Austin Friday - Wimbledon Men's Semi Finals Edition
Yes, Austin was Jake once.... Jake Hammond that is.

But he almost wasn't, Jake was going to be another blue eyed dark haired boy by the name of Ian Somerhadler - maybe it was Austin's McEnrovian hair gave him the advantage.
Of his killer forehand?

Pro tennis player Pat Cash, who should know what makes a Wimbledon champion, since he won it in 1987. Cash taught Austin from scratch to make him pro-level looking was blown away with his natural athletic ability, and definitely his forehand. "It’s absolutely as good as anybody’s on the circuit. I swear to God. He hits it like a bullet. He’s our star pupil."
Or maybe because he is just a great guy to work with.
Paul Bettany talks about walking on out on Centre Court and Austin helping him walk off.

“It was as close to how I imagined being a rock star feels,” he says of a moment that encompassed both exhilaration and abject terror. “You walk on and everybody is screaming you name.” “I sat down to take my racquet out and I remember thinking, ‘I’m so pleased that I don’t actually have to play a match, because I can’t walk,’” he adds with a laugh. “There’s actually a photograph somewhere of [my on screen opponent] Austin Nichols helping me walk off Centre Court because, literally, my legs were like jelly.”
Of maybe just because....
Pass the strawberries and cream please.
A little more Wimbledon Trivia:
"Originally, the casting director sought after Hugh Grant and Reese Witherspoon for the leading roles. And I can only imagine how dreadfully country club it would have been if they had done so." - The Reel Deal
Ok just getting this out of the way like a ripping off a Band-aid.
This is in today's People's Caught in the Act
Reese Witherspoon and Jake Gyllenhaal, cozying up while brunching at the Blue Duck Tavern inside the Washington, D.C.'s Park Hyatt. The couple ordered up the crab omelette, sausage and veggie side dishes – and also got their caffeine fix with a cappuccino and espresso. While Witherspoon was reading The New York Times at the table, she didn't neglect her boyfriend. "They were cute because they were holding hands a lot," a source says. Before leaving, the couple snapped pictures of the restaurant's open kitchen.
Haven't seen one picture of them all week in DC. And come on a week without paps - oh that doesn't work in the Reese playbook.
Reese reads the NY Times? - Please! When have you ever heard her mention reading a newspaper or even be seen with one? And if I was the Washington Post I would be offended that she can't read that one. It's not like it some little community weekly.
Didn't a mention that sounds suspiciously familiar pop up last week when they were in DC?
And what about the picture of Jake in Intelligista yesterday?
Does this mean that Jake being home wasn't supposed to be home? And why would that be? ; )
Damn! Never seen that last pic of A. Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.
The chin is back in LA, there are pictures from Tuesday or Wednesday.
Looks like People wasn't in a hurry to post made up Reeke sighting.
The sighting was from last week obviouly, probably from the last weekend in DC, the sightings are not always current.
John Cusacks b-day was 6/28 but they post about it today. Your hatred of Ms. Witherspoon is clouding your judgement SK, just because she hasn't mention reading newspapers in interviews doesn't mean she doesn't read them, how silly. How many actors mention they read newspapers in interviews unless they are directly asked.
They are both back in L.A. this week, twitter sightings placing them in Venice with her kids on Tuesday and pics of her in Brentwood on Wednesday and him in Venice via twitter and a twitter pic.
As long as People doesn't say they were spotted the other day they are cool with PR.
PS: Taking a picture of the open kitchen before they left? Are they planning on buying a resty?
Reese Witherspoon reeds only rags and magazines with a lot of pictures.
Taking a picture of the open kitchen before they left? Are they planning on buying a resty?
Hi babbler!
Reese Witherspoon reads only rags and magazines with a lot of pictures.
As long as People doesn't say they were spotted the other day they are cool with PR.
People magazine is part of Reeke PR.
creekweasel: Just danced with Sophia Bush and Austin Nichols. I rock.
5 days ago from txt · Reply · View Tweet
Well yeah I know it was planted piece in People - either People hired monkeys as interns in a cost cutting efforts or PR really need a script supervisor even more than before. Cause the timing was so bad it killed the story before the story did.
But it's interesting that they were trying to clean up the comments fans made about her not being able to the crossword puzzles, and getting warming her up with the hand holding after some of the icy comments. But again it just comes off as cloying and flat.
And the picture Tom - that is a still from a trailer of Wimbledon. And if I am not mistaken it was London who found that trailer a few years ago.
Why would People interns need to plant a story of them being in Dc when there were plenty of sightings and pics of them in DC, seems like overkill. All you can say that the sighting took place last week, Sunday the 28th the latest since that was the last time they were spotted in DC at Dulles airport. The sighting is about a week old as is the Cusack party which one would assume took place on 6/28, his b-day. Slow news day, holiday weekend not so new sightings posted on the site.
I just think it's odd that they would add that last bit about them taking pics if it was made up, what was the point of that.
What fan comments about not being able to do crossword puzzles? The People blurb says she was reading the NY times, not doing a puzzle.
Back in late '07 when they were in Napa Valley, there were blog sightings of them having breakfast and reading the NY Times.
^^^ Reeke trolls and babblers never give up.
All you can say that the sighting took place last week
This is just another People magazine made up Reeke sighting.
Trailer for Brothers over at ET.
Brothers Trailer
It looks really good.
Saw the bootleg copy last night already.
So what?
All you can say that the sighting took place last week, Sunday the 28th the latest since that was the last time they were spotted in DC at Dulles airport. The sighting is about a week old as is the Cusack party which one would assume took place on 6/28, his b-day.
Your logic is not welcome here. Far more likely that PR arranged for Reese to be pictured in Brentwood on Wednesday and then arranged for a story to appear in People that contradicts the pictures they set up just to counter some random comment by someone somewhere that Special K and maybe one other person remembers that Reese couldn't do a crossword even though this counter-story doesn't mention her doing a crossword.
And good to see that, even after getting a beautiful backhanded smackdown by Wicked, lol/yawn is back to their old tricks again. Keep up the great trolling!
^^^ Babblers aren't welcome here.
I know, I know, nothing will stop babblers from playing stupid and posting their crap! lol
11:12: I think your attempt at parody has failed, either thst or you forgot to take your meds. That post makes absolutely no sense, no surprise.
Arranged to have her papped in Brentwood on Wednesday, then plant a fake DC sighting on Friday?? LOL!!! Most likely the DC sighting was meant to be posted last week but they never got around to doing it like they never got around to posting about Cusack's b-day, 5 days later.
Wicked believes most of the twitters.
There seems to be another meltdown on OMG going on, i wonder what caused it this time?
There seems to be another meltdown on OMG going on, i wonder what caused it this time?
Trolls like you and cry wolf.
I must admit the Brothers trailer looks awesome. Tobey sure lost a lot of weight. Natalie Portman is beautiful. Shame I wont be seeing this movie. Cant support Jake and what he is doing. reeke is a lie. It is homophobic and wrong. It insults me. It also breaks my heart.
Dc, it was a joke post. The fact that it is also almost precisely what Special K believes is what makes it so funny. But OhMyGodot has long since passed the point of self-parody, so I can understand your mistake.
What's funny is how babblers can't stay away.
What's funny is how babblers can't stay away.
Why would babblers stay away and keep their crap to themselves?
Babblers know that their bullshit won't be deleted.
Tobey looks like he's going to be good in Brothers, I've always liked him. I haven't made up my mind yet about seeing it, I have to say I'm leaning towards joining Tom on the sidelines as long as Jake continues with the bearding.
Love the photo of Austin at the bottom, I can't imagine why they cut all of that out of the actual movie.
Yes it was me who found the pic, Tom - part of one of the trailers for the movie :)
These days I can't even be bothered to read about Reeke, or reeking. It's just meh.
I hear you about the reeking London. If it has worked at all for Jake is has certainly gotten rid of that nasty gay fan base. Not sure what it has done for his career though or if he will ever have any fan base again. Expect maybe for the 4 bobbleheads who have been around a lot lately.
It is tedious but I'm still interested in how things get placed in the entertainment media. For example a big Reekeing was avoided by Michael Jackson's untimely death.
I heard the cover of US was Kendra's Wedding and a "Hollywood Couples" theme for the entire mag with Jake and Reese's DC huggy, lovey dovey week in review as part of the "A List Couples" section "who's next". There was a couples lookback section potentially to tie into Farrah and Ryan's love story and her death which was going to have a more prominent layout, one article on her recent struggles and one retrospective of her relationship with Ryan O'Neal.
US Reekley still pimps the movie with a picture of Owen and Reese, mentions the ice cream shop in the sightings and in the TOC directs you to go to the website to read more about "Jake and Reese: Happy In Love: Matching outfits! Longing glances!"
LOL that tells me Nanci was pissed that they got bumped. Even funnier there is nothing up on the website yet. Janice Minn is going to have a bad day when this holiday weekend is over.
Hi Tr, always love to get your insight. I figured all that DC hugging/matching outfit stuff was for a tabloid story. Poor Reeke. :-D :-D :-D
Looks like today was the day for me to get the pick. Oh well. Just seeing what I see. And how PR shoots themselves in the foot by the own making.
It has been a tough few weeks. First Jon & Kate grabbing all the covers and now Michael bumping everyone off the covers. Will Reese be jealous of Melissa Joan Hart because she got her cover before Farah passed?
I can't imagine Wimbledon being the same with Reese Hugh Grant and Ian Somerhalder in the leads. Sometimes it amazes me who they were thought about for casting in movies sometimes, and how right actor is crucial, and how it can totally change the tone of a movie and not change one word of the script.
The Kendra wedding is still featured on the Cover of US, J&R were never supposed to be fearured on the cover, you heard about it TR because it's on their website.
Kendea is featured, and MJ is on the front. If anyone is pissed it would be the Kendra camp.
They are still featured in the inside as they were expected to as you said nothing was scaled back on that end, the only bumping was the supposed mention on their site which included more pics.
I'm sure all parties involved could care less as I would think they are away fro the holiday including Min.
When I go the supermarket later I will check out how scaled back the Farrah/Ryan and the A-list couples were scaled back due to the death of MJ, insights and all, snort, insight, LOL!
You cackling over the death of MJ and Farrah and how it bumped some pics off their site but hasn't effected the orginal mention in US and that's all it was ever going to be , shows the mentality and maturity of a bunch of middle-aged women.
Not surprised that their are little comments about the trailer.
The cheerleader scoreds again with the football player.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that MJ would wipe all PR efforts of every other HW star.
No big Reeking was planned for US, just that mention. This follows all the other stuff including the Wedding in May and the tour of Europe in March and Coachella in april, barely a blip on the rag radar, most just the blogs.
They got enough from the blogs regarding DC, Us was just doing their usual I'll do them a favor story so we can get some good stuf later crap.
Thanks, TR!
The best word and the most descriptive word I just read in your comment was CRAP insight my ass. That is exactly what reeke is CRAP.
Yes thanks tr. Good to hear from you.
reeke is gutless. Daniel is a hero.
What happened to PG & Sienna, I miss their posts.
Wicked believes most of the twitters.
No, Wicked decides if a particular Twitter reads credible on a case by case basis. Some seem credible. Some don't. And even if I did believe most of the Twitters, it doesn't mean anyone else should.
Tobey looks really great in the Brothers trailer.
Someone continues to be riled up a week after Jake was seen with two children that were not the General's.
Where is PG, I'm worried.
Tobey looks great? He looks seriously ill. Of course because of his movie role, but saying he looks great is a bit of a stretch.
It is always meltdown time on OMG. Day in day out.
What's funny is how babblers can't stay away.
You can say that again!
I think Jake looks good with Natalie in the trailer, think their scenes will be good. Like him with the girls, loving Sam Shepard in the clip. I want to see that tension with Tobey and Jake. Makes me think about the story them sniping on set and wonder if they were getting into their roles and build up that tension for on screen.
Out to celebrate my brother being so damn old tonight.
PG Girl is fine.
If Jake had put half as much effort into getting Brothers released last year as he's put into bearding, staging photo-ops and planting rumors over the past year, then maybe he would be taken more seriously by Oscar caliber directors like Lee, Eastwood or Fincher. As is stands now, it's going to be a long time before we see Oscar-buzz anywhere near Jake's name after Brothers comes out. A long time.
The closet door really does swings both ways in HW. Bearding with a manipulative, vindictive pr-hound like Reese will make you more attractive to certain studios (like Disney), but it is the kiss of death for other producers, actors and directors. Jake is very lucky that Anne Hathaway used her political capital to help an old friend. Most actresses of her caliber would not have done the same.
Since I saw the original Brothers, cant say I have much interest in a remake. But a least Jake has a movie being released this year. Tobey looks good. I am not a great fan of his but I liked him in Wonder Boys.
Makes sense that PR was looking for a big Reeke article in the rags. That explains the week long effort. Best laid plans.
I have wondered about that oped. Seems like a lot of the high caliber directors do not work with tabloid fodder, with the exception of Brangelina. But they manipulate real interest in a somewhat classy way, and I think people like them.
I was just reading a story in the New Yorker about how stars and crews who do scenes in the ny subway have to take any 8 hour class, and they take them with regular folks. The guy running it said a lot of stars were not very nice, but that Angeline was the most down to earth, nicest person to come through there. He also said N. Cage was a great guy. Can't help but think that is one of the reasons they never lack for work.
Oped, so has Jake shot himself in the foot just to do pop? Will people feel differently if that movie is a big hit, or is he now in orlando bloom territory?
If Jake had put half as much effort into getting Brothers released last year as he's put into bearding, staging photo-ops and planting rumors over the past year, then maybe he would be taken more seriously by Oscar caliber directors like Lee, Eastwood or Fincher.
Have you spoken to any of them recently? I'm guessing no.
The closet door really does swings both ways in HW. Bearding with a manipulative, vindictive pr-hound like Reese will make you more attractive to certain studios (like Disney), but it is the kiss of death for other producers, actors and directors.
If that were true, Reese would get even less work than Jake. Think about it: if Reese is so hated and bearding is so bad, then any kiss of death that Jake has received would effect Reese even more. Yet it hasn't. She continues to get work and remains one of the highest paid actresses in Hollywood.
So oped, you have a choice now. You can either try to explain your nonsensical post, or you can take the Special K/Destiny/M route: ignore the fact that you've been called out and wait for lol/:)/vanity fair/some other sockpuppet to pop up and call me a babbler. I'd go with the latter. It's a winning tactic on this blog.
One more question, why would jake's people advise him to do the over the top reeking if it hurts him with a lot of people?
"bam" how about if we just call you Jack?
So this is the real reason why Jakey chose Reese as his main hag? - I'm Not Obsessed
Did anyone hear Palin's speech. Very odd. I cant stand the woman myself, but could not help but listen to it. The whole thing was really odd. Way too wordy and just weird.
Is bam trying to tell us that they work for Reeke? Or maybe just Reese? Reese has dropped about 10 notches on the pay scale, not to mention that the prior high salary was from when she was paying herself. So even though she has work lined up, her cache has fallen considerably. And it will fall further as time passes. As we have seen from Jake's history, his name gets attached to lots of films that never come to pass. Same is true for others.
She's doing romcoms and voiceovers for animated films. Not exactly what she was probably expecting after her Oscar. I also think these kinds of films are the kind of films where nobody cares, and even welcomes, a fauxmance played out in the tabloids 24/7.
I did see parts of the Palin speech, very odd. The conservatives are certainly imploding. Now if only we could get rid of a few of the conservatives on the Supreme Court.
- Actors have no influence on the release date of their films.
- Brangelina - Brad Pitts latest project with director St. Soderbergh has been cancelled days before shooting started - decision of the studio.
- Anne Hathaway has no power on the decision who will be the co-star of her movies.
You just have to take a look on how difficult it is for smaller productions getting a distributor even when "big" stars are involved. (example "Parnassus" with Heath, Depp or "I love you Philipp Morris" with Carrey, McGregor)
Before I make assumptions on Jakes carreer I will wait how "Brothers" and "PoP" will be doing with critics and audience.
Well said Filmfan. ITA
oped, you are seriously on the wrong track. Anne Hathaway has nothing to do with the casting of Jake. Besides, Jake was a costar in one movie, not a good friend of hers in any form. You don't like the bearding and I don't either. But if it was so disastrous as we like to believe Jake would have switched gear already.
Salt he cant switch gears. Most likely reeke is a written and signed contract. Disney owns Jake until PoP is over. He has no choice. I am sure Jake and reese have already been paid.
Anne Hathaway has no power on the decision who will be the co-star of her movies.
Anne can't make the decision, but she can influence it.
I agree :). Anne has become a pretty big star in HW. You would think that she would have some influence. Plus the chemistry between her and Jake in BBM didnt hurt.
Plus I agree that Jake may have pissed some HW types off when he held out for more money until afetr the oscars when he was nominated for best supporting actor.
I think that Jake pissed more people off in HW trying to come out after BBM. I think that HW set him up to the be the leading man for guys in their 20's, since Leo had moved into the 30 range. There is Gosling, but really who else can handle a heavy lead? Who do they have now that they are trying to sell as a leading man that can hold a dramatic lead? Shia? Pattinson?
I wonder now if he was really holding out for more money or if he was waiting to see if he get a movie and come out.
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