Hi I'm Austin Nichols and I here to talk to you about a problem that plagues many actors in Hollywood. The too small set. We know a lot of actors are shorter in stature and even tinier so thing are built to make them look bigger on set. But were does that leave the average size people?
And where does it leave for the slightly overtall, like me?
You know sometimes I have to lie to get parts. Basketball, tennis, surfing hey you can fake it till make it, but shaving inches off. What man does that? Smart guy in Hollywood does. : )

It took the crew of 5 and 20 minutes to get me in here.
They should have just built around me.
They should have just built around me.
You know what they say the tinier the star the bigg.... hey gotta go, they're calling me on set.
He is a tall drink of water, that's for sure. And a handsome one at that.
Cute post.
I just thought that I would let you
know that I saw the doctor and he
numbed my nose and then cleaned it
out. I am so glad that's over! I
also got permission to go back to
work Monday! I am glad too! I will
be glad when this nose heals more.
It is sore now.
About Jake and Austin, I really
hope that they are still together.
What caught my attention was the
Owl t-shirt photos and the Lakers
2 pictures. I also have my doubts
about Baby Tile. I sort of think
50/50. Anyway, have a good weekend.
Great news Kacie.
Exclusive first look of Jake - Prince of Persia at EW.Com
This is the first official still of him in character.
Sounds like Jake wanted a break from being so serious in movies.
First Look Prince of Persia at EW.COM
This kind of makes sense with the meeting with 360 last week, probably was about his upcoming timelines for PR for both Brothers and PoP.
And there were tweets yesterday that Jake was over at Disney offices as well.
It took the crew of 5 and 20 minutes to get me in here.
I don't know much about blogging but for Special to fit me into this here post was alot of work. It was such a tight fit that I had to strip naked and even then I couldn't get in the screen properly, so she had me work off some water weight by giving her a 2 hour rubdown in a steam sauna. I was really tired afterwards and I felt kind of bad about that but she was really nice about it. She gave me a sweet tea drink and a couple little blue vitamin V pills along with a few other pills that she said was her special recipe for R&R and then she had me lie down in her bed for a nap. Wow, I've never had anyone be that concerned that I feel fully rested for the final setup so I wouldn't be too tired standing and posing here all day. I really passed out during the nap because I don't remember a thing but I'm sore in a few spots so I must have slept in some really weird positions. Poor Special, she looks like she didn't get any sleep at all. She was so worried about getting me into the post and not overworking me. She's such a good sweet honest girl.
Dedication. I 'm just so dedicated. : )
I think I'll take Officer Pike with me so I can show him off to Wicked & Mrs.
Officer Pike MUST attend the March!!!
Kacie, glad to hear you are on the mend.
Special.. here's hoping you videoed your encounter, or at least took some pics.
Very keen to see the steam sauna series.
Special I'll have to give the number of my chiropractor. You're kind of hunched over and walking funny like you just got off riding a horse for 10 hours. You must have been stressing out and worried about me so much that you put all the negative flow into your back. Sorry if I caused you any pain. Let me know what I can do like if you want some chicken soup or a milkshake or something, ok?
Last time we heard from evil and conniving Shafterella Shoshstein, that bitch was checking out on her man, who was so famously checking out on her. Only nobody knew about the former, crafty thing she is.
Now, S.S. has moved on more openly—and how. Ms. S-squared has all the tabloid world thinking she's just dreamy and perfectly content with her new man, only nothing could be further from the truth.
What is the real deal with Shafterella, you ask? Well, not only does it not always involve the classiest kinds of guys (think real Crawley McNugget material here), but wouldn't you know it, S.S. also likes to have over supercurvy and very...
...femme babes to her Beverly Hills pad whenever she can.
You know, for tennis and myriad other athletic activities that involve sweaty thighs and skirts as short as possible. All the while, the lemming-like readers so faithful to ass-kissing People and similar rags, think Shafterella's all happy-butt with her dreamy man.
Like I said: That's hardly accurate, as S.S.'s man is much more content shacking up with his dude, anybody confused yet?
Oh, don't you know, it's just another day and story in the annals of fake-romance Hollywood, where publicists and agents (seriously, no joke) are still putting together these ersatz romances like it's the damn '50s. All so their clients can supposedly make bigger paychecks—and therefore, these 10 percenters do, too.
Everybody wins in the end, right?
Wrong. What about when these faker-jokers have kids? What then? It's one thing for Shafty and her dumb-crap gay BF to sell themselves out, but what, for instance, happens if Shafty and her partner do get married and have kids, what do you tell them?
Shafty? Superpastel tennis hair band got your tongue?
It Ain't: Sarah Michelle Gellar, Venus Williams, Demi Moore
One Sneaky, Sell-Out Blind Vice
Does anyone still doubt they're going to be walking down the aisle next spring just in time for PoP?
There will be no walking down the aisle for Reeke.
F Teen Beat. Who wants to look at pictures of that mutant freak Robert Pattinson or those lame ass Jonas Brothers, when you've got the real deal right here! I bet it doesn't take long for Reese Witherspoon to remove her teeth, take off her girdle and prepare herself for whenever Jake wants to lay his six pack on top of her and pretend she's Jessica Biel.
Latino Review
Oh boy, I don't think I doubt any longer, Destiny.
1) We have Ted no longer answering Tom's question
2) We have Ted pretty much cold-ditching any Toothy talk
3)We have no more necklaces and no signs of Jake & Austin having anything to do with each other
4) We have venturing out again of Jake with Reese's kids
I can see it being possible now. And if that is what happens, I will be done. No more questions, no more doubts.
However, this BV from someone who doesn't seem to know squat anymore.
I'm so confused now I don't know what to believe. Honestly. I'm getting kind of tired of the whole thing. Tired of following BV's, Ted who doesn't seem to know squat and you have to have a 20" thick Deciphering Book to translate what in the heck he's saying, tired of trying to follow these 2 guys only to be slapped in the face with a Reekeblitzkrieg or Reekeburst just when it quiets down.
For 2 1/2 years now for me - longer for you guys. 2 1/2 years of what? Because if they do get hitched and have kids, it would be the biggest insult & disrespect to love, to relationships, to kids, to - well, forget it.
I won't jump off a cliff yet, lol, but I tell you what. It wouldn't take much at this point for me to jump off the Jaustin cliff.
I would say why wait? Go ahead & do it. What're they waiting for? Go ahead & just do it, then they can have a little Gyllenbump going by the time the movie comes out.
What we need here is a huge shot in the arm of Hope! Someone please. Show a ray of sunshine in the world of Jaustin somehow, someway because today I'm not feeling it at all.
But I am feeling good otherwise! It's Friday and I've got a free evening ahead of me for the first time in forever. I can't wait!! We've got great weather ahead, well, temperatures anyway.
I have a feeling this latest BV of Ted's (as if he knows anything anymore, tho) may open great discussion today. Let's air it out.
Well, I better get back to work. I'm cheating, shame on me!
Hey PG, maybe you should think of it the way I do, as a fascinating front-row seat to the manueverings of a bearding couple and their pr.
I also find it interesting to watch because they are so retro/1950s at a time when the landscape is really starting to shift, at least in tv and music. It's just a matter of time before change really takes on a life of its own, and I think it won't be long for film, maybe another 5 years, before we get an out star (and it won't be Jake).
Reeke is like a dinosaur, the kind with a big lumbering body, long neck and small head, flinging its away around HW, tabloids,the internet, heck, the whole world, with its pea-sized brain, and they just don't seem to see that big meteorite heading their way.
I've been around pretty much from the beginning, I'm not going to bail before we get all the explosions and really fun stuff. And besides, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of going away.
^ Sounds a bit like my take - I am past caring, really, but can't look away. :)
Gorgeous pics of Austin, thanks Spesh :)
For 2 1/2 years now for me - longer for you guys. 2 1/2 years of what?
Of PR business and public image faking. It's part of the job for Reeke.
Meg You know the camera lens got all steamed up. Funny, the water was never own. LOL
Sorry not going to buy this getting married stuff. And won't ever. And I'm not going to waste my time working myself up about it every time there is a photo of them.
I will say it again, that no matter what has happened in all the year ans all the pictures and moments. Jake has never lost that look or that smile he gets with Austin, nor does Austin lose that protective vibe he gets with Jake. And Jake does not look like a man who is unhappy when he is by himself. If he was broken up he would look miserable by himself just like he does with Reese. Some of you yourself said how good he looked out by himself, not in some post break up funk.
So I am not going to buy it. And I am not going to buy them getting married thing. If Reese marries for convenience it won't be Jake, why? Because she even knows that dating him hasn't scored her the PR she wants, married to and mid 30's will be even less...it will be a even bigger yawn.
From Ted's twitter:
@theawfultruth Did this person recently get drunk as a skunk at the Hollywood Bowl?
@IrisDorbian you talkin' about me or the Shafterella? I don't drink!
I'd like to think they won't get married, but personally I see absolutely nothing to make me optimistic on that front. There has been practically nothing but bad news on this front for two years now. Remember how at the start of this we all said no way would Jake beard when we got all of those early rumblings before Rome? Remember thinking this would end with Rendition? After awards season? I could go on an one.
And if what Reese really likes is skanky men and curvy women, that doesn't exactly fit in with what she is trying to sell. So what better cover than to marry a gay man, even if it is a big yawn?
And so far Jake has proven himself to be no different than any other deeply closeted male HW actor who wants it all, seems to value money and publicity over anything else, and thinks he has to have a beard. The only difference between Jake and everyone else is the fact that he has a steady boyfriend. Oh, well, there's Hayden, but we just dumped the boyfriend when push came to shove.
Jake and Reese already spend a lot of time together lately, really, would marriage change anything? I'm sure Jake would keep that bachelor pad for those weekend visits from Austin or for his hookups.
Sorry to be such a downer, but I am just not feeling the love and optimism, and the biggest, baddest pair of rose-colored glasses in the world won't help me. The only thing that will change anything for me is when I see some real change from J&A.
I'd like to think they won't get married,
Sure you don't...
Sorry not going to buy this getting married stuff. And won't ever.
Special, what would you do if they do get married?
I will cross that bridge when I come to it. Why would I waste time thinking about my response to something that's hasn't happened yet. And that is my point. Why put some much energy and aggravation into something that hasn't happen yet?
The only thing that will change anything for me is when I see some real change from J&A.
The point of bearding is to hide J&A and sell "straight" Jake.
Just for the record, i don't think they're going to get married.
But i also don't think there really is a BT, and i don't thing there is a J&A anymore.
I think Jake's at sea in his life, which is why he looks so freaked out, confused and miserable most of the time. I don't think Reese has any interest in marrying him or she would've handled this differently.
I actually think they will end it soon, saying something to the affect that... it's no one's fault, but that reese needs time to rediscover herself before making anymore committments and that they are still friends and have no regrets. etc.
jmho. s.
Well, I may be a pessimist, but I'm also just "dumb" enough to not completely give up on people, and I think as long as someone is alive there is always the possibility of change, no matter how small the odds. Plus, there may be are contractual obligations that Jake can't get out of until PoP is over. Of course if PoP is a hit he may never get out, and/or he'll have changed so much by then there will be no going back. And I'm certainly not saying the odds are good. Really, my point was to say I am not going to change my views as long as they continue to reeke.
One thing is for sure, the period between Brothers and Pop is going to be pretty interesting.
he'll have changed so much by then there will be no going back
i think he's already done that and i think i've pretty much given up on him ever getting his shine back for me. :(
Everyone has left!! I've got the sneakers on and I'm ready to slide down Dino's back on to the weekend.
My desktop screensaver is one of my pictures of Little Italy in Boston. I know, it's not called Little Italy, but I forget what it's called. North end? North something, it starts with an N, doesn't it?
Well, there ya go, Ted just confirmed who Shaftarella is.
Let's put it this way, I would be highly disappointed if this is what happens because the rest of his life would be just one big backslide, one big lie, one big unhappy. But once he & her would tie the knot? I'd let it go and I'd wait to see how he does under that umbrella. It'd be very sad because I look at the bios of some of these past closeted gay men and it sounds like no kind of life to hide. At least people like NPH and David Ogden Stiers will be able to walk the sidewalks and breathe. No need to hide anything and that's the kind of peace of mind that all the money in the world cannot buy.
Either Ted is hearing things or else Ted is projecting. Ha!There's that word, projecting. I finally get to use it. Now, I will say this and that is that I don't think Ted has had good info on Jake for about 1 1/2 years or so now. When is the last time he had a decent sighting? When was that NYC digital dance sighting? That's the last confirmation we have from that guy of anything Toothy that he was from a source.
And for that reason, I think Ted's source has dried up and he very well could be projecting what he is dreading Jake would do.
Whatever. It's not my life. It's entertainment, like Destiny says. But it's getting to be not very fun entertainment.
I'm headed home now. I've got a ton of emails to address when I get home. Holy cow. My poor mailbox. Then, I'm going to work on LJ as much as I can this weekend. I'll check in tonight & see how we all are doing.
tr, good to see you. tr, we just really don't know about this BT. I think it's crazy enough to be true, but at this point, it would be a horrible situation if it is, I am very sad to say. Something that could have been a beautiful situation and I would've been extremely excited & happy about, stands to bring me the exact opposite should it be true. I hope it is not true, not at this time, no.
Destiny, I agree. When it comes time to start touting Brothers, it'll be time to put up the footrest on the ol' La Z Boy and just watch to see what mr. jakey does. hmm, watch to see, that doesn't sound right at all.
Yabba Dabba Doooooo, it's time to go!!
It's The North End, PG.
I think Ted is so overwhelmed with Pattison and questions, comments about him that Toothy has fallen by the wayside.
I haven't read the BV yet, but Reese lives in brentwood not beverly hills so I am not so sure its meant to be her. I am near positive she will never marry Jake though. Why? For one, she does not look or behave like a woman in love. She might like Jake and enjoy his company, but she doesn't love him. Two, she does not want to be a 2 time loser with 2 divorces on her record, the certain result if they marry, even if only for show.
I haven't read the BV yet, but Reese lives in brentwood not beverly hills so I am not so sure its meant to be her.
Reese can afford to buy or rent another place in LA.
LoL, this is how bad I've been burning the candles at both ends. I got home, put 2 loads of laundry in, went to lay down for a little siesta around 5 (?) and I just woke up because my brother was calling. It was 7:15 or so.
That's bad.
I've shut the AC off, got the patio door open wide, my bedroom window open and man, it is great.
Well, hope everybody wasn't depressed by the topic and ran off. True, we know nothing for sure. m & Special also make good points.
Kacie, I'm glad you are doing much better. That was kinda funny what you said about the ENT doctor cleaning out your nose real good. snicker! . Sorry, that was just so funny sounding. You said it so earnestly.
Officer Pike going to the march!! Yeah, that sounds like a great idea. Or maybe I'll also have Santa's Helper by that time and he could go.lol
And our new guy in the office gave me a tip on getting my "c" key back on my laptop keyboard. Woohoo!! I have my "c" back. He has alot of computer knowledge so he's pretty savvy to go to.
Well, I'm headed off to reply to a bunch of emails. This will take some serious time.
Lilliput, that's funny. This was a clever post today, Special, I meant to say. Austin does seem to dominate a picture because of his length.
And Lady GaGa, what a name, huh? That's a great name.
Sorry! Just a couple more things.
Walter Cronkite has passed away. He was 92.
JJ has that PoP first picture still up. You know, it does look like his hair is a little "fluffier" in this. I'm afraid most of the comments are not in his favor as "believable". Of course, some of those commenters are probably just scoffers, but not all are. They aren't mean or anything, they just say that his face doesn't cut it. His body looks great, but his face isn't cutting it.
Posted on Awful Truth:
Do-Me Meter: Jake Gyllenhaal's Got Giant Muscles!
First we had Brad Pitt in Troy. Then Colin Farrell in Alexander. Now joining these long-haired hunks with epically pumped pecs in epic pics comes...Jake Gyllenhaal in Prince of Persia!
Almost didn't recognize him without a latte in his hand.
We can barely look away from EW's "first look" sneak pics—but instead of drooling, we can't stop giggling. Beefcaked within an inch of his life, Jakey looks like one of the animatronics from some Gladiator theme park ride—or like he's on the way to a Purim costume party with Dem and Ashton.
So, yeah. We aren't buying this rough-and-tough Gyllenhaal. We much prefer him toned down, all sleek and sensitive. (Though we bet Reese sure doesn't.) I mean, come on, it looks just so, well...gay, right?
What do you think?
Gotta love Ted. Also ONTD has a post with the poster and 99% of the comments are extremely unfavorable. I think that's really bad since the average ONTD poster is the target age for POP. Don't even feel bad for Jake, he brought it on himself.
Good old Ted, can't help but wonder if he wasn't saving that post for a day when he could also post something about Jake.
All those movies Ted mentions did poorly at the box office.
I'm very sad about Walter Cronkite, they don't make them like that anymore. :-(
Did you know that Walter Cronkite and Austin have something in common. Both grew up in Texas, and Cronkite attended Univ. of Texas before dropping out to pursue journalism.
Hook'em horn. Rest in Peace.
I think they may have photo-shopped Jake's hair a bit. It looked more flat and greasy in pap pics.
Another reason I don't think Reese will marry Jake is that if POP is a disaster, she will not want to be associated with a laughing stock. My guess is the movie will either be a great success, blowing everybody away, or the unintentional laugh of the year. Nothing in between.
Re some of today's comments- I know sometimes it's hard to have faith. I take a break periodically myself. But to me, the cake is just about to come out of the oven. The last 2 years have been building up to something. With 2 movies coming out soon, we will get to actually hear Jake talk about what he has been doing. I for one can't wait to see it unfold and to see how he behaves after POP hoopla is over. It's like driving 4 hrs to get to the grand canyon. I am not going to turn around with 15 minutes to go because I am tired of driving.
Of course Jake and Walter Cronkite have something in common as well. Cronkite was a long summer resident of the Vineyard.
Well said M,some great points.
Good discussion today, everyone. Points made from all around, even if mine were greatly on the high strung side! lol! Hey! I was at work; and well, when you're typing while constantly on the lookout or listening for the front door to open, well, it's typing under tremendous pressure!!
I am not feeling real positive about Prince of Persia. It's like commenters can't get past the look. I'm not any good at comic book movies or characters or video game characters/movies, but there seems to be this high expectation by their fans. They hold a specific picture in their minds of what their character should be like and look like.
Well, and Colin Firth will forever be Mr. Darcy. That other guy who was in it with Keira Knightley didn't stand a chance because Colin Firth was absolutely perfect. I don't know how that's any kind of comparison, lol, but I just wanted to talk about Mr. Darcy, I guess.
^^^ LOL, where in the heck did that come from and what did that have to do with PoP?! I think I'm still delirious from my long nap. Mr. Darcy and the Prince of Persia. lol. I'm a duncehead sometimes.
Well, off to finish some other stuff and then off to bed. I think my brain needs some zzzzz - food.
Walter Cronkite was 92 years old. He lived a long life and I hope he lived well to the end. He certainly was one of a kind. Old School.
And there I go repeating about Walter Cronkite being 92 years old. I already said that.
Sorry, guys!
lol. I am running on empty. Best be on my way, huh?
heavy sigh. yet again, I ask myself, "why do I go there?"
I'm sorry to bring this over, but Special & Wicked, you need to see this thread that has been running over on WFT2. You don't have to comment on it, I just want you to have a laugh:
1st (posted down the street):
Anonymous said...
I heard that a few people saved that group OMG photo on their hard drives for whatever reason at the time. I guess it came in handy when Jake and Reese got death threats back in Jan/Feb of '08 when he didn't comment about Heath. I heard the pic was forwarded to the legal dept. of CAA whrn the threats extended to her kids.
They also sent it to security at the hotel where Jake and Reese were staying at in DC because SK and wicked were lurking about. Twitter placed them at a certain hotel in Georgetown
July 17, 2009 8:39 PM
and 2nd:
Blast from the past... said...
Anonymous said...
And God forbid if she was, can't have that. It's bad enough you brokies hate the fact that Jake is half Jewish. I remember the anti-semitic filth on the DC forum when it was learned by some who just became "fans" because of BBM that he was, gulp half Jewish and because his mother was a Jewess (I kid you not, that was the name that was used, like Nazi germany)
Since the same posters there post here, the filth was brought here along with the racist crap. "Jackie" left it up until someone said that it didn't look good, maybe wicked and SK from OMG since theyare Jewish and pro-Obama.
Bashing women and calling them
BLEEP is Ok here because some women hate other women, like slash hags.
edited (the rest of this is just unnecessary)
May 25, 2009 8:57 AM
^^This sounds like UV and/or trekfan.
July 17, 2009 10:29 PM
There's where it came from.
You know, I know that Special & Wicked will be too classy to say anything about it on here, but slander is slander. And to insinuate that someone "knows" that someone else would make death threats is pretty close to that, seems to me.
That Wicked or Special would even....it's too hilarious for words. Someone's either spreading filth or Reeke's PR needs to get a life. And Twitter - was it even around in 2008?????
I think you can tell when some people need to call it a day and get out of the commenting/PR biz when they start making comments such as these. Thanks to the commenter on the 2nd one who is speculating that a troll is making one of the comments.
Those who know myself and Wicked through all the years on the blogs and those we have met in person, know the type of people we are and what we have said over the years under our own names.
Whatever the motivation is for such comments we do not know. What I do know that we have never been said or done what is been written in those comments.
What we don't want, is one blog against another blog. There are plenty of blogs for all different kinds of fans, and each has a different voice and reaches different groups in the fandom.
Yeah, true, Special. I guess I should say that I don't want to stir anything up and I would delete my comment now, but heck, all one would have to do is go to the blog. This kind of stuff is insane, though, and the first story kind of borders on slanderous, I think. I mean, that's a really serious rumor to be spreading.
I bet you didn't know that you & Wicked could have been investigated, huh? man. Like by the CIA or FBI or something? Or by Reeke PR. They really need to get a grip.
Crazy, crazy. Too much time on some people's hands. Well, I know I said I was off to bed like over an hour ago, but I'm still up. I'm really gone now, much to people's relief, I'm sure.
There is no need to delete what posted PG.
((Hey PG, maybe you should think of it the way I do, as a fascinating front-row seat to the manueverings of a bearding couple and their pr.))
Are you Serious, You are Joking aren't you.
People have better things to do with their lives beside critizing someone elses life simply because it's not what you want their life to be. Wishing for some type of justice in the name of a downfall for others because doing what they seem to be doing is hurting you. " you are, because it's in your spirit.
It's gonna be nice and sunny this weekend. How about turning the computer off and living a bit.
Live your life, not someone elses.
Someone buy Shocked a mirror.
pot, kettle, couldn't have worded it better.
Just looking over the reaction to the PoP pics and apart from the almost completely negative response, what's maybe even more noticable is the lack of response.
Anyone think that Disney may be rethinking their marketing strategy come Monday morning.
This would not be the first time PR attacked the jake is gay sites by trying to pit them against each other. Just ignore them and it will go away. Anyone who visits both sites on a regular basis knows the comments are ludicrous. Keep in mind that the deadline (POP release) approaches. The closer it gets, the harder they will try. Ironically, the POP movie posters are doing more to reawaken the Jake is Gay than either OMG or WFT2.
Good morning!!!
Off to walk. At my old park. I'm so excited!! I never get to walk there anymore.
Shocked, Destiny does indeed live her own life. I think if you were a regular, you would know that. There's no need for talk like that. I see what m and special are saying, "pit blogs against each other" and probably a strategy would be to pit omg vs. toothy 2 because they are 2 of the remaining diehards.
Well, won't work. Gonna have to try yet another stragegy.
Okay, off to walk before that sun breaks through! It's something like 57 degrees right now, can you believe that?
oh nooo! a typeo. Darnit.
stragegy = strategy.
rats - I hate it when I miss those.
This would not be the first time PR attacked the jake is gay sites by trying to pit them against each other. Just ignore them and it will go away. Anyone who visits both sites on a regular basis knows the comments are ludicrous. Keep in mind that the deadline (POP release) approaches. The closer it gets, the harder they will try. Ironically, the POP movie posters are doing more to reawaken the Jake is Gay than either OMG or WFT2.
And I guess the Jake is gay sites are gonna amp it up with more Jake is gay and with Austin, and Reese is his beard push??? Oh what a strategy for the hurt gay fans that Jake offended. This will make him push Reese to the side, come out and lead the gay parade this summer.
There is no need to delete what posted PG.
I think you should delete Prairie Girl's 12:08 AM post - that quoted sick troll bullshit is too much and has nothing to do with WFT2.
I see no problem with PG posting BS to talk about it and let posters here know what is being said about them elsewhere.
Funny how it always circles back around to gay being a bad thing Mirror.
PG, glad to hear you're heading for your park, hoping that guy got the message and is no longer around. You better check in and let us know how it went.
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