This past Wednesday night was a field trip for today's Austin Friday and NE joined me on this mission to gather information on The Informers.
And where would you go for best information, a seat of higher learning of course, and there is no seat higher (or at least they seem to think that) than Harvard University. So just off Harvard Square, we went to check out The Informers at the Loews Harvard Square just us and 4 other people ( hey private screening with stadium seating) and here is our virtual coffee talk follow up.
NE: I really liked The Informers, because I was starting to have sympathy for the characters - it was like a character study.
SK: I liked what I saw but I kept thinking did I miss the beginning ? Wait we've been here since the previews. It just seemed like they chopped the start off. I felt like I got dropped into a movie that already started. I don't think they really gave a back story to anyone. I was missing the 90 minutes they cut five minutes in. And I realize now that a lot of the Austin stuff from the original trailer is in that 90 minutes. So what did you like?
Especially Brad Renfro's character, and Kim's character. As you say, it seemed like there should have been more, and I read a little bit about the book of stories by BEE and some of the stories seemed slightly different, like the Mickey Rourke/Brad Renfro story. BEE did co-write the screenplay tho. I think it would make a very interesting read. Mickey was beautiful, and a great actor; he really becomes a character, but in this case his character was a absolute horror! Brad Renfro's character seemed to have been abused as a child, and he seemed to be used to using his body as currency, as I thought was implied when he wanted a part in a film. :(
I think was interesting about both Brad's character and Kim's characters, is that they had moments of moral conviction, and someone had to in the movie. BEE did co-write the movie, but I think with the way Gregor Jordan filmed it and edited it that it became Gregor's Informers not Bret's. Mickey's character skeeved me out big time.
The ossified rock star who only seemed to come to life when he was walking out onto the stage, or when he missed his son. Kim Bassinger's fragile mother and wife who gained strength to leave her husband. Only in LA would the kids not want there parents to get back together, but I think we can see why. Billy-Bob Thornton's husband and father's very contained feelings, and living in such an artificial world.
It was totally artificial, it reminds you of an 80's video. It reminds of what the band says to Martin when they are shooting the video, to paraphase, it doesn't have to make sense its a video. The Kim, Billy Bob and Winona storyline just reminded me of people who are not only fragile but almost brittle like they could snap at any moment. You're right about only in LA would kids not want to get their parent back together. And Winona, you think it was way too many espressos, or what? Cause man was she twitchy. And she made Nancy Reagan look fat, I mean most in the movie was that LA 80's thin, but man, she had them all beat. I'm glad she and Billy Bob didn't have a love scene, cause that would have been disturbing and dangerous with all those sharp angles.
Interesting point about Brian Metro. Have to say though the concert of the Greek, well that brought back some concert memories.
What did you think about the others?

Couldn't put it any better. My one thought during the more was, "Man, Martin is an equal opportunity slut." You could see why everyone wanted Martin he was beautiful the description in the Washington Post of him as a "like Rubens's cherub as hallucinated by Elton John" is a perfect.
But was Laura (Kim's character) convicted by morals or just crazy to say no to Martin as he perched on top completely naked. See that's what made it a movie, cause in reality who would do that? ; )
So it wasn't just me that thought that. It was almost as if he was trying too much to be the stud, when he was trying to pick up the in the bar. And who picks up women with their 20 -something year old son? Then he was checking out guys on the beach in Hawaii, and then mentioned later that the guys were checking out his son. (Again ewww) You don't know what the reason the divorce was so bitter, is it somewhere in the magic missing minutes?

Lots of interesting stories to tell. I loved the opening sequence with New Gold Dream by Simple Minds, perfect song, and I Ran by Flock of Seagulls, and some of the cinematography. But whether it was out of focus or grainy by design, I don't know! I forgot to watch for the soundtrack in the credits! The Hollywood sign's white letters all defaced by grafitti, when the rest of us see it as unmarred. The beautiful LA lights, and the ugly urban sprawl. The beach scene at the end when Kristie was dying, and the fly landed on her, as if she were already dead.
The opening was good and captured the feeling of an 80's video. But yeah some of the stuff looked out of focused, one point I looked like Austin's ears were doubled. I like your mention of the Hollywood sign and the graffiti, and the LA lights and urban scrawl, Christie on the beach was is Jordan's visual cue to tell you that appearances are not always the reality.
No it wasn't as bad as some of the review made it out to be. And I think Austin had one of the stronger performance in it, as did Brad Renfro.
But you know what? It's gonna make an awesome drinking game. Times Martin sleeps with someone drink, Christie topless drink, Christie sleeping with someone else drink, Martin in bed with a guy take a shot, threesomes - take a shot, someone lights up drink, Raybans take a drink, Flash of a Rolex take a drink, Members only jacket a shot, Topsiders take a shot, Billy Idol mention take a shot.
You know what it need a least one joke or something - ok, I am admit I did laugh out loud when they played Pat Benatar's Running with Shadows of the Night at the funeral but I don't think you really were supposed to.

Movie news - Disney and Bruckheimer must be happy with Prince of Persia because the word is that they are looking at tapping director Mike Newell to direct The Lone Ranger. (Johnny Depp is Tonto, rumor is Clooney might be The Lone Ranger)
And riddle from when I was 9 on this May Day.
April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?
Love this review, guys. But I have to ask, why do you think only kids in LA would not want their parents to get back together? One of my biggest fears as a child was that my parents would get back together. Thank god they didn't. So there has been at least one kid (two actually, my brother felt the same) from somewhere other than LA who did not want their parents to get back together.
They were in their twenties and they didn't want to have to deal with the drama their parents getting back together would bring. At that point they knew all about who they're parent really were and what would end up happening, and the didn't want to be bother. Because it's supposed to be all about them (the kids).
OMG - great post, we had a blast. What Spesh didn't tell you was that there was a beautiful crescent moon in the sky above the theater. It was a beautiful night, and afternoon.
I forgot to mention the funeral scene - I think it was meant to be funny. The Pat Benatar song was so overly dramatic, and his mother's words "I can take comfort in the fact that I gave him everything" just struck me as ironic.
You are right Spesh, I thought Kim was so fragile looking she might break any minute. I thought she was beautiful in this. Love her. I'm still thinking about Winona Ryder's character - she acted it well, Winona is a good actress, but she was very jittery.
Wicked, I think what I meant was that these kids were so jaded and sullen, it seemed like they couldn't be happy about anything and hated everything on principle, but as the story unfolded, you could see that they were right. Graham's older sister actually seemed to be the more responsible one. I have read that during divorces, some kids secretly hope their parents might get back together (my sister and I were two of them), but I was just speaking generally. Maybe I should have said HW kids in a movie producer family, what would seem to be in an artificial world, but even that is a general image, or the impression I had from watching the film, not real life. But I am sure there are other kids who realize it's for the best. But it's difficult to have to divide your loyalties.
It did also seem in the beginning that it was disruption to their self-involved lives, the friend dying, their parents' problems, what an inconvience! Until the story unfolded. I wish there had been more of the story. I guess I filled in the blanks and made up my own story! lol
^^I should add that I was being semi-sarcastic when I said the "only in LA . . ." remark, since HW relationships are depicted as not having a lot of permanence or depth, and screwed up. And reading accounts of family therapists/psychologists who say that even though children may come to accept their parents' divorce on a logical level, in some secret place they still wish they'd reconcile, even when they grow up and become adults, and that's ok to feel that way. I know I would have been happy about it. :)
Completely OT, but came up just now when Tom and I were texting-
Who is Judas Jack-Off supposed to be?
Hayden Christensen
Damn it, I can't keep track of these people! I thought Hayden was supposed to be Crotch uh Lastic? If Hayden's Judas, who's Crotch?
James Franco
Good morning OMG !!!
The weather is gloomy alas today but it's public holyday, don't know if it's the same for you in US but in France the 1er May is work's"holyday" so nobody works lol
I am glad Prairie Girl you're still here with us , I was worried at one moment!! Thanks for caring about my exam. I have still time before the "D" day, one month in fact. But there is so much things to revise I prefer to start right now otherwise it will be the big big stress at the end.
The first exam takes place in June and if I succeed I will do the second exam in september!!!
It's clearly not easy to study when you 're ill but fortunately I have Felix to comfort me.
Oh Felix is my cat !!!!!lol
Thanks you SK and NB for your reviews and dialogue about "informers", I guess overall you seem both to like it even if it's not perfect, Great Austy seems to show a strong performance, I am glad he is more apreciated now for his work.
I must say though one things catched my eyes :
"one point I looked like Austin's ears were doubled"
What what what !!! NO WAY lol
Great review guys,thanks.
I laughed at the choice of Pat Benatar, as did some of the others in my audience.
I know it's hard to believe Laura/Kim would turn down Austin, but I think despite everything she was still in love with her husband, and Martin was just her boytoy, and a sugar baby at that.
There was a halo effect around his ears and with the haircut well you know, almost and optical illusion.
Will have to keep the good thoughts coming for you then Elinor as you get ready for the test. And I must say now I am singing Felix the Cat the Wonderful cat in my head. LOL
See know we know what Austin's powers of persuasion is, dressed in only in his devilish grin. Jake was a goner before he even knew what hit him.
"Jake Gyllenhaal buffed up a lot. Maybe even more than Hugh Jackman. I've seen cuts of Prince of Persia and Wolverine...I think Hugh could still take him, though."
—A lucky pro dude who's worked on both Hugh's and Jake's most recent flicks. Remember Jake's beefy pics? Who knew behind those Starbucks coffee cups there were some yum-worthy pecs! Reese and Deborra are two very lucky babes, what is their secret to keeping these hotties satisfied?
Blab Blab Blab: Muscle Madness, Hugh vs. Jake!
Ted with just touch of sarcasm. LOL
And take him in a fight? the box office? Or is there something else Ted is trying to imply? ; )
My first thought, Spesh :)
Thanks for GREAT review, both.
Someone is getting married on the Vineyard this summer
Boston Globe
Awww, good for Chelsea!
^^Sounds very nice.
Thanks, London, hope our review wasn't too spoilery!
Elinor, good luck on your exam. :)
ONTD on SoGo blog
From Ted's twitter
Ted: Doesn't anybody want to know about #toothytile anymore? I feel lonely for the poor boy, in so many ways!
jael_rd: @theawfultruth the whole Toothytile drama kept me going through a rough spot...what's going on now???
Ted: @jael_rd it's only getting worse. His balls are toast.
irisdorbian: @theawfultruth Oh Ted, just OUT him already. We all know who it is. He is ridiculous and his BF is much cuter than his beard.
Ted: @irisdorbian you sound like a smart gal in her butch suit.
Do-Me Meter: Balthazar’s Got Some Balls!
Balthazar Getty obviously wasn't satisfied with just wife Rosetta or Sienna Miller spelunking around his nether regions, so he's decided to take matters into his own hands. Or did he just get hit in the groin with a football?
Wonder which slighted babe threw it? All despicable stuff aside (tho its hard to ignore it, since he proudly prances his infidelities in the public's face), the Brothers & Sisters star is usually quite doable.
But, Balth, no offense, when it comes to the cycling thing, you are no Lance Armstrong. You're not even Jake Gyllenhaal. Or his biking buddy.______
Get even dishier with @theawfultruth on Twitter!
The Awful Truth
"... You're not even Jake Gyllenhaal. Or his biking buddy._____
Get even dishier with @theawfultruth on Twitter!"
Ted talks about outing Toothy on twitter and later he mentions Jake and Austin on his blog and says 'there is more dish on twitter'.
And love the fact that whoever "Iris" is, she let Ted know that people all already know. She does sound smart, I agree with Ted.
I think Ted has about had it with old closetcase Toothy and I must say I agree.
I hope someone outs Toothy's ass. He's a hypocrite and a homophobe.
Gooooood MORNINGGGGG!!!!!
We need to wake up around here. How's that song go? Let's get it Started...Let's get it Started... or, how 'bout
If you Start me up....If you start me up, I'll never stop...
Or else how 'bout this one.
They call me Stacey.They call me her. They call me Jane.That's not my name. That's not my name. That's not my name. That's not my name....
no?....LOL..You have got to hear that song. It's nuts. And you hear it once and it will stick in your head all day.
That's not my name. That's not my name. And it's by a group called The Ting Tings. That is just too rich.
Like Special says, you can't make up stuff like that.
Okay, the reason I got on here was because I just woke up from the craziest dream. Two nights/mornings in a row I have these bizarre dreams and I never remember my dreams anymore it seems. I mean, I turn out the light and I never even remember doing that.
Thursday night I went to bed after having read a few of Bailey's old BBM one-shots on LJ. Either the last one or next to last one being about Jack Twist and a wolfman, or part man/part wolf, something like that. Lol, I know, I know. I think the wolfman-type character was supposed to represent Ennis, somehow, but I haven't figured how yet. And I can't recall the dream now, but I had a dream that night about a coyote. Something about a door, too. I remember the coyote being near a door or a partially open door, I think.
And then, I just woke up about 20 min. ago from dreaming about being in my old childhood bedroom on the floor and was folding an afghan (a mint green afghan that my aunt had given my sister & I which yesterday I was contemplating whether to put in the garage sale today or not) and this bug fell out of it. And I thought "Gross, that's one of those June bugs but it looks smashed & dead now". But it wasn't. And it wasn't a June bug, it was some kind of wasp-y type looking bug and it was crawling around. So I saw a big old shoe & I went over and of course, missed on the first try. And it just kept moving around & I just kept trying to hit it with the shoe. I must've tried like 20 times, just over & over. And finally, finally I got it. And I think I then woke up.
And you know how sometimes you stagger into the bathroom after getting up in the morning & your reflection in the mirror just absolutely scares the bajeebies out of you? You look like you slept in a tripod position on your face the whole night? That's how I looked. Criminetley's! Scared me to death!!
What does hitting a bug a hundred times mean, lol? Maybe the bug represented Toothy stories. Just kill it, Ted! Let it die, man.
Anyway, I 'm awake now. What a way to wake up on a Saturday morning. Smashing bugs with a shoe, lol.
And it was 0600, too. And my face was all pinched up. lol. Cripes - hope you all wake up in alot better shape than that.
"I think Ted has about had it with old closetcase Toothy"
You are joking, right?
Toothy is gay, closeted and a celebrity - nothing's changed, Ted has no reason to stop writing about Jake and Toothy Tile.
"Someone is getting married on the Vineyard this summer"
April 1, 2009
Chelsea Clinton is not getting married this summer, a rep for the Clinton family confirms to
I am not sure what Ted plans to do with the Toothy Tile saga. All things are Pattison right now and Ted sure isnt dumb.
I wonder if Ted thinks that the old bird was flipped to him, MK and all the others who try to keep the Jake is gay story alive. Cuddling with your beard at a concert and flipping the bird to whomever sure has done the trick in quieting things down. Jake looked very pleased with himself as he was walking in LAX.
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