Still in London - Jake was out for a night out on the town.
Now same city, same restaurant, almost five months to the day. What's the diff?

OMG Season of Sharing
One Laptop per Child
One Laptop per Child's mission is to create educational opportunities for the world's poorest children by providing each child with a rugged, low-cost, low-power, connected laptop with content and software designed for collaborative, joyful, self-empowered learning. The XO laptop is designed and built especially for children in developing countries, living in some of the most remote environments. It’s about the size of a small textbook. It has built-in wireless and a unique screen that is readable under direct sunlight for children who go to school outdoors. It’s extremely durable, brilliantly functional, energy-efficient, and fun. Biggest way you can join in is to donate one or more laptops at Or do "the buy one get one" - donate an XO laptop to a child in a developing nation, and to purchase an XO laptop for yourself. But there of other ways to participate; host a fundraising drive, help at a nearby pilot, or spread the word.
Wow what a difference.
OT Mark Ruffalo's brother Scott died.
Reese's birthday plans for Jake on the 19th, and he is still working according to Liz Smith:
JAKE GYLLENHAAL, all pumped-up and studly, is still shooting Disney's "Prince of Persia" in London. But his 28th birthday is on Dec. 19, and Jake's beloved, Reese Witherspoon, had planned a lavish party for him in LA. Both stars, who are super-professional, know the importance of keeping to schedule, so they didn't hold much hope of being "together" on Jake's natal day - at least not as Reese had planned.
Good work is rewarded, however. The studio said, "Go, have a blast!" The 19th is a Friday, and Jake will probably be back in his prince costume by Monday morning, the 22nd.
PS: And on cue he "appears" at Scott's
So sad about Scott Ruffalo. Thoughts and prayers to Mark and his whole family.
Link to a blogger who says he worked on The Informers and that he's seen it already 5 times. In his word: "It F**king RULES"
He says the picture is coming out in February-still haven't seen that confirmed
What I think is interesting is that he mentions that the trailer we've seen was made for Cannes 2008, do you think it was a way for them to get in for Cannes 2009?
The Informers: Hidden YouTube Trailer
And the NY POST story ran AFTER Jake was seen out in London. Now you wonder why there was a reason there was a quick story dropped in the gossip column. Its not always about what is said its sometimes more when it is said.
Tomorrow is "Day without A Gay"
"Gay people and our allies are compassionate, sensitive, caring, mobilized, and programmed for success. A day without gays would be tragic because it would be a day without love.
On December 10, 2008 the gay community will take a historic stance against hatred by donating love to a variety of different causes.
On December 10, you are encouraged not to call in sick to work. You are encouraged to call in "gay"--and donate your time to service!"
Day Without A Gay
PG, those church bulletin excerpts were hilarious!
So sad about Mark Ruffalo's brother. This is a particularly difficult time of year for such a loss. Hard times for that whole family.
Online columns, especially gossip columns are written usally 24 hours ahead of time sometimes 48 hrs, check out Ted's columns and the dates when he sends them out to people that signed up for e-mails.
IHJ posted the pics 5:46 AM, that NY post column was up already I bet. The pics have not appeared elsewhere online except IHJ and they don't show up on google unless Liz was lurking on IHJ or maybe IHJ is in cahoots?? Who knew Jake and Reese's PR was so crafty??? Smith must know he is still filming or else she wouldn't have posted it and she is correct.
Anyway he is still filming in London, something I assumed despite speculation elsewhere.
Most likely he will get Christmas off as well.
Liz gets people to call her with stories, she doesn't go looking - somebody (ahem) dropped the dime. Diversion Diversion - the art of misdirection, keep looking at the blonde, and ignore the mystery man off to the side of the stage.
Disney informed Liz Smith about Jake's birthday plans? I don't think so.
PoP should be finished before Christmas.
Disney didn't - but someone else's people might have.
Very sad about Mark's brother. Seems like everytime I turn around I'm reading a terrible story lately. Over the weekend two Equadorian brothers were attacked in Brooklyn. The were walking arm in arm as is common for men from Latin America, and the attack was fueld by both homophobia and racism. One brother got away, but the other is in critical condition and may not make it. Sigh.
That’s great news about Informers. I was starting to get my hopes up about the movie after we heard about Sundance so this extra bit of good news makes the movie look even more promising.
The pics were on the Flynet site long before they were posted on IHJ.
Well Liz must have heard that Jake was still filming in London and was seen out at the very pap friendly Scott's because she posted the column online at 12:30am and updated it at 12:56. IHJ posted the pics 5:46am.
Must have know that 1st a celeb shows up there they are always papped, that was the reason he went there in the 1st place. Someione that wants to be quiet and wants to divert attention to the blonde would not go out to dinner at Scott's period.
So Jake gets one of the most "respected" gossip columnist to mention that he is still filming his blockbuster movie Prince Persia and gets to mention Reese and his upcoming birthday plans and IHJ just played right into it by posting the pics of Jake in some fancy London joint.
A good PR day but nos as good as next birthday weekend and prolly Christmas week.
Anyway he is still filming in London, something I assumed despite speculation elsewhere.
There wasn't speculation about it.
Unless you mean Jack/Jeff troll "insider" info? LOL
Why does Reeke's PR feel the need to establish their upcoming schedules? If Jake is going to be in LA for his birthday celebration, I'm sure we would have known by all of the pap photo ops that have been arranged. Are Reeke's PR doing this so that if we don't get any pics they can say that A)the party celebrations we private or B)Disney wouldn't let Jake leave and Disney looks like the bad guy? Something about this whole pics of Jake and Liz item sounds suspicious.
SK made two posts about Jake coming home, the one Saturday said that "now that Pop is done". Where did she get that info? If she got it from Jack/Jeff troll which I assume she did then she prolly thought the info was accurate since his source has been right before, obviously this time filming was extended or maybe Jack/Jeff intentionally posted missinformation?? Someone posted on IMDB that they were still filming and thought that they would take a break around Christmas which sounds about right.
Anyway Flynet was the source for the IHJ pics, but they don't say it.
Why are they talking about Jakes Bday? Its over a week away. How would NYPost/Liz Smith know what the studio said, in quotes LOL? Why would he be back in costume on the 22nd just to leave on the 23rd/24th, why would PoP even be filming the week of Christmas?? Yeh riight. The NYPost story wasn't journalism or even gossip. It was paid advertising.
Glad to see the babble insider revealed to know nothing more than any one else. I wonder who Jake dined with. You know he did not eat alone. Did he pick up his date around the corner. That restaurant is a see and be seen place.
At this point I'm not willing to believe the party story until I actually see it happen. Besides, freinds do throw parties for each other. Will Austin be there? Chris? I do find it odd that Liz Smith comes up with something like this now. Is PR changing tactics from OK to other gossip sites.
Jake does look good in the pics. Smiling and relaxed when alone.
ny post showing true colors
Or PR is planning a big to do party thanks to Uncle Disney. I don't know why you are confused, Smith has pimped them in her column before.
Boy is pr running scared. The pictures were clearly set up to address all the talk on the internet that Jake was back in the U.S., which was making certain fangirls nervous about the lack of Reeke photos. I also think they're trying to stop any gossip about who Jake will really be spending his birthday with.
If this year-long pr campaign had been successful in any way they wouldn't need to do things like this.
Wow the difference between the pictures. Says alot.
It could a been a wrapup goodbye dinner and then maybe he left. Looks like an odd clothes choice, cool pants, comfy clogs, wool cardie sweater, probably a tshirt, AND a wool jacket, layers perfect for traveling, flying in cold planes and being indoors in warm airports, never knowing what the weather will be like wherever arriving.
PoP is still filming. Jake isn't on his way home.
So Jake gets one of the most "respected" gossip columnist...
when another "respected" gossip columnist mentioned Reeke looking for a house in London?
It was obvious bullshit, but it didn't stop him from posting it.
^^^ Remember when another ...
So sorry to hear about Mark Ruffalo's brother. :(
Also, the two young men in Brooklyn. This kind of thing shouldn't happen anymore in today's world. People should be able to walk arm in arm.
Jake looks super-relaxed, wearing the clogs and sweater. Nice to see. I'm sure there's a lot of work to be done still with PoP, and it's such a big project. I'd have been very surprised if it was done. I knew that the "respected gossip columnist" point would be driven home, I see a couple of times too. :)
Lainey has a pimp on for Reeke today too. Her response to Ted saying that she has some good info in addition to all the PR driven bilge she pumps perhaps?
Here so you don't have to click on Lainey:
Jakey did it first
He started wearing that black beanie in the summer to cover that long hair from Prince of Persia. Robert Pattinson wears one all the time too. Based solely on this observation, let’s start a rumour that they are secret gay lovers… because the other ones are just as flimsy.
Here’s Jakey G in London last night after eating at Scotts restaurant. Seriously. Is the Prince of Persia the longest shoot in the history of Hollywood, or what? He’s been there forever, no doubt eager to return home to Reese in LA.
Am told they are solid. Very much in love, very secure, no drama, and she was a dream for him during a tough year with Heath Ledger’s death and his parents’ recent divorce. Happy yes. Getting married? No. Gay? Also no.
Jake was affected by Heath's death? Who knew. For a couple that's supposed to be so in love and so secure with each other, why do they feel the need to have their PR constantly plant stories advertising that fact. It's like the old saying "If you have to brag about it, it just ain't so."
Oh, for gosh sakes, stop it, Lainey. Why the re-iteration that Jake & Reese are so happy and that he's not gay? Those lines speak louder than had you said nothing at all. I think she's chanting this mantra to herself.
How funny that everyone's asking where he is and oila! there he is. Huh, what a difference indeed. Now there's a relaxed smile. There's a cleaned up looking fella. Hey, I recognize that guy! Why, I think it's, yeah, it's Jake Gyllenhaal. Jake, Jake,
Special, can sympathize and empathize with your withdrawal. I swear, I almost get the shakes, lol.
And hey flock of Geese only goes for $20.00 bucks
That's good to know. Those geese irritate the heck out of me at my park. Dropping their deposits all over the sidewalks & grass where I walk. It's a stinkin' health hazard. I wouldn't mind at all choosing to buy a flock of them so they can become someone's dinner.
Hey, Wicked! Yeah, those cracked me up, too. Hey, I need to start looking at a calendar. They start asking us to plant our whole year's worth of V in January. Man, it's going to be here before you know it. ; )
IHJ added several pics. Maybe there will be more.
Destiny said:
Boy is pr running scared. The pictures were clearly set up to address all the talk on the internet that Jake was back in the U.S., which was making certain fangirls nervous about the lack of Reeke photos. I also think they're trying to stop any gossip about who Jake will really be spending his birthday with.
If this year-long pr campaign had been successful in any way they wouldn't need to do things like this.
Destiny, put up your arm and reach out with your hand, palm up & out. Now I'm reaching up & over my desk, reaching, reaching,
High Five
No other words necessary.
High Five back at you. :-D
Happy yes. Getting married? No. Gay? Also no.
Lainey still has to say Jake is not gay after all this time. Go ahead and cash the check now, dear.
just not with each other. Reese with herself, and Jake well we all know that one.
The party, Reese, Lainey needing to reaffirm straightness.
Did someone get spotted together this past week? ; )
Prarie Girl at first I thought you were slapping Destiny. Woohoo girl fight! Damn I wanted to watch.
PooP might still be filming but amybe whats left is stuff without Jake who knows.
Sorry I meant PoP. (Although it might end up being PooP)
Just another day of Jake bearding/promoting heterosexuality as the only acceptable norm while people are literally dying in the streets because of their real or perceived failure to live up to that norm.
Damon, Fincher and Jake were all in London, and a deadline looms. Hmmmm -is saying that Paramount is going to lose the rights to Torso by Dec. 15th if something isn't firmed up.
From: MTV
"Early last month, “Torso” producer Bill Mechanic told MTV News that he hoped to be shooting the film by spring, but added that the attachment of Damon and, potentially, “Zodiac” star Jake Gyllenhaal to the project were still rumors — but added that 'some of those rumors are true.'"
^^Oh Please - let it be so! Another good Fincher mystery we can sink our teeth into. :)
Jake looks like his old self, confident and happy in these pics.
We need more gay actors so we can stop asking about gross kissing scenes
Paramount is going to lose the rights to Torso by Dec. 15th if something isn't firmed up.
Damn you Special all I saw ^^ was mount, torso, something and firmed up. Now I can't remember what I was doing.
If Jake Gyllenhaal would just come out already
So did Gawker just out Jake?!
I think they did! Billy Crystals comment about knowing that showtune-singing 10 year old Jake was gonna grow up and be gay and now this in Gawker after almost 2 years of reeking down the drain LOL. Don't know whether to wish congrats to Jake or feel sorry for him.
If Jake Gyllenhaal would just come out already, he could suck mug with any dude in any movie he wanted and never again would we have to watch some shitty reporter lean forward in their canvas chair, their eyebrow raised archly, and snidely saying: "So Jake... what was it like..."
Gawker wouldn't do that, tounge in cheek reading the whole post. Nothing came of the Crytal comments either.
Gawker is saying that Jake is gay.
Gawker doesn't have the proof that Jake is gay, so it is not outing.
No mention of The General. Is that allowed?
Jake in People
Pics of Jake have appeared on the people site before w/o mentioning Reese plenty, including the London pics of him leaving Cipriani's in Oct.
People post using a photo of Jake from Scott's:
Jake Gyllenhaal tries to stay warm on a chilly London night after dining at Scotts Restaurant on Monday. The actor is continuing work on his epic Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time in the U.K.
I expected it to read "Jake Gyllenhaal tries to stay warm without his beloved Reese at his side"
Jake looks good :) And excellent news about Informers :)
Hey London!!!!
Chris, you're killin' me.
Boy, took awhile to get home. Not alot of snow, but it's blowing around like crazy and there's sleet & a little bit of slush & ice underneath. Loads of fun going home. No walk today, that's for sure. 25 degrees and a lovely lil' windchill of 12.
Are you eastcoasters getting anything?
It sure has been cold on the East Coast PR girl. Today wasn't that bad though. I am glad to be headed south for a few days on Thurs.
Those two sets of pics are amazing. Jake looks like a dirty drunken bum in the first set and in yesterdays pics he looks more like himself.
If reese has a big birthday bash for Jake who the h*ll is she gonna invite. Jake hasnt been seen with any of his friemds or family since the reeke coming out joke in Rome.
My gut feeling is that Jakes real personal life has become deeply secret and hidden. Maybe being in London especially when the general isnt around has become a an oasis for him. I just dont know how he can look himself in the mirror though. I guess 30 million can make you do a lot of things.
I think they all want to remind people that Jake has a birhday coming up and they want to plant the seed that OF COURSE Reese is planning something big and they will celebrate together because thats what couples in love do. SOOOO when Jakes BDay comes around and we get nothing, no pics, no party tidbits, no sightings, nada, it will be assumed that Jake and Reese forwent the big party splash and celebrated quietly and romantically just the 2 of them together in a hotel room for a few days. When the truth will that but not exactly.
I hear you Chris. If there is a big party I want to see pics of all of Jakes family and friends. I also want to see Jake making out with reese in front of his Mom and Austin. More likely your right we will hear about a quiet romantic secret reeke hideaway weekend. Or maybe reese will use her kids and and put party hats on them. I can even see poor Atticus with a party hat on. Poor doggie.
I also want to see Jake making out with reese in front of his Mom and Austin.
LOL That'll be the day when Elvis and Jimmy Hoffa come out of hiding, the common cold goes extinct and hell freezes over!
oh god I feel a bad case of distemper coming on....
If reese has a big birthday bash for Jake who the h*ll is she gonna invite. Jake hasnt been seen with any of his friemds or family since the reeke coming out joke in Rome.
That would be something; to see actual pictures of them celebrating his birthday with friends, particularly male friends, whom Jake seemingly isn't allowed to be seen with any longer.
I also want to see Jake making out with reese in front of his Mom and Austin.
Let's not give them any ideas. They will take that suggestion and run with it. We've seen the evidence now how many times that their people lurk here for pointers & ammunition. No need to issue any dares. Tempting as the idea is.
Hi PG! Got a little snow on Sunday, about two inches. Nothing much for us. Just enough to snarl traffic and remind people to switch to their winter windshield wiper blades. A little rain and sleet today, but possibly up to 60 degrees tomorrow. Just another day in paradise. ;)
It did look pretty tho. I'm one of those crazy people who loves snow, and wouldn't trade it for all the days in the Sunbelt. :)
Jake was affected by Heath's death? Who knew.
He probably was affected but he and Reese so weren't low key during that time. "Reeke" was everywhere. I thought it was disrespectful.
netb!! Oh no, you love snow. I do if I have the day off and don't need to get out. What I don't like is it keeps me from being able to walk. That and the big SUV's whizzing by me on the interstate, splattering my windshield with slushy muck and trying to cause wrecks. I don't know how much we have, probably 1 or 2 inches like you all. But heck, we're not having 60 degrees. I wish we were -you're lucky!
What are winter windshield wipers? How are those different from regular ones? I didn't know there was such a thing.
Hey, today is Donny Osmond's birthday, as I blurted out to one of my cube mates this morning out of the blue. Some things you just don't ever forget, lol.
Well, a little bit of excitement today anyways. Funny how Jake's always photographed going to or coming from dinner by himself, unless the times it's been with Reese. Like he always goes out to eat by himself? Right. Or he always meets his dinner companion there at the restaurant like a new millenium first date? I find this whole situation so amusing & entertaining.
So much fanfare, internet buzz, observations, fretting, verbal warfare, tug o war, analyzations, strategies, and even website spying all over this guy. I mean, in the media, it's all about Reese. But really? Underneath it all, it's all about Jake. People/fans who care about Jake.
And I find it interesting that Michael K really doesn't pay any more verbal attention towards Jake's direction. At the beginning of Reeke, he was having a boatload of fun with it. Now? He doesn't spend any time on it. Could it be that even Michael K just finds it too ridiculous? I find his silence rather telling in more ways than one. Because that guy just isn't one to let things go without a few words.
Okay, time to hit the hay. Gotta get up a little early so I can take my time going in.
Sweet dreams to any lurkers or prairie dogs, popping their heads up to take a looksee.
LOL Tom, I want to see Atticus in that hat. :-D On a sadder note, I agree, I don't see how he looks himself in the mirror.
I love Ted's comment about Perez, Jared and Lainey. He called the person who asked the question "Bought and Paid For". It is certainly true that those bloggers receive compensation to LOVE certain music, tv shows, actors etc. They are very transparent. It's funny that so many people think of them as gossip bloggers.
I have a feeling that Abbie will be wearing an engagement ring in the new year. Which should result in many happy stories about Reese and Jake. Similar to the US Reekly cover JAKE MOVES IN! that popped up just as Abbie and Ryan moved into their new house. No end in sight. I would say the earliest it could end would be April or May. Brothers and Reese's new animated movie will have come out and no new projects will come out for her at least until 2010.
Back from a grocery shopping run for the work party tomorrow and the appetizer blitz is starting in earnest. All the lights and decorations went into today.
PG - It is interesting to see Jake coming and going from restaurants by himself unless its with Reese.
Jake is not that kind of guy to eat by himself. He thrives on interacting with others. And food and meals are something to shared. He talks about cooking for others and I'm sure that sharing meals together is part of that too.
All those times you saw him in the past dining al fresco he always sat down and ate with other people. Even grabbing a salad or sandwich in NYC that sad summer- he was with Peter, Maggie, Dad, Mom someone. I can't imagine seeing Jake sitting a table all alone eating.
I do think that there was a dining companion that either was still in the restaurant or went out the other way.
Maybe the one who knows he likes his felt clogs to keep his feet warm and likes his grandpa sweater to take the chill off.
And before you say an assistant or management - then why would they not go out the front with him, huh?
Considering that party info doesn't usually leak until the day after, the leak is deliberate. Who knows why. Who cares why anyway. Just more PR attempt to sell the Jake is straight story. Isn't it about 2 weeks since the last PR - that's their usual schedule. Love the Gawker story. Jake come out, come out wherever you are. The truth will not disappear.
Personally, this is shaping up to be a good week. Saw Milk last night with a friend. Tonight my hubby surprised me with The Dark Knight on bluray and a player to watch it on. We've seen it 3 times in the theater/IMAX already. Hubby watched it 3 more times before I even got home. The quality on blu ray is super. I miss Heath so much.
Sorry, that was me at 11:01. Did not notice I forgot to add my name.
"Considering that party info doesn't usually leak until the day after, the leak is deliberate."
But the big question is why? Why would Reeke decided that they needed to share this info? Is it to once again make Jake look like the wimpy devoted boyfriend because he came back to LA for 3 days because Reese told him he had to because she was giving him a birthday party? or is it just BS that won't come to pass? Either way I'm wishing that Jack would stay in London for a few more months. I'd rather have just a few pics of him occasionally than the Reeke fest that will go on when he comes back to LA.
Maybe the one who knows he likes his felt clogs to keep his feet warm and likes his grandpa sweater to take the chill off.
So sweet - I'm so awful about this stuff. ;)
M, we're picking up TDK on Blu-ray this week too. We've seen it twice and possibly a third time as I hear it's coming out in the theaters again. And we'll have The Joker on Blu-ray to keep. I miss Heath terribly. I can only imagine how he would have developed this character. The most mesmerizing villain I've ever seen. Sigh. :(
Goodnite -
I wonder if Austin is the one who won't let Jake hang out with his male friends. Maytbe he feels there's too much temptation and his little manwhore can't say no.
LOL Tom, I want to see Atticus in that hat.
I wear party hat size 1. But Reese don't shop in the unicorn store so I'm safe.
Oh, I'm so tired already.
Is he or is he not GAY???!!!
"Is he or is he not GAY???!!!"
We will never know because Jake will never tell unless he's forced out. Once Reese dumps him, he probably get another beard and at some point will probably marry one of them and have kids with them.
"Is he or is he not GAY???!!!"
We will never know because Jake will never tell unless he's forced out. Once Reese dumps him, he probably get another beard and at some point will probably marry one of them and have kids with them.
And you probably were one of the people who believed that Jake had knocked up Reese or that they had gotten married every single time that someone said so in the past.
Just stop it with the stupid predictions already. You know just as little about what he will do as anyone else.
just with everyone else on this blog, I am posting my opinion. I didn't claim to say my statement was absolute fact. I don't know Jake and never will. And for the record I don't believe that they will ever get married and that Reese won't be getting pregnant anytime soon. And that is MY OPINION.
I been reading the latest BS about how Jake has proposed to Reese 3 times and she's turned him down, 1 her birthday in March, 2 other times in July and October (2 months ago). they forgot about Rome 2007, where Jake got on his knee and proposed (with the entourage there, wasn't it at lunch?). So that makes it 4 times LOL. PR lies so much they can't even remember thier own stories!
Jake will be filming Pop until 2011. i want to see jake in LA. Where he be?
in the closet:
There's no problem with opinion, but all these posts criticizing Jake based on what people think he might be doing in two weeks, two months, two years are getting really tiresome.
And that is what you did in your post, unless you think that it's great that Jake would get married to a woman and have kids with her.
I'm not "just stop" or "in the closet' but if you don't like what the other is posting or disagree, well thats what the scroll button is for. use it.
just stop...Personally, I think everyone should do what makes them happy. I agree that all of the predictions do get tiresome, but then so does Reeke. I understand that Jake wishes to a movie star and is playing the HW game. But, from many of the Reeke pics, Jake's not looking to happy. I do think that he should be open about himself and be with whomever he wants, but that's his choice. I dislike Reese and think she's pulling him down. But, I also think that he won't ever come out and will someday marry someone and have a family.
So does this mean Jake is accepting applications for a spouse?
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