PoP the game calls Jordan Mechner its big Poppa but he has been a bit of absentee father since 2003's PoP:The Sands of Time game, when the last several games have come out, but that has all changed. This past week PoP Poppa Mercher filed for a new trademark called Prince of Persia The Forgotten Sands. What does that mean? Not a lot on its own.
Now that with video gamemaker Ubisoft Marc-Antoine Senecal's mention on his CV on Linked In that he has been working on Prince of Persia since August 2009, that sounds like there is a new PoP game on the way. Even more mysterious he quickly changed his CV to "Working on the best game ever."
Does this mean there will new a game coming out as a tie in to PoP in May 2010? And will the Prince be looking like the his old self or will it be Disney'd?
What would be like to have a video game character that looks like you? Well it might be a better explanation of all day trailer visits or carpal tunnel syndrome, playing with Jake. THE GAME, THE GAME.
Speaking of Disney. Couple days ago linked an article about the new head of Disney, Rich Ross. At that time there is something I didn't know. He is Hollywood's first openly gay studio chairman.
"Disney has long been the most gay friendly studio in Hollywood, having had a couple of gay production chiefs over the years, most recently Nina Jacobson, now an independent producer after being forced out in a studio purge several years ago. The studio's theme parks have allowed unofficial Gay Day celebrations for years, prompting a host of venemous attacks from various Christian right anti-gay zealots.
But Disney now has a really big first -- Rich Ross, Hollywood's first openly gay studio chief." - LA Times
Back in June the LA Time profiled Ross and mentioned his partner. "The 47-year-old Ross and his partner of more than 20 years, Adam Sanderson, live in the Hollywood Hills and have no children of their own,”
The LA Times writer did a quick canvas of gay filmmakers and executives, the news about Ross was something of a revelation, even in the gay community. Saying that may be because film people don't always keep track of TV exec, especially those kid's programming.
Openly gay movie producer Howard Rosenman did weigh in the groundbreaking move.
"It's not just the first time ever, but it's the greatest thing ever,".... "After all these years, what finally matters is -- show me the money! It doesn't matter what you do with your [penis], just what you do with your job. It's a new era in Hollywood. Rich Ross will only be judged by how well he makes the product and and how commercial it is, not who he is in his private life. He's obviously already been a big success at the Disney Channel, so he clearly knows what he's doing."
Will having an openly gay studio head start the shift in Hollywood? And maybe for PoP stars?
LA Times: Rich Ross Hollywood's First Openly Gay Studio Chairman
Advocate: Disney Goes Gay with New Top Executive
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Mysteries PoP Open?
Posted by
Special K
8:36 AM
Labels: House of Mouse, Jake, PoP, Prince of Persia
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Wow - wonderful news about Disney. :)
This is great news about Disney. I hear that there have been major changes in top positions at some very large studios. Times are tough for the movies and DVD sales. Expect to see more PoP type movies, animated films and comedies. It is not gonna be about the stars much longer. It is going to be about the films. Expect fewer jobs for actors. Including A listers.
I really dont expect this to change what Jake is doing at all. He doesnt have the b*lls and Momma wont allow it. Sorry it is just how I see it. I would love to be wrong though.
Very interesting about Ross, I didn't know that.
But you know what? It's probably not going to change a fucking thing. He's just going to be another in a long line of gay men who live openly with their partners while telling their stars they can't come out, and that openly gay men are okay playing gay parts, but not straight ones.
And yes, Disney can pat itself on the back about having more gay characters on ABC than the other networks, and being a good place to work if you're gay and are not an actor, but you know what. That is so 1990s. This is 2009.
There are rumors about one of the Jonas Brothers, and vague ones about Miley Cyrus and her seemingly gay "boyfriend". I'm sure Disney would have a cow if they are indeed gay and want to be out.
By the way, I would gladly eat my hat if Ross wants to prove me wrong.
I think Ross' appointment is going to bring change in HW, maybe not tomorrow, but its closer than before. And it is another step of change. It it groundbreaking now but I think it will be even more so in hindsight.
Think the some of the arguments that handlers might give will be moot now.
Jonas, that is a lot more about the upbringing (dad's a former minister) than Disney saying No.
Jonas, that is a lot more about the upbringing (dad's a former minister) than Disney saying No.
Disney would never ever say Yes.
Wonderful news. Another step in the right direction. I don't expect to see quick change, but then again you never know. This whole financial melt down is changing all the rules.
I'll stay up tonight to see Sophia, even though I always record the show. I'm a walking zombie anyway from working, extra house cleaning during construction. The new hardwood is down in the family room and it looks phenominal. Worth the trouble.
With that reference to floors, that anon could only be M. :-D
Unfortunately when times get tough businesses become more conservative. Disney is worried about their movies underperforming, which is why they're bringing in Ross. Under those circumstances I just can't see them taking a chance on a gay star. And look at Geffen and his partnership with Spielberg, if they haven't done it....
They're bringing in Ross because they must think he's going to do a great job and trust his judgement, even in conservative financial times, regardless of his sexuality. That says a lot to me. Disney doing this is a big thing. Same as when women started to enter the big leagues of management - it opened the doors, not perfectly, but they opened.
Women in power at the studios didn't change things, there are fewer good roles for women than ever, and you can still count the number of women directors who work regularly on one hand.
I think people who get into positions like that sometimes go out of their way to prove they are not any different than the "guys". We've certainly seen stories about gay casting directors saying that very thing.
My comment was not about HW only, but upper level management for women everywhere.
Ouvre, your right about women in management everywhere. The funny thing about HW is that it always gets bashed for being part of the liberal elite, when it really is in some ways more conservative than the rest of corporate America.
It does sound like a step in the right direction. I don't think he would be put in that position if he wasn't well qualified.
But, I can see there being a double standard for management and for the actors. It's a waaaay different story when it's their product out there.
For one thing, would they have hired Jake way back when for PoP at the height of all the online rumors? Why would Jake & Reese feel the need to go through the whole bearding thing if it wasn't for that last little resume detail in getting that role? And isn't Reese a financial backer of PoP? Must be important for her, too.
It does seem like a big step. But it seems like a huge contradiction if Reeke ends after PoP is over.
Okay, had to get my 2 cents in. Back to work!
Hey, I'm just happy I finally found my Great Clips $6.99 haircut coupon today so I can look somewhat presentable tomorrow, lol.
A huge financial backer? Where did you hear/read that?
And isn't Reese a financial backer of PoP?
No, she isn't, but Reese counts on using Prince of Persia and PoP for self-promotion.
As far as I know Reese has no financial interest in PoP at all. She has nothing to do with PoP, except to get some press from showing up on the set.
Jake is getting his salary, and hopefully some points and percentages of merchandise and DVD sales.
This is all Bruckheimer, he is the Producer and hoping for it to become a franchise. Jordan Mechner who created the game and co wrote the script is a one of the six executive producers for the movie.
I thought I had read that somewhere. And I didn't say huge, I said "a financial" backer. Geez, at least quote my goof right.
Okay, I got that wrong, lol! Never mind!
Why was she at that dinner with Bruckhamster in London, then? The infamous meal with the post-meal drunken looking, displeased faces? Just getting a free meal on someone's house?
Reese may not be a producer, but I do think she and the bearding are tangled up in PoP. In return Disney is probably taking care of her in other ways--in fact I think she will be the main voice of one of their big animated features, can't recall which one.
Why was she at that dinner with Bruckhamster in London, then? Just getting a free meal on someone's house?
Exactly. Jake provided publicity and an opportunity to have a dinner with a big producer.
Along : ) 's point, its about access, the dinner gave Reese access to one of the biggest and busiest producers in the industry. Not sure if he would make time to take a meeting with her, she saw a chance going to dinner with the star of his future summer blockbuster to get it. Definitely more time than a few minutes of small talk at a party.
I think it was more than just going along to dinner. Reese and Jake were fucking pissed when they came out of there. Reese in particular should have been happy as a pig in mud being seen out with one of HW's most powerful men. Something went down that neither one of them was happy with.
How does that work then? She just kind of invited herself along?
Take my boyfriend, take me kind of deal?
Man. And all this time, I thought it was a business meal concerning all 3 parties. That's pretty nervy. To invite oneself along on a business meal?
IMO Reese was pleased with herself about the dinner but not exactly happy to be papped with Mad Flailing Jake.
IMO Reese was pleased with herself about the dinner but not exactly happy to be papped with Mad Flailing Jake.
That doesn't make sense. There was a reason Jake was Mad Flailing Jake after that dinner.
Yep they were both told they were stuck with each other for another year. Oh My!
That is what I think Tom.
Oh boy. I get home and what is waiting for me but my new Avon book. Guess who's plastered all over the front? At least this photo isn't photoshopped until she's unrecognizable like others in the past.
Introducing In Bloom by Reese Witherspoon - Reese Witherspoon's premier fragrance. Developed by Reese with a prestigious fragrance designer, this precious floral elixir expresses indulgent sensuality with a sumptuous trio of signature blossoms
Are they saying she was actually in a laboratory helping to concoct this perfume? And what in the heck is elixir? Who talks like that in everyday life? Sumptuous? Indulgent sensuality? How is sensuality indulgent?
Let's see, it says there are 3 blooms, I guess:
Tempting - Georgia peach & fragrant tea leaves lure you closer. Intoxicating - Star gardenia, magnolia & jasmine blossom in the moonlight. Seducing - Cashmere woods and amber wood crystals wrap you in sensuality.
For $59.00, you can get some limited edition bottle of it.
blah, blah, blah. yada, yada, yada.
It smells no different from some of their other fragrances. Well, that cover along with the 1st seven pages of my book are now officially in the trash mixing in with who knows what else. Maybe some of that gardenia & amber whatever can help cover up the smell of my chicken legs from last night, LOLL!
Oh well - sorry, I had to share that. Now you know. I am so disappointed in my Avon.
Okay, well, I need to run to Sam's Club & renew my membership, then get my hiney back and pack.
It sure is! Hic!
P-U..... who the hell threw that stinky crap in here? Take us to the landfill and get the turkey vultures a'pickin at us asap and put us out of our misery. Phew!
Tempting - Georgia peach schnapps & shiny bottles of beer breath lure you closer. Intoxicating - Stars stumbling in the gardenias, on the sidewalks, in garages, making magnificent faux pas of beer vomit in the moonlight... or in the car. Seducing - Chunks of foods and bile crystals wrap you in glorious upchuck.
Precious? LOL, I love the image of you ripping off those pages and throwing them in the garbage with the chicken.
My perfume attracts gay guys and fake dates! It's great!
Seducing - Cashmere socks and amber woodchimes wrap me in sensuality that and long Texas legs.
20 TV Shows You're Breaking Up With #10
Well, they had one of those "rub your wrists on this" circles where you could smell it. And it really doesn't smell any different from others. It's not distinguisable. My word, it's expensive enough. Oh well. I don't have to worry about it because I'm certainly not buying it. The whole layout just slays me, though. Her name must be mentioned 100 times.
It reminds me of that episode of Gilligan's Island where Harold Hecuba, the famous director gets stranded on the island and ends up producing a play starring himself. And it's Produced by Harold Hecuba, Directed by Harold Hecuba, Starring Harold Hecuba, Music Sung by Harold Hecuba, etc etc. LOL.
That's exactly how this whole 4 or 5 page layout reads.
No one, and I mean no one, makes a chicken salad like Sam's Club. It's not just chicken salad. It's rotisserie chicken salad. Oh man, it is indescribably good. I picked up a wrap tonight and I'm going to eat 1/4 of it for breakfast tomorrow with my Dramamine, lol. At 4 in the morning, I'm going to eat chicken salad.
I better get started packing, I guess. Been running around @ Aldi's, Sam's, getting gas. Gas went up here over .20 a gallon. What a crock.
ALDS Playoff Game 1- Sox vs. Angels
I'd like to see the Angels get it and win to the world series if only to honor and dedicate it to their pitcher Nick Adenhart, who was killed in April by a hit-and-run drunk driver after pitching six shutout innings in his season debut.
In the Angels' clubhouse, Adenhart's locker is largely still how he left it on the night of April 8, from cap to shoes.
Associated Press, Oct 6
When the Angels clinched the division with a shutout victory over Texas, they celebrated with Adenhart, whose family was voted a full share of their playoff winnings.
After Scioscia mentioned the pitcher in his postgame remarks, the Angels grabbed his jersey and poured beer and champagne over it. When they took the field again, they ran en masse to the outfield wall and posed for pictures with Adenhart's image, again dumping a little bubbly on him.
My god, he was only 22. Nick Adenhart
Adenhart's jersey is hanging in the dugout tonight during the game.
That's so sad about Adenhart.
OTH is certainly in some good company. And just who are these pop culture watchers they've asked?
If the Red Sox win the Playoffs/World Series, okay. No offense to Sox fans but it would be just another title/trophy to them, which is fine. But if the Angels win, it would mean something so much more.
Know PG is flying tomorrow, not sure when everyone else is heading to DC, but to all of those who are traveling to be a part of the March this weekend, safe travel.
I have to set two alarms in the morning just to be on the safe side. Hmm, maybe 3:30-4, since I want to be sure and leave by 5:30-5:45 at the latest.
Pretty much packed so I better turn in, I guess. I am looking so forward to seeing everyone; a big gabfest will be held to be sure.
My sister heard some rumor that Pres. Obama might speak. I didn't really see anything online. Only that Lady Gaga is coming. LOL.
Sweet dreams to all. I will probably give a good morning in the morning, lol, before I leave this flatland.
Thanks to whoever covered for me this AM. Forgot to add my name. That's what happens from being tired and stressed. It looks like the flooring job will roll over into next week. Contractors here in CA work 1/2 day on Fridays so they will not finish the install this week after all.
Just woke up from a very long nap and replayed Craig Ferguson. Sophia was OK. No boyfriend questions. She pointed her finger a lot, but was otherwise entertaining.
Hi! Bye!
lol. Running slightly behind. Just couldn't get out of bed.
It would be nice if the Angels won. After the Red Sox winning one World Series, I'm happy, and two was more than I could have ever hoped for, after all those years of suffering, getting so close, but nada! :)
Barack Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize
If the Angels take the series I think all of Red Sox Nation will embrace them and want them to win it for Nick. It would be a moving tribute to their teammate.
Craig Ferguson crushes on gun-toting ‘One Tree Hill’ star Sophia Bush
^^^^ Sorry, that's old video!
Craig Ferguson 10/8/9E Late Late Show Sophia Bush PT1
Craig Ferguson 10/8/9E Late Late Show Sophia Bush PT2
Thanks for the travel wishes Special. We're taking a train down tonight after work.
Sophia and Craig were cute together, but yes, we certainly didn't learn much about her other than her tomboy interests. I never watch his show, so I don't know if that was a typical interview. Loved her dress.
I think it is kind of odd that Obama won the Nobel since we're still in Afghanistan and Iraq, hasn't close Guantanamo...
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