Friday, February 28, 2014

Teal it like it is

You wouldn't know it from his twitter but Thursday Austin was at Hollywood Heals: Spotlight On Tourette Syndrome at The Conga Room at L.A. Live.

 He might not have worked the tweets for self promotion, but he did work the teal carpet.

Looking sharp in a well tailored suit (Jake must be rubbing off on you) Austin did look a little tired.

Some long road trippin'?

And check out that hair.  After all those years of "Oops I straightened my hair," the curl has returned.

Now that makes a happy Austin Friday.

And that Austy found his Donovan Brothers there too.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Rule Breaker

Jake recently sat down for an interview for No. 7 Hollywood Issue of Man of the World magazine.

 In the interview he talks about balancing the personal and professional life.

"It's taken me a long time in my career to realize that you can't be good at everything. You sometimes have to give something up. There are limits."
Is that one reason his work scheduled isn't as busy as it seems? Could it be that there is something more important that Jake wants to make sure he's being his best?

Again he talks about the movie business and personal life.

 "The movie business is largely just stuffing actors in this place, and this place and this place."But it's time in your life that you can't have back."

Kind of sounds like he doesn't want to miss those special moments. Sounds like what happens not making movies is way more important. Not what  most single unattached 30 something men would say. Most would be focused on work. Oops sorry he's not unattached - cause you there's models not to be seen with. Wait - uhh yeah funny he's worked more day since being "attached" but when on a break Jake was no where to be seen.  Hmmm...funny that.

 "I do care about the stories people want to tell. But then I want to get back to my honest self for the directors I work with."

In the pictures for the issue, Jake is shown with showing off what's on his chain. And usually you don't wear your own ring on your own chain. Especially when it's bigger than any of your fingers.  Is that part of getting back to his honest self?

Jake goes on to speak about many of the roles he's played.

"Many of the movies I've loved the most have had similar processes about rules being broken and bent. "I love that."

Will he be a rule breaker off screen now?

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

On Big Rock Digital Mountain

OMG wondered when the first pictures of Jake actually filming Everest and the answer came pretty quick with a set of picture of Jake filming.

We kidded about bringing on the green screen and whoop! there it is in all of it's green glory.

While the backdrop, rocks and snow are faux, Jake's tresses are not.  Check out those long locks.  Guess he wasn't a fan of the extensions from PoP and went for the real thing.

It is a bit ironic that the Michelin stars for fine dining were announced the day before. With Jake's love of great food and that snow suit he would have made the perfect spokesman. (All kidding aside - that color was picked especially for Jake - without a doubt. Just picture how that blue is going to bring out his eyes in a backdrop of all that snow. Even more important because that will one of the very few parts of Jake that won't always be covered up.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

It's Awarding

While Jake is busy in Rome a bit of news for Jake's recent work.

Prisoners was nominated for the monthly British film magazine Empire's Jameson Empire Magazine Award.

Prisoner is nominated for Best Thriller  along with Captain Phillips, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire,Now You See Me and Trance.

You can vote for this and other film catagories at Empire Magazine's site.

But it just wasn't Prisoners getting some recognition, Jake's performance in Enemy has too.

Jake was nominated for Outstanding Male Lead Actor at the Canadian Screen Awards for his role in his and Denis' other collaboration.   The awards will be presented on March 9th at 8pm EDT.

 Speaking of Enemy - while is already available to watch on pay-per-view, the movie will be premiering in theater in March. And with any movie coming to theaters there has to be trailers. This is the Red Band (read probably NSFW) teaser trailer.

Monday, February 24, 2014

All roads lead to Rome

Jake has been found and it looks like it movie magic time

Jake was photographed today in Rome out for dinner a stroll and bit of tour at local church.

The Church of St. Louis of the French (Italian: San Luigi dei Francesi, French: Saint Louis des Français, Latin: S. Ludovici Francorum de Urbe) is a Roman Catholic church in Rome, not far from Piazza Navona. The church is dedicated to the Virgin Mary, to St. Denis the Areopagite and St. Louis IX, king of France. The church was designed by Giacomo della Porta and built by Domenico Fontana between 1518 and 1589, and completed through the personal intervention of Catherine de' Medici, who donated to it some property in the area. It is the national church in Rome of France.

The church's most famous item is the cycle of paintings in the Contarelli Chapel, painted by the Baroque master Caravaggio in 1599-1600 about the life of St. Matthew. This include the three world-renowned canvases of The Calling of St Matthew, The Inspiration of Saint Matthew, The Martyrdom of Saint Matthew.

But that might not be only church he saw today.  A tweet of Jake from inside San Pietro (St. Peter's) appeared this afternoon too.

Everest is set to start filming on set in Rome for part of the movie before moving on to Pinewood Studios in England.

From the looks of him, Jake looks like he is ready to be captive on the side of a mountain, but he does get some points for carrying an actual book to read. (#booklove)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Out Spotlight

Today's Out Spotlight is one of the most popular composers in history. He is a beloved treasure of his home country of Russia. His best-known works include the ballets "Swan Lake," "The Sleeping Beauty," and "The Nutcracker";  the operas "The Queen of Spades" and "Eugene Onegin"; and the widely recognized Fantasy Overture “Romeo and Juliet" and "1812 Overture."  Today's Out Spotlight is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in Votinsk, Russia, a small industrial town on May 7, 1840 . His father was a mine inspector. His mother, who was of French and Russian heritage, strongly influenced his education and cultural upbringing.
At age 5, Tchaikovsky began piano lessons. His parents nurtured his musical talents, but had a different career path in mind for their son. In 1850, the family enrolled him at the Imperial School of Jurisprudence in St. Petersburg, where he prepared for a job in civil service.

After working in government for a few years, Tchaikovsky pursued his passion at the St. Petersburg Conservatory. After graduation, he taught music theory at the Moscow Conservatory and worked on new compositions. Tchaikovsky created concertos, symphonies, ballets, chamber music, and concert and theatrical pieces. His passionate, emotional compositions represented a departure from traditional Russian music, and his work became popular with Western audiences.

Despite his career success, Tchaikovsky’s personal life was filled with crises and bouts of depression.Attract to men he After receiving letters of admiration from a former student, Tchaikovsky married her. Historians speculate the marriage took place to dispel rumors that Tchaikovsky was gay. The marriage was a disaster and Tchaikovsky left his wife after nine days.

 Tchaikovsky's marital debacle may have forced him to face the full truth about his sexuality. He never blamed Antonina for the failure of their marriage and he apparently never again considered matrimony or considered himself capable of loving women in the same manner as other men. He admitted to his brother Anatoly that there was "nothing more futile than wanting to be anything other than what I am by nature."[ Also, though Tchaikovsky would confess it only in periods of deep depression, the episode left him with a deep sense of shame and guilt and an apprehension that Antonina might fully realize and publicize his sexual orientation.

Tchaikovsky had clear homosexual tendencies; some of the composer's closest relationships were with men. He sought out the company of other same-sex attracted men in his circle for extended periods, "associating openly and establishing professional connections with them." Relevant portions of his brother Modest's autobiography, where he tells of the composer's sexual orientation, have been published, as have letters previously suppressed by Soviet censors in which Tchaikovsky openly writes of it.

Tchaikovsky began an unconventional relationship with a wealthy widow, Nadezhda von Mek, who agreed to be his benefactor on one condition: they were never to meet face to face. The couple exchanged more than 1,000 letters, until von Mek abruptly ended their 13-year liaison.

The famed composer died suddenly at age 53. The cause of his death, believed by some to be suicide, remains a mystery.

 "Music’s triumphant power lies in the fact that it reveals to us beauties we find in no other sphere." 

Caution the cannons are loud and my cause dogs to park. 


Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Daily Grind

Since Jake's whereabouts seem to be everywhere these day -  Gulf Coast? New York? Texas? California? Europe? (Maybe) Nepal? (Not a chance)  - the fella needs a map to keep it all straight (ahem)

While there are no kale spot maps out yet - there is a coffee map of NYC that could help Jake remember where he is when they are trying to tweet, pap and print him being somewhere in the city.

 The map with the best places for coffee in Gotham comes with all the subway lines - so they can get the straight story - oops story straight.

Oh don't worry Jake there's an app for it.  Just don't confuse it with Grinder or you will give your team a stroke.

Now if there was an app to tell you where the fauxs go  so you could make sure you don't have to deal with them.  Wait - you might already have that.

Olympics for ALL Moment:

Norway has a perfect response to Russia’s anti-gay propaganda law. XXL All Sports United, a Norwegian sporting apparel retailer, released an ad that shows its support for LGBT people at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

The new commercial titled “Airport Love” was created with the message in mind that sports is for everyone.

Friday, February 21, 2014


 February vacation is winding up for most of New England and this weekend all those who escaped the cold will be heading home.

And since Austin wants it to seem like he's on a extended holiday  it was a must to channel back to Austin playing a high school kid on break - it has to be Holiday in the Sun in all of it's Olsen-ness

They should have just named his character Gulliver.

 Who knew then Megan would go for guy by the name of Austin.

Wonder if Austin still takes his scooter for spins in LA? 

And in honor of your best line of the movie Austy - "Check the rear I think we've got company"  we leave you with this.

Olympics for ALL Moment:

"In response to Russia's law banning "gay propaganda," members of a New York City-based running club are using their daily miles to show their support for members of Russia's lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community.

Members of Front Runners New York, a LGBT running club, initially set out to collectively run 4,664 miles - the distance between New York City and Moscow - during the 30-day span leading up to the Sochi Winter Olympic Games' closing ceremony. As word spread through social media, and non-club members showed interested in showing their support, the group decided to open up the initiative to the public.
As of Wednesday afternoon, 202 runners - 127 club members and 75 allies - had logged 8,298 miles, already enough to cover the distance to Moscow and make it most of the way back to New York. Club members have adjusted their goal and now seek to have as many supporters as possible log as many miles as they can on the club's web site by February 23."