As the countdown of the last days of The Crazy Tree continues, more videos from behind the scenes of OTH. And OMG's pick of best on The Crazy Tree, has to be Austy.Austin talks more about directing and how much he loves it
and you can see him in action. Check him out in this video
And pack to the pick... the toothpick.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Pick of the Pack
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About the ‘privacy’ thing (which I think it’s relative as most of his image is controlled and PR planted). I think that a few pap pics that are two seconds from his days are better than a hundred daily tweets documenting his every location. I think that in that respect he has much more privacy in LA than in NYC. But pap pics give the illusion of being more invasive, so he has the excuse of being ‘haunted’ when in fact he is more anonymous in LA than in NYC.
I agree. I've posted on this topic several times before. One of the goals is to make it seem like Jake is hounded in LA, which is actually only an illusion. Many of those tweets in NY are fake. For instance, you hardly see him eating out in LA. Yet, if you believe the plethora of tweets out of NY that's all Jake does all day long. Moreover, there have been times where he has been placed in two or three places at the same time. Don't even get me started on the whole Soul Cycle "obsession". I'm convinced that's just another ruse to give authenticity to where he is. You never saw Jake go to a gym in LA the number of times he supposedly is tweeted going to workouts in NY. In fact, we never see him working out in LA at all except when he was going to workouts in preparation for End of Watch.
Interesting thoughts, Twitter vs Paparazzi. Yeah, I would agree. What killed me was how this guy hadn't been papped his whole time in NYC but as soon as he is at Urth, he's stiff handing the cameraman like he's just hounded to death. Because you's just so hard to be Jake. So hard.
Thanks to our contributor who had the magazine screenshots. And I missed that instagram shot. Boy wasn't that attractive.
Glad to see the shirt was on. Contrary to what one would think, in a health club, it's really not as cool to go around without your shirt if you're a guy. I belonged to health clubs for a number of years and you're all sweating like a pig. No one wants to follow you onto a machine that's been all dripped on. I can't imagine how much one would sweat during a Spin Cycle class. I don't know, it's just different inside the confines of a club room seems to me, not like what you would think.
Have I mentioned how I much I don't like working on my Sarurdays?
**sigh**. Better get my butt in gear. Sooner I get in there, sooner I get out.
The most important thing right now is whether Jake was man enough to attend the Advocate festivities and accept the honor that they bestowed upon him. Worrying about that stupid God ugly picture is meanngless. If that is not the case this blog has lost its focus. Plain and simple. Sorry but I just feel this way right now. This is Oh My Godot which I thought was about waiting for Jake and Austin to come out. Is that important anymore? I know how important the Tile family is to others but we will never see that if Jake and Austin don't come out. Jake's behavior is horrible. He has lost practically all of his Gay fans and most likely he is happy about that. I question why I still care. I have to be honest we have a seperate entity on the blog. One is about Toothy and him coming out the other is about kids. If we dont focus on Jake coming out first and him having the courage to come out we will never see those kids if they do exsist.
The Urth Cafe is a pap magnet, so if that is where Jake was papped, then he went there knowing it might happen.
One theory on the locked photos, often photographers don't want their pictures released if they think they can sell them. These pictures of jake are not the usual ones, and the pap may be shopping them around. I know in the past IHJ has said that was a reason for not releasing photos. It could also be that the source of the photos is someone who does not want their photos posted on another site. Or they may want a fee for the photos to be used. It has to do with their copyright and the value of the photos. If they're seen everywhere, no one will buy them.
lol sure
Frankly, I did not think we would hear anything about Jake being at the Advocate 45th Anniversary celebration. If Jake or his people wanted this significant honor to be publicized they would have used their normal go-to sources to discuss the recognition beforehand, which they didn't. In fact, to be fair, there really wasn't a whole lot of publicity for any of the honorees. Even Adam Lambert who was in Sacramento on Wednesday, did not apparently attend and, in fact, I don't even remember him discussing the recognition of his 2009 inclusion. The whole event was actually pretty low key, prior to and even afterwards. I would like to think that Jake suddenly showing up in Los Angeles had something to do with the honor. The story at made it clear there was a private reception for the honorees so there certainly was an opportunity for Jake to have the best of both worlds.
There was not any private reception, to repeat it thousand times doesn't make it true.
Jake has been a coward ,simple truth.
Don't even get me started on the whole Soul Cycle "obsession". I'm convinced that's just another ruse to give authenticity to where he is. You never saw Jake go to a gym in LA the number of times he supposedly is tweeted going to workouts in NY. In fact, we never see him working out in LA at all except when he was going to workouts in preparation for End of Watch.
Not only that, but I think Jake gets compensated for product placement when it comes to stuff like this. He obviously is helping to sell Soul Cycle as a popular form of exercise for the "cool kids." With him not working, this is probably one of the ways in which he makes a buck or two. There's a Soul Cycle in W. Hollywood, but you didn't see him there this week at all. Like M&M says, you never see him work out when he's in LA like he supposedly does in NY. With his recent bad boy photos, maybe he can start selling ciggies to the kiddies. ***sarcasm intended***
who cares if there was or not - Jake wasn't there.
There was not any private reception, to repeat it thousand times doesn't make it true.
At least, I have included a valid source to back up my assertion. Whereas all you have is your personal, cynical opinion. Think I'll stick to my objective source as well as my own personal experience of how events like this are structured.
Please my source is The Advocate, Los Angeles Time, tons of tweets and photo and also the article that you quote , clearly refers to the official event of Thursday, we have besides tweet of an after party in the roof of the hotel after the ceremony. then where the time was for making another awarding?
who cares if there was or not - Jake wasn't there.
No idea to tell if Jake was there or not, but I agree that it is certainly possible that he was. Jake has attended official parties during awards seasons and bloggers over the years have commented about how Austin has been there too. Yet, you have no idea if he's there or not. Jake is protected by the whole PR machine that other celebrities are protected by. Even more so because he is in the closet. An organization like The Advocate is even more sensitive to this topic so I'm sure they took whatever steps were necessary to protect the privacy of attendees that didn't want to be identified.
Anonymous Maybe you said...
Please my source is The Advocate, Los Angeles Time, tons of tweets and photo and also the article that you quote , clearly refers to the official event of Thursday, we have besides tweet of an after party in the roof of the hotel after the ceremony. then where the time was for making another awarding?
You apparently want to ignore what M&M is saying just like you used to do on WFT2 with other posters who were trying to make a point. I have no doubt that you were one of the people who helped to ruin that site so I hope Special will remain vigilant with your argumentative nonsense over here. M&M did not state that there were not other parties or events going on that night. Just that there was ALSO a private reception for honorees. If you everything that goes on in Hollywood is public you are sadly mistaken.
Oops. Sentence correction
If you think that everything that goes on in Hollywood....
Obvious said...
who cares if there was or not - Jake wasn't there.
No idea to tell if Jake was there or not, but I agree that it is certainly possible that he was. Jake has attended official parties during awards seasons and bloggers over the years have commented about how Austin has been there
So you are telling me That The Advocate whose only reasons to be are the attainment of the equalization of the gay rights , the struggle against the homophobia and the hypocrisy, rewards and voluntarily covers a hypocritical gay in the closet, which doesn't even disturb him to mention the honor that has been done him or to witness to their party?
"me" likes to pretend that they don't understand certain things, but this troll understands very well. First WFT2, now OMG. BTW, "me" first appeared over at interesting.
You apparently want to ignore what M&M is saying just like you used to do on WFT2 with other posters who were trying to make a point. I have no doubt that you were one of the people who helped to ruin that site so I hope Special will remain vigilant with your argumentative nonsense over here. M&M did not state that there were not other parties or events going on that night. Just that there was ALSO a private reception for honorees. If you everything that goes on in Hollywood is public you are sadly mistaken
Stop with these BSs, what says M&M it is not the Gospel and we can read and to understand what it says a simple article without someone that interprets it for us.
PS, what does it make WFT so badly? the fact that is permitted to have different opinions and even to dare to express them?
This is Oh My Godot which I thought was about waiting for Jake and Austin to come out.
You would be wrong.
And I do believe you have been told this numerous times now by the blog administrator herself, of who this site was created by and is solely staffed by. And is the owner thereof.
Are you kidding me? Gays cover for other gays all the time. The gay community plays a critical role in allowing actors and other celebrities to continue with their public heterosexual pimping. want to be outed.
A thing is No one will out someone who doesn't, a completely different thing is to reward himt for his " help" to the cause of the gay rights . or at The Advocate are a group of activists masochists?
A thing is No one will out someone who doesn't, a completely different thing is to reward himt for his " help" to the cause of the gay rights . or at The Advocate are a group of activists masochists?
Who are you? I'm sorry but you make no sense at all. Crawl back under your rock.
What if the hokey pokey is what it's all about?
Very well said 1:01 PM if the Advocate caters to closet kings and queens they need to reevaluate why they exist. Why bother having a hall of fame. Apparantly just like Heaths Memorial Jake doesnt want ot be associated with this event. Pretty sad.
I bet both taken their spouses and maybe even their beautiful familes with them. Apparantly jake is ashamed of everything about his life.
wolf in sheep's clothing said...
"me" likes to pretend that they don't understand certain things, but this troll understands very well. First WFT2, now OMG. BTW, "me" first appeared over at interesting.
LOL! sure I am a dangerous wolf disguised as sheep, a sheep of BBM, rather no I am Jake, disguised as gorilla, and with the pocket full of cigarettes, rather even worseI'm Lea with blue hair and the whole rest lol.
but is it possible that the different opinions frighten you so much ?
Now, the troll is trying to pit old timers against one another.
Special: I hope you take care of this "poser". They are here to turn this site inside out.
Well, back from work. Boy, the whole crew was there, slaving away. Did I mention how much I detest working on my Saturdays?!!
Who are you? I'm sorry but you make no sense at all. Crawl back under your rock.
Oh darling the English will be very bad but the meaning is very clear, and not to underestimate my rock, because the sight is marvelous, from them under I can see the truth.
I bet both taken their spouses and maybe even their beautiful familes with them. Apparantly jake is ashamed of everything about his life.
Unfortunately, Jake is like too many other closeted cases, Tom. That's why all these pampered celebrities get a pass. The whole system protects them. If it were just about Jake, he would have been outed by now.
Now I have to pack up allllll my stuff and head on over, guess where? Guess where?
To watch Molly, Lucy, rotten little Jingles and Zak. We'll have a good time but man, it will be a tough time having the good time.
LOLLLLL. Does that make sense?
Nothing like a soggy chicken fajita salad for lunch either. Well, a couple of days ago it was really, really good.
But limp lettuce does nothing for me.
Cannot imagine what my several day old LJS shrimp and several day old fries are going to taste like.
And NOW THERE IS A WASP IN OUR WINDOW!!!! I just saw it now. Well, that's just great. How in the heck am I supposed to get that out?!!!
You have to open the window, right? Crap. Lookit that thing!!!!
I need M&M here to help me. She would know how to get rid of this thing. It's flying around with that stinger dangling around, dangling around. I think that's part of what makes wasps and hornets scarier just by looking at them.
It's that stinger. And knowing what that stinger is capable of doing.
I think we have some Raid in the cabinet. But how am I going to get it in the window.
And why do they fly like that? Kind of half-assed. Like they're under the influence.
I dunno but I've got to get that wasp out before I leave.
OMG will always be the place for me where I will wait for Jake to come out. We all have our reasons why we come here. That is mine. Jake needs to be blasted on his cowardly behavior again on this one. I dont see OMG going away. Relax. If all the other cowardly crap Jake has pulled off didnt this one wont either. But he needs to be calle out on it big time.
I was digging around in my stuff and I found a cool sheet on Lent. I know I was discussing the other day about fish and was fish meat or not?
I think Lent is one of my favorite times of the year. I'm supposed to be sacrificing by giving up meat on Fridays but it's kind of turned into a real enjoyment to go around eating salmon, fish & chips and whatnot.
I may have to come up with something else next year, should the good Lord seek to let me live another year on this earth.
But it's hard to believe this is the last week of Lent. Lent is 40 days, although my little sheet says you don't count Sundays.
April means I think we here in Kansas have really dodged the snow. I cannot believe we had one snow. ONE. That is it. And it wasn't even a shovel-er. No shoveling was necessary. I think it was gone by the next day.
I cannot believe we are going to get out of this winter scot free.
I do need to make one correction and that is that Wicked helped to create this blog OMG. I did not mean to miss that at all.
Wow coming back home after running the Spring Fair, and found quiet the mud puddle here. Think it is cleaned up now.
Has anyone watch the video of Austin? I wanted to see what people's impressions were.
Ben Margherita @benmargherita nyc
Jake Gyllenhaal at Soul Cycle today. Me to instructor: Excuse me, will that bike seat be auctioned off on ebay?
21 min ago
Jamie Lee Mulhare @jamieleemulhare
Jake Gyllenhaal just said hi to me... Life could be complete
Manhattan 1 H ago
David McCormack @dvdmccrmck
Eating about two tables away from Jake and Maggie Gyllenhaal (@ ABC Kitchen w/ 3 others) 6 min ago
ny 1 h ago
There would be no reason to hide the fact that Jake was at the Advocate event, if indeed he went. He was being honored for his role in BBM, not for any gay advocacy work.
I really doubt that a gay publication would agree not to say anything about his being there and simultaneously honoring him. Part of the reason for these events is to get publicity, and when you agree to accept an award, it just goes with the territory.
It's not like they were honoring him for being a gay man or something else that would out him.
I think Jake is still allergic to anything that might call attention to his being gay.
Just smells like the type of behavior Jake exhibited after heath died and he wanted no parts of it. Still not sure if Jake went to the event yet though. He used his friend Adam Levine to spank the Gay community through Advocate so you can bet he has no worries about shunning something that could benefit and thank the community that made him a star.
Tom, Jake not coming out should not get you upset. It's his life and your life is your life.
Talk about lecturing from last night. What was that rant you had at the beginning of this thread? Sure sounded like a lecturing rant to me. An I'm upset and pissed with Jake becaue (I think he may not have shown up at the Advocate event) lecturing Rant. Then chastising others for not making it a big deal like you want it Rant. That said.
Just as Destiny has said Tom, If Jake is acknowledged at this event, it would only be for his portrayal of a gay or, as some have said, a bi cowboy.
That's all! Not for Jake being Gay. Are you remotely aware of this
PG, what a coincidence. I was doing our hardwood floors and went back to go over a spot and there was a wasp walking around the floor. It looked ill, probably caught on my husbands yard shoe and carried in by accident. Hubby is not home so I had to get a very large peice of paper towel and carefully pick it up and carry it outside. Good for me that it was in shock or something and did not fight me in any way. Seems a bit early for bees, wasps etc but there he was.
I got distracted, m, because I was typing as I saw that wasp. Then I got distracted and you know what? I had to throw my stuff together to leave because I had to get over here to dogsit and I forgot all about that wasp!! So I texted my sister to warn her but I've not heard from her yet. Can't believe I up & left the apartment like that without remembering about that wasp.
Rock Chalk Jayhawk tonight!! Game starts in an hour and a half, I think. Or something like that. I hope Kansas wins!
It's already been a trial so far. I no sooner walked into the house and realized Jingles had gotten up somehow on to the dining room table. They had a big bag of Beneful and a small bag of Beneful. That was Zak's food. And Jingles ate what was left in the small bag. She also had a card & Lindt chocolate Easter chicks and Jingles had chewed the head off of two of them and the tail of one. But it doesn't really look like he ate them because the head was in another area of the table. There was paper all over, the chip clip holding the dog food bag closed, foil from the chocolate chicks on the floor, a ceramic Easter egg salt shaker on the wood floor. I can't believe it didn't break.
lol. Man. What a way to start. That doggone Jingles. He is something else. He is just very, very bad.
I did enjoy the video of Austin talking about directing. I think he does look like he is really into it and he just looks like it suits him. He looks like a studier (i.e. one who studies. Not one who is studly. LOLLLLLLL)
Well, better get moving. I'm supposed to put Zac in his room every time I leave with the baby gate up. He's only 2 years old and he's big. He has labrador in him and he is just all over the place.
Go Hawks!!!
Catching up on things now that I'm back from Florida. Went from 80s and sunny to a very cold, wet and windy 40s in NY, and since it was warm when I left all I had on when I returned was a hoodie and sandals, lol. Good thing I don't mind wearing sandals when it's cold.
Nice video of Austin talking about directing, sounds like he might enjoy it more than directing.
I find all of the photos of Jake in LA really unappealing. I guess there are people who find that wild, unkempt beard look with shabby clothes hot, but not me. Even though I know it isn't always true, I always think people who look like that look like they're not clean and probably don't smell so good.
I am sure Jake will be all spruced up and front stage and prouud for the Newman event. Good show for his phony heterosexuality. No BF or kids though. Shame when someone is ashamed of their family. Jake will never be proud of his family like Ricky Martin or NPH.
Tom you're being mean because you're mad. And for what? Some reason that's in your head?
You don't know if he has a family, you've just said it above, so what's the big deal.
Sounds a little immature to me.
Rubbish. Most out gays loathe closet cases.
Most media outlets and power structures in Hollywood keep actors and celebrities in the closet. They play the game. It has nothing to do with loathing closet cases or not. It has to do with money and garnering the support of mainstream audiences.
Jake's in the closet, no doubt about that. And, Tom has a right to his opinion. Jake's behavior has been disappointing over the years. Tom won't be the first or the last to call him out on his behavior.
I do think Jake has at least one child. That was an Ultrasound.
IMHO said...
Tom you're being mean because you're mad. And for what? Some reason that's in your head?
You don't know if he has a family, you've just said it above, so what's the big deal.
Sounds a little immature to me.
I normally dont deal with trolls or wack jobs but you are correct i a very angry. Very angry.
Guess what troll. We dont give a shit what you think either.
I usually ignore trolls but had to let that out. Back to normal now.
Thanks PG and Dest for you comments about the clip of Austin directing. Yes he really does love it. And being an introvert which is naturally an observer you can see how that would be a real benefit as a director.
Did anyone else notice how Austin's how the timbre of Austin's voice changed when he was talking about the first episode he directed?
It looks like Austin has vision for what he wants on screen and has the command and respect of the cast and crew to do so.
There would be no reason to hide the fact that Jake was at the Advocate event, if indeed he went. He was being honored for his role in BBM, not for any gay advocacy work.
One big reason might be Jake’s 4 ½ year history of distancing himself from anything gay-related and secondly because if you look at the list of celebrities acknowledged that night, Jake Gyllenhaal is the only one who has had a reputation for not only still being in the closet, but rumored to be a father as well. So I can certainly see why The Advocate would make a special accommodation to lure him to attend. Let’s not forget that Brokeback Mountain is still considered by many as perhaps the number one social and cultural breakthrough/landmark moment in America when it comes to advancing gay rights during the 21st century.
One thing I have to reexamine about myself is my expectations of Jake. I was ok for a while. After reeke I learned to expect nothing from Jake. Events got me off course this year. I should not expect things from people especially people who only exist as a fantasy to me like Jake. You can't feel let down or angry when they don't do things that you would like them to do. It just doesn't work that way. People live their lives the way they want.
Jake obviously did not want any PR from the Advocate honor. That should not have surprised me at all. He has chosen to live in the closet and that is where he will stay. He does not want people thinking he is Gay for career and financial reasons. The same can be said for Austin. That how I see it anyway.
I will continue to express my opinions here at OMG openly until SK decides to give me the boot. Trolls will be here all the time giving us a hard time. It is what they do. Again I need to step back and not expect things again. The changes I saw this year especially Jake and Austin spending time together got me excited. But reality seems to be nothing has changed and most likely won't for some time. I do enjoy and get excited seeing them together that feeling won't change.
@10:26 AM
Oh please you should write science fiction's novels.
It is 80 degrees right now and the AC is on in the house, was on in my car. That is just wrong.
Jingles is howling incessantly behind me as I just now got on the computer. I'm not sure what the deal is. He hates when I come in here but she doesn't have wireless so if I want to get on the internet, I have to come in here. If I'm working on my story, I do it in the dining room so that they're in there with me. But boy, if I come in here, Jingles just has a hissy hit. He's still howling & screeching. And I'm still ignoring. But boy, is it hard.
I don't have to have pictures from the Advocate 45th to know that Jake was there. I just have a very strong feeling that he was. He went to L.A. ahead of time, was able to see Austin and the kids were able to see their dad. I think he & Austin attended the event, Jake & the kids probably went back on Friday and we had sightings of Jake in NYC on Saturday.
He's been seen at ABC Kitchen enough now that it's not a surprising thing that he was tweet sighted there on Saturday. I give him credit for being seen out & about in NYC on Saturday.
I'm over & past the "smoking" pics. They were shocking to me but hardly earthquake rumbling. To me, they're just another sad revelation in what the closet has done to him.
Now it's time to see what will happen next. I myself have a lot of stuff going on these next couple of weeks. We had a huge software change that took place yesterday and this week is going to be the start of a new way of doing things for my department.
Change is so hard, you now that? It's scary, no matter what area in life it happens in. But I have tremendous workmates and most of us have worked together and been through a lot so we hang tough. There may be snapping and whatnot, but in the end, we know that it is because of the stress of the situation. Other kinds of business going on and I have just got to get some writing done. Plus dogsitting all week. I'm stressed already.
What in the heck? now = know. I know better than that. I hate type-os!!! Especially when I don't catch them. lol
Should be a great game Monday night PG. Good luck to your Jayhawks.
Thanks Tom. I hear Kentucky is a formidable foe. It's just nice to see KU in the big dance.
Thanks Tom. I hear Kentucky is a formidable foe. It's just nice to see KU in the big dance.
Damn just found out that that a very good friend of mines wife has a brain tumor and isn't going to make it. Sure puts things into proper prospective for me. I can't imagine what they are going through.
Jake Gyllenhaal is the only one who has had a reputation for not only still being in the closet, but rumored to be a father as well.
1. He is only rumored to be gay on gay blogs and some gay people. Sure some straight people think Jake is gay, but alot of straight people think alot of handsome HW male stars are gay. That's not a big stretch.
2. Jake is only rumored to have children by OMG regulars. Not a soul anywhere else discuss this in media, gossip or anywhere else. And if this WAS TRUE, the media and paps would have jumped on this and put it out throughout the world. Sorry! He is also only rumored to be (married) to AN by regulars at OMG. That's the truth! NO Where Else.
Sorry, TMZ takes no prisoners and you can be sure they have scrutinized, scan thru, and turned all the pages looking for evidence of this (children/husband) thing, and if it was true, it would be out there! Trust..
But for now, this reality only exist in OMG world.
Hey, believe what you want though.
It is terrible Tom, I wish to these people the whole good of this world.
makes you think Tom how insignificant Jake coming out and living his life the way (He) wants to and this advocate story really is, when you look at so many other very important and critical things going on in others lives and the world.
And, some here as we speak!
I'm so sorry about your friend's wife Tom.
He is only rumored to be gay on gay blogs and some gay people.
@TMZ spokesperson it also needs to say that bloggers don't agree on the matter.
I rarely post, but you would be surprised how many people think Jake is gay. Mostly because of his high profile bearding stunts which, ironically, actually convinced a lot of people that he was hiding his sexuality. Look back on the Reeke posts for those few years at all the different celebrity sites and you will see lots and lots of different posters stating that Jake is gay. Today you still see it. To try to bury the truth by stating that mostly only gay blogs believe he is gay or that straights think most good looking actors are gay is ludicrous. The older Jake gets the more obvious it becomes. TMZ is very aware Jake is gay and they have practially stopped covering him after their 2007 JFC trailer incident. The fact is Jake is behind the times. I'm in my thirties and I can tell you that most people my age could care less.
Austin needs to get a clue too because I was over my niece's house a few weeks back and she was watching OTH. She stated without any prompting from me that her favorite character was Julian. When I asked why, she said because he's so cute. She's fourteen and then stated like everyone knows, "He and Jake Gyllenhaal are supposed to be BFF's you know...with benefits. Isn't that cool?!"
2. Jake is only rumored to have children by OMG regulars.
Boy, that would be wrong. I heard about Toothy and his kid back in 2007 and read the articles on the Internet at the time. That's one reason I'm sure Jake went deeper into the closet. People were openly talking about it. I've watched him ever since and am convinced his gay and with kid(s). Heck, he hasn't worked for 7 months. That should be a clue along with hundreds of others that his life has changed completely over the past several years. He is no footloose bachelor. Whether he will come out or not I have no idea, but to say that only a few people have heard the rumors would be wrong.
Sure some straight people think Jake is gay, but alot of straight people think alot of handsome HW male stars are gay.
The problem with that argument is Jake is no longer handsome and people STILL think he's gay.
One more thing. I forgot to include Taylor Swift. That whole thing was just a disaster for Jake. So many people are aware of Swift's fake dating with gay guys that by Jake entangling himself with her, he bacame automatically gay by association. When you think about it, Jake is primarily responsible for many folks becoming savvy about his personal life.
Jersey Tom,
I am so Sorry about your friend's wife brain tumor...and of course you know the real deal about treatments...I will pray for her recovery.
And, Jake was at Heath's Memorial...I don't know why you don't know that but he was there...from my lips to God's ears cause it's the truth...yes he was there. That much I do know.
I can't debate the veracity of NYC's tweet's vs LA's pics...not enough energy and I don't care, not really. Life is just too dam*ed short for me to care. I do know that Jake is here and is tweeted about and that as a native NYer, I know we would not follow him into a Grocery store and snap him shopping. His mother is here and is alone for the first time in her life ina long time, and as a good son he will be near her as well...even with Maggie here.
I believe as does PG that Jake was at this function and other functions even if there are no photos.
Heath, whom I followed even until now, used to laugh at how much fun he and Jake had giving paps the both cities.
No, I don't believe Jake has kiddos with anyone. I enjoy Neil PH and David much to much, saving their pics as much as I can, I can't think Jake would besmirch parenthood by doing such a despicable thing. If he did ...I would not be his fan for long.
I know he couldn't do such a reprehensible thing to any child...absentee parents... are not parents...ask anyone...not in a real way that children need parents in their lives.
I have come over, to get virtual hugs, when I am afraid and sick and I thank God for all you've given me here, but I have to leave for a while. I'm still not well and all the anti-Jake stuff is way too much for me...I just want to let you know how much I've enjoyed thinking about those two but I also other couples...I enjoy NPH and David, a real couple, who love and live and are raising two beautiful children.
I refuse to get upset with anyone for their behavior...they alone are responsible for it and they alone will reap the rewards or detriments of such behavior.
Take care
Tom so sorry to hear about your friends wife. Sending good thoughts and prayers and hoping that the time they have left together will be both joy and comfort to each of them in their own way.
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