"Homosexuality was quietly accommodated. Bronzeville’s most powerful inhabitants (Reverend Clarence Cobb, Reverend Mary G. Evans, and possibly Louise Smith Collier) and its most famous musicians (Tony Jackson, Rudy Richardson, Sippie Wallace, Frankie “Half-Pint” Jaxon, and George Hannah) were homosexuals. Joe Hughes, owner of a popular homo-friendly bar, was elected honorary mayor of Bronzeville in 1940. Journalist Theodore Jones regularly hired drag queen Valda Gray’s troupe of female impersonators for parties given for Bronzeville’s upper class."Today's Out Spotlight is about an out neighborhood, pre-Stonewall. 40 years before Stonewall in fact, and no not in New York, but Chicago, and predominantly an African American community on Chicago's West Side.
Roughly seven million African-Americans migrated out of the Deep South to the North, Midwest and West from 1916 to 1930, to better their lives, with employment, education, and to escape racism. Many headed due north from the Delta up the mighty Mississippi to relocate in Chicago.
On the south side of Chicago neighborhood known as Bronzeville, a small but powerful queer subculture emerged similar to that which was taking place in Harlem in New York.The Bronzeville neighborhood,’s homosexual population grew rapidly. Like the millions of African-Americans who left behind the poverty and racism for life in the North, Black homosexuals not only came to find better-paying jobs, but to take advantage of the opportunities for homosexual encounters, which they knew were often more abundant in large cites. "In an environment of relative sexual freedom, African-Americans in Bronzeville could establish relationships with members of the same sex, and these relationships were often accepted by the neighborhood authorities and by its residents."
From State Street to Cottage Grove Avenue, along 43rd and 47th Street, the jazz-influenced urban culture offered African American gays and lesbians several venues where homosexuals and heterosexuals interacted across the color line at places such as the Plantation CafĂ©, the Pleasure Inn, the Cabin Inn, and Club DeLisa, yearly popular Halloween “Drag Balls” popularized by Black gay hustler Alfred Finnie, semi-safe locations for encounters such as the Wabash YMCA, The First Church of Deliverance, Washington Park, and Jackson Park, and a “vice district” which facilitated prostitution.
Blues singers, such as Gladys Bentley, Alberta Hunter, and ‘Ma’ Rainey, who were all popular at the end of the 1920’s, often performed in Chicago and had recorded numerous sexually explicit songs that included descriptions of homosexual acts. The blues reflected a culture that accepted sexuality, including homosexual behavior and identities, as a natural part of life.
Bronzeville continued to flourish until when acceptance of homosexuality in the African American community began to change. One of the crucial shifts in this mentality came when the Civil Rights movement began. "Oftentimes, Black people, in order to gain acceptance, had to play to white heteronormativity. Ebony published an article in the 1960s where MLK took questions from young people, and one person asked him about being gay. King suggested that he seek the help of a doctor. This is when the discourse begins to shift." When people began to write black history, they tried to use the templates for white history, and that doesn't really work." Some historians have noted that LGBT people, particularly African Americans, began to lose their sexual freedom when they began to work toward equality, because the civil rights movement mostly worked to uplift the race.
A tremendous indepth look at the Bronzeville neighborhood, and the source of much of this information can be found at OutHistory.com
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Out Spotlight LXXXVIII
Posted by
Special K
12:17 PM
Labels: Chicago LGTB African Americans, Out Spotlight Bronzeville
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Another fascinating spotlight about something I never knew about.
This post reminds me, there was an interesting article in the NYT about how a black civil rights activist in L.A. has come in for some heat from the national leadership of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference for his support of gay rights, and opposition to Prop. 8. It's really sad to see MLK's organization attack someone for defending other group's civil rights.
Civil Rights Group Divided Over Gay Marriage
Very interesting. After seeing the CA prop 8 vote come largely from black voters, I wondered why. This helps explain it.
As for yesterdays comments, if it were not for the moderators posting on some of the dc forum topics, there would be no Jake chatter at all. He has no fan base left as far as I can tell. I think the moderators are keeping it up just so they have something to do. I am totally convinced Reese would generate 0 interest without the Reeke romance.
I think what we saw at the gym was the all clear. The media obsession with Michael Jackson is over now, so they resumed the Jake is straight campaign. They both had a much appreciated break. Now its back to business.
I am totally convinced Reese would generate 0 interest without the Reeke romance.
The story about Bronzeville at Outhistory.com is great, I hope people check it. The site is great too and has a lot great projects/histories.
About resuming business. I am of the opinion that Ms. R made the most of her softball injury and got her couply picture out of it. Silk purse out of sow ear -as they say. And notice how the glasses were on this time. She had pictures of her out by herself early in the week, but they didn't get as much circulation as the one with Jake. You have to give to her, she knows how to play the system to get attention she wants.
Jake seem to be enjoying the downtime from all of that, and the word from OTH boards was last week none of the extras saw Austin around working. I know Sophia had business on the West Coast last week. So maybe Jake has other things on his mind instead of working.
M, glad to hear your cat is okay.
PG, check your e-mail, girl!
Spesh, this is a great Spotlight. I don't know how you find this stuff.
Internet has been out for several days at home and work. My car was broken into on Thursday while I was out with a client. Been trying to get all of it sorted out.
jake... IMHO, she needs to ditch You in favor of someone she has more chemistry with. Not to diss you in any way, but yall just create zero sparks. You're the modern day Ward n June. If thats what you're aiming for, congrats!, but if not... Please, for the love of ur fans, move on b4 we die of boredom. :-)
Contribute to Dan Choi's Don't Hide Campaign
Jake = Reese's Feces
Great Spotlight Spesh. Some awesome pics.
Thanks for that link Wicked. I will def contribute. I hope others do too. This is so important.
((Wicked)), hopefully that is the last of your bad luck. And thanks for the link for Daniel Choi's campaign.
Wait, the military doesn't want gays and says it's bad for morale but smoking is ok for the troops?
I just sent that Daniel Choi link to ten people I know who might contribute. I invite everyone else to do the same. Thanks again Wicked.
This is good article in the LA Times about redefining gay film.
LA Times: At Outfest, redefining gay film
Outfest, opened last Thursday and runs till July 19th.
Outfest 2009
Interesting article. I have to admit I haven't gone to a gay film festival in many a year. They pack in too many films in just a few days, often at odd times, and the quality of most of them are just not that good, which I suspect keeps a lot of them from crossing over as much as the fact that they are gay films. But it sounds like they have some more interesting films out there this year.
Hello! What a day. Just now on the internet. We went out for one more boatride and it was lovely. That truly is the life. Then we had lunch and left.
There's a place on the way home from the lake that tons of people always stop at, called Osceola Cheese Store. They have all kinds of cheeses and they have samples of all of them out that you can try. I got garlic cheddar, edam, havarti, and a hickory smoked cheddar, I think. I am a cheeseaholic, after all.
Then, we had to stop off at Little Dog's mama's house so we could see C's new dog, Lola. Her name was Lola, she is a showgirl. She is gorgeous. She's the color of milk chocolate and a standard poodle, so she's big. She's very thin because her owners neglected her, so she needs fattening up and she needs grooming. But otherwise, she's very loving and not timid at all.
Then had to unpack, go fill up the car, pick up a paper, all that kind of stuff. And it's 21:35! Really my bedtime, but I have a few things to do before I do that.
Tomorrow, we have a new person starting in our office and it's a guy. So, it'll be mixed company now. On Wednesday, we're having hot dogs for lunch to celebrate the birthday of my little buddy. I'm taking my George Foreman grill and we're going to cook them on that. Everyone's signing up to bring various things like buns, mustard, chips, etc.
Kansas City always has a gay film fest; I always check out the listing. One thing I like about dogsitting for these people who have better internet is that most of them have LOGO and so I've gotten to see some good movies.
m, I agree with you about Jake's fanbase. I think Reese is dragging him down, appeal-wise, big time. A big part of it because he looks so unkempt and scroungy when he's with her.
Okay, just a pop in to say hi. The apartment is just trashed! I need to re-gain some order around here. Things have gone to pot with so many dogsitting jobs and then my niece & nephew being up here. And now being gone to the lake all weekend.
I have a love-hate relationship with Sunday nights: I find them very relaxing, and there's a radio station I enjoy listening to because they play big band music from the 20s and 30s, but it's also the end of the weekend, so they're kind of sad too.
"I have a love-hate relationship with Sunday nights"
IA. And calendars need to start the week with Mondays not Sundays.
I know, what am I doing up at this hour? Am I going to be dead to the water in a few hours or what?
But I've been working on something and have been working furiously all night.
Anyways, I went over to IHR and had to check out the pics. I know, what on earth....
What a hoot. Let me tell you something. If Reese worked out with any kind of 100% effort, she either 1)showered there at the gym (Oh! And love the monogrammed tote bag! Man, she is proud of those initials, ain't she?) or 2), did a very, very light 15 minutes of stretching & yoga combined and then called it a day.
Have you ever seen 2 people who looked like sweat never touched their brow in the gym than in these pics? lol. Come on. His hair is immaculate and she looks like she just stepped out of the Lady Foot Locker dressing room.
Come on, Reese!!!! Couldn't you have had that P.A. spritz you with some water - there on the bangs and there on the clavicle? Where there's supposed to be sweat? Sweat as in post-residue from working out?
You don't work out in cargo shorts either, I am sorry. Jake, you messed up pretty badly there, bud.
Well, there's been no re-grouping. No hitting the chalkboards, no new gameplan. No pep talk. It's status quo. No change in momentum. Just bad photo ops once again.
Grade: C-
It really deserves a D, but hey, Jake looks good for once, so that'll bring it up to a C-.
Love the smile, too, Reesey babe.
Okay, my head is still kind of tilting from that boat ride. We were rocked with a few waves today and my head is kind of rocking, lol, like I'm still on that boat.
Destiny, I am suffering from the big D (depression), myself. I was off on Friday and I'm not ready to go to work at all.
Might as well put some paintblack under my eyes tomorrow because I'm going to be plenty tired.
Own fault, tho. Own fault, no blame there other than right here.
As usual, I have a pretty restless
and sleepless night so am up early.
So I turned the tv on and guess what movie was on? Cruel Intentions
with Ryan and Reese. I can see why
they fell for each other-there was
quite a great deal of chemistry
between them.
M, I forgot to tell you that I
hope that your dog is okay now and
stays well! Prairie Girl, I hope
that you make it at work. For myself, I am on leave of absence
starting today 7/14. Tomorrow, I
am having the nose operated on. My
neighbor is bringing me home. This
morning, I am off to Wal-Mart to
get a few groceries like soup and
soft things like potato salad. A
lot of people have said that you
won't feel like eating much!!
All I can say is that I have seen couples of 30 or more years
being more affectionate than J/R.
If he loves her, so be it. It does
get to be the same ole thing all
the time.
The picture of Jake by himself
was good for he looked really happy. For myself, I wish him and
Austin only the best. I really hope
the future is bright for both of
All I can say is why not be true
to yourself and be honest and be
what you really are in your heart?
It is sad that money and power has
to rule a person's life and choice
of career.
Wicked, I hope that you did not
lose too much. It is pretty bad
that a person's car can't be left
alone. Take care of yourselves and
I hope that you have a good week.
^^See what happens when you are
half asleep? I meant today is the
13th of July! I had better get
my dates right! Have a good week
everyone and try to stay in under
airconditioning for it is supposed
to be a really hot and humid week!!
(((Prairie Girl)))
Just wanted to pop in and say hi to everyone. My computer was down for a few days and I'm just getting back online. I feel your pain Wicked - its been a rough week.
Great Spotlight Special. I have to visit the link when I get more time. The music was great too.
Have a good day everybody.
Good luck with your surgery, Kacie. Please check in and let us know how you're doing.
They took nothing from my car. Just broke the window and went through my glove box and CDs. Didn't even pop the trunk.
Gays in the military around the world
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