It's Independence Day here in the U.S. and many of us will be celebrating with cookouts, parties and fireworks.
Today's celebrations and yesterday seeing Jake and Natalie in the trailer for Brothers, made me think of back in July of 2006. When they took along the beach taking a break from the party at Matt McConaughey's in Malibu.
I always wondered who Jake was flashing that big grin for, maybe someone up on the deck?
Or were they a mystery man?
What is about female friends and Malibu, that brings out the Photoshop?
When Jake's with Natalie, he looks like he in the backyard with sparklers. With Reese it's always look like a stink bomb just went off. And with Austin? Well....
Boston is having their traditional blowout with the Boston Pops and special guest Neil Diamond. So 500,000 people crammed along the banks of the river Charles, and singing Sweet Caroline and fireworks on a clear night. A great reward for weeks of dismal weather.
Anyone have special plans to celebrate?
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Indoor Fireworks
Happy 4th of July!
Posted by
Special K
10:30 AM
Labels: Austin, Fireworks, Happy 4th of July., Jake
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Dear Ted:
What would happen if Jake Gyllenhaal and Hayden Christensen met each other? Would any sparks fly either from them or their significant others?
Dear Double Date:
They'd all probably go get coffee and fall asleep in the middle of ordering.
Happy 4th of July.
Like your new avatar Tom.
Happy 4th of July to everyone at OMG.
Thanks Destiny. Daniel is a true American hero. I hope he is the one who will fight and finally end the ridiculous practice of DADT.
LJ asked what happened to Sienna. Here's the answer.
A week or so ago i made a post on my LJ and included one of the J/R pics in DC, the one where he looked all stupid and doped up, and i hooked it with: click here for more Jake sadness. if you are a fan of Reeke, don't read.
In the post, i talked about how i felt so bad about how Jake was looking so bad lately and how i felt like Reese was just sucking the life out of him, blah blah, and that i hoped he wasn't going into some unhappy spiral where he might really hit bottom in a bad way (like Heath did.)
So the responses were mixed, but a couple of folks responded that they thought I was the one with problems for being such a nut about Jake and Reese and that i probably needed to reassess myself and get a life. (in a nutshell.) And altho it was my LJ and i'm free to post what i want, i'm way too sensitive and i can't help but take people's comments to heart.
Now one of the neg commentors is a good cyber friend of mine, and we've debated "Are they real or not?" several times and she totally believes they are and she is very happy for him and thinks he's got a good thing going. She admits that she's a little psycho about him too, but she says he's her happy thing and fills a empty spot in her life and she wants to protect that.
Ok. Then don't read neg posts about him. (con’t in next comment.)
But it's more than that. He used to be a happy thing in my life, but now i find myself being angry with him all the time: angry because he's disappointed me by not living the life I wanted him to live, and angry because i feel like he's sucked away my inspiration to write and maybe even because seeing the pics of him with reese makes me jealous.
(which doesn't make any sense because i've never wanted him for myself, but yet i think i somehow really don't want her to have him either. that's f'd up, but then duh... look what i'm even talking about: fan worship usually is a little skewed.)
so anyway, i realized how much time i was spending her, and how the anti-reeke posts got me all worked up into a frenzy which made me miserable. i found myself hoping his movies flops and that he gets caught giving some dude a blow job so that he's outed without choice just to end all the speculation, and i realize i don't have any good feelings about him at all anymore. they're all mean and bad.
now: i'm not passing judgement on anyone. when i mentioned this blog, i said that this was ya'll's secret little obsession and you enjoyed the intrigue of figuring out what was behind the scenes and that - as a general rule - no one was mean or hateful in their posts. (those usually come from the odd birds - not the regulars.)
but i realized that i miss liking jake, and while i find the Reeke as PR set-up very believable, i have a little different slant on it. I think they are friends helping each other out, as much on a personal level as a professional level. That's what i thought in the beginning, and that's what i'm back to believing.
For me, they give off a strong friend vibe. They don't give off any romantic vibe - i've never once gotten that, but they do seem like friends to me. They may've started this at the behest of the Rendition folks, and they may be continuing in support of other movies, etc, but i don't think Jake is suffering by hanging out with her. And i do think that he's trying to make the most out of some straight-time, and while i wish he didn't feel like he has to do that, there you go...
Some of you have stronger reasons for wanting him to come out, and i understand and sympathize with that. As for me, he was the poster child of hottie boy gay dude that i loved to write my stories about, and i want to be able to like him again, hoping that my muse might flicker back to life. He's going to do what he's going to do regardless of how i feel, and packing around that animosity was just wearing me out. I don't deal well personally with having bad feelings for anyone, even someone i don't actually know.
i'm still checking in here from time to time to keep up to date on what's going on, but i'd begun spending too much time here and it was fueling something dark in me that i want to push down, not lift up. This is just about me: i think as long as you enjoy thinking and posting about him, you should, but i think it was bringing out a bad side of me that i don't want to have to deal with.
That's why i've been quiet lately.
I watched the trailer to Brothers, and surprisingly, i found myself wanting to see it. It looks really good.
hugs all around. happy fourth and here's to happy jaking! s!
For me, they give off a strong friend vibe.
After doing all that photo ops and PR together Reeke are some kind of friends, but "strong friend vibe" ... I don't see it.
(((Sienna's Muse)))
thanks guys. it's nice to know my different view of things doesn't make me a bad guy. i hoped it wouldn't.
as for the pics, one thing i do find interesting: whenever you go to the gossip sights where the pics are posted and generic folks are making comments about them, the comments are pretty much one of four things:
1. he's not, she's not
2. she's hot, he's not
3. bearding, zzzz
4. Awwww, they're so cute together
re: #4: no one ever says they are hot together; from folks who genuinely seem to like them as a couple, their reactions are the same as if they were looking at pictures of puppies and kittens. even when they say they look in love, it's all gooey sweet, nothing spicy.
i find it kinda odd that - even from the contingent who takes it all on face value and believes what they're told to believe, they still don't seem to pick up on any chemistry or passion. just the cuteness. :)
just an observation. hugs. s.
(((Sienna))). I always enjoy your posts, even when I have the opposite opinion. I don't think I'm alone in not wanting a site where everyone is in lockstep.
I've always thought the "they're cute" comments sounded a bit contrived, indeed as if there are some fans who can't think of anything else good to say. Never thought about the fact though that other "positive" things don't get said about them. It's almost as if pr marketed them that way, and everyone just picked up on that. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if some of the comments are not from pr.
LJ said...
What happened to PG & Sienna, I miss their posts.
^^^ They have come to their senses and gave up on this Bullshit. Who cares if Jake is With Reese or Austin. Let the man live his life with whomever he wishes. Sienna and PG have started to live theirs again. You should Try it.
Babbler, get lost.
Thanks ((PG)) and ((Sienna)) for letting us know that you are still around.
Sending good thoughts all those who we haven't seen in a bit. Hope that you will come by, drop in and see us. What makes a great community is different voices and special people coming together.
The next few months are going to be a critical time for Jake. All of PR's efforts to straighten his image are on the line. Yes, even before POP. Promo for Brothers will put him front and center doing interviews, press etc. Up to now he has not said one word about Reese. Can't wait to see how he handles this. I think the recent ramp up in the attacks on WFT2 and OMG are just PR making their final assault to make him look as straight as possible and make the opposition go away. It's obvious they have a full time staffer monitoring the sites and making personal attacks on people to drive them off. They respond immediately, no other job to see to.
As for the Reeke friendship, I think it has had its ups and downs during the fauxmance. They started out friendly, then you could see they hit a period of resentment where they were getting on each others nerves. A lot. Could have had something to do with Jake and Austin's moods and how well their relationship was handling it at the time. Now Reeke do seem more tolerant of each other. Remember when he left Europe, Jake practically ran on to the plane. As they get closer to the end (POP release), they will likely get bitter.
M... i kinda agree with what you said about the friendship. they did hit a period where they were looking rather cantankerous most of the time: remember the memorial day party pics, how grim he looked there while she seemed so happy. and they were very off balance in the NYC pics.
the cuddle pic on the set at her movie in dc was one of those Awwww pics. they looked sweet and friendly and very affectionate, but again, even with full body contact going, it just looked friendly.
i end up thinking that they've been able to go along with this for so long because she really was f'd up by her divorce. (i got divorced from someone i never really loved and was uphappy with most of the time after 8 yrs of marriage, and it still was traumatic for me, and we didn't have kids or a public image to uphold.) so, because of my experience, i can totally see her wanting to hide from the world and lick her wounds, and OMG... who better to do that with than Jake.
IMHO, he's the hottest dude going - still - and he seems like he'd be so much fun to hang out with: shop, eat, cook, play, etc. I wish i had one just like him just for fun.
and at the time jake didn't have anything obvious going on in his life. if he and A really are a thing (not commenting either way), it was totally under wraps at the time, and so he seemed available to hang out and be her safety net.
i think some of the frowny pics are a result of spending too much time with someone you like but don't love. it's time for them to move on and get their real lives going again, whatever that may be. i think the good they've gained from this relationship has just about run it's course.
s. :)
Reese wanted "I'm better off without Ryan" publicity, Jake needed a beard, the management arranged the fauxmance and some extra Rendition promotion.
Reeke is about Hollywood business, not about friends helping each other.
Reeke is about Hollywood business, not about friends helping each other.
CAA: you know, you might be exactly right when you say that, but i guess thinking that was just bringing me down. i'd rather put a little better spin on it for my own peace of mind, and in the end, it doesn't matter: maybe we'll find out or maybe we won't, but eventually they'll probably go their separate ways from whatever this was and then we can move on to whatever's next, which we might like better or *horrors* worse.
i just want to go with the flow and not be so anxious about it all the time. however, i'm not trying to change anyone's opinion but my own. :)
CAA: you know, you might be exactly right when you say that, but i guess thinking that was just bringing me down.
I'm sorry to hear that. Reeking is part of the job for Jake and no one can enjoy the job all the time :)
Reeking is just part of your empty life gal, get a life seriously. I am glad Sienna, you are getting yours back.
^^^ Troll, go back to GB.
Reeking is just part of your empty life gal, get a life seriously.
Babbler take your own advice.
Jack gave up on having a life years ago.
Sienna, you're decision to take a step back and not let the life of a stranger dictate your happiness is the healthy choice and the correct one. Sadly, OMG and WFT2 have become places where the most paranoid, mean-spirited and outright delusional comments and theories are given credence and regurgitated on an endless loop, until they become treated as unarguable facts. If you keep coming here, it will drag you back down.
I think the recent ramp up in the attacks on WFT2 and OMG are just PR making their final assault to make him look as straight as possible and make the opposition go away. It's obvious they have a full time staffer monitoring the sites and making personal attacks on people to drive them off. They respond immediately, no other job to see to.
M, what you wrote in the excerpt I quoted is a classic example of a paranoid delusion. This is not an insult, this is not a personal attack. This is the truth. I challenge you to read your post to any professional in the field of psychology and if they tell you that your viewpoint is rational I will donate $50 to the charity of your choice. You won't, of course. In fact, as with most people who have fallen into this state, you'll probably refuse to seek input from an independent professional and instead use my words as proof that you, OMG and WFT2 really are under attack.
I do advise you to look out for any signs that your delusion may be escalating. If at any point you start to feel like PR is monitoring you when you aren't at your computer, or if you begin to believe that you should personally intervene in Jake's life to help him, then I would strongly urge you to seek out help.
Reese mentioned in an ent lawyer reveal today. "While shooting on the set of their latest movie, these two stars have a completely different way of interacting with their fans. Well, I should say one interacts with fans, and one pretends she cannot see or hear them. Our B+ list movie actor usually plays the fun guy and it seems that when he is filming it is the exact same way. He spends most of the time in between takes speaking with fans, taking pictures and talking the entire time. Our A+ list actress on the other hand spends her time in between takes as far away from the fans as possible and has absolutely nothing to do with them. She is very good at pretending not to hear them or see them." Reveal - Paul Rudd & Reese Witherspoon
No surprises here, she was guessed when ent lawyer first put it up. He revealed it fairly quickly though.
Yo Sense. Your writting is very elegant. Your certianly an intelligent person. My question is why the heck do you care what us delusional people think? Seems a little weird in itself and very mean. The subject we dicuss is something we care about. Plus you know what. I bet we are right and not delusional at all.
PR does monitior the sites. They must fear the opinions of the delusional. LOL!
I am late in wishing everyone a
very happy 4th of July weekend. I
may not post as much either anymore. For myself, I will always
think that Jake and Austin were in
a relationship at one time. Now I
am not 100% sure! I just hope they
stay friends and see each other as
often as time allows with their
crazy shedules!
If Jake has chosen Reese, for
whatever reason, I do wish him well. I myself just get tired of all the public outings and photos.
It is his life and he will do what
he wants to, so why worry about
I am glad that Austin has a real
good job on OTH! It sounds really
great! I will not be suprised one
bit if he starts dating Sophia Bush
in the next few months. Of course
that may be just my imagination!!
I am so glad that Sienna and Prairie Girl are okay. I will step
back and stop in once in awhile.
To me, Jake has lost some of his
sparkle compared with the way he
used to be. Why not be honest and
upfront instead of hiding in your
heart what you really are? What a
shame that Hollywood takes on people for the sake of their careers!!
Wicked, how are Tink, Potter,
and your two bunnies? I hope okay.
Everyone take care of yourselves
and try to enjoy the rest of the
summer! We are finally having a
rainy morning and it is good for
we've not had rain for about 6 days. As usual, sorry for the extra
long posts.
^^What I meant to say is that
I agree Kacie HW actors sell their souls for the sakes of their careers. Jake will not be the one to break the mold. We were wrong in thinking that he would. Jake is just not brave enough.
Daniel Choi
NPH Those are the brave ones who have made a difference.
you silly troll,
too bad no one can help you and fix your stupidity.
Austin In Wilmington showing some girls how to surk. Posted on 7/4, no date of when the pictures were taken. Pic of Sophia as well:
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