2007 was quite the year for Jake, Austin and OMG.
Jake sings his heart out on SNL, telling Austin and the rest of the country "he's not going." Both attend the Golden Globes. Austin working on JFC, Jake filming Rendition. Jake entertaining Sir Ian and Ruby Wax on the red carpet at BAFTA's . Baby Tile babble continues. Jake's mention of a friend at the fire at Manka during Letterman starts speculation, Zodiac opens with great reviews, Jake and Austin out, bicycling for two, Ted C. makes a point to write up their biking treks under his In the Closet sidebar -- about fashion of course! Austin making fashion in Men's Health. The famous or infamous visit to the set of JFC with both never leaving the trailer. A Saturday night at Jar for dinner. Jake presenting at GLAAD and getting a welcome, fit for a singing cowboy. Jake pictured in Austin (TX) two days before Austin's birthday on April 24th. The setting off biological clocks everywhere,when the first pics of Jake pushing his favorite girl, Ramona in her stroller. Austin gets the star treatment on the red carpet for the official premiere of John from Cincinnati. The official premiere on HBO. Jake in New York spending two weeks with Mom, family and friends. Later finding Austin had his own NY City minute. Last pictures of Jake until August. Weeks spend wondering who was John and what the hell was Milch saying on JFC. Austin first late night interview with Jimmy Kimmel. The "ring" goes missing. But Jake shows up in the Vineyard and it was OMG who found him running the Chilmark Road Race on August 12th. Marking the official start of our little corner of the Toothiverse. JFC is officially canceled. The paps find Jake buying treats from the Chilmark Store. Austin arrested for a DUI in Jackson Michigan and OMG finds out that Jake left MV, the very next day. An alleged outing by a relative unknown gossip. The mystery of Austin's middle name. Jake reappears in LA at the doctors office with a huge grin. Another dinner at Jar with a (ahem) mystery man. Jake off to Toronto for the premiere of Rendition at TIFF. OMG gets an exclusive re
view from the premiere courtesy of Rattler. Jake comes out ! - as a Red Sox fan. Austin comes out! - without a shirt at Austin City Limits. A new ring appears, this time on a chain around Austin's neck. Jake is out of NY the next day. Jake gets Brother(s)ly with Tobey and Natalie. And Nailed with Jessica Biel. Austin gets some Friday Night Lights and even more Informe(rs)d. Jake named the Hottest Bachelor in America by Inteview, and get interviewed by Fincher. The mention of a baby from someone other than Ted. The Gray Goose takes flight, Ted finally giving BF Tile a name, while Jake gets a new one - Gooberballs. Back to NY. OMG realizing Jake is not too big for his britches, but in britches too big for him. The Bombshell from Ted - a walk in The Village will never be so famous. And a dinner with Chelsea will alway be Greek. Rendition opens, and OMG has a get together in Boston. Jake goes to Rome and comes home a different man. Blonde Austin appears for his role in Informers, with a location of Uruguay to deepen his tan. Austin is a Noah with an arc on FNL. Jake becomes a Joe, Namath that is, handpicked by Broadway Joe himself. Jake goes down (New) Mexico way. Another working birthday. And then Christmas in the City for two?
These are just some of the highlights of course, more to mention, and even more we have yet to know. But just as Jake and Austin started the 2007 together, so shall they finish it the same way despite what others may say.
Here's a New Year's Wish for everyone for 2008 may it be filled more moments shared, more memories made and more love grown.
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted by
Special K
7:38 AM
Labels: 2007 Wrap Up, Austin, Gray Goose, Jake, Toothy
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Thanks for this great site, don't know how you have the energy to post something new everyday. Hope everyone has a happy new year and lets look forward to an interesting 2008.
This is one of my absolute favorite Beatles songs and totally appropriate for today and this post. Thanks, Spesh! :)
Awwww . . . so beautiful! Jausty memories and the song, it's one of my favorites too, Wicked.
Tinhat, that's great about Zodiac playing at the Brattle. I'd love to see it again, and it would be great to get the Boston crew together again too, and any of the OMG'ers who can make it!
Happy, Happy New Year, everyone! My champagne's chillin'. :*
A New Year's Wish
For friends on OMG, for TBers, for family, for peers, for that guy who cut in line at Walmart, and, of course,
Jake and Austin.
At least 365 belly laughs, the kind that daggers your sides, steals your breath, brings tears and zings with the gift of being alive.
To be awe struck and humbled no less than two dozen times, by the granduer of a sunset, the wisdom of a tree, the simplicity of a wildflower as it bows to the wind's wishes, to remember we are but stewards of this earth, one small piece in its fabric yet have the greatest potential for both good and harm.
For monthly attitude alignments, reality checks, ass kickings as reminders of rightful places in the grand scheme of things, that this too shall pass, and that, despite best efforts, the world does not need a consultant about the location of its revolving.
Passion for the drive forward, strength to reach frution, and courage to claim not only triumphs, but mistakes as well.
The ability to listen to the inner voice's truth when the other's cacaphony is shrieking a different path.
Peace, quiet, calm. Multiple opportunities for jammies time, to turn off the TV, the cellphone, the laptop, to shut down life, to just sit and be.
To receive the heart's desire along with the understanding that sometimes it's the journey there that is the greatest prize.
And, when the orchestra is packing up, the sign flips to closed, the streets are deserted and the last light flicks off, when all the inevitable shit that living brings piles deep, may shelter be found in your love's arms.
Happy New Year everyone!
ME, I can put your post down as one of awe struck moments for the year. Thank you.
Me, I can't thank you enough for your wishes for everyone here at OMG for the New Year. I feel fortunate to be able to read material from so many gifted writers on my daily visits here.
I just wanted to pass along my own good wishes for the New Year to everyone here, along with my sincere thanks. Special, you and Wicked do such an extraordinary job with your labour of love here at OMG.
Love your song choice today as well Special, and it made me think immediately of Valentino, and his love also.
Much love to J&A in their lives and to everyone here in hopes expressed more eloquently above by Me.
IHJ has the Jeese pics from Saturday, plus a few not previously posted
Happy New Year to all - I'm not as eloquent as ME sadly :-)
BTW I've seen Zodiac mentioned on a lot of end-of-year lists as intelligent, quality movie-making.
Have any other websites besides ONTD published the new pics?
I haven't seen the pics on any other site, Wicked.
They don't even seem to care enough anymore to post them just to make a snarky post about it.
A very happy new year to everyone here; to J & A, and all dear to them. Health, peace and happiness.
(NETB, the writing begins when the drinking stops ;))
In the new pics, there is a time that Reese reaches for Jake, to touch his arm or maybe back, and he apparently jumped back and away, the look on his face as one of surprise, or "Oh, no you don't!"
What is NOT there are any that show an intimacy that should be palable if the "romance" is as hot, heavy and strong as all the copy touts. It should leap off the monitor at you, radiate outward from their faces, their bodies, their souls. But, with Jake and Reese...nada.
Oh, and Stubborn, not only aren't other sites noticing these pics, neither are the supposed Gyllenspoon fans. Where they have been posted, they have only garnered twenty or so comments, and not all of those are complimentary.
I think that in those pics (and especially the video) it has become even more obvious than before just how much Jake does not want to do this and even the Gyllenspoon fans are picking up on it.
There's one time in the video where Jake accidently touches Reeses arm while he does a gesture and he pulls his hand back as if burned, holds it awkwardly behind his back and then puts it in his pocket.
That coupled with his almost stumbling over his own feet in an attempt to get away when Reese tries to bump into him just makes it so glaringly obvious that he seems to have come to the point where even an accidental touch is too much.
The added pics on IHJ don't really help either. In so many he has a hunched shoulder as if he is trying to protect himself from something.
And when Reese is showing him something after they have left the dog behind he is literally standing with one foot over the other to get as far away as possible without stepping onto the street.
It makes me wonder if he found out about the ring when he arrived there for the photos and it was just too much.
Maybe Jake couldn’t bring himself to put up a show because NYC Christmas memories are too fresh? :)
Happy New Year, OMG! Thanks for the great summary, Special!
It makes you realize, when you look back, how much has been going on, even when things seem quiet or unspectacular or dismal. Seems like it takes a stretch of time to give perspective--and understanding--and hope.
Thanks for helping me to keep my perspective, and for helping me to "persist." Hope for the same for all of you, and for a year of artistic growth, heart, and happiness for J&A.
Thanks ME! This something that I will print out and keep to look at during the coming year.
The Pictures:
It seems like they did not want to be there that morning even more than usual. Like the call was made to them and was not apart of the original schedule. Jake seems to not want to be there all the time, but this outing it seemed like they both had better things to do.
The only time you see a little spark in Jake is when he sees the dog and actually paid more direct attention to it than Reese.
It seems Jake's walking away or ahead is as if subconsciously saying I am moving forward, I am done with this.
I'm surprised that Perez has not posted the new pics. He was the one who posted the sighting, after all. One of the comments under the sighting post said he was too cheap to buy them.
Hi ME! Thanks for that beautiful New Year's wish. :*
London, I haven't even stahhhhted drinking bubbly yet, but I do get some of my best ideas then. ;) Just kidding.
I don't think either J or R are too thrilled about this arrangement anymore. We'll see what happens going forward. I'm thinking more and more that J is just going through the motions here, and not wanting to disrespect his relationship with A.
Flynet has a lawsuit against Perez, one of many agencies so he can't use pics from them, the case has not been settled.
Google alert has turned up these pictures from Saturday on these blogs: Popsugar, faded youth, gossip girls, social life, lipstick and a few others.
I was surprised to read so many positive comments on this on ONTD.
The only gyllenspoon site that i'm aware of is the Jake blog gyllenbabble, and there were over 50 comments on that post. The other Jake site IHJ, has nothing but positive coments as well.
Faded Youth post title: SILL TOGETHER, STILL BORING.
That's bullshit ?? there are a ton of negative posts everywhere on this. At least 30% of the positive comments are from one demented troll.
that person is demented, there's no question about it, but I have to admire his/her dedication to prove that Jake is straight :)
A Socialite's Life
"I'm guessing these two are at least still fraternizing, since we caught them here, out and about enjoying coffee and shopping in Santa Monica, CA. And from that, I'm also surmising that Jake is getting some, otherwise, why on Earth would he agree to accompany her shopping. If he's straight, that is."
Ignore ??, he's the original troll.
Well, where ever the pics are posted, I just hope flynet's wonderfully snarky, sarcastic, tongue-in-cheek, over the top and so obvious they don't believe either and they took the damn things copy goes with them.
Just Jared and dlisted don't have the new pics either. Didn't even find them on Lainey. Just the smaller gossip blogs.
Happy 2008 to everyone at OMG. Thanks me for that beautiful post, and glad to see you're still around.
The latest pix do seem to be a return of sorts of the old Jake, the one who looks like he just might rebel against all of this once and for all. I can't see how pr thinks seeing Jake on the verge of almost hostility towards Reese is a good thing. Maybe there is hope for him yet in 2008, although I'm not going to hold my breath.
P.S. Love the song choice and the summary of 2007. And I can't believe I missed a song called Destiny while I was stuck with dial-up internet service and could barely access the site, let alone play the music.
I can't see how pr thinks seeing Jake on the verge of almost hostility towards Reese is a good thing.
PR will always have tabloid readers and fangirls. Fangirls are happy with all Reeke pics, never question anything and believe tabloids :)
Happy New Year to everybody!
Hopefully we'll have another great year here on OMG.
Thank you Special and Wicked for giving us this place to celebrate and support Jake and Austin.
And just as important, a place to talk to all the people that have become friends over the time.
To those who have already celebrated and those who are getting ready to as the hours draw nearer.
Happy New Year! Have a happy and safe New Year.
See you in '08!
Happy New Year guys!
Boy, Jake and Reese sure drink a lot of coffee. So much so that they're holding two different cups in those Santa Monica pics.
Blue to go with Jake's blue plaid overshirt (dog and balloons, stuff in Jake's hand including his car keys), and plain white for just the black shirt and shopping (the video with nothing in Jake's hands, white bag in hers). Reese doesn't change clothes at all, only her scarf is loosened in the blue cup pics.
How long were they out there wandering the streets?
Happy New Year, to all my fellow tb friends.
Happy New Year to everyone at OMG!
I wish you all (J & A included) a fruitful and loving 2008! :)
Probably just a few hours. It only seemed like years to Jake.
"How long were they wandering the streets?" "It only seemed like a few years to Jake"
:D :D :D
Gawd you guys have the best observations, comments and retorts!!!
I was wondering, maybe they werent drinking coffee, maybe the coffee cups were for donation of anyone's extra change, cuz they they might be needing it seeing how the latest pr isn't doing their careers any favors. :)
This post, the accompanying comments and the new Reeke photos have given me a newfound hope for J&A in 2008.
My best wishes to everyone for a happy 2008 and my thanks to Special and Wicked for giving us OMG in 2007!
The only gyllenspoon site that i'm aware of is the Jake blog gyllenbabble, and there were over 50 comments on that post.
I just looked at that post. The same few people, posting over and over, took almost 2 whole days to get that thread to 50 comments. We don't go over there and bother you. Why do you continue to come here and bother us?
Ent Lawyer tonight is slowly revealing Blind Items he posted this year.
There's a great one about Hayden/Rachel!
Crazy Days and Nights
Ted C, Jan 1, 2008
Dear Ted:
Is Toothy Tile Elijah Wood?
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Dear Ted:
How about a nice solstice present to us: List all the people hiding behind Blind Vice names for the last year or three. Also, and please confirm, some people are just too wild for one nickname, and come through the Blind Vices with multiple monikers over time, right? If you don't, then I'm gonna have to get your interns drunk to find out who's who! Finally, are Fergie and Duhamel each others' BEARDS? Merry whatever you celebrate.
Dear Keep Wishin':
My interns are already drunk, and they ain’t spillin’! (And F 'n' J aren't hairy like that.)
Dear Ted:
Is TOOTHY TILE Elijah Wood?
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania
Dear Snoopy Smile:
So not. So much prettier.
Dear Ted:
Dissin' & hissin' costars? Darlene Deviant: REESE WITHERSPOON, and Seymour Slim-Bum: Vince Vaughn?
Dear Jumpy McConclusions:
Sounds saucy…if those two had ever STARRED IN FILM BEFORE
1. Beards
2. Toothy Tile
3. Reese Witherspoon
4. Starred in movie together
I too am encouraged by the most recent pics. All we need now is a jake and austin pic and the world will once again be right. Maybe the arrangement was a little more tolerable for Jake when Austin was out of the country, but he's back now. And, if he still has that blond hair, irrestible.
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