Looks like Austin is making sure to make the new cast feel welcome.
When they started filming season 7 Austin, Robert Buckley, Sophia, and Shantel VanSanten and a couple crew members at a bar in Wilmington.
Also Aicirtap over on OTHforums.com said:
"I just wanted to let you guys know that i saw austin yesterday night again:) he is sooooooo gorgeous, he was walking into a restaurant near carolina beach with the girl that is playing haleys sister dont know her real name sorry. [Shantel]
He was looking soooo adorable, he had some weird shorts on but still looked great and he is incredible tan also.."
and follow up with:
"they looked actually really cute, austin was looking like a little boy with his weird shorts and white t-shirt, he is sooooo HOT:)"
Austin and weird shorts, totallly sounds like him. But can you imagine what weird shorts he could pick out?
Retro 60's madras.
The patches one?
80's Jams.
You don't think he went with theses do you?
Friday, July 24, 2009
Short stories
Posted by
Special K
10:01 AM
Labels: Austin, One Tree Hill, OTH, Shorts
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Sadly, I think Austin might wear all of these.
Maybe it was these.
Don't know if Austin's in LA or if Jake is going to Comic Con but there's high surf along the lower California coast from OC to San Diego today and this weekend. Maybe some good waves and wet fun might be had by the boys.
Those last ones are a red white and blue double knit for that just so short slack feeling.
I don't mind the madras with a polo and topsiders. Very prep and very Southern. And very Nantuckety.
Now those cutoffs, think there could be a fight who gets to wear 'em. But it would come down to the shoes.I think Jake could win with that one black pair he's got. ; )
Well, let's see. It's been 2 weeks. And it's dead quiet. What does that add up to? Now that kind of math I can do.
It's been the day from h "you know what". I ended up taking a day of Vacay. We had the kids last night; did the ol' DQ for dinner at their request. Brought them home really late.
Then this morning, I go to Mom & Dad's place to pu my Sony paperwork because I am returning that piece of crap laptop I bought and exchanging it for the Dell. And when I went out to my car, my car was dead.
Dead battery. Had to get a jump, drop it off at the shop, found out that the year my car was made, for some ridiculous reason, they put an unusual sized battery in it. So it's going to cost $140 for a stinkin' battery!! So the money I'm going to save by going Dell instead of Sony is headed over onto paying for that battery.
Brother. Oh well, did get to see my niece, nephew, sister in law & brother one more time. We went to Gates & Sons for a Bar B Q lunch. Man, was that good.
It's been a very strange day.
Anyway, at least I get to exchange my laptop and I am extremely disappointed in Sony. They do TV's just fine, laptops? Not so much.
Congrats to Tom on getting another question answered!! Way to go, Tom! Well done.
This Shaftarella thing is strange because it has been pointing to Reese. It's really kind of hard to imagine Reese into either sex. You know, when she's not bearding with Jake, though, that's all she's in the company with and that is her work-related people and they all seem to be women. She's never, ever in the company of another man. The only time she has been has been with Jake there as well. And Jake? His work related people are all women! scratches head. That doesn't make any sense to me, lol. I swear, Jake is a complex person and a total mystery. He'd make a great psychological case study, I think. I think there's alot of material there.
Perhaps you are right, m. Ted got wind of some despair and also Jake fans are dropping like flies around here. The guy has no traffic whatsoever on his own blogs. The only time he has traffic is when there is a big Reeke outing. So, it's all negative.
Makes for a very rough time for the Blog Owners.
Myself? Still have a good amount of doubt. Extreme doubt these 2 guys are still together or that there is a BT. Because, why wouldn't Jake be over on the east coast right now while Austin is filming, I ask? Once again, we have Austin away (working over in NC) and Jake at a ballgame in LA while BT is at home with the nanny?? Whaaaaaa..Excuse me while I - no, I don't really have to ponder it. I just don't get it.
And where was BT while Jake was allegedly out with Atticus on that twitter? At home once again with the nanny? I'm sorry, I am having a real, real problem believing there is a BT. If they were a real family unit, Jake would have his little flat behind over by NC at some secluded home where Austin could at least go on weekends. Are yu going to tell me that he would spend $800 unnecessarily to fly all the way across the US to California to be with Jake & BT for two lousy stinkin' days? What in the heck kind of of set up is that? It just does not ring true to me.
These 2 guys do not sound like fathers whatsoever. I think Ted is full of crap the more I think about it. Think about this. Why has Austin not written any kind of poetry with children mentioned in it? Any kind of inkling about fatherhood? Or anything that would seem to indicate that the guy has had any kind of experience about children or babies? All he's done is written about babes, ladies, chicks, birds, females, mermaids, anything but a child. And a firstborn child should be providing him with all the inspired material he could ever need. 5 days with my niece & neph give me oodles of stories, lots of laughs, just enough to always make me wish I lived closer to them so I could experience more of them.
Ted is going to have to cough up alot more to ever prove to me that he knows what he speaks of. Because right now, I am not seeing it at all. And before someone jumps on the fact that parents need a break, too, and have nights out, I fully agree. They do. But a lot of times, when one parent goes out with "the girls" or "the guys", the other one stays home with the child. I'm a Show Me Girl, Ted. Show me the money, so to speak. I need more proof than just the fact that Ted says it is so. That's not cutting it for me anymore.
Gimme a break. They have to work. Being on location happens. They don't have to be 24/7 to be a real couple. And stop trying to make them a hetero couple. They aren't.
Well, the car's done. Oh boy!
And not the same, what in the heck is different between a hetero couple and a gay couple? I thought everyone wanted equality? Well, if there's not much difference, then there ought not to be much difference between a hetero and a gay couple. Please explain in full detail the difference.
Hope my comments didn't sound harsh; I just need to state how I feel about the whole thing. I'm just such a doubting Thomas. Gotta see things right in front of my face, lol. And I'm not getting any vibe anymore.
But it's not bringing me down! I had family time today. Had Gates Bar B Que, had homemade tortillas with Sausage at Mom & Dad's this morning, uh, let's see....my Dell is going to cost about $149 less than my Sony laptop...laundry is getting done. And everything else is going alright. So this is but a tiny, tiny piece of the whole pie. Not too shabby.
How is everyone else doing? So stinkin' quiet around here, you could hear a pin drop.
Jake's PR, do you see what has happened to your client? Even his own fans are deserting the ship. I tell you what, I would've fired those people 2 years ago. There is no way I'm letting anybody on this green earth tell me constantly what to do, where to stand, who to go with, and when to take a you know what. 3 years of this stuff. Can you imagine?? I can't.
Hope it is worth it.
Okay, well, I have some LJ work to do. I'll let someone else take over. Bring on the sunshine! It's Friday and I've gotten a head start on the weekend already.
Destiny, where in the heck are you? Did she say she was going on vacation and I missed it???
I'm not an idiot. I know they have to work. I'm talking about the other one. The one who is not working. Why wouldn't the other one, when and if there is a big child involved, want to be near the working one?
I'm more so disputing the rationale behind a BT, person.
Don't hide behind a made up name. Talk to me face to face.
Gosh dang it, I hate this touchpad on my sister's Apple. It absolutely drives me insane.
And when I ask for the difference between the two, I'm talking about the relationship itself.
If marriage is wanted the same for both sides with benefits and right of attorney, etc. equal for all, then how can the relationship be that much different???
lollll! Look what I said - big child!!! What in the heck does that mean? lol.
LOLLL! I can't type on this thing right. It's all jacked up. And I don't have a right click button. It just drives me absolutely nuts.
Okay, i don't know squat about this Comic Con Convention but just googling it, I can see why maybe PoP isn't part of it? It seems to be allllll about this New Moon movie with Robert Pattinson. That is all they are talking about . This New Moon, Robert Pattinson and that Kristen actress who the rags are all over about as a couple.
Do you reckon that's why?
i am totally convinced there is no baby tile. that rumor sounded contrived from the very get go, and i don't think jake would take that lightly and live the life he's living if he'd taken that step. i think when this fauxmance runs it's course, that could be the next step for him, and he will be sufficiently out of the limelight (unless POP is a surprise hit) to where he might be able to consider pursuing his life instead of his career for a change. jmo. s.
I think we are headed toward one heck of a reeke show. I doubt there are papparazzi in Philly so all reeke photos will be home grown. IHR will be on duty.
A belated Happy Birthday Me.
I am indeed on vacation PG, in Colorado visiting family. We spent a couple days on the road, had a blast. - went rafting down the Arkansas River, something I have never done before.
Sorry to hear all your troubles PG, funny how these things always pour all at once.
Congrats Tom on yet another letter. Still do not think Ted knows all that much, but you would think he' d' hear if they broke up.
I can see Austin in any of these shorts. Tye died ones too.
I find the whole comic con omission odd. Yes, Pattison and Twilight is overwhelming, but plenty of other movies showed up and held their own. To me it shows a lack of confidence in the film or Jake, by Disney. Have you seen the action figure of the other Twilight character? It previewed at comic con, it's all over the web, and is going to sell like crazy. Abs, arms, naked chest, totally ripped. Hot. I'm not into the guy, not even sure of his name and I gasped.
As for baby tile, we have to have Tom, the master, email a new question to Ted. I do think if there is a BT, it is most likely Austin's sperm that did the trick. Austin is almost invisible when not working.
m, yes the movie is crap and will destroy Jake's career. Happy now? I wonder what makes you so full of hatred.
What is 9:50's problem??!!
As for baby tile, we have to have Tom, the master, email a new question to Ted. I do think if there is a BT, it is most likely Austin's sperm that did the trick. Austin is almost invisible when not working.
^ OKayyyyyy! You need a LIFE!!
way too much time is spent on this far fetched story of a babytile that Jake could not possibly linked to. To much time with Reese and others.
Please see the light, or are you in that part of the world where the Lunar Eclipse is still blocking the Sun?
Man, Venus, let go of some of that tension, for gosh sakes. If some of us wish to discuss a BT or possibility thereof, we will.
Any hostile comments from a temporary name commenter is not going to have one iota impact on it, so here's the hand. Here is the hand.
m, good point. I know that was kind of a hasty comment about Austin's poetry not having anything reflecting of a BT in his life. I got to thinking later tonight; he doesn't have to write about anything if he doesn't want to. But wouldn't you think he would be greatly inspired to?
And yes, he's pretty invisible. I think I could easily picture him with a kid more so than ahem. Mr. Out & About.
And I tell you what, I'm not totally dismissing the BT story; I just find it extremely farfetched at this point from what I am seeing. But Venus & whatever, I tell you what. Somewhere down the road, I'll remember you if BT comes to fruition.
Just remember.
Add another person with computer problems. UGH!!! Freeze, Crash and Burn and reboot.
Baby Tile.
Tom has asked Ted before about Baby Tile and Ted has answered him with just one word.
August 26, 2008
Dear Ted:
Please don't be like Toothy himself when asked a tough question. Just give a simple answer. A yes or no will do. No beating around the bush or skirting the issue. Is there a Baby Tile?
—Tom, Mt. Laurel
Dear Gay Shooter:
As for them being together or their family dynamic. I look at it this way. They know they have to be apart, but I don't we see how much they are together, because they are keeping that private.
And I say this every single time. It seems like they stagger there work so one both are not working at the same time. And if they have to it is kept to a minimum. Did you think that Jake might have got a couple nights out on his own, because his sister is in town? Hey I know this Auntie babysat every week for my brother and sister in law when the kids were really little. And I have a friend that would hire babysitters so she could just get a break and craft.
Every family is unique, we can have our own children, adopt, have surrogates, foster them, have step children come into our lives, and do it with a mother/father, two moms, two dads, a mom on her own, a dad on his own, with grandparents,guardians, aunts or uncles, or friends being the parents. And each works the way they work for who that family is.
Why are there some people in this world who just bash on others? Are they the same ones who butt in front of others in line at store registers? The same ones who tailgate? The same ones who cut you off at the hwy exits? The same ones who drop an empty McD's bag out the car window while driving?
Makes one wonder, doesn't it? It's like someone just sits out there, waiting for someone to say something and then they are all over it with rude & hateful spew.
It's sad.
Hey, Destiny!! I wondered if you were on vacay. I bet the weather is cool out that way? I'm too chicken to go river rafting, but I know people who love to do it. It looks like a beautiful time, though.
I got my car fixed; good as new! Woohoo! And I am typing on my new Dell computer laptop! Piece of cake. I got rid of that Sony piece of bubblewrap and I didn't hesitate to tell my story to every Best Buy salesperson I talked to. They really were great there. I have to say. Made it very easy.
I'm so excited about my new laptop. Happy dance! I also bought Willie Wonka on dvd for $6.99. Good deal! "Violet, you're turning violet!
I love that one. The old one, not the one with Johnny Depp.
LOL, I know, Special. sigh. You're right.
But, but, but! lol. But, they are unique in that they are 2 people in a different line of business. They're not high school teachers or white collar or union, blue collar workers. They are actors who spend alot of time apart due to their line of work. So, the times that they could be together, I'm not seeing signs of.
Course, if they were seen, I guess it would be all over JJ or National Enquirer, wouldn't it?
LOLLL! Man, I am digging myself in to a hole.
I just! It just drives me nuts is all. It's like believing in Bigfoot, you know? One big fuzzy photo and that's all you have to go on. And a number of sightings and rumors. That's it.
It makes for a really frustrating, "why am I doing this" kind of pondering. And I will point this out yet again.
Necklace Watch, Day 10! No necklaces at the Dodger game either. Oh, and no necklaces at the picture of that restaurant exit. Necklace Watch, Day 11.
Well, whatever day it is.
Okay, well, I'm going to call it a blogger night. I just posted a new chap and it takes me a long time to reply to comments. LOL, you know how long it takes for me to put up a comment, Special. It takes me forever to respond to all these nice people. I like to chatter as you know.
Sweet dreams and Wicked's comment up there was really funny. "Sadly, Austin probably does wear these". LOL!!
Someone Please tell me, is this the PrairieGirl Blog?
You are pretty talkative tonight.
Can anyone else talk?
I think Austin would go for the neon board shorts ala 80's, too. But would he dare to go Wham!(Wake Me before you Go Go)short?
fullgl: Waiting for a table at Mozza Pizzeria. Judd apatow and his family are waiting next to us. about 1 hour ago from TwitterFon
fullgl: Jake gyllenhaal just walked up too about 1 hour ago from TwitterFon
Wonder if Jake grabbed a pizza to go?
hope he got 2 huge gourmet horsemeat pizzas for me *licks his lips*
Got a little crazy and posted extra early today. Enjoy!
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