2007 was quite the year for Jake, Austin and OMG.
Jake sings his heart out on SNL, telling Austin and the rest of the country "he's not going." Both attend the Golden Globes. Austin working on JFC, Jake filming Rendition. Jake entertaining Sir Ian and Ruby Wax on the red carpet at BAFTA's . Baby Tile babble continues. Jake's mention of a friend at the fire at Manka during Letterman starts speculation, Zodiac opens with great reviews, Jake and Austin out, bicycling for two, Ted C. makes a point to write up their biking treks under his In the Closet sidebar -- about fashion of course! Austin making fashion in Men's Health. The famous or infamous visit to the set of JFC with both never leaving the trailer. A Saturday night at Jar for dinner. Jake presenting at GLAAD and getting a welcome, fit for a singing cowboy. Jake pictured in Austin (TX) two days before Austin's birthday on April 24th. The setting off biological clocks everywhere,when the first pics of Jake pushing his favorite girl, Ramona in her stroller. Austin gets the star treatment on the red carpet for the official premiere of John from Cincinnati. The official premiere on HBO. Jake in New York spending two weeks with Mom, family and friends. Later finding Austin had his own NY City minute. Last pictures of Jake until August. Weeks spend wondering who was John and what the hell was Milch saying on JFC. Austin first late night interview with Jimmy Kimmel. The "ring" goes missing. But Jake shows up in the Vineyard and it was OMG who found him running the Chilmark Road Race on August 12th. Marking the official start of our little corner of the Toothiverse. JFC is officially canceled. The paps find Jake buying treats from the Chilmark Store. Austin arrested for a DUI in Jackson Michigan and OMG finds out that Jake left MV, the very next day. An alleged outing by a relative unknown gossip. The mystery of Austin's middle name. Jake reappears in LA at the doctors office with a huge grin. Another dinner at Jar with a (ahem) mystery man. Jake off to Toronto for the premiere of Rendition at TIFF. OMG gets an exclusive re
view from the premiere courtesy of Rattler. Jake comes out ! - as a Red Sox fan. Austin comes out! - without a shirt at Austin City Limits. A new ring appears, this time on a chain around Austin's neck. Jake is out of NY the next day. Jake gets Brother(s)ly with Tobey and Natalie. And Nailed with Jessica Biel. Austin gets some Friday Night Lights and even more Informe(rs)d. Jake named the Hottest Bachelor in America by Inteview, and get interviewed by Fincher. The mention of a baby from someone other than Ted. The Gray Goose takes flight, Ted finally giving BF Tile a name, while Jake gets a new one - Gooberballs. Back to NY. OMG realizing Jake is not too big for his britches, but in britches too big for him. The Bombshell from Ted - a walk in The Village will never be so famous. And a dinner with Chelsea will alway be Greek. Rendition opens, and OMG has a get together in Boston. Jake goes to Rome and comes home a different man. Blonde Austin appears for his role in Informers, with a location of Uruguay to deepen his tan. Austin is a Noah with an arc on FNL. Jake becomes a Joe, Namath that is, handpicked by Broadway Joe himself. Jake goes down (New) Mexico way. Another working birthday. And then Christmas in the City for two?
These are just some of the highlights of course, more to mention, and even more we have yet to know. But just as Jake and Austin started the 2007 together, so shall they finish it the same way despite what others may say.
Here's a New Year's Wish for everyone for 2008 may it be filled more moments shared, more memories made and more love grown.
Happy New Year!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Posted by
Special K
7:38 AM
Labels: 2007 Wrap Up, Austin, Gray Goose, Jake, Toothy
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Out Spotlight VI
Posted by
7:03 AM
Labels: Out Spotlight, Peter Tatchell
Saturday, December 29, 2007
More Big Love for the Big Apple
Taking another bite out of the Big Apple topic of the week, there is this, Jake's gift to New York and children everywhere.
The story is The Man Who Walked Between the Towers. Written by Mordicai Gerstein it tells the story of Philippe Petit's tight rope walk between Manhattan's World Trade Center towers in 1974. Jake reads the lyrical story of that not only tells of Petit's incredible feat but a beautiful memorial of the Twin Towers.
Thanks Rattler!
Posted by
Special K
7:23 AM
Labels: Book, Jake, New York, The Man Who Walked Between the Towers
Friday, December 28, 2007
Lenexa, 1 Mile
“Fights, fake IDs, field parties, beer.” Is how Jason Wiles describes his semi-autobiographical movie about the last summer of a group of friends.
There were two screenings of Lenexa, 1 Mile on October 25th, a $50-a-seat fundraiser for the KC Film Commission at 7 p.m. Oct. 25 and a festival screening at 9 that night. It was expected that director Wiles and Chris Klein would be the stars that would be there for the screening, but it looked like it was Jason Ritter, and Austin, who attended with Jason.
'Lenexa 1 Mile' was shot in the KC area in 2005, the writing/directing debut of actor Jason Wiles (TV’s “Third Watch”). The movie was filmed in Kansas City, the suburban community of Johnson County, and at Kelly’s, a popular bar in the artist/entertainment district of Westport in Kansas City.
The cast also includes Jennifer Hall, Paul Wesley, Josh Stewart and William Baldwin, Michael Rooker and Michael Beach.
Check out the hair on Austin in the trailer. It looks like he has a go to Indie/80's cut, except for Lenexa he upped the ante with a little razor work on the sides. And you know that was probably his idea. That hair and those acid washed jeans, the boy looks like he is ready to head to Chess King for a pair of parachute pants .
No worries about missing Lenexa, 1 mile. It is scheduled to come out on DVD. Another DVD to add to the must have list.
And because there is never a bad time for a blonde Austin, here's another look:
Trailer for Lenexa, 1 Mile
Thanks go to Hjulia for sharing the picture with OMG.
Posted by
Special K
6:20 AM
Labels: Austin, Lenexa 1 Mile, Movies
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Start spreading the news...
Jake has been in New York seven times and maybe more this past year. And even there have been suggestions of having Christmas in the city this year. Despite mix of business and pleasure it seems like NYC is somewhere that Jake does goto get away. Going to the hustle and bustle might not seem like a getaway, but it is the family and friends that he shares the city with that make it a retreat. And how better to hide away than in a city of 8.2 million. Sure he gets papped but there are many times he can come and go and not be seen. It is a place were he has family, friends and memories, no wonder it holds appeal despite the obvious attractions. And he can spend time with his favorite little lady.
It seems that he is not the only one who is a fan of NYC. Austin has referred to it as his city during an interview over the summer. And from the reports from the fall it sounds like both enjoyed their stay in Gotham that trip doesn't it? So should it be I love NY or .....
Will there be a possible "brand new start of it" in the future?
Posted by
Special K
7:03 AM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
TDAC (The Day After Christmas)
And so, all the presents have been opened and put away.
The feast has been eaten and the leftovers will be taunting for at least the next few days.
And still no sign of our boys. Where could they be? I read somewhere (and can't remember where, only that I thought it was credible at the time) that Brothers is taking longer than expected (but going well) and they would not be taking that much time off for the holiday. I thought I read that Jake might be requested back on the set today. I wonder. And what of Austin? We know that The Informers has wrapped. Has he gone home to TX? And what of the proximity of TX to NM? Curiouser and curiouser.
Posted by
5:12 AM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas

In all of these picture there is one thing that connects them all. It is at the center of all of these moments. It weaves its way from the edges of one life to the other, mingling the two, creating something even greater.
So on this day, here's a Christmas wish.
For another year of many more to come,And for those long stretches when we can not see, take heart OMG.
"A hidden connection is stronger than an obvious one." - Heraclitus of Ephesus
Posted by
Special K
5:49 AM
Labels: Merry Christmas
Monday, December 24, 2007
'Twas the Night Before Jausty
All of us were wondering where J&A might be.
The digital dance had us scratching our heads,
But then pictures with Reese gave us a case of the dreads.
In the past year the fandom’s been so up and down,
With so many reasons for us all to frown.
There have been some moments to make us all smile,
Borders and biking made the tumult worthwhile.
We’ve enjoyed watching J&A acting this year,
Zodiac, JFC, Rendition, and FNL gave us good reason to cheer.
The friends here are why we keep coming back,
They sustain us through times when of pap pix there’s a lack.
So here’s hoping J&A are together today,
And a wish for some pix that include PDA!
Merry Christmas and happy holidays from Wicked and Santa Tinkerclaws!
Posted by
7:02 AM
Labels: Twas the Night Before
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Twelve Days of Jaustin
The Out Spotlight will be back next week, but to celebrate the holidays OMG gives you :
Twelve months of Toothy,

Ten shows on surfing,

Nine skits a jokin',

Eight chats a chatting,

Seven stays in the City,

Six geese a grinning,

Five Paps free "see's",
Four friends at Borders,

Three songs sung,

Two guys on bikes,

And a ring for everyone to see!

Posted by
Special K
7:49 AM
Saturday, December 22, 2007
What to Get the Men who Have Everything
What would be the perfect Christmas gifts for Jake and Austin? How about-
Or how about simply this-
Never enough time, never enough. May there be enough time this holiday season.
Posted by
7:07 AM
Labels: Christmas presents, J and A together
Friday, December 21, 2007
Special's Few of My Favorite Jausty Things
Both Big and Small
From the big screen to the small screen we have seen them.
JFC, FNL, Zodiac, Rendition, Austin on Kimmel, Jake in the Spring and FallRiding Tall and Jake Gooberballs
Rings and Things
Austin at ACL with his new ring , Jake’s "always on" chain.Nights Together
Jake showing his heart for the world to see, and knowing that song is for just his man
And things unseen
Days in the trailer, and nights at Jar, walks in the city, and digital dances.
Posted by
Special K
5:18 AM
Labels: Best of 2007
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wicked's Favorite Jausty Moments of 2007
As it is officially the holiday season here at OMG (as if you couldn't tell from the music!), here are a few of my favorite Jausty gift moments of 2007-
"I got my eye on YOU!" Austin on JFC. I loved this show, thought Austin was great on it, and am looking forward to purchasing the DVD when it comes out.

Jake in the "Dreamgirls" skit from SNL. While I really enjoyed Zodiac and Rendition, I think my favorite Jake performance this year was his part it in this skit. He just OWNED that dress!
Best Jaustin moment- double date night at Borders. I love it how they spend their wild Friday night at the bookstore. So sweet!
My fave pic of Jake this year. I think I know who he's smiling at!
Posted by
5:17 AM
Labels: Best of 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Make a Wish!
Today is a day to celebrate, but how do you celebrate a guy who is full of love and laughter? By sending birthday wishes. One of laughter and one of love.
Is there anything better to give to a man who said:
"I know when I wake up in the morning with the person I love, we end up laughing. ..."So leave a wish for the fun and one for the heart and give Jake many things to make a wish on.
"When you love someone, all your saved-up wishes start coming out." -Elizabeth Bowen
Posted by
Special K
5:12 AM
Labels: Happy Birthday, Jake
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Boys in Blue
True Blue: supporting something or someone completely.
Small words that sum up so much about Jake and Austin.
As Shakespeare said, "the course of true love never did run smooth" and it always hasn't for Jake and Austin. But after all the years since they met on The Day After Tomorrow, and through all the up and downs, true blue is still the best way to describe them. You don't need rose colored glasses to see that.
Posted by
Special K
5:55 AM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Run Run Santa
Santa hat? Check
Speedo? Check
Running Shoes? Check
Sounds like Jake had everything needed to participate in The 8th Annual Santa Speedo run in Boston held this past Saturday. Damn, if Brothers had gone with Boston as a location instead of New Mexico.
No the run is not in honor of Jake's movin' and groovin' in Jarhead, but a winter run through the streets of Boston to raise money for women and children charities in the Boston area. This year was the Women's Lunch Place, a daytime community for poor and homeless women and their children.
Like many a "just so crazy it might work" idea, the run was thought up hanging out at a local bar, with just 5 guys stepping up and running it the first year, it has grown to several hundred who stripped down to their speedos Saturday and pounded the pavement for a good cause.
Sure walking out of a mall in Southern California in Speedo is one thing, but running in one in 20F in December now that's a dare. See ya next year Jake?
Pre-Race Warm up and a Buck Sighting
Boston Globe - Santa Speedo Run
Official Santa Speedo Run Site
Buon Compleanno Giusi!!
Posted by
Special K
5:07 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Out Spotlight V
This week we look at out actor Sir Ian McKellen, whose career has spanned both stage and screen for over 40 years. McKellen won a Tony Award for his portryal of Salieri in Amadeus and was nominated for an Oscar for his role as James Whale in Gods and Monsters. He is also well known for his roles as Gandalf in Lord of the Rings and Magneto in X-Men. McKellen was knighted in 1991 for his outstanding contributions to the theater.
McKellen was out to his fellow actors since early in his career but did not come out publicly until 1988. He is a co-founder of Stonewall, a gay rights lobby group in Britain. When McKellen was lobbying against an anti-gay rights bill, he visited the Conservative Environment Secretary, Michael Howard, to try and persuade Howard to change his position. Howard refused to change his mind, but did request an autograph for his kids. McKellen complied, but wrote, "Fuck off, I'm gay." Check out Sir Ian McKellen's website at http://www.mckellen.com/.
Posted by
7:28 AM
Labels: Ian McKellen, Out Spotlight
Saturday, December 15, 2007
All Greek to Me
Destiny hit the nail on the head - "One thing jumped out at me in that sighting with Chelsea. The blogger says 'They were not on a date, unless those other two guys at the table were Secret Service agents. ' I guess that means the other two guys at the table were Jake and Chelsea's dates."
"Jake Gyllenhaal and Chelsea Clinton had dinner together last night at Milos Estatoria, the groovy Greek restaurant on West 55th Street in Manhattan. They were not on a date, unless those other two guys at the table were Secret Service agents. "
That would have been October 17th, the day before Ted's column about Jake and Austin's "dead ringer" enjoying a walk in The Village.
Who better to do a double date with than the former President's daughter. Talk about a someone knowing how to handle classified information.
Huffington Post - Pamela Redmond Satran - Dinner at Milos Estatoria
BTW: Pamela Redmond Satran is a fiction writer, freelance journalist,former section editor for Glamour, and contributer to the Huffington Report.
Friday, December 14, 2007
Hair Apparent
Thursday, December 13, 2007
It's Gold Baby, Gold
This morning is the announcement of the Golden Globe nominees, will we see if Zodiac or John from Cincinnati is a part of that select group. Will this be a chance for them to celebrate their with their fellow cast members and crew? And maybe have a chance celebrate together? Guess we will have to wait and see. Zodiac has been getting great mentions on many best of the year lists, and JFC will be on many Best of TV for 2007 lists. The Hollywood Foreign Press might just recognize the both. The nominees will be announced 8:00 EST/5:00PST in Hollywood.
But no worries, even not nominated these two are the only golden boy the other needs.
"Gyllen" of Gyllenhaal meanings golden of course, but now here's were school chemistry comes in... how is Austin a golden boy? The first to letters of his name - Au -- the chemical symbol for gold.
Posted by
Special K
6:12 AM
Labels: Austin, Golden Globes, Jake