Now when there's both, look out.
In Tuesday's Awful Truth - Bev asked Ted
"Has Toothy Tile ever portrayed a vampire?"and Ted's response was
"Depends. Do you mean onscreen or in a West Hollywood parking lot?"Garlic may repel vampires, but candy necklaces just entice sweet tooths. Doubtful Toothy would even need the candy, but it's more fun that way.
Bet that sweet Toothy would make sure he left no candy no matter how long it took. But careful it might leave a mark. Now he isn't the only one with a sweet tooth, Gray Goose looks like he likes some sugar* and gets plenty too from his Toothy treat.

*For you non-Southerners - sugar is what you call kisses
Is that a PEZ menorrah?!
Yes it is.
Oh yeah . . . the candy(man) is dandy. ;* Fantastic menorrah too.
Great post - is Austi supposed to be on SNL tonight?
Oops, sorry - I meant FNL in my above post - haven't had coffee yet this morning to kick-start the ol' brain either! ;)
Now I'm stuck with candy Candy Man song in my head :)
Who can take a sunrise
Sprinkle it with dew
Cover it with choc'late and a miracle or two
The Candy Man
Oh, the Candy Man can
The Candy Man can
'Cause he mixes it with love
And makes the world taste good
We all knew liquor was quicker, but who knew candy was naughtier. I would love to know the story behind this picture.
Interesting about Gyllenspoon and the fact that the site has closed down completely. You would think someone would leave it up if it was just a matter of being tired of it, like Jake Watch.
it's closed? mmm... I have never visted that site... so maybe it was on a payroll? someone doesn't want to renew it because the campaign didn't work?
Is it politically correct to say that Austin's necklace looks totally gay?
These Hanukkah posts really brings a festive mood. This is a superb idea!
And aren't Austin's necklace colors matching the menorrah? Spesh, you seem to have an eye for those things. ;)
I'm going to a friend's Christmas concert tonight and will record FNL. :)
It your not sure what to give for the Holidays -
The Kite Runner Auction Kite with Tail signed by Jake Gyllenhaal
Right now Jake's kites is in the lead with a big of $162.50.
75% of proceeds go to the Afghanistan Relief Organization
Could Austin look any more scrumptious? Sure hope he lines up some more TV work soon. Movies are great, but too few and far between. He needs another weekly series.
Interesting about Gyllenspoon. I only went there once. Besides not liking the subject, too many young girls posting. Like IHJ. I love that site for the pictures they post of Jake, so check it daily, but the comments skew towards a 15yr old's view of life.
^^Yes, I think it either has served its purpose or wasn't working as intended. Stay tuned for more thrills, chills, and spills! ;)
I don't know if it's politically correct, but I've always thought that about this picture who'sthat. The fact that he is so fearless and quirky about his wardrobe is one of the things I love about Austin.
According to WDW, running the blog became too much work and was only managing to post once a week which wasn't enough for a lot of posters there.
Also she was moderating/screening comments before posting which is a chore itself. I think she became a bit thin-skinned regarding the complaints. There was enough traffic on the site to suggest that it had it's loyal readers so I wouldn't be surprised if someoen else will start a new one.
I used to run a fan site so I am very curious to find out the traffic on sites, Jake sites included of course.
This week i was monitoring out of curiousity this site, the Gyllenspoon site and also Jake Watch which is no longer posting but the archives and furum are still up.
As of today OMG site meter has an averrage per day of 339 visits and 642 Page views. There are about 10 people on the site now.
Since The Gyllenspoon site is gone I couldn't check the site meter but I did yesterday and the Average per day was: 340 and the page views were: 684. Very similar numbers. I doubt that it was on payroll since the owner in the beginning asked for some help blogging. Along with not having enough time and the complaints maybe she thought that there really wasn't a need for it since there is so much Jake/Reese stuff in the mainstream anyway, also it had the potential to become creepy IMO, maybe she sensed it.(Fake inside info, etc).
PS: Out of curiousty i checked the JW site meter and it has 355 Average per day and 650 page views.
Anyone going to claim the 10:50 post?
OMG policy is that we don't keep anonymous posts. (Please see our Welcome statement)
If you put this much thought and work into your comments please give leave a name.
I wondered earlier whether the Gyllenspoon Digest closed because running a blog alone is so much work. It really is a lot more work than you think! If the blog owner asked for help and didn't get it, well, no wonder it closed.
Thanks Chatty.
Thanks Chatty - interesting post. When there's a lot of doubt, possibilities and coincidences swirling around a subject, anything can happen and usually does. I have found that things are not always as they seem at first glance, and the truth can be stranger than fiction, so it's always wise to keep eyes and minds wide open. :)
^^oops, sorry - and hearts too. Eyes, minds and hearts wide open. :)
He needs another weekly series.
Word M! With the high-quality series we get nowadays, I wished being on TV stopped being considered less worthy than being on the big screen.
Very interesting info Chatty. So we're almost "even", LOL!
I'm not familiar with other celebrities' fandom but am I wrong in thinking that Jake has one of the most diverse?
A little OT but you will see where I am going with this:
In the new commercial for the NFL Network they play up on the fact that there are so many straight guys who have man-crushes on Tom Brady.
One of the guys claims that Tom Brady is ten times better looking than Carson Palmer. He asks the waitress to back him up, in which she says, I'm not into pretty boys."
His reponse: “Pretty!” “The guy’s amazing looking. I mean look at him. He’s got broad shoulders, reassuring eyes, huge hands and long powerful legs.”
Hmmm...sound like anyone we know?
And now we're back on the road to Austin.
Wow, great commercial. Love it. ;)
Hey 12:29 -- I agree with you. Do you have a name that I can ? Or it will be lost in the pile of the discarded unknowns.
As predictable as Christmas:
"Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn look happy to be working together on the set of Four Christmases – a movie about a couple struggling to visit all four of their divorced parents on Christmas Day – in San Francisco on Thursday."
People - Star Tracks
And please don't throw sticks and stones, I bruise easily and have holiday parties coming up.
Anyone going claim authorship of 12:33?
Sorry Spesh! That was me at 12:29. Can't vouch for the other ones tho! ;)
Thanks NETB.
You and I have both have seen many guys in NE with man crushes on Tommy.
But that sentence sure could be someone talking about Austin.
Sure could. *sigh* Just WHERE is Austin anyway? I miss him. :)
Vaughinspoon anybody?
US Magazine has a photo of Reese/Vince kissing on set.
Can't be true as Reese and Jake are so in love they had sex for 11 minutes last month in front of their entourage to prove it. It's real it's hot it's love I tell ya.
Vaughinspoon anybody?
No, RINCE! Please, please, it HAS to be Rince!
It's a romantic comedy so isn't that prolly an on-screen kiss?
Now Jake can "Fume Over Reese's Hot Kisses with Vince" just in time to spend Christmas with Austin. Perfect.
Toothless, you forgot that "Hurt by Reese, Jake Finds Comfort with Sexy Nat."
I can just hear it now:
Sparks Fly in San Francisco
Jake fumes in New Mexico amidst reports of paramour Reese making out with co-star Vince Vaughn in San Francisco, heating up the set of their new movie. "How could she? That was our place!" a source claims to have overheard Jake lamenting to pals.
Max, yes, it's obviously a kiss scene for the film. But of course, sparks could fly because he's available and makes her laugh, and she and Jake just couldn't make it because they were spending too much time apart.
I don't think this Rince story will go very far. Reese would not want the bad PR of been seen to move on to another guy so soon after going public with Jake.
More Jeese to come over Christmas IMO.
All this talk about co-stars who've kissed (some on screen, some off ) I saw this about Heath and Batman.
"The first six minutes of Warner Bros.' The Dark Knight, the next Batman movie, will appear as a preview in Imax theaters before the studio's I Am Legend, which opens Dec. 14. Knight features Heath Ledger as The Joker. Director Chris Nolan, who also helmed 2005's Batman Begins, opted to shoot part of the new film using 70mm Imax cameras. The sequence debuting on Dec. 14 depicts a team of robbers wearing clown masks entering a bank for a planned heist when things take an unexpected turn. The first look at Ledger's chilling Joker is generating quite a buzz. ''Seeing this extraordinary face, eight stories high... you can smell his breath,'' Nolan said. ''He's a very overwhelming personality, and there's incredible texture to his appearance. It's a creepy moment, as it should be.'' Production on the movie just wrapped. It's scheduled for a July 18 release
From the Hollywood Reporter
If is bad of me to say I genuinely think Reese and Vince would make a good looking couple. They certainly seem a better 'fit' than Reeke.
Maybe its just wishful thinking.
Also, thanks for the smoking photo of Austin, that boy certainly knows how to wear a candy necklace.
NETB- we may have a job for you! E-mail us.
Is anybody else really interested in I am Legend? I love Will Smith and this movie looks really good.
Yes, I am - and I'd love to see the previews of Heath on the Big Screen.
Wicked, can I be an Assistant Celebrity and Style roving reportah? I'll send you an e-mail. I've got some great ideas for the upcoming Christmas/New Year's Hawaiian Holiday - we're going with "Blue Hawaii" this year. ;)
I am not a fan of Will Smith, but the previews for I am Legend looks great. I hope it is not a case of the preview being better than the movie. And Rince gets my vote, we already have enough spoons.
Isn't Vince gay?
Anyone want claim 1:42 as theirs?
Wicked, can I be an Assistant Celebrity and Style roving reportah?
Let's talk! :)
Destiny, ITA about the overabundance of spoons! Enough with the silverware already!
Anon 1:42- gotta claim your comment if you want it to stay.
Is it really necessary to make fun of Jake? I don't think some of you will like whomever he is linked with, guy or girl, unless it is Austin. Doesn't seem like Austin is making any claims of wanting to be out despite Ted's claims. What if Jake came out but said he was single or was with some other guy. Would you make fun of him then? Jake seems like a great catch and whomever gets him is lucky.
We're not making fun of him; we're teasing about all the gossip claims and also our dear trolls who give advance notice of their travel plans. ;)
Who's making fun of Jake?
Of course nobody would make fun of him if he came out and wasn't with Austin. It's the perceived attempt at bearding that people are being snarky about.
That was me again at 1:50.
1:42 was Who's That.
I confess I did enjoy GSD especially when so many negative Jake/Reese beard stories were hitting blog-verse. I will miss that site because of it's lightheartedness, it's spirit of goodwill and it's happiness for Jake and Reese.
I appreciate your compliment...I take it as a compliment... but many visitors to GSD, myself included, were hardly young girls, though Jake does make one feel 15 all over again.
Interesting about Gyllenspoon. I only went there once. Besides not liking the subject, too many young girls posting. Like IHJ. I love that site for the pictures they post of Jake, so check it daily, but the comments skew towards a 15yr cold’s view of life.
December 7, 2007 10:22 AM
Alas, some of us a bit more worldy-wise and cynical . . .
As a friend of WDW I must point out that, contrary to a post above, she doesn't write G'spoon :) She likes to attract all Jake fans so on WDW she avoids the issue that tends to separate them.
I looked at it (G'spoon) a few times in the early days and thought it was a nicely written blog. Closure might be premature; like max I expect more 'spoon.
Sweet Austin pics here in the last couple of days :) I wonder what he'll do after FNL and Informers?
Hi there cynicaltb,
That's life, I accept it and relish it. Differences among Jake fans makes Jake-verse infinitely more interesting.
Hi again,
I forgot to post what a huge huge Austin fan I am, having been exposed to his phenomenal acting, when he played Morgan Earp in Deadwood. I'm looking forward to more of Austin on the big screen ASAP!
Reese and Vince do look like a more well suited couple.
Seriously, in those pics on the set of the movie with Vince, I thought it was Ivana Trump.
Jake and Ivana? No thanks.
lol, Rince! Wicked, I love it. :) And netb, I loved your on-the-pulse report. More, please. :D
And netb, I loved your on-the-pulse report. More, please. :D
NETB- I think your public is calling!
I looked at the gyllenspoon blog once and it just happned to be when the person who ran it was mentioning that it was getting to be too much work for one person. It seemed to be very well-written and the posters reminded me a little of Jaustin fans when they mentioned that it was the only place they could go to discuss Reese without being attacked by other posters. Anyway, it just made me want to thank Wicked and Special again for all of the work they do to keep OMG going on a daily basis. The two of you are extremely creative - I'm amazed by what you've been able to do with this site. Thank you!
As for FNL, I'm hoping that Austin will be on again tonight. Ever since Tami laced into Austin/Noah in last week's episode I keep envisioning Tami piercingly staring at Noah and saying "I've got my on eye on you!". Austin's characters seem to bring that out in people; in real life Austin seems to have the same effect (though for different reasons).
Oh you are all very flattering. I agree with BV; Wicked and Spesh are amazingly creative, whether with bowling us over with their musical knowledge, the topic of the day, pictures, or just tying all three together. It shows a true love of the subject matter, and I think we all love J&A, whether or not they are together, and as individual actors.
I had only gone over to GSD a couple of times to check it out, and it truly wasn't my cup of tea -but I would never attack any site or try to deny anyone the right to discuss whatever they wanted. I agree that it is a good thing to have a place to go to discuss a topic you like, I don't have to agree with the topic. What I was amazed at is that it folded so quickly, after only what, a couple of months? It shows a true love of the subject to keep a site going, no matter what, like Spesh, Wicked and Dany at WFT do. I tend to go along with BLTB in that my instincts tell me it was a limited PR experiment. Anyway, I hope Austi is on FNL tonight. I'm curious to see where this topic will go. I wonder now if Julie's mom has had a bad experience or something to be so in tune to this.
They are spun the Rince smooch on E!'s Top 10 and said that Reese hooked up with Jake on the the set of Rendition. Debbie Mantenopoulos and Kat saying what a cute couple they would be and called them Vaughnespoon.
NETB get you pencil sharpened up.
You got it, Spesh! It's interesting to see this stuff all play out right before your eyes - That's Entertainment! I guess (oh yeah, that's a song by The Jam, can we add that to the request list? That would be a great name for a column, wouldn't it? ;)
Have a great weekend, all!
No! Enough with the silverware. I won't stand for it. Plus, it sounds even worse than Gyllenspoon, and I didn't think that was possible. Interesting that E gave them a name, though.
Wicked is right - Reeke and Rince sound so much better!
Here's hoping we get a Rince cycle to get rid of the Reeke.
I can't believe I just noticed the last line about sugar--my grandma (who was from Arkansas) used the word sugar instead of kisses.
destiny said:
Here's hoping we get a Rince cycle to get rid of the Reeke.
Just wanted to add my support and heartfelt thanks to Special and Wicked for this blog and all the time and attention it demands. It's very much appreciated by me. Coming here is like walking into a big, permanently sun-lit solarium with a nice pine table, comfortable chairs, and all of you sat round it having a relaxing coffee, tea or maybe a glass of wine. It's like instantly being in the same place as a lot of fun, intelligent people. A place I look forward to entering every time. :)
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