Looks like Austin is going official and set up an official Facebook page to shake off the fakes.
Must love his opening salutation:
"Hey Guys. Here is my official Facebook Page so you won't be fooled by the fakes anymore! I won't be posting here, but you can follow me on Twitter @aus10nichols"
That's exactly what what the guys at Facebook really want to hear. He may not be posting much, at least he put up a good but maybe an odd choice for a profile pic for an official page for someone in show business.
Most celebrities' official page, they'd show their face. But not this wild turkey.
Beautiful, quiet, reflective, and a little mysterious.
Back to the camera, an introvert's ideal of a profile pic.
Unconventional as it may seem, it fits, doesn't it?
This picture isn't from his recent trip, even though it might be made to look as it was. Why? While sea grass can be found on the Gulf Coast, those smooth rocks on the water's edge say somewhere different. Perhaps some where further north? Like those "long rocky beaches" (as Mr. Manilow says), familiar to eyes who have seen New England coast. Or maybe northern California? Let's just say rocks aren't Southern.
While Austin might be backing up to the camera, Jake's went sideways (without the wine or Paul Giamatti) while he was was away.
Out for lunch with Mom on Sat. Some shopping on Sunday.
And a few little kicks thrown in.
Is he taking on both Karate Kid and Toy Story 3 on with a Hedgehog doing Karate move?
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
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From WFT2
Setting up his on FB still hasn't stopped that nutty fangirl that hacked Sophia's FB and took pictures of Austin that were posted there to creat the fake Austin FB.
It's still up and the profile pic is of him dozing off in a car, passenger seat. That pic was posted on Sophia's FB along with the pics of Austin and his niece and nephew, Austin, his parenst and Sophia vacationing, and of them at that wedding. I assume they posted pics of themselves at Bonnaroo since some have claimed to have seen them.
What I don't get is why haven't Sophia and Austin tsken steps to take down that site and why they continue to post personal pics unless they want people to hack them.
His FB sounds like one of those tame fan FB.
PS: Is it true that some that believe that there is a BT clsim that Austi'n sister was the surrogate mother for the child and the sick loons claim that his nephew is actually his son??
Not only is that sick but unethical as well, no doctor in his right mind would do that.
Someone posted it on Jake's IMDB page then deleted it, i was reminded of it when the Austin/niece/nephew pics were posted here.
loons? On this blog? No way!
What can be done in one day? Austin and crew helped raise nearly two million dollars in two hours, and raised awareness for the area.
Sure, there's going to be a fund set aside - but we don't know how long it will take for people and wildlife rescue and rehabilitation groups to get the money, or even if these wildlife groups are included. There will always be some slipping through the cracks for some people and organizations.
If people want to help in addition to what BP is doing, why not? Austin is a great guy, and regardless of what you think of Sophia, she deserves credit too.
Love Austin's choice of pics for his Facebook page. Looks like he's continuing to raise awareness, and his seeing what happened firsthand makes a difference for him. There's no substitute for actually seeing the damage.
"Dear Ted:
Any news about Maroon 5's frontman Adam Levine? Love him and I was wondering if he has ever been a Blind Vice or if he is B.V. material?
Dear OMG!
Darling, he is definitely no stranger to the raunchy behavior of a typical B.V. bad boy. But no, he hasn't been anointed into B.V. infamy...not yet."
Loved Ted's post today. He gave us a little shout-out with the reply above by saying "Dear OMG!".
Also, you will notice that Ted's letters reflect what we have been discussing here, like his response to the Adam Levine question.
you will notice that Ted's letters reflect what we have been discussing here, like his response to the Adam Levine question.
it's a shame you don't realize he's stringing you on with Bs.
nothings new, he's just playing with rehashed questions you and others continue to ask.
he knows his audience.
Seacrest, I can't believe you're still p.o.'d with Ted because of his BV about you and Merv.
Somebody's up watching the World Cup. It's Mexico vs. Uruguay but you gotta give the guy a break it got home from his Gulf adventure, it's 7 something in CA and probably hasn't ingested enough coffee yet. But points for early morning snark.
Mexico vs paraguay!! Ow ow my leg!! Where did these guys take acting class? Sign me up.
26 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Spesh, where are you getting that info that they're back in LA?
Sophia's twitter.
Could you post that tweet please? Because the only thing I see on her feed about travel is:
@cravingfictiom: Not sure! We are still caravaning back from Grand Isle, LA! We've followed the telethon on twitter the whole way home! Thx!
about 13 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry@ in reply to cravingfiction
is that the tweet you're referring to?
Hi, 9:29. You seem to enjoy pretending to be me. I've no problem with what you posted. I don't disagree with it at all. Just find it odd that you are so fixated on me.
You do realize it took them less than a day to get to the Gulf because they flew, (you know on a plane) and if they went anywhere but back to LA Sophia would have already broadcast that on her twitter.
Also remember they were traveling with Matt Peterson, so doubtful they were taking side trips.
No need to get snarky. I thought I missed the big reveal of them heading back to LA. So in other words, you're not sure where they are. They could still very well be in Louisiana for all we know.
Like Special said if they were still there Sophia would tweet about it.
talking about this on radio now....what qualities are important to you in a bf or gf or husband wife? What's top 3 on ur list?
about 2 hours ago via UberTwitter
@RyanSeacrest RS - Humor. Integrity. And being from Texas helps ;) Great job last night!!! about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® in reply to RyanSeacrest
Anonymous said...
They are still in Louisianna!
Headed to GG office, and then touring our Holy Cross Project in the Lower 9th with @SophiaBush,@AUS10NICHOLS, @justinemusk, others
about 2 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
From Mathew Petersen twitter
June 22, 2010 1:08 PM
Boy, I really hate it when SpecialK ends up with egg on her face. And then is too stubborn/embarrassed to admit
she might be wrong.
Oh what am I saying . . . I love it
It's called lunch. Sorry I don't live every moment at the computer. And I have never not owned up to being wrong.
So here I am saying I was wrong. They are still there in Lousianna.
Don't hurt yourself on your victory lap.
tired of troll bs said...
Like Special said if they were still there Sophia would tweet about it.
^^ It was wrong. You might be tired of being duped. I'm sure you're really frustrated the J/A lovefest/marriage/family farce is not going well. Admit it, you've been duped by Ted.
Is Austin still running all around the world with this woman?
Man, this beard is attached at the hip. Oh well, he has to be getting nooky from her since they are always together. He can still be thinking about Jake ya know, but waking up early in the morning with Jake not there, Sophia will have to suffice. hmmmmmm ole Austy may grow to like this beard. I for one think it's too late, he's too far gone, he'll never shave again.
Time and distance means Sophia Wins.
We've heard that one before, only it was time and distance and Reese wins.
Good News from Washington DC
Obama to extend family leave to gays
New interpretation of law will not require changes by Congress
WASHINGTON - The Labor Department intends to issue regulations this week ordering businesses to give gay employees equal treatment under a law permitting workers unpaid time off to care for newborns or loved ones.
Labor Secretary Hilda Solis planned to announce Wednesday that the government would require employers to extend the option that has been available to heterosexual workers for almost two decades, two officials briefed on the plan said Monday. Neither was authorized to speak publicly ahead of the announcement.
only it was time and distance and Reese wins.
Well, She did. Kinda sort of!
Depends on which way you choose to look at it.
Me thinks Jake won.
Reese did not "win"--you don't see Jake still with her do you? They're not walking down the aisle are they? I would be very rich if I had a dollar for everytime someone told us that Jake is with Reese now, and that we'd just have to get used to it because Austin was no longer in his life and they were going to get married and we'd soon see like Reese rats.
Watch E! Tonight with ryan seacrest at 7:30 and 10:30 PST. Our firsthand images and info from the gulf!! Thanks for your support.
5 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Just did an interview with @RyanSeacrest for tonight's E broadcast. See our footage and hear some stories tonight!
17 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Noone said Austin was not in Jake's life anymore. What are you reading. Jake and Austin seem to still be in each others lives. They were just recently together. Did you not see the pictures?
Austin and Sophia just seem to be together much more now, than Jake and Austin were in the past. And pictures, twitters, tabs and blogs seem to substantiate this.
I still think Jake and Austin are very good friends.
imo Reese wins because she's again with someone and continues to look like she will rise above and she Will Survive.
ala Gloria Gaynor LOL
AUS10 said...
Watch E! Tonight with ryan seacrest at 7:30 and 10:30 PST. (((Our))) firsthand images and info from the gulf!! Thanks for your support.
5 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
Sophia said...
Just did an interview with @RyanSeacrest for tonight's E broadcast. See (((our))) footage and hear some stories tonight!
17 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
(((Our))) Wow They (((Austin and Sophia))) are really rubbing it in.
Austin just posted a tweet in perfect Spanish saying he speaks Spanish fluently and also understands Portuguese. A lot of people are writing to him from Brazil in Portuguese.
Hi Wow or should I say ECF.
Austin as a polyglot. Very cool thought.
Don't think you are forgotten Jack. I saw you earlier.
How do you live day by day being that paranoid and suspicious Spesh?
Special is not being paranoid and suspicious. She's just pointing out who is posting since ECF and Jack constantly change their names and try to make others think they are someone new, or long-time J&A followers.
I think of it as a public service announcement.
Austin as a polyglot. Very cool thought.
communicate so well - that's what it's all about.
The Labor Department intends to issue regulations this week ordering businesses to give gay employees equal treatment under a law permitting workers unpaid time off to care for newborns or loved ones.
Awww...great news! :)
Special is the least paranoid or suspicious person on this site. I'm actually happy when she occasionally calls someone out since she's often more accomodating than I would be. I'll agree with Destiny about the PSA.
Also, interesting that Austin is so fluent in Spanish.
Hey 4:38, you need a name to post, anons get deleted. I'll cover for you this time.
Anonymous said...
I wouldn't be surprised if Austin and Sophia don't allow photos to leak. I think they're trying new bearding strategies after Reeke proved to be so phony-looking.
But a picture of your pet with the other half of your fauxmance does not a real couple make. Just ask Atticus.
June 22, 2010 4:38 PM
The Stanley Cup is going to the Chicago Gay Pride, along with a Blackhawk player and his family.
Chiago Sun Times
Is this Austin?
Posted on WFT2 said...
Is this Austin?
Of course that is Austin. So what?
I now believe Austin and Sophia are a couple. I am finished following the BS. Jake is as Gay as a Goose. But this is enough for me. Be happy Austin and Sophia.
It looks like Austin and yes it does look like he's holding one of Sophia's dogs. Doesn't she have a pitt bull or a pitt mix?
Ok, just a reminder for everyone again. OMG doesn't not accept anonymous comments. Those without a name will be deleted.
put a name on your comments so they don't get lost.
That's Austin and he's holding Sophia's dog Penny!
June 22, 2010 5:07 PM
Tom, like somsone said above, pictures with Sophia's dog does not make them a real couple.
However, it is quite clear that the bearding is going to be going on for awhile, and that they're pulling all kinds of tricks to get us to believe they are real.
Pull up a chair with me Tom, and continue to watch this farce. Or is it a tragedy? Either way, it makes for some fine theater.
"Tom, like somsone said above, pictures with Sophia's dog does not make them a real couple.
However, it is quite clear that the bearding is going to be going on for awhile, and that they're pulling all kinds of tricks to get us to believe they are real."
It's quite clear these two might be a couple in reality and your "bearding" theory might be bullshit. Everything is possible now.
What is sure for me : Austin is surely pissed off by Ted's story and does all possible to discredit it. Those who see some hints from jake and austin for OMG follower like rings .... have to wake up and quick.
they're pulling all kinds of tricks
Yes, PR made a deal with BP to cause the worst oil spill in the history of the US precisely at the time OTH was getting cancelled so that AN and SB could go down there to promote the show and their fauxmance, all the while providing TT, GG and BT(s) a convenient cover in an FBI witness protection program for closeted HW stars. The noive of 'em.
Austin "I'm just here for the tequila" Nichols is really dating Sophia. ROFLMAO!
Go back to the OTH forums and GB and kncok yourself out drooling over the boys and their beards.
The Truth be told, ECF are you back again?
Never my dear, I love pissing off your sick mind.
Follow @UTAFoundation. They are doing great things yall.
3 minutes ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
ECF and Jack, you're nothing more than gnats. Annoying at times, and you always come back no matter how many times you get swatted, but in the scheme of things you're not going to do any damage to anybody here or change minds.
Getting off on calling people names and thiking that we're all quaking in our boots or give a hoot what you think. Talk about sick.
"Getting off on calling people names and thiking that we're all quaking in our boots or give a hoot what you think. Talk about sick."
but you're giving a hoot what troll think otherwise you wouldn't so pissed off.
Austin and Co. will be on E! News on in the next 15 minutes for those in US Eastern and Central time zone.
It will be in the second half of the show, for those catching it later in other times zones.
Oops! Correction
E! is an hour long this week. So anytime in the next 45 minutes.
Pull up a chair with me Tom, and continue to watch this farce. Or is it a tragedy? Either way, it makes for some fine theater.
Absolutely, Destiny! I've already stocked up on my favorite snacks and something cool and refreshing to slurp down the sludge. Looks like this bearding arrangement is going to be steeped with a whole lot of entertaining verisimilitude, old fashion farce and a lot of scripted skullduggery. Gee, I wish OTH episodes had such high quality production values. Maybe that broadcasted mess would not have been on life support, if a little more thought and effort had been directed its way.
That's right, there'll be no amateurish Reeke sequel this viewing season because the guys appear to be trying a little harder by exhibiting a bit more imagination the second time around. As we have already seen, our adorably fun-loving, campy leading characters seem to grasp that two years of vapid digital dance coffee runs, in-the-know anonymous "friends" saying how in love the happy couple are, and 3-4 engagements just won't fly with the jaded broadcast audience. Why? Well, because this is not only a spiritual bonding of two like-hearted souls, but Sophin is above reproach because they are altruistic politically aware humanitarians who are actively engaged in bettering the world for democracy and, in their spare time, raising money for underprivileged beards everywhere. That is, of course, in addition to selflessly restocking vacated closets with a life-time supply of merkins. You know, the 21st century version of John and Yoko.
Hey, wouldn't it be great if Soapy and Aus10 invited us all (through a state-of-the-art satellite feed) to a romantic moonlit wedding ceremony, with a lot of sigh-producing ambiance and mood swooning music? Jake could even cater the whole affair so everyone knows there's no "hard" feelings between the BFFs. He might even serenade the cute couple with an impassioned rendition of, "And I'm Telling You, I'm Not Going." Wait a minute! Now that I think about it, Austin could save a ton of money on invitations by just sending out a Global Green connubial announcement via Twitter.
These two mixed-up kids deserve a little happiness, don't you think?
Crunch, crunch. Popcorn, anyone?
Live interview on E! means live between LA and Austin and Sophia. Not at the moment live.
Want to know how? Sophia posted this picture of them in the studio doing the interview 4 hours ago.
They were just on talking about what is going on, with the people, the beaches and the animals. They talked to one little boy too.
The frustration of the people not being able to help clean the beaches, that how they (A&Ms.B) weren't able to help with the clean up on even get on the beach. How people are in a financial crisis. Showed the oil on the water, how the booms are basically doing nothing and how the dolphins are smart enough to move away from the oil but end up eating the oil tainted sealife.
The angle from E! News was more Sophia than it was both of them.
And I spied with my little eye:
Austin seems to have a ring on his pinky finger. But this time switched hands to his right.
That idiot at Newsweek who wrote the article slamming Sean Hayes and other gay actors is going to People magazine--I guess it's not surprising that a tabloid would be so welcoming of a self-loathing homophobe.
Setoodeh going to People
If you bring the popcorn I'll bring the drinks M and M.
I hear you Destiny. It is just heartbreaking. Its hard to believe that Austin or Jake would stoop this low and do what they are doing. I know that Austin is doing a good thing by going to the Gulf of Mexico and I know he and Sophia desperately want to save their show. But if Jake and Austin are who we think think they are how can they stoop this low. It is so hard to watch. I almost rather their antics be true.
Austin looked wonderful on e tonigt. the best i have ever seen him. sexy too.
i agree Austin has put up his attack against Ted very well. i didn't think he had it in him. i'll give him his proper respect.
for two b list actors they have wits about them and they are doing there own little press junkets.
E gave them plenty of time to talk also. I thought it would be some fluff peice.
why didn't he bring the baby with him?. he was talking to the little boy.
If you bring the popcorn I'll bring the drinks M and M.
You got a date, Destiny. Maybe we can ask Adam Lambert if he's available for some added spice! LOL.
I was looking, special, but I couldn't tell. His fingers looked threadbare to me. And wearing a ring on a finger while you're masquerading as Pom Pom Bush's boyfriend ......
destiny said...
If you bring the popcorn I'll bring the drinks M and M.
by the time this all ends you two will be over 500lbs each, with all that popcorn and soft drink.
I don't recommend it.
Please don't say buttered.
Hi Jack, think you're a cracker don't ya.
Austin and Sophia seem to be genuine friends so they don't have to pretend to look comfortable together or pretend that they enjoy each other's company. I don't think it's a strain for either one of them to spend a lot of time together.
You know what doesn't set well with me re: his BP blasting is that although this is BP's oil spill, I'm sure there are many employees of BP who had nothing to do with this but are being harrassed and namecalled for something they had no direct involvement in. There will be innocent, hardworking 10-hr day joe bloes who will also probably lose their jobs.
You know, we all knew companies drilled for oil. Alaska is losing precious land resources too. But except for those who don't drive and use commuter rail, we're all guilty of choosing to overlook what's been going on. We've all repeatedly filled up our tanks without coming up with a solution to alternative energy resources.
If Austin and Sophia maintain their passion and involvement as well as show they've been influenced into looking at their own oil consumption, I'll pay them mind. But I don't like political rants from a celebrity. They want to talk about lying by the govt, they need to check their own "business" practices first. I'd rather hear the heartache of this from the sufferers themselves.
Man, I wish I could change my avatar right now. LOL!!! I will refrain from further commenting until I can.
It's no secret Austin and Sophia are friends. But there is no doubt in my mind that they are bearding. They've learned some lessons from Reeke or perhaps PR has some new blood on the team. I have always thought that Austin is smarter than Jake. More self reliant, street smart and self confident. The way he is handling the bearding does show that. Just like Reeke though it will have a life span. I'm patient. I'll enjoy the show in the meantime.
I'm patient. I'll enjoy the show in the meantime.
We may have to send more guys to help lift you off the couch when the show ends
or perhaps PR has some new blood on the team.
I think they're bearding, too. But I don't think Jake's PR controls Austin and Sophia.
Don't think their bearding anymore. I think they are real now.
Agree with everything you've said lurker.
Speaking of Adam, less than 24 hours to go before I see him in concert. I can't wait!!!
Speaking of Adam, less than 24 hours to go before I see him in concert. I can't wait!!!
I'm seeing Adam in about a month, Destiny. Good for you. Can't wait to hear about your experience. Enjoy!
I think Austin is doing the bearding now to give Jake a break. He was under so much stress and on the verge of a breakdown during Reeke. He needs a breather.
And the troll comments are just a repeat of everything we heard during Reeke, that amounted to nothing in the end.
It is Reeke all over again. And Sophin learned from their ineptitude.
So since the guys don't want to acknowledge each other in public and since Austin & Sophia want so badly to be a new "it" couple, I say Ship Ahoy, matey! Bon voyage.
I'm scouting for a new hot flavor for Jakey. I have dubbed them:
PG, you are just too funny. But, could you translate your "jobgookalikeaguy." Guess I'm missing the meaning. You're avatar change is a hoot, though.
LOLLLL. Hey, that was the best one out of the bunch. There was one where Jake was kind of smiling at him and his shoulder was pressing into RobLookAlikeGuy's shoulder sorta sexylike but RLAG had his stinkin' eyes closed. He ruined it!
Jobgookalikeguy is on a 30-day trial. With baseball going on all summer, I'm thinking maybe another Dodger game stands a good chance for a sighting. Maybe this time, Jake might wear a tank top instead in RLAG's convertible.
If Jobgookalikeguy fizzles, welllll....I'll be on the lookout. Jake looks pretty comfy with about any male he's in the company of anyway so it won't be hard to come up with the next one, lol.
I don't have any champagne in the house to christen the bon voyage departure of Sophin Maria, Pinta & the ....what's that third ship of Columbus'? I forget. Hopefully, Sobe water will do.
Man, we are semi-baking here in the midwest. It is hot. My niece & nephew are up here now and I had to battle my niece for my phone. Her & her brother have very quickly learned the art of texting.
Here is a video directly from Global Green from the trip to Gulf.
Parts of this footage was used for the interview with E!
Austin Sophia Global Green Gulf Coast
Jake Gyllenhaal + RobLookAlikeGuy = Jobgookalikeguy.
C'mon, m&m!!!! Get with it here. lol.
C'mon, m&m!!!! Get with it here. lol.
*Hits hand on head* Cyberepiphany!
How did I miss that one? LOLLLL!
And as we were watching "Wipeout", my ten year old niece was trying to point out to me the odd soundingness of "big balls" and giggling. **sigh**
And then on E!News tonight, they had footage & a story on Miley Cyrus in her latest, controversial lingerie costume and my 11 yr old nephew is gawking at the TV. He who used to watch her all the time as Hannah Montana.
Yeah, thanks, Miley.
And we used to just worry about salty language on the TV, lol. Now I have to worry about these changes.
Whatever happened to the days of Blues Clues, Oswald and Dora the Explorer.
Here is a video directly from Global Green from the trip to Gulf.
Thanks Spesh - great work guys! :)
PG, you can see Austin's ring clearly in the video from Global Green.
I have always thought that Austin is smarter than Jake. More self reliant, street smart and self confident.
Yeah, that DUI really showcased Austin's "street smarts" didn't it.
Yeah, that DUI really showcased Austin's "street smarts" didn't it.
^ lmao Thanks
Some do Foget so easily
Just saw the E spotlight
I think they are a couple now also.
They do look good together, especially Austin.
Re: Global Green's video
Thought it was interesting how they cops didn't want them on the beach. Amazing how the hay just draws up the oil and you wonder why they aren't using such a simple solution. Interesting how they used cameras they sent up with the weather balloons to create a grid.
You can tell Austin is a natural on a boat, total second nature to him. Did you notice when they were talking to the little boy, how he immediately got down on the little boys level to talk and was pulling Sophia down to do the same?
I think they are a couple now also.
So let me get this right. You think Sophia turned Austin straight? How's that for a fantastic assertion. That statement is more than delusional, it's whimsical in it's quaintness. Or should I say, queerness. I remember the same absolutist assertions being shipped throughout the Reeke years. Reese and Jake were just the perfect couple. They were meant to be in each other's arms. I wonder what kind of wedding dress, Reese will wear? They're going to have the most beautiful children.
So keep spinning your wild tales of splendor in the grass. It's really amusing. Be careful though. You might get pretty dizzy from so much contrivance and have to throw up some of that putrid vile that resides inside of you. Try upping your meds. I hear Thiothixene works wonders for those with unorganized thoughts and unresolved hositilities toward others.
Did you notice when they were talking to the little boy, how he immediately got down on the little boys level to talk and was pulling Sophia down to do the same?
Yes, I noticed that, Special. Austin seems very comfortable in the company of children. Just like Jake. It appears that both men have many things in common. Just like....that's right. Just like amor a primera vista. Looks like the two BFFs share many passions. ;-)
To paraphrase a WFT2 regular: "I think they are a couple...."
(The Spanish phrasing is a shout out to you, Austin.)
Nah. I did not see any great coupleness. I did notice Austin knew immediately to get on the same level as the child. Learned from baby tile I'm sure. He also rolled his sleeves up. Mimicking Jake or trying to make it seem like no big deal to do so.
Re Austins DUI. You conveniently forget Jake's parking lot indiscretion and love of public sex. They both have their share of faults and good points. But Austin fought his way up. It takes moxie to do that. He also finished college. Credentials are a foundation that leads to a sense of confidence that family connections can't buy. I would not go so far as to call Austin a self made man, but I've known many and you can spot it a mile away.
I am pretty natural with kids too but haven't! is it so incredible?
m, it is always a pleasure to read your completely foolish messages keep them coming. Austin a self-made-man! Like, he came from a poor family and climbed up the ladder. And sure only people who have kids an figure out how to behave with the... LOL! You guys sounds so desperate on a crazy theory that is so falling apart by the minute that it is kind of sad. Get help!
m, I just have to disagree on two points.
Re: Austin's bearding. Jake didn't stop bearding because he wanted to. He didn't put his foot down. Reese ended it. She upended the whole deal; Ted spilled the dirt. Jake would've kept bearding until who knows when. And as Ted said, he bearded to the point of curbing his own love life . In other words, how many times did he put Reese first before Austin and their relationship?
And I will always stick up for those who don't have the opportunity to go to college, can't afford it, or couldn't academically succeed at it. My little buddy didn't go to college at all; in fact there are alot of our hourly employees who didn't. But my little buddy is one of the sharpest, most common sense, loving persons that I've ever known. I'll take that over a college education anytime. I would consider her quite successful; I don't think education makes a person and in fact is overrated.
I'm late; gotta go. You guys have a good day!
You think Sophia turned Austin straight?
^ He was either straight all alone, bisexual, or he and Jake did whatever got, caught and are now just friends. I now you can't wrap your mind around this and you're pulling your hair out by the roots. Anything is possible. Get help.
That statement is more than delusional, it's whimsical in it's quaintness.
^ Sure it is, to you. It's because you want it to be and can see only what you want and Ted's words. Anything is possible.
Try upping your meds. I hear Thiothixene works wonders for those with unorganized thoughts and unresolved hositilities toward others.
^Never heard of these drugs, Do the work? If not, maybe the doctor needs to up your doses. Maybe then you can stop pulling your hair out by the roots and going crazy if anyone does not follow your J/A theory. Drink a large glass of water with those meds. Don't want you getting choked looking at A/S on E.
Austin & Sophia Interview on E!
Dr. Prescription at 12:24am,
Maybe you should not watch the video but if you do, make sure you have a strong support system like a good friend or a chair.
Dear Ted:
What's the deal with the new inseparable BFFs Jake Gyllenhaal and Adam Levine?
Dear Bromance:
They're BFFs. Why, do you think there's something more?
Dear Ted:
In regard to Toothy Tile, I have to wonder how Baby Tile will feel once he's grown and realizes that his father kept him a secret from the world because he didn't want to hurt his career. Or am I wrong as to why Baby Tile has been kept a secret?
Dear Who Is Toothy? Never Heard of Him:
When Baby Tile grows up, that'll be an entirely different ball game. Who's to say what five, 10 or 15 years will bring for the kid and his 'rents?
Dear Ted:
I think it's great that Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols are trying to help out with the oil spill, but I feel like most of their motivation for wanting to help is just to get publicity for themselves. I guess it doesn't matter what their motivation is as long as they're helping, but they should take a lesson from Ian Somerhalder, who you can tell just wants to help and doesn't care about getting attention for it.
Dear Bushwhacked:
What's to distinguish Somerhalder as genuine and Sophia and Austin as publicity-craving? Why can't both be both?
Bitch Back
Sophia and Austin question right after Baby Tile question.
Dear Ted:
We've already established that there is a double standard when it comes to men and women coming out of the closet. But why is it whenever a woman comes out, it's for PR, and if a guy comes out then everyone is repulsed? Am I right?
Dear Eh?
I don't think so, love. Repulsion is not the right word. With male celebs, people tend to wonder about the hiding of it all—where, when, with whom and how long. For ladies, it's just accepted and that seems to be it. Nobody's looking up Vanessa Carlton's old interviews to see if she ever gave hints.
PG, you were absolutely brilliant at your 7:08 post today. Have a good day yourself. :)
Ted's always on the ball too - a little publicity does't negate the good they are all doing in the Gulf. Personally, I don't think it was their primary motivation anyway. :)
^^ all comments from WFT and OMG regulars. the first seems to be Tom and another is M.
the double standard question for male celebs was not answered Ted.
Thought it was interesting how they cops didn't want them on the beach. Amazing how the hay just draws up the oil and you wonder why they aren't using such a simple solution. Interesting how they used cameras they sent up with the weather balloons to create a grid.
It's very sad, and it might have softened the blow somewhat if they had let some of the people get involved and help early on. :(
You can tell Austin is a natural on a boat, total second nature to him.
Very much so - he looked wonderful! :)
Did you notice when they were talking to the little boy, how he immediately got down on the little boys level to talk and was pulling Sophia down to do the same?
Yes, I did. :)
'Who's to say what five, 10 or 15 years will bring for the kid and his 'rents?"
Why does Ted only refer to one BT. I thought you koolaid drinkers said there were two? Or is it that Ted can't keep track of his own fake stories??
12:24, Physician heal thyself - you need to curb that bitterness and hostility yourself, I think. I'm sure you've heard of the concept of projection - where you see your own unacceptable emotions and behaviors in others, such as you list, anger, hostility, self-promotion, dishonesty, etc. And you're pretty well versed in meds lingo. It shouldn't piss you off so much that an actor might have burst your bubble, but we don't know anything for sure yet. Why is it so "wild" for some people to think differently than you do? It's more than annoyance with "fangirl" happy ever after with you, you can't even stand the thought that it might be true, even if it isn't.
Tuned into BBC America this morning and heard this little bit about Prince of Persia: "Prince of Persia continues to do well around the World" with a clip from the film. :)
I think Ted is going to drop a juicy Toothy story soon. His BitchBack responses today were just the first salvo leading up to his bombshell. I can't wait.
Yeah, Ted will drop his "bombshell" in 5, 10 or 15 years. LOL.
Of course Austin is comfortable around kids , he has a niece and nephew, saw pics of them that were either posted on Sophia's FB or one of his freinds' FB along with the pic of Austin and Sophia's dog, thatw as on one of his friends FB!
All Ted had to do is google or go to IHJ to know that Jake and Adam have been freinds since grade school, new BFF my ass and apparently the "writer" wasn't aware of it either. Does Ted or whoever :answers" these letters even bother?
Can't have Jske hanging around pussyhound Adam can't we??
No, I see the hostility and ranting coming from your rotting soul. For instance, you not only bully and heckle, but you embrace a snarky fanaticism that is wildly obsessive. Personal attacks are your favorite weapon of choice. Contantly, harassing and badgering others in the hopes of what? That you'll hurt their feelings and they'll go away? That ain't gonna happen, buddy. Secondly, you narcissistically hang out at a site and repetitively echo the same inane remarks. Well-adjusted people do not manifest obsessive behaviors like this. Rather they would simply say "I disagree," with the premise of the community and move along. Yet, somehow you're still here, every single day, around the clock, calling people derogatory names, in the guise of being objective, and deliriously espousing your manic version of reality. The idea of Jake and Austin being in a long term, committed relationship, while possibly raising a family, is so abhorrent to you that you can't stop your hostile sarcasm and personal attacks. Meds were suggested as a humanitarian gesture, but you truly are beyond help. How sad for you that you have no other healthy outlets because this community ain't going anywhere. Time to revise my initial diagnosis. It seems clear now that standard medical practices are not sufficient to aid in your recovery as a thoughtful reassessment of your mental state reveals that you're too far gone. Maybe Jack Kevorkian might have an alternative solution for what is apparently a terminal condition.
Please an hero, 9:41
Re m's post @9:48pm. Oh m, m, m, you are trying to justify Austin's documented DUI with an unsubstantiated rumor of a parking lot indiscretion? Oh my dear, you need to try a little bit harder.
Ever hear of business block formatting? Commonly used in the English language. Oh, that's right. You can't stand the eloquence and truth of the statement at 9:41 so you try to focus on the grammatical structure. Predictable.
LOL - you need something to curtail your wild and obsessive use of adjectives, 9:41.
Oh Jack. Saw you speculation about the surrogate.
No sitemeter needed. Your style says it all and your spelling too.
Now off to finish today's post and watch USA vs. Algeria
It's very amusing, when people don't paragraph how much a post appears like a wild disorganized rant. :)
I think the only reason Austin and Sophia got down to
child level is they knew the camera would want to focus on the kid. Can't be left out of the frame now can we Austin?
A rant is a rant!
Well-adjusted people do not manifest obsessive behaviors like this. Rather they would simply say "I disagree," with the premise of the community and move along. Yet, somehow you're still here, every single day, around the clock, calling people derogatory names, in the guise of being objective, and deliriously espousing your manic version of reality. The idea of Jake and Austin being in a long term, committed relationship, while possibly raising a family, is so abhorrent to you that you can't stop your hostile sarcasm and personal attacks. Meds were suggested as a humanitarian gesture, but you truly are beyond help. How sad for you that you have no other healthy outlets because this community ain't going anywhere.
Nicely said. Perhaps if others learned to write as well as this, they might be able to string together coherent, well developed thoughts instead of relying on basely presented diatribes and personal invectives. A writer who actually has a vocabulary is, of course, a threat to non-thinkers. Alas, trollies must have some genetic defect that prevents them from being able to recognize eloquence.
Ted didn't answer the question, and of course no one is going to be looking at what Vanessa C. did or said before because she said she's bisexual, so I think that probably stops all the wondering about how much she was lying and hiding.
You can bet if someone like Penelope Cruz came out as gay there would be the same speculation as with a man. You kind of saw that with Chelly, who dated some country stars.
Oh, that's right. You can't stand the eloquence and truth of the statement at 9:41 so you try to focus on the grammatical structure. Predictable.
LOL at you wasting 10mins of your life typing out that drivel.
you need something to curtail your wild and obsessive use of adjectives...
When trying to describe another person's behavior, I would think adjectives would be necessary. Therefore, that's a pretty stupid remark, "Word Doctor." Or, did you mean that blogger name, ironically, (that's an adverb) to describe your ignorance? Btw: "stupid" is a necessary adjective when communicating an accurate description of your comments.
Nicely said. Perhaps if others learned to write as well as this, they might be able to string together coherent, well developed thought
Oh hai M&M, do you include SK amongst those "others". It must make your sphincter contract every time you read one of her posts - for someone so retentive about grammar & writing style.
But you seem to be silent on that - all part of the brown-nosing.
Diatribe is in the eye of the beholder. I'll leave you to stew in your own juices, because I'm off to live my real life. But I'll be back later. No doubt, you'll still be here. ;)
LOL at you wasting 10mins of your life typing out that drivel.
Actually, it only took me about 4 minutes to write my response. But, then I can stand upright and even have an opposable thumb.
*all part of the brown-nosing.*
How many times have we heard this stupid comment from trolly?
M and M must really get under your crawl. And, that's a good thing.
M and PG, I think you both make good points about the college/no college issue.
I do think Austin has had to work harder to get where he is in HW, and I think it is admirable that he got the degree when so many in his situation would have dropped out, like Jake did.
I agree that you don't have to get a college degree to be smart or have common sense, and know plenty of people who didn't go to college, including my brother and his wife.
But I do think it is a lot harder to get ahead today without a degree than it used to be, what with so many of the good jobs in manufacturing, etc.
I also think college is still the best way for people to widen their horizons intellectually and to learn some indepence.
I do think Austin is probably more independent for his having gone off to college far from home, while Jake tagged along after his sister. Ditto with working his way up in HW.
Hey I've never claimed perfect grammar or spelling, thinking ahead and writing at the same time. I know could keep a copy editor in job for a long time.
And all our regulars are back, Jack, ECF and our newest, TTBNL(Troll to be named later)
^^Well said Dest.
10:29 gasbag, the frequency with which those words are used reflect the level of old M&M's fawning. Yes the old pearl clutcher does make my skin crawl.
SK, no-one gives a shit about anyone's spelling or grammar, except hypocritical fawner. If the old pearl-clutcher wants fling mud, it can expect some to come flying straight back.
Oops, didn't finish that sentence, meant to say what with good manufacturing jobs moving overseas.
Also, I think people can learn a lot without college, but I think like anything it's probably harder for some to find the time, especially if you're working full time.
My father use to say that all the degrees in the world don't change the length of the ears on a jackass!
If Jake and Austin are still together, which I believe they are, I think they both bring something uniquely appealing to their relationship. Traits and experiences that the other admires and appreciates. Ultimately, I think the best relationships inspire personal growth. Austin's independence and "civilian status," having grown up away from the glare, glitz and glamour of Hollywood, probably was one of the main reasons, Jake was drawn to him in the first place. And, I wouldn't be surprised if Jake's savvy and bohemian background probably captured Austin's attention and creative core.
The sad thing is M and M is that Austin has been pulled into the HW mud himself, unlike another Texan I adore. He's clearly bought into what I think is a HW myth--that bearding and using your relationship for publicity is the way to move up from the trenches in HW.
*except hypocritical fawner. If the old pearl-clutcher wants fling mud, it can expect some to come flying straight back.*
Wow! Another fawner-based comment about M and M. I'm going to have to pay even more attention to this person's posts. Trolls and/or J&A's PR flunkies must really have a hard time dealing with the merit of what's being presented. And, somehow I don't think M and M is quaking in their boots. Seems like this individual has no problems articulating their case. But, the personal attacks against them sure says a lot about trolly.
The sad thing is M and M is that Austin has been pulled into the HW mud himself, unlike another Texan I adore.
Unfortunately, that appears to be true too, Destiny. Jake's closeted ways cannot help but change both men and, in many ways, not for the better. It will be interesting to see the future choices these two make. Right now, I believe they've painted themselves into a cramped corner. If Austin is doing the bearding now so Jake won't have to, I'm sure he's convinced himself that he's just being a supportive partner. Soon, however, they will both be 30 and I wonder how much longer they will be playing these games and deceiving themselves in the process.
If Jake and Austin are still together, which I believe they are, I think they both bring something uniquely appealing to their relationship. Traits and experiences that the other admires and appreciates. Ultimately, I think the best relationships inspire personal growth. Austin's independence and "civilian status," having grown up away from the glare, glitz and glamour of Hollywood, probably was one of the main reasons, Jake was drawn to him in the first place. And, I wouldn't be surprised if Jake's savvy and bohemian background probably captured Austin's attention and creative core.
Very nice thoughts. :)
"Trolls and/or J&A's PR flunkies must really have a hard time dealing with the merit of what's being presented."
For Allah's sake. Trolls are here to troll. They're not here to assess & score the validity of a post, and send a report home to momma.
CW Stars Ian Somerhalder, Sophia Bush, Austin Nichols on Gulf Oil Disaster
If Jake and Austin are still together, which I believe they are, I think they both bring something uniquely appealing to their relationship. Traits and experiences that the other admires and appreciates. Ultimately, I think the best relationships inspire personal growth. Austin's independence and "civilian status," having grown up away from the glare, glitz and glamour of Hollywood, probably was one of the main reasons, Jake was drawn to him in the first place. And, I wouldn't be surprised if Jake's savvy and bohemian background probably captured Austin's attention and creative core.
second that emotion
Trolls are here to disrupt and attack, and they are particularly unnerved by those arguments they find threatening. Their goal is to shut down civil discussion. Otherwise, why apply personal attacks to someone's opinion. So get over yourself. You are not fooling anyone.
Thanks for your 1337 understanding of da internetz
I think you're right about that corner M and M. But why in the heck the keep painting is beyond me.
After seeing Deadwood and JFC I thought Austin had the makings of a good character actor. Maybe it's hard to get those kind of roles if you're too good looking, or maybe he just wants to go the leading man route. Seems like you get a lot more interesting, and steady work, going the former route.
I really like Austin's hair in the E! footage. I hope he keeps it and doesn't have to cut it short for OTH.
Three Cheers I'm going to delete you link because it has a warning for viruses. Hope you understand.
WARNING: I did not provide that clickable link about "New pic of Jake," which leads to a virus-infected site. Trollies are sure getting desparate. Hijacking other's names to discredit them. These people really are hideously vindictive and vicious. Guess we're getting to them. :-)
Sorry, Special. I just posted a warning for everyone. That wasn't me. It was Trolly.
USA Scores!
Usa usa usa usa usa usa usa!!!!!!!! 91 minute goal. I'm crying and screaming!!! less than a minute ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
The misogynist trolly is back, spewing their personal attacks against OMGers. If we're all lucky, maybe Troll will self-combust into a ball of flames! Crossing my fingers.
USA advances to the next round!!!
I wish I could have been home watching the game. It really sucks to have all the games on during the work day.
That was unbelievably exciting. Well done, USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you better be careful with every link you click on...you never know where it may go. lmao
Don't know what you're laughing at. I'm sure the people have anti-virus software to ward off amateurs like you. Maybe Special can report this troll's IP address to Google Blogger.
I had been typing and yelling through all the shots on goal and the goal that called offsides early in the game. Can the US make easy on the fans for one game?
hausfraus can only mean one thing - It's Jack.
Two people helping with BP oil spill have died today. There is a dramatic increase in flow being observed right now.
I did not click on the link because I saw Three Cheers warning. Have no idea whether it was a .jpeg or a website. I see you're jumping to conclusions again, without adequate information for your assertion. Oh, that's right. You're a looney troll.
I'm sure the internet sheriff will arrest the trolly once they track the ip.
New pic from Austin
I almost hate to read up on the Gulf because the stories are so disturbing. The one that is really getting to me is how some of the environmental groups want to help save the turtles, some of whom are endangered, and BP won't let them in, and they're setting the places on fire to burn off the oil--and burning the turtles alive in the process.
once they track the ip.
Oh, your OMG cyber identity can be tracked, my friend. Just keep up the mischievous.
ever heard of a proxy, or seven.
Ever hear the phrase: "You know just enough to be dangerous?" Bounce points can be tracked too. And, there are many other tricks of the trade. Admittedly, you're not worthy of such attention, but don't think for a moment that you are above reproach. That kind of arrogance, could get you into a heap of trouble. Which frankly would be fine with me. Given what I know about your obnoxious cyber persona, probably anyone else who is unfortunate to come into contact with you wouldn't have any regrets if you should fall prey to some misfortune either.
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