The Out Spotlight will be back next week, but to celebrate the holidays OMG gives you :
On the Twelfth Day of Christmas Jaustin gave to OMG
Twelve months of Toothy,
Eleven places passaged,

Ten shows on surfing,

Nine skits a jokin',

Eight chats a chatting,

Seven stays in the City,

Six geese a grinning,

Five Paps free "see's",
Four friends at Borders,

Three songs sung,

Two guys on bikes,

And a ring for everyone to see!

Twelve months of Toothy,

Ten shows on surfing,

Nine skits a jokin',

Eight chats a chatting,

Seven stays in the City,

Six geese a grinning,

Five Paps free "see's",
Four friends at Borders,

Three songs sung,

Two guys on bikes,

And a ring for everyone to see!

Great post, guys! Love the "Six geese a'grinning".
A wonderful, happy and safe Christmas to all at OMG, and see you after the holiday. Enjoy! :*
Great and lovely post, special K. I wish I had thought of it first!
Thanks for your beautiful site. It's a pleasure to visit and I enjoy reading your clever posts.
Happy holidays for everyone!
God the goose is hot! I am sure am hoping that Jake and Austin are together for Christmas.
Christmas is such a busy time. I hope everyone takes a few minutes to post on Christmas day. Maybe J and A will check in.
Wishing wicked, special and all the fine people here on OMG a wonderful christmas:)
I hope everyone takes a few minutes to post on Christmas day.
I will Tom, if you promise to tell us what's in your survival kit. ;)
Love that festive post Special! Glad OMG people get a goose instead of the proverbial partridge. :D
More errands to run now. Will try to pop up later. Bye!
Love the song selection today. If that bottom picture of Austin doesn't spur Jake to run straight to Austin's arms for XMAS, nothing will. Talk about hot! Charm and personality to boot. Jake is a lucky man.
Happy Holiday to all my friends at OMG.
Wicked & SpecialK, thanks for a great site and hope everyone has a happy holiday.
I knew Spesh was doing the Twelve Days of Jaustin, just wasn't sure when. I LOVE this post!
Excellent post Special k! I love it.
Wicked and Special k, Thank you very much for creating this amazing place. It´s absolutely wonderful.
I wish everyone on this great site a wonderful Christmas.
Happy Holidays!
Love the post, especially the last line ;)
Merry Christmas to all! Have a safe and happy holiday season.
Happy Christmas to all at OMG!!!!
It is wonderful that there is this place so great to remind our Jaustin and love for them.
Funny: in japan love jaustin ^____^
Unfortunately I can't get all of the pictures because all I have right now is dial up service, but I love what you've written, what a great idea Special.
I expect to be around the next few days, but for those who won't be I just wanted to wish those who celebrate this holiday a very Merry Christmas
frenchy said...
I hope everyone takes a few minutes to post on Christmas day.
I will Tom, if you promise to tell us what's in your survival kit. ;)
Deal Frenchy.
It's the international language of Jaustin, giusi - wouldn't it be fun to be able to read the comments? :)
Great post and song today. How have I gone through life without knowing that Elvis song?
I'm up for calling in on Christmas Day, so I won't wish anyone Happy Christmas again until then *
Glad that you like the post and the song.
A little FYI about the list.
Jake was at eleven different places other than LA this past year. Do you know where he was?
There were 10 episodes of JFC - easy one
There were 9 skits on SNL that Jake was in.
Austin did do 8 interviews for JFC.
Jake was in NYC 7 times last year that we know of.
There were 5 different mentions of them, without any photos.
Merry Christmas to all my Gentile friends here on OMG. Hope your holiday is filled with tear inducing laughter, peanut butter cookies, the right size of batteries, familial accord, a thousand Kodak moments, and the chance to tackle the kitchen later.
May YOUR candles burn brightly with the joy of celebration!
And may Jake and Austin have the peace this Christmas to send Jack Frost packing and just nip at each other's nose (and a few other body parts, too)
Great post, Me, thank you and Shalom to you too! I'll check in on Christmas Day too, and I'll just have to wish everyone Merry Christmas again. Can't have too many good wishes. Nice post too Special at 6:06. :)
Wicked & Special K
Toothy Tile archive update: I’ve finished gathering The Awful Truth TT posts from E! Online archive: September 2006 - December 2007.
Tomorrow I’ll check The Blind Spot archive and send you the files.
Another great post! Thanks for the FYI at 6:06, Special. I bet I can remember the twelve days of Jaustin better than I can remember the twelve days of Christmas. I still get my maids a-milking and lords a-leaping mixed up.
I'll also try to check in on Christmas day, but in case I can't, I want to wish everyone here a very Merry Christmas.
Giusi, I love that Jaustin in Japanese blog. I would love to be able to read those comments.
I'm not sure if I will be able to come here again before Christmas, so to everybody that is celebrating it:
Merry Christmas to all the great people here!
Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate it and who won't be able to come back during the next fews days.
Among Me's wishes:
... the right size of batteries...
Thanks for that precious reminder and a very warm Shalom to you too dear Me. I hope you'll stay with us all through 2008!
(((Joker))) I'm always happy to know you're around. :)
Tom, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist my offer. ;) And thank you so much for all your efforts whos'that. You're helping create a gift that all of us will enjoy all through the new year and hopefully many years after.
The Sweetest dreams to all my friends at OMG. :)
Read those comments like me also! Something I am sure their understanding and the perfection of these two guy together that are honey for the eyes.... *__________*
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