Anarchy, chaos, terror - a transformation into darkness is what flickers across the screen when watching Heath in his lastest and maybe his greatest role. Talk has been his role is a Oscar contender, and the first time in 30 years that an Oscar could be presented posthumously.
Intense, twisted, maniacal. Demented, crazed, funny, unpredictable a powder keg in a turned out suit. The meltdown of morals and order dressed up for society. Creating more fear than any villian has ever on screen. Heath said he found inspiration in Sid Vicious and the clown-faced thugs of A Clockwork Orange; their roots based in anarchy. That disregard for everything and all things without any remorse is what creates the terror, that there is nothing holding them back or tying them down.
Heath performance was that there was no holding back there was only all out and everything he had and more. He gave it all. He was a star on the rise, projecting higher and higher and his death and this last role as the Joker has taken him beyond that and into mythical proportions.
The irony is that Heath is feted for the most menacing and violent role of his career in contrast of the gentleness of the actor who portrayed him. But what greater compliment as an actor.
But the greatest irony is that some one so young and full of life is no longer here.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Tour de Force
Posted by
Special K
7:27 AM
Labels: Heath, Joker, TDK, The Dark Knight
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I have read that Heath also channels a same Brando in his performance. That makes sense - the rebel, the outsider, against authority of the young Brando, the boss mentality of the Godfather, and the insanity of Apocalypse Now.
Who's gonna see TDK this weekend?
Anybody gonna see it in IMAX?
Irony is.. noone cares about Batman. It shoulda been called The Joker.
Too crowded to see it this w/e. Prolly will see it next week on a weekday.
This is from and great description of Heath's Joker.
Heath Ledger's mesmerizing, scary-funny performance begins with the creepiness of his image: the greasy long hair, the makeup that looks as if he'd drawn it on with crayons, then messed it with tears. That ghostly rotting paint job covers his scarred smile (explained by a backstory that gives you the willies, even if he just made it up), and the disturbing thing is that when Ledger's Joker talks, with those ''Ehhh, what's up, Doc?'' vowels that make him sound like Al Franken crossed with a nerdish pedophile, you realize that the icky sloshing sound you hear is him sucking on his cheeks; he uses his attachment to those scars to fuel his sadistic (and masochistic) whims. This Joker may be a torture freak, but he also has a lost quality, a melancholy hidden within those black-circled eyes. He turns slaughter into a punchline; he's a homicidal comedian with an audience of one — himself.
Friday, 11:40 AM. That's when I will be seeing The Dark Knight. I am one of the 38% who is taking off work to see the movie. I go to maybe 2 -3 movies in a real theatre per year normally, seeing most on DVD, but I had to see this one first thing and on the big screen. I know I will see it more than once. Will do the IMAX version the next week. My husband has been great, getting into the mood as well. We rewatched Batman Begins last Friday and all the DVD extras the next day. Can't wait, can't wait.
Good morning, Special & Wicked!!!What're you all doing up so early?
I was downloading and then uploading today's song. Our song today is from TDK soundtrack, which was not available for download until this morning. Usually I set up the song the night before, but couldn't in this case.
Who's gonna see TDK this weekend?
Tom, the Mrs., and I will be going to the big screen theater in DC to see it on Sat. We're going to the 3:30 show, so I think we'll have to get there around noon (seriously!) to get in line.
Noon on Friday?
Good morning, Special & Wicked!!!What're you all doing up so early?
Never did answer that did I. While I have a head full of ideas always for posts, I wait until the morning when my head is full of ideas and less of the clutter from everyday stuff and write on the fly as it were.
Alot of people will be unable to work on Friday due to getting food poisening from something they ate on Thursday.
Alot of grandmothers will be dying on Friday.
write on the fly as it were
quite obvious. It might not be a bad idea if you could read what you write before publishing it...
This post makes me feel very sad. :-(
I had thought about waiting to see it when the crowds die down, but I think I'm going to catch an early show Sunday. And IMAX for sure.
Tom, the Mrs., and I will be going to the big screen theater in DC to see it on Sat.
I've already called the paps to confirm.
greatly overinflated. The true irony is that noone in HW gave a shit about the way Heath felt when he was alive. But everyone is making bid deals about him now remembering how 'wonderful' he was etc... because ultimately that will translate in big bucks for this movies. They might even give him a oscar. Still, his most memorable performance is and will remains Ennis.
Hi guys,
I have very mixed feelings too - I've already gotten my tickets for Sun., and IMAX theater too. But I can't read this post, can't read anything about TDK just yet. I can't seem to get involved in all of the promotion for some reason. I never read reviews anyway, before a film. I'll wait until after I see it.
those babblers are quite obvious. It might not be a bad idea if they could stay in their own blog!
Fireworks picture on Mr. Paparazzi
While rumours circulated that Jake Gyllenhaal might put in an appearance at the world premiere of The Dark Knight in New York we spotted the Brokeback Mountain star with his long term girlfriend Reese Witherspoon in Paris….
Following a meal at André Allard the loved up duo along with Reese’s daughter Ava Elizabeth headed to the Eiffel Tower to watch fireworks to mark July 14th. Looking every inch the happy family Jake put 8-year-old Ava on his shoulders so she didn’t miss the display. Aw, happy families, they makes us feel all warm and mushy inside and by warm and mushy what we actually mean is uncomfortable and curious. Clearly some tomfoolery is a foot.
Another Reese picture again on Not gonna link it. Why bother. Just her shopping by herself. Doesn't she have kids and a boyfriend? Wait, that takes the attention off her, can't have that.
I think im going to wait until next weekend to see it - definately at IMAX. Im not really into the Batman films but I want to see Heaths performance.
jake lunch story was done knowing evryone would read it. gut feeling not in it; jake is omg not babble.
I haven't read it yet, don't know if I will.
"During the meeting with Jake, Ted and Lisa, she asks him to autograph her favorite picture. It's of Jake and Heath, laughing, looking at each other with huge smiles. Jake related the story that they shot 4 scenes that evening. One being the one with all the meat hanging from the elk. They broke up laughing all night thinking about the homo-erotic image conveyed by the large display of meat, including that moment caught on camera. I really liked learning what was behind the photo."
Rotten Tomatoes reviews of TDK
Heath as the Joker as a nurse is just freaky.
I guess it's enough for me to know that Jake did care about Heath; so I don't need to slog through 70 pages of anecdote for proof. I'll take them at their word, and I don't know if I'll read the lunch story, just yet, anyway. Maybe someday, if it stays posted.
The lunch story is 70 pages? Is that a joke?
I'm not sure, I could be wrong, that's what I heard. Maybe I got it wrong.
OT: But had to share -
All those Buffy, Angel, Firefly, other member of the Whedonverse and Neil Patrick Harris fans
Check out Whedon's Dr. Horrible. Only up until Sunday, so if you can get through watch this online musical. Good luck trying to get through it's jammed up with traffic.
What's it about?
The first installment of Joss Whedon's low-budget online video Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog just went up, and it's as thoroughly charming as we hoped! The musical series follows Dr. Horrible, a low-level costumed villain, as he attempts to win entry into the Evil League of Evil, defeat Captain Hammer, and win the love of that cute girl at the laundromat — video-blogging all the while.
Act One introduces Neil Patrick Harris as Dr. Horrible, who's not your typical super-villain: He's a little bit nerdy, extremely shy, and not yet all that good at what he does. But over the course of Act One's thirteen minutes, he'll finally talk to that girl and face off with his nemesis, Captain Hammer ("He dislocated my shoulder last week. Again," grumps Dr. Horrible about the conceited hero played by Nathan Fillion). The series freely borrows from any number of revisionist superhero comedies, from The Venture Bros. to Austin Grossman's Soon I Will Be Invincible, but its winning performances and snappy dialogue mark it as a Whedon production through and through. Though it has better production values than your typical Web video, it still looks pleasantly cheesy. And the songs are just as cute — and as half-baked — as you'd expect from the guy who wrote the Buffy musical episode.
Of special note: The very funny Simon Helberg as Dr. Horrible's roommate, Moist, who, when Dr. Horrible launches his evil plan, helpfully asks, "Ya need anything dampened? Or made soggy?" The series runs all week and disappears on Sunday night." --New York Magazine
Are celebs usually papped @ the Bastille Day fireworks?
MK found out about the Star article and naturally couldn't let it go by without a post on Dlisted. First time I've laughed today. And yes, it's deliciously mean, but Reeke deserves the best.
from dlisted-
When Jakey Poo moved into Reese Witherspoon's house, she immediately gave him a few ground rules. She told him that he couldn't have any boys after midnight, he has to wash his ass dildos after every use and he can only blast ABBA on Saturday afternoons.
Reese is the HBIC
Massachusetts Senate votes to allow out of state gay couples to marry
The Senate repealed a 1913 law that prohibited out of state couples marriage licenses if they couldn't legally wed in their home state.
The MA House of Representatives is expected to vote later this week.
Boston Globe
I'm only going to make one comment today (promise)..but, looking at that x17 video and the nanny having to sit in the boot, isn't that highly illegal, as well as being extremely danerous. I thought that seat belts were mandatory throughout Europe.
If its not illegal, its definately shows a shocking disregard for not only the health and safety of an employee, but also a complete lack of respect for that person's dignity.
Now I could say that I wouldn't expect anything better from Reese, but actually I would, I would definately hope both Reese and Jake would show the class to treat people working for them more respect.
There ends today's sermon.
Lisa1, stay away from Ms. Gyllenhaal, at least it's not her brother staring too hard at Christian Bale.
Posted by: Dorkus | July 15, 2008 9:28 AM
Jake Gyllenhaal only has eyes for Austin Nichols. (and maybe Lance Armstrong).
Posted by: xenda | July 15, 2008 9:38 AM
From WaPo Celebritology blog
Came into my Google Alerts. :)
yea the jake lunch story is 70 pages long. whats wierd is jake talks about heath is present tense 'we are good friends' not like he died 3 mos before.
'the nanny having to sit in the boot'
esp when the vid shows 2 people [reeke] taking up the 3-person back seat.
like when atticus was in the back of reeses suv at the parks. everyone i know uses dog seats/carrier/belts. reese throws the dogs and the nanny in the cargo area. even the paps in the vid were disgusted when they saw the nanny crouching in the boot.
i wonder how much the nanny gets paid. she's a new one from the one at halloween. working for reese prolly isnt that great.
london tb & meg, how many celebs are papped wacthing fireworks on Bastille Day? how many celebs even go to Paris on BD?
btw meg i love your posts. dont give us only 1.
is there a link for the Jake lunch story (the 70 pages!)??
many thanks.
I haven't read the Jake lunch story, but remember, this day was auctioned off. So, Jake and his PR new that whomever won this would be a huge Jake fan and would blog on the internet to anyone who would listen about what Jake said and did that day. Therefore, I would think it's safe to say that Jake was well rehearsed and new exactly what he would and would not say.
At the very least, I would think they would have to sign releases, agreements about what they could and couldn't discuss, etc. I don't think it's as simple as it all appears.
ITA, however, I'd bet a million dollars that Jake knew that Heath would come up and knew exactly what he was going to say and how he was going to say it. Same thing goes for any Reeke or gay questions if they came up.
Very funny Google Alerts Wicked.
Maybe read the lunch thing before throwing your two cents in on it.
the guy who wrote it is very happy.
^^^ Spill it out!
zoom zoom
I haven't read the Jake lunch story, but remember, this day was auctioned off. So, Jake and his PR new that whomever won this would be a huge Jake fan and would blog on the internet to anyone who would listen about what Jake said and did that day. Therefore, I would think it's safe to say that Jake was well rehearsed and new exactly what he would and would not say.
Very well said.
Alot of people will be unable to work on Friday due to getting food poisening from something they ate on Thursday
I'm sure. I am dying to see it. I like a quiet theatre, tho, and I'm afraid to go during the first few weeks of it for fear I won't be able to see it, enjoy it, hear it, etc. I want to be able to get engrossed in it.
You know, I had been a fan of Heath's only since Brokeback Mtn (that's the first time I'd even heard of him) but since then, I've been gradually seeing alot of his movies. There's no need to put down people for just now appreciating him. Some of us are latecomers - that's not a crime. I think he seemed like a really beautiful person, inside & out. Actually, I think he was dropdead gorgeous; geez, he's all over my desktop. The whole thing is so tragic, it still gets to me. But I'm so glad we have TDK to see him one more time. I hope it's as great as the reviews have been.
some things cant be rehersed or avoided.
like me
Jake pings?
I can't wait till Saturday.
Therefore, I would think it's safe to say that Jake was well rehearsed and new exactly what he would and would not say.
Exactly, why would anyone come to a pre-arranged meeting with a celebrity and expect to get him to open up about his inner-most desires and feelings.
The whole thing was one giant PR engineered meeting. The fact that he talked about Heath in present tense gives me the impression that it's a stock answer that he gives when people ask him about Heath. You can't really gain insight into a person - especially an actor at Jake's level - from a few hour meeting.
long & loud!
Apologies I couldn't keep away.
anyway, it would seem that one of the reasons Reeke are in Paris is so Reese can be photoed by Mario Testino (God knows why).
Jake's actually 2nd nanny
I knew there had to be more to this.
I think those "manny" pictures are not from today - I saw them on IHJ and Dlisted.
Doesn't make him any less of a manny though, does it.
(just hope he got time to hook up with Austin inbetween looking after Reese's kids)
What do you all think of TDK piece? I'm not too sure.
God, the comments on Dlisted are almost as funny as MK.
I want Maggie to come over and visit and teach the Ava & the Deac how to flip off the paps.
I don't think Jake looked after her kids, her nanny is perfectly capable to do that.
^^^ Ouch!
First time I have checked in today - no, it's not usual to have pap pics done for Bastille Day :) It is unsurprisingly another example of paps where none have been found before. Haven't got to the x17 yet but am not liking the sound.
I will see TDK when it opens here but have not imagined how I might feel yet.
Whats LOL is its on a FRENCH site. All over the globe now not just in some tiny little Star supermarket story.
Jake Gyllenhaal is Reese's Bitch
Jake Gyllenhaal has moved in with Reese Witherspoon's $5 million L.A. home claims Star Magazine and with the relocation comes a few rules Reese has laid down for Jake.
First, the basics: no shoes in the house, empty the trash when three-quarters full, no feet on the coffee table.
Second, the domestic bliss rules: no swearing, if he swears, he must apologize, daily discussions at the dinner table, consult before making plans for dinner or yoga.
Third and final, the more personal rule: leave your balls at the door, you won't be needing them in this house. Muahahaha.
Honestly, this house sucks. It's like having your very essence raped over and over again by a strap-on. So, in other words, perfect for Jake. cow. This is getting out of hand. I had to take a break from the comments on Dlisted; either I was busting a gut or I was groaning in shame. Jake, you have got to get out of this deal. They are beginning to slice you up on the internet like yesterday's ham/cheese loaf. I can't take this. This is terrible. I hope no more websites pick up this Star story because, seriously, it is not doing him any good. It's putting big holes in Reeke, though. I'm glad of that, but I honestly can't stand the way people are talking about him now.
And he is not looking good in Paris. Sorry, at first he was rocking it with the long hair, but he is so far removed from how he used to look, it's not even funny. He's dressing like he doesn't give a flying leap anymore how he looks. What is with the funeral look? All these dark clothes? Don't the hotels have any irons? He's laughing/smiling in one of the pictures, but it's not a happy look. It's kind of scary to me. Maybe I'll see different later, but right now, it's shocking.
PG, that Star story is just so cringe-worthy it's unbelievable. I pray this is over and done with soon for him. He's way too good for this.
He's way too good for this.
Obviously, Jake doesn't agree. He's in this because he's choosing to be, he's not being forced.
I know. It's gone downhill real fast. I mean, I know it's just a rag, but when it appears on MSNBC online, whether or not as amusing fodder or whatever, what man, let alone actor, would like to appear as though he's a manny or a Pa Kettle? He is way too good for this. And yes, he had to have agreed to this. But that doesn't mean it's taken a turn he hadn't counted on. And that turn is about to reel out of control if something isn't done to combat this latest round of pics and that Star story (should it continue to make the rounds).
You know, even the non TB-ers can't be thrilled with these posts and, for gosh sakes, even on a French website? They can't be happy with the way their beloved couple is being pictured.
Hey, headed out to Starlight Theatre tonight to see High School Musical w/friends. LOVE that thing. Love the music and the big finale dance. Anybody else seen that? I'm prob'ly the only one, lol!
Hunter wrote:
Who's gonna see TDK this weekend? Anybody gonna see it in IMAX?
Will probably have the kids this weekend so it'll be next week for me. Went to see Hulk with them the other week and saw the trailer on a regular screen. I absolutely want to see this movie in IMAX.
Wicked wrote:
What do you all think of TDK piece? I'm not too sure.
You're talking about the Why So Serious track right? To me, this is the kind of badaboom-badaboom-badaboom stuff that fails to convey emotions and excitement on its own. I can't wait to see how where it will appear in the movie and how I'll feel about it then, although I honestly hope that the whole soundtrack will be more subtle than that piece.
Thanks so much for the link to Dr. Horrible Special. Unfortunately it doesn't work. Can you tell me if it's working for you? Maybe I've got problems with my browser.
Coached wrote:
I haven't read the Jake lunch story, but remember, this day was auctioned off. So, Jake and his PR new that whomever won this would be a huge Jake fan and would blog on the internet to anyone who would listen about what Jake said and did that day. Therefore, I would think it's safe to say that Jake was well rehearsed and new exactly what he would and would not say.
I totally agree with you Coached.
Destiny wrote:
MK found out about the Star article and naturally couldn't let it go by without a post on Dlisted. First time I've laughed today. And yes, it's deliciously mean, but Reeke deserves the best.
Hee-hhh!!! MK is definitely the crème de la crème! :D
And now in memoriam of the f&#@!$% good old days, here's one beloved classic that never fails to crack me up:
A Twist of Bitch
Have to leave now. Have a great evening!
one of the reasons Reeke are in Paris is so Reese can be photoed by Mario Testino
triple overtime pay. i've been wanting to buy a new boat!
Groan. Jake has become a character appearing on The Reese Witherspoon show. He's the smitten, young/hot boyfriend, who thinks her southern manners and "neatnik" ways are charming! Does it remind anyone else of a bad sitcom treatment?
Oh those fireworks pictures are very special (like Rome). Expect a spread centering around them soon.
The nanny in the trunk of the car so typical. She won't last.
mv reeke wedding rumour
Jake starts shooting PoP? July twentywhat? For how many months? 4 ? Today's the 15th. That would give what a week to get it done. Good Luck. LOL
Do you really think the General would marry him with that hair right now? You know that doesn't follow THE ie HER rules.
I sort of like the music; it remains to be seen, of course, but it doesn't sound like the kind of music that "announces" what will happen next or be too intrusive.
They certainly don't seem to care about good manners out in public, texting at the theater, etc. It's unappealing to have celebrities act like they are above the rules. Plus she's so uptight and seems so cold, have you ever seen her give one ounce of affection to him in pics? He at least makes a half-hearted attempt, but you never see much from her. She's rubbed his back, like she was trying to soothe a horse that's going to bolt any second. :(
Love, love, love Dlisted's summary of the rules. He is just as good with words as Ted, maybe even better since he has no big corp attorney crimping his style. I do agree that this story is not favorable, not good for Jake's image at all. One blog launched a discussion of dom/sub relationships from the article.
The lunch story is 65-70 pages, but a lot of it is their flights, losing luggage, shopping etc the day before. You can skim that part and just start where they arrive on the set.
I think the London press realized Reeke is a scam based on where the paps showed. An obvious set up. All in all, when you look at the latest video, there were not really that many paps following them in Paris. They would be insulted if none showed up.
I think it is a shame that Heath's shyness kept us from knowing more about him while he was alive. All these wonderful stories emerged that painted a picture of a hugely charismatic, charming, creative and enormously talented guy. Paps may be invasive, but at least there remains a library of photos of Heath being Heath.
quotes from this months feature: Ryn TinTin talks about reeke exchanging symbolic jewelery and unleashes his own experience with his former owner
"reese will want the latest technology; a surgically implanted microchip in jake with GPS, name of owner, contact info in case he gets lost or runs away and she has to call her bodyguard to track him down. she'll also give him a fabulous designer choke chain collar everyone will drool over but only after he does the flea dip and passes the final exam "jumping thru fire hoops while playing 2nd fiddle". the 2nd fiddle takes a lot of practice but the jumping part is easy because you don't have your balls getting in the way since they've already been handed over to reese but i missed having mine and once i got them back i couldnt jump for her anymore."
"the penalty charge for not being able to jump anymore is covered in the early termination/restocking fees section of the ownership lisence. its expensive getting balls back but having the extra weight of human dignity keeps me grounded. i'm whole and real now instead of being a fixed house mutt getting kicked and beaten down all the time."
"all dogs go to heaven..i might not go to heaven but i'm chasing my dreams."
She'll also give him a fabulous designer choke chain collar everyone will drool over but only after he does the flea dip and passes the final exam "jumping thru fire hoops while playing 2nd fiddle".
Priceless and right on the mark.
It's not so much what was said in that Star article, but how it was said. Of course, she's got to be concerned for her kids and setting a good example, careful about swearing and slang, & family time at the dinner table. But it's written in a much to regimented way, like Jake has very little say in the matter. They forgot to mention that when the trash gets take out, it goes into the neighbors' trashcans. :(
^^sorry, that was me, Priceless. Whoever you are, you are very, very funny. ;)
Interesting that one picture of I think it's the nanny walking with Deacon & Ava on a sidewalk, holding their hands. Jake's about a car length behind, totally engrossed in his phone. That picture pretty much sums up my feelings about the validity of them as a close "family" unit.
my reeke wedding! lol, pretty good.
Time to hit the hay. 4 am comes mighty early. 'nite everyone!
night prairie girl!.
the rules story is all over the net but where was it evr said jake moved in ith reese? maggie said in the marie clare interview jake has his own beautifil house. str8 pr wants it look like shacking up/in love but the rules part overrides it making jake look pussywhipped and emasculated.
sitcom name: my big fat reeke wedding
Jake the baby has nailed the reason for this. Are you forgetting who's in control?
If you're feeling sorry for Jake, just remember that
1. He could have chosen a number of women in HW to beard with, in particular ones who were prepared to be on level with him and ones that didn't have kids
and 2. Until he tells us differently (via actions or words), he would rather be known as a pussywhipped, emasculated straight guy then a strong sexy gay one.
He could have chosen a number of women in HW to beard with...
Reeke - same management, Rendition PR, Reese needing someone safe to avoid looking like a loser and to get positive PR, risk-free.
Reeke family vacation in Paris is on the cover of Us Weekly magazine.
Cover awards
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