The Sun shines in London and Jake has too. Look over the pics from paparazzi over the years, Jake has had some fun. Interestingly that most of the snaps are from ages ago, and few over the past couple of years. Yeah they caught him outside of Nobu last year, looking quite nice in his cashmere and jeans definitely enjoying his evening out. And a couple of times at Heathrow, but even doing the red carpet at the BAFTA's two years in a row, assumption is that the paps haven't pursue him around town while he was here. Most pics came on his frequent visits with or to see Keirstan back in '03 and from the looks of it enjoying it. Now not so much. Could we call the phenomenon the R Factor?

Maybe all he needs is a little Vitamin A.
Vitamin A. Good one.
Is that a manbag? Reese would never put up with that.
Looks like Steph has added a few more pix from Reeke's dinner at Scott's. Scott's must be a real pap hangout. No way they didn't know that. Reeke wanted to be seen dining with Bruckheimer.
Picture of Reeke's love nest
London or anybody thereabouts, do you guys know where this is?
Guess this is her brave face.
London Fog
Maybe the Love nest is where Austin is staying!
Who would you want to share the nest with the chick or the Goose?
Would rather have a gander at the Goose, I must admit. ; )
I Mother him inthe morning and get Wild at night.
ok sometimes I sMother him in the morning but the good kind.
oops was me^^
got too excited
And a shot of Vitamin A to get Jake through the day.
Vitamin A in the form of a long, tall Texan!
Sweet post :) I trust the Vitamin A is readily available :)
Empty nest, it looks like a lot of the housing stock in London - west, central and north particularly. It's not over-glamorous but it couldn't be for £1.9 million.
Rx for T.Tile
Vitamin A
po prn
R qd hs
Love today's song.
"I'm not waiting on a lady, I'm just waiting on a friend"
^^Speaking of which, M, are you around? I've been reading Maurice and I've gotten to a few areas that depart from the film.
Jack, I swear . . . one of the most beautful pieces of literature I have ever read. The relationship between C&M is very profound. :)
I don't think Paul was making Jake laugh on the set, I think it was Austin that made him grin like that. It looks like Paul was even amused at what was going on.
I agree with Hunter - Reese would never let him accessorize like he did with Kiki.
The Duffer St. George hat is a go to for London, he had in 03 and 07, that kind of amuses me. Wonder if we will see it, or will Jake continue doing his impression of a Sleestack.
And I love the riding bike in London pictures the kid in him just comes out.
All I can say is that Reese DOES
NOT look happy in these photos!
I wish Jake the best in his personal life and career! For
myself, I am mostly going to keep
up with Austin's career from now
on! What a shame it is when people
just cannot be honest! That is just my opinion! I hope everyone
has a good summer and take care of
And I love the riding bike in London pictures the kid in him just comes out.
G*d, I hope we see this again soon, and not the furrowed brow seriousness of late. Look how relaxed and happy he is in all of these pics. Maturity doesn't mean no more fun. :)
Reese is the queen of furrowed brow.
Paul called Austin "dear Austin", and Austin said Paul was a great drinking buddy :) I bet they all had fun that hot summer.
It's so funny that you put up this post today because I was just thinking yesterday about how Jake was hanging out in London while Kiki and Austin were in London for the summer to film Wimbledon and now here we are five years later with Jake working in London with Reese and possibly Austin in tow. Sort of like some twisted version of Ground Hog's Day.
Michelle Williams planning a Heath Ledger film for daughter Matilda.
People on DL just said goodbye to Jake as a DL golden boy. They've finally admitted he's straight.
Oh, please!
The only people on DL that believe Jake is straight are the Babblers that spend hours and hours and hours trolling there attempting to counter each comment with evidence of Reeke by quoting/linking US Weekly, Hello, Star and every other tabloid.
The the DL regulars call their delusional bullshit for what it's worth.
That being said, I don't recall Datalouge being hailedas a definitive authority on anything except pointless bitchery.
The only place on the web that Jake is thought of as completely straight are the Reese ass kissing sites.
"People on DL just said goodbye to Jake as a DL golden boy. They've finally admitted he's straight."
Isn't it interesting that this pronouncement takes place one day after Reese moved into a hotel with her kids? Hmm, what a coincidence....
He's not a golden boy any more not because he's straight (which he isn't) but because he's not golden any more.
Why does the DL's opinion carry any weight?
Watching The Insider as I am catching up on things online. (ok, deduct cool points I know). They had a interview with someone form OK magazine about couples and yes our London's newest sensation was mention. "they are a perfect couple, he's scruffy and she's casual" Huh. That's what Monday was?
But I ask you guys what would you call them?
Frick and Frack? Mutt and Jeff? ;)
Itchy & Scratchy?
Pissed & Vinegar?
Miss Kitty & Festus? Nah, that's too harsh on Jake, I couldn't do that.
dressing said, lol!!
The Princess and the Fleabag.
ok, no one said I'd have to keep another browser window open at all times with OMG so I could have a Merriam Webster handy to look up slang like unfortch. I'm slow that way. ha! fleabag, that's good
the Lady and the Clamp.
Baby Jane & Blanche?
Hell & Elle
Hoods & Woods
Monster Mash & June Carter Cash
Vanity Fair & Vanity Bear
Legally Blah
Bendover & Steamroller
%(*&%#@!$% & Goshdarnit
Friendgirl & Girlfriend
goose's wild, you are on a roll! those were excellent. bendover & steamroller! rofl!
Weird Jake mention on Ted-
Little Levi will prolly grow up to be an accountant or some other uptight, pencil-pushing nine-to-fiver, just to piss off his hippie dad. Kids love rules, so we hear, and we doubt daddy Matty’s got it in him to be a hard-nosed father figure who can discipline at will. Maybe he can call over uncle Jake Gyllenhaal to lay down the law when sonny boy destroys all of pop’s surfboards?
could go on but got to go.
bye goose's wild
thanks prarie girl!
1 more.
Southern Charm & LivesInaBarn
Avon ad video with Reese for Mistake Proof Mascara
Guess they didn't hear about her buying cosmetics in that London store. Here's the best part of the vid- when they show her putting on the mascara, a disclaimer comes on that says, "Filmed with lash inserts. Enhanced in post production." Is there anything real about this chick?
About what Ted said:
You wonder if Jake laid down the law with Matt the summer of the three Amigos.
laid down on the lawn with Matt?
Gotta say there's been nothing more irritating then getting my Avon book every 2 weeks and finding Ms R in it. Especially the one where she was on the cover and then a katrillion pages inside. I am not ashamed to admit that I ripped that cover off and about the next 3 pages after that. Then the back page fell off and I had to loan the book to a co-worker so she could give it to her mom to look at. Then I had to explain to my co-worker why I had ripped my Avon book to oblivion.
oh my dog, asstro turf! geez, that one was a guffaw-er and a real table-slapper
"Maybe he can call over uncle Jake Gyllenhaal to lay down the law when sonny boy destroys all of pop’s surfboards?"
remember ted [or maybe it was ent lawyer] said tt was upset a pal was telling everyone about his gayness and that tt confronted him and doesnt spend time with this pal anymore?
todays ted could be a clue to how tt 'laid down the law' and to which pal.
Really good point.
how ted words "destroys all of pop’s surfboards" is interesting too. not dad - pop. as in PoP. and surfboards/storyboards. wonder if matts loose lips was the start of reeke defense in the war for winning PoP.
Could surfboards also be a hint at JFC?
The best part of OMG is that with all these heads together, no clue goes unobserved. I would never have made all those Ted connections on my own.
My weekly reader, yes, the reason given for C's going with a woman was a big departure, and totally unbelievable to me. I still loved the book though.
PINB has some pics of TR Knight and his boyfriend Mark today. They are holding hands and both wearing beaming smiles similar to Lakers1. If Reeke went around looking like that, I'd say more power to them, even if it meant Jake remained closeted. But I cant stand how unhappy and miserable Jake looks. Even when he was with Kiki, he looked happy, and she was always smiling at him. They at least had fun.
I wonder when Jake sees pictures of himself, if he notices the changes in his appearance and demenor. Before Reeke, he always looked relaxed, laid back and smiled all the time. Since Reeke, he always looks stressed, he tries the hiding the face thing and he always looks like he's forcing a smile. I miss the old Jake, I wonder if he does too.
'Maturity doesn't mean no more fun.'
i keep comiing back cos i love this song.
yea ted said tt was tearful. pal thought talking about tt being gay was no biggie. could be lance a cos he's a hw newbie but lance seems like more mature than to yap. matts been in hw longer + knows the rules [maybe] but hes a yapper and a redneck so i go with matt on being the pal.
'course, the pal could be austin and the gray goose could be ol silver fox james schamus.
I wonder, myself. There used to be countless pictures of him smiling at/in view of the camera (no, not all the time, but alot of the time) and I don't mean a Queen Elizabeth-starched-wave-of-the-hand kind of smile, but the kind that reached up into his eyes. Maybe part of it was his age, after all, when you're only 25, you've got your whole life ahead of you. But it also has to do with where your life is at that time & how happy you are with the way things are going.
I wonder what we're in store for next? Are there Starbucks in London, londontb? State parks to walk in?
Gonna close my urban/slang/Merriam dictionary window and hit the hay. Everyone have a good night and a good day @ work tomorrow!
Prarie Girl, lmao at the story about the Avon book! And Goose's Wild I enjoyed your nicknames.
Good catch on Ted and Pop. And funny how he seems to like to mention Jake when he talks about MM and babies.
Matthew McC knows hollywood rules but he also likes to knock back the liquor. I bet he is a talkative drunk.
Wow. the levels of cognitive dissonance on display here are astronomical!
So Jake and Reese appear all the time in Us Weekly and other gossip mags...but no-one is interested in them and they have to call the paps themselves.
Reese is a queen of PR, yet she hooks up with a gay man who is currently in a super-domesticated relationship with his boyfriend?
Reese and her PR call the paps so that they can get pictures showing what a happy couple she and Jake are, and then they make sure to look scruffy and unhappy when their pictures are taken.
You do realise that all of your theories totally contradict each other, right? I mean, you can't NOT realise this. Look, I'm sure the "DO NOT FEED THE TROLL" distraction post will arrive shortly, followed by a few posts asking why babblers keep coming here, thus allowing everyone to safely ignore the actual point of this post and the questions it poses, but I'm going to post it anyway
'but I'm going to post it anyway'
*rolls eyes*
Before we both get deleted let me just say that you know you're over simplifying the situation. The average tabloid reader would not be interested in Reese unless she was in a realtionship, therefore she gets in one with the only hot young actor available to her. She orchestrates her PR. She attempts to look fun SHOPPING! like a great mother MUSEUMS! and like Jennifer Aniston or Angelina ATTACKED BY PAPS WHILST WITH HOT YOUNG LOVER DAMMIT THESE PAPS RUIN EVERYTHING!
Your comment which I'm sure you think is totally logical and super smart is neither.
Happy Jake at 25, morose at 50. what he's only 30? nnnnnnno he's 28. maybe. boy doesn't know he has it good at this age. bet heath wishes he could have jakes worst day right now.
Do you have magazine sales figures to back up your first point? With gossip rags, which come out weekly, it's hit or miss. Some covers are big sellers, others are duds. And of course subscribers have no choice about what hits their mailbox. And if it's a slow week, why not go with a story that keeps you in the good graces of pr.
Two, not all women want to jump into a relationship if they're recently divorced and have kids to worry about. And Reese didn't want to be seen as the next Jennifer Aniston. What better way to overcome those two problems than with a gay man.
Three, the best laid plans can go awry for a variety of reasons. At least we recognize they both looked miserable that night. Talk about cognitive dissonance, the babblers won't even acknowledge that.
10:57, wow - I guess, everyone's a troll but you? How many trolls are there, would you say?
Based on the babblers, who find Reese beautiful no matter how horrid she looks, the two madly in love no matter how miserable they look, I'd say there are about 10-15trolls who roam the web posting on everyone elses site. At least we are polite and stay on OMG or WFT2.
I read an article recently about the editor of one of the rags. Cant recall her name but she is the one who likes reese. She increased her rags cirulation by 6 times by appealing to the teenybopper set. The stories are geared to that audience group. Explains a lot.
Here's the best part of the vid- when they show her putting on the mascara, a disclaimer comes on that says, "Filmed with lash inserts. Enhanced in post production." Is there anything real about this chick?
Thanks yawn for saying it better than I ever could - and prairie girl and goose's wild for the laughs - Vanity Fair and Vanity Bear have to be my winner :)
Prairie girl there are Starbucks galore (though they're beginning to retrench) and a lot of very beautiful parks - but hey, why give them ideas :)
Reeke at Eurostar terminal
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