For Austin, I started writing shirtless scenes for him because I thought he was sexy as hell.
- Mark Schwahn (Rants & Raves The Futon Critic)
Just what Austin needs. An enabler for losing his shirt at work, isn't the one at home enough?
So Schwahn is responsible for these:

And Austin is own his own for these:

Two OTH articles that came out this weekend give more insight on the mastermind of the Tree Hill World and why you see what you see on screen. The Futon Critic and one in the LA Times that talks about Mark Schwahn and Joe Davola's hands on or better said online approach to One Tree Hill.
"It's no accident that fans have followed the show over the years on different nights and time periods. They're rabid for good reason. Schwahn and fellow executive producer Joe Davola have taken a DIY approach to promoting "One Tree Hill" from the beginning, when Davola decided that rather than hiring an assistant, he'd bring in someone to help them reach out to the show's fans. The pair still run their own series website, Facebook page and Twitter accounts."
You think Mark ever saw all of our "oops I forgot my shirt" jokes we've made about Austy?
And how does OTH get away with all the crazy, "seriously are they doing that" storylines? Well Austin has the answer for that one. "We can go for things like that on 'One Tree Hill,' a benefit of being sort of the ugly stepchild on the network,"
But now we know that Mark doesn't think of Austin as that. : )
And tonight dose of One Tree Crazy?

Believe Me I'm Lying" Season 7 Episode 4 - Nathan's Baby Mama drama goes public. Brooke's fashion show becomes American's Next Top Model for Milli, - "I have 10 dresses in my show and only 9 models standing". Haley becomes Dr. Phil and convinces Quinn to talk to the hubs, David. Meanwhile, Mouth shuts his and puts his ESPN dreams in jeopardy. Alex discovers that Sharpies pens are not just for autographs anymore. Jamie can read! (tabloids unfortunately). Clay get butchy. And Julian lifts and supports like a goodbra boyfriend should.

So Schwahn is responsible for these:

And Austin is own his own for these:

Two OTH articles that came out this weekend give more insight on the mastermind of the Tree Hill World and why you see what you see on screen. The Futon Critic and one in the LA Times that talks about Mark Schwahn and Joe Davola's hands on or better said online approach to One Tree Hill.
"It's no accident that fans have followed the show over the years on different nights and time periods. They're rabid for good reason. Schwahn and fellow executive producer Joe Davola have taken a DIY approach to promoting "One Tree Hill" from the beginning, when Davola decided that rather than hiring an assistant, he'd bring in someone to help them reach out to the show's fans. The pair still run their own series website, Facebook page and Twitter accounts."
You think Mark ever saw all of our "oops I forgot my shirt" jokes we've made about Austy?
And how does OTH get away with all the crazy, "seriously are they doing that" storylines? Well Austin has the answer for that one. "We can go for things like that on 'One Tree Hill,' a benefit of being sort of the ugly stepchild on the network,"
But now we know that Mark doesn't think of Austin as that. : )
And tonight dose of One Tree Crazy?

Believe Me I'm Lying" Season 7 Episode 4 - Nathan's Baby Mama drama goes public. Brooke's fashion show becomes American's Next Top Model for Milli, - "I have 10 dresses in my show and only 9 models standing". Haley becomes Dr. Phil and convinces Quinn to talk to the hubs, David. Meanwhile, Mouth shuts his and puts his ESPN dreams in jeopardy. Alex discovers that Sharpies pens are not just for autographs anymore. Jamie can read! (tabloids unfortunately). Clay get butchy. And Julian lifts and supports like a good

LA Times : One Tree Hill 's Strong Roots
The Futon Critic:Interview - Mark Schwahn Talks Entrances & Exoduses On "One Tree Hill"
Photos: OTH Screencaps - Austin Nichols Journal, ACL - Flicker, OMG Files, Stills - CW
The Futon Critic:Interview - Mark Schwahn Talks Entrances & Exoduses On "One Tree Hill"
Photos: OTH Screencaps - Austin Nichols Journal, ACL - Flicker, OMG Files, Stills - CW
Lady Gaga: I'll Be Marching in the National Equality March
This tweet was posted on 10/3. Don't know where the person is from but I think that Sophia was spotted at the airport in Austin, TX on Thursday??
samdad77: Lance Armstrong, Sophia Bush, and Jon from HBO's 'Jon From Cincinatti' are in my restaraunt right now. I win the cool game!
1 day ago from Echofon
Believe it or not, there are twitters of Sophia in Austin with Jon from Cincinnati and her television boyfriend over the weekend.
No pictures though.
nicoledaman: sophia bush and her one tree hill boyfriend stood in front of us during the phoenix set. @cryhug and I refined our paparazzi skills
2 days ago from Echofon
Twit_this_: WTF? Sophia bush in front of me during kings. Cool
2 days ago from Twitterrific ·
AmberJElliott: stood in my doo.ri dress next to sophia bush at ACL!!! ahhh changing then stalking KOL
2 days ago from mobile web
AndreaBea: I saw Sophia Bush eating tilapia nachos! She's so pretty in person! Currently lusting over John Legend at the AMD stage!
2 days ago from UberTwitter
Call me crazy but.
Isn't it odd Austin who is from Austin, is never called by his name in tweets that about him in his own hometown.
Awww, it sounds like Schwahn has a man crush on Austin. And we get to benefit from it.
I don't think it is odd that people wouldn't know Austin's name, even in his hometown. Austin and the surrounding suburbs have what, 1.5 to 2 million people? And it's not like he's the only celebrity around those parts either.
I do find it odd that if someone was refining their pap skills that there are no photos of them, but photos could still turn up.
After he has been highlighted as star from Austin at least 3 times in his own hometown newspaper as Austin's own Austin Nichols.
Come on not one tweet in 48 hours while in town with his own name in it?
And they all remember his as character from a HBO shoe that got canceled because of low ratings?
I mean if there was one that said her bf from OTH, or Julian on OTH. Yeah could see that. But all them say John from JFC - weird.
There is no way to know if any sighting is true or accurate, be it on Gawker, twitter, blogs, newspapers, etc. That being said, there are what, 4 or 5 of Sophia in Austin, 2 with Austin.
There are no twitters of Austin in NYC.
They guy who tweeted about "Jon" sounded like he was an older guy, someone more likely to watch HBO than OTH. Sophia's name is far better known than Austin's, I'd expect a lot of people to know who she is even if they don't watch OTH.
Even if Austin and Sophia are seen together, it does not mean they are in love. They are friends. Long time friends.
Is Schwann gay? He seems to like the shirtless men an awful lot. Not that I am complaining.
To tell you the truth, I wouldn't know Sophia Bush if she slapped me upside the head with a brick. And I'm very internet and entertainment buzz savvy.
Also, please note, in all those Tweets, not once was Austin, or John, or Jon, mentioned doing anything remotely 'couplely' with Sophia. Just that they were standing next to each other. Attending a concert does not automatcially equal doing the nasty on a regular basis. What it does mean, if true, that Austin and Sophia enjoy the same kind of music.
But, for those who wish to read something more into what those folks Twatted, guess I'm romantically involved with millions of folks that attend Panic at the Disco concerts, too.
Nobody said anything about Sophia and Austin being more than friends B Flat. Some of us were just discussing the possible sightings of them.
((Even if Austin and Sophia are seen together, it does not mean they are in love. They are friends. Long time friends.))
PLEASE, give a Rest M. Please!
No amount of wishing and hoping will make their relationship what you want it to be. You don't know anything for sure just like all the posters on this site.
Every time theres a post about the 2, you rush to confirm you points. Give it a break!!
Best wishes to all of you attending the march on DC this weekend - I'll probably attend one closer to home.
President Obama is planning on adressing DADT as well.
Here's to the end of DOMA!!!! :)
No amount of wishing and hoping will make their relationship what you want it to be.
What relationship?
For those of my patients who are tired of reading that people here don't believe in Sophin, I recommend reading Gyllenbabble or one of the OTH forums, and call me in the morning if you forget again tomorrow.
A love relattionship..
A Mother daughter relationship
A Man and Woman sexual love Relationship
A Friendhip which is non-sexual
A Mentor-relationship
A leader Relationship
The point is there are numerous types of relationships with people.
You don't know this.
They could be just friends or lovers, but nobody here really knows unless you are with them daily. It's not rocket science.
For those of my patients who are tired of reading that people here don't believe in Sophin, I recommend reading Gyllenbabble or one of the OTH forums, and call me in the morning if you forget again tomorrow.
another delusional fangirl or fanboy. Or should I say Jake and Austin fangirl or fanboy. Nobody will come between Jake and Austion. Nobody.
We did have twits on Sophia on Friday, was it? Just her. Not a peep about Austin until today.
Special, you point out some of the interesting differences in them. Plus, I would think if they can sure recognize Sophia Bush so easily, then they must be familiar with OTH and if that's the case, wouldn't they know that Austin is Julian? After all, this is his second year on the show.
Nobody will come between Jake and Austion.
You can count on that!
The tweets were from Saturday and Sunday PG, it's just that they were not discussed until today.
I am just saying. I recognize the usefulness and the validity of tweets (lol, I see I called them twits up there), okay? I am not knocking them.
But I am saying that this is the problem with them. Unless someone is going to put a picture with them, anyone can put anything up at any time and call it a "fact". Now so far, when we've had quite a few tweets on a sighting, a picture has eventually popped up somewhere to back them up.
So, let's see some pics of the 2 of them at the festival. Come on Just Jared, you're the big Sophia follower. You mean you didn't have a source down in Texas to track her down with? Did you drop the ball on this one?
On the other hand, it would go without saying that he could most possibly be down there in his hometown for this festival. Sounds like he's been to it alot? So, if this is the case, I would say that these 2 are not nearly as well versed in bearding.
My jury is still out.
Something is wrong with my blogger at home. I never see anybody's avatars any more. So I have to be at work to enjoy my new one of Buckles. Is that not a great picture or what?
It's just me and my lil buddy here at lunchtime. Our male compadre just left to run home for lunch. His wife just quit her job to be a stay at home so they could save on daycare since they have 4 kids. Today's her first day at home so he's running home for lunch. I said if he starts being late coming back from lunch now we'll know what is up. But he lives kind of far from here so he said he wouldn't be doing that too often. uh huh. We shall see. LOL - we sure have a good time, the 3 of us. Great laughs - he's great to kid around with.
I just finished having a can of Select Harvest Roasted Chicken with Rotini & Penne Pasta. I am afraid I had to add a little salt to it - it was a little bland.
Really looking forward to OTH tonight if we're going to see this scene of Sophia in that gorgeous dress and Julian bending her back in that big smooch.
Dear Ted:
Will Dashed Dingle-Dream ever get his own BV? Or is his whole relationship with Judas Jack-Off gone so boringly one-track that there's no reason for you to write BV about him?
Dear Don't Forget the Little People:
You don't see Grey Goose getting his own star on the Blind Vice walk of infamy, do you?
Comment by Poster on WFT:
^Link between Dashed Dingled Dream and Grey Goose: Dashed Dingle-Dream is Jensen Ackles from Supernatural. He is bearding with Daneel Harris from One Tree Hill (she plays Rachel).
From Ted on September 5, 2009
Dear Ted:
Aside from being beautiful actresses on One Tree Hill, what do Sophia Bush and Danneel Harris have in common?
Dear Um…:
I'm not thrilled by either one. Satisfy you?
You all have a good rest of the afternoon. I may go out tonight and see if I can connect somewhere after OTH is over. Man, I hate not having internet. It stinks!!! lol.
I don't know are there really that many OTH fans who watched JFC and JFC would watch OTH, well besides some of us.
Sophia is famous because of OTH, not from movies. So you have seen OTH, the likelihood is that you would have seen Austin on OTH, maybe you would have picked up JFC to watch it now, but you probably would have called him Julian and not the "guy on JFC".
Anyway, Schwahn thing cracks me up. You know Austin is going to play that up and kid him after he reads the interview.
Love Austin's comment about the ugly stepchild. Always called my dept. the redheaded stepchild of my division. Austin knows better than to say redhead when auburn runs in the the Nichols fam, and some of his own long curls back in the day got those auburn hues.
Love your avatar PG. Maybe it's because it is a small photos, but Buckles really reminds me of Jake in this one, with those sunglasses and the tight blue t-shirt showing off the body.
And that guy just doesn't take a bad picture either. He also wears glasses and there's some interesting ones of him in these dark framed glasses.
I know, that is the oddest statement from that Schwann's guy. he's sexy as hell. Wow. Kind of a sexy statement as well, lol.
Well, I just got a sad email from Jane, one of my dog customers. They had to put the Major down last week. She's had a hard time with it. Maj was 20 years old. I loved that cat. She sent me a nice picture of him. I am going to just have to get a picture up on my blog of the Major. He was wonderful.
Sorry about Major PG. :-(
I've seen those pictures of Buckles in glasses, I love them, he's so adorable and sexy in those pictures.
How Jake really got the LAOD role.
Maybe if PoP and LAOD are not big hits Jake can use it to audition for another toy franchise movie; I'm sure it's just a matter of time until they get around to building a movie around erector sets.
(PG) So sad about Major. It is just so hard for everyone who loved him.
Happy Labour Day, Austin! Here's my gift uh I mean your gift!
LOL! Austin will be pleased!
Brulian's kiss is seriously hot, but Austin really needs more to do!
Austin really does need more to do I agree Dest, because tonight what did he really do. He was the supportive boyfriend, who chats with mom, and tells his gf how amazing she is.
Does Brooke have any bad habits or things that annoy Julian because it is always Julian who does something Brooke doesn't like. The sandalwood incense for instance.
And him bringing the broken incense stick with him to the fashion show, symbolically is showing that show that Brooke has broken his manhood?
The one glimmer was the snark with Victoria (Brooke's mom) and the possibilities of something of a storyline of working on a movie with Alex. (I like that character, annoying but at least she has some wicked fun).
They have just really taken the bite out Julian it's like Brooke has his stones in a jar on her side of the bed. Come on bring back that snarky bad boy who had some fight in him.
Groan, I didn't even think about the symbolism of the incense. :-D
We definitely need the bad boy back. At this point I'm praying for him to get involved with Alex just to give him something fun to do. I'm really enjoying that character because she's bad, good, outrageous and funny. Austin is right on the money about her performance too.
Hey Tired, thanks for confirming my sentiment. Nothing will ever come between Jake and Austin. Nothing real anyway.
Just finished watching OTH. Not enough Austin. He needs more screen time and more meat to his role. It seems like Buckley gets to show a bit more range. All Julian does is kiss and fawn over Brooke. That's probably why they are planting those Austin/Sophia romantic relationship rumors.
My house is back to being a wreck again. The good news is I am pretty sure the work will be done by Friday. Then back to normal.
Heading to bed early tonight, armed with slash for light reading. New chapter of Up in The Air, if anyone is interested. Also, if anyone writes any Austin/Robert slash, I am not sure where I would find it. I only visit Brokeback slash sites.If any turns up, be sure to share the link.
Nothing will ever come between Jake and Austin
Yes there will. At least one.
Hey guys! I'm sneaking in when I shouldn't be just to say hi.
I concur. I'm already tired of Austin fawning over Brooke. Come on, honeymoon over, there has to be some fire going on somewhere. Ha ha! Kind of reminds me of Jake supporting Reese all this time with her career. Ooooh. Is this why this is making us gag? What does this remind you of, huh?
I love the Alex character. But all these other girls just get me all confused. They all look the same and I couldn't tell you who was who. They're all brunettes with long straight hair and I can't tell which from which. No blondes whatsoever. Who does the casting for this show? Any redheads? I'm surprised Buckles got a role. He's almost light brown haired, heaven forbid!
And what was with those pills? What were those? This is during the family hour??? Were they sleeping pills? Even if that's all they were, I don't like the message that is sending to young people.
Alright, I gotta go. I'm going to Mom & Dad's for lunch. My brother's in town and it's my only chance to see him. Maybe I can sneak in later during a meeting, lol.
Sorry for any errors!
Man, I almost forgot.
Did anybody else notice that great right hook of Buckles?!!! yeahhh!
I must have missed something somewhere. Do Clay and Quinn have a past history?
I love that new avatar of mine, LOL. This is the only place I get to see it right now.
I love that new avatar of mine, LOL.
Me too!
'He's a natural': Torchwood star John Barrowman delights audiences as he takes to the West End in drag
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