Austin has gotten back home and after all he did, there was little bit of Israel leftover for one more day.
It wasn't just the Hollywood crew having a press conference yesterday at the Inbal Hotel, but a group of US evangelic ministers too, and in the same room.
As one outlet said: "In the same room a contingent of Hollywood celebrities spoke to the media about their experiences in the Holy Land while evangelical pastors from the United States answered questions about their own tour here. Both groups were in Israel on vastly different tailor-made tours, ...But despite the varying perspectives of the country, the conclusion of both groups seemed to be the same: A visit to Israel can be fun, fulfilling and surprising on many levels." (Jerusalem Post)
And what did Austin do?
He pretty much F'd it up.
Noooooo.... not that way.
He talked about :
“ 'We don’t see people floating in the Dead Sea or doing trips in jeeps in the Golan Heights. You don’t see that in the United States when the news reports about this part of the world.' ”
and ...
Austin "noted that American media only shows certain things about Israel and added that he cannot wait to show his family back home the pictures of all the fun things he did." (Israel National News)
oh and falafel :
And Austin is home with plenty of time for the holidays.... and a birthday...
and of course Two Wheel Tuesday Today from Monorail Studios in Austin, TX
Maybe you should put that on your Christmas list Mr. Nichols. ; )
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
F'd Up
Posted by
Special K
2:02 PM
Labels: Austin, Family, Israel, Two Wheel Tuesday
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It is wonderful to finally see pictures of Austin interacting with children who are not mini actors on the set of OTH. Kind of opens up a whole new light.
I'm not getting tired of all the pictures & news from his trip to Israel. This is really great to have so much news of him.
Austin "noted that American media only shows certain things about Israel and added that he cannot wait to show his family back home the pictures of all the fun things he did."
Sounds like Austin is very proud of that family too. In one of Jake's last interviews in November he talked about spending time with the family. Just like with gay individuals who talk generically about who they are dating or hooked up with (using non-gender specific pronouns), these two guys routinely do the same with the word: family. It's more often than not the assumptions of the interviewer/writer that try to fill in the blank with their interpretation of who the guys are talking about:
11/3/2011 (Showbiz 411)
Gyllenhaal told me his mom, screenwriter Naomi Foner (“Running on Empty”) is prepping her new film with Elizabeth Olsen, Dakota Fanning, and Anton Yelchin. What’s Jake up to? “Just spending time with family” – meaning sister Maggie, and brother in law Peter Saarsagard….
A little more fun. Another video from Israel.
Kotel Celebrities Clip
This has been so wonderful - humbling, exciting, beautiful. Thanks guys!
I haven't been yet and hope to visit one day. :)
Dear Troll
I know you like three letter words, but here's four letter one for you.
You have been marked as spam with Blogger.
Well, if people didn't think Austin was gay before they sure will now. After nearly 6 months with no acknowledgement of his showmance with Soapy-poo, he waits until he's out of Israel to refer to Christmas shopping for his "girlfriend." Well, Austie, if she were your girlfriend don't you think you should have taken her with you on this trip? Being that the two of you must be inseparable by now.
I guess Jake hopping a plane to Los Angeles the moment Austin was flying back home was a little too obvious for the CW.
Looks like Jake is back in LA.
NGautschi Nicholas Gautschi
Just shook hands with Jake Gyllenhaal on Wilcox Ave. I think I won for today
1 hour ago
That was fast.
I wonder what made him want to head back to LA? ; )
Jake hoping a plane to the west does not mean he and Austin are a couple. Austin "said" he's shopping for his girlfriend. Last I looked, Jake does not look like a girl.
If Austin would have said he was gonna shop for his husband something tells me you would believe it then and, use it for your arguments as them being a couple.
What do you mean about "girlfriend," M&M?
Yesterday Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted to meet me but I couldn't be found. I was Christmas shopping for my girlfriend. @IsraeliPM
1 hour ago
Let's see,the 9th season of OTH is set to air on January 11, 2012. I think that's your answer.
Yeah, it sure is interesting that Austin waited until today to tweet about buying his "girlfriend" a Christmas present. Wouldn't you normally want to keep this kind of thing a secret? Talk about lame.
I was referring to Austin's latest "tweet," Question.
Evelyn is gone but looks like the guys are still shackled, bound, gagged and led around on a still-relatively short leash.
I wonder how that leash is working now for ol' Austin? It must have been a little too loose lately - had to be tightened a notch or two as soon as his feet touched U.S. soil.
**shakes head**
**pulls at shirt collar**
Gives me a bit of chafing just thinking about it.
This guy is so full of it. He expects us to believe that he blew off the PM of Israel to buy his fake GF a Xmas present and then he brags about it on Twitter. That is one big insult to the host country, Austin. I have relatives from that area of the world. You just don't do that kind of thing.
This guy is so full of it. He expects us to believe that he blew off the PM of Israel to buy his fake GF a Xmas present and then he brags about it on Twitter. That is one big insult to the host country, Austin. I have relatives from that area of the world. You just don't do that kind of thing.
I fully, fully agree. He tweets this idiotic, childish lie to @Israeliminister:
This is the official Prime Minister's Office twitter account run by Dr. Eitan Eliram, New Media Director of the PM Office.
How utterly disrespectful and 5th Grade could he be?
It's like he couldn't take the praise. Couldn't handle it. Too much model behavior. He had to do something really bad. Had to get that fix.
I had not thought of that, "Diplomatic Incident," but the comment was very politically insensitive. Sort of a big fat brush off on his Twitter account for all to see. A poke in the eye to the Head of State's hospitality.
Wouldn't that be comparable to being invited to the WH and then when President Obama asks to meet after the Grand Tour, you respond on your Twitter, "Sorry Big Guy, but I have to go antiquing today."
Wouldn't that be comparable to being invited to the WH and then when President Obama asks to meet after the Grand Tour, you respond on your Twitter, "Sorry Big Guy, but I have to go antiquing today."
It would.
I don't know that at first it's not clear that he actually did tweet this to a member of the Israeli government? I hope he takes this thing down; it is an embarrassment.
Reminds me of those early tweet days.....
Okay, what's for dinner tonight.....**think, think, think**
I agree. Austin should take this tweet down. It is disrespecful and undermines any goodwill this trip had gained for him. No doubt he made it up, to get the OTH fangirls to squeal, but what an ignorant and tactless thing to do to the people of such a beautiful country that had opened its arms to these actors.
It's truly amazing what the closet will do to someone, isn't it?
Talk about p-whipping poor old Austy. His tweet was pure sarcasm, but obviously the knickers get knotted because he dared include the word "girlfriend". LOL
It's truly amazing what the closet will do to someone, isn't it?
Oh yes schoolmarm, it is truly amazing what that closet makes people tweet. Who knew the true power of the closet? Oh deary me. Now, where are my pearls, I feel some clutching coming on.
Doesn't matter that he was being sarcastic, the point is Austin put up a tweet that portrays him as an insensitive boob. Sarcasm has it's place, but not when it comes to a diplomatic trip like this one. You should be on your best behavior. We all know he's in the closet and that Sophia Bush is his fake girlfriend, but to try to suggest that she is more important that a meeting with a Prime Minister is simply not funny. Yes, we know he didn't miss a meeting with the Head of State, but that's not the point. He is a fool for even joking about such a thing.
Sorry p_g, the name is Sanctimonious Trolly to you. Talk to hand, as I am not Jack.
Oh bite me, 19:57, I took it down. Can't get enough of us though, can you?
You're just watching and shaking.
Whew, not a good night for the ol' PG. LOLLL! Let me re-edit that again.
Debdental deborah amar
@AUS10NICHOLS @IsraeliPM It's a big joke ???? unless he is a big fan of OTH ???
1 hour ago
taliafromfundon Talia Goldman
Life’s tough 4 @AUS10NICHOLS - chillin’ in Israel, CHRISTMAS shopping for the beautiful @SophiaBush whilst the @IsraeliPM is lookin for him.
2 hours ago
And then he stirs up political discord by inviting this tweet:
deenabee Dina
@AUS10NICHOLS Good thing you didn't!! @IsraeliPM is a disgrace to humanity.
2 hours ago
Oh Austin. :(
I adore Prime Minister Netanyahu. Talk about passion for his country.
Just remember, this was the same inspired guy who originally used his DUI mugshot on his Twitter account.
And here is the reaction from the Sophia/Austin thread on the Forum. Gee, what a different reaction, huh?
Re: The Sophia/Austin Support Thread!
« Reply #9328 on: Today at 05:01 PM »
From twitter:
Yesterday Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted to meet me but I couldn't be found. I was Christmas shopping for my girlfriend. @IsraeliPM
Haha, cute!
« Reply #9329 on: Today at 05:02 PM »
Hahahaha, that's hilarious.
Re: The Sophia/Austin Support Thread!
« Reply #9330 on: Today at 05:03 PM »
Awwww!:D :D
Austin is sooo cute and funny!
« Reply #9331 on: Today at 05:04 PM »
That dude from Life Unexpected tweeted that they flew out as well, so I think they're back in the country. And the picture Austin tweeted was from the press conference they did yesterday, because a clip of the same time the picture was taken was included in a news thing that came out yesterday.
And that picture is so cute! Ever since the beach pictures with them came out, I was rooting for them to get together, but then she started dating Jon and years passed, yet here we are. :laugh:
And aww, that tweet from Austin is cute! I bet he got Soph something great!
« Reply #9332 on: Today at 05:09 PM »
"Yesterday Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted to meet me but I couldn't be found. I was Christmas shopping for my girlfriend."
New tweet from Austin.
They have known each other for about seven years. Sophia said on Chelsea Lately that she knew him after everything happened with Chad.
« Reply #9335 on: Today at 07:37 PM »
Quote from: kickdrumheart on Today at 05:01 PM
From twitter:
Yesterday Prime Minister Netanyahu wanted to meet me but I couldn't be found. I was Christmas shopping for my girlfriend. @IsraeliPM
Haha, cute!
Lovely boy...
LOL 8:05pm!
Hardly a surprise that Austin's poor attempt at humor got lost in translation. That's why when you represent your country overseas, one is expected to be on their best behavior. The art of diplomacy is called that for a reason.
The dumbest of all are the trolls who have no life or cognitive thinking capabilities. These two have barely tweeted one another all year. If the OTHers don't get it, they soon will. Hint: There will be no happily ever after. Austin Nichols is taken. He likes peen.
Only old sticks-in-the-mud spinsters with pursed lips would find anything wrong with that tweet.
And to the fool who called it a "diplomatic trip", a big L-O-L @ you. Last time I checked, Austin was unemployed, and hasn't suddenly scored a job with the United States Department of State.
Hey, I can't get enough of the OTH love for Austin.
OthLomee Salomé
I wanna see @SophiaBush answer to @AUS10NICHOLS tweet !! ;)
1 hour ago
One Tree Hill fans
OTHFanbase One Tree Hill fans
I think @SophiaBush & @AUS10NICHOLS are perfect together. Just like Brooke and Julian are. & Austin's cute tweet made me squeal bigtime.
1 hour ago
Sophia Bush France
SophiaBush_FR Sophia Bush France
Same! My timeline is crazy RT @tashoth: My twitter feed going mental over @AUS10NICHOLS's tweet lol:) @SophiaBush should reply now aaah yayy
2 hours ago
leaburgio Lea Burgio
Awwwwwwww @AUS10NICHOLS is so cute!!! @SophiaBush is lucky to have him!! #Ausphiacuteness
3 hours ago
One Tree Hill fans
OTHFanbase One Tree Hill fans
Cute @AUS10NICHOLS tweet. Fangirling big time.
3 hours ago
kaitlyn231 Kaitlyn
I think @AUS10NICHOLS just killed a lot of people (in a good way) with his last tweet.
3 hours ago
One Tree Hill S9
s9onetreehill One Tree Hill S9
AWW! @AUS10NICHOLS would skip meeting someone important to go Christmas shopping for @SophiaBush! I LOVE THEM :)
3 hours ago
and to the fool who called it a "diplomatic trip", a big L-O-L @ you. Last time I checked, Austin was unemployed, and hasn't suddenly scored a job with the United States Department of State.
I work in the field of foreign services. A trip like this would be considered a Good Will, diplomatic excursion, you twit. Trying talking about something you know. Like how to be an idiot, without even trying.
OTH fans love Austin only as long as he continues to live his heterosexualized lie.
^oops. I meant "Try talking about something you know."
Bye Jack.
Another question that you have to ask is why does Austin wait until he is back on American soil to put up this tweet?
Why not do it while he's over there? Why not do it within 24 hours?
Why wait until now?
Good catch prairiegirl. I think Austin was trying to distract attention away from who he was meeting up with today, a certain someone who just flew in from NYC.
I don't think Austin blew off any meetings, a trip like that is pretty well planned out. But why he had to address it to the Israeli PM twitter is beyond me. Or maybe he was out doing something, but yeah, got to work in the beard.
I just saw the tweets. Jake was just on USA's WWE Tribute to the Troops that was taped earlier on Dec 11th at Fort Bragg, NC.
I think Jake did a shout out to the troops via video.
giamia86 giavanna kelly
Jake Gyllenhall is too good looking for that furry beard. Hope it's for a role. Love he is patriotic. #tttt
25 minutes ago
Brian McEntee
Jake Gyllenhall also supports the troops. Just letting you know. He was in Jarhead, so that means more maybe?
28 minutes ago
Haley H.
@TheAwesomePJ I wanna be in a match with Jake Gyllenhaal!!!
22 minutes ago
Haley H.
Did not know Jake Gyllenhaal would be on here!!!!!!!!! Night just made. #TTTT
kates6878 katie
Jake Gyllenhaal's beard makes me think we should tap a tree 4 syrup & pancakes all around! No thx on beards that big. They stink. Yuck
28 minutes ago
Hurricane_Flash Nikki Lanier
I just saw Jake Gyllenhaal on my screen...I think I completely just died now
29 minutes ago
PosseOfDiBiase Giselle Villafuerte.
Jake Gyllenhaal.<3
29 minutes ago
JO3officially JO3 Schreiner
@TheJurn Jake Gyllenhaal is the shit!
30 minutes ago
AlexxRavenSonja Alex Fleissner
Jake Gyllenhaal! #ILike #TTTT
30 minutes ago
Mrs_DWahlberg Donnie, I Got It!
Just saw Jake gyllenhaal on #tttt =O'
30 minutes ago
aj0314 Aaron
Jake Gyllenhaal. WHERE'S THE BUBBLE?!?!?! #WWE #TTTT
30 minutes ago
JayGWills Jason
if we're watching wrestling, why the fuck do we want to see jake gyllenhaal
31 minutes ago
Jake Gyllenhaal, one of my favorite actors. @WWE #TributeToTheTroops
32 minutes ago
badwolfbay10 Jocelyn
Jake Gyllenhaal?! #TTTT
32 minutes ago
JanellOrton0401 OrtonNation 4ever (:
Woah. Jake Gyllenhaal looks like Daniel Bryan ... oh dang. :P
31 minutes ago
AJfanByNature Mikayla Jennings
Jake Gyllenhaal <3
32 minutes ago
Sunny T.
SunnyKaye01 Sunny T.
32 minutes ago
MeliMelissax3 Melissa Jimenez
Jake Gyllenhaal! hes sorta cute #TributeToTheTroops #TTTT
32 minutes ago
g0kendra Kendra Caesar
32 minutes ago
Well glad that the boys will be together in time for Jakes birthday. I'm cutting Austin some slack. Dumb move sure, but he's probably tired and when you are tired you do dumb things.
So glad Stephanie is back on Wake Up With Al. I was getting a little worried there and beginning to wonder if she wasn't put on some kind of forced "leave" or something. Her absences since Thanksgiving have been very weird.
Well, supposedly Jake was tweeted at some Kanye West concert last night. Boy, that guy is just one bundle of activity, isn't he? He's in L.A., then San Fran, then NYC, back to L.A. yesterday as soon as Austin arrives home but then last night, he's off to a Kanye West music event.
Why, he is one nomadic guy. He couldn't possibly be married or have even one child, could he? He's never in one place at any given time.
What Austin proved to us by his latest tweet last night is that the CW has him held captive in his Sophin closet until that show is over - last episode completed on the air. He's like a fish on a flyfisherman's line, trying to flap away at times but the CW just keep reeeeeeeeling him in when the line gets too much slack on it.
There will be no Jake & Austin sightings, pics, squat until at least May. Jake is free. But now it's Austin who is the bondaged one.
Well, let's put it this way. Jake is as free as one can apparently be in a closet.
Well, supposedly Jake was tweeted at some Kanye West concert last night
So we're to believe that a month later, Jake flies all the way across the United States, back to LA, to attend a Watch the Throne concert that he already attended back on November 8 in NYC. And, that the people who saw him there all misspelled his name the same way.
Despite the fallout from Austin's poor attempt at humor, I'm sure he was a terrific ambassador for the United States. However, like some other recent high profile tweet faux pas, he might consider taking five minutes before sending that next message in the future. Particularly, since jet lag can be such a bitch.
I see that the troll has taken up camp over here. Probably because the neighbor is dead quiet nowadays due to everyone being driven off by misogynistic, vile rants and trolling. The troll has no life so he squats on blogs where the gay is staring him in the face, but troll still thinks J&A are straight.
No doubt he was exhausted after such a packed week and the travel and jet lag, and like you said M, sometimes we do dumb stuff when you're tired.
I hope that the tweet does not overshadow all the good and goodwill of his trip.
I think Austin was a great ambassador and will do a great job bringing back the message that Israel is a great place for travel and industry.
Ditto, Special.
Austin had a tremendous week overseas and hey, we all mess up. I was pretty harsh on the guy and while I don't take back what I said, LOL....if I had a dime for every mess-up I have made in my life, well, I would be retired by now and living high on the hog.
I hope Austin is getting some much needed rest and getting ready to celebrate Jake's birthday and that both guys can concentrate on having a great holiday season with the family.
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