Any questions?
Josh Gad has just been picked to play Jake's younger brother, a vulgar but successful dot-com entrepreneur who moves in with his big brother in the movie Love and Other Drugs. Some might know Josh from his newest job as a reporter for The Daily Show. Or from the movie The Rocker, when he played Rainn Wilson's nephew, Matt Gadman. Others may remember him as the young news director on the short lived comedy Back to You, with Kelsey Grammer and Patricia Heaton. The LA native has performed with the comedy improv troupe The Groundlings, and is a founder/member of The Lost Nomads Comedy Troupe. He also played William Barfee in The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee on Broadway.
A improv comedian in a movie about Viagra, and Jake being a goof on set, somehow I see this little brother and big brother combo spelling T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Good luck Ed Zwick. Here's hoping you get it all on film for the DVD extras.
A improv comedian in a movie about Viagra, and Jake being a goof on set, somehow I see this little brother and big brother combo spelling T-R-O-U-B-L-E. Good luck Ed Zwick. Here's hoping you get it all on film for the DVD extras.
The question remains who will play their dad. Any ideas now?
Josh Gad in Love & Other Drugs - The Hollywood Reporter
Another Smaller World moment:
Jake's co-star and brother in law Peter Sarsgaard was on Conan O'Brien last night, and who was the musical guest? Austin's One Tree Hill co-star Kate Voegele aka "Mia Catalano". - All things connect.
Please excuse my indulgence today.

who said that ONTD is the hub of the world?! LOL
Sorry that you don't like ONTD comments.
Josh Gad has just been picked to play Jake's younger brother, a vulgar but successful dot-com entrepreneur who moves in with his big brother in the movie Love and Other Drugs
Sounds good :)
Happy Birthday Special!
Wicked that video that you posted yest was hilarious. I actually liked it for some weird reason.
Looks like Torchwood will be coming back for another season. The promo is available on Itunes for download.
Yeah, on the next season of Torchwood...not going to be good. Just wait until CoE Day Four.
Happy Birthday to a Special lady and my favorite blogger.
Happy birthday Special K! So, what were everybody's favorite posts over the past year. I have to say I thought the Out Spotlights were excellent, particularly the ones about unique organizations or places.
Wicked that video that you posted yest was hilarious. I actually liked it for some weird reason.
Me too! It really worked.
Yay @ Torchwood. It's one of my faves.
Gamer, if you don't think ONTD is significant, then why are you so upset about the negative comments there. You reveal yourself too easily.
Love the Jake/Austin pics. No excuse is ever needed to repost them.
I wonder what rating POP is going for. Not R, since its Disney, but G or PG? Has anyone heard what they intend. Seems to me they are pushing the beefcake so far.
Thanks for all the well wishes from everyone. I appreciate it so much. It is a rainy day here in Boston, but your thoughts have brightened it.
M - you mentioned the pictures - if you click on them I hope you can see why they were chosen. From their beginning, I love how Austin even then was watching over Jake blowing out his candles, to one of the most glowing examples of them 4 years later, then a candid catch of them a year after that in 07, and finally them this spring. It seems while they have matured and changed, what they feel for each other just as it was all the way back to their beginning.
Maybe Disney is pushing beefcake Jake because they hope people will go to see Jake looking so muscled up and be so dazzled by his body and greasy hair that they won't realize the movie sucks.
I have to be really quick because I'm really not supposed to be at lunch any longer. May be incomplete sentences here & run-on ones, sorry!
Happy Birthday to you, Special! Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have a splendid one - I hope you have some cake today! Lemon would be good. Carrot cake. Banana cake. Chocolate. And white cake!!
Check out Ben Kingsley in PoP
Ben Kingsley as Nizam, the evil vizier.
The more you see it is beginning to come together as the epic that Bruck and Newell envisioned it to be.
I must, must disagree. I love Vince Vaughn. Now, not in the last couple of years, but in A Cool, Dry Place, he was drop dead gorgeous to me. All leg and handsomer than all get out. I love his voice and I love his sense of humor. And of course, his dark hair and dark eyes. His voice & sense of humor are what really drive me crazy. He's looked a little rough though, the last couple of years.
My niece & neph are up here this week, that's why I'm not around hardly. I'm getting nothing done and tomorrow probably going to get that ol' epidural done. Then on Sat, I start an 8-day dogsitting gig. Chloe & the Major!!!! I just love Chloe and the Major; they're very good, as are all my other animals, of course.
Well, can't linger. I need to look for some paperwork for the dock. I've also been messing around alot with my new laptop, trying to get it all set up. And I just officially handed over my old one to the 'rents.
And to that person this morning who apparently is m's personal troll, I have to greatly disagree. Talk about positive. When I'm on here in a snit about the guys, m & special always are coming up with something positive. Something that I just can't see at the time, lolllll!
Okay, I have got to go, now the new guy is needing something. Geezzz, can't even blog for several minutes, LOLL! Don't these people know that they shouldn't interrupt this? Man, he just keeps talking to me even though I said, just one quick second.
gotta go, gotta run,
Jake's PoP posters - two versions
"Gamer, if you don't think ONTD is significant, then why are you so upset about the negative comments there. You reveal yourself too easily."
Upset? I am not upset, but people here always use ONTD (and their commenters) as a source for everything. And yes, I think most of the commenters on ONTD are not relevant. They are usually jumping on the bandwagons - last example was Michael Jackson who - what a miracle - started as dissembler and ended as a saint...
And it makes me wonder with about 100 articles/blogs some people here are - very obviously - mentioning only the negative ones.
And thats revealing to me.....
So why don't you post links to positive comments instead of making things up ("people here always use ONTD as a source for everything") and complaining about OMG posters?
Because trolling is more fun?
I don't think that ONTD is the only barometer for public opinion, and there are so many different kinds of blogs and places that are talking about entertainment and pop culture. With something like PoP which is a classic game, you have to look at gamer sites, as well as traditional film sites and pop culture places as well.
I am interested in see what the response is from not only Comic Con, but Disney's Expo as well.
Disney stock has risen based on what the market is seeing for 2010 projects.
And this just announced today.
Disney Book Group announced today the Prince of Persia graphic novel anthology, the first-ever graphic novel written by the creator of Prince of Persia, Jordan Mechner. Todd McFarlane (Spawn, Spider-man) created exclusive art to be featured on the cover, and interior art will include some of the most talented names in comics.
Disney really must like what they see from what Bruck, Newell and the cast have done.
Disney really must like what they see from what Bruck, Newell and the cast have done.
Good or bad movie, it doesn't matter. Graphic novel is just one of many ways to make PoP money.
I like the look of Jake's new brother, and the film sounds fun :)
Ooh and I love Vince Vaughn.
Happy birthday, Spesh!
Just to add another set of birthday congrats and wishes to Special. You do a great job on this blog, and the pic of Jake and Austin are lovely and really sweet.
Have a great year, you deserve it.
Happy Birthday Special! hope you've had a wonderful day. :)
i think jake looks good in the poster, except the greasy hair is kinda ick. wish they coulda done that a little different. but otherwise, he looks good. maybe we'll all be happily surprised with its success. s.
Anybody else think Ben Kingsley looks like Ming the Merciless from Flash Gordon?
Heard from a friend & reliable source on Martha's Vineyard...preparations under way for Chelsea Clinton's wedding...quote: "Tons of flowers being shipped in"
Think Jake will attend?
For those who love Antony and the Johnsons-
Covering Beyonce's Crazy in Love
Happy Birthday, Spesh! :*
Thanks again for all the great wishes. I appreciate them so much.
Tonight it was out with family to celebrate. Sat is celebrating with friends.
gamer, don't worry too much. People here are quick at labeling troll anyone who calls them out on their infinite shallowness. What would they do if they did not have this site!
Wicked, Ben Kingsley does look like Ming the Merciless from Flash, and a little like the human version of Jafar from Aladdin too.
Great - now all I can hear is Queen Flash a-ah Savior of the Universe over and over again. LOL
Happy Birthday, Special K.
Happy Birthday Special K and wishing you many more. Keep up the good work.
Never paid attention to any Kenny Chesney songs or been into his music, but I like his voice and singing on this song. I may now listen to and buy some of his music. Thanks
Eastcoastfan - had to get my Sox in there somewhere today. I'm not a country fan but he has some good stuff.
And Rattler - Beautiful! Thank you.
Happy birthday, Special. Busy day at work today so I only just got back here to add my wishes. Love the music today too.
I just clicked on the picture of our boys. Amazing how Jake looks when he is with Austin. I never get tired of seeing that. He is just so relaxed and at peace.
PG, I've never seen that movie, so I will check it out and keep an open mind about Vince. I am totally hooked on your story, by the way. Can't wait to see what happens next.
People here are quick at labeling troll anyone who calls them out on their infinite shallowness.
what would YOU do if you did not have this site?
I finally discovered what/why Jake's POP Prince reminds me of, and what bothers me about it: he looks just like Kevin Sorbo's tv show character Hercules. I liked watching the tv show but do I really want to sit thru a copycat movie of it? Google 'Kevin Sorbo Hercules' for images and you'll see the striking similarity with Jake's POP in costumes, footwear, swords, hair color/style, face shape, body type, not to mention story plot. For sure I can't be the only one who's noticed.... Jake/Dastan will end up being compared to KS/Hercules, TTYTT I think Hercules will probably come out as better IMO.
Sorry if this has already been pointed out. I've been gone for over a week and this is the 1st place I'm catching up on! I haven't even read today's or the other OMG days, I just had to mention the JG/KS similarity because it freaked me out!
OHHHH I see it was someone'es birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPECIAL K!!!!!!!!!!!
Kevin Sorbo's tv show character Hercules
Thanks "defy the future" for the pic. That's a good one, aint it. They all pretty much scream out Jake/POP, I know the comparisions will be coming very very soon if they haven't already like in ONTD.
The poster, blech. Everythings ok from the waist up: Jake's torso, arms and face look good. But after that, what the hell happened? Is it a skirt or is it a 6th century equivalent to the modern day hoody/sweater tied around his waist?? Is he trying to cover up his "all you can eat wild boar buffet" belly bloat? Also the way they cropped the pic with the boot tops make his legs look really really short, not a good look IMO. And it's a horrible body angle, very very awkward.
Btw my criticism of the poster isn't towards Jake or how he looks, its against whoever chose (and the people who approved it) the angle, crop and stance etc. It doesn't scream out Power and Mystique. More like "What's that, a skirt he's wearing and where's the rest of his legs and how does someone turn and stand like that?" Don't know about you but those kinds of questions that I ask myself from a movie poster isn't a good sign, because it always seems like if they couldn't manage a friggin movie poster then the movie must be really stupid.
I think all sword and sandals movies have basically the same or very similar stories.
Special effects and Princes's video game special powers will be specific for PoP.
Well,sounds like you had a great birthday if you spent with family last night, Special.
That's where I was last night - all kinds of family time! lol. At the olllll' 54th St Grille. The kids love that place, my nephew because they have steak on the children's menu. good grief. He's going to have expensive tastes, just like his old man, my brother.
Won't be going over there tonight though, and that makes me sad because not only will I miss them, I'll miss my brother, who is coming up to pick the kids up. I fully expect to have that lumbar epidural done today but not until I have a full out discussion with these people. I don't like doing stuff just for the heck of it.
Thanks, m, wow, I really appreciate it. I am bowled over by the response to that thing. lol.
I feel such pressure now! You know, I have Ch. 9 done (have had it done for awhile now) and 10 about done, but I haven't had time to look at them or anything. And I just had an offer from someone to be my beta. Me! With a beta.
Anyway, means alot coming from a seasoned reader such as yourself.
I like the PoP poster except for his darn hair. I thought in one of those pictures, it looked a little fluffed out, but here it's that VO5 look again. Man, that looks awful & I can't get past that.
The poster reminds me of Michael Jackson's album cover for "HIStory". The stance, the physique, the armor, the solid color of Jake all over except for that red sash, which was a great idea btw. When I first saw this poster, I knew it struck me as something I'd seen before but I didn't know what. Then I thought of Michael's album cover. And you know how Michael loved those fans blowing on his hair.
Disney, for gosh sakes, airbrush that hair into something alot drier. You're not going to get any females wanting to fawn over that VO5 look. Trust me on that one.
Dangit, whose hairbrained idea is that to have done that with his hair?
Oops, sorry for the rant there about the hair. But you play up to a person's physical strengths. And one of Jake's is his head of hair.
Well, had a good walk, time to hit the shower, and that's all I have to say about the movie. I have the afternoon off but I doubt I'll be up to sitting at a computer, I bet.
Hey, and I like this Kenny Chesney song. I just saw Jordan Sparks' new video and I love it. I like the song, too. Man, if I could just get my ITines straightened out on my new laptop. It's all jacked up.
Have a great day, everyone!
((PG)) Good luck today at the Dr.'s. Thinking of you.
I am totally hooked on your story, by the way. Can't wait to see what happens next.
You know, I have Ch. 9 done (have had it done for awhile now) and 10 about done, but I haven't had time to look at them or anything.
Link please!
lol! email me! i'm too embarrassed yet to give my LJ name! I'll be more than glad to give you a link to it, tho or talk about it.
Thanks, Special! Let's hope this helps!
I think they were going for something similar to this picture in the movie poster. Except that this is for the "Warrior Within" (where Dastan is supposed to be darker) and the film poster is for "The Sands of Time".
I'd say they're pretty close with it, so I can't agree that they flunked this. Only thing I'd change would be for them to make the cloth around his hips bigger, but that would be pretty impractible (and probably not look that good) during fighting scenes.
And well, since the first PoP game came out in 1989 and the pilot of Hercules came out in 1995 if anything the Hercules writers must have stolen the look from PoP ;)
I still wish they'll recreate this picture in upcoming posters, just because it'd look really hot ^^
Except that this is for the "Warrior Within" (where Dastan is supposed to be darker) and the film poster is for "The Sands of Time".
PoP poster - Jake is wearing "Warrior Within" costume.
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