What's a summer without a holiday, so for this Austin Friday we are going on virtualHoliday in the Sun.
Funny can't keep him off the beach.
A Jake and Austin Community
What's a summer without a holiday, so for this Austin Friday we are going on virtualHoliday in the Sun.
Posted by
Special K
12:07 PM
Labels: Austin, Austin Fridays, Holiday in the Sun
How to Make Clickable Links in Posts
OMG Continuously Updated List of Famous Queer People. Do you have a name to add?
Help for a Real Life Case of Rendition
Love the screencaps from Holiday in the Sun.
And is it just me, or have the comments from yesterday's post disappeared?
It's not just you.
Oops Sorry My bad. Fixed now. All's good.
BTW - So who wins the player hat for Bad Hatter?
Wicked - The Hollywood Squares questions are great.
Now here's a trivia question for OMG - Charlie Weaver is who's grandpa?
(A hint famous HW family)
Twitter interns
July 9 - Leaving The Intelligentsia Coffee House In Venice.
Is that a bruise on his ankle? A match for Reese's shiner?
Great email on HW Squares Wicked! I copied it! Who thought old folks like them were so nasty.
Special how strange. I had a dream about the Olsen twins. Charlie Weaver, hmm, Arquette?
From Google: "Goodness Manufacturing is a full service advertising agency, founded on one philosophy. We create brands people fall in love with. By any means necessary."
Well guess what Jake, try as you and TPTB might, Reeke isn't and never will be one of those brands.
oops 3:01 was me
Jake looks good for a change, I guess he must have taken the old ball and chain off.
Love the HW Squares bits Wicked.
I don't see any ankle bruise. Btw Reese's eye IMO looks like a cut, insect bite or skin reaction not a shiner. Its too red and localized in one sore bump to be an allover black eye.
looking at the coffee shop pics, doesn't he leave in the same SUV that we've seen him and reese in lots of other times? s.
It is actually a treat seeing jake by himself. He looks cute for a change.
Jake didn't look alone in pics. 2 visible cups and looking other way, maybe there were 2 other people at his table? Whatever, he might be getting some of his charm back. He LOST it with Reese. I know LA people might be a little jaded seeing celebs, but still, for no one to be talking about (sightings in Defamer, on blogs, twitters, etc) or taking pics of seeing Jake around, who's a film actor, that's pretty much losing star charisma. Remember a couple years ago when 1 or 2 pics of him at MV during the summer sparked a frenzy? Now its like pfffffft, and he's right there in person. Pretty sad state of affairs. Jake if you're reading this, lose the beard (that self-centered narcissist ain't doing you any favors, trust us) and become a sexy mystery again.
sienna, did you see the current pic of the guy Jake hugged on the street? heh
And also I wonder if Jaustin is renting a house nearby Reese (in Brentwood), his HWH house is 3 BR, kind of small for Jaustin, a BT and a nanny. They maybe even live on the same street and so it would make it easy to share cars and look like Reeke is living together. Just sayin.
Paul Lynde was such a baddie!
Light brown flip flops on the right - who's feet are those?
reekemobile... i did see that picture. do we know who he is? that sure looked like more than a "hey, how're u doin'?" kinda hug.
as for the feet, it definitely looks like jake was meeting up with a buddy. i wonder why said buddy wasn't included in the pic. i mean, they usually are, even if they are unknowns. kinda odd.
regarding jake renting a house:
1. his house was up for sale recently. do we know if he sold it?
2. i wonder about his money situation? his lifestyle ain't cheap, he doesn't make a ton of money for his movies, and taxes, etc, take a huge bite out of that. so i wonder how things are for him, money-wise?
3. where is his little "green" camry? wonder if he was just leasing it/them for a year. (i thought he got 2) i find it an unsettling coincidence that he's driving the Reekemobile. blech.
4. i still wonder if he's living with her in a roommate situation. (could be he LOST his house)if she was putting him up, it would make things easier all around for their "romance" and explain them sharing vehicles.
i have to have a nap now. i'll be looking forward to the answers to these and even more, unasked, questions, when i return!! =D s.
What expensive lifestyle?
Jake has more than enough money to buy or rent a house or two in LA.
Loks like the guy Jake is sitting with has a bald head.
The reesemobile is probably owned by Disney.
What's his agent/mgr/PR names again? One of them is something "360". The glossy he has at the table says something "360" on the front. Probably an investor financial report or client/servicing rep listing, a something "360" PR brochure.
It's not, but wouldn't it be funny/ironic if it was a fancy schmancy marketing report on how Reeke has positively enhanced Jake's image lol.
I bet sandals and bald head belongs to a closeted gay PR HW guy. Someone who sold Jake on Reeke and who talks out of both sides of his mouth and who Jake thinks is the bestest person and a nice friend and the most helpful career professional in the world.
"1. his house was up for sale recently. do we know if he sold it?"
It was? Do you have a link, sienna?
Jake's t-shit: Goodness Mfg, Venice, CA logo.
Goodness Manufacturing is a full service advertising agency, founded on one philosophy. We create brands people fall in love with. By any means necessary.
OTOH if Jake isn't with 360 then maybe this is someone from 360 who is pitching their company to Jake. Maybe sandals bald guy is an out gay guy telling him Reeke don't work and whoever sold him that crap needs to be hanged by their toenails. If so, go for it Jake, go for the firm that can release you from Reeke and the 1950s "gay is bad" mindset!
To "t shirt" @5:58:
Do you read the blog comments?! Same thing was posted almost 3 hours ago at/by 3:01/"t shirt logo".
So what?
Brothers poster
July 9 - Leaving The Intelligentsia Coffee House In Venice.
"The reesemobile is probably owned by Disney."
Probably only plays Disney radio and an alarm goes off if any moisture is detected on the seats.
"Jake's t-shit: Goodness Mfg"
I doubt even Jake's shit is "goodness manufactured"!
Oops & LOL!
Hope you copied and saved the last Jake pics at IHJ. They've been removed.
Maybe PR IHR doesn't want solo Jake pics. Only Reeke pics allowed!
It just must e a glitch in the gallery, they are stil in the eye candy section.
"It just must e a glitch in the gallery"
Shit did those interns have drinks at lunch again?
IHJ needs to add the Reeke pics at the gym then solo bubble boy.
360=Jake and Reese PR
IHR=Jake and Reese PR
Back from an afternoon out.
Looks like Jake had the King Crimson Ice Tea.
King Crimson
Our stalwart caffeine-free herbal blend seamlessly blends tart with sweet to create succulent, fruity refreshment. Dried cranberries, elderberries, and black currant provide a dazzling scarlet hue and luscious berry flavor notes.
And it's not cheap 6 oz glass is 9 bucks and the 16 oz is $34.00
The packet he is holding is from 360 like someone said. I do wonder if they had to meet after the comments and suppositions about Reese's shiner.
What I think is wacky is that there was twitter several days ago about Jake in a Goodness Manufactured t-shirt. Now that makes me wonder if the meeting happened several days ago, or he bought the shirt from the shop in Venice and they assumed that he was going to be seen it soon. But its in one of his go-to colors - grey.
Not too many of Reeke papped together at the gym. Jake must have said "Stay away from me bitch, it's IHJ not IHR"
Really though, those front and center full body pics of the Chin up to bat and Jake's dark shadowed hidden face barely seen waaaay back of the covered dugout was disgusting.
"The packet he is holding is from 360 like someone said. I do wonder if they had to meet after the comments and suppositions about Reese's shiner."
In ONTD (and apparently IHJ, their source) the description says the booklet is a script and the meeting was with his agent. But shit, who knows, its Hollywood.
'IHR=Jake and Reese PR'
Balls! X17 have made IHJ delete photos before so it's likely that's the reason they're gone now. IHJ are not PR, they're fans, like us, but going that extra mile. Sometimes I don't know why they bother when they get comments like that. Do yourself a favour and take a reality check.
IHJ gets pictures from Jake's PR.
"Goodness Manufactured"
LOL! He should be wearing:
"Reeke Manufactured"
"Straight Manufactured"
"PR Manufactured"
"Rebound Boyfriend Manufactured"
^^they were all out of those in his size, "Wimp"
About the Gym pictures
I don't think Jake worked out. Why? he is wearing cargo shorts, and he is wearing street sneakers. Reese is dressed to work out. Jake is dressed to pick her up. If he works out he wears long athletic shorts and different shoes, (like his New Balance or those slide sandals)
"6 oz glass is 9 bucks and the 16 oz is $34.00"
All on my agent's expense account, but yeah I love it when my piss smells expensive!
Lane wins the Charley Weaver prize. You get your choice of a X or an O to win and this lifetime supply of Rice a Roni and TurtleWax
'PR said... IHJ gets pictures from Jake's PR.'
Nonsense! Of course they don't!
We're lucky to have IHJ. Very lucky. They've been there for us Jake fans for years - long before Reese.
"I don't think Jake worked out. Why? he is wearing cargo shorts, and he is wearing street sneakers. Reese is dressed to work out. Jake is dressed to pick her up. If he works out he wears long athletic shorts and different shoes, (like his New Balance or those slide sandals)"
Good eye Special.
Word is Philly streets are set up with trucks and equipment for the movie shoot. Maybe Jake was picking R up for them to go to Philly. You know so he can tag along for pap pics, shopping this weekend, a few at beginning of next week then pop over to Wilmington or thereabouts.
Lane wins the Charley Weaver prize. You get your choice of a X or an O to win and this lifetime supply of Rice a Roni and TurtleWax
Stephanie/Twilight works at a photo agency, she gets to see all pics, not just of Jake but Orlando Bloom and Ben Barnes, she has fan blogs of them too. Her father or some other relative may even own the agency.
You women shouldn't get jealous over her or IHJ, that site is first class all the way and the girls show more class and maturity then some of his so-called middle age fans who have the mentality of a 12 year old.
If PR is behind IHJ then you shouldn't lurk there 24/7 jerking off on their pictures.
Jake doesn't deserve IHJ.
IHJ has alway been a great source of photos for all Jake fans over the years. I know I don't know what I or OMG would do without them. And I appreciate how much work it takes to run, from the little bit of stuff I do here at OMG compared to that mass collection they have created on IHJ. Thanks again guys.
Does Jake get COBRA?
Great song today! :)
"You women shouldn't get jealous over her or IHJ"
"more class and maturity then some of his so-called middle age fans who have the mentality of a 12 year old"
"you shouldn't lurk there 24/7 jerking off on their pictures"
^^Who wrote this crap, a 12 year old?! What a way to defend/uphold/represent IHJ. I'm sure they're dismayed, no actually make that mortified, to have you speak for them.
I love IHJ and appreciate all the work they do, even continuing to do it after the thrill of Jake has been gone and the distaste of Reeke has run off most of the fans. I'm sure IHJ feels the PR pressures now and then, but the fact that they keep the site up to date and make an effort to remain neutral most of the time points to their dedication not only to Jake, but mostly their love to the fans. Thanks, IHJ.
Yes you should thank IHJ, the best Jake site period. They were his fans since at least DD, not like the fans that showed up later after BBM. It got so bad they had to do away with the comment section on the gallety pics. The comments were disgusting, anti-semeic, homophobic, misoginystic and juvenile. It seemst that some of the "newies" had issues. No wonder Ally, the founder of the site left Jake's fandom and turned it over to Steph, who also runs other fan sites.
They get zero pressure from Jake's PR, they or Jake could give a rats ass about IHj or any other of his tedious "fan" sites on the net.
Sounds like Jake will be in Philly for the Gay Film Festival. I am sure he and his lovely granny will be attending some of the films.
7-11 is giving away free Slurpees tomorrow in the US and Canada because it's 7-11!
Burn 60 pics at IHJ. Anyone want to bet Reeke called the paps? No? Shit! How am I gonna make any money around here?!
It's been so long since I visited IHJ galley or community, I had to pull up my password cheat sheet as I could not remember them. The pics are all over the web regardless, so no need to see them there anyway.
I find the Brothers poster weird. Not a good look for any of them. I hope this is not the final poster. It would not entice me to see the movie.
Austin, as usual, looks terrific in today's pictures. A water baby for sure. I know some of those pics are old, but look at those abs!
I was running late for work today and left my largely indoor cat outside this AM. He just would not come back inside. Told my still sleeping husband the cat was out. My husband finally found him at noon, having a literal panic attack. Foaming at the mouth, dehydrated, losing control of his bowels. Husband rushed him to the vet. Cat is OK, thank God, it was just a panic attack, but $380.00 later, I learned my lesson. He usually just stays within a couple feet of the back door but only when one of us is outside with him.
drought said...
For all the "all twitters are fake and all Reeke twitters are fake and and all Jake twitters are fake" believers, please explain why there haven't been any Jake or Reeke twitters the past few days. You know, to "place" Reeke together or because Jake is somewhere else and PR is hiding him or Jake can only be seen with Reese so no solo-Jake twitters are allowed online and are deleted by the allmighty PR who runs the twitter universe. Tom, M, Prairie Girl, anyone? Where are these "faked PR twitters" that are supposed to have Reeke together or Jake feeding the poor and homeless while saving the environment?
July 10, 2009 1:05 AM
You know what, drought? You need to get a life. What in the heck difference does it make who likes twitter dee and who would base their thesis on the likes of twitter dum? I for one have not been spending my hiatus pondering what you yourself are currently believing in, are dissing on, are totally put out by, are enamored by, or what you're doing at the moment. I think you need to wonder why this whole subject is just so important to you.
I tell you what. At 1:05 this morning, I can think of either 2 things alot more fun than wondering what someone is thinking about twitter or whether someone is just overcome with absolute shame over twitter results. One, sleeping. I'll cut you some slack if you're in Australia or on the west coast. Two, having some fun with my right hand. I think suggestion 2 might be something just a little more beneficial for you if you don't have a significant other like myself. Let me tell you - it's a great pleasure boat and it's a great stress relief, which seems to possibly be something elusive for you since all you can think of doing at 1:05 in the morning is calling out to people who really have moved past this subject. I think I was having just a bit more fun than you this morning, lol.
And one more thing, unless you can fess up to who you are, knock off the call-outs and name-addressing. One minute you're Logic, the next day you're Drought. I don't admire or respect anyone who when they're starting their swear-fest, namecalling, insulting, etc, can't fess up with a consistent name.
Please have the guts and the courage to own up to what you are saying and stop hiding behind made up names. It's cowardly.
(((M's cat))). Glad you found him.
Strange that those pictures disappeared, only to be replaced by what, 100 Reeke photos? Nobody ever seems to have a problem with those staying up> I don't think Steph works for pr but I wonder if pr pays the agencies something for the ones they like???
m, sorry to hear about your cat but I'm glad he is okay. Believe me, you are not the first nor the last to spend big money on your pet. I know people who have done it. Our pets are our family, simple as that and we will try to do what we feasibly can to save them.
I am coming to you LIVE from Pleasure Point (?) LOLLL, great name considering my subject matter in the previous post, near Branson, MO. Got here this morning, driving straight to Eureka Springs, AR, with my sister and Little Dog's mama. It's hotter 'n blazes here but for the rest of the weekend, we have perfect access to a pool and the lake, besides the AC, so no worries there.
Little Dog's mom & stepdad have a new condo here right on Table Rock Lake and we have a houseful. Little Dog's mom, her roommate, her neighbor, and then LD's mom & stepdad. And LD's mama's neighbor just got her new dog today. She got her from one of those rescue organizations and had only seen pics of her on the internet. She's a black standard poodle. So her son is watching her, and the 3 dogs that belong to LD's mama & roomie. That would be Little Dog, Abby, and Sushi. Plus there's his dog, Mo. 5 dogs!! He's insane! Can you imagine watching 5 dogs? Holy cow.
Tomorrow, we are going to go on a pontoon boat ride. I love pontoon boats - they are just my speed, lol. And they have free WI-FI! But LD's mom is extremely, extremely curious about my blogging and she wants to know my blogger name really badly and also what I blog about. She even resorted to trying to look in the mirror behind me not too long ago before they all left to go swimming. The nerve!!! lol, naw, I'm kidding. She's great and she's a great tease.
I have one more post to make and then I'll leave you be.
I've not seen the pics - not in a huge hurry to. I've had so little pc internet time for the past 3 weeks or so, that I can't linger anywhere too long. I've missed you all terribly, more than you know, but I had my reasons for taking the hiatus, a fraction of them having to do with my next comment.
Oh, & Wicked, can you check your email, lol? I'm so glad some things never change. It's like coming home to a warm fire, ham & beans on the stove, pair of shorts & favorite T shirt, and John Denver playing on the IPod.
Hey Destiny!! Destiny, did you see my email, lol? Clarity & I are needing you & Wicked to check your emails out. We have plans hanging in the air! lol.
Oh, and I do apologize if there's a bit TMI in my first post, lol. I figure if people can throw that F word around like they did this morning on the previous post, I can bring up something like what I did and I didn't even cuss.
Anyway, I have one more comment to make.
Special said:
I am sure one day there will be a Jaustin tweet or two or three. Photos? Do you think we would be so lucky?
July 10, 2009 2:09 AM
Hear! Hear! I want to issue a challenge to the boys if they're up to it. Do it. For.The.Love.Of. Man, can you do a photo op at the Farmers Market? Or the car wash? Or Walgreen's? Or the dry cleaners? Or Best Buy? Or the AT&T or Verizon Wireless Store? Or a Bosox game? Or a Jimmy John's? Or JC Penney's? Or O'Reilly's AutoParts? Or how about your computer repair person's place? Or the gym? Or the softball field? Or the dog off leash area at a park? Or the local Bar & Grill, yukking it up with your other macho buds? Or the golf course?
Talk about long suffering. I have to say that a fraction of my hiatus had to do with some lack of faith. Over the course of 3 years, we've been feeding off of 2 biking photo ops. Not to complain about the quality or essence of those said pics - they were quite the ultimate. But man. Come on.
I think Moses may have had an easier time leading the people through the wilderness over 40 years than Jaustin fans have had trying to survive despite the plethura of opposition provided by the likes of Us Reekly, Vogue, JJared, Twitter, Elle magazine, trolls & scoffers. Reeke fans have had the buffet at hand for 2 1/2 - 3 years, all you can eat as far as a menu being put out is concerned. Jaustin fans have been dining on a paper menu and the aroma from a kitchen they cannot even see.
Do it, fellas. Somehow, someway, hook it up and put something out there; even if it means some JoeBlow has to get on the floor and use his cellphone camera for a Twitter pic. We'd take it, I think. Penny for the baby,suh, a morsel of cheese for the mice, a scrap or a bone for the waifs.
We dare ya.
Well, I can't speak for anyone else,I guess. But I'd like to hear from anyone else here who hasn't felt like throwing in the towel at times.
PG 1 day when I have the time I'll read the long self-righteous pious yet mean and belittling post you made tonight. Right now, I'm going out to have a good time, it's Friday night. Maybe its you who needs to get a life, and take out your anger elsewhere.
M sorry to hear about your cat. Hope he will be okay and will come inside next time when you tell him. But being a cat, he probably won't, lol.
I just signed up for Twitter. Three times, three different email addresses, three different computers (two in the same house). Three Twitter accounts, three different screen names, only one person.
It tracks via IP addresses, (and, I'm assuming cell numbers), so anyone, anywhere can create an account, then turn to another computer and do it all over again. And again. And again.
Not that this experiment is worth anything, just putting the ease of setting up bogus accounts out there.
"swear-fest, namecalling, insulting, etc,"
I don't see any swearing, namecalling or insulting by Drought. and who cares if they change names. Four paragraphs, alot of anger, accusations and taking the original post out of context ....you have problems PG. Ignore a post if it bothers you that much. More important if bothers you you need to ask yourself why. Is it because they hit a nerve and what nerve is it? Take a longer hiatus. Find out the real problem and stop using posters as your scapegoat.
PG: I haven't read beyond your first post to LOGIC, but i have to stop and say... Get 'em!
I'm here because i'm really interested in what's going on with Jake. I'm not here to make anyone feel bad or stupid or foolish - we all have some different but vaguely similar versions of the same opinion, and that's why we are here instead of at gyllenbabble or wtfe... the sites where they think everything jake does is gold including his poop.
i love jake but i'm having some issues and i want to be able to talke about them here without getting caught up in crap from folks who feel differently from the whole point of this board. if you aren't on board with the program here - in at least some form or fashion - then the fact that you are here makes you look like a freak, not us, no matter how smart you think you are.
i don't go to the pro J/R sites because my opinions don't mesh. it would be nice if you folks would give us the same courtesy. we aren't planning to overthrow the world over here - we're just discussing our fun thing, which is jake.
as always, in every post... S!
i mentioned something about jake's finances vs. his lifestyle and someone said, "What lifestyle?"
maybe that's a good point.
i THOUGHT that his house being for sale was like a known fact, done deal type of thing. i read it somewhere several times - maybe in conjunction with the mysterious announcement that he was moving in with reese, which who knows if that was true or maybe it came from the same source who keeps telling us they are getting married and have bought rings and dresses in weird colors, etc.
however: i know how much it costs to be ME, and i figure it costs more to be him. he must have to pay folks to take care of his issues: rep, agent, wtfe, pr person, acct maybe?, secretary??, plus gym memberships, etc, car, maybe house?, insurance, other bills, travel expenses, etc.
i just imagine that his monthly outgo is fairly large, and with no working much lately, and with his parents financial ick, he might be feeling a bit of a squeeze.
just a thought. :) s.
one other thing: i don't guess anyone knows, but what the heck happened to those pics at IHJ? of the coffee shop outing? are they still available elsewhere? how weird is that that they'd take them down? wtf?? s.
Well I say well said PG!, enjoy your weekend.
Sienna, missed all the excitement of the disappearing pics so just went looking for them, if you can face going there some of them are still up on Gyllenbabble. What's with the two matching drinks and the strange ghostly mist under the table? Weird really.
Oh the the sudden appearance of the latest set of reeke's, just really goes to show how silly and ridiculous the whole thing is.
(Austin on the beach in Wilmington does just look amazing doesn't he, what a good looking man).
"but i have to stop and say... Get 'em!" - sienna
"Well I say well said PG!" - meg
Oh really? Guess I won't be contributing much anymore to your comments, and believe me if you knew who I am you might be surprised because you like me with my other name and agree with my pov almost 100% of the time. And you wonder why I used a different name? Is it any wonder?!
Why would I have to reveal my usual name to you, "Prairie Girl"? Would it make a difference how you answered a question, how you approach a subject, deliver a viewpoint?
But oh my god if I say anything about the forbidden T word, go against the grain, remind you of what you said before, I'm ostracized. Sad to say you are the type of people I can't stand, sucking up to each other. I used to like you all before, now not so much.
And convenient that you all forgot I wrote this:
It's really sad how some of you have taken one form of communication and completely rejected it, simply because, and let's face it, none of the Twitter sightings so far have been of Jaustin. So far.. odds are it's bound to happen, but odds are some of you will say it's PR or faked. At least when a Twitter Jaustin sighting has finally come and is verified by several sources and maybe a pic I will be happy and feel like my patience and faith was rewarded. Some of you will still be pessimistic and feel bitter about being wrong about Twitter being all fake.
And how without batting an eye "Prairie Girl" went right along with Special K, who is hoping for the same thing I am, a Jaustin Twitter sighting, but of course I'm hated for it because I'm the Twitter enemy.
Sorry about the cat M. Glad she/he is ok. I get panic attacks too everytime I see Jed and granny.
Welcome back PG. Sure missed you.
Drought whoever you are. Ease up would ya. Arguments and dissagreements are interesting and fun. I made fun of Tweeter too. We are all here to see what happens with Jake. You and PG had your brawl and hopefully you both can move on and some fun
^have some fun.
More important if bothers you you need to ask yourself why. Is it because they hit a nerve and what nerve is it? Take a longer hiatus. Find out the real problem and stop using posters as your scapegoat.
Don't you love when trolls are giving "advices" like this?
So lol thinks that drought is a TROLL. He/she had me convinced it was a regular. Thought I even had an idea who it was. I can see a troll stirring up stuff like that. Question is WHY? WEIRD?
Good morning! Meggggg! How are you?? I have missed seeing you; you must be traveling, enjoying the summer.
Hey Tom! Good morning to you, too.
I am sitting on the balcony, enjoying the view of the lake. Just had a rumble of thunder and now it's pouring down rain. There are boats out there and those poor people are getting dumped on.
drought... IF you are a regular here, which probably makes you more of known entitiy than me, then you don't need to hide behind other names and you should know that. i much prefer to talk with folks on a known basis. Jersey Tom and I have both had some differences of opinion with the popular opinion, but we keep talking with our regular names because that's part of the fun here: discussing our different takes on Jake.
if you have issues with folks take on Twitter, you should just say so. the way you pushed your thoughts came across as hostile and belittling, which is what i took exception to, and which is what caused some "troll" back lash from other folks, i'm sure.
i enjoy reading and posting here and have decided to stay and express my opinions even when they don't always go hand in hand with the majority. you can do that without being quite so rough on folks, and that would make the entire discussion a lot less snarky.
i think most of us are here to talk about jake in as "Snarky-free" of an environment as we can have. i know i am. :)
PG: i hope you enjoy Branson and Eureka Springs. i've been there before. ES has a ton of B&B's and a great little downtown for shopping. Branson has some nice restaurants and a beautiful walking mall in their downtown.
here's a cringe-at-how-goofy-i-was story: i took my mom and cuz to Branson for a weekend. we saw the Andy Williams christmas show Dec of 07, when i was as totally submerged in Jake as i could possibly be. Reeke had started, and i was mostly sad about that, but i was still thinking about him a lot. While we were there, we went to that mall, and i split off from my folks and shopped on my own, and i thought of jake and how much he shops, and it was just kinda cool. whenever i think of that trip now, i remember that day shopping and how much fun i had and i think of him.
sienna said...
drought... IF you are a regular here, which probably makes you more of known entitiy than me, then you don't need to hide behind other names and you should know that. i much prefer to talk with folks on a known basis. Jersey Tom and I have both had some differences of opinion with the popular opinion, but we keep talking with our regular names because that's part of the fun here: discussing our different takes on Jake.
Sienna ITA. Well said. As far as our having differences of opinions dont worry about it. I normally have a difference of opinion with myself about 10 mins after I have said it. Wicked pointed out something out to me a long time ago. I am a reactor and normally respond to something I see quickly. Its just who I am. One day I am slamming Jake and the next Im saying how much I miss the Jake I loved. I loved the pics I saw yesterday. That looked like the old relaxed fun loving Jake.
I like blogging because it allows you to be or say something that you never would in real life. The conversations and back and forth are fun. If I have ever insulted anyone on this blog I am sorry. It is something I think is really wrong. I also agree if you have an argument with someone than take it on with who you are. Dont hide behind false names. It does make you look like a troll and we dont take trolls serious here:-)
ONTD have posted the Jake at the gym pics, without any Reese ones. Interestingly, quite a few comments say how good it is to see him without Reese, how much better he looks etc. The person who posted the item says they deliberately excluded Reese (wonder why).
Jake and Jake's PR take note, 9 out of 10 movie fans prefer Jake without the beard. Dump the beard, it really is a no-brainer.
(PG.. just been to Berlin, which is somewhere I could not recommend more highly. Beer, bratwust, sunshine and history, the perfect combination in my opinion).
Ah, Berlin! Cool, Meg. I'm not well versed on that country, but it sounds like you had a great time.
I agree - it's great to see Jake just by himself sometimes, for gosh sakes. What is the harm in that, I don't know. Don't understand.
Sienna, I had a great time in E.S. yesterday. I had been there before on a family vacay yeeeeears ago, but amazingly, there were alot of places I still remembered. I found a few Christmas gifts so that was good.
I'm going to say one last thing on this particular subject and be done with it.
I was a bit harsh on Twitter, but my essential feelings haven't changed. But Drought, for some reason you are taking someone's personal take on Twitter as personal. If you were to go back and look at my initial rant when I said Twitter was stupid and "hate the Twitter", I don't think I named any personal names. I don't think I said anything like "All those who look at Twitter are stupid themselves". This was my opinion on a forum. On a forum. Simple as that.
The fact that someone wants to make it personal and start personally attacking someone is puzzling. And that's my Achilles heel and I think you know that. That's fine, all & good. I don't mind admitting to anyone that I am supersensitive, take things personally, I spend nights waking @ 0300 worrying & stewing over things someone has said or I've said/written, and I will make myself sick sometimes the next day. Why do you think I take Paxil, for crying out loud.
But, this is ridiculous to drag this subject out like this. I made my statement & I'm done with it.
And I'm not mentioning it again.
You either fess up to who you are or you can talk to the hand. You say you are a regular? Why the need to hide, then? Have the guts, have the self-confidence in what you are saying, to fess up. Otherwise, I can't have respect for whatever you've got to say, I'm sorry. You're well liked, that's great. I probably like you alot, too. And I don't care if you like Twitter. Twitter all you want. That's just a little piece of who you are & what you are about. You have a Masters in Communication? That's wonderful. I could probably learn alot from you. Maybe you like dogs? I LOVE dogs; we could probably have a great convo about dogs. You like mexican food? Chinese food? Greek food? Bar B Que? I LOVE all of those. We could talk about that. Do you like music? What kinds? Did you like MJ? I loved his music. We could probably have a wonderful convo about music.
Do you get what I'm saying? We can be friends & talk about other things. I'm over Twitter like a month ago.
Okay, I'm done on that. I apologize to everyone - hopefully by now you've learned to scroll over my stuff.
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