A little more about The Informers coming out on DVD on August 25th (US). Sony Home pictures will be releasing it on both DVD and Blu-ray.
Extras include director and cast commentary and Human Intersections: Making The Informers featurette. Human Intersection - what is that?
Deep introspection of the human condition and relationships?
Description of Chris Isaak's cheesy pick up lines in Hawaii?
That unexplained "we cut it you just have to keep up" scene was that you walk into when the movie starts ?

Or how to describe Martin's intersextion moments - T-boned, Rear Ended and Hit & Runs?

But what about those mystery minutes they cut? And are they going to show what was going on with the cast in Uruguay? Like this?

Kacie - Sending you good thoughts and prayers for all to go well and a speedy recovery.
Wow Winona Ryder sure aged in that dvd cover. And Mickey got a whole lot prettier.
God I would buy it just for that cover.
Winona imagined what you would've looked like if they really did haul you butt off to jail.
Nice to see Jake during Reeke isn't it. New Jake
Now I'm thankful I'm not on the cover! They probably would have made me into Billy Bob!
Daddy real sexy now!
That picture of Jake makes me laugh, why because he has that Bubbleboynish look to him. It's totally WFT.
Looked at the rest of pictures. Reese does look like she's full of red wine but not the cookies.
Jake's still friends and old gf Jenny Lewis was playing at The Bowl last night with Ray LaMontagne with the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra, and Blitzen Trapper.
"It's totally WFT"
Its also WTF too.
Drunk Reese 1
Drunk Reese 2
Bad fingers very bad fingers. No more typing for you today.
Here's Jake realising what's happened to his career post-Reeke.
hey, where did my credibility/fans/sex appeal go
these pics are just hilarious, have to almost respect drunk Reese, at least it shows that she's human.
Good luck with your surgery Kacie.
I'll be happy with anything they add to The Informers as long as it includes plenty of Austin.
On IHJ now.
LOL Meg. And yes, Reese does look more human drunk, probably because she forgets to put on her act and/or lets go of that stick.
Good gosh, it's Lindsey Lohan all over again.
For gosh sakes, she looks passed out.
When are these 2 going to give it up, huh? This is a bit of a trainwreck here, lol.
Well, these'll get peddled around for sure on the sites, lol.
If they weren't so pathetic, I'd be laughing my head off. Could Austin have been in town, I wonder, due to these outings?
Jake kind of looks like a codfish in that first pic, huh? lol. Poor guy.
Give it up, you 2. Give. It. Up.
And I was just about going to say how good Reese looks in her workout wear - the girl is rocking it. Then she has to go and look like a candidate for the cover of the Enquirer with a pic like this. Yeah, doing your kids proud, Reese.
"have to almost respect drunk Reese, at least it shows that she's human."
10 to 1 Reese is a closet alcoholic. Control issues, hardly anyone likes her, hard to get along with and work with, 1 friend at a time, snarls and has mood swings with paps, laughs and smiles when Jake is obviously upset, image obsessed, narcissistic: classic, classic symptoms.
No wonder Reeke will be bearding together for a long time. She's a closet drunk and he's a closet gay. A phony relationship match made in heaven.
Jake also might not want them to take picture of her like this. She's a mom, he doesn't want her kids or their friends to see pictures of her like that. It doesn't matter how he feels about her, Jake's not the kind of guy who would be that mean to let Reese get papped trashed. He's nice guy, and that sometimes that has been used against him by Ev and Reese.
Reese comes off as "phony" to people for a reason. Not that many people are wrong with their 6th sense. She's hiding something, and it goes way deeper than bearding. An alcohol problem would be right on the mark.
"Jake also might not want them to take picture of her like this. She's a mom, he doesn't want her kids or their friends to see pictures of her like that."
Good try but no cigar. It was her choice to drink in public and to be holding a beer bottle. Btw it'd be interesting to know if she still had that open bottle in the car. My guess is yes, she did. Don't know about other states but in California that's highly illegal, for both passenger and driver. That's why Reeke didn't want pics taken then because they were caught taking into the car an open container of alcohol, not because her kids might see her tipsy.
If true she did have something in common with her ex-husband. The net is full of pics and videos of him wasted, the most recent was back in May in Cannes. She reminds of a person that gets drunk very easily. There are lenty of pics of Jake and Reese where she clearly had too much to drink and he looked a bit toasted but still was driving like last night.
If you look at the final pic of them posted on IHJ in rhe eye candy section, his demeanor has changed and he has a smirk/smile on his face and she has a half smile on her face as well.
If all you're looking at is the IHJ pics and you're thinking Reese was a little tipsy and it was all an act and Jake was feigning being mad, then try looking at these. Gives a better perspective.
"Jake's not the kind of guy who would be that mean to let Reese get papped trashed."
totally agree with you Special, those pics of her basically crashed out in the car are not the sort of thing you'd want your daughter to see are they. Let's be honest, we've all been there (well I have on a fairly frequent basis) and lived with the embarassment of a few pics on someone's phone, but you wouldn't want them spread across the internet would you.
this little piece of self righteousness doesn't mean I don't think they're hilarious though.
(bet the top bods at Avon aren't too impressed)
Also, these pics certainly clear up one issue, girlfriend certainly ain't preggers!
Can hear the howls of despair coming from the babblers as I type.
"not the sort of thing you'd want your daughter to see"
Why would that be any different from her daughter seeing her Mom getting trashed at home? And this is Reese's kids, NOT Jake's.
IMO you're attributing way too much credit to Jake. Protecting Reese's kids from seeing her drunk, my ass. Jake is no golden Knight. Reese was drinking at the concert, at backstage, on the way to the car. All opportunities for photos, taken by anyone. Jake IMO was just being his nasty Reeke self. Only thing missing was a kick and a spit.
No one thinks that Reese is pregnant except for the lazy pap/blogs that don't realize that she is in the middle of filming a movie where she is plat=ying a softball player, DUH!
2:26: she looks like she is having a good time in that pic, Jake looks like he has gas! She obviously came down from the beer in the car as they drove off and he looked less upset.
She looks like a fun drunk, ex-hubby is a mean one!
"girlfriend certainly ain't preggers"
Sorry but to pick a bone, when did drinking alcohol mean someone wasn't pregnant?
Never called him a golden knight just said he wasn't that mean to let her get papped trashed.
Harry and Pepper broke up. :(
Looks at the reaction to the Jake/Reese pictures.
Looks at the reaction to the multiple pictures and reports of Ryan being drunk
Hmm, interesting contrast. PraireGirl the so-called Christian and Special K, you are both such incredible hypocrites that I don't see how you can look yourselves in the mirror. That goes for the other cowards who can't find the courage to post their ludicrous theories under one name. But please, keep providing the laughs. I'm sure by tomorrow Reese will be painted as a drunken and abusive mother who got her bruise by falling over whilst less than sober. I'm calling it now!
There are lenty of pics of Jake and Reese where she clearly had too much to drink and he looked a bit toasted but still was driving like last night.
Neither one of these two looks like they should be driving.
beams, what in the heck are you talking about. I only comment under one name.
However, I fully agree with you on your reflection on myself only. Leave Special alone, she hasn't done anything. You're totally right. As a matter of fact, I'm at work but I was getting back on here to delete a couple of my posts because I wasn't proud of them. So, smack my hand because I'm in total agreement with you in regard to some of my comments.
I never have said I'm perfect. If you're a regular reader, you have seen me warts & all on here. And I have certainly pointed out a ton of my faults.
Now let me give you a hug. Better yet, will you give me one? I surely need it. I'm a sinner if I ever saw one. You also obviously missed my post, oh a couple of weeks ago where I pointed all of this out.
Oh, and while we're in the big Confessional, why don't you quit hiding and use a name that we all know & love? I have to make one observation and that is that you have a huge chip on that shoulder. I'm sorry about that; it's got to be a heckuva burden.
Beams WTF is your deal? You've got nothing better to do than troll? Get a life!
They both looked drunk, Jeny should have drived unless she was drunk to.
And we won't get into Mr. "Sober" Ryan.
Nobody cares about tipsey Reese and Jake nor drunk Ryan and Abby for that matter.
Fumnny that 2 beared couples were at that concert last night, Jake and Reese and Justin and Jessica!
Reese pukes in Las Vegas elevator
I see nothing wrong with your posts PG, nothing mean-spirited about them, and I especially don't think you should feell like you have to remove them just because one poster (who refuses to post under the same name on a regular basis) is lashing out.
Guess you think Special K is a hypocrite Destiny. Why don't you put your name on that list too.
And Beams (aka Logic/Drought/100+ others), I'm not going anywhere either, so I hate to disappoint you.
So, in that light, let's call a truce and be friends. I'll love you, you love me. We're both broken and need some loving.
Let me give you a bigggggggg hugggggg. There! Let's do it again. Biggggggg Hugggggggg!
Who else wants to join in? Let's have a big love-in. I'm always for lots of loving. Come on Beams, let's have tea and crumpets and chat about ohhhhh, let's see....whatever you want to chat about. I'm up for it.
At least Ryan owns up to the fact that he likes to go out and have a good time he's not pretending to be some perfect person. I bet Reese drinks just as much.
It has to be upsetting if you are a fan of Reeke or just plain unhappy about life, I guess, to see these pictures.
I'm not clicking on that link yet about the intestinal accident. I'll wait til I get home. This story is getting worse by the minute.
This seriously might not be a good thing for Reeke. I don't see how it can be.
Wow! Now that is chemistry.
I have NEVER seen these two look so romantic.
My bet since Jake is in the Camry is that Austin was in LA(since we know he wasnt in NC) and Jake dropped him at the airport and then had to pick up granny.
I guess I am confused. I said that yes Reese was filled with wine and not cookies (remember in an interview around the holidays she said she was made of red wine and cookies) and Jake wasn't that kind of mean to have her get papped so the kids and their friends would see her. I really don't see anything hypocritical in that. I have never claimed that Ryan doesn't overindulge sometimes when he's out and gets drunk.
But the bottom line. No one should drink and drive.
3:39 The intenstinal story you don't want to click on is from 2006 when she was married to Ryan.
A history:
Ryan Phillippe was drunk as he returned to his Sydney hotel with ...Ryan Phillippe was drunk as he returned to his Sydney hotel with Abbie Cornish - Ryan Phillippe: One Too Many?
www.celebrity-gossip.net/.../ryan-phillippe-one-too-many-209812/ -
Ryan Phillippe Photos & Pics | X17 XCLUSIVE - Ryan Phillippe ...var entry_id = "10018"; var entry_tags = "Abby Cornish,Cannes Film Festival,drunk,Ryan Phillippe"; var preview = "rphillipe051609.jpg"; ...
x17online.com/.../ryan_phillippe/x17_xclusive_ryan_phillippe_stumbling_drunk_at_cannes-05162009.php -
Ryan Phillippe Confesses He Was Drunk at Golden Globe Awards ...Ryan Phillippe has attributed his Golden Globe exuberance earlier this year to being plastered. The actor memorably jumped up and down, yelled and pumped ...
Jezebel - Ryan Phillippe: Just Another Drunk, Loud American In A ...Ryan Phillippe: Just Another Drunk, Loud American In A Baseball Cap. By Anna , 2:15 PM on Wed Aug 29 2007, 3470 views (Edit post, Set to draft, Slurp) ...
And not to be out done:
Nobody cares about them drunk or sober, the only thing is that it makes her look less uptight and fun but she always said that she likes her wine, now we know she likes beer too!
Oh, okay, thanks, LOL. And that's fine; I am at work right now so I can't be clicking on everything. I've got people lurking all around.
Man, LOL, do you have a Ryan Philippe file right at your fingertips? How on earth do you have all of those "links" so readily available? I know my mind isn't what it used to be; I'm in much awe, I have to say.
Your idea of "less uptight and fun" is way different from mine. These recent pics of Reese aren't complimentary, aren't "loosening", in my way of thinking. They're not admirable. Yeah, we all have our moments, though, so I'm not going to bash. It's just sad to me is all.
Just google Ryan Phillipe/drunk!
Man, Mickey you sure look awfully pretty on that dvd cover. Wanna go out sometime?
Chuckle. Kristen Dunst admitted she and Jake “romped in a store changing room”? Let me translate: Kristen wanted to “romp” while Jake said “No!” and tried on ladies underpants. No! I’m joking, I’ve never believed that Jake is a gay/cross dresser/whatever else they say. But though I believe he’s straight, I don’t believe he and Kristen ever “romped” in a changing room. Jake just seems like too much of a straight arrow. I wonder if he and Reese Witherspoon ever “romped” in some place public? Doubtful, right? Reese and jake probably only do missionary. And I’m not joking about that! Celebitchy
Reese's Avon perfume should be called In Brew and smell like beer puke.
Ryan goes out once or twice a year and gets drunk. How scandalous. I'm glad the Babblers are keeping a file on this behavior. I myself have witnessed paparazzi pictures of him buying beer. I don't have the actual links saved all in one place but I'm sure someone can corroborate.
In reality all of these stars may be drunk on a daily basis or may have a few when they go out. No one knows so it's futile to speculate. It is refreshing to see Reese stumbling around drunk and getting her girl/girl flirt on with Jenny Lewis. It is always good for the control freak to loose control. Jake looks pissed though.
Will someone pick up the passed out pukey woman lying in the grassy curb area next to the front of Gate 1? The gardeners won't attend to the flowerbeds until she's removed. By the way we also need to remove car tire skidmarks from the brick driveway. Looks like whoever it was, dropped off the woman and left in a hurry.
"girl/girl flirt on with Jenny Lewis"
Whut? More like desperate Reese clutching Jenny trying to make it look like she has a friend. Look how Jenny is ignoring the Chin, is holding her arm straight down and not reciprocating.
Reese Witherspoon has no friends so she uses Jake and Jake's friends for photo ops.
Can't stay to play since I am at work but I had to sneak a peak at the new pictures. I think the paps had a good time with these. A chance to take some revenge and make them look as bad as possible. Let's see if these surface on JustJared. Doubt Disney will like them.
Holding up someone else's bad behavior as an excuse for yours shows an obvious lack of remorse for said misdeed.
There's no tit of tat when it comes to stupidity.
And speaking of the kids, where the heck are they? Don't think we should be worried about them seeing the pics of drunk mom, but more that their mom was out drinking and not with them.
Kids are with Ryan for the summer. Reese had them last summer.
Reese is working this summer, I would assume they will visit her in Philly since the shoot is longer there.
The kids had no problem the times Ryan was out drunk and they weren't with him. I'm sure no one cared if they saw drunken pics/videos of dad since he is a man and that's ok. Yelling at paps drunk, stumbling on the steets and making a drunken ass of yourself on national TV at the GG's is a hellava lot worse my sweetie.
A sure bet the kids have seen both parents drunk.
Reese and Ryan have custody set up with the kids with one for 3 months then the other for the next 3. And they usually don't do films during those six months they have the kids full time. Reese had the kids all last summer, so it is Ryan's summer this year. This really isn't that uncommon for shared custody, flipping summers with one parent, same as with holidays.
Whether the kids are with mom or dad doesn't take away from the fact that these pictures paint a whole different view of Reese.
They're on JJ now and Reese looks drunk as a skunk. The one where she's leaning on her car window gazing at the paps like she might want to sing to them or something is an eyeful. Jake looks like the caregiver in these pictures and I'm not feeling too sorry for him, actually. Not at all.
Who is this Jenny Lewis and what is it about her concerts (remember Cockroachella??) that put Jake and Reese in this whole "ugly" mode?
I don't get it at all. The last Jenny Lewis performance, we had the finger flipping, the finger poking,etc. Now, we have staggering, leaning on others to walk behavior.
I'm just asking. I have no idea what her music is like and no, Jake does not appear at all under the influence here, but Reese sure does. I expect this kind of look from the much younger HW set, not an established Avon/Disney Rep. Not exactly putting them in a good light, is it? Can't be making them too happy.
This is really, really disappointing to see Jake doing the fish mouth, swatting away at the paps, having to be the designated driver, while his "date" sits in her seat like she has jello in her spine.
What else can go on with Reeke. It's becoming a trashy novel, I'm afraid. I just don't get this at all. Looks like it was a real fun night, huh? Not.
Jenny Lewis was a child actress whose parents were in show business. She now is the primary vocalist in the indie band Rilo Kiley as well a solo indie artist.
The bands first album More Adventurous found success from critics and fans. She did her first solo project,Rabbit Fur Coat, with The Watson Twins, in 2006 and got great reviews from critics. She returned to make Under the Blacklight with Rilo Kiley, and then did another solo record Acid Tongue last year.
Jake and Jenny were together back when he was doing Donnie Darko. And it looks like they remain good friends.
Snippet of Dlisted
Ooooooh! Jakey G's ass lips were throbbing in anger last night, because the pappies just wouldn't get out of his life! Usually, my nipples don't howl for Jakey, but his "I Iz So Angry! WTF Iz Wrong Wit U?" face is giving me fever. Bitch could pass for a top!
The best part is that Reese doesn't really know what's going on, because bitch has the drunks in a major way. I think she's trying to stop the world from spinning so fast, so she won't vom in Jakey's lap. Then the bitch in Jakey would really pop out (to the tune of The Bitch Is Back)! Jakey does like a load of salty goo in his crotch, but not when it's lady barf.....
"I saw Reese and Jake at a concert last night. Jake was very cool but Reese was one of the rudest people I have ever met. It was just me and her and she would not sign an autograph. I was not even trying to take a picture because I was a big fan of hers and really wanted an autograph. I will never pay another cent to watch one of her movies. I can see why Ryan dumped her."
Meet the Famous
"she's leaning on her car window gazing at the paps like she might want to sing to them"
Sorry was LOLOLOLOLING so hard I forgot to put a name in!
Cracks me up when people (here and at other sites like ONTD and JJ etc) justify Jake's facial expressions and behavior in the HWBowl pics as "he's protecting Reese". What about the behavior outside of a restaurant in London or at that CAA Buffalo Club party? Was he "protecting Reese" then too? On the same token was he "protecting Reese" when he spit and kicked at the paps while on jury duty? In these HWB pics I don't see Jake guarding Reese or holding a jacket over her head so no one can photograph her. No that it matters to me becuase I can't stand the phony bitch. Face it, the truth is Jake is just getting pissy and mean. Reeke has reeked/wreaked havoc on his formerly-nice self. If he keeps it up, Reekeing as well as turning into a shrew, then well he gets what he deserves, being a cowering frustrated B list actor in the closet.
Jakey See Jakey Do
I'm sorry... i'm trying so hard to be nice here, but OMG... the ONTD pic Jakey See Jakey Do just has me f'n rollin' in the floor laughing my ass off. For real, that's just freaking hysterical.
I feel sorry for Jake. He's completely unravelling, it seems to me, and i don't really see why... i mean, geeze dude, get a life. If ur not happy, move along.
When you go to the Hollywood Bowl, it just sorta seems like you ought to expect to get papped. And like the other poster said above, he's not doing anything to help her or shield her. It doesn't even appear that he opened the car door for her, which would just be the gentlemanly thing to do. I'm totally not impressed with the image he's giving us here in these pictures, although i will say, it does seem real and genuine, nothing fakey or for show, so i guess that's good at least.
As for Reese... i guess i'm just used to people drinking. The fact that she went to a function and got drunk doesn't mean a thing to me. People do that all the time. She's an actress, not the new Mrs. Billy Graham. Yeah, maybe it goes against her peaches and cream image, but like someone else said, i feel like i'm seeing the real Reese here, not the for show Reese, and i'm not gonna judge her for this. She went to fun event and she had a few drinks and had a good time. Good for her. If she would climb down off her high horse and drop the Queen B attitude a little more often, people probably wouldn't have so much bad to say about her.
omg those pictures are funny. gonna go laugh soem more. hugs. s.
and ps: yes, i know, lindsay lohan, bad brittnany, paris, etc, are not my role models, but i think reese would have to really bottom out to get to their league. (which, btw, britt seems to have climbed out of for the moment.)
but i also agree that she will probably not be smiling about these, and on the heels of the perfect pics of them leaving the gym in a veritable flashing frenzy of paps, this is definitely an image let down.
but i kinda like her here. (i'm getting soft. sorry.) ;)
when he spit and kicked at the paps while on jury duty?
You were not there and I wasn't either. So you don't know what was said to him or if he was provoked. Stop with the poor paps BS and the "Oh No" attitude. Most of those paps are grimmey assholes and they get off on trying to piss the celebs off for a response. Some days are better than others for all human beings, so Jake should have kicked his ass. No respect here for a intruding former gas attendant with a camera!!
Now if it was Austin, or Austin and Jake that were rattled by the paps it would be bad, bad paps, oh I hate them.
Double standards at it's best.....
These pics are totally ridiculous. I cant believe they both have stooped to this level. I know everyone has a bad day but this is too much. They are really pulling each other down imo.
In a way I'm glad to see it though. Just calls the situation for what it really is. I'm not judging anyone as far as drunkenness because I've totally been there before but its just such a contrast to the image they are supposedly trying to give off in general. Everything about them seems like a big lie.
I'm sure I'll get flamed for this but I don't care. Jmo.
But Clarity... did you look at the ONTD pic?? it's so freaking hilarious. i want someone else to look at it and laugh with me!!!
and yes, i do agree with your point. this is totally not the image they seem to want to project, and i can't see how this is good for them in any way, pr wise. s.
"omg those pictures are funny. gonna go laugh some more. hugs. s."
Your crazy S :)
Yes I totally agree. They're hilarious. I laughed out loud at first and I didn't even feel bad about it unfortunately.
Oh, I see some of you can Identify with drinking and gettin boozed up for fun huh. Makes her look normal now huh. What do your co-workers think when they see you with a lamp shade on your head? Pitty?? Axcept it, they are doing normal things that everyone does. and just maybe Jake is tired of being followed.
Regardless of if he is with Reese or not. Let me follow you for 2 weeks straight with a camera in your face. What would it be? Let me answer it, It would be a Mess, a total mess. And I don't think you could handle it. Give the guy a break FGS and stop bitchin about his every move and bat of an eye. Really.
ROFLMAO over and over again. Thank you Found on ONTD.
And I agree Sienna, having knocked back a few beers or whatever at a concert, not going to judge Reese on that. And she seems pretty mellow with the paps, she looks real for a change. If I didn't know better, she's almost likeable, but then again, that story with the fan, same old Reese.
But what is up with that look on Jake's face??? And they both give off some kind of weird vibe, like caught in the act of not being "Reeke" or something. I suspect that for a show like Lewis' they didn't expect paps, and figured they'd just get twitters and other mentions, but no photos.
I'm also guessing Austin was in L.A. last week, and headed back to N.C. on Sunday.
How Much is That Puppy in the Window
Reeke chose to live their fauxmance in the public eye and put the paps on speed dial, Jake gets what he deserves when the paps who are not on the payroll happen to catch him. If he's being hunted (and I see no evidence of that), it is because they're hoping to catch him out on his lies.
Okaaayyyyy.... if someone papped me for a week, they would get every kind of crap picture in the world. i go out all the time without makeup and if i'm in a bad mood i scowl worse than Jake the Monkey.
but i would also know that - IF i was a HW celeb/actress making $20-30 Million a year, that getting papped was part of it, and i wouldn't begrudge the little people poking some fun at me and my BF when we got caught looking a little stupid.
so why do you? s.
Which gay-face is Jakey giving us when he's angry, Bert from Sesame Street or Darren from "Bewitched"?
Reese looks higher than a kite and Jake looks like a serial killer.
What the fuck are Reese and her female friend (not Jake) wearing?
Jake hasn't looked that scared or confused since the one time he saw a pussy.
He needs to be yelling at her. She's the one with the window completely down, peering out at the scenery (Ooo, the pretty colors...)
LOLLL. Man, brutal.
Kodak, I'd bet my Ipod with you that he was spitting on that pap's feet when he walked by that day during jury duty. Myself, I have absolutely no doubt that's what he was doing. I'm not talking about the kicking deal, but the spitting, you better believe that's what he was doing.
But that was months ago.
Those comments from Dlisted are hilarious.
I'm not going to pick on getting loaded itself - at least she could've done it at a party in her home, tho, or something like that.
I have a ton of ugly moments for myself.I just have never, ever found drunknenness funny, sexy, entertaining, admirable, whatever. The reason I say that is because it changes that person.
I'll never forget when we were little and my dad had too much to drink at a wedding and my mom drove us home that night. I remember Dad sitting between me and probably my sister in the back seat. And I was crying and pressing against the window because I was scared. I didn't recognize my dad and it scared me.
And let me tell you what. That was the last time my Dad did that. I think my mom laid it on the line to him because she saw me crying and just the fact that it affected us as a family on the way home and wasn't amusing at all to her.
I never saw my dad booze it up anymore after that - my mom is a softie but ultimately, she wears the pants in the house and she towed the line on that deal and that was that.
So, I guess I was kind of traumatized. I know, laugh all you want & call me weak, stupid, childish, whatever. It's just how alcohol or rather the lack of being able to control one's intake, affected one person (child). I, for one, am glad my mom put her foot down and I'm glad my dad never did that again.
Those pictures of Jake on ONTD are hilarious. I don't feel so bad about the bad one I take, lol.
Today was one for the record books. I visited everywhere else first just to see the reaction to the pictures. The Jakey See Jake Do comment from ONTD needs to be saved for all eternity. Deserves an Oscar. Dlisted comes in 2nd place for best commentary. The "how do you know they were drunk, prove it" commenter who hits every site about virtually every topic gets last place for being boring and unimaginative.
I guess I should feel sorry for Jake. He looks like a crazed lunatic. But I don't. 10 to 1 both are being (or already have been) called on the carpet since these pics spread far and wide. Avon is probably reading their contract for cancellation provisions and Disney is saying geez, why didn't we pick Pattison.
Okayyyy, I didn't understand your comment.
For those who want to come on here and be just as self-righteous as those they are accusing, let's turn the camera bulb around and aim it at the one who speaketh.
Uh, yeeeeaaaaah. I thought so.
Never, never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever uttered a discouraging word about a co-worker, relative, friend, singer, actor, teacher, fellow driver on the road, person in front of you in the store check out line, person ahead of you in the bank ATM/teller line, doctor, dentist, aerobics teacher, boss, politician, TV weather man, Rev. Phelps or any other evangelical/religious representative, fast food drive through order-taker, Motor Vehicle representative, IRS employee, US government employee, minister, bus driver, your best friend, a sibling, anyone else?
Never, ever been critical. Never uttered one mean word. Not one.
Ever. In one's entire life.
m, it seems like he's either overreacting or I don't know what he's going on about.
This is what kind of kills me. They don't mind it when they're in Italy laying on that slab of cement (a private family moment if I ever saw one). They don't mind it when they're in Rome. Or London. Or Paris. Or at Cockroachella. Or trying to have a "private birthday dinner" in the restaurant window.
Destiny's right. You use the paps when you want to, well, you have to put up with it when you're not feeling like it. Hey, we all get visits at home from relatives at times when we're not up to it. What do you do, not answer the door? No. You deal with it.
I can't see Avon being real happy about their rep looking like she drank the eye make up remover instead of putting it on that eye.
Avon has a pretty wholesome image, almost like Disney. For those who think it's not a big deal and who cares, I don't know. I know they're not as famous as Lindsey Lohan, Britney, Mel, and Christian Bale, well - Reese is, I beg to differ, on second thought. But it's not good to get caught on camera looking like Reese is.
And I know, I know it's not a big deal to hold a beer bottle in your hand. But unfortunately, when that's the lone picture that gets printed and you're looping arms with someone else, making it look like you need help standing up? It's not good. I don't care how you cut it. You're just going to have to spend your last breath explaining it.
And then your kids have to be embarrassed. That's the sad part is no one ever thinks about the kids and what they have to see or listen to from their friends/classmates. They have to make an excuse to explain their own parent's behavior. And that's the saddest part about it all. Not Reese. Not Jake.
It's how does it affect Ava at school and with her girlfriends.
Okay, I'm off the soap box. Time to go kneel at my bedside and explain away all my transgressions today. All my ill will. ill well? Which is it ?
I need to go to bed. It's late again.
Clarityy! Good to see you. I am so sorry to hear about your computer. But it's up & running now, I take it?
Well, I pledge to leave this day with no further words on the pictures. I guess I've beaten it to a pulp.
Time for some shut eye.
Hollywood Bowl = Hollywood people are going to be there. Regular people too, who have cameraphones and cameras. Last time I checked the US hasn't made those illegal. Paps will be there too.
Jake has no reason to get his panties in a bunch about being photographed at the Hollywood Bowl, backstage, going to his car. What a loser.
Oh and Jakey, noticed your sticker said "Guest". You got in for free, you had choice seats, you got to go backstage and you got private underground celeb parking. A few pap pics of you smiling and being happy about all that would have been nice. Reekeing has gone to your privileged head I see. You're turning into Mr Witherspoon more ways than one and none of them are good.
i was actually really surprised and impressed that IHJ posted the full line-up of pics. after they took the Intelligista pics down the other day (which i still don't understand, did i miss something?), they lost a lot of cred with me. they got it back, somewhat, with this, because jake certainly isn't looking his best here, and they posted the pics anyway. good on them. s.
HWBull... gotta say, i agree. i totally don't get him going all postal about a few pap shots at this event, where you might reasonably expect paps, yet look all cute and happy the other day leaving the gym when that should be a pap-free event.
i guess i'm a tard.
"So you don't know what was said to him or if he was provoked."
It was all on video, taken on public property, with sound. Nothing out of line was said. Even if it was, in this country it does not give one person the right to physically assault another. Period.
"yet look all cute and happy the other day leaving the gym"
Leaving the gym?! That's what you think! I was really at Brentwood Vaccuum next door, trying on all the suction machines!
Shit! I meant trying out all the suction machines!
I leave town and Jake's hitting up all the vacuum stores again. Oy vey.
Jake sees a vagina, Reese scolds pap for not wearing underwear
Thank you for all the good wishes
for the outpatient surgery today.
The nurse called me at 2:30 p.m.
yesterday and told me to come in
about 11:00 a.m. so guess I will be
over there until about 3 p.m. or so. My neighbor is bringing me home.
Jake REALLY looks angry or really aggravated or both! Reese
does look a little bit hung over.
All I can say as usual this whole
thing is a MESS!! I guess Jake will
be taking a weekend trip one of
these days to Texas or North Carolina! I am just trying to see
the humor in all of this!! It does
get a little old after awhile!!
I cannot eat or drink anything
since MIDNIGHT and that is hard!
I will let you know how I do. Take
When Austin was arrested for DUI, everybody here was like "Oh Austin you silly little boy, lets get him some slaps"....when Reese had some drinks and is getting tipsy, hell is breaking loose.
I have never seen such a bunch of hypocrites like here.
ROTFLMAO at Jakey See Jakey do.... for the first time in months, I feel just a teeny tiny bit of sympathy for Jake. man, this isn't good but just can't stop laughing!
Austin is a nice person, he was in his mid-20s when it happened, he didn't have children, he was currently unemployed and not messing up any product or movie placements. Reese isn't a nice person, she's 33, she has two children, she's high and mighty, she gets millions to endorse Avon, she's employed and in the middle of making a movie, and she thinks she's better than everyone else. Bitch deserves the wrath.
"Jake looks like a serial killer."
Diabolical Jakey
I forgot to add I CANNOT WAIT for
The Informers DVD to come out! Is
the extra footage included on both
the DVD and Blu-ray?
IF Reeke was real and they were having buttsecks: Are you finished yet?
"Austin is a nice person, he was in his mid-20s when it happened, he didn't have children, he was currently unemployed and not messing up any product or movie placements."
So being "nice" makes it ok to drive while drunken?
Thanks for approving my first comment....!
Let me follow you for 2 weeks straight with a camera in your face. What would it be? Let me answer it, It would be a Mess, a total mess.
Bullshit. Paparazzi don't follow Jake.
It's Jake and his beard who arrange or use paparazzi hot spots for reeking.
Happy Bastille Day!
I should write a poem about French female fishes!
I know I wasn't even a member of the community at that time, so that kind of is messing up that pollster's 100% equation of "everybody here".
Think it's going to be 97 degrees today. We have got some really steamy days going on here.
Another couple has bitten the big one. I saw yesterday where Jessica Simpson and Tony Romo were breaking up.
Just saw the poster for Brothers and I can't say that I care for it. I get the connection of Tobey's character and Natalie's. But Jake's character - I can see the distance thing of him standing just a bit behind her, but the expression there....I'm not getting it. It looks like he's just standing there. Shouldn't he be looking like he's wanting her? Distressed looking? Or something?
I don't care for it - seems like they could've come up with something alot better. It's not appealing to me to want to see it even though to me, the movie itself looks pretty good. In fact, I'd love to see it, but if Reeke is going on at that time, I don't think I will. Actually, since it's a drama and a war movie, it'll probably be a Netflix for me anyway. You know me. Happy endings and if I go to the theatre, I don't want to walk out crying or depressed. Nuh uh. I want to leave a theatre happy, laughing, and having escaped for 1 1/2 hrs. The poster itself I'm not a fan of. Good thing people like myself aren't those that producers and filmmakers cater to or worry about, lol.
Kacie, how is it going today? I hope you had a restful night. Take it easy and follow doctor's orders!
Haven't seen the Dutch version of movie but the Brothers poster wit Nat's eyes closed IMO gives a hint that she dies at the end? Maybe comes between them and accidentally gets shot? Tobey's looking down, like remorseful and Jake is distanced. Just guessing about the ending from the poster so no spoilers here.
If thats how it ends I wouldn't want to be at that family's annual Thanksgiving dinners LOL!
This is what OMG posted the day after Austin got busted for DUI.
While there is never a time to condone driving while intoxicated. I don't think we should rush and throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Meaning, there should not be a campaign or rush of people telling Jake to dump Austin. There are two people in couple, not the thousands who watch from the outside. The relationship was them when they met, and it was just them yesterday and it will be them tomorrow. We have our opinions, but they are ours --that's it.
Yes there should be a consequence for actions. Yes there should be contrition for driving under the influence. I am sure that the State of Michigan and Austin will be working on what that consequence will be for him.
We can agree that drinking and driving is not right.
I hope we can agree to have level clear heads and be objective. I hope that we will not go wild in speculation about Austin or the current status of his relationship with Jake.
Reeke chose to live their fauxmance in the public eye and put the paps on speed dial, Jake gets what he deserves when the paps who are not on the payroll happen to catch him. If he's being hunted (and I see no evidence of that), it is because they're hoping to catch him out on his lies.
Destiny, You see what you want to see, plain and simple. And another thing, if Jake or Reese DO have paps on speed dail. so what. Is a lost for You??
I still say celebrity or no celebrity, no one needs intrusive paps in you face 24/7. No matter how you try to spin your dislikes..
Seems to me having paps on speed dail is common place for some celebs.
on't like it, don't watch it. It's not rocket science.
but i would also know that - IF i was a HW celeb/actress making $20-30 Million a year, that getting papped was part of it, and i wouldn't begrudge the little people poking some fun at me and my BF when we got caught looking a little stupid.
so why do you? s.
^^ I DON'T ^^
It's the attack Jake and her at all cost missionaries who complain endlessly about someone elses life. If Jake is bi or gay and hiding now, so what. It's his life. It's also the (Reese and Jake) know it all people who won't just leave if they are upset with what they assume the two are doing?
I say get a life of your own.
Please stop playing stupid.
What paps in you face 24/7 ?!?
go troll somewhere else.
Get a life.
Destiny's right. You use the paps when you want to, well, you have to put up with it when you're not feeling like it.
BULLSHIT PG Your comment reads like another Destiny Suck Up.
Follow Destiny's thought patterns and rants of disgust.
PG I know you were good with Follow the leader weren't you. You still ARE.
Have to call it like I see it.
go away.
It's total bullshit because a part of a celebrity's life is to generate talk about their love, life, romance, movies. Some do it, some not as much. But most do. If you think hard enough, some star you admire does, or has done the same thing you are acusing them of.
To say because celebrity's do this, (have their own paps on speed dail as some here think J/R does), they are supposed to be subjected to paps chasing them all of their life or time together without any privacy is plain stupid and insane at best. It's almost like "I hate them so they deserve this" mentality. It's hateful, mean and somehow seems to be a void of something missing in your life to want it and not understand the whole picture of celebrity / human being.
Reeke are using paparazzi and arrange paparazzi photo ops all the time - there are 1000+ pictures to prove it.
Cheap publicity whores like Reeke have no right to be "mad at paparazzi" - you can't have it both ways.
Babblers, you give it away by your complete lack of a sense of humor. And suck up? Please, you're mistaking this place for GB, where people follow UV/FL's lead on everything.
Anotehr clue, you can't read. After PG writes a heartfelt post on why she thinks drinking like that is wrong, you single out her mention of Jake's reaction to the paps as evidence of "sucking up", all while ignoring that in fact she disagrees with Destiny and Sienna about the drinking--and of course you've totally ignored the fact the latter two had nothing bad to say about Reese's behavior with the paps and in the car. Some posters have called Reese on her bad behavior with the fan, but again not the pictures.
Bottom line, you can't stand it that you have no control over what people say about Jake and Reese.
(Cheap publicity whores like Reeke have no right to be "mad at paparazzi" - you can't have it both ways.)
You can.
It's call work = publicity = photos
Your own life = privacy
It's Simple!
Don't like or just can't deal with it, Don't Watch!
"I hate them so they deserve this" mentality.
^^ I'm sure the above statement is reserved for your state of mind.
please stop playing stupid - it only makes you look stupid.
It's a new day and i'm sure this comment won't get seen by many, but let me just point to the top of the page at the description of this blog: A Jake and Austin Community.
If you are not a fan of Jake and Austin, or if you ARE a fan of J/R, then why are you here? You aren't going to change anyone's mind or make them feel bad because they're having a little fun giving J/R hell. That's part of what we do here, in this teeny, tiny little corner of the world. It's like our hobby, or our break away from reality for a few minutes.
It's harmless. No one is selling state secrets here and other than us and you few oddballs who hate us, no one else even knows we're in the world.
You keep throwing our comments back in our face and saying: Get a life! I say, this is a part of my life. It's my entertainment, my little bit of whimsy, and you're doing nothing but upping the comment count here when you make your badgering posts.
We can like Jake and still be disastisfied about how his life is going and the choices he's making. None of us have a special connection with God or Disney or HW in general, so we won't be pulling any strings to get him kicked off the island. We're just having fun talking it up amongst ourselves, and you aren't going to stop us or make us feel bad about it. As for me, i keep all my thoughts about this, where i feel safe to talk about it without getting my heat bit off. However, the fact that you come around here snapping at me and my fellow OMG'ers doesn't really matter. I think we'll soldier on with your approval or without it, and certainly without caring one way or another.
Bottom line, you can't stand it that you have no control over what people say about Jake and Reese.
Wellll, Seems like I'm not the only one who has no control over anothers action. Don't like the Reeking, Move on.
Or just scream.
Oh, I forgot, It's Jake's life.
Not yours.
Correct me if I'm wrong
move on from this blog and post your crap on GB - babblers will love it!
Sienna, I am a Jake and Austin fan. I don't hate Reese.
I'm here first and foremost because I am a Jake and Austin fan.
I last time I checked, I do have a right and a voice to be displeased with all the I hate Reeke, and Jake looks anything but godly since hooking up with Reese comments. For the most part I ignore them, look at the site, don't comment and move on for weeks. Yes, the mindset is mostly of junvenile girls with the daily bitching about what Jake is not doing right to please who????
So yes, I have a voice also and I can express my displeasure of the constant bitching about his choices. We all have a choice, even the ones bitch about his every move on a daily basis. Guess what it is?
^^ and All while being a Jake and Austin fan.
I last time I checked, I do have a right and a voice to be displeased with all the I hate Reeke
Please take your trolling somewhere else.
I don't hate Reese either. I did - i worked hard hating on her real bad for almost 2 years, and then one day someone said something to me and it made me realize i was only hurting myself with my feelings: not her. I don't like to DISLIKE people, it's like eating a little bit of poison every day... it might not kill you but it brings you down, imho.
if you check my recent comments, you'll notice that i haven't said anything bad about her, other than about her fashion sense, or lack thereof.
however, i do feel that you're being unrealistic if you expect to come here and not get an earful of anti-Reeke talk. it's kinda like going to church and then being upset when they talk about Jesus or sin.
yes, i agree, some folks are maybe a bit harsh with their opinions about them as a couple, but... so what? this is the one place where you can talk about that in relative security, and i think these folks deserve that. like i said before, we're not trying to change the world's opinion, we're just chatting amongst OURSELVES.
if you feel the comments are over the top unpleasant, then yes, you are of course welcome to mention that, but i think you'll find folks here don't want to be lectured and don't respond well to it. just state your own opinion and let us read that and you might actually make someone feel a little different (like the person who gave their opinion to me affected how i felt, from that moment on).
just an idea. s.
Whattt + Okayyy = same person?
Same troll.
^^ bbb^^ Just another "Jake did not come out so we must get him at all cost" Troll. Out somebody else or go back under your bridge.
Great post at 10:16 Sienna. Except I disagree with you on one little point, the fact that Jake is gay and with Austin is a state secret. :-D :-D
Nobody is out to "get" Jake because he didn't come out. However, a number of us don't like being lied to and find Jake's bearding deeply homophobic and offensive.
Jake is a selling a product here, himself, that is just the way HW works. And selling yourself means people get to take Jake's picture when he goes out in public, talk about Jake's life on entertainment sites and blogs, and talk about whether or not they like the fact that Jake is trying to sell them a product as phony and queer as a three dollar bill.
thanks Destiny.
i think that jake is many different things to our group.
for me, he was a great inspirational fantasy boy that helped me write lots of stories. now, his life has changed and he's flat and boring and i don't enjoy writing about him like i used to and that makes me sad.
does he owe me anything? no, of course not, but that doesn't take away my own right to be disappointed and to whine about it to folks who see my point of view.
for others, jake represented a good-looking, well-respected, young celebrity who appeared - for a while - to be living a possibly gay lifestyle, and many were counting on him to open up a whole new era of outness in HW. imagine if you were in a minority - such as African American or Asian or even just female, and there were no role models in visible places to confirm that you were ok in the world, and that you mattered.
people like NPH and AL are bringing gayness out of the closet and the cross-dressing bars where many straight/homophobic Americans think it lives, belongs, or can only exist. they are letting people know you can be gay and still be "just another guy."
we were all hoping that was where Jake was headed, and some folks took it harder than others when that didn't appear to be the case. For those who think he's hiding, it's even more hurtful than for those of us who aren't sure, or who weren't really as emotionally invested in him coming out.
i think that yes, sometimes we area a bit hard on him and reese, but this is not the front page of People magazine. what we say here pretty much stays here. but there are two sides to every story, and the folk who are venting the loudest have been hurt the most, and if they want to fuss, i say let them.
when jake and reese make a personal plea for us to shut up, i'll take that as a sign that we've gone to far. s.
Well put Sienna, Well put.
when jake and reese make a personal plea for us to shut up, i'll take that as a sign that we've gone to far
Jake Gyllenhaal's personal message to his fans:
Could TBs please stop discussing my gayness and Mrs Witherspoon's bitcheness? Thank you in advance!
If Jake didn't think he needed to sell himself there would be no need to Reeke. Jake seems to think he can't sell a "gay" Jake, so he's out there pushing "I'm straight".
Kudos for Sunday's magnificent OutSpotlight. Is it any wonder one of my favorite eras is the 20s-30s? Thanks for another not only fascinating, but beautiful, OutSpotlight.
Jake tried to come out with which is something a lot of people forget. He had an interview with a magazine he was looking to come out in April 2006. I think it was also the reason he was holding out on movies and not for the money. When HW did not want who they have picked as one of their big stars for under 30 (ie. future revenues) to be out, they put the pressure on him. Not just his agents, but others in HW. And I think other closeted stars did too to hm. And not just a little pressure a lot. And to say that he could have just ignored it and could have come out under all that pressure, is really passing a judgment that you don't have the backstory on. You have no idea what was said or alluded behind closed doors, no one does. I don't think a lot of people want to remember that, because it just doesn't fit into the story.
I don't think having a beard was something he wanted. But he knew he would end up having to do after trying to come out. But also think he didn't think it would turn out like this at all.
I do think he wanted to be with Austin and have a life together. And at the time this was what they believed was all they could do to keep their careers and their relationship. If one comes out the other does too.
But he may not also be ready to be out either after going up HW. He tried once with the naivety that he could without them fighting it. He knows next time, he has to prepare and protect himself even more for the next round.
That being said I would prefer that he not beard.
All I wish is Jake would be able to have the life HE wants, not what HW, PR or even his fans think he should have.
Special K... i was not quite so interested way back then in jake's RL. would you give me some more info about the mag interview you referred to in your previous post. i do have the OUT mag that he has an article in, got in from a friend, but tbh, i'm not sure if i actually read the article or just looked at pics.
just point me in the right direction please, with a link if you have it. i'd like to be as informed as possible, since this seems to be my favorite topic these days. :)
You may be right about Jake thinking he had to have a beard after almost coming out, because he had to prove he wasn't going to come out.
However, if Jake is bearding then he is clearly not having the life he wants, but the life HW wants.
If jake is bearding, then he's obviously made a conscious decision to give up his "right now" life in order to chase a goal that is very important to him and worth that sacrifice to him: success in his career.
Lots of folks do that: Doctors who slave thru med school and then work inhuman hours to get certified. Servicemen/women who go off to war, often times in the closet, and oftentimes making the ultimate sacrifice for US. Schoolteachers who spend their lives in thankless, lowpaying careers because they love children enough to want to give them a better chance.
i'm not trying to paint Jake up as King Noble here, but - from the things i've read about him - he loves acting and believes his craft is important. And i agree: movies are an important part of our lives, not just for entertainment value, but for guiding our culture. Look what BBM did. Maybe it didn't crack open the box, but i think it lifted the lid.
But he was young and vulnerable and maybe he realized he was about to get out into dangerous territory and got scared. Maybe he realized his parents world was crumbling and knew he needed to be in a position to make $$$ and he didnt' want to risk his marketability at that time. Or maybe he was on the fence about his sexuality and went back to the other side... for a while, forever, who knows???
I'd MUCH rather see him pal-ing around with Chris and Austin and his other guy friends, playing basketball and riding bikes and doing guy stuff, but that's just not where he's at right now. I hope this phase is over soon, but it might not be.
i agree with destiny: regardless of how he got to this point, he doesn't seem happy, and i don't think the paps are to blame for that. it seems much more deeply rooted to me.
Aww Jakey took his beard to go see Bruno!
Lots of folks do that: Doctors who slave thru med school and then work inhuman hours to get certified. Servicemen/women who go off to war, often times in the closet, and oftentimes making the ultimate sacrifice for US. Schoolteachers who spend their lives in thankless, lowpaying careers because they love children enough to want to give them a better chance.
I admire people who do things like that, especially soldiers who risk their lives, and people who go into low-paying professions to help other people.
And I understand what you and Special are saying about Jake and his career. But the homophobic behavior Jake is engaged in does a lot of damage, it's not just about him, as much as he'd probably like to think it is.
And speaking of which, I see Jake took the beard to a movie about homophobia. What a guy! Plus we now have dozens of photos on IHJ to push those nasty non-pr approved pap photos out of the way.
Didn't see your post IHJ, great minds think alike.
Also meant to add the obvious, that there is nothing admirable about bearding.
It also means there is no way Jake and Austin can ever come out as a couple, because how do they ever explain Reeke? Jake is a goner.
ok. i know this is an unpopular stance, but it's my op, and i'll say it again:
jake and reese have never come out as a couple. they've barely even acknowledged each other in any way outside of photo ops. so while the small part of the world who cares about them thinks they are dating, they haven't actually said they were, and so i think they could possibly just break it off with some excuse and walk away if they chose to.
maybe i'm being naive to think that, but, oh well.
as for J/A, they never came out in the first place, and it's only a small % of folks who know/care about the possibility of that relationship, so IF they decided to come out later (if they survive this, which i have my doubts about) then they'll be brand new in the majority of the public's eye.
i see ur points, Destiny, and am not dissing them at all, just presenting a different take on things for the fun of discussion. :)
Same here Sienna. :)
What a site of fools! They don't like to be 'lectured', LOL. Who cares, only a shrink would.
Lets go to the movies and walk around, that way we get seen but we won't have to talk to each other. Plus I need some new speakers and I can charge it to the bearding expense account. Lets go see Bruno!
Will someone please inform the guards that nonsense/Lovely Day/Whattt/Okayyy is out of their cell and in the computer room unsupervised? Thank you.
omg... have ya'll looked at the Movie Outing pics? not to be mean, but they look really pitiful and beat down in those pics, just awful.
maybe they really do come here and read what we say. yikes!
omg... have ya'll looked at the Movie Outing pics? not to be mean, but they look really pitiful and beat down in those pics, just awful.
maybe they really do come here and read what we say. yikes!
that was me... sorry, clicked to quick. s.
Bruno is supposed to spoof homophobia but really is nothing more than a gay minstrel show. It got rave reviews on right-wing freeper sites, I wonder why? GLADD said that the movie is an embarrassment among other things.
Beckham, J-Lo and her husband were also spotted last night at that theater at Bruno, are the Scientoligist using Bruno for recruitment, LOL!!
How sad, from starring in BBM to making sure the paps see you taking your GF to see that crap and pretend to be annoyed.
Jake is a phony and has sunken even lower.
Wasn't someone just saying Jake should go to the movies, where he would at least not have to talk to the beard?
I guess he was trying to kill two birds with one stone, go to something "edgy" and a little bit "gay", all while looking contrite and not giving the paps a hard time.
Several gay friends who've seen Bruno and the gay critics I've read have not found it homophobic upon actual viewing, just not funny. GlAAD issued its statement several months ago without ever having seen the movie.
Beckham is not a Scientologist.
Jake tried to come out with which is something a lot of people forget. He had an interview with a magazine he was looking to come out in April 2006.
I'm sorry, but there's no proof of this- none. If there is, point me to the link.
Lots of folks do that: Doctors who slave thru med school and then work inhuman hours to get certified. Servicemen/women who go off to war, often times in the closet, and oftentimes making the ultimate sacrifice for US. Schoolteachers who spend their lives in thankless, lowpaying careers because they love children enough to want to give them a better chance.
I don't see how bearding is equatable to these choices. Bearding requires you to deny an intrinsic part of who you are, these choices do not.
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