As it is officially the holiday season here at OMG (as if you couldn't tell from the music!), here are a few of my favorite Jausty gift moments of 2007-
"I got my eye on YOU!" Austin on JFC. I loved this show, thought Austin was great on it, and am looking forward to purchasing the DVD when it comes out.

Jake in the "Dreamgirls" skit from SNL. While I really enjoyed Zodiac and Rendition, I think my favorite Jake performance this year was his part it in this skit. He just OWNED that dress!
Best Jaustin moment- double date night at Borders. I love it how they spend their wild Friday night at the bookstore. So sweet!
My fave pic of Jake this year. I think I know who he's smiling at!
I agree with all the best moments. This post also includes my favourite quote of the year: Austin's "And the kid can sing". So sweet and you can tell that he thinks highly of Jake.
I'm still carrying a torch for our boys, that's for sure! These pictures are great, Wicked, I've never seen this one of Austin, he's just beautiful in that jacket. And nobody looks hotter in a gown than Jake, just look at those arms! That was one of my favorite SNL skits ever, and one of my favorite moments of Jake's for 2007 as well. I loved his voice, and it seems Austin does too! And the bookstore pics *sigh*.
The Bach concert you went to last night sounded wonderful. Glad you and the Mrs. enjoyed! :)
Wicked, I couldn't agree more - and giddily so. :D That Borders photo of Jake smiling was a defining moment all on its own and it'll remain very special to me; a glimmer of Jake expressing all that he really feels towards the person he really feel it for - enough said. :)
Jake's SNL opening performance is probably my favourite moment of all; it was pretty much incredible, lol. *And* best of all, you got the distinct feeling that Austy wasn't too far from his thoughts as he sang. In fact, I think Jake was drawing him right in with his come hither finger.
Forgive me, but was Austin on Tony Danza this year or last? I adore that interview and would highlight it, most definitely. Otherwise, I agree with the whole of his JFC work. He was a revelation.
Great moments Wicked.
I am going to save my moments to do tomorrow, so you all will have to wait and see what I picked. : )
Great mention hopeful! I suspect that Austin has heard Jake sing a lot. And we know that Austin can sing from that clip on Jimmy Kimmel of him in show choir.
Oh! And I would be completely remiss if I didn't mention Jake on stage with Rufus Wainwright. A dream coming-together I didn't know I had until it happened. :D I love Rufus beyond all measure and knew that Jake and Maggie were long-time fans (they would refuse to be on the guest list and pay for their concert tickets), so it was wonderful to see. :)
Great choices, Wicked. The SNL skit and Jake's bookstore smile both spoke volumes about the relationship between J&A. The SNL skit also proved to many that, as Austin said, the kid can sing. Austin's performance as John Monad was remarkable and it finally gave him some recognition of his own, not just as Jake's b(f)f.
And I have one more favorite moment even though it has no photos to accompany it: Jake's all-day visit to Austin's trailer on the JFC set. :)
Posted by Frenchy:
TT-wise, I found the following link nested in My Favorites:
I think Who'sThat or Stubby has already sent it right?
Yes :)
I plan to gather everything available in E! Online archive by Sunday: that will cover Sep 2006 - Dec 2007.
Guys, thanks so much for all your work on the TT compilation. We couldn't do it without you. We have a ton of e-mails in the OMG box right now with material. Special thanks to Spooky2th, for sending all those files. We'll try to get it up ASAP.
And I have one more favorite moment even though it has no photos to accompany it: Jake's all-day visit to Austin's trailer on the JFC set. :)
I knew somebody was going to mention it!
NETB- the Brandenburgs were wonderful. Made me think I should put some Bach on here at some point. Ah, Bach!
Fantastic post Wicked. And I can't wait to see yours Special. :) You chose a gorgeous song, wish I could listen to it right now! Have a great day!
Wonderful moments mentioned. I always thought Jake was singing that song directly to Austin. It was around the time when there was talk of him coming out. I also imagine them singing together a lot. I was blown away by how beautiful Austin's voice was in that video clip. That's the thing about the two of them. They seem so right for each other on many levels. If I thought they were just another Hollywood hookup, I would have no interst in them. But I feel they are soulmates and deeply in love.
Jeese? Will they spend Christmas together? It will look strange if they don't, seeing as how they're such a serious couple and all. And they didn't spend Thanksgiving together. Gotta keep up the fauxmance!
^^Lord only knows what we're in for!
Oh Wicked, please do play some Bach -
The Well-Tempered Clavier was the most beautiful thing I ever heard back in my piano lesson days (not that I'm any good, and I haven't kept up with it). I love fugues and preludes with the counterpoint "answering voices". And the Brandenburgs, and Goldberg variations. I've forgotten a lot. I should go back to piano! I love today's song played on the guitar, and other Christmas carols at this time of year. :)
and other Christmas carols at this time of year. :)
Then you should be quite happy here over the next few days!
Yay - I love it! :) Thanks, Wicked and Special. And btw, I was never that good at piano that I could play Bach! Very complicated. I was learning, but I sure loved listening.
Gotta ask this once again. Does anybody know where that pic of Jeese and kids at the pier came from? If it was taken by paps, I would have expected it to surface sooner than it did and for there to be more than just one pic. Maybe more are in the offing? Was it taken by a fan? And how did IHJ get it?
Could it be someone from their management that took the picture?
Just Jared sort of mentions the pic:
and other Christmas carols at this time of year. :)
Then you should be quite happy here over the next few days!
Wonderful! One more Christmas carol lover! - as if I needed more reasons to love this place. :D
Netb I guess "The Well-Tempered Clavier" is universally loved by pianists. My brother studied music in college and is a professional keyboardist. He's a jazz fanatic but the WTC is one of the classical works that regularly find its way into his CD player.
Stephanie, if by chance you happen to be lurking we would really love to know about the origins of that latest pic. :)
I still have some Christmas shopping to do (sigh), among other things some toys for my dogs that are solid enough to still be intact come New Year's Day (double sighs). Are some of you as crazy as me in that department?
Gotta leave now. Will come back tonight.
Frenchy, Tink gets plush toys that last all of 20 minutes, but she loves them for that 20 minutes, believe me. Then she wants you to throw the scraps from the toys to she can fetch them!
Netb I guess "The Well-Tempered Clavier" is universally loved by pianists. My brother studied music in college and is a professional keyboardist. He's a jazz fanatic but the WTC is one of the classical works that regularly find its way into his CD player.
Frenchy, that is so great. WTC, that first prelude in C major, sure made an impression on me. I thought I read that Bach is especially good training for jazz musicians?
See you later! :)
I'm so curious about this latest pic too, I can't believe there's just one, and why other blogs haven't picked up on it. Curious and curiouser all the time.
This is in today's Boston Globe it is about Newton (MA) native Molly Goodson who is the editor of Popsugar.
Boston Globe - Molly Goodson - Popsugar
^^Hmmmm, now that's interesting. ;)
Wicked said...
Gotta ask this once again. Does anybody know where that pic of Jeese and kids at the pier came from? If it was taken by paps, I would have expected it to surface sooner than it did and for there to be more than just one pic. Maybe more are in the offing? Was it taken by a fan? And how did IHJ get it?
Wicked, before you continue with the conspiracy theory line of thinking you should probably ask Stephanie over on IHJ about that. She's really great about responding to PMs and the like.
CelebUtopia has the same picture at the Pier and I can guarantee they did NOT get it from IHJ.
Never mind trying to make Jaustin lovers see sense. They are in their own world...and will most likely never ever pay attention to anything you post.
Puts me in mind of the married man with a mistress syndrome. The poor dear mistress waits 20 or more years for the misunderstood spouse to get a divorce, and when they're old and wrinkly, his children are grown, he's not gotten that divorce yet, and it's too late for them to get anyone for themselves...they finally get it.
TedC and Jaustin lovers will never let this go...and that is the way it is. Even if Jake and Reese marry and I think they will...with kids involved...Ted C and the Jaustin lovers will say it's not real, means nothing, or will never last.
frenchy has just asked Stephanie, jib.
Thanks wicked for the lovely post *
And who is the more pathetic, To Jib? The ones that find a place of like minded individuals and stick together, stand by their convictions, sharing and caring, or the one that continuely visits, posting snarky comments even though they profess not to believe anything the blog says?
Why, oh, WHY, do you spend preciouis life moments reading this blog if you are firmly entrenched in the Reeke camp? I can't for the life of me understand your motivation, unless they are to 1) belittle other human beings which makes you a nasty little thing, or 2) you come here just to make sure that your house of cards belief hasn't been toppled yet again.
Either one doesn't paint a pretty picture of you.
Never mind trying to make Jaustin lovers see sense. They are in their own world...and will most likely never ever pay attention to anything you post.
So does that mean you won't be coming back here anymore?
Thanks for asking Steph, Frenchy. I look forward to hearing the response.
Jib, I hope we do not live in a world where people cannot question sources without being called conspiracy theorists.
Let's not rise to it :) Who cares what they think?
Not you, wicked, it's your co-blog - you rise to whatever you like *
Yes, ToJib, no time like the present to follow your own advice. But we know you are not firm in your own beliefs, are you. But you are correct in one respect, no amount of juvenile insults or harassment will change our minds. We don't care what you think, and what's more, we don't respect what you think.
Intriguing, isn't it? We don't bother the Gyllenspoon blogs but yet they still come here and to WFT and bother us. We don't need to convince them that they're wrong but they need to convince us that we're wrong. Shaky beliefs, indeed, and not on our part.
Reese is in New Mexico, I saw her on set.
Scroll down, it's in the comments
Sorry but X17 has being in war all day because someone suggested Jake spent his birthday with Austin.
Yes, that "sighting" sounds SO creditable (rolling my eyes).
broadwayfan, you can roll eyes as much as you want, just like you probably did about those sightings in SF, then bum! the pic shows up and what do you have to say?
Why do people come here if they don't share your views, they must be so desperate. Yeah right good try. It is more like 'please please I don't want to hear the truth it hurts so much, don't come here and challenge our belief, I want to live permanently with my pink colored glasses on'.
Get a grip and stop sustaining idiotic theories just because they indulge your slashy dreams.
Belief, why do you waste your time here if you're dealing with such idiots then? Wouldn't you want to deal with people you genuinely respect and who share your like-minded beliefs? Why waste time and energy on a site you don't respect and its frequenters whom you despise and disparage? So, we want to believe in "fantasies." What is to you? Why are you so invested in disabusing us morons of our misguided notions? Who died and made you king of Jake/Reese's PR?
We can believe whatever we want to believe and if you don't like it, then tough. (Sticking out tongue).
Awwwwww ...
It's so touching to see how trolls care about us and our opinions. lol!
Is that you jeffpuim, you Reese-obsessed, psycho-homophobic, imdb-plaguing cyber-bully?
Oh please, those comments over at X17 are all over the map. Sounds like our troll has been over there a few times and made a comment or two.
This is getting more ridiculous by the day. Those children appear to be being volleyed from city and one parent and their new parter each weekend, that is not stability. I doubt a parent would subject a child to this when the ink is barely dry on the divorce. Plus, an actor doesn't work in a vacuum; if they are not needed it doesn't necessarily mean they can run off somewhere. Jeez.
It's not jeffpuim, it's Lana - but jeffpuim has spiralled out of control of late.
New photos on IHJ, WITHOUT Reese - Esquire photoshoot.
oh please, sounds like you have been all over X17 yourself a lot more than the trolls. Jeez indeed.
I think the trolls have been fed enough today guys. I really don't want to clean up after a troll belch.
Let's refocus on the good Jaustin moments we have had this year!
Oh Lord, those new pics of Jake on IHJ are totally, totally gorgeous *groaning audibly*. So mature and sexy looking.
SpecK.. my favourite has to be the bookshop. I just love that Austin obviously does 'serious' reading, and the fraying of both his jumper and jeans, and I've also always had a soft spot for men in beige desert boots. Just fantastic.
Does anyone have the other picture of Jake showing the book? I love both pictures but the other one isn't up on IHJ.
Here it is, hopeful tb.
Thanks stubborn!
Do you think Austin or Jake ever post on this site?
internet traveler, why don't you just get lost in cyberspace? It would do you good. And everyone else.
Those pics in the store are great. I juts noticed that the book Jake is showing in those two pics is not the same.
Reese is in New Mexico, I saw her on set.
Substitute the name Austin for the name Reese and imagine the level of trolling we would receive if we believed such a sighting.
It is fascinating to see this phenomenon of proselytizing of Jake is straight everywhere. What is remarkable that places like OMG and WFT never went out to convert, people found these places on their own and drew their conclusions. But somehow the Jake is straight fans are out to save us or just Jake's hetero soul I guess.
Isn't the adage assume they're straight unless otherwise known.
OT: According to an imdb poster supposedly in the know, Sean Penn and James Franco will have a love scene in "Milk."
The vitriol leveled at us is, to me, surprising. I just can't understand why they just don't ignore us, if we're so wrong. Whatev.
I just picked up a copy of Mary Renault's The Charioteer, and after reading the inside flap, it sounds awesome. It would make a terrific movie I think.
Netb wrote:
I thought I read that Bach is especially good training for jazz musicians?
I'll have to ask my brother about that but this sounds logical to me. I know he was trained as a classical musician mostly and learned to play jazz by himself. Now he plays pretty much any style.
By the way, one fabulous jazz pianist who also trained as a classical musician is Matt Herskowitz (Link to his Web site; Link to Myspace Music Page).
I saw him play a couple of times when he was starting in Montreal and he's not only brilliant but also an incredibly sweet guy.
And guess what? He made a Christmas CD!!!
On the Jeese front: Wow! I never thought a simple question like "who took that photo?" would launch such a trolling tornado! Here's my take as a bona fide OMG "conspiracy theorist", lol!
1) It reminds me of that "gotcha!" cell-phone-quality pic of the two of them kissing at a restaurant that showed up in the midst of the initial Jeese blitz. In this case we don't have an image of mediocre quality but a lady wearing a chador who conveniently blocks Ava from view, which could mean - ta-da! - that this pic is a candid taken by a fan who, in his/her excitement and hurry did not frame properly!
2) Of course it could be one more of those pics ordered to a photo agency by their publicists. ("And please guys we need some "amateurish" shots so people believe this was an impromptu".) Gwyneth does it, why not Jeese?
3) Or how about paps doing their nasty pap thing and harassing HW's new hot couple? Hasn't "People" declared Jeese the most intriguing hookup? Surely they're tracked down to wherever they go so we can find out more about their mysterious habits and customs. In that case, there are certainly better pics somewhere and they're bound to show up some day.
And now it's back to real life for me which means gift wrapping and more gift wrapping (SIGH!).
Bad boy Jake
Frenchy, thanks, I'll definitely check that out. I love piano.
Anything is possible with this Jeese blitz. And what did this excited and starstruck ordinary fan do once they came to their senses - sold the pic to PR? It's does stretch the bounds of credulity a bit. I'm no expert, but don't people, even ordinary people, have to sign a release if their image is used in a photo that is going to be publicized?
Nice neck tatoo, Jake! Who's the blonde woman? (Don't worry folks, that is not Reese).
I just saw the tatoo, I like it! It's going to be interesting seeing Jake playing this role. I can't wait! ;)
If you only knew what that tattoo is covering. ; ) Came in handy.
Can't stay away for long. :)
Do you think Austin or Jake ever post on this site?
Gossip Girl, I'd love to hear Austin or Jake answer the following: "Do you follow up on what's written about you online? Have you ever posted at these places?"
Thanks for the info about Sean Penn and James Franco Broadwayfan. This sounds much better than the news about that new comedy with Jim Carrey & Ewan McGregor, although I love that Scott.
Forgot to say thanks to Maria for that great pic.
I loved Jake in The Good Girl.
I think I'm gonna love Jake as That Bad Boy. ;)
^^Me too, Frenchy! Thanks, Maria, for the update. I have to say as well, today's pic of Austin is the most beautiful of him that I have ever seen, surpassing even the beach pic. I love it. :)
Maybe the person who said they saw Reese on the Brothers set actually saw the chick from Maria's pic?
I thought the same faux Reese because in the pic where you see her from behind, with the blonde hair and the big bag I also thought it was Reese.
Ok, the neck tattoo on that character in that movie is all kinds of hot. God speed you, Brothers.
So what's the verdict on the guy in the back. Random dude or Austin? The neck tattoo is fine!
Hmm, I can see I'm going to be late for work :D
NETB sistah, let's do a joint transatlantic screen-write of The Charioteers :D It's one of my fave books evah.
I vote Austin (same build & jaw line, close cut hair to get rid of the blond hair...)
Oh god I really am going to be late :D Oh well, not every day one gets to do this again :)
I think it looks a bit like Austin in the fourth pic, but not in the second - he looks older and less handsome. Even in the fourth pic, the ear isn't quite Austiny enough though the forehead and jaw are.
Folks, I think we have a faux Austin to go with the faux Reese :)
I don't think that's Austin. That guy looks too heavy in the face to be our Austy.
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