Today's Out Spotlight is the National Equality March. Next Sunday, October 11, 2009, tens of thousands will come from all over the United States to gather in Washington DC in order send a message to the Nation, the United States Congress and the President, a message that ALL citizens of the United States are equal and all should have equal rights.
The 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution states: Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
This means ALL people and this includes the right to marry whomever they wish and not be discriminated against because of how and whom they chose to love.
The National Equality March is to remind the nation, Congress and the President of the United States that DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) signed into law by President Bill Clinton on September 21, 1996, which defines marriage as a legal union exclusively between one man and one woman, is unconstitutional and should be repealed.
President Barack Obama's election platform included the full repeal of DOMA. However, on June 12, 2009 the Department of Justice issued a brief defending the constitutionality of DOMA in the case of Smelt v. United States of America, suggesting a sharp reversal by the Obama administration. On June 15, 2009, Human Rights Campaign President Joe Solmonese sent a four page letter to President Obama in response to the Department of Justice brief, in which he laid out the case of LGBT people as equal human beings and urged, "We call on you to put your principles into action and send legislation repealing DOMA to Congress. On September 15, 2009, representatives Jerry Nadler of New York, Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, and Jared Polis of Colorado introduced the Respect for Marriage Act, which would repeal DOMA. The bill had 91 original cosponsors.
Longtime gay activist David Mixner, who called for a national march on Washington said the march “to empower our young and to show the nation that anything less than full freedom is unacceptable.”
This is why the March for Equality is so important, the voice of a nation calling for change and holding those accountable for the promises they made.The March will begin at 12:00 noon and will end on the west lawn of the Capitol building with a rally following beginning around 2:00 p.m. with three hours of inspirational speeches and music. Thirty speakers representing the diversity of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community and its straight allies, will include: David Mixner; national March co-chairs Cleve Jones, Lt. Dan Choi, and Nicole-Murray Ramirez; Julian Bond, civil rights leader and Chairman of the Board for the NAACP, the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the U.S, St. Olaf college student Richard Aviles speaking on behalf of student activists; Judy Shepard, who lost her son Matthew because of anti-gay hate, Oscar winner Dustin Lance Black, Former US Rep Michael Huffington, Reverend Troy Perry, Comedian/Activist Kate Clinton, to name a few.
The producers of Hair, on Broadway, have announced that the musical will be going dark on Sunday, October 11th so its cast can go to Washington and support the March.
As Destiny told OMG about NFL Player/Pro Bowler, New Orleans Saints,Scott Fujita. Listen to his interview support the March and the call for equality.
The march and rally are a culmination of events from the weekend kicking off on Friday October 9, with workshops, groups and gathering of people united for equality.
Some OMG'ers will be traveling to Washington for the National March, but there is something for each one of us to do. For those who live in the US find a group who is gathering in your area that day, and write your Representatives in Washington asking for the repeal of Defense of Marriage Act. For those outside the U.S. stay informed about your own country's rights for the LGBT community and become a voice of change and a supporter of equality with you live, and encourage your government to ask the US to repeal their discriminative laws against LGBTs.
This march is not the final step but the first one in building a national grassroots network that will continue until full equality is achieved
National Equality March
National Equality March Weekend Events
No Fractions of Equality - Writing your Representative
The winner of the song of The National Equality March.
Thanks for the Spotlight on next weekend's march and on ways for people who can't make it to do something too.
M, I was talking with a friend last night who is a big fan of Polanski's work and he was also expressing the need for Polanski to pay his dues for what he did wrong. I think you can have mixed feelings about something like this, which is why it is so odd to see all those stars arguing for different treatment, as if you can't still support him and see him redeemed.
Special thanks so much for Spotlighting next weeks march. I cant wait to be there along with several friends. Friends that I have made from coming to OMG.
Ok NG you were right. I cant stay away but the week off sure was helpful. I have been reading posts from the last couple of days since I have been back from vacation. I have no clue why folks come here to say and do the things they do but they are not and never will be the reason I stop visiting OMG. I will not leave this group of people who have hung in there so long. I admire them and share their dreams. Plus Aus looks awesome in his underwear. I love that little hip area. Yummy;-)
SK: Guess which font Christian Lander chose for his bestseller...
Yup, Helvetica :) Hah!
Can't wait to go to D.C. next weekend and meet up you Tom and PG, as well as Wicked. It's nice to be able to do a good thing and have some fun too with friends I've met here.
Seems like a pretty impressive list of speakers Destiny. I was hoping Dustin Black would be there. How exciting to hear that Mrs. Sheppard and Danile Choi will speak also. How I wish NPH could have come and others like TR and Lance Bass would show. Maybe there will be some surprises. Maybe Martina Navratilova? I know I will be proud to be there with my friends from OMG.
NPH may not be coming, but I read he is one of a number of people who are paying for buses from NYC down to DC Sunday morning so that people who do not have the money to travel can come.
It's wonderful that some OMG people will attend the March. I look forward to some first hand reports of the events.
PG, loved those Rooney quotes you listed, especially the one about being in love shows. We all know how true that one is.
Anon, that's going to get deleted because you didn't put a name on it. Although we have had that one posted already.
Looking so forward to the March next weekend. I hope it is a good turnout.
In addition to being able to show our support, it will be great to get together with good friends. We will try not to raise too much cane, lol.
m, are you resting today? I've enjoyed hearing about your remodeling. It will be nice once it's all done although it sounds like it's a pretty dusty time at the present.
Well, I've come back home early today to finish throwing my stuff together. Got a short dogsitting gig with Molly, Lucy, and that little bad dog, Jingles. Jingles is on some allergy medicine and I'm going to have to go through a bit of theatrics to trick him into taking it. That should be a good one.
Dear Ted:
Did Austin Nichols kiss a girl (Sophia Bush) and actually like it?
—Teddy bear
Dear Funny One:
Not as much as Katy Perry, probably.
Wow thats awesome what NPH is doing destiny. I am sure he is busy working and cannot be there. What a great way to make up for it.
Where are Ellen and Rosie. Where is Billie Jean and Sir Ian. Where isn Adam Destiny. Where is rufus Jake. I did hear Rufus was is Philadelphia when Jake was in town.
Yep Rufus had a concert at beautiful Longwood Gardens which is right outside of Philadelphia when Jake was in town.
Adam said something in an interview about not wanting to become (my words, not his, because I can't remember exactly how he said it) a poster boy for civil rights. I can appreciate what he was saying, I think at this point in his career he does not want to be just a "gay artist", and has to tread a fine line.
Plus I do think his being out and being seen with his boyfriend will affect a lot more people than his marching in D.C. could ever do. He has already done so much for gay rights just by living his life openly and honestly, and by doing so at the beginning of his career.
Working on today's post I was reading more about different groups of people who are coming to the march and what's great is that there are some many different groups coming together.
Love if you guys will take some pictures and write up some of your thoughts, so OMG can do a follow up Out Spotlight about the march.
This is from a article in the LA Times about One Tree Hill.
Austin Nichols, who last starred in the title role in HBO's "John From Cincinnati," said he signed on for his second season with the show after he persuaded Schwahn to let long-distance couple Brooke and Julian come together for "a passionate, 'Fountainhead'-like romance." In the season's first episode, the two were making sweet love on the beach à la "From Here to Eternity."
So is Brooke Dominque and Austin Howard Roarke?
One Tree Hill's strong roots
And is it me but does Austin in t the group picture remind you a little of the famous, schnockered on the couch in Mexico to it?
Nice article on OTH, and in the LA Times to boot, which all the industry people read.
Don't know that I'm ready for Brulian as Dominique and Roarke though, that is one twisted relationship. On second thought, that could be fun if done right.
The reason I do not post as much is
that I just get sort of disgusted
with the whole Jake mess and do not
have much to say. To me, it sounded
like Jake/Austin maybe took a break
from each other and then got back
together from the reestablished
comment. You are right-Jake HAS
changed from the person he used to
be. Whatever happens in his life, I
do hope that he is happy with what
he chooses.
I also hope the march goes well
and you have good weather for it.
I hope you have a really great
turnout and all goes well! Please
keep us posted and maybe send some
photos and reports on what happened.
To me, it is such a shame that
you have to hide what you really are inside. What a choice to have to make to have a career!
Just be glad that your health is
good for that is a great blessing!!
I think you are all a great bunch
of people at OMG! Please have a
good week. When you see Wicked and
her Mrs., please give them my best
The first time that I questioned
Jake's sexuality was from the owl
t/shirt photos. I know Ted has always said that Toothy is gay but
I have always thought that he is
bisexual. Do you think that Ted's
sources are pretty credible? Also,
I hate that Ted/Jon could not make
it but I hope that they can at least remain friends. It does sound
like that Jake is having some
Do you think that Ted's sources are pretty credible?
I think so. Ted is a gay guy in LA, has connections and he's a professional gossiper - I think he's the best we have :)
Hey Kacie glad to see you again. How are you doing?
Yeah I agree with Jake gossip Ted is pretty credible for his gossip and sources. He's been the gossip game for a long time and was around before Perez and the rest.
Jake flying back from NYC to Pittsburgh. This blogger saw them a the US Air kiosk in NYC.
This afternoon at US Air waiting for some dysfunctional kiosk help, I began to grow impatient at the three lady counter reps who were so giddily engaged in a conversation with some dude they couldn’t attend to my multiple excuse-me-ma’am’s. Do you not SEE ME? There are THREE of you. Hello? These ladies suck.
Then I saw the dude.
O.M.G. Jake. Gyllenhaal. My. Love. Adorable.
He was charming them with some crap about being Spiderman, which I don’t get, but I might have just been confused because -- O.M.G. Jake. Gyllenhaal. Exquisite in person with the perfect weekend stubble, although a little shorter than I expected (no problem here - I've got a tall one at home).
Shamu the Goldfish: Joy, Jake and Me
There were a just 2 tweets of Jake in NYC. And Austin no where to be found. Hmmmm. ; )
Austin very quiet lately.
Hi guys! Kacieeeeee! Big hug for Kacie. I am at work so I can't chat.
Dogsitting where I have no connection. :(
Everyone have a great day. Off to check my emails real quick.
Yup, I will have my camera, too, Special, so I will get lots of pictures. Good excuse to get alot of eye candy in my shots, LOL!
Well, this is for a journalistic report. You wouldn't mind if I take just a few shots of you guys, would ya?
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