Having Austin dt's after being spoiled with six weeks of Austy goodness? How can you not love a man in a hat.
Don't think we've seen all of Austin's talents yet. Suspect that there are some moves on the floor that leave both of them inspired. That said maybe he could follow Christopher Walken's lead to a retro inspired message for his man.
Now you know every thing's better with a litte Austy I mean Fosee in ya.
"Cuz if you liked it then you should have put a ring on it
If you liked it then you shoulda put a ring on it"
Wait - Jake did that ... .........twice.
Your song never leaves your soul, sometimes you just can't hear it as well when the clamor of the world is shouting at you. Your song is who you are, it never changes. Sometimes you improvise sometimes it works and sometimes it take it to the edge of falling apart but the basic melody is still remains no matter how far off course you go. Even Miles found his way back to the melody, and so does everyone else. It will get there .
OMG Spirit of the Season:
Help end poverty through building self sufficient individuals, villages micro industries and micro economies. Giving aid is always needed but giving the means for those to better their lives and to give on to others continues the giving.
Opportunity International
Opportunity International is a global network of partner organizations that raise funds and implement microfinance programs for poor entrepreneurs in developing countries.
FINCA International
In 22 countries, FINCA's Village Banking programs give the working poor capital loans to finance self-employment activities, improve family income and achieve financial independence.
OTH Picture: Austin Nichols Journal
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Life is a dance, from one stage to the next.
Posted by
Special K
9:56 AM
Labels: Austin, OMG Giving, OTH, The Ring
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Even Austin is not enough to cheer me up today. Ted's latest with the reference to cement is a real downer. Not that there is anything new (I don't think it means marriage), but just the way the cement metaphor really captures everything that has happened in the past year or so.
Cement is not permanent. It can be crumbled into a fine dust just need right tools and ok sometimes explosives. Think they have to work more on the tools, they have enough explosives in the shed.
Why is everyone so glum. I think some are reading way too much into Ted's comment. Toothy is keeping out of the limelight and has become a total bore. I think Ted is just saddened by all this. As a gay man, he must have special empathy. Such a waste of time that Jake will eventually regret. Also, people tend to be down after holidays. Family and memories stir emotions.
Reese's movie is getting horrid reviews and the Box Office fell almost 50% sunday. She has to put on a brave face. That embarrassing performance is captured on film for all eternity. Defamer yesterday made an interesting statement - they were surprised the film did as well despite "the dreaded r word".
It's not just TT being cemented in, and all the love in the world is not going to make up for what J&A are doing to Baby Tile. Children need to experience the world, and they need to experience it with their parents, not the nanny.
I'm not glum, my favorite pair of glasses aways does the trick.
Again it was the the affirmative to does he still want to come out. If there's a will there will be a way - maybe not today but it will happen.
And if still down hit the second video and dance it out to Beyonce doing her Sasha Fierce best. This loud at 6:00am gets you up.
Here's Defamers comments about 4C:
Fears that the R-word would keep audiences from the movies this weekend were unfounded, as the name "Reese Witherspoon" still proved an impressive multiplex draw.
Four Christmases - $31.68 million
Stir-crazy holiday audiences were looking for literally any excuse to escape their parents' homes for a few hours that didn't involve tweenpires, hamster bowling, or Nicole Kidman brandishing a wombat rifle. Four Christmases therefore was the default candidate, and surprised everyone by becoming the third-highest Thanksgiving weekend earner on record (right back to the Mayflower days!). Unfortunately, Witherspoon and screen-spouse Vince Vaughn were barely able to mask what the Guardian describes as "the classic 'Hollywood romcom' face: waxy as a corpse, dead-eyed with self-loathing, and as smiley and blank as someone who has just consumed their bodyweight in Temazepam and Pernod." Apparently Paula Abdul's baseline mood is now an identified acting affliction!
thank you so much for "explosive" videos - Chris Walken dance is one of my all time favorite scenes -
Yes the cement metaphor was just too apt - and horrible
unleash our boys - free my heart. . . etcetc
Oh, m, I couldn't help it.
Blame Chris, Mom!!!!! He did it!! lol
Ha, don't want to be in a lifeboat with me, do ya, Chris? I'll give ya up fast. lol, I'm kidding. :D
Hey, it was 4:30 this morning when I was reading that. It's still a downer. Although I felt much better after seeing Special's way of looking at it. She always makes me feel better. Uh, I need you here with me @ work this week, Spesh. Destiny, let's go out for a little sippy; maybe we'll feel better, huh?
m, I feel lifted up after your message, too. I probably am leaping off the dock again, or so I hope.
Heavy sigh. I can't linger today. IM's flashing down there, people buggin the heck out of me today. It's probably just as well, now I'm just crabby - don't need to spread it here.
Sayanara & have a good afternoon.
Can someone come up with a good joke, huh? I need a good laugh.
At age 4 success is . . . not peeing your pants.
At age 12 success is . . . having friends.
At age 17 success is . having a drivers license.
At age 35 success is . . having money.
At age 50 success is . having money.
At age 70 success is ... having a drivers license.
At age 75 success is .. having friends.
At age 80 success is . . not peeing your pants.
Austin Flies the Coop
So this is ultimately what happens, isn't it? You raise them, feed them, love them and then they start all this carousing. I warned my little friend of these pitfalls of parenting and likened Austin's weekend to that of a rebellious teenager.
"Dear Growin' Up" made me think about Baby Tile: if Toothy has a baby, how can it be "death by boredom" in Toothy's world? Or is Ted only talking about the boring bearding with that boring woman?
Awww, I love those Austin Nichols stories.
That comment about 4Cs filling a need for a holiday/comedy movie, which I've seen expressed in a lot of places, just proves once again that if you give the people the kind of movie they want they'll come, even if it is bad, and it has very little to do with who is in it.
I'm a little concerned by Ted's cement analogy too - disturbing visions of him cemented in and boarded up in a closet by TPTB, The General, his latest movie. Or someone chained to him, dragging him down to the bottom of the sea. Somebody slip him a file, a chisel or a mallet, or throw him a life preserver!
The latest pic and article - smirking and gloating. Not the most gracious or classy attitude. Charming.
That growing up question was preceded by one about Bennifer and the second child on the way.
I think there is no way Jake is going to come out in at least the next couple of years or more. To be more specific, it has to happen if at all, after the POP trilogy is out in the theaters and has cashed in all it can. The cement metaphor is therefore spot on. Only thing though: I still am 100% convinced Baby Tile story is bs, I am afraid I need way more that Ted word to believe it
*sigh* Austin in that hat :*
*sigh* Austin in that hat :*
A press conference is being held at this hour to announce the introduction of resolutions to repeal Proposition 8 in the California legislature.
yay! :)
Reese's movie is getting horrid reviews and the Box Office fell almost 50% sunday. She has to put on a brave face.
M, Defamer said that Reese's name was a box office draw and 4C is the third highest Thanksgiving earner ever. Every film in the Top Ten (except Milk) fell at least 43% on Sunday, most falling more than that, and yet even with its fall 4C Sunday boxoffice takings were still bigger than any other film in the the charts.
See for yourself on http://www.boxofficemojo.com/daily/chart/
And the film topped the UK charts too, where Reese has been to promote it. So now she's strongly associated with the No1 film on both sides of the Atlantic.
But back to the boys. I still don't understand what is happening with Jake and the baby. Signing up for such big budget films with obvious sequels makes it look like Jake has decided to beard for the long term, but he can't have done that with a partner and a baby waiting at home for him. Austin is the one who dreams of having a normal, open life, and he isn't stupid, so he must know what the implications of signing up for a Disney franchise must mean. So that must mean either he has reassurances that Jake will come out before or shortly after the first film or he's agreed to let Jake hide him and the baby for years. But that doesn't sound like Austin at all. Would he really agree to allow Jake to hide his baby and his partner? Or would Jake lie to him, maybe say that he was going to come out soon, but isn't? But that doesn't sound like Jake either. I can see Jake deceiving the public, but he wouldn't lie about something like this to the man he has a child with.
I wish Ted would say more about this. If Toothy is being boring then tell us about the Goose! He's a gay TV star with a secret baby, even without the Hollywood boyfriend angle that is still an interesting story.
Anybody else think Popcorn and Schadenfreudelicious are the same person?
O, man, these are hard times and I dont mean just worldwide collapse of our consumer culture and all those rich people gettin' all goldfinger, and so forth.
I really want to want to let go of the "CEMENT" metaphor - think of Jake as chamelon or jellyfish, adapting to circumstance. . .
gimme a metaphor. I love metaphors!
I wish Ted would say more about this. If Toothy is being boring then tell us about the Goose! He's a gay TV star with a secret baby, even without the Hollywood boyfriend angle that is still an interesting story.
No kidding! That's the story right there. I'd love to know Ted's take on that part of it.
Oh, m, I couldn't help it.
Blame Chris, Mom!!!!! He did it!! lol
Ha, don't want to be in a lifeboat with me, do ya, Chris? I'll give ya up fast. lol, I'm kidding. :D
LOL PG!I'm the bringer of cement news.
It was interesting with Teds's 3 letters. The TT one that you all know but also the one about RW where he says she doesn't have to play the HW game "at least THAT one" anymore. So which game is Ted saying she does have to play now? The sexy desirable woman? The Beard? And the 3rd letter about gay actors playing gay roles and Ted teases about Heath. I think (methinks! LOL) the 3rd one was important because it gave the reason why TT stays "in". BBMt/Jack Twist is the only role Jake was won/nommed for, the Bafta/Oscar. Could be Jake wants to win an Oscar/Bafta for a non-gay role before he will come out. Its better to earn an Oscar for a role not like how he is in real life so maybe he doesn't want BBMt always thrown in his face by the homophobic public.
PG I had a great Thanksgiving. Thanks for asking. SK and W are the OMG ship captains and navigators and you're the OMG cruise director. What would we do with out your friendlyness and caring? I'd be lost for sure.
Hope I'm not assuming the wrong thing or being ignorant but here's this: What kind of people go to the movies on Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving, a day to be with mostly family (maybe some friends), eat all day, watch football? My TG was great. We do all those and we play games. Movies never comes into it (not even watching a dvd). We WANT to talk and laugh not be in a theater with strangers and have to be quiet. So who/what type of people went to see 4 Christmases? In Europe 4C was popular but what other movies are out? Its a drought. The Writers strike effect. 4C is crap. People all over the world didn't have much choice if they wanted to get out of the house. No matter how bad the general public's desperation is for one weekend or a week it doesn't make for longterm box office success. The 4C dvd also will be a big seller....in the bargain bins.
Talkative Baby Tile will probably be the one to out everyone when s/he loudly tells a story at school, in the coffees houses and anywhere they can "....and then I runned in the bedroom to wake my Daddies up and they were playing leapfrog on the floor and they weren't wearing nothing and I asked why and if you leap better without clothes and then they said...." LOL basically announcing it to the world. Out of the mouths of babes. Like my mama always said, your children are there to teach YOU the Truths. For sure BT will be teaching them a few lessons.
Hey everyone ya wanna play "putting the gas in the car" like my Daddys do? I saw them playing it once in the kitchen when I woked up from a nap. One persons the gashose what they do is stand here and one persons the car and they act really thirsty.
Wondering at 4.55
Yes, I think so too....
About the "cement" comment by Ted, I think he means Jake will be in the closet for a long time. Not marriage. Ted also said that he's doing it for the money and considering what has come out about his parents finances, I'm not surprised.
I would like Jake to come out of the closet but that's his choice. He's just a HW actor trying to get the most he can out of homophobic HW. Where I draw the line is at bearding. Because it not only sells a fake image to the public but also entrenches the belief that a gay actor can never make it to the A list.
As for Baby Tile, I believe that BT exists and not only because Ted says so. Sorry, but not willing to discuss my other reasons. I very firmly believe HW stars can lead a "normal life" away from the paps if they want to. So I don't think that BT is hidden or that BT only goes out with the nanny. Just away from the paps and the HW scene. I also believe that paps and HW star's agencies have an unwritten agreement when it comes to pics. I don't think the paps harass J & A and BT at all or that Disney has to pay anyone to keep away from J's private life. I think HW is a well oiled machine that works very well for all concerned.
Since BT is still very young ( Ted said he/she is not walking yet) I think Jake still has a few years to go before BT will out them playing gas station & leap frog :))
How J& A will explain things to BT, I don't know but worse things have been forgiven in families that love each other.
Phew! that's long.
Hope this makes you smile :)
"Dear Dad
A father passing by his son's bedroom was astonished to see the bed was neatly made, and everything was tidy. Then, he saw an envelope, propped up prominently on the pillow.It was addressed, 'Dad.'
With the worst premonition, he opened the envelope and read the letter with trembling hands:
"Dear Dad,
It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing to you. I've had to elope with my new girl friend, because I wanted to avoid a scene with you and Mum. I've been finding real passion with Tracey, and she is so nice, but I knew you would not approve of her, because of all her piercings,tattoos, her three children, and because she is so much older than I am. But it's not only the passion dad; she's pregnant.
Tracey said that we will be very happy. She owns a caravan in the woods, and it's really nice up there. We share a dream of having many more children. Tracey has opened my eyes to the fact that marijuana doesn't, really hurt anyone. We'll be growing it for ourselves, and trading it with the other people in the commune, for all the cocaine and ecstasy we want.
Don't worry dad, I'm 15, and I know how to take care of myself. Someday, I'm sure we'll be back to visit, so you can get to know your many grandchildren.
Your loving son,
P.S. Dad, none of the above is true. I'm over at Jason's house. I just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than the school report that's on my desk. I love you! Call when it is safe for me to come home.
Your loving son.
Great music today. I really like David Byrne but the only album I think I've ever heard with him was Talking Heads/Stop Making Sense. Is this song part of an album before Talking Heads? I'll definately have to investigate this : )
Is this song part of an album before Talking Heads?
This record is a new collaboration between Eno and Byrne, and worth getting the whole thing.
Relationships and families are built on more than love; people also need acknowledgment and respect, among other things. Children in particular need to feel that their parents are proud of them in order to build self esteem and feel good about themselves. I can't imagine any child being able to reconcile being hidden with a parent's insistence that it really doesn't matter and that it doesn't mean they think any less of them. I think most of us can probably look back and find moments when we were kids, no matter how irrational, when we felt we weren't liked, we were a disappointment to a parent etc. Now add to the mix the knowledge that you are being hidden from the public and your parents won't even acknowledge you exist.
And kids aren't dumb, they can figure out what is going on more than most parents would like to admit.
I do believe BT exists, and that he or she is being kept completely out of public. There is just no way that if Jake were going out in public with a baby that we wouldn't eventually get a sighting and a mention on some blog, if not Gawker or the like.
Now I know why I use m for my blogger name. Who wants to type a name 20+letters long and unspellable. No matter how much money 4xmas takes in, it's crap and that it is making any money at all is a testament to bad taste and ill-informed movie goers. Not the first time and wont be the last time a mediocre or bad movie gets more honor than its worth. Best picture Crash anyone?
Anyway, I am wondering if Jake will do a radical haircut when he gets home. Like the jarhead look. I cant wait to see him lose that mop he presently has. The hair I mean.
I think Ted had hoped that Jake would be the first succesful A list out gay actor. Jake certainly had the charisma, charm and likeability to pull it off. But whoever takes that leadership role also has to have the strength of his convictions and love his own gayness. Clearly, that is not jake. So Ted's disappointment is showing, as it is for some of us. The whole prop 8 thing brought this back to the fore. But someone else will emerge and probably sooner than we think. Very happy to hear the breaking news about prop 8 repeal action.
Sadly Jake seemed to love his gayness for about 5 minutes, then something convinced him to take ten steps back.
I think Ted is disappointed, but he knows what HW is like. I think what is really driving him is Baby Tile, and to some extent the bearding. I don't understand it, but if Austin wants to put up with all the bearding and being hidden away like a second class citizen, well he's an adult. But a child can't chose his or her parents, and imo it is wrong to put your career and money first and your child what seems to be a very distant second. Clay Aiken didn't do it, neither did Jodie Foster, nor have other people rumored to be gay who have children, like Selma Hayek, Ricky Martin and McBongo.
I might add that there are certainly not any rumors of anyone else hiding a child. And having a child with someone you're estranged from and who is not really in your life (Brad Renfro) doesn't count.
Jake could not come out until considerable time has passed from his devastating 'break up' from Reese.
There is no way Reese will want to be associated with 'turning Jake gay' jokes.
Considering that they are going to the trouble of formally announcing their 'relationship' means they are in it for the long haul.
So, long haul + considerable time?
I'll start the betting. Jake will come out of the closet on December 19, 2028.
If he lives that long. You never know.
I found the song (thanks Wicked). I wasnt impressed with all the tracks but I did find Poor Boy and I Feel My Stuff (luv that title ; ) pretty good.
Hey guys! Good morning! Oh boy, yesterday went downhill like a snowball here, lol. And today shapes up to be the best yet. When I have too much work to do, I leave here to go walk, then come back to finish up because it gets dark earlier.
Anyway, lots better, sorry I couldn't get on anymore yesterday. Enjoyed the jokes! Jokes are always good, aren't they?
I've got to get off - I'm officially on the clock & I shouldn't be on here specially when I'm on OT. Just had to say hey & a big ol' HUG to Mr. Chris. Everyone have a great day - it's hump day and it is all downhill from here, in a good sense!
People has a story about the best and worst boyfriends of 2008. Jake's photo is on the cover.
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