Just a little gallery of the people that Jake has been papped with since he went public with his alleged romance with Reese. It's interesting to note who has been seen with and who he hasn't.
10/24- Jim Sheridan
10/30- RDJ and Trudie Styler
11/1- unknown blonde woman, possible PA
11/4- unknown guy, could be a friend of Austin's
11/7- different unknown guy
Interesting topic! Little OT: I wish it were future cronologic story of Jake and Austin, as we all missing both new images of them together. Thanks. KISSS!
We've seen Jake with a blond RDJ. Now I'd like to see him with a blond Austtin.
It's not who he seen with but who he's not that even Ted finds interesting.
Maggie and Jake designing kites for charity
the guys on 11/4 and 11/7 are not the same. Jim Sheridan is the director of Brother not his friend. Trudie Styler appeared to be walking along but she is hardly his friend.
Oh, and Reese is decorating kites too, BTW.
just to clarify
You should try reading the post first.
^^Yes I read the post and your point...is?
My point:
a little gallery of the people that Jake has been papped with since he went public with his alleged romance with Reese.
* no mention that those people are Jake's (close) friends
* the post mentions that guys on 11/4 and 11/7 are not the same
The post is called "Jake and Friends?"
The question mark says it all.
No, the post says it's the same guy at 11/4 and 11/7.
Chris has gone bye, bye as well. Has Ted noticed?
The post has been corrected to say that the two unknown guys are different. My mistake. As Knows how to read noted above, the question mark is quite important to this post.
Chris has gone bye, bye as well. Has Ted noticed?"
He was photographed with him in September.
Can't wait to get home to listen to that Jeff Buckley's carol. I'm a real sucker for Christmas songs.
A thought about who Jake has been papped with since the start of the showmance: maybe they're trying to counter this "mama's boy"/"little brother" image that's been bandied about by some tabs? Maybe they hope that cutting down on family pics (I'm sure Jake still sees his close friends and family on a regular basis) will push the grown, independant, ready-to-settle-down image?
Have a great day everybody!
The post was corrected, my dear. Also, I know how to read, thanks, and I know what a ? means, but I still don't see the relevance of showing pics of Jake with Sheridan. You getting all defensive on this is quite telling, and I bit disturbing.
Acquaintances, past work colleague (RDJ), current work colleague (Sheridan), PA, etc. I'd really like to know in what respect Sheridan's pic is irrelevant Just to Clarify.
Anybody claiming those anon posts at 12:07?
Yeah Frency, I am sure Jake asked Sheridan and RDJ to get papped with him because that's importan to his image. Actually, his PR sent them a letter invitation.
Taking it a bit too far maybe?
This is going to be my last comment on the subject. What I understood by this post is that these are the kind of pics that were allowed to be seen lately. As I believe Jake is still seing his close friends and family and that these people were regularly papped in the past, why aren't we seing them anymore? So picture-wise it's no family and no close friends for the time being. But friends, work colleagues, PAs et al are ok.
This is why including RDJ and Sheridan pics in this post makes sense to me.
Frenchy, you got it. Just noticing who we have and have not been seeing Jake with recently. Doesn't mean these are the only people he's been with. Just that he hasn't been papped with some of the folks we're used to seeing him papped with.
A request. I suggest Wicked and Special K start removing posts that are purely combatative i.e. "fou"'s post. I don't like reading the daily vitriol/snarkiness from JW refugees.
Free speech means they are free to speak elsewhere, not that you need to offer them a soapbox. God knows they always regularly deleted polite TBs.
Other than Jake not being papped with Austin lately I'm not sure I understand the gist of this post. Does it help to be a TB conspiracy theorist to make sense of this?
Seems to me the reason we haven't seen Austin with Jake in pap pics is because he's been doing other things both personally and professionally - filming FNL in Austin, TX, filming Informers in South America.
As much as we like to believe it is, Jake's life isn't a 24/7 pap-fest. And really, thank god for that. I'm sure he sees all the same friends and family he's always seen, it's just not caught on film/digital is all.
Speaking of Uruguay, here is another reason to give them your tourist dollars:
Uruguay legalizing same-sex civil unions.
Sorry if this is a duplicate.
Saying that the emperor has no clothes - exposing Hollywood's bearding conspiracy - is not being a conspiracy theorist.
In terms of what we are getting photos of, I think there are three things going on.
One is that I think he is being careful about seeing family and friends in places where they won't be photographed. Ithink frenchy is right about the image; plus, being seen a lot with friends and family doesn't jive with Jeese (remember all of our chatter in the spring about how Jake is always seen with family and friends but not Reese). And and you imagine what pr would do if we actually got J&A pictures in the middle of this? They are probably not going out in public at all. I also think it is possible that pr may be buying pictures they don't want seen.
Two, I think some (but not all) of the photos we were used to seeing on a regular basis was a way to keep Jake's name out there, and, if not exactly orchestrated, he went to places at times that paps were likely to be around. This is something I've kind of thought since reading the recent article in the NYT about paps and how photos of celebs lower down the chain almost always involve some involvement by the celeb, i.e., alerting paps or going to places at times they know they'll be seen. I don't think this was the case with all of the photos, just some of them. I think in Jake's case the paps were chasing him more than stars of his level would normally be chased because of the rumors. Among other things, that article said you use don't see paps out in the morning too much because they've all been out late the night before. We all know Jake is a morning person, and many of the recent photos have been at night.
Third, some of it may just be a matter of place and time. We usually see more Chris and family photos when he is in NYC, although it is strange we haven't gotten any dad and Atticus photos. Also, he is now focused more on work, and work includes Jeese.
Not crazy, your point is well taken. There are people who post here just to stir the pot. Spesh and I have discussed deletion at length and have decided err on the side on not deleting as much as possible. Post with a name and be reasonably polite, that's the requirement. Ignore the stirrers.
From the The Sun Times, Joe Namath chose Jake for the biopic. Although we really haven't seen Jake play footbal.
MAKING MOVIES: Now we know why Jake Gyllenhaal has been seen tossing around a football so much lately. He's going to play Joe Namath in a film about ''Broadway Joe.'' Also, it seems the idea of Gyllenhaal's casting was suggested to the film's producers by the NFL Hall of Famer himself. Namath is a huge fan of the young actor and wanted him for the role over others being considering, including Mark Wahlberg and Josh Hartnett..
Also, there are some bits of info on Brothers filming at WDW. And an IMDb poster, blashco, on the Brothers thread, said they supposedly saw Jake and Tobey working out at their gym.
^^ football.
I completely agree with Jib, thanks for explaining it clearly.
Not a conspiracy theorist...., well making it seem like every single papped pic of Jake or any silly story on a rag is PR staged, including the photos for this post without absolutely ANY proof of it is a conspiracy theory -- you are exposing nothing more than your opinion.
Nice post wicked, I'm with frenchy on the interpretation :)
I hoped that seeing Jake with Austin's friend might mean some basketball games were in the offing (even in a guy gang).
OT but am I the only person who thinks that the biggest problem for Jake's career immediately post-BBM was the time Zodiac took to make and emerge?
Namath is a huge fan of the young actor and wanted him for the role over others being considering, including Mark Wahlberg and Josh Hartnett...
Really? I would like to hear more about that Mr Namath! :)
Londontb- you mean the fact that Jake had no movies out from 12/05-3/07?
Yes, pretty much, wicked - though our delay here was more like mid-2006 (Jarhead) to mid-2007 (Zodiac). That newly hot time is normally more exploited. It just interests me in light of the (I think) misplaced blame about things like (e.g.) box office receipts.
I think the lack of movies has been a problem london tb, not so much the delay with Zodiac as the lack of any great new projects and I don't believe that Jake was just being picky. Around the time of the oscars I remember reading that he was supposedly waiting to see if he'd get an oscar because it would up his asking price. I think he got some bad advice on that, and missed a chance to strike deals while he was hot. Plus the rumors and probably concern that he would really come out. I think Jeese was to show he wasn't going to come out as much as anything, which is why the pdas after the recent J&A sighting.
(Frenchy, you got it. Just noticing who we have and have not been seeing Jake with recently. Doesn't mean these are the only people he's been with. Just that he hasn't been papped with some of the folks we're used to seeing him papped with.)
Very True, and it all seems planned. It's about changing his IMAGE! We can no longer see Jake doing everyday mundane things like we were used to. To much family pics does not seem independant and mature for an A lister. Too many friends (especially Not well known actors or people not known at all to the Public) may seem needy. But in Jakes defense, this is not NEW. It has always been happening in HW. We just have Jake to thank for helping to clean our lense.
Namath is a huge fan of the young actor and wanted him for the role over others being considering, including Mark Wahlberg and Josh Hartnett...
Interestin!! hummm I could see any one of these guys playing the part easily. Acutally more so than Jake. But I think Jake we do well. OK, I know he will.
the staff about Jake being picky and waiting for an oscar to up his price was actually bs thrown by a troll on another board.
I don't think any project Jake ever picked was motivated by money, ok maybe with the exception of The Day After tomorrow. He has been known for choosing roles with great directors and interesting script, not big paychecks.
eastcoastfan, I don't know about Hartnett I don't know him much as an actor. Wahlberg has the physique but does not look a lot like Namath. Plus I don't find him particularly good as an actor. I think Jake can play quirky and flanboyant pretty well. There are lot of subtle things Namath might notice about Jake, the way he talks or moves or whatever that perhaps remind him of himself when he was young, and could add to his preference.
eastcoastfan, I don't know about Hartnett I don't know him much as an actor. Wahlberg has the physique but does not look a lot like Namath. Plus I don't find him particularly good as an actor. I think Jake can play quirky and flanboyant pretty well. There are lot of subtle things Namath might notice about Jake, the way he talks or moves or whatever that perhaps remind him of himself when he was young, and could add to his preference.
^ sorry for the double have no idea what happened.
Wahlberg has the physique but does not look a lot like Namath.
Wahlberg is a midget. Namath in his prime was 6'2". Wahlberg is lucky if he clears 5'9". Also, most quarterbacks aren't built like defensive ends, i.e., they're usually on the long and lean side.
From our buddy Ted-
Dear Ted:
Has Toothy Tile ever portrayed a vampire?
Birmingham, Alabama
Dear Interview with an Innuendo:
Depends. Do you mean onscreen or in a West Hollywood parking lot?
Dear Ted:
T.T. has got to be Joey from Friends.
Layton, Utah
Dear Deluded:
And you, girlfriend, have got to be out of your gourd! As we’ve said before, Toothy doesn’t do the small screen.
Dear Ted:
Love the column and the fact it's one of the few sites I can go to for gossip without all the PR-sanctioned fabrications. But Toothy has seriously lost some stock value for me in this whole fiasco. Unless his boyfriend is in on this whole debacle, then Toothy must just be a despicable Hollywhore after all, not to mention a sad human being. I understand we all need money and most of us would like fame, but the levels he's gone to at this point are just unbearable to watch. So tell me, is Gray Goose a part of this whole scheme, or did Toothy really dismiss his supposed eternal paramour?
Modesto, California
Dear Tooth and Nailed:
G2 is still along for the ride. And it ain’t easy. Interesting you focus on Gray, too, as he’s the only one in this whole messy sitch whose actions make the least sense.
Well Ted did confirm in his Ted way that they are still together. I think everyone would agree that it wouldn't be easy to do. But I do find Ted's last sentence very interesting in his response to Shannon from Modesto.
Just got back from all day Christmas/Holiday shopping. The house is full and my wallet is light. : )
Dear Tooth and Nailed:
G2 is still along for the ride. And it ain’t easy. Interesting you focus on Gray, too, as he’s the only one in this whole messy sitch whose actions make the least sense."
BTW, "Nailed" is the film Jake is set to make after "Brothers."
See what shopping did to me? Completely missed that.
Ted is a bold one.
Has Ted ever mentioned that Toothy was involved in some type of messy sitch? If not, then he's not even pretending to hide the fact that Jake is Toothy anymore. He's just using the names Jake and Toothy interchangeable with the knowledge that we all know who Toothy is and what he's doing.
G2 is still along for the ride. And it ain’t easy. Interesting you focus on Gray, too, as he’s the only one in this whole messy sitch whose actions make the least sense."
I think NONE of them make any sense but perhaps Austin makes the least sense because I can get why Jake would do this, even Reese, but why Austin would go along with it--I don't know (love?).
G2 is still along for the ride. And it ain’t easy. Interesting you focus on Gray, too, as he’s the only one in this whole messy sitch whose actions make the least sense."
According to my knowledge of English grammar, Ted is actually saying that GG's actions are the most illogical of the bunch. How so? Will we get details in Ted's next columns? What's up with the A boy?
It has always been happening in HW. We just have Jake to thank for helping to clean our lense.
#1Jakefan, in my case it's true that since starting to follow Jake/TT & cie I definitely don't see celebrities in the same light, even the ones I'm fond of. Of course I've always known that everything in HW is not as it appears but learning about the extraordinary lengths PR teams are ready to go to sell their "products" has been a real eye-opener as you say.
And your comment also made me think about another recent "hot couple": Penelope Cruz & Javier Bardem. When I read about them I couldn't help but think "so, you too Javier?" ;) :)
On another "note" I have to say I'm sorry for my mistake this morning. When I read the title of OMG's song I really thought it was a Holiday carol, lol! Now I just can't stop listening to it. It's simply gorgeous! That's one more item to add to my Christmas gift idea list. Thanks for your help guys!
Frenchy, I think the last note of this song is just sublime. And it's one of those Jeff Buckley songs that you never hear.
Frenchy, I think the last note of this song is just sublime.
Oh, not just the last one as far as I'm concerned! He really has the voice of a true classical countertenor. Funny thing is I have an old, really old and totally scratched and unplayable Tim Buckley album somewhere in the house but nothing from Jeff. This will change soon I promise. Thanks again for another beautiful discovery. :) :)
Forget my question about Ted's last sentence. This was a case of posting first - thinking later. ;)
Haven't had much chance to post today, this latest "sitch" is leaving me speechless. Maybe that's a good thing? :)
I agree, this song by Jeff Buckley is just sublime - his voice is beautiful. Very Arthurian - and Middle Ages troubadour, which is usually right down my street. Also very religious, and a tribute to soldiers. Haunting and absolutely beautiful. I can't stop playing it! :')
I cannot recommend Jeff enough. If you love Corpus Christi Carol, you'll probably adore his whole album, "Grace" on which it appears. :)
I'm always here everyone, just doing more reading than posting these days.
Ted pulls no punches. Once again the statements apply directly to Jake with no attempt to hide his identity. As to why Austin(Grey Goose) is going along with this, I can see that he is in a very difficult situation. Jake is talented. Austin would not want to to be responsible for Jake not reaching his full potential. If he is truly sure of his Jake's love, then maybe he feels he has to give him his chance. Good intentions, but misguided, I think. If Jake can't be real, he will never be truly happy.
^^Yes, I agree, M. Let's hope this will all work out eventually. I know it must be difficult in HW. :(
Can't really see why Ted even bothered putting that letter in the blind items, it so obviously refers to Jake and Austin. Being a very forgiving person I keep thinking that Jake has somehow been coerced / bullied into going down this route. I think Austin is sticking by him because he loves him and also because he knows that the whole Reeke debacle is time-limited and will hopefully be over soon. Also now Austin's back in the country (and hopefully he can stay out of prison!) then he'll be able to help Jake see what a bad decision this whole thing has been before its too late.
Here's hoping.
Whatever happens it looks like Austin will be there to pick up the pieces which is good.
JFC available on DVD 3/25
"...Also now Austin's back in the country (and hopefully he can stay out of prison!)"
LOL! If having a closeted and bearding boyfriend isn't enough. Austin is a really persistent guy. He seems to stick to whatever he decides to do no matter how rough it gets. I hope they can make it. Also, nice to hear from Ted they are still together.
I've been following another blossoming gay romance on Finnish Big Brother for the past few weeks. A straight guy very obviously fell (hard) for the gay guy who finally won the show. It was beautiful to watch. Same body language and representation analysis on the message board and same troll tactics :) Anyway, this comes late but thanks for the very cute guy smiley collage!
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