Monday, December 15, 2008

Shop till you Drop

Hey Austin -

You have less than 5 days, and you have to get Jake a birthday gift, then's there Hanukkah starting on Sunday and then you've got Christmas a week from Thursday. And you have get presents from not just from you anymore. So many gifts so little time. And whaddya got so far- what? some gelt, the Lifesavers candy story, a book of NY Times crosswords puzzles and an "I got crabs" t-shirt from Wilmington? You've gotta lot of work to do. And we know you can't just throw a party or send of over an autographed picture of you and your Oscar signed To Jake Jillenhall - Sincerely Reese Witherspoon, with a Type A Productions post it attached to saying "By the Way - 360 says, I'm still your Girlfriend. Happy Holidays, LJRW/eg" and two passes to Four Christmases.

So OMG here's to help you with some ideas:

Lakers Tickets - Christmas Day - Lakers vs. the Celtics - at the TD BankNorth "Gahden"
LA has the best record in the Western Conference and Boston well, Boston the reigning champs and have one of their best starts in 25 years. Hey its close to the Vineyard, close to NY, close to Maine/New Hampshire/Vermont for snow skiing and you could get a white Christmas out it. And nobody will make a big deal courtside or up in one of the suites.

Then there's always Cook Books

The Food Life (Ecco; $29.95), NYC's Fairway's master buyer Steven Jenkins tells his and the store’s story with recipes by Fairway Café chef Mitchel London. Totally for the food lovers' food lover.

Urban Italian (Bloomsbury; $35), Andrew Carmellini did what no New York chef has ever done: He started cooking in his tiny apartment kitchen.What came out of it were great recipes and a terrific series of vignettes.

Fat: An Appreciation of a Misunderstood Ingredient With Recipes (Ten Speed Press; $32.50), Jennifer McLagan sets out to prove what our ancestors instinctively knew: that fat is good for you (not to mention delicious), and offers some science and history to back it up


Eat Me: The Food and Philosophy of Kenny Shopsin (Knopf; $24.95), the dyspeptic fry cook reveals all, including why cooking is like sex

You could go with clothes. How about two, two, two in looks in one?

Kinda a LumberJake meets PoP Locks

How about a flannel hoodie by Obesity and Speed, for $115 special order at Seven New York, (Mercer St., nr. Spring St). It covers him and his hair - however he cuts it when he gets home, and the dark hoodie comes in handy when ducking in and out when he doesn't want really be seen.

Or accessories he got to wear all that fun stuff on PoP, he might miss it and need some new stuff.

Maybe something for that chain? Like a 24 karat Texas charm, and with a diamond in its capital. Where is that? Austin? and isn't diamond its the birthstone for April?

Or maybe another ring - something subtle - like numbers instead of letters - like 512?

Of course you could just name it and claim it and make sure everyone knows what's what and who's who's with this Austin Nichols Belt Buckle.

Then again you could just buy a bow and you got it all taken care of.

OMG Season of Sharing

Amnesty International

Amnesty International is a worldwide movement of people who campaign for internationally recognized human rights for all. They work to improve human rights through campaigning and international solidarity. With more than 2.2 million members and subscribers in more than 150 countries and regions and they coordinate support to act for justice on a wide range of issues.

Begun in 1961, British lawyer Peter Benenson launched a worldwide campaign, ‘Appeal for Amnesty 1961’ with the publication of a prominent article, ‘The Forgotten Prisoners’, in The Observer newspaper. The imprisonment of two Portuguese students, who had raised their wine glasses in a toast to freedom, moved Benenson to write the article. His appeal was reprinted in other papers across the world and turned out to be the genesis of Amnesty International.

This year Amnesty celebrated Human Rights Day and the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10th.


destiny said...

Okay, I shop at Fairway, and even I didn't know about that cookbook. :-D

Anonymous said...

Leo & Lucas

Anonymous said...

Wow, such fun gifts! My favorite is the belt buckle; but the hoodie, the cookbooks, and the Celtics (Lakers I mean!) tickets are fab. What a great post. I'm off today, gonna finish up my holiday shopping and other stuff. Wish my list was that easy, I don't even make a list. I usually just wander around until I see something that speaks to me or seems to have the recipient's name on it! Not the most efficient use of time, but I get lots of ideas. lol :)

Have a great day all -

destiny said...

That belt buckle really is something isn't NETB.

Interesting to see Leo and Lucas at a Lakers game. The chemistry doesn't leap out the way it did with J&A, but they do look kind of cozy. Is this a case of hiding in plain sight because they don't get the same kind of buzs J&A did so it's "safe", or a case of not caring? And interesting with Revolutionary Road coming out soon that we see this and not pictures with whatever model he is supposedly with right now.

Special K said...

As you can tell - I've had that belt buckle picture for months - waiting and waiting and knowing what I wanted to use it for. I knew it the moment I saw it what I was going to do with it.

The jewelry is from a place called

There have been for long time stories of Leo & Lucas. Leo does a different approach, a lot of the time with the entourage thing, bunch of pals and Lucas almost always a part of it. What I found interesting is the vacation that Leo took with his girlfriend Bar Rafael and Lucas. Anyway - Like you said Destiny it's interesting to see them when his new movie is coming out.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm . . . L&L do make a cute couple. And I love Leo anyway, a fine actor, and I respect what he's done for bringing attention to global warming so much, doesn't matter a'tall who he's with to me. But I do wonder what that girl sitting next to Lucas is looking at so intently . . . ;)

See y'all later,

prairiegirl said...

I'll have to look at that pic when I get home. Internet problems here @ work today (man, it's always something around here!) and I don't want to lose my one precious browser line. Is it the Lukas Haas who was in the movie, Witness? Wasn't that his name?

netb, good luck on your shopping. That's about all I did most of the weekend. Course, I love shopping anyway. I never have a list either. I usually have in my mind an idea of what I'm looking for but sometimes something will just leap out at me, too.

We are having a "Return to Cheese" celebration today, courtesy of myself. I've been boycotting block cheese for I don't know how long, ever since it went over 2.00 for an 8 oz block. My cubemates knew I was on a cheese boycott. I just refused to pay 3.00 for a little block of cheese - wasn't going to do it no way, no how. Well, this store over the weekend had them for 1.49/block, limit 2. Went on a Cheese Spree, sending my sister in another line to buy 2, then going back the next day to get more. lol. So today, we are celebrating with cheese & crackers. Ah. What a delicacy these days.

I like the lumberjack shirt; man, remember that phase? That was bad. I hope it doesn't make a reappearance this winter. Also like the state of Texas on a chain, with the little diamond stud. Then again, that very last idea seems to be the winner. Just a bow. lol.

Special K said...

Here's Boston's Santa Speedo Run it was in the balmy low 20's for Saturday's run.

(Yes Tom - those are Phillies Santa Hats in the first picture - there is a group of Philly Boys who come up to run it.)


Anonymous said...

A special Cookbook. By men for men. And why women hate men. (NSFW)

Special K said...

Brothers - looking to release August 2009

But Sheridan, who is renowned for making off-beat movies, looks set to score another critical hit in 2009.

He revealed how he has just completed filming on a big-budget film starring Jake Gyllenhaal and Spider-Man star Tobey Maguire.


A remake of Susanne Bier's acclaimed Danish flick Brothers, it tells the story of a man, played by Maguire, who is sent to fight in Afghanistan while his black-sheep brother (Gyllenhaal) cares for his wife and child. It co-stars big names including Natalie Portman and Sam Shepard.

Sheridan continued: "We were in Santa Fey in New Mexico filming it for more than five months and we had a fabulous time.

"It's a great town and was good fun to make. I think that we're going to release that in August of next year."

Sheridan hits out at 'arrogant'movie financiers

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Very funnily written. ;)

Special K said...

This is from Watch with Kristen on E! About the new Melrose Place and One Tree Hill. Remember when I mentioned Austin for Melrose - what do you bet - he's gonna show up on the new Melrose or they are going to bring him back for another season of OTH

Inside sources confirm: One Tree Hill boss Mark Schwahn is in talks to write the pilot for the CW's new Melrose Place.

According to one well-placed CW insider, Schwahn is "the biggest name" and "top candidate" available for the remake of the '90s spinoff to Beverly Hills, 90210.

"The deal is not done yet," another reliable network source tells me. "But it looks like it's going to happen. I would be surprised if it didn't go through."

So what does this mean for the future of One Tree Hill?

All good things!

According to insiders, CW president Dawn Ostroff and her team have been so pleased with the creative direction of One Tree Hill, they do want to pick up the series for at least another season. (Say it with me, fans: Holler!) The CW suits also are making sure Schwahn will stay on as OTH executive producer even if he also works on the new Melrose.

What's that they say about the cake and the eating of it?

Schwahn has asked that the network make a decision on season seven of Tree Hill before Jan. 1 (in order to plot out the final episodes of the current season), so news of a seventh-season pickup could come very soon.

According to insiders, the actors' current contracts only go through season six, so new deals will need to be in place.

Given his Tree Hill track record, Schwahn certainly seems a good man for the job. And as long as he doesn't spread himself too thin, this is all fantastic news for fans. Agree? Disagree?

Watch with Kristen

Florida Tom said...

Speaking of the Phils Spesh it is killing me that Pat the Bat is not coming back. Now I would love to see Mr. Burrell in a speedo. WOW!

Anonymous said...

Actor Jake Gyllenhaal is 28 on Dec. 19. Is it just a coincidence that he seems to have fallen off the face of the earth after hooking up with Reese Witherspoon?

Comment by Lola | Monday, December 15, 2008, 6:06 PM
Jake is filming and enjoying his time away from his fake, PR girlfriend.

Sunday Paper -Atlanta GA

Special K said...

That is some kind of cooking there Squeamish. Wonder what the shopping list looks like.

destiny said...

I love it too; just shows how widespread the disbelief in Reeke is.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story about Van Johnson and his sham marriage.

Van Johnson

destiny said...

My earlier comment was about the Atlanta GA comment. But I loved the cookbook too Squeamish.

Anonymous said...

Great suggestions on the gifts. I'd skip the shirt. Jake and plaid do not belong together. Almost as bad as Jake and Reese. A shirt is OK if it has birds, or better yet an owl on it.

The bow, now that gets the gold star. Hanukkah requires gifts over multiple days so Austin can wear a different color bow each day. And Jake can unwrap his package each day.

I would add a bottle of Grey Goose vodka so they can make a toast to Ted.