societally recognized. I can call her my wife and no one can question it.
Since our marriage, our relationship has gone on much as before. Although now she eats my leftovers and drinks my iced tea and says, "What are you going to do about it, divorce me?" We did go and see her parents a few weeks back. You better believe the fact that we legally married mattered to them. They were thrilled about it. They have the pictures up in their house.
For some people marriage may not be a big deal. Not all gay couples want to marry. That's okay, they don't have to. It's not mandatory gay marriage. Not all straight couples want to marry either. But all should have the right to choose. This is what we are fighting for, the right for all gay couples to define their own commitments as they see fit and have them recognized in the same way straight commitments are. I look forward to the day when gay couples can marry anywhere in the country. I think this day will come, and sooner rather than later. I am glad to have been a part of it, and so glad to have the Mrs as my wife."
You couldn't have said it better Wicked, and thank you so much for sharing it with us here at OMG.
to you and Mrs.
on your marriage.

Posted by
Special K
3:19 PM
Labels: Just Married, Out Spotlight, Wicked