CORRECTION 7/27/09: And I must make a correction to this post. The person who I thought was Austin in the pictures is not Austin. But another actor.
Hey I am the first one to admit when I mess up. I do mess up.
It was an actor playing Quinn's husband.
A Extra Early Saturday Post
Austin was waterside again Friday filming with Shantel. Maybe that time out in Wilmy was talking about their scene a little and lot of kicking back.
But what is up with Julian and Haley's sister Quinm? One of Haley's free-spirited older sisters she comes to Tree Hill with a wounded heart and in search of something new or is that someone new to do? And what's that mean for Julian and Brooke?
Word from the set is that there are many pictures of Julian and Brooke around Brooke's place. And that there are some new locations, several new residences and one place OTH has never filmed in before, a strip club.
Now you wonder if Julian has got his own bachelor pad or he and Brooke have decide to shack up in Tree Hill, and did they stay in Brooke's place or get a new place as a couple?
And who is going to the strip club or is it who is working there? Could it be Haley's wild child sister? Did Julian find her doing the horizontal junkie and butterfly on the pole, while researching for Striptease 2: Moore/Ashton Twitter , and he is trying to help her from making even more mistakes? Or is she working her wiles on man with the devil's grin? Or talking about Haley and Brooke?
Lastly you gotta wonder who Austin was talking to on his phone between takes? Someone playing a Persian Prince perhaps?
Speaking of the Prince - Here is the panel discussion wrap up from Comic Con.
OTH Photos: Star News/Mike Spencer
Bonus Gold Star for the classic movie quote that goes with the post title.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
On the Waterfront
Posted by
Special K
12:03 AM
Labels: Austin, Filming, Julian Baker, One Tree Hill, OTH, Quinn
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McFarlane left for Image’s panel, but before he went, told an annectote: “Jake Glynnhal, for everyone who saw 300, dude’s in fantastic shape. My wife, always a big fan, said he went from handsome to stud. I think divorce papers are in order now. He’s acting the part, but he looks the part. It’s superheroic. He was bigger than his stunt doubles.”
Why do they all keep going on and on about how "studly" in shape Jake was?
Jake Glynnhal And they still can't spell Jake's last name.
This led to a reveal poster of Gyllenhaal as the Prince of Persia himself.
Doesn't say if the movie posters from the last week was the reveal, but it's funny how the site uses the old Disney unofficial pic of Jake staring into a candle fire that was pulled quickly after it came out.
He pitched to Bruckheimer’s studio, who liked it. They were in business, and only 6 years later, it’s coming out.
If it took 6 years to develop the movie then Jake getting the part (and wasn't there something Ted said a few years ago about Jake sleeping with a hotshot producer to get a blockbuster role?) and bearding plans started way before Nov 2007.
When he sang that song in drag to the costumed gay cowboys on SNL about "I am not leaving" I KNEW he was changing his image, getting greedy and phony and dumping his longtime loyal fans. I've always wished him success but I hope POP poops. He deserves it.
Michael Bay was the director first, Mike Newell came later, and a new cast. Jake was picked in either 07 or 08. Go look it up.
Toothy discussions in ONTD Ted's Blind Vices
Bonus Gold Star for the classic movie quote that goes with the post title.
I'm so big I coulda been a cucumber!
Jake Gyllenhaal, pretend heterosexual extraordinaire at the Los Angeles Dodger’s game Wednesday night, at they battled the Cincinnati Reds. Jake was joined by his brother in-law Peter Sarsgaard, while Jake continues to dress like an odd amalgamation of Zac Efron and David Beckham.
"To me it shows a lack of confidence in the film or Jake, by Disney"
"wasn't there something Ted said a few years ago about Jake sleeping with a hotshot producer to get a blockbuster role"
Everybody who really believes that Disney and Bruckheimer - professionals through and through - would be giving a role in 150-170 Mio blockbuster (NOT included the PR, ads etc. that would make about 250 Mio.) to an actor without having faith in him or just because he slept with Bruckheimer must be naive.
Yes, some people here really want PoP to be a flop and Jake failing -lets see who will have the last laugh.
Thanks for the link to the Panel!
I coulda been a contendah? Love Marlon Brando. ;)
Wow, nice surprise earl post!
Great post, Special - you have wonderful inspiration & endorphins working at that hour!
Sorry, Venus, I know, that was a bit much, wasn't it? I got real tired of myself, let me tell you. Why in the heck didn't you join me?
I can't wait for the start of OTH. I betcha Brooke's sister makes a play for Julian, what do you want to make a bet? I need to click on that one picture; Austin's legs just go on & on, don't they?
That was a great description of Jake's look in that comment above. I love the smile on Jake's face, but there's that cap again.
It's summertime, or at least I thought it was. I guess the AC can be set pretty high at some places, lol. c'mon, Jake....
I am absolutely loving this new laptop. Everything is working and not having to reboot constantly. I feel for you, Special; I think I may have heard you hollaring from here yesterday! Hey, I have an old laptop I can sell you for a dime, lol.
Special, is that last picture Jake? Tell me that's not from PoP. I hope that's from another movie. Is that from that Robert Pattinson movie? I don't like that look at all.
Okay, yup, it's Saturday and I'm up early-couldn't sleep, just woke up for some reason. I am off to walk!! Off to my park, I can't wait. Looks like it's just daylight enough now.
Oh, and I love the "I coulda been a cucumber!"
LOL! I can't come up with those kind of lines; I'll let everyone else do it. But that one was hilarious! Very good, music luvah.
music luvah, where do you hide at? We never see you often enough - I was just curious about you is all. You're a very friendly, optimistic sort - I'd like to hear more of your thoughts.
This song is kind of creepy. It reminds me of "Riders of the Storm".
Okay, off to walk. I'm off o' here, Venus, lol. Hey, I'll be really off of here for the next 8 days, so enjoy the rest.
Venus said...
Someone Please tell me, is this the PrairieGirl Blog?
You are pretty talkative tonight.
Can anyone else talk?
Take your stupid ass out of here Venus and get lost. Can anyone else talk? Do you hear voices? Better call your Doctor they have meds for that.
For Jake love "yawn" go to Gb or IHR. OMG is not a fan site. It is not an altar with Jake laying in a manger. Many hate the bearding and the lies. Others feel Jake won't succeed until the lying ends.
^^^ Talk to Gamer Troll.
I'm so big I coulda been a cucumber!
When I think big pickles. I think Nichols.
Music Lovah got the quote and the gold star.
But Austin got the Golden Pickle for his.
PG, the picture is from the video game not the movie.
LOL I can't take credit for the cucumber.
Thank you PG, enjoy your walk. I had a nice walk very early this morning too.
Thanks OMG, wanted to compliment you guys on the Kenny Chesney song the other day too. :*
Woohoo Special for finding the pictures! Very interesting that they're adding so many new locations now that Austin is a regular. It seems like he addind Julian gave them the chance to try out some new storylines.
For Jake love "yawn" go to Gb or IHR. OMG is not a fan site. It is not an altar with Jake laying in a manger. Many hate the bearding and the lies. Others feel Jake won't succeed until the lying ends.
Would people stop saying that OMG is not a fansite? Do you even read Specials posts? Is there anything in them that tells you she's not a fan? Since she does the most of the work for the blog, I'd say that means it is a fansite. Just because some commenters don't agree with the tone of a blog, doesn't change what it is.
I guess I just don't get why you'd come to a blog dedicated to Jake and Austin if you don't even like Jake.
Twisting everything to mean that Jake fucked up, that he can't act, that every single one of his movies will fail is not being objective or even realistic.
You don't like the bearding, just say it. Stop making everything else about the bearding.
And just for the record, yes, I really hate the bearding, too.
Twisting everything to mean that Jake fucked up, that he can't act, that every single one of his movies will fail is not being objective or even realistic.
ALL comments and opinions are SUBJECTIVE - not just opinions you don't agree with.
ALL comments and opinions are SUBJECTIVE - not just opinions you don't agree with.
I agree. And if people would admit that, then I would have no problem with it.
But that's not what's happening.
if people would admit that, then I would have no problem with it
There is no need to keep repeating "In My Opinion" in every comment - it goes without saying, it's always implied.
Sorry, Venus, I know, that was a bit much, wasn't it? I got real tired of myself, let me tell you. Why in the heck didn't you join me?
^^I was about to Join you but after reading your posts, I got tired, yawned and let you have the floor. I had nothing else to say but take a jab. All in fun though. that's all.
"Take your stupid ass out of here Venus and get lost."
^^ oh, the Evil Queen is back, I better leave now. She likes giving orders and running things.
Very demanding.
Forgot to say before I'm bannished, I agree with you Stubborn. Why come here to belittle Jake on a Jake fansite. Make's no sense. There's more than one EQ here and they can't separate bearding from Jake's acting and films. So at all cost let's "BRING HIM DOWN" said the Evil Queen.
(There's more than one EQ here)
No, no, no
There can only be ONE!
Silly babblers can't stand people who dare to criticise Jake and his movies.
Silly babblers can't stand people who dare to criticise Jake and his movies.
Ok pumpkin are you a fan or not a fan who see only bad in Jake, his films, his acting since he's been spotted with Reese the last 21/2 years. What is it? and no troll name calling.
This should be good.
should be 2 1/2 years
This song is awesome. ;)
Ok pumpkin are you a fan or not a fan who see only bad in Jake, his films, his acting since he's been spotted with Reese the last 21/2 years.
Fan does NOT equal stupid fangirl.
Only stupid fangirls believe (or pretend to believe) that Jake is flawless and all his movies are amazing.
Jake's not flawless, but he's not the fuck up failure some people think (or hope for)either.
((Fan does NOT equal stupid fangirl.))
What is it with this fangirl shit??
everyone has faults, including YOU.
Fortunately, YOU are not in the publics view.
To like Jake and separate his acting and movies from what one may think he is doing in his personal life is two (2) different things.
I am a fan of Jakes, I like his acting, I like some of his movies. I don't think he has made some of the best choice, he may think differntly (but it's his life, not mine). I've made mistakes, we all do.
As to bearding, I am one who don't know for sure that he is bearding. Now lies the problem. If you can't except and respect that I'm not sure Jake is bearding and YOU get upset and start hauling off insults such as (fangirl, babbler, Troll and whatever name that makes YOU happy and seem superior) because YOU know everything about Jake's LIFE, Well I will say this. YOU need your own life and just maybe you need to stop paying such close attention to someone else, Meaning Jake. YOU aslo need to ask yourself "Why do I want him to fail" and what does it matter to ME if he is bearding. Otherwise continue with the Jake hate post. It's Very Simple.
As to bearding, I am one who don't know for sure that he is bearding. Now lies the problem.
That's YOUR problem. I'm sure Jake is bearding.
YOU need your own life and just maybe you need to stop paying such close attention to someone else, Meaning Jake.
YOU need your own life and you need to stop paying such close attention what other people think about Jake.
Stay at GB and IHJ with other fangirls and all your "bad Jake fans" problems will be solved. It's Very Simple!
"So at all cost let's "BRING HIM DOWN" said the Evil Queen."
"Evil Queen" - thats great....
I already knew while writing my comment that I would be called "Troll" and "Babbler" - the usual knee-jerk reaction......
Fact remains that some people (or just one person??) are spending much time belittling Jake and wanting him to fail:
"I've always wished him success but I hope POP poops. He deserves it."
This has nothing to do with a critical discussion or debate - it is just bashing.
I already knew while writing my comment that I would be called "Troll" and "Babbler"
You are a troll.
((YOU aslo need to ask yourself "Why do I want him to fail" and what does it matter to ME if he is bearding. Otherwise continue with the Jake hate post.))
12:31 You did NOT answer the posters question. I want to hear your response....
there will be no mature response. LOL Get ready for the ususal Troll, Babbler "Leave us alonnneeee" juvenile response. LOL
"You are a troll."
Thanks for playing "Pavlovs dog" - but please stay with name "Trolling" - sounds better.
I don't want Jake to fail.
I don't like lying and pretending Jake.
Criticizing Jake is NOT Jake hate post.
I'm not responsible for fangirl babbler logic and their "you hate Jake" trolling on OMG.
YES I AM A FAN of both Jake and Austin and their work as well.
But I have said before and will again that I am not fan of what the current situation is for them.
But I don't wish anyone to fail be it a celebrity or just an average Joe. I don't even want bad things to happen to people. And yes before you even say it, while I'm not a Reese fan, I don't for her either.
While there are consequences for choices in life, it is not up us to decide the consequences. Life takes care of that.
And to be honest I have too much about my own life needs to be improved to be doling out the consequences for others. Because there are a lot of things that I need to work on about me before I even look at anyone else.
One thing I have to say is that I not a big fan of the "disagree with me then you must be a fangirl/troll/babbler" thing that happens when there is a difference opinion. Babblers and trolls do come to OMG, but sometimes not ever opinion that descents is theirs.
Early on we didn't engage trolls because they feed on the attention, and that's something to keep in mind. You can see when someone is baiting for attention.
But there are all different kinds of opinions about Jake and Austin as well as things believed. Each person on OMG has their own bits and pieces and combinations that work for them. Just respect that you can have yours and they can have theirs.
I am not a troll. I hate what Jake is doing and find myself hoping that his career does not go well at this point. I for sure wont be attending any of his movies. I myself do not come here to OMG as a loyal fan of Jakes who is willing to overlook what he has done. Thats just me. I was a fan of Jakes and I hope I will be a fan again. At this point in time I am not.
I admire folks like Spesh and Stubborn who can overlook something they dont like(bearding) and still be fans. I think Spesh can handle those who disagree with her. I am hoping that Stubborn will be able to learn to handle it also. We all have our reasons for why we come here and mine is just to kind of see how this all turns out. We should respect others opinions and words even if we disagree. That is what friends are for.
Tom take your own advice next time you go off.
^^^ Get lost.
The troll is not intelligent enough to compose a meaningful argument, so resorts to personal attacks. Too obvious and immediately recognizable, wherever they comment.
Well, I coulda been a contender was already answered, but what a dream boat Marlon was in his early years. One of the sexiest men to ever live. Too bad he got so heavy, but he remained an interesting person to the end.
I cant wait for the new OTH and to see Austin's name scroll in the credits as a lead.
Actors do lead a nomadic life. Even straight actor couples are apt to spend long periods apart. It comes with the job.
Looks like Peter's new movie Orphan is getting trashed by critics. I am not a fan of the horror genre myself, so not a movie I would have seen away.
rich said...
Tom take your own advice next time you go off.
Didnt go off at all rich. I tried to thoughtfully say what I felt. I also tried to respectably convince Stubborn that not everyone who does not feel the way she does is a troll.
Babblers NEVER troll at OMG.
Reasoning with and responding to Jack is no way to spend a summer day. Be gone Jack. Go harass someone who doesn't like Terminator.
Hey Tom, Stubborn is not saying those who don't agree with her are trolls. She has never said that. But she has given her opinion, her way. I give my opinion my way. Neither is better than the other. Just like yours. But there have been people here that have inferred she is a fangirl/babbler/troll because she is a fan and doesn't agree with them or how's she said that.
Babblers NEVER troll at OMG.
Oops, FL did it again! LOL
I pretty much feel the same way Tom does about Jake. Itks kind of ironic, people argue that he has to beard because some people would be revolted by a gay leading man. !ut then gay fans are supposed to just suck it up, ignore the bearding, the lying, the homophobia involved and just see Jake the actor. Like Tom I just can not do it. All Jake wanted us to see is Reese, well he succeeded, Reeke is all I can see, even when he is alone.
And yes,I admit I want to see PoP fail because I wamt to see that whole system fail. For over 2 years Jake has been selling this. Product, and it is my right not to buy it and condone it.
Sorry for the typos, I hate texting.
Struggling to maintain some fan-like admiration is hard when the Reeking has turned Jake into a joke. Latest example:
Evil Beet:
[about Bradley Cooper]
Ya see, a lot of people out there are starting to speculate that you’re pulling a Gyllenhaal. Cute guy, not ready to come out to all of the world, pressured to maintain the “It hottie”-status. It’s understandable. But here’s where Jakey’s got a leg up on you: he picks good beards. Reese, for example: America’s sweetheart, Oscar-winner, A-list all the way and not to mention, quite famously known for being with very straight, very attractive men. If it weren’t for the years of blind items that point directly to his DL-homo lifestyle, no one would suspect a thing.
I dont understand how anybody can look past the lie that Jake is living and the homophobia that Jake is preaching. No excuses. Money, career, baby?????. Nothing makes it acceptable..
Now I am preparing myself for maybe months of Jake making an ass out of himself in what is basically my home town. Thank God I live on the other side of the bridge.
I read the story about what is going on with John Travolta. I sure hope he is brave enough to stand up to an origanization as hateful as sciencetology. Maybe that will be Jakes next step. I am not going anywhere but I am not a fan of JG and will not support anything he does till the lies stop. Heartbreaking to see who he has become. Now I will hear oh Tom you can expect peolpe to live their life the way you want them to. My answer is to that. BS
2 1/2 years ago he was my hero. Now I view Jake as a coward. I hope Spesh and Stubborn get the opportunity to say we never lost the faith but at this point they both better live to be 100 yo.
Austin, calm down! It's just a figure of speech. My legs wrap around your neck only.
And yes,I admit I want to see PoP fail because I wamt to see that whole system fail. For over 2 years Jake has been selling this. Product, and it is my right not to buy it and condone it.
^^ this is what I don't get.
I know the consensus here now, is that Jake is bearding with Reese.
Since two of the main people who claim that they actually know for a (FACT), not speculation as most, that Jake is gay and now bearding with Reese and they are totally against this charades, then why not prove it with some evidence to the ones like myself who are on the fence. Pictures, statements of men who have been with Jake. Something. Just for the record, I think he is gay or bi, but I truly don't know. If he is bi, then his relationship with Reese could be real. Just like others, I went with all of Teds info, but now I think alot of it was bullshit.
Now the other question is, Since Tom knows for a FACT that Jake is gay and bearding, why keep asking Ted for info..
Destiny no matter how much you think you know for a FACT that Jake is gay and bearding so this justifys's your wanting him to falter at his career, it's STILL speculation until you come up with and prove it with evidence. So the reality is that you want someone who YOU don't really know to fail because of your specualtion. Unitl you show proof or the bearding, this is a FACT.. It's really sad after all these years the same people are ranting of how much Jake has caused hurt to the gay community and cause simply because you (think) he's gay and bearding.
Tom, Destiny PROVE IT. Then I will understand your rant and totally agree with UOU. Put up or Shut up. And I don't mean "Look at how he looks at Austin, he never gives that look around Reese"
How fucking elementary!
2 1/2 years ago he was my hero. Now I view Jake as a coward. I
He was your hero only because you thought he was gay and you followed Ted's info and timetable. It did not materialize or work out. This is why he is now a coward to YOU Tom.
Did Jake ever tell YOU he was gay and coming OUT.
Answer PLease.
6:37: Whortesia/sockpuppet. stop with the fake baiting to create activity due to boredom
2 1/2 years ago he was my hero. Now I view Jake as a coward.
^^ Regardless of what ANYONE here thinks, gay or straight, this is still a (PERSONAL MATTER).
PERSONAL = If the gay person chooses not to speak on it, it's his / her RIGHT.
please tell me I'm WRONG....
Put up or Shut up.
How about you shutting up and going back to GB?
Sherlock said...
2 1/2 years ago he was my hero. Now I view Jake as a coward.
^^ Regardless of what ANYONE here thinks, gay or straight, this is still a (PERSONAL MATTER).
PERSONAL = If the gay person chooses not to speak on it, it's his / her RIGHT.
please tell me I'm WRONG....
Sherlock I dont need proof. I strongly believe that Jake is bearding and that both Jake and Austin are Gay not bi. Thats enough for me. Not sure why people dont blab in HW. Good Question.
Sherlock said...
2 1/2 years ago he was my hero. Now I view Jake as a coward. I
He was your hero only because you thought he was gay and you followed Ted's info and timetable. It did not materialize or work out. This is why he is now a coward to YOU Tom.
Did Jake ever tell YOU he was gay and coming OUT.
Answer PLease.
Sid he ever tell YOU he wasnt?
Poor mentally ill Tom , still not taking meds?
Whoretensia you need to come back to JJ. I will make people stop using your name so your rants are recognizable. Leave these people alone. They don't need to prove anything to you. You don't know the real life doings of celebrities and neither do they. They believe one thing and you disagree. You shouldn't have spastic attacks about all this but if you must please come back to Just Jared where you belong.
P.S. I apologize for my trolls behavior she dug under the fence.
Forget the trolls. Have some NSFW Photoshopped Naked Jake fun instead. Check out the Celeb Sex on the right side of the blog. Naked Photoshopped Jake's in some of those too. Woo hoo!
Wow. Talk about self-entitlement.
Did I miss something, an edict, a law sent out across all the interwebz that states a fan must justify their beliefs to non-fans? That, unless there is enough evidence to convince someone else, I'm no longer permitted to hold an opinion?
Was there a codecil on that fandom statute granting permission for others to pass final judgement on how another reacts, feels or thinks about information, events, news revealed? That now others can decide what is appropriate, what is normal, what should be considered sane?
This grants YOU the right to tell ME what is/is not acceptable?
Fuck that.
I will believe what I wish, I will hold any opinion that I choose, and I will most certainly not be diminished, denigrated or dismissed because what I think or feel or voice doesn't fall within anyone else's arbitary parameters. There will be no justifying for me and mine for it needs none.
I am what I am. You don't like it?
This grants YOU the right to tell ME what is/is not acceptable?
^^ Yes, when people think it's acceptable to wish negative or ill effects towards someones career even though they don't personally know them, but simply because they think what they believe is a (FACT), Then continue to promote it as a Fact when all along it has not been confirmed as a fact. Sounds more like wishful thinking and will not stand up in a court of law. After continued rants of I want him to fail because he's bearding and offending me, without proven facts, one begins to sound like a delusional patient. Most thinking people would just give it a rest until more proven information is discovered.
I will believe what I wish, I will hold any opinion that I choose
^^ that is your right and your choice. The important think to remember is if it is not a proven FACT such as there is no life without water, it is just a BELIEF and ONLY a BELIEF!! If it is proven with valid proof such as ((Lindsey Lohan walking holding hands with her girlfriend)) that Jake is gay and bearding and generating disgust in the gay community I can truly understand. But the reality is that there has been no true fact yet, just rumors and until then I will only speculate Until I know all the Facts. A lesson well learned this past week.
Although there most likely is always some truth to MOST rumors, until true facts are confirmed, it's still just a rumor, and then half of it is true at best half not true. This is a fact.
Wow, wndering what the hek. I left, went out with friends to celebrate, and whoa. i got some reading to do when its all these words are a little less little and stp dancing aroud.
Photoshopped Naked Jakes. NSFW!
Jake and Matty
I'm Lovin It!
O Yeah Baby
Jake and Heath
Jake Ass
I would love it if they did a Jake/Austin set.
You base your opinions on what you choose, and I'll base mine on what I choose. See, that's equal, fair and balanced.
If I wish to believe that Jake is busy schtupping the entire Grey's Anatomy cast, with House and Desperate Housewives on alternate weekends, then so be it. No justification is required. If your belief wishes trend another way, so be it.
I've been called an arrogant asshole many a times, but even I do not hold to the notion that my opinion is worth more than a warm bucket of spit to the parties in question. Why does it twist your knickers so, then?
Or are you under the assumption that your opinion matters in the daily lives of celebrities?
Who's delusional now?
A life lesson that you should really make into a sampler, hang it above your monitor, and look at before you type telling others how to behave and feel: It's not called The Business for nothing.
Dancing, necking and kissing: Gay Giraffes in Love
Wow, those photo-shopped pictures are something else. I don't need to print out any slash tonight, those will do the trick just fine, thank you. And to whoever did them, please add some Jake/Austin ASAP.
The web is full of comic con recaps. I still think POP's omission sticks out like a sore thumb.
goldderby said...
Poor mentally ill Tom , still not taking meds?
I am Taking Crestor. Lowered my Chol from 210 to 150. Not bad huh.
But I don't wish anyone to fail be it a celebrity or just an average Joe. I don't even want bad things to happen to people. And yes before you even say it, while I'm not a Reese fan, I don't for her either.
While there are consequences for choices in life, it is not up us to decide the consequences. Life takes care of that.
And to be honest I have too much about my own life needs to be improved to be doling out the consequences for others.
I had to post this quote from Spesh again, cuz it bears repeating, and I totally agree.
While I'd be ecstatic if J&A and baby makes three are real, but I don't know this for a fact. I never, never would wish anyone ill will or for them to fail at their careers. And Ted still insists . . ., so I can't give up on them, but even if it isn't true and J&R are real, I won't wish Reese ill will either. People behave they way they will. I hope PoP is a success, because just maybe then Jake can live the life he wants to. :)
I know who the troll is. That is Jack. He got banned from Goldderby quite a while back. How is it going Jack? Nice to hear from ya.
I want to make one thing clear. I dont wish bad things for Jake, Austin, or reese. I wish them great health and a long lives. Put as far as Pop goes I hope it fails. reeke was created for Pop and to make Jake look straight. I just dont want the whole charade to be a success. Hopefully when reeke ends Jake can make movies like Johnny Darko, The Bubbleboy, Jarhead, and BBM again.
I do wish Reese ill will and I have no qualms about it. IMO she is a famewhore, phony, user, snobby, snitty, not so nice person. She deserves "ill will" aka Payback and Karma.
I hope POP fails:
POP Success = Bearding is Good
Bearding is Good = Bearding Continues
Jake will NEVER live a clear life if he is lying and bearding.
Climb off it Tom, you know that it was you that was banned from the goldderby forum after whining about BBM lost in 2006 among other things. "Jack" has become the default poster of choice but as someone who was and still posts on goldderby, "Jack" never posted there under any of his names.
You used the name tom86 and used that name to post on Dc, WFT, Perez among other places until you announced on WFT that you were now going by the name of Jersey Tom.
You are unstable and need professional help.
Wow, Goldderby, you followed Tom around the internet, and eventually here to OMG? Tallying his every post, noting the names and places and content of each one?
Kind of stalkerish, wouldn't you say? Even obsessed.
Better make that professional help call for yourself.
Previously you denied posting on goldderby, you slipped.
I remember you asking a former mod on DC, Adrian if you could post gossip about Jake under the name tom86. You also registered on the JW forum under tom86.
Remember posting on WFT that you took a magic marker to a People magazine cover with Jake and Reese on it and wrote Toothy tile on it, was shocked to learn that you were in your fifties, that is something some teenager would do.
Begging Dany to take down pics of Austin and that actress at Madeo, believing Rattler was Jake, well you weren't the only on but still.
10:06: Tom's behavior on the net was/is obvious and put out there by him, he is very proud of it, including his letters to Ted. No stalking is needed. His behaviour on goldderby was creepy and that's why he was banned. If you are involved in the BBM/Jake online fandom you were very aware of Tom.
He has put to much personal information ou there about himself, his fault.
He's nuts.
You are the one that is pathetic, more so than Tom since you know what I posted is true.
You need to tell Tom to put a lid on it, not only is he nuts, he has a big mouth as well...
OK, goldderby, with each successive post you reveal more and more information that adds to the evidence that you are preternaturally obsessed with Jersey Tom.
Yeah, don't believe using your stalker gathered info is helping your cause much.
Sounds like Trolly is nuts. Lock your doors Tom. Jack (in all of his many names) is the only person so OCD to track someone in this manner.
OK, goldderby, with each successive post you reveal more and more information that adds to the evidence that you are preternaturally obsessed with Jersey Tom.
Now hold on a second. I'm not entirely sure I like what goldderby is saying, but it's massively hypocritical for anyone to criticise them whilst allowing people to post comments about this "jack" person's posting habits on the net. If it's ok for a poster to tell us about jack's posting history, it's equally ok to do the same for jersey tom.
No need to lock your doors and windows sock puppet, Tom likes the attention. As a fan of Jake for several years, it was very easy to "track" crazy Tom since he posted on the Jake sites and BBM sites and gossip sites like E and Perez. And since the same circle of people write Ted about TT, it should come as no surprise that his letters are always posted, the other circle of TT writers at least use different names.
I don't have a "cause", just wanted to show how fitting that Tom has found a home here and WFT2, and ted's column.
Tom has a big mouth...
Come up with something new you silly Brit.
Tom has a big mouth...
Been a fan of Jake's since the Darko days, been around the interwebz for just as long, and I can truthfully say that I've never given a flying fuck about who's posting what on where, so much so that I would come to another blog and blab about it.
Admit it, goldderby, your only reason for continually posting about Tom's fandom activities, even after the people here have made it perfectly clear they could not care less, is you believe you will be able to change other's minds about Jake's sexual orientation. By denigrating a member of the the JiG group, that automatically translates into a miraculous JiS conversion.
Not gonna happen, I'm afraid.
Don't believe that Jake is Gay because of what Jersey Tom says, or doesn't say, or what blog he's posting on. Kinda' like me completely dismissing your creepy posts.
Well Jake my total posts at all those sites you mentioned may be around ten. I was a regular member of Goldderby and never was banned. Of course I was upset about BBM losing the Oscar. It was a disgrace. I still post at The Enevelope occasionally when something interests me there. I post as Tome6. I now only post at OMG, WFT2, and The Envelope.
I have no clue what your talking about concerning DC and Adrian. I also never believed that Rattler was Jake. Maybe at times I wished he was but he isnt.
Trolls dont scare me Jack. keep stopping by nice to read your nonsense again. You really did post some crazy stuff at Goldderby.. I actually got a kick out of it. I remembered when you begged Tom to let you back and he did for a while and you got booted again. I think you evened tried to post under different names but they figured out how to ban you by IPS addresses or something. Again I enjoyed the chat. Feel free to say Hi anytime:-)
Common conditions with which antipsychotics might be used include schizophrenia, mania, and delusional disorder. They might be used to counter psychosis associated with a wide range of other diagnoses, such as psychotic depression. In addition, these drugs are used to treat non-psychotic disorders. For example, some antipsychotics (haloperidol, pimozide) are used off-label to treat Tourette syndrome, whereas aripiprazole is prescribed in some cases of Asperger syndrome.
Although atypical antipsychotics are generally considered to be more effective and to have reduced side-effects compared to typical antipsychotics, this view has been challenged.[5] Clozapine appears to be more effective than other atypical antipsychotics.[3][6] However, when controlling for dose differences, the differences in efficacy and side-effects between atypical and typical antipsychotics were significantly reduced. One review has concluded there were no differences[3] while another[7] found that atypicals were "only moderately more efficacious," and that only clozapine has a lower probability of extrapyramidal symptoms.[3] These conclusions were, however, questioned by another review, which found that clozapine, amisulpride, and olanzapine and risperidone were more effective.[3][8]
Oh Jack, you're just as easy to recognize and track even though you have 35 names. At least Tom has the integrity to stand up for his opinions. You try to mask yourself and pretend to be multiple people which is far more creepy.
Nice try princess tommy, you were banned from goldderby and was quite miffed I hear.
And don't play dumb about the DC forum tommy. And using "jack" to hide behind your batshit insanity is very amusing.
The envelope eh? I see you owned up as posting tome6 there, similar to tom86?Banned ISP addresses, LOL!!! only a mod r owner would no that and you were neither.
11:02 I culd care less where Jake shoves his dick, but you do.
Tommy has a big mouth...
Philly has been put on alert!!!
Stamp your feet a little harder, Goldderby, or maybe fling your body to the floor whilst screaming, then maybe someone will pay attention to you.
Though, that never worked for my two-year-old.
Ooo! Try holding your breath! Yeah, that'll show us you're right!
Holy Cow!!! I saw 90+ posts and thought we were getting our bi-monthly dose of you know what. And it was all verbal diahhrea!!!! LOLL!! It's a really, really good thing I wasn't around or I probably would've said something I regretted. And for the record, I agree with everyone. Everyone made valid points and they all apply to myself, depending on the Jakemood I'm in.
Hey, Venus, where were you at? There were plenty of people to talk to yesterday, lol
Hi everyone. Man, I'm getting the heck outta Dodge. I'm feeling all cleansed & good right now, I can't think about all this or I, myself, will get all worked up.
Cool, though, music luvah spoke up! I love it. Well done!
Well, back to dogsitting. No wireless to latch onto. But a wonderful dog & cat to love on.
Oh, and I saw the cuuuuuutest little baby calves yesterday on my way to walk. They're right in the midst of suburbia, how hilarious. But one of them looked like he'd just been born almost, I swear. I think baby calves are just adorable.
Okay, well, I'm gone. LOLLLL, as you all were!!
11:02 I culd care less where Jake shoves his dick
Why are your trolling JiG blogs FOR YEARS?
God, you are so stupid.
LOL!!! Jake is nothing but a piece of meat with a dick!!!!
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